Newspaper Page Text
4-(' C'-t.-- 7 J .VOLUME II. GREAT BEjSTD, KANSAS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1887. NUMBER 46. BAETOE CO ITT BEIOCBAT. KANSAS NEWS. There is a high old time going on in Sherman county, Kansas, where ' two towns, Eusti3 and Sherman Center, claim the honor of being the county seat, and each has a full set of officers who claim to be legally elected. Eus . tis was made the county seat by the Governor, but Sherman Center claims it by the right of election, and at present it is impossible to commence a legal action in the county. A few days ago thesheriff from Eustis attempted to attach the stock of a merchant at Sherman Centre, but the citizens of the l&tUr place met him with shot Kuaj,and drove him out of town. The two places are about a mile and a half apart, and bherman Centre is being heavily advertised as a boom town. Globe. As a resultof the county seat fight in Wichita county a duel between one Kit Gould and the" editor of the Coro- ' nado Star is one of the possibilities. Gould is a resident of Leoti whom the Star man ".went for" editorially in reg ular western style, using language motj forcible than elegant. Gould went ever to Corouado the next day and retaliated with the aid of a horse - whip, and was in turn promptly chal lenged to fight a duel. As both towns just now need all the votes they can get, pending the county seat election, the duel will probably not take place until after the 8th, but after the elec tion they will be free to carve each "other to tueir hearts content. We hope that every democrat in the house will vote against the bill report ed by the committee on temperance when put upon its final passage in that bodjw Prohibition is the child of the republican party. It has ostentatous ly assumed all the cares of paternity, and the democracy are under no obli gation to take from the self-styled , "party of morality" any portion of the responsibility of looking after the odi ous malformation. The democracy in the" legislature can well afford to let the republicans look aftr their sickly offspring, "without any interference up on their part. Topcka Democaat. . Hon. Milt W. Reynolds, whose newspaper work as editor and corres pondent, Kicking Bird is known to all Kansas, recently delivered a strong nnti able argument for protection, be-j fore the JefTersonian club of Lawrence. ! The address, which appears in the Lawrence Journal, is one of more than ordinary force and ability. Beneath the brilliant correspondent is disco v ered in this epeech the close and care ful student of political economy. To pelca Capital. We understand that several of the citizens of Pawnee Valley and vicinity have taken offence at some of our arti cles and talk mob. We would say to these gentlemen, when ever they feel inclined to crawl our frame, not to be at all backward, but come right on, we can be found at our office any day except Mondays, and if the gentlemen so disposed will drop us a postal, we will .try and make it interesting for . them, open day or night. I'aicnee Valley Democrat. Barber county is very much agita tated over the cotton business and will probably undertake a trial crop this season. They will also erect a gin and bale it for the market. We believe that th cotton industry will become oae of great importance in western and southern Kansas at no great distant day. There is no reason why it should not. The soil is suited for the plant and it will be easy to raise. Lamed Chrtioscope. Yates Center is on the boom. The Woodson National bank and the G. A. R. will jointly erect a large bank- iug and opera house combined. A $10,000 hotel is also in the course of erection. They have also discovered some fine budding stone and an n mens deposit of Italian marble. The Columbus Advocate says: To peka seems to be considerably worried over the proposition to move the capi tal of tr e great state of Kansas west, aud nearer the center ot the state This, we have no idea will ever be done. The Union Pacific folks are spread fog out and extending their lines as fast as plans can be perfected. A sur- vev from McPherson to Hutchinson has just been made and the road will be extended there in the spring. Gold is reported to have been found in Franklin county, just over the line irom J unction township, this county j. ne cropping 01 rocK in wnicn it is found is two feet wide and forty feet lo ng. Osage Free Prjess. A purse of $500 hss been raised by a number of southern Sumner county citizens for the purpose of prosecuting the soldiers who fired on a party of .them while in the territory and killed one or two of their horses. The name of the Garden City irrt galor has been changed to the Finney County Democrat. The Hook Island. The Democrat has said repeatedly that Great Bend ought to secure the Rock Island, and if we do not we will have ourselves t blame for the failure. The Santa Fe, the Missouri Pacific and the Rock Island are the three giant railroad corporations that are to-day struggling1 for the vast traffic of the Arkansas Vallev. Take a map of Kansas, look at the center of thi3 great and fertile region and you will -ee the city of Great Bend. From this point the Santa Fe has determined to reach the great mountain city. Denver, and last year they completed a line as far asNess City. This year that line will be pushed through to its objective point. Great Bend will then be the one central city of the Santa Fe System, located at the point where its two great western lines intersect, and having as tributary the territory north aud northwest. Now then, fol low the Missouri Pacific line from the north and east, and also picture this same line running southwest to the Indian Territory, and one can readily see that the Missouri Pacific brings to the markets of Great Bend a vast country extending north and south west. Now, then, the object of the Rock Island is to divide this traffic with these roads, and in order to do this they must build to some point where the freight accumulates from the adjacent territory of both lines. Any man who will study the map and fol low the lines we have indicated will see that, by force of circumstances, Great Bend is that point. We need the Rock Island and we believe the Rock Island people are anxious to come here. But our people should take the initiative steps, and now i3 the accepted time. Whatever is done should be done immediately, and all the people should know it. Toere is no need of men going around whisper ing with bated breath that we want this road to come here, but we are afraid to let other towns know our feelings lest they steal the prize. Great Bend does want the road, and if our people will only stand united we believe she can cope with any town in this part of the valley. F Great Bend and Barton county are coming to the- front in the matter of securing railroads, in no county in Kansas is there more active work in railroad circles But our people so far have been strangely siow in advertising the great agricul tural advantages of this section. Bar-j ton county is as rich as Sedgwick, and 1 the laud, intrinsically, worth as' much, but land in Sedgwick sells for double and treble the prices realized here. What made the land ot bedg wick valuable will also make the land of Barton valuable, viz.: induce set tlers to come here until the number of homeseekers shall be greater than the number ot homes procurable. Then a man can procure one of these fertile farms only by paying a premium. This is by way of suggestion. Of course, we need railroads, and, of course each one adds additional value to every acre of land in the county, but if we could get a vast number of farmers to come to the county and take up and begin to till every acre of land there would be a still more rapid advance in property. Many towns of the size of Great Bend have what are called immigration societies, whose duty it is to see that the county and town are properly advertised. And we have heard that these societies have been of incalculable benefit to many counties and towns. While part of our energies are expended in securing railroads would it not be wise to ex pend at least a portion in trying to get immigrants? Some years ago a mechanic near New Haven was riding in a railway train, and was jolted and jarred as in the early days of travel passengers were apt to be. He didn't fret and fume as the other passengers did, but began to stuuy and experiment, with a view to making a spring that would reduce, the jolting to a mininum. He at last suceeded and his spring was adopted by every railroad in the country. He is no longer a poor mechanic. His name is Carlos French and he has just been elected to congress from the New Haven district. Wichita is said to be about six miles wide and nine miles long, and contains about 24,000 real estate agents or thereabouts. Sedgtcick Pan tograph. There are now one hundred and four school houses in Labette county and schools are in progress in each. About one hundred and sixty teachers are employed in the county. Insurance companies from foreign sources threaten to withdraw their capital from Kansas if the pending law regulating insurance companies passes. A mad do was killed at Leaven worth on Monday after it had created a terrible &care. REAL ESTATE, Those Desiring to catch: OHST! TOTS IB By making some good investments in real estate while property is ( at low figures should call at . BUCKLAND'S OFFICE! Who has a fine list of property, as well as the BEST BARGAINS, " of any agency in the city. Choice vacant IE3SIIDE32SrOE! BUSIITESS LOTS, ELEGANT ' v SUBURBAII TRACTS! From one' acre up; good residence j property and a few good business properties in good locations at ARGAIS! A large amount of property will chauge hands in this city in the next few months, and big money can be made in judicious investments. Those who buy first can double their money in the next ninety days. Also farms in Barton, Stafford and Rush counties, on easy terms. Lots in old city limits, lots in Heizer Park addition, lots in College Grove addi tion, lets in Bonewitz addition. Lots Sold on Monthly Payments .A., J., - Land and Loan Agent, Great Bend, : : Kas. WELL DRILLING! FARMERS AD STOCKMEN 1 have one of the most complete well machines ever brought to this country. I am prepared to drill wells any depth required. I will guarantee plenty of good water and a first clas3 job in every respect. Terms for drilling 50 cent per foot, or 75 cent including tubing complete with Galvanized Iron No. 22, 6 inches in diameter, locked and riveted ; the best that is made. Plenty of water and satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay required. Orders left at Henry Wildgen's barn, south side ot the square will receive prompt attention. JOSEPH WILD GEN, ' BR,I3LiIJIL.3SrT AUTHORS. "O wad some pow'r the glftiegie xx To eee oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae many a blunder free us And foolUh notion ; What airs in dress an gait wad lea'e us And er'n devotion." LLl DC There were lour crows sat on the gro und Carrot colored, brindle, white and brown; Said one old crow unto his mates: "Keeney is getting away with the baggage of late!" Said the old white crow, with solemn mien. In the most solemn manner ever was seen: "Something must be done, or sure as you're born We'll have to eat shucks, Instead of corn!" The wise old crow then crooked his jaw And slowly scratching his beak with his claw, Said, "Surely, something has got to be done For Keeney he is a son of a gun!" Then they all looked as wise as wise could be CD LU LU And the wise old crow looked the wis est of three, H WE WA We want to buy 10,000 acres of land in Barton, Stafford, Rush and Ness counties as soon as pos sibl for cash in hand. , Call at once at Sam J. Day, Great Bend, Kas. B. O. PRICE & CO. J. V- BRINKMAN & CO., ESTABLISHED IN 1S74. DOES -A- GENERAL B-AJNTInSTG-BUSINESS. $500 ,000 On long time, with the privilege ot paying at any time. IM 8 AUEKHB3AED BLOCS: W. EE- IRELAETB- Groceries, Glassware,Queensware ete- etc- A LARGE STOCK OF PURE GOODS AT LOW PRICES! Four Doors South of Opera Block, Great Rend. ROBINSON & STERRETT, DEALERS IN Hardware and Implements. "M AK"R A SPECIALTY OP Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. JLUJi STBEET, SOUTH OF LELAXD HOTEL. ION As he said In a Toice so solemn and low, "We'U go out and compel people to buy, you know" Then they all joined in A loud refrain For they had. (in their minds.) Downed Ko?nef again. JO O "There was a man in our town, And he was wondrous wise ; He jumped into a bramble bush And scratched out both his eyes." Moeil. Don't be a bramble bush. O m "Seest thou a man diligent in busi ness, he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before meaamen." JO "But, mousie, thou art no thy lane, In pr oving, foresight may be vain : The best laid schemes o mice an' men Gang aft agley. An' lea'e us naught but grief an' pain For proniis'd joy." rn CO "He who by the plow would thrUe Himself must either bold or drive.' the law office of to Loan. P n Ivra 9 n h yiLlv warn y ATTORNEYS. TIlXO. C COLE. ELRICK C. COLE, County Attorney. COZE BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . Office in Court House. Counsel in German by Theo. C Cole. MA11ER & OSMOND, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. 1 Rooms 4 and 5 in Allen's Block, GREAT - - KAN. SAP1. J, DAY Attorney at Law 17ILLNER BLOCK, Great Bend, : : : Kansas. R. T. EWALT. J. H. BEMEXT. Votary. EWALT & BEMENT, Attorneys at Law, Real SstatQ . ana Lean Agents, Collecting a Specialty, Rent Property and Pay Taxes C. F. DIFFEXBACHER, D. A. BANTA. BirriNSiCHEE i urn,. Attorneys at Lay? Office in Alloa-Hubbard Block, rooms 9 and 11. PHYSICIANS. F. LIGIITFOOT, . Physician & Surgeon." Headquarters at Allen's Dru? Store.. S. J. SHAW, EYJ. D. OFFICK IN - -AJlen's Block, GREAT BEND. KA1SJ. JL Y. MtCOIiJIICK, H. D., Physician & Surgeon. Office over Dodjre St Co.'a Hardware Store, Northwest Corner Square. physician m mm, HEADQUARTERS AT Burson h Shav's Drug Store HOTELS AND RESTAURANT. TYPER HOUSE. Terns Reasonable. Good SampI Rooms. EAST SIDE OF SQT7AHS, Great Bend - - - Kansas. VAIXEY HOUSE. Near the' Depot. Best accommodations In the city for the money. Transient, f LfiO per day. Day board per week, ' $4.00. A good feed stable attached. IM. It. HOLMES, Proprietor. J. TROIIXETT, Restaurant and Confectionery, day board and lodging-. - Fine cigars and tobacco, can dies, etc., always on band. All kinds of drinks In their season. Oysters In every style. For st Arenue, first door west of the Post office. A. H. BAKER. Real estate, Loan and Insurance IIOISINGTON, KAN. Wagon -:- Maker REPAIRER. F. M. HOIXJETS OLD STAND, Williams Ave., GREAT BEND. CHUS. BSTTE, DEALER GEOCBRLES, PROVISIOHS AND PSODUCE., A new and splendid line of goods, which I am selling at the very lowest figures. "When yon need any thing in his line, give him a call. First door north of Robinson & Ster ett's hardware store. If 0