(I 1 J i i.i i - A VpLUME III. Tije people are anxiously inquiring "what the city authorities are going to do about the water works. This we cannot say, but presume the work "will begin shortly. Coming years will, demonstrate that threat Bend must be the great town of Central Kansas. "We have no fight to make on our siste towns. Nature has decreed that here shall be a great busi ness center, and it is growing rapidly into that proportion. The lields are now open; the citizens are anxious to welcome tUose who come here to share .heir prosperity. All that Great Bend asks of strang ers is to come and see. Here is a city that nothing can prevent growing into a great metropolis; indeed, it now has over four thousand inhabitants and is growingat a marvelous rate. We are surrounded by a country of unsurpassed fertility, the city is already the railroad center of this portion of Kansas. But now is the time for strangers and every body to come and invest. We clip the following complimentary notice from the Hutchinson Eeics. That Great Bend is to-day attracting more. attention than any town in Cen tral Kansas, is beyond dispute. The reasons are easily found. First, it is surrounded by as fine farming land as can be fonnd in Kansas. Second, the natural location of the c'ity is unsur passed. Great Bend carries on a' great whole sale trade, many of her stores carrying aa high as $60,000 in stock, transacting an annual business of 150,000 to $200,000. Great Bend investments are net ting more clear profits to the investors than any town in Central Kansas. Ileal estate has always been cheap here, and notwithstanding the advance of the last few weeks, lots are cheaper here to-day tluo" in any town cT four thousand inhabitants in Central or Western Kansas. Lots are selling, not on tRe basis of wlurt the town will be, but on what it is. The purchaser " therefore has all the advantage of the future development of the town, which can not be truthfully said of many 0 towns. . - - ru: newspapers of Kansas are to day doing more to advertise the state and bring in erii migrants here tiian all the other agencies combined. Thik of it. There are .fifty-five dailies that ring the praises of our soil, our climate and our towns, six Aaya evoey week. Besides these, ther0 are weeklies almost without number, circulating, not only here, . but in every state in the Union. The ' people of Kansas can afford to.be generous to. the newspapers; they are doing a work for "the state that could not be valued in dollars and cents. The Topeka Capitol says that the great cities of Kansas will stand iu the following order: Topeka, Hutch inson, Wichita, Garden City, Salina, Fort Scott and Atchison. Of course Major Hudson means by this to make out a' list of cities that shali nearly equal each other in size and import ance, but the on6 great metropolis of Kansas will be near the center of the state, and well, Great Bend will modestly take first place and and let the others strive to fix the order iu which they shall stand. Nothing more readily indicates the couottion of a city than its' real estate market. When real estate is active, alMinesof business are active and, vice 'versa, when realj estate is dull, everything else is dormant. Last week was an exceptional one in some respects with Great Ben 1. The large ales in the early part of the week started a rustle" that nothing could stop. The character of the sales, too, hadmuch tojlo with push ing prices steadily upward. The sale of suburban property to the Santa Fe indicates thaf they want a firm footing here. And then the sale of one hundred aces aiijoiuing the citv to eastern capitalists says plainer than words that the outside world have-began to realize that Great" Bend is the coming towif "of this part of. the state. But real estate is comparatively cheap here and the great advance is to come. GRANDLY! Grasping Greatness. DURIXG THE WEEK CLOSING WITH TO-DAY, THE FAIR CITY OF GREAT BEXD ADDS ANOTH ER WREATH TO HER CHAPLET. Her Citizens are Proud of Her and all Her Friends Rejoice. It is written somewhere in the book of fate that on the banks of the Ar kansas somewhere near the center of the ;reat state of Kansas there should be a mighty city. Many prophets have arisen and attempted to make the people believe that ic would be here or there, but so far, all their prophecies have proved worthlesst We do not pretend to make any pre diction, but simply record events as they transpire and draw therefrom logical conclusions. We ask the stranger to take a map of Kansas aud trace the Arkansas river through the state. Let him remember that the garden spot of Kansas is ulong this river. That here is jel Boil of unequaled fertility, that water is easily obtained and the climate salubrious. Now theu let him mark the great bend in the river and bear well in miud "that all the cities along the river are on the north bank; and when we tell him that Great Bend is situated farther north than any city on the river be can readily see the advantage of this situation, for it gives to the city a tributary territory both north, and south of the river. . , This then is why the railroads have, fixed on Great Bend as the center of this part of Kansas. Each day is bringing something to light that will benefit our city. This week the San ta Fe railroad has secured eighty acres of suburban property and beyond a doubt will locale a round house and machine shops here. This will be clear to any one, and even if he never saw Great Beud, when we inform him that at this paint the Denver di vision of that road leaves the main line and strikes north-west. During the week that closes with to-day we have had the greatest ac tivity ever known in real estate here Strangers have been buying every day, men of means have been glad to secure property. The prospects now are that next week will wituess even greater activity than the one -just closed. To those coming iu the state in quest of homes or business property, Great Bend asks only that they shall come and see her wonderful advanta ges. Bno. " Chapman brought out the Register last week as an all home-print, lie does, not say whether the improve ment will be permanent or not, but we presume it will, be. We rejoice to see the prosperity of our neighbor and hope the readers of his paper may respond td the increased usefulness of the pa per by liberally increasing his subscrip tion and advertising. Beceutly a Democrat man spent a weary hour of congealed misery wait ing for a late train, in the depot at Sierling. The north door of the wait ing room was open half the time, and no amount of insinuation, suppliation or pursuasion on the part of a freeze iug public could induce the depot of ficials to build d fire. Such lack of hospitality will not leave a very favor able impression on the minds of strang ers. We are glad to learn that two of our enterprising townsmen have started a bottling works in Great Bend. The originators and movers in the matt-r are G. E. Thompson and H. E. Dean. . They have now on hand 1,500, and they propose to push the business until it is a complete suc cess. They deserve to be encouraged by all our citizens in this worthy undertaking. GREAT BEND; KANSAS, THURSDAY, APRIL 71887. THE SEW PROHIBITORY LAW. A wide diversity tf opinion prevails throughout the state in regard to when the Murray law takes or took effect. Some believe that druggists are not permitted to sell under the old permits after April 1st. Pertinent to this sub ject we quote the following from the Hutchinson Aetcs: "The Murray Tem perance Law goes into full effect on May 1st. Some of our exchanges seem to be laboring under the .belief that no druggist is permitted to sell under the old permits after April 1st, but this is an error. No permits can now be is sued under the old law, but the new law provides that "no permit now ex isting shall be of any validity, after the 1st of May, 1887," and it is fair to infer that it was the intention of our law makers that the old permits should re main in force until the 1st day of May." Retrospective Xotes. "The firsts of April now is past. Who's the biggest fool at last?" The man who hasn't bought real estate in Great Bend. John Tilton has been doing a consid erable rustling on the real estate market, but Dick Ewalt says John can't always remember the day of the month. Bros. Townsley, of the Tribune, was in such a hurry to get a shampoo (?) that he was not on the lookout for any other sort of a sham, and even forgot to change the .data of his paper to April 1. Mr. S. S. Shields, the gentlemanly postmaster at Maherville, made us a pleasant call today. Mr. Shields in forms us that the Missouri Pacific depot near there, called Boyd, was burned last Monday night. How the fire originated is not known, but the circumstances seem to indicate that it was the work of an incendiary. Th'o railroad hf.d no agent at that point and no one had been about the build ing the day. It was discovered to be burning about midnight or a little after, but it was too late -to stop the flames. There is a good deal of mystery about the whole thing. Judge Mayard, formerly second comp troller of the treasury, was yesterday appointed secretary of the treasury by President Cleveland, vice-Secretary Manning resigned. The appointment was somewhat of a surprise as most peo ple had come to the conclusion that a western man would succeed Secretay Manning. Judge Maj Tiard has a splen did record and men of all parties unite in saying that the treasury will have an able man at its head. We are requested to say that the maps, or at least a portion of them, ordered by the committee on advertis ing the town are now printed, and it is in order for those who subscribed money to the enterprise to call round and pay it to the treasurer. Zoeilcr & Woods, HOUSE AXD SIGN . DO ALL KXXDS OF Graining, Decorating, Paper Hanging, and Fresco ing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop north side of square. lm WELL DRILLING! FARMERS AD STOCKMEN I have one of the most complete well machines ever brought to this country. I am prepared to drill wells any depth required. I will guarantee plenty of good water and a first class job in every respect. Terms for drilling 50 cent per foot, or 75 cent including tubing complete with Galvanized Iron. No. 22 6 inches in diameter, locked and riveted ; the best that is made. Plenty of water and satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay required. Orders left at Henry Wildgen's barn, south side ot the square will receive prompt attention. JOSEPH WILDGEN. Sioice Selections tBIILiXjILSTT "O wad some pow'r the glfUegie tic To see oursela as ithers aee ua! It vad frae many a blunder free ua And foolish notion ; What airs in dress an gait wad lea'e us And ey'n deyotion." DC There were I oar crows sat on the gro und Carrot colored, brindle, white and brown; Said one old crow unto his mates: "Keeney is getting away with the baggage of late!" Said the old white crow, with solemn mien. In the ni06t solemn manner ever was seen: "Something must be done, or sure as you're born We'll have to eat shucks, 'Instead of corn!" The wise old crow then crooked his jaw And slowly scratching bis beak with his claw, Said, "Surely, something lias got to be done For Keeney he is a son of a gun!" Then they aU looked as wise as wise could be And the wise old crow looked the wis est of three, CO UJ J. V. BRIRIKRIAR! C CO., ANKEB ESTABLISHED IN 1874. DOES A. GENERAL BNTKTNTC BUSINESS.' Grorosfc Send, 2SLstjQ.t3cj3, $500,000 AT On long time, with the privilege ot paying at any time. Will AILBH. llliUB UCCE: W. IRELAND. ODEX.L & AND DEALERS IN Real Estate. Deeded Farms, Govern ment In nil parts of Barton County. Final executed with dispatch. Deeds and CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT. AGENTS TOR KANSAS PACIFIC J Come and Geo Us, or Great Bend, B&rton County, Kansas. COATBS & BUCKLAND. . BvarTS in SF'axi.cr arcS. Staple O-xoceries. A Larg. and Well Assorted Stock of QrEEXSWAKE. GLASS and WOODEXWABJE. Abjo, Dealers In aU kinds v . Sard, axad Soft Goal. SaTBLACKSMITH AND ANTHRACITE COAL, A SPECIALTY ALL KES'PS OF C3-K.OTJ3snD -A.3STJ3 CHOP FEED OPPOSITE NEW GRAND ARMY HALL ON MAIN ST. C3-rea& Bend. AUTHORS As he said in a roice so aofemn and low. "We'll go out and compel people to buy, you know" Then they all joined in A loud refrain For they had. (in their minds.) Downed K.O?ne again. 2d o "There was a man in our town. And he was wondrous wise ; He jumped into a bramble bush And scratched out both his eyes." Mo Lax. Don't be a bramble bush , o m "Seest thou a man diligent in busi ness, he shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men." JO "But, mousle, thou art no thy lane. In pr ving, foresight may be Tain : The best laid schemes o' micean'men Gang aft agley, An' lea'e us naught but grief an' pain For proiuis'd joy." m CO "He who by the plow would thrive Himself must either hold or drive. to Loan. MTI ft ht GUNNELXt, aektt Lands. Proof and otber Government Land papers Mortgages made ana actnowieagea. RAILROAD LANDS. Send for Circulars. NUMBER 1. Attorneys. THEO. C. COLE. ELBKH.C; COLE- County Attorney. COLE BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT L AW OTffce In Court House. Counsel in German by Tbeo. C oI. MAKER & OSMOND, ATTO R U EYS-AT- LAW. Room 4 and 5 in Allen's Bfod, . GREAT BEND - - KAN. R. T. EWALT. Notary. ?. II. B EM EXT. EWLT & BEHENT, Attorneys at Law Real Estate and Lean Agents, Qolleeting a Specialty, Rent Property and Pay Taxes. C. F. DIFFENBACHEB, D.A. BAN'TA. DIFfENB ICSES i bahia, Attorneys a!Iaw Office in Allen-Hubbard Block, rooms, and 11. PHYSICIANS. IV IJGIITF00T4 Physician & Surgeon. Headquarters at Allen's Dins Store. l y. Mccormick, ii. d., Physician & Surgeon, Ofio OTer Dodgv & Co.. Hardware Stor Northwest Corner Square. HOTELS AND RESTAURANT.- T3TPER HOUSeT Terms ' Reasonable. Good Saisl Rooms. ZJJSV BIDS OX SQUABS Great Bend - - - Kansas. Near the Depot. Best accommodation In tb oity for the money. Transient, fL60er day. Day board per week, $4.00. ffoodj teed liable attached. N. 12. XI OL3IE8, Proprietor. J. THOIXXETT- . Restaurant and ConfectioCery. day board and lodging-. Fine cigars and tobacco, can dies, etc., always on hand. All kinds of drinks In their season. Oysters in every style. Forest Arenne, first door west of the Post-" FEYSICIAKS AND HEADQUARTERS AT Wilson k Shaw's Drug Store CHAS. BETTK, DEALER I2T GROCERIES, PBOYISIOHS AHD PBODUCff,' A new aHd splendid line of goods, which I. am selling .at the very lowest figures. When you need any thing in his line give him a call. First door north of Robinson & Ster ett's hardware store. .DRAYDSTG-. of;all ke'is D0E3 OHOSHOUT HOTIOft .AND In a Satisfactory Manner. HEADQUARTERS." ON ALLEN'S CORNER, LEAVE- ORDERS AT McLNTOSH'S . GROCERY. Curtis ;potteiv