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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
KANSAS AGITATOR: GARNETT, KANSAS, JULY 19, 1894. DOROTHY'S DEPARTMENTS Conducted by DOROTHY DOLITTLE. THE WEST. Mrs. Mary E. Lease wrote the following poem while riding on the cars'on her way home from Georgia, in company with General and Mrs. Weaver : I have Btood where the fair Pacific Softly kisses golden sands, Where the breath of Eden murmurs Through the trees of tropic lands; Where the lilies and the roses Fairest flowers God has given Ope their petals, lift their fragrance, Wafting voiceless song to Heaven; Caught the fragrance of the balsam, Heard the pine's iEolian song, Where white cataracts plash in music 'Mid the vales of Oregon ; Seen Mt. Sha6ta, century-guarded, Lift his snow-crowned, mighty 1 head, Where the lightnings gleamed and dazzled, And the storm-cloud hung dread. On the gulfs blue, placid waters Watched the seagull's circling flight ; 'Mid the orange groves of Fkrida Heard the voices of the night ; Yet, my heart leaped back To the measureless track Of Western prairies green ; To the billowy miles of wheat and corn, And the sunflower's splendid sheen. And, though fair the lands and bright the flowers My pilgrim leet have pressed, Yet, my heart is thine, Oh I land of mine, Free, beautiful, boundless West I We fill God's blue heaven with spires and domes, while His children wander over the cold earth without an attic in which to Bleep. Mary E. Lease. WYOMING LEADS IN MOR ALS. The undersigned has just re ceived the official returns of the total of crimes in the whole country, as ascertained by the census of 1890. These figures throw a most striking light on the practical working of woman suffrage, and show very strongly why the house of representatives and the governor of Wyoming this year so strongly approve of that institution. It is often said by visionary and unpractical peo ple that the enfranchisement of women tends to every kind of bad morals. Woman-suffragists, on the contrary, say that the purest society is the one with the largest liberty for women. The censns returns show that Wyoming has a remarkably small ratio of criminals to the popula tion. While the northeastern states, which are supposed to be most civilized, and with the least number of criminals, have just 1,600 prisoners to the million of people, Wyoming has only 1,200 to the million one-fourth less. The states and territories from Nebraska to the Pacific average 2,200 prisoners to the million; but Wyoming scarcely more than half this.' Idaho has 1,700 to the million; Colorado, 2,200; California, 2,800 more than double ; Montana, 3,300 nearly three times as many. Nevada, with one-fourth less population than Wyoming, lias 3,300 two and three-fourths times as many ; Arizona, with about the same population as Wyoming, has 4,200 three and one-fourth times as many offenders as Wyo ming. These brief figures show most strikingly the progress that Wy oming has made as the effect of woman's participation in public affairs. When organized, the territory was the most barbarous and murderous on the continent. Geographical comparison is equally striking. Wyoming is larger than Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticutt,RhodeIsland, Mary land, New Jersey, Delaware and District of Columbia. While these communities had, in 1890, 23,000 prisoners, Wyoming had only 74. Wyoming is larger than Maine, Pennsylvania and Maryland together, yet, while these old, well-settled states had 7,000 criminals, all that great new region had but one hundredth part as many. Even little Dela ware had nearly double the number of criminals that Wy oming had, and little Rhode Island, about one-ninetieth the size of Wyoming, had over seven times as many1. Massachusetts had seventy times as many ; New York, 1,400 times as many. The returns also reveal a fact which is amazing. In all the prisons of every kind in Wyo mong, not one woman was im prisoned for any offense whatever! This speaks volumes. The air of liberty breeds purity. After a quarter of a century of wo man's freedom, not one woman! criminal is found in that great state. This being so, the figures above cited apply solely to the men of Wyoming, -and the effect of woman suffrage on them, in so reducing the rate of crime, is ! something to which no words can ' do justice. In ten years, from 1880 to 1890, the rate of crime to population fell off more than j half, though it is said to be in-' creasing in the rest of the coun- try. As the Wyoming house of representatives has declared "under woman suffrage the jails of the state have become almost empty." Hamilton Willcox. "May," said her husband, as they prepared to go out calling, "do you really mean to use those calling cards with your name spelled 'Mae Kathryn Aljs Smith?' " "I certain ly do," replied Mrs. May Catherine Alice Smith. "Very well, then," said her husband, firmly, "I am with you," and he politely present ed her with a card neatly inscribed, "Jorje Phrederyc Albyrt Smith." Chicago Record. Snd us a dime and get a "Keep Off the Grass" badge. It's a daisy. If'Grtwn in Texas. It's Good. The Texas coast country vie with California in raising pears, grapes and straw oerries. The 189 i record of II. M. Stringfellow, Hitch cock, Tex , who raised nearly $6, OCX' worth of pears from 13 acrep, cai be duplicated by you. (J. T. Nich olson, G. P. A., Topeka, was., will be glad to furnish without chargi an illustrated pamphiet telling about Texas. The - Portfolios of - i't Are printed in Xh ( ui'iil Photographic Colors-, which jrives the illustrations h noftuef and marvelous beauty of finish never tt l:tiiu'cl liy any other publication. The Complete ScHcm (I'i numbers) will con stitute it I,Hrnc an"! Keiiutiful Oblong Volume, 11x13 :t-l inches. Ill, strated with. Over 300 Grand Views, Specially Representing All the Principal I'.uiblings. Creiit L'itintingM. Foreign and .State Building-". Cel brated Statuary. General Views. Complete views of Ai t Gallery. interl'orViews Character Sketches on the Midway. Architcettiriil Detail. Curious Foreign Types. And nil tue Cr.'ind ami Wonderful Fentures ol me (neat orld's Fair, made at the height of the splendor of the World's Kxposition, liy ti Special Corps of Artists, Including the Ollichil Photographer of the I'nited state Government. On receipt of a Mb. Cap Slieal Soda wrapper and 10 cents, we will mail one number, or IG wrappers and $ 1 .GO will secure complete set. Address IeI,AXl V CO., Fa 11: POUT, X. Y. Printed In Topeka, Kansas, Wants to talk to you And all your folks. And your neighbor's folks. About politics and other things. It's a Weekly Reform Paper All the year. 1 6 Pages. 64 Columns. fit. OO a Year. K15S1S LEADS THE TEOCESSION. THE ASYOCATB'8 educational influence has been felt in every county in Kama and in every state in the Union. It is recog nized as a leader in this great Political Revo lution. The people want good literature, anc we want them to have it. We also want a few dollars with which to do business. You pay the DOLLAR, we do the rest. APVOCATg PTJB. CO., Topeka, Kg, Ought tf see at "DoiUthoe's least one copy of Magazine" the great popular Catholic publica tion that is Revolutionizing economic thought and wiping out. religious bigotry. t t X $2.00 A YEAR. Representatives wanted in every city, town and village. We want ladies and gentlemen, who can giv satisfactory references, and we wil: pay well for their services. Address Subscription Department, 611 Washington St., . Boston, Mas.