Newspaper Page Text
r ill 7. i I A. S. ALiLiE.N, Pharmacist, Drugs, Paints, Glass, Books, .Stationery and CORNER -LOTS. :- LOCAL SEWS. Tatter, patter, let it pour, Patter, patter, let it roar, 'Tis the welcome April shower Waking up the sweet Slay flower." Travel is increasing over the Santa Fe road. Wall Paper at cost C. A. Hooper. Rosa Calhoun has again been elected mayor of Ness City. Everybody and the children are making garden. rrl ..,..o on imnnrtnnt mere are lumuio j. m. ' wedding this week. Grandpa Brinkman is building an addition to bis residence. The city schools propose to observe Friday, the 19th, as Arbor day. The man-trap at the entrance of the postoffice bas at last been repaired. Trees for timber claims. East side c square. T. T. Rhodes. Council meeting next Monday even ing for confirmation of appointments. D.L Halladay is making special rates on photographs for the next ten days. A game of bull between Hoisington and Great Bend clubs has been ar ranged for. t day. J. A. Compton called Friday of last week and got his name on record for the official county paper. Do not make fun of your neigh bor's nose it was a birthday present to him and he values it highly. C M. Norton has closed up his grain business at Collidge and is again breathing the free air of blooming Barton. - to 1'""" v cal argument, but when it comes to . election day dollars are truinp3 with the old-line politicians. Farmers say that the ground is in a splendid condition for corn-planting, and plowing and listing is being done in everv direction. . DRESS GOODS. In this department we show a com- 3 incw; iiue oi vjros-virain fcniks, ranging in price from 50 cents up; Faills Francaise in all colors; plain and fig ured India Silks, Silk Dearmures, Satin and Silk Rhadames, and a full line of colors in 18 and 27-inch Plushes. English and French Beiges, Mar garite Henriettas in all desirable shades, 36, 40 anil 48 inches. Priestly's silk chain Henriettas, "Crow-Black Cashmeres, Drap de -Almar; a beautiful line oi French .'.Aloha ir and Summer Flannels and Tricots. - Aside from this we have an innum erable line of Domestic Dress Goods. In Wash-Fabrics we show a hand some line of French and Domestic uomuo, vyuttuiuraya, vjringnams ana. , Seersuckers in endless variety. Ia ESTABLISHED 1872. EI Do not fail to call on us when you want any t) hing The people all examine" Hooper's stock of wall paper before buying. , Three school girls walking abreast resemble a cyclone, in that neither will turn out of their course for any body. : " John P. Webber was in the city Thursday last on legal business. He and his neighbors have good wheat prospects. A social dance was held at the home of John Gallon, northwest of town, last Wednesday evening, and a good lime was enjoyed. Wednesday morning a steady rain began falling and continued all day and on into the night. Just what was wanted in Barton county. A fast horse, belonging to Curtis Potter, ran away with a sulky at an accelerated speed Saturday afternoon. No damage was done outside of a few slight breaks. Frank Sherwood, a brother of Mrs. W. A. Rush, arrived last week from his old home in Illinois, and will probably make this county his future home. Married: At the home of the bride in the north edge of Stafford countv, on Thursday evening last, George Murphy to Sliss Marv Mc Donald. Agricultural statistics assert that 85 worth of dog will annually kill $500 worth of sheep, to say nothing of the -free distribution of hvdro- phobia and fleas. This paper does not cut down its regular amount of local news to give space for advertising. It is not, properly speaking, constructed accord ing to that kind of plans and specifi cations. ' Soon the ice-cream transparency will be casting its stductive glare across the pathway of unwary youths, and the soda fountain's shimmering sheen will twinkle in the twilight soft and gray. Young farmer: t;Say, pap, I'm going to buy my new spring suit of Friend, and draw that $100.00." YORK We take pleasure to announce lo our patrons and public generally that being a part the K., S. & W. Mercantile Co. Syndicate, Avith stores at a number of the principal towns of Kansas, we have been enabled to purchase our goodjs, like all other Jobbing Houses, with SPOT GASH! We -Buy D We do not pay ONE CENT to Middle Men. We keep continually on the market, at a sacrifice. iHaving all these facilities it.cari Great Bend, but in the State of Kansas, and what we mean to goods at WHOLESALE PRICES. white goods we show a complete line of plain and printed India Linens' plain and printed Mulls, a full assort ment of plain and satin-strine Batest, Nansooks and many other new things. ! Right here we will call attention to the fact that we own 1,000 vards of India Linen in remnants, ranging in length from 3 to 10 yards; they are fine goods, and will be sold at one half their value. No lady to do herself jcistice can afford to buy a dress withofct first hav ing looked thrcugh our stocl c. OUR .LINEN DEPARTMENT Contains -everything desirable; bleached Datoasks, half--bleached Damasks, Cream Damasks, Turkey Reds, fast colors; tablecloths, fringed, with napkins to. match, doj dies and napkins of every description. Right here we will say we have 10O dozen Thirty-three quart milk tickets will only cost you 1, at the Fair view Dairy. ... ' ' ... It is cheaper to buy milk than to bother with a cow. See Fairview Dairy advertisement. ; The Fairview Dairy proposes to sell you milk so cheap you will not want to drink anything else. See adver tisement. . There is some talk of arranging for a grand celebration of the 100th anni versary of American independence on April 30. in Great Bend. After the recent acquisition to the court house accommodations it has been suggested that long ladders be put under lock and key. Mayor Wilson had a room in the court house fitted up for the purpose and then ordered Lou Hoffman, the "soiled dove," confined therein, on Tuesday. Elsewhere will he found the adver tisement of the Fairview Dairy. Mr. Kennedy proposes to da better by the people of this city than any one else can possibly do. Edgar Evans, who has long been employed in this office as foreman, commenced a term at the Central Norman college this week. We wish him success in his studies. -Fred Zuta vera says there is too much "watered stock" in the Great Bend Water Supply company. The remark has a deeper meaning than appears upon the face of it. If the result of the city election was a "republican victory""(?), vhat kind of a victorv would it hava keen had the republican ticket been el ectcd? Will the senator's man Friday please answer? Luckily there have thus far been no cases of great damage by prairie fires in this county this spring. It is still well to be on guard and fiee that your homes and out buildings a re prop erly protected by fire-guards. , . w , S o - "sr - r o'gS s J3 n s . . i m STORE irect from IAUFACTURERS and JOBBERS ONLY! fiue, German napkins, which w 6 will cloee out at a greatly reduced p rice. We also keep a complete line- f stamped Linen Tidies, -in towels, frt m a Huck to-a fine German and Iris h Linen towel, with Crashes in all grades. We also show a beautiful line of Lace Curtains, Lace Bed Sets, Nottinghams and Scrims. UNDERWEAR. We will show the finest line ot Ladies' Muslin Underwear for the least money that has ever been ex hibited in this city. We also sell a complete line of Ladies' and Children's Knit Under wear at ridiculously low prices. OUR STOCK OF LACES AND EMBROIDERIES Contain everything that a lad; wishes to see, and at prices that will astonish you. . W. B. Robey. representing the Capital- Commomcealih, was rustling patrons in Great Bend, the last of the week. J. T. Andress. of the Andress farm. south side, was in the city Saturday, telling of his good wheat prospects and fat stock. Ladies, remember that Mrs. Wood has the latest stvles in millinery. Old hats pressed over and made like new. Also dress-making in the most approved styles, i Collfee students should remember that they can cet first-class work. equal to any done in the larger cities, at Halladay's photograpn gallery. Call and examine his work. Owing to a liberal supply of adver tisements we again are compelled to get out a supplement with this paper. We are bound not to slight our local columns for advertisements. On the 6 th inst. A. A. Pel ton, a young man about 24 years old, died very suddenly at Claflin with the measles. His relatives, who live in Iowa, arrived this week and took charge of the remains. The baby carriage on the sidewalk is a surer sign that spring is here than the blossom that blows on the nose of the hard cider boozer. The babies, God bless 'em, may they live long and learn to read the Democrat. A match game of base ball . was played on the college grounds last Friday afternoon between a scrub nine from town and a college nine. The score stood 20 to 13, in favor of the town boys. Another game will be played soon. Sbe Wm Completely CureU.1 A daughter of my customer suffered from suppressed menstruation, and her health was completely wrecked. At my suggestion she used one bottle of Bradfield's Female Regulator, which cured her. J. "V. IIelkums, Water "Valley, Miss. Write the Biadfield Reg. Co., At- i lanta, Ga., for particulars. Sold by j 1-9 C. A. Hooper, Druggist. rii IV a Buyer in New York on the lookout to purchase for us any and all classes of goods that may be thrown easily be seen that we can sell our goods cheaper than ANY OTHER RETAIL. HOUSE, not only in do is to give our customers the benefit of these vast advantages. In other words, we mean to retail Our Glove and Hosiery Depart ment is complete in every way, and full of bargains. Our Ladies' and Children's Hose will recommend themselves when you price them, as will, also, our Gloves and Mitts, of which we carry an immense line. . In addition to all the staple brands of Corsets we are introducing a new line, oonsisting of Model A. B. and I. B. and made especially for our tracte. They beat anything that has ever been offered . here. Come and see them. If you want to see real bargains then .vou must look through our line of Ha ndkerchiefs. The prices made on them will' cause you to lay in a supply. OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Is more complete than it has ever been before. in our line. We Monday night of this week the night watches attempted to arrest twe drunk and disorderlies, when the said d. and d.'s opened fire upon the marshals. The fire was returned, some five or six shots being exchanged. One of the parties weakened and gave himself up, but the qxLcr one escaped. The prisoner was taken before Judge Odell and gave his name as Aleshire. He entered a plea of guilty and was fined 525 and costs, and now lan guishes in Hotel de Frank, d' Wilson. ' Pernin's U ni versa! Phonography, simplest, most legible and rapid of all shorthands, complete : i ten easy les sons, opeea ior practical worK in from three to five months, according to time aevotea to study, instruction also given on the type-writer. Short hand also taught by mail. For full particulars, terms, etc., call at the Central Normal College, or address jE. Stevenson, Great Bend, Kan. Geo. Elliot and wife have moved to the city from South Bend. Pieplant roots 50 cents per dozen. East side of square. T. T. Rhodes. To the Farmers. We are now prepared to insure your crops against damage by hail. Call and see us. m Odell & Gunnell. Grand lodge Knights of Pythias. Tickets to Leavenworth and return on sale May 10th. 21sl and 22d, good to return on or before May 25th. One fare for the round trip. W. Torrey, Agent, A. T. & S. F. K. R. The Mother's Frlena." Not only shortens labor and lessens pain attending it,but greatly diminishes the danger of life of both mother and child if used a few months before con finement. Write to The Bradfield Reg ulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for further particulars. Sold by 1-9 C. A. IIoorER, Druggist. Corn and Feed, at Culver's Eleva 37tf tor. Our Ladies' Shoes cannot be sur passed for beauty and durability, and here, too, you will observe that our prices throughout this department are much lower than they were ever be fore sold for. We keep the best School Shoe for children that can be gotten up. In Men's and Boys' foot wear we carry a complete line, and would call attention to the fact tbat we have in stock 86 pairs of Boys' full stock Calf Boots, excellent quality, which we will close out at SI a pair. We will also ofier one lot of Men's Fine, Low-cut Shoes at 87 cents a pair, the actual value of these shoes is $2 a pair. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. There is where we make things hum. Our line of Men's and Boys' Clothing cannot be excelled, and we will positively save you money on assure you that km Tb TnAn fine weitrhincr 490 Bounds I the other 130 pounds, killed a deer in the woods, and . a man comes along and offers them 20 cents : per pund, which they accept, but having no scales to ascertain its true weight they resorted to the following method: They get a fence rail and place it so it will balance evenly witn tne two men on either end. They now i change places, the 130-pcund man taking the deer In his arms, ana tne rad still balances. Query, what did the deer weigh? Will not some of our apt young readers solve this prob lem and give us an answer lor puDir cation in the Democrat? Locals will be somewhat scarce from now until after harvest. Everybody will be too busy to tell what they know. Comtnmption Cnred An old physician retired from active practice having had placed in his hands by an east Indian missionary the formula for a certain simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Throat and Lung troubles, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. The receipt sent free to all who may desire it with full directions for pre paring and successfully using. Ad dress, naming this paper, 1-11 Dr. M. E. Cvss, 210 Grand-st., Jersey City, X. J. W.H.GRANT County Superintendent. Office open Saturdays of each week Office hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. MRS. E. LOWREY. 3Jpriiig Millinery COMPLETE STOCK OF EMBROIDERY, SILK VELVET, VEILINGS, NOTIONS, Etc. flew Goods at Low Prices. North Side Square, - - Great Bend. nl every piece of clothing purchased. We carry an elegant line of Men's Goods, consisting of English Cork screws and Worsteds, as also a com plete line of Scotch Goods in Sacks and Cutaways. Our Men's and Boys' Trousers are cheaper" by 20 per cent, than anything of the kind that has ever been shown in the city. We also carry a complete line of Child's Suits and Knee Pants, at prices that will talk for themselves. Come and look through this department, if only to post yourself; it will give us pleas ure to show you the stock and will do you good; and while you are in that department don't forget to examine our FURNISHING GOODS. We carry everything in White and Colored Shirts, Linen and Flannel Shirts, adapted for the spring trade. TO it is to your interest to do so. On sad miter October il. 138S. titles leav Great Bend as f allows. Tit s - ' N-2, Atlantic Ex ; ..Y;. 5. 17 p. m. TC Kow York Ri . 4:& a. Hi. 2fol6, Eastern Ex...... 1 . m- No. 1, California Ex 19:13 .m V Mpiira Mid Arilin TTTrs Jh41 . m - Ko5, Den jet and Utah Ex - 93 P- Kxpre.. ...... 13:45 uvu LUTIS. Express -- 4:55 p.m. Mo. I. AXXITE3 St Louis Express . 1153 P m Colorado Express... , -.. assist DEPAXTS 4:40 a Ei 10.30 p ia E. W. Watsajt. A pent. St Louis Express. .. . Colorado Express.. All trains daily. Cook Stove. Good coal cook stove for sale cheap. For particulars, enquire at the Demo crat office. Oar customers call for Dr. Seth Arnold's . COUGH KILLER, and -wo don't find it profit bio to keep any other. J. X. Richardson & Son Richfield, Mian. Druggists, 25c., 50c- $1-00. Aftpr tpn vears exclusive sale can bow ba obtained of atf Drnfrsrfsts and Dealers in Medi cines. It CUiiE-tlve notice-not simply helps bat CURfcS LIVER COliPLAUX, Kiliousnrcs inl Dyspepsia. Is a ptrictly vegetable preparation a1 CUKE Malaria, and all !alaeial troubles. Dr. S. 11. Wise, of Boston, Ky. says: "Have practiced medicine 15 years, and find no equal to Herbine as a -Liver lieg-ulstor." Dr. Y. A. Bakor, of iladL-on. Hj., ears : A bottle of Herbixe is worth more ihaa 5.00 worth of Quinine in any family " Acting on the Liver in a different way from any other medicine; it ia a positive cure for Chronic. Conrtipatiou and is cheaper than Pills. Its peculiar composition is ench, that wo guarantee to en re any case of Chills and fever or Bilious Fever with one bottle. It costs but 75 cents and each bottle con tains over 40 average doses, maklssr the cost jess than two cent 5 a dose. Would you ak for cheaper medicine 9 It is not a cure-all . Bn( will enre anv Liver, Rilions or Uala rial Complaint. Manufactured by "Ilio TTorbl -n o C7o... (Successors to Wm.Condell.) U Louis, 2XO. 3,Iother, to little girl: "Daughter dear, tell your father to buy everything he can at Friend's we need that $100. F3J of Men's underwear in every style. Men's half hose, su5pender3 and neckwear in such varieties a3 will please you. Re member that we will positively save you a good round per cent on every arti rift hon Tht. n AT?n Anr.r. nnd we mean to do it. We are the . only house that buys hats direct from the manufacturer and that in can 3 that we cas asi will sell them lower for the quality, than any one else. OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT Contains Body and Tapestry Brussels, Ingrain, Rag and Hemp Carpets; Coco and Straw Mattings; a fine line of Rugs, Oilcloth, Lenoliunrs and Steel Mats; the latter is something entirely new, and will pay to buy. WINDOW SHADES. We carry a complete line of Window Shades, with or without rollers. pi iiaiuaa.! Respectfully, 6. ffiHIl ..IMger of the fa- M. Store.