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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
DEMOCRAT SUPPLEMHHT 1890 THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1890. For carpets end oil cloths, go to the St. Jiouis Store. J. B. Owings wants to show jou farm implements of all kinds. x Mince pie and cheese are good food for reflection" they keep a fellow awake at nights reflecting what a blamed fool he was to eat 'em. A handsome, open buggy, almost as good as new, for sale cheap. Call on E. Simmons, north side. . Dr. D. Q. Gibbons has opened a dental office in the Fair block, second stairway from the postoffice, room No. 2, and will be glad to meet all persons desiring dental work. Friday evening, about 10:30, the alarm of fire was given and those who responded found a large, unoccupied, two-story frame house, in Ireland's addition, in flames.' It burned to the ground in a short time. Luckily no other house stood near it, otherwise there might have been worse disaster. It is thought the house was set on fire by tramps. ' Here is Your Chance To buy cheap horses, buggies and harness, almost on you own terms. We have leased our east side barn and desire to dispose of above stock imme diately. Chappell's Barn, East Side. Real Estate, Loans and Collections. FARM. LOANS A SPECIALTY, Option payments. Lands for Sale. lamest Rates. Prompt Payment. Taxes paid. Rents collected, and a large list of lots and Send for list of lands in Barton and Stafford Csunties. Correspondence Soiloitecl. A. J. BUCKLAND, Great Bend, Kans Missouri Pacific Railway. The Missouri Pacific rafl.vay has recently placed elegant free reclining chair cars to Pueblo, Denver, Kan sas City, and St. Louis, througli without change, on trains 201 and 202. Direct connections art made in union depots for all points east and west. For farther particulars see E. W. Waynant, Agent. Real Estate Broker. oan and Insurance Arjcnt. HAVE FOR SALE "Improved Farms and City Property. Farm Loans a Specialty- ATSIXPERGENT. With Privilege to pay After One YEAR. Main Stseet - - GREAT BE3TD, Kas. Thoroughbred Stallions. J BLACK JIM. Will stand the season com. mencing April 1. 1300, and ending Ju'y 1st; at my farm, formerly owned by Chas. K. Matron, 7 miles north and 4 miles west of Great Bend, 5 miles south west of Hoisiogton. and 2? miles south of Boid. Will serve mares at S8 to insure colt to stand np and such money due when facts are ascertained. Service niouey due when the mare is parted with or removed from the county. Care taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible should any occur. Description and pedigree: Black Jim was fo?led in Itjgl; is 16i hands high, weighs 1,400 lbs., fine style and goou action, and is a number one breeder. He was sired by Ohio Boy, he by imported Norman horse Snap; da:n full blood Bellfounder m&re; his dam was sired by Norman Tom; he by Kex Road's imported Norman horse Kotby; dam, Cub Bear and Newman: his grand dam was sired by Old Frank; he by liray Eagle, he hv McKinney's roan Jim Polk, he by Old Archie; he by Old Trim; he by Old Reduced Hates. 87.50 Great Bend to Colorado points. $7.50 Great Bend to Mis souri River points. $15.15 first class; $12.15 second clas3, Great Bend to Chicago, and to all points on same basis, via Santa Fe route. W. Tokkey, Agent, A. T. & S. F. For Sale. Four good work horses, all broke, ranging from 3 to 9 vears old. Also two sets of harness and two wagons. Also 4 head of good ponies, broke to work. Will sell for cash or trade for other, unincumbered, property. En quire at this office. Topeka and Return. Annual Meeting Grand -'Lodge, Knights of Pythias, May 20th to 23d, tickets on sale May 20 to 22, good to return until May 25th, one fare for the round trip. E. VV. Waynant Agent. Whip, of Kentucky; he by Old Frank, darned by Leviathan; she by imported Whip from Kentucky; she by Old Waxey; she by imported Davey Crocket; his dam by Beck, BCLLGGR IICK. -Is black, 16 hands high, 4 vears old in May; weighs 1000 lbs., heavy mane I and tail, well formed body, full chest, strong loins J and hips, heavy stifles, flat, cordy legs, good feet aifd good disposition Terms. S9 to iusure colt to siana up ana suck. TOUXO KIXG.-Is a black, 3-year-old first of May, weight 1,325; is of the same dam as Black .Tim; sired by King of Scotland; is the Mre of Bullger Dick Young'King, Clidesdale horse. Terms, S9 . . BLACK WARRIOR, the celebrated Jack. Veighs 890 lbs., "14 hands high, will stand at the same place; will serve mares at $10. Warrior was sired by Honest John, he was a Spanish Jack, his dam was a maltese Jennet. Jolan "W Feaster. THE xi .1 . Si SHiPMAN AUTOMATIC STEAM EHrGIIVril. Fuel, Kerosene Oil. The cleanest safest, most economical and desirable power in the world for Printers, Jewelers, Machinists, Farmers, Grain Elevators, pumping water, sawing wood, etc. No dust, ashes, or dirt. Re quires but little attention, and no engineer. For catalogue and further particulars, Address, POPE HAHPG CO., 291 Wabash Ave- Chicago.