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KANSAS AGITATOR: GARNETT, KANSAS, AUGUST 9, 1895. Devoted to the interests of THE HARIERi Ferlei, Aggressive, Progressive Advocate of All Reforms. W. 0. CIIAMPE and ANNA CIIAMPE Editors. J. M. Alexander, ) W. IT. Ambrose, J Associate Editors. SUBSCRIPTION, ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. N. R. P. A. X K. R. P. A. BRYAN AT GARNETT., Yesterday, ex-Congressman W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska, spoke to a fair-sized audience in the city park, on the silver question. Owing to insufficient advertising, the crowd was not one fourth of what it should and would have been had the meeting been more liberally advertised. Even in Garnett, we heard people say they had teen no announcement of the meeting, and knew nothing of it. However, it was a very good and a very in telligent audience that greeted the speaker. A majority of the crowd was composed of Popu lists, supplemented by the progressive, thought ful element of the Republican and Democratic parties and a respectable sprinkling of party Prohibitionists. ' Mr. Bryan was not oratorical, but he gave evidence of being terribly in earnest. We shall not attempt to give even a synopsis of the Hpeech, for we have not the space. It was an excellent address, however, and was well re ceived, although the Populists did not agree with the speaker altogether. Mr. Bryan is a Democrat, and thinks it pos sible to force his party to. declare for the free and unlimited coinage of silver, tte was fair enough to say, however, that unless his party does so declare, he will cease to vote with that party. Capt. John R. Foster, president of -the First National Bank of Garnett, here spoke up and said unless the Republican party makes the same declaration, he will cease to vote with that party. Both men were honest in what they said they doubtless meant it; and there are thousands of Democrats and Republicans who are of the same mind. The speaker thinks the time is not yet ripe for a union of the silver men of all parties, but that the time is not far off. He paid a high tribute to the Populists, and, although their representation in congress was small, he gave them credit with causing some much-needed and very important legislation. We may have cause to mention passages of Mr. Bryan's speech in the future, but can de vote no more space to it this week. We are glad he visited our city. Following is a portion of. a letter to the Farm er's Tribune, of Des Moines, Iowa, from an Alabama subscriber: 'The People's party executive committee is called to meet in this city ' Birmingham on the 24th inst. Just for what purpose it has been called the public is in profound ignorance, but it is called to further the Benman-Godwin-.Altridge combine, viz.: fusion with the Repub licans that is, nominating a Republican for governor. It will simply defeat the Populists at the next state and national election in this state. Men who have deserted the Republican f9tnn will not vote the Democratic ticket: nor will the voters who have left the Democratic party and joined the Populists vote the Repub lican ticket. We have them both to beat before we can get in power, and we may as well set out to beat them both from the start as to fuse with first one and then the other when both are one and the same. If our executive committee goes at such business as this, then we must turn in and abolish the executive committee and elect another committee that has some sense besides office-seeking sense. We are contend ing for principles as well as office not offices alone. What good will it do the people of this country if one set of men different from the present set, but with the same principle, or no principle at all, to get the offices? a la Demo crat in and Republican out that's all. For this reason I oppose the trading off of our prin ciples. I believe in standing by our guns every one, from the initiative and referendum down to the free and unlimited coinage ver at the ratio of 16 to 1. - "Tn Alabama, it is coin? to take .more moral suasion and a majorS? of the billots act nally cast to elect and seat a governor, and, therefore, the Populists will have to look to a man with the requisite amount of manhood and grit, as well as ability, to take the office after he has been fairly and squarely elected; and there is no earthly use of nominating or running any other sort. B. D. Thcmate." "BUSINESS REDEEMERS." During the last campaign, the voters were assured that all Republican nominees were "businessmen" men of ability. Mr. Morrill, ' the head of the ticket, had helped to beat home steaders; had banked and gotten unto himself . wealth; therefore; Mr. Morrill was a "business . man." Mr. Morrill was a quartermaster in the army; therefore, he was a brave man. Mr. Morrill was a Sunday school man ; therefor, he was a Godly man. v When elected, Mr. Morrill's first act was to draw on the public treasury for. money to , pay a campaign bill. That ; was "business." Mr. Morrill, as governor, declared he could not enforce the prohibitory law unless , public sentiment was behind the law a sample ' of Mr. Morrill's courage. Mr. Morrill attend; ed a Bacchanalian revel in Leavenworth, and was "one of the boys," which may be taken as an exhibition of Mr. Morrill's Godliness. : "Business," nowadays, is getting money, no matter how it is gotten. Courage is sneaking behind public sentiment. Godliness is the gossamer web of long prayers and stereotyped exhortations. We witness the sublime spectacle in our "re deemer" "business" officials of the people making laws through their law-makers, and choosing men to enforce laws thus made, tax ing themselves to foot the bills, and then find ing their work valueless, because a "business," "brave," "Godly" governor must have, in add ition to law and power to enfotce law, a whole lot of public sentiment. Law is supposed to be an expression of pub lic sentiment, and are not the people behind law? The governor had all the prohibition senti ment and the power bf the state of Kansas be hind him in the enforcement of the prohibitory law the same as in other laws, but he required monster meetings and private contributions be fore he would so much as lift a finger to perform a sworn duty. Why? Is it not because of his ante-election promises? He promised prohibi tionists to enforce the liquor law, and he prom ised anti-prohibitionists that he would not en force the law. If prohibitionists were quiet, all would be well. If prohibitionists "kicked," Mr. Morrill could sneak behind "public senti ment." The kick has been provided, and Mr. Morrill is hedging. If there were a large number of, thieves, burglars and murderers, and Morrill had prom ised them immunity, he could have demanded a monster demonstration of "public sentiment" before using his power to restrain law-breakers along those lines of lawlessness with as much consistency as in his attitude toward the violat ors of the liquor law. So much for "business." So much for "redeemers." Thb National Tribune is the soldiers' paper, but generally whoops for Wall street. Recent ly, it got off the old gag about there being tons and tons of silver in the government vaults; that the people will not take it. If it is -a fact, as claimed, that there are piles of silver coin in the treasury, and the Tribune was as patriotic as it claims to be, it could advocate making silver coin a legal tender, and having the sol diers' pensions paid from this government store until the silver coin is placed in circula- tion. The Tribune lies or is uninformed. If the government has a single silver dollar lying idle, it is the fault of the government. The people generally, including soldiers, are wil ling" to accept silver coin to any amount for which it is made legal tender. The soldier did . accept as wages a dollar worth only 38 cents, and the Tribune's circulation of a Wall street lie deceives no intelligent soldier. . DOROTHY'S DEPARTMENT. . t ". BY DOROTHY D0LITTLE- ONLjY A WOMAN. ALICE DANNER JONES. She was only a woman, with a woman's heart, Who patiently, lovingly, in paths apart From the great world, with its tumult and strife, Wrought out the duties of mother and wife. She sought neither wealth nor titles of fame, But, unselfishly, lived each day as it came. Unassuming and modest her name was not known, But her power was felt by its pureness alone. No toil for her loved ones she deemed too severe: She shared every sorrow, she calmed every fear. She brightened each joy, she lessened each pain, And no one in need of her, sought her in vain. Though heart was oft weary, she asked no reprieve, So long as for others she good might achieve. She made of her home a blissful retreat For world-wearied husband, and children's tired feet. Her face was not beautiful, save with the grace Which a beautiful soul can fail not to trace. Hands girlish and white grew blue-veined and thin, But in labors of love they had sanctified been : Steps bounding aud joyous grew feeble and slow, But they never had faltered through weal or through woe. Unselfish, pure, womanly, noble and true, Her life held a grandeur which only God knew. Long years passed away, then a village bell . tolled ; And kisses, unanswered, was pressed on lips cold. Hands, wearied at last, were folded for aye, Damp locks were put back from a forehead of clay. Then a new grave was made 'neath flowers on the hill, And the mother's heart lay all pulseless and still. No marble vault there, no monument tall, 'But old and young said : "She cared for us all." Her love was her life ; to its altar she brought All her beauty of soul and the power of thought. As woman, wife, mother, she did what she could To further the weal of earth's grand brother hood. No nodding of plumes, nor of trappiugsso gay, Told of honor or fame, as they laid her away, But the deeds of her life were borne up above, And the angels of God sang an anthem of love. In the Harvey-Horr debate, Horr claimed that he had traveled, in the last few years, in thirty-seven states, and had seen no poverty such as Harvey claimed existed. Horr traveled in a Pullman car and roomed at ten-dollar-a-day hotels. Had he ridden in cattle cars, or footed it, and fed on hand-outs, his story might have been different. Horr-is like the infidel or ag nostic who does not believe anything he has not Sfcen or known-from personal observation: If . we limit all knowledge to the little we can each r;et Beeeher Stowe? She did more for the emari acquire from our own observation, we shall die 'cjpation of the colored race than any other in very ignorant, indeed. Horr is representative dividual, and yet. wha Jjfae asked the colored Now it has been discovered to be an awful thing for women to ride a bicycle. .The awful thing of working for self support is not so aw ful as it was. Then it is terribly awful to wear bloomers. Men can girt their pant legs with straps of steel, but the woman must ride with flowing skirts. It is. all out of character for them to adapt their dress to necessities. The modern bicycle is one of the modem safeties of womanly purity. She no longer needs to jostle through a crowd of men on the street corner or in the street car. The primesl little maid of this city wears .bloomers, rides a bicycle and works in a printing office. The New Republic, Lincoln Nebraska. Rev. Young, in his Emancipation day address, said a colored man would take the bread out of the mouths of his children aud give it to the Union soldier in need, so great is his gratitude ; but, brother, how about your gratitude to Har- A Miss Flagler, daughter of General Flagler, of Washington, shot and killed a negro boy for stealing pears out of her garden, and the coron er's jury took the view that she had a right to forbid trespass, even at the point of the revolver. Oh, yes! but Maria Barberi, a poor sewing girl, is condemned to die because she killed the man who stole her honor. It makes a wonderful difference in the decis ion of juries and courts nowadays if you have money and influence back of you. I don't be lieve in capital punisment at all, but if any thing justifies such a thing, it is robbing a poor girl of her honor. President Cleveland says he is "the contented and happy father of three girls. '. Wonder if he would be so happy if his girls were grown to womanhood and some libertine would sneak in tothe home circle and betray one of his girls, as he did poor Maria Halpin. Remember, Grover, "as ye sow, so shall ye also reap" is one of the inevitables, and you had better guard those girls with fear and trembling. A new claimant to the Gould wealth has put in an appearance in the shape of a wife that Jay married when he was 17 years old and she 15 years. One child, a daughter, was born to them, and is still living, and is now on the road east to establish her claim to her property. Now what will Anna and her Count she bought do if they lose their millions ? . , Mrs. T. De Witt Talmage is dead. She died of nervous prostration. Brooklyn saloon-keepers are lectured by the Wine and Spirit Gazette for participating in a Democratic ward meeting. The liquor interest proposes to use parties, but not to be used by them. It is like Gould: Democratic in Demo cratic districts and Republican in Republican districts, but everywhere and always on the lookout for itself. In fact, the whole liquor business has become an essential part of the great capitalistic combine to enslave labor. The breweries form trusts, crush out competi tion and own the saloons in the great cities, and, whether purposely or not, the liquor busi ness serves the Plutocrats' purpose by diverting the laborer from a study of his rights and a realization of his wrongs, while at the same time it robs him of the surplus earnings he might use to make himself independent, and aids in the work of concentrating wealth in fewer and fewer hands. Tnie, the same results might be reached in other ways if the saloon did not exist, but where it does exist, it is not only the friend and ally of capitalistic despot ism, but itself an integral part of capitalism. Star and Kansan, Independence. The "rifle diet" for workingmen is just ahead. They must fake work at the prices em ployers are pleased to give, starve or take hot lead. That's what the rich are in the saddle for. The future for the men who create all wealth is not as bright as a May morning. This condition would have been here years and years ago, if Uncle Sam has not had so much land that was free aud good. Now there is no free land in the west and workingmen must starve where they are. 'And yet it is a scien tific truth that every family in the United States can have a good home and live in comfort and plenty east of the Allegheny mountains if just laws were in operation in this country. Our people are beginning to taste the European con 'ditions. It will grow worse year by year so. long as one set of men are allowed to monopo lize land and its products and force men by fear of starvation for themselves and families to compete with other workers, causing a contin ual reduction of wages and a continual enrich ment of the few. Those, who see this are blind to the conditions and the causes. The Coming Nation. The following we clip from the Kansas notes in the Kansas City Star: "Senator Peffer never rides on a railroad or sleeping-car pass, or uses a telegraph or express frank. They are sent to Jiim regularly, but he pays no attention to them not evert sending them back. He says when he gets back to newspaper work, he may return to the old habit, but so long as he continues to serve the public, he will pay fare." rr . t 1 ' i : . - J T j -a r u v. ..... 1 -rf j, 1- - t -t ihk uiiiu rupunsi cuavcuuuu uuuiinmcu j. 01 nis ciass, anu juai wuc men to nejp struct ine snacmes. on. tiMras 01 3 Coxey for governor, and declared for state of sil- they have not :9eeH, ad have -not tried to see, her s;sters, how many of you voted as she ask- tv&oi the liquor traffiic with all profits elim- theywtherefore, do not and will nofcsee-'-thejr ej you to aud hcjw mafiy of you again were fjjLtffl e;t'an will not believe? -liut'aVethbsrffrflo will'not siaVes slaves to party-Nbaves"or prejudice ?, ' . , , . , ... .... '. TnwA TVmorrat declare for a single p-ola Gold continues to go to Europe, and the price of wheat continues to decline. If the price of wheat justified shipping it instead of gold, it might be different. The Topeka State Journal."" - How many of you voted to emancipate Kansas women last fall ? Iowa Democrats declare for a single gold standard. Mississippi Democrats declare for free silver. 16 to 1. John J. Ingalls and JcrrrSunpsonMrt billed' Wayland, iate o the Coming Nation, to speak Topeka on Labor day. J . Jerrv Simpson will speak in Kansas City, La bor day, Sept. and. Coxey will speak at Kansas City, Aug. 1 ith.