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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
J A i m GOWTI i 3 VOLUME II. GREAT BEND, KANSAS, THURSDAY DECEMBER 9, 1886. NUMBER 3a 8 ! h J) I J J. 1 ii ATTORNEYS. Tbe. C. CoU. ElrlckCCole. i COLE BROS., ATTORWEYS-AT-LAVV. Practloe inU the State and United ttes Courts. :t Cou&sel In tienoto by Theo.C Cole. Omc: In front room orer C. S4muU'. XZomx to Xmji on lum Iads. MAKER & OSMOND, ATTO R U EYS-AT- LAW. Eocss 4 and 5 in Allen's Block, GREAT BEND - - KAN. SAIV1, J. DAY, Attorney at Law VILLHER BLOCK, Great Bran, KaT3AS. H. T. - EW ALT. J. U. B EM EXT. EWALT & BEHEHT, Attorneys at Law, Real Estate and Lsan Agents, Collecting a Specialty, Ront Property and Pay Taxes. fB KM 1)1 L L 111 2 r r i r i 0 LsU J LbLy I Your B3COlisiv Olotliirs Have remoxed to their new quarters ia HARRY : KLINE'S : NEW : BRICK : BUILDING! An d in vite their friends and patrons to call on them as here tofore. In the future as in tne past we will aim to please our trade with FAIR, s AltfB s SQUARE s DKAXaXIff'&. C. r. DIFFESBAC1IER, Cwtuttjr Attorney. D. A, BANTA. ilttorncTTfs at Law Office In AlIi-IIubbard Block, rooms 9 and 11. PHYSICIANS. V F. LIGHTFOOT," Physician & Surgeon. Ht&Zqukrtcn at Allen's Urn Store. S. J. SHAW, T.l. D. OFFICE 1N- 3REAT BEND. SKA1SI. A. H..CONNETT, Physician & Surgeon. lOfflca at Brier ft Wilson's Drue Store, Great , Bend. Kansas. 1 Y. HcCORMICK, H. D.t Physician & Surgeon. Offlo orer Dodge ft Co.'s Hardware Store, Northwest Corner Square. mum m mm. - ) , HEADQUARTERS AT Burson h Shaw's Drug Store. HOTELS AND RESTAURANT. TYPER HOUSE. Teres Reasonable. Good Sampl Rooms. SAST BX9X Or 8QTTABX. Great Bend - - - Kansas. VAIXET B!OTJSEt Near the Depot. . Best accommodations in tbe citr for the money. Transient, tl-60 per Cay. Day board per week, $4.00. A. food feed stable attached. v P. X. HOLMES, '-. Proprietor. J. TROIIXETT, Hectaur&nt and Confectionery, day board and lodging1. Fine clears and tobacco, caa gies, etc., always on hand. All . kinds of 4 rinks In their season. Oysters in every style. Fomet ATenue, first door wost of the Post - office. A. H. BAKER . Real estate. Loan and Insurance HOISINGTON, KAN. gR6.ESr.lEC0 S tatbtt Weau nt few mora ennrveUo Mleaeten i rmuieatemplo;iD0otaodgoolpar. Ouult fre. STARK UURSERIES We are crowded with WINTER; GOODS, and sell them at prices that will satisfy everybody, Gome and See Us in Our JXevT Quarters. Respectfully, ' , RUCKS 0.. 1 : NEW DRUG STORE! CSnHER COttBERCIAI. AVE. AMD t?ILJLIAE23 GT. IS HOW OPEM AND READY FOB BUSINESS. f ff ... .-' . A large an J well Mlected line of Fresh Drugs, c i . Chemicals, Medicines, Etc. Kept constantly on hand and as cheap a the cheapest. ID. :fl. eJOjbTES, - IroiDrietor. NOTICE to The PU BLI C KEENER not only sells more Groceries, -uttnore .". .APPLES! : Than Anybody. Jle has ceceivid already . . 5WO CAR-LOA.BB : . And has more coming. Thpy are the best quality both ial Omd winter varieties cjnl are felling ni iarge an Jgtoalfe . , , quantities. ... . ... Now is the time snd K-EEHET' tll place ip get Both eating and cookingp 0 ' RESPCXFUI FOR A SQUARE MEAL, CALL AT THE BAUTOH COuTPtTBAKEET&BisTADRAlfT. -FHE8H BH1UD, PIES, CASES faS Bm f OoaftkBer1ea 'constaatlr on kasJL Urooenee. wnjcn we sen M is Mwen pneesv . DAY BOABDEES WANTED. CITE US A TRlAll ' jE'EHjsiif jAIYIP, HEILS & COP'? CALt AT THE OLD AND RELIABLE S'TUIfc-HlETTUR The) Town of Holelngton. Host people know that there i a town, or rather a prospective town, caviled Hoislngton in the northern part of the county, cn the new line of the Missouri Pacific: Some persons affect to believe that it will one day iaake a great town because it is surrounded by a rich farming country, others be lieve that it is possible that one day it will be the county seat of Barton County. We want to say in the first place that we have no unkind feeliugt for this town. We know several gen tlemen in this town who are interested there, and we esteem them kighly. We don't believe there is a tin el e one of the members of this town comp&nr who has an idea that Hotsington will ever be the county seat of this countv. The idea is simply absurd. Hoisinjr- ton will no doubt make a respectable town some day, a town possibly as large as Ellin wood, but the idea of its ever reaching the size of Great Bend or becoming an active competitor is. "a day dream as wild as the Arabian Nights." Great Bend is on the great trunk line of the Arkansas river in line with all the great and erowinr Also a foO Cm cf Fred WD8 of1the vflleJr it,ha PPukuon ui over uiree inouaauaa, ana property aggregating over a million. Tne same railroad that reaches HowDgton will also come to Great Bend. No town in tbe valley has fairer prospects, than Great Bend. The ouly thiug', that ever can be urged in favor of Hoitington is that it i nearer the cen ter of the county. This is a mighty slim argument when it stands alone and will never of itself make a countr seat. Kanopolia is in the exact graphical center of Kansas, and -AND- Main Street, Great Bend. BRIrJKMAN BROS. &. . Dea J ers in LLrm be Sasti, DOORS 3STID BlLliTID Plasterers Supplies -and everything" JertainiEg to -house building. .A full line of Kaw Valley Paints. 0 AI&PIBT MOIU JOB EXTRA BARGAINS AND LOW PRICES. 1 carry ttte largest and tr?t assortment of cheap and fine Farnltnre. Car pets. Oil Clotk. Pictures. Frames. Mouldings, etc. etc Window Shades mads to order and put up in all part of the city. Prices on abore geods gnaraateee? U) be the lowest ctcx known. " ' Kanopolis is the capital of the state eo- when we may begin to think that the Deonle of Barton will want to move the county seat to the center of the county. The town of Hoisington has our best regards. We hope it will make a good town for its growth will aid Great Bend in a direct ratio. LTOOfWM r Cor. Main St. and Forest Ave. O u EVERY : G ALtOli WARR AMTEtl, Southwest Corner Square, QUEST BSIID: KANSAS. ' NEW : COAI ? ITARD a qz We are prepared to furnish coal at tlie ollowing low prices: " : 0 Canon City, at bin, 0 e 7.00 Rifenburg or Trinidad, .e 6.00 Pittsburg, Lump, - e 0 5.00 " Nut, o - 4.50 Yards .West of Walnut Creek Mills. Telephone Orders at Our Expense, 0 . O.lKCEIDa-EIS 3s OO., Agents for CANON CITY COAL ST atiohert; J. V. BRIiUKF.1A(I Cr CO., ANKBR .BUCELATO REAL ESTATE VOAW ACEWCY. tHTO xrf iomj ESTABLISHED IN 1874. 3DOES JL GrEISTlSRAjD &jk2ZIZIN& BusnsrEss. ' Choice UaSa at froa CS.00 to CCO.CO per aere, tccr&tes U IrsproTeaeatj asd Usatlea. Btal tstsU bsss a csdsii?. Ftfl Gdrcrameat alatntts, reaU ecllgste dba 13 ccits. Ccrrceaieaee solicited. tiwm sT c GREAT BEND, KAN. 1 nil tice is taken from the Denver Tribun and New "Another laree audience eeted the Dan Morris Sullivan Com ination at the Academy of Music last night. The show ii popular, and de servedly so. The panorama depicting scenes and life in Ireland are perfect representations, and the sketch work of Dan and Josie Sullivan is arausiDf and entertaining. This is the fifth vis it of Mr. Sullivan to Denver, the first having been mada as far back as 1870, and he has made a host of personal friends here. At G. A. R.,llth, and 13th. Commencing November 25th the Kansas City, Ft, Scott and Gulf Rail-, road'will run a line of through Pull man buffet sleeping cars between Kansas City 'and Jacksonville, Fla. The through car will leave Kansas City daily at 6:45, going via Memphis;. Chattanooga, Atlanta and Macon. This popular railroad alwavs keeps fully abreast of the. times, and this is but another manifestation of their enterprise. Saturday nieht the Grand had a fine audience to hear the Dan Morris Sullivan Combination and to see the beautiful scenes of Ireland as this trou pe mirrors them. There are 80 of se pamttnes, each 13 feet high and 10 feet long. The moonlight effect on many of these pictures is charm in sr. be sides beisjr instructive and amusing. The troupe had a warm welcome bv our people, and will be heartily greet ed when they return. Ibpeka Capital.- Recently the B. & M. have been making surveys through this county. lift.. .L f 1 T w nai meir inienuons are is nara 10 tell, but Great Bend onght to investi gate tbe matter at all events. We need more roads. The B. & M. is one of the foremost roads of the west. and it would be a great days work for Great Bend to secure it It will cost but little to see what can be done. to have a complete file of the Babtov County Democrat, beginning with our first issue, last February. If any of our readers have a complete file we h sou Id be glad to pay them five cents a number for the entire file, or if you t - It m nave a consiaeranie nurapcr 01 our asues we should be glad to purchase iihem. The largest and' best selected stock of watches,clocks, jewelry, silver ware and musical instruments at G. N. & E. R. Moses at bed rock prices. W put the mame or initial on all watches and silverware sold by us freo of charge. U.H.&E.K. Muses have the best jeweler and engraver In the west, all work guaranteed. G.N.&E.R. Moses are the sole agents for the Garland hard and soft coal heaters. Dca't fail to call on G. N- A E. IL Moses for a New Home, Household or Standard sewing machine. A full line yf hardware, stoves, im plements, wagons, buggie," carriages, pumps, etc, atG. N.&JE. R, Mosa, -- 1- O