Newspaper Page Text
A.rozr On aud after October 21, 1838, tr&laa leave Great Bend as follows, Tlx : eonre axst : No.2, Atlantic Ex ............5.17 p. nu No.4, New York Ex 4:30 a. aa. No. 6, Eastern Ex 7:1 a m. eons wxst. No. 1 , California Ex .... . ......... 10:18 a. m No. 8, Mexico and Arixona Express...... 9:41 sum No 5, Denver and Utah Ex 9:52 p. m OK&W . ' . LX4VKS. Express , .. ' 10:45 i m, m , AJUUVKS. Express ...,... .... 4:55 p. ................ W. TOBREY, Agent. 3o. 3P. AJUUTM St Ijouia Express .... Colorado Express ... ..... 11:55pm 0:30 a as DKPABTS ' 4:40 a aa . .. 100 pa E. W. Wayvaxt, Agent. 'St Louis Express Colorado Express.... All trains dally. ATTORNEYS. C. F. DIFFENBACHER, P. A. BANTA BirnUBlCHES UiHIA, UttorxacTj-c at Encrcj Office in Allen-Hubbard Block rooms and 11. THEO. C COLE. ELBICK.C. COLE County Attorney. COLE BROTHERS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office In Court House. ti9Counsel in German by Tneo. C. Cole. J. RICH CREEK, Attorney at Law and Rotary Public. Office over Moss' Grocery Store, GREAT BEND, - - KAS. J. H. JENNISON, ilttornoTr-at-3LsarT, Quick Farm Loans at. Low Bates Missouri lands to Exchange for Kansas lands. " ROOM 3, MOSES BEOS. BLOCK. D. J. NEWTON, ATTORNEY AT NOTARY PUBLIC. Rtom 4 Moses Brcs. Block. PHYSICIANS. . Y. McCormick, M. D. V. L. Chester. M. D. Mccormick & Chester, Physicians and Ccrcaono. Office over Dodge's Hardware store, northwest cor.. La Fayette Park. GREAT BEND. - - KANSAS. SHAW & UOTOTO'tCT, PB78ICZANS AKO SGTESEOVS. OFFICE, BOOHO 2 ACID 3, Moses Bros Block HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS . JOSEPH TROILLET, . PROPRIETOR French - Rrestanrant, Dealer in Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers-Articles. Ice Cream, Soda Water, Milk Shakers intheir season. First door west of post offlae, GREAT BEND. - - - KANSAS. Valley House, H. R. HOLC3EO, Prop. Near depot. Best accommodations in the city. Transient $1.60 per day; by week $4. . A good feed stable in connection. T SI Hot or Cold, Mineral or Soft Water, at the GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL. $3.00 FOR 12 lau, detail and Bvecttlcatiun. itntxn to scale, by a architect; originally coat SI. OU. and are reartv to bnild from. Single plans 25 wnln each. Jt two plan like. The Nntloaml Uutld.r. Ckle. J Ik THE- MISSOURipACIPIC The Great Through Line From all points in Kansas to Kan gas City, St. Louis and the East and North. Direct connections in Union Depots for Omaha, St. Paul, Chicago, In- J? 1? 1T ' M.t T. uianapous, vrincinnau, jam falo, Pittsburg and all Points East. . The Fast Mail Route -AND- 3 DAILY TRAINS 3 Between Kansas City and 8 1. Louis. The Colorado Short Line TO Pueblo Denver. Gen'l Passenger and Ticket Agt. ' St. Louis, Mo. F. F, FISHER, A. G. P. A., Wichita, Kan. LCCAL UET7S. Just ese the wheat grow! . City election next Tuesday. . Gosh, bow the wheat does grow I. T.; Flint is now publishing a pa per at El Paso, Texas. Too late? tod late! is now the cry; the time for registering bath passed by. Small horse bills, or cards, printed in German, at this office. Call and see samples. Goose banters are nearly as plenty as oGce hunters in and around Great Bend, this week. County:. Surveyor Markey has a few words to eav to the nublic. in another column of this , paper. The Peak Sisters say that Hoising ton oueht to have an opera hall large enough to be comfortable. Only one break-down reported from the trip of the "Peak Sisters" to Hois- ington last Thursday night. The question of doing 'away with. or removing me cuy nign scnooi to the college, is being hotly discussed. Republicans will not all be led by the few who have "fixed" the ticket to be nominated Saturday evening. C. B. Sampson, president of the To peka Paper company, was in the city last Friday in the interests of his busi ness. Among the visitors in the city Monday we noticed W. W. Mictcman and son and Ed Dewey, of Stafford county. The visit of the Peak sisters to Hois- ington i" will long be remembered by those who participated in it as a jolly occasion. - The grading of Forest avenue, from Main west, when completed, will make that the finest appearing Street in the city. V. D. Napier, of Ness City, was in town last week looking after some Great Bend property which he ret cently purchased here. Two brothers of J. H. Jennison were down from Fairview township the latter part of the week, telling of, the benefits of the recent ram. A little racas, among colored bucks, last Thursday, made the air dark and gloomy for a while about Police Judge Odell's office. Word has been received from Geo. Mitchell that he is in Tacoma, Wash ington, and has a lucrative position as foreman with a large contracting firm. A. A. German, one of Claflin's prominent business men, was in Great Bend Saturday, on business. He re ports his town and vicinity in fairly good condition. Mrs. Dr. Schneider and two daugh ters left last Saturday to join the doc tor at Nevada, Mo. The good wishes of a large circle of friends go with them to their new home. A little time' spent by our house gardens ot rubbish, will" make our cuy mure ui tractive iu strangers auu more residents.' C. Samuels has returned from the east, where he selected an immense stock of new goods for the New York store. Some of the goods have already arrived, and the rest will follow soon. If Mr. Airheart would take the ad vice of every man who has offered, the same in connection with the work on Forest avenue, the gang of street men wo'uld be kept on that street all sum mer. " A Schriwise, of Hoisington, was in the city Monday on business, and has the same thing to say about crop prospects that all other farmers have. i. e. they could not be better in any country. Strange to relate, not one colored woman registered for the spring elec tion. Two years ago there were near ly as many colored women registered as white women. Query: What was the reason? lore interesting than all city elec tion business, assessors' business, or any other business, to Geo. Spencer, was the arrival at his home, on Thurs day night last of a bouncing boy baby. Only twti bachelors on the city coun cil now. The father of Jim Tarr, alias Steph en L. Best, came up from Hodgeman county last week and went Tan's bond in the sum of 1500 for his appearance at the next term of district court to answer to the charge of horse stealing. The city teachers' meeting on last Saturday afternoon was quite interest ing. The teachers of this city, like the teachers of Barton county, are never lothe to improve themselves by an interchange of views and modes of conducting schools. Chaa. Lahue came down from Great Bend Monday bringing with him a couple of eastern men looking for locations. Charlie says although he lives in Great Bend he is still work ing in the interests'of Pawnee county. Larned Ckronoacope. How is this, Charlie? TYIIAT TIIEY BAY. .' Tbat Harrison does not appear to have a Kansas policy. That 1889 will be! year for Barton county.', That the man who 'goes in on his muscle will win, every time. That the spring weather we have had this far cannot be beaten. -. That plans are already being laid for the fall campaign in politics. ' ' That another badger has been caught, and is waiting to be killed. . That kindness done you should be written on marbleinjuries on sand. That it might not be a bad plan to elect a few ladies on the scnooi board. That the Hulme & Willner opera house will be ready for a grand open ing before long. ' That the people's ticket is the one for the people to vote providing good men are put on it That if a man be taken and dressed as women are dressed, in ' the winter he would freeze to death. That the man who did not regis ter is now lonesome and forlorn, and neither has nor deserves sympathy. That the iarmer wno puns up and goes to Oklahoma is the man who uses his $200 harvester for a hen roost. . ' That next Monday will be 'all fool's dav." but that Tuesdays election may fool more people than get caught on monday. That when a woman takes a second step in the path of matrimony, her children have just cause for say- in 2 it is a step fafr)ther. That if Borne of the candidates get their own way they will elect them selves, but if the people take a 1 and the other fellow will be elected. That if all the liars in the land would go and do like tbat second An anias Fizott i. e., blow tneir own brains out, the world would' almost stand still with joy. Resolutions of Bar Association. Whereas, it has pleased an allwise providence to remove from our midst Mrs. Sarah Cole, wife of T. C.Cole, a member of the Barton county Bar association and, ' Whereas, we recognize that the deceased was an ornament to society, a model wife and mother, and that her death has left a void tbat cannot be filled, be it Resolved, That we tender to the be reaved husband and orphan children our most heartfelt sympathy and con dolence in their grief, that the mem bers of this association attend her funeral in a body; and that a copy of these resolutions be published in the Great Bend city papers. " G. W. Nimocks, ? ( c. f. diffenbacher, Wm. Osmond, Committee. Pernin's Universal Phonography, simplest, most legible and rapid of all shorthands, complete in ten easy les sons, bpeed for practical work in from three to five months, according to time devoted to study, instruction also given on the type-writer. Short hand also taught by mail. For full particulars, terms, etc., call at the Central Normal College, or address E. Stevenson, Great Bend, Kan. Ace Sellers, a well known joung colored miu, who has lately been employed in the Great Bend mills, died Saturday night of measles, and I 1 1 r. . was Duriea ounaay aiternoon. Ace was of a powerful build, young: and vigorous, and his sudden death after but a few day's illness, was quite a snocK 10 nis many menus. Married: On March 20 th, 1889, at the resulence of the bride's parents, in Great Bend, by Rev. W. A. Bos worth, Martin L. Knapp, of Wendel, Edwards county, to Katie E. Day, daughter of Air. and Mrs. Sam J. Day. The couple departed for their home in Edwards county on Wednes day evening. Trimming trees is now the order of the day. It would be well for our city council to take some measures to prevent persons from hitching where horses can bark shade trees. A num ber of ; valuable trees have already been killed in that manner. Ijodges. GREAT BEND LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. A A. M. .oicis eTerj- wcooa ata lourtb .Friday erening in each month. Klbick C 1"ole,.W. M. O. J. Richards. Scc't. MT. NEBO Chapter, No 86, K. A: AT., meets first uu tuiru iraij 01 hcd inoutto. Ji. B, Moses. O.J. Richard, H. p. Secretary. ST. OMER Coinmanderr, K. T. meets first and third Tuesdays of each month. c. F. Culver. E. C. R. F. Pleger, Reo. VALLEY LODGE, NO. 95, L O. O. F.Meet erery W ednesday evening. R. C. Bailey. N. G. W. P. Coles, Sec'y. SARAH ENCAMPMENT, NO. 35 Meets every second and fourth Monday evening. ' R. T. Ewalt, CP. W E Coatzs. Sec'r. CLARA BARTON REBECCA DEGREE LODGE v.-.-aieeM every erst and tnird Tuesday evening of each month. W. P. Coles, N. G C B. Morgan, Sec'y. PAP THOMAS POST, NO. 52, G. A. R. Meet every first and thiid Saturday at G. A. R. HalL D.N. Heixer, Post Commander. Ira D. Brougher, Adjutant. WOODLAND LODGE No. S7 K. of P. Meet Thursday of each week. . Ge. J. Spencer, C C J. R. Brown. K. of R.S. GREAT BEND DIVD3ION No 27, TJ. R. K. of P. meeia eunesaay nignt of eacn week. - E L Chafmax, 8. JL. C R. C Galley, 8. K. JC A. O. U. W. Meets at Odd follow Tuesday evening. E. P. Smith, M. W. A. J. BucUand. Eer. Ccssacptica Cured. An old physician retired from act ive practice having had placed in his nanas by an riast Indian Missionary the formula of a certain, simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Brom chitia, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung troubles, after baving'thor oughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to makeit known to his suf fering fellows. The receipt sent free to all who may desire it with full di rections for preparing and successfully using. Address, naming this paper. Dr. MVE. Cass, 210 Grand-st,, Jersey City, N. J. A lawyer of St. Paul, Minn., was looking over some papers his German client had brought, and" every signa ture had a menace in it as it' stood: "A. Schwindler.w "Mr. Schwindler, why don't you write your name some other way; write your first name or something! I dont wan't people to think you are a swindler." "Veil, my Gott, sir, how much better you dink that looks?" and he wrote: "Adam Schwindler." The sale of August Bruemer's, last week, was quite a successful affair. Corn and Feed, at Culver's Eleva tor. 37tf "Send us the local news of vour neighborhood. MRS. E. LOWRllY. IpvinQ Ivlillincry COMPLETE STOCK OF EMBRRIDERY, SILK VELVET, VEILINGS, NOTIONS, Etc. Hot? Goods at Lovr Prlcos. North Side Square, - - Great Bend. W.H.GRANT County Superintendent. Office open Saturdays of each week. Office hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. C. B. Morgan SADDLER AND H arnessmaker. Does all kinds of repairing. . Main Street, near southwest corner square. C- 3. GILL1IS. Cash' dialer and Shipper in BUTTER & EGGS, Live and Dressed Poultry,- Game, Etc. Highest market price paid for the above in cash. Come and see me. Opera Block, Great Bend, Kas. A. H. MILLER, MERCHANT TAILOR With an Experience of Twenty years can be found over E. Tyler's grocery store on Main street. lie invites the people to call and examine his full line of Cloths and Casimeres domestic and foreign. 8 PER CENT. Money! NO COMMISSION. $100,000.00 On Improved Farms in amounts from $1,000 upward. No delay ! No red tape ! For particulars address, LOCK BOX 86, Great Bend, Kas. I sell more bottles of " Dr. Seth Arnold's COUGH KILLER mm than of any 'other coagh Medicine kept in stock, al though I keen fifteen viriA. ties. 2 F. M. Robertson, Coyrille, Druggists, 25& 50&, and f 1.00. THE KANSAS CITY TIDES. THE GREAT DOIXAB WEEKLY. The Kaxsas City Weekly Times is read by more people in the West than any other paper published. Why? Be cause it better represents the Great West than any other paper. It is the leader in the Oklahoma movement and iu everything that benefits the West. 84 columns every issue, for only oxx ooiix&B a year. saTEvery Western man should take The Times. Seud postal card for inducements to subscribers. THE TIMES, Kansas City, Mo. W Have Barton County ftor: Ha STEEL FRAME BINDER, THE BOSS. Following are the Names of Those who Have Bought the ; C-W Fosbnrg Gray & Bowles . . AXJ Taylor B F Larimor Dr Pleger Thomas Irons Henry Schlagel John Omacht Taylor & Horet D II Sterling Joseph Scbinezel; Henry !Nordman .-" HSverett s . A Simpson Uhl & Carney -F W Smith C G Gerts Oscar Hartshorn A Bosh Phil Xewf6rth Ulry & Avery Franz &Fred Beran It McMullin . J G Richardson H Mehrhoff Chas Gunn John Clapf er Franz Ileberman Jno Robenseifner E. Panne & Go right now and WT- 0.4 - 1- GREAT BEND, KANSES, FOR ONE. WE ALSO SELL THE STELE OR WOOD FRAME (THE BEST MADE) STICKLE HEADIER.. . Deering and Knowl ton Mowers, Eagle and Deere Listers and Cultivators, Standard and New Home Sewing Machines, and anything else you want in Implements, Buggies. Wagons, Pumps, Hardward, Diamonds, Watch e8,Clocks, Jewelry. We do all kinds of Engraving and Monogram gram work. Repair watches, clocks and Jewelry. Ail work war ranted. Give us a call. We can do you good. It 13 no trouble to show goods. H3-. HI K. R. rVZOSKS- V. BRINKMAN & GO., H J JN & ESTABLISHED I2ST 1874. DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSI" . NESS. G-reat Bend; (Ml M Land, Loan and Insurance Agent Agent for Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Land in Rush; Barton and Stafford Counties. Taxes paid for Non-Residents, and Lan- bought and sold on comims sion. Leters of Inquiry prompt ly answered. Great Send i First Mat Great, Bend, Kansas Capitals 050.000. Uxidiirided Proff- ito: $20000. J. W. RUSH.SPresident. C. H. HULME, Vce prisidenf C. M. WICKWIRE, Cicr. DIRECTORS: G. H. Hulme, C. F. Willner, J. W. Rush, E. McBride, j. ji. w A General Banking Business Transacted. Interest - Paid - on-Time - Xleposita. Real Estate Broker. oan and Insurance Arrant. HAVE TOR SALE " ' rlmproved Fanns'and City Property. Farm Loans a Specialty - 7. TV CZX"S7" k rTAXTr With Privilege to pay Main Street , - Leol, uorosono Oil. The cleanest, safest, most economical and desirable power in the world Printers, Jewelers, Machinists, Farmers, Grain Elevators, pumping water, sawing wood, etc No dust, ashes or dirt,. Requires but little attention, and no engineer. For catalogue and further particulars, Address, POPE nAE7a CO., 201, Ucbosh Avo., Cilsb. John Kodgers Joseph Waterbury Wm Brandt G H Fluth John Nichols W G Ii Hughes ' Henry B TJuruli Sam Seeley R W Williams Ijevi Gnnn John Keeley N C Ridenor Joe Warnken & A Hoffman. give your order to IBS. A. .VUU rnirn Wf J&.ciXl5QSa 9 Kansas Henry Tampe Joe Hiss ThosBent Ira Brougher Mike Daily Ferd Bitner Wm Stelter G W Gillispie David Bower F Edingsfield Cory & Xaian W J Keyes Wm Opie Jacob Riegel Andrew, Luis ional :-: Bank, lCKwire. After One YEAR. GREAT BE2fD, Kas. 4 Sbipman