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DBT GOODS AKD HACKEft B SOS. We have received many new things in Dry Goods, Boots Shoes, Hats and Caps for early Spring wear. Onr store is headquarters for people wish ing to buy a goodly supply of goods with a limited amount of money. Our farmer friends should avail themselves of this, as we cheerfully show goods whether you'buy or not. Kindly remember us and come to our Store. GKATEFULLY, HACKER BROS. GROCERIES AHD Members, Alliance! YOU will hereby take notice that we have secured the contract to furnish groceries to the members of the order in county. Our stock is all Fresh and Clean, the our Weights and Measures Full, and we invite a Fair and Impartial Trial of our Goods. Come ONE AND ALL .F8BURQ S WELIM1 THE DEMOCEAT. flIFICIAL COUHTY. PAPBR. U 1.M PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. fj WILL E. STOKE, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. GREAT BfcND, - - KANSAS LOCAL SHOBT STOPS. "Hera's freedom to him that would read, IJera'i freedom to him that would write. There's bob ever feared that the truth should be heard, But they whom the truth would indict." Fosburg & Welch for fresh grocer ies at low prices. A Mrs. Meyers, of Eureka town ship, died last Wednesday. Some people loose their nerve when they go to a dentist others wish they had. We will have all kinds of fresh fruits in their season. Fosburg & Welch. Dave Gray was down Friday. As a matter of course it rained Saturday night. . Hardware and cutlery at a bargain, at T.J. Flint's, west of First National Bank. See the list of jurors drawn fur the Jane term of court, elsewhere in this paper. - . The business men's carnival will be a big thing. Don't fail to attend and enjoy the fun. Read the decision of the Supreme court on the shipping of liquors in original packages. May 13th is the date set for the merchants' carnival. Some 25 or 30 business houses will be represented. A walking "fake" was at the Grand last Thursday night. If any one else was there we have failed to learn of it. The pestiferous rattlesnake has mad his appearance. The sale of, "snake medicine" will increase rapidly. S. B. Chappell will sell a lot of wagons, Duggies, norses, barn ess etc., at public sale, in this city, on the 10th inst '' The editor acknowledges the receipt of a handsome invitation to a "May Day Picnic at LaOrosse on the 9th inst. ' - Don't marry a girl because you think she is an angle it ain't fair to the girl, and proves your bad judge meat. T. J. Flint, west of First National Bank, furnishes all kinds of sewing machine needles and fixtures. Call on him for repairs. The new stone pavement just finished by G. N. & RR. Moses is an ornament to Main street. It should induce others to go and do likewise. CLOTHING. PROVISIONS J. B. Owings wants to show you farm implements of all kinds. Prof. C 1. Worman opened up his battle scenes to the public gaze, the last of the week, and had many peepers thereat. The Said Pasha opera company, to have been here on the 7th, has post poued their date to the 27th. Watch for their bills. Under the proposed law for .public buildings, Great Bend will come in for a post office building. Pawnee Rock Leader. Farmers needing water tanks built or wind mills repaired or put up, should call upon E. Simmons, north side of square. A number ot South side young people held a dance at G. A. R. ball last Friday evening, and enjoyed them selves hugely. J. H. Harper is now nicely fixed up in the room formerly occupied by the postoffice. He has more room to display his large stock. Ernst Panne and Mr. Henning were in the city Saturday. They are part ners in the ownership of a fine, English draft Stallion. "Brussel." E. Simmons has added to his stock of furnature a complete stock of undertakers goods, and solictis a share of the public patronage. Dick Manning has bought his former blacksmith business from Will JLegg. and can again be found at the old stand by his many friends. Domestic sewing machines, and fixtures and repairs for all kinds of sewing machines, at T. J. Flint's, west of of First National Bank. A. Schriwise, of near Hoisington, was a caller Monday. He has traveled over the county considejably and says wheat is generally in splendid condi tion. - D. B. Palmer is making both farm and city loans. He is also agent for the very best insurance "companies. Office Room 6, Allen-Hubbard block. Chas. A. Voight,ofnearEllinwood, favored this office with a social call, Thursday last. He promises us some thing further on the .beet sugar question at an early day. In the language of flowers the golden-rod is a symbol oi encourage ment. The sunflower is a symbol of Kansas' indometable pluck and perse v erance--en courage men t or no encour agement. .. ' '.' ' : '- - - When you need a mild laxative you should have a medicine that will act on the liver and kidneys as well as the bowels. Beggs Vegetable Liver Pills are prepared expressly for this pur pose. Insist on getting them as tbey nave no superior ' and few equals. Shaw & Co., Druggists. M. T. Slack, a Mo. P. conductor, and brother-in-law of Dick Taj lor, was in the city Saturday shaking hands with old friends. , No one will sell you cheaper hard ware, farm implements, cutlery, etc., than J. B. Owings, east of the post office. ' The school board last week had a lot more trees set out in the school grounds. With proper care our city School grounds will eventually be handsome parks. G. N. & E. R. Moses have no traveling agents. If you want a Ran dolph or Cummings header, binder, threshing machines, etc., call and see them. The Walnut Creek Mills and Great Bend Mills, were closed down the last few days to make needed repairs and enlargements. Our mills are the finest in the world. G. I. Detinenberry bought a 160 acre farm from the estate ofElias Jolly, deceased, last week, for $2,800. The farm is near Claflin, in the north east part of the county. A. 8. Bish, formerly of Great Bend, but now of St. John, was in the city Saturday on business. He reports crop prospects good in Stafford county. The Democrat now goes to him weekly. Charlie Barstow, of the south side, is experimenting with cotton raising. He thinks the useful article can be raised in this county at a good profit. When you are in his neighborhood call and see his cotton. Hank Smith, the Sage of Cheyenne, was in the city Friday on business. He says the alliance of Barton county are talking of holding a grand barbecue at some convenient place about the first of June. A good plan. At all times see G. N. & E. R. Moses when yon want bargains in hardware, stoves, tin mpper and gran- iteware, implements of all kinds, dishes of all kinds, watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, sewing machines, and novelties. You want to see their stock and get their prices before you buy "you bet you do." The young ladies of district No. 4, Buffalo township, will give an ice cream supper, Saturday, May 10th; the proceeds to be used in purchasing a bell for the school house. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to attend. The committee of councilmen to investigate the cemetery matter should be thorough and careful. There is great need of some change from the present state of affairs, and the city council, as business agent for the entire people, is the proper body to act in the matter. A continual coughing is very annoy ing to persons sitting near you in any kind of a gathering; besides it is of great damage to the throat and lungs, and is exceedingly dangerous at this season of the year. One-half bottle of Beggs Cherry Cough Syrup will relieve any ordinary cough, and this remedy costs no more than the inferior grades that are thrown on the market to sell at enormous profits. Shaw & Co., Druggists. Who said the men could not make a snccess as cooks? Certainly no one who attended their supper at the M. E. church last Friday night. The supper was a grand success, and the proceeds $87, was the largest amount ever made by a church supper in this city. The ladies had just as well take a back seat now as cooks, and go into poli tics. New Fence Factory. T. Eads has established a factory with J. B. Owings for the purpose of making and selling the combination Fence, a cheap and servicable fence for most any purpose. Farmers are invited to call and see the fence. Wm. Winget, of the firm of Winget Bros., Albert, Kas., extensive horse breeders and stockmen, was in the city this week, and purchased from Messrs. Rhea & Jackson their fine jack, Dick Turpin, the consideration being $750.00. This well-known jack is 15 hands high, a beautiful black and has fine bone and carriage. We congratu late Messrs. Winget Bros, upon pos sessing such a fine animal, and predict a brilliant future for Dick Turpin in Kansas. Central Missourian, Glas gow, Mo. Annual fleeting German Babtlsts. ' Pertle Springs Mo. May 23d to 30th. For the above meeting the Mo. Pac. will sell round trip tickets May 20th to 28th inclusive, good for return passage, until June 25th, Fare $9.25. Side trips can 'also be made from Warrensburg Mo.', for one fare for round trip. E. W. Waynaitt, Agt. Southern Baptist Association May 7tb, 8th and 9th, good to return 30 days from date of sale. - One fare for the round trip. - E. W. Waysamt, Agent. THE PB0DU0EBS. BT BCCXKTX. Tbe people named above Have succeed now In solving tbe ; Econmic puzzles by ties of. , Fraternal love; for tbe farmers now resolving A few Reforms to Make, bare awakened to tbe danger in Electing fr the state, and nation Representatives, their S'alary just to draw. And now At last, bat not tbe - Least, they remember well this ancient saw, and Labor effectually in knowing that lit UHRT THUS IS STKSXwTH. And when with a lower tariff, and then. No war-tax rate; when rid of a law which Cannot prohibit, then will attend oar state Enoogh prosperity to exhibit, thiooghout its bredth and length. Do not wait till it is too late, as all Harvesting Machinery is sold upon orders, and when yon want one you want it badly, and it may not be here. We will protect you, by taking your order now, guaranteeing prices and machines, and if crops are a failure you need not take the machine. Remember you will get from us any rebate that might be during the season. We sell the new improved Steckle & Randolph steel Headers, Deering Binders, Case.' Springfield & Frick Threshing machines. See us before you buy. 3t G. N. & E. R. Moses. Wanted Man and wife to go on farm until after harvest. Enquire at this office. Ordered, by the county commission ers, that all applicants to the mayor of Great Bend, or township trustees, for aid as poor persons, shall be sent to the poor house, except in cases where temporary aid will, in the judgement of mayor or trustees, afford necessary relief. The following provisions only can be issued to 'such poor persons Flour, meal, bacon, rice, beans, molas ses, salt, pepper, dried apples, except in cases of extreme old age or sickness. Merchants furnishing other provisions do so at their own risk, unless properly authorized. D. K. Jones, Co. Clerk. If you or any one of your family should happen to be frightfully burned or scalded, what have you in the house to alleviate the pain until you can get a physician? A box of Beggs German Salve at band in times like this would save a world or Buffering and oftentimes a doctor bill, as it has no equal in cases of this kind, as well as inflammation of all kinds. Shaw & Co., Druggists. I wish to say to the people of Great 5end and JBarton county: That I keep constantly on hand a large stock of Canon City Coal. I also keep other Colorado and Eastern soft coals. - ' E..F. Mowbey. Office and yard one block north of square. ' Coal! Coal! Coal! Maitland, Colorado Coal equal to "" v. e j i vauuuu vitj tur unmeant; use uuu suitable for threshing engines also, genuine Piedmont Blacksmith Coal, best quality and cheap as the cheapest, f-r sale by Ueo. W. Bdckland. South Main St., opposite G. A. R. hall Grand Lodge. Knights of PjtbJas. Round trip tickets will be sold to Topeka at one fare. On sale May 19 to 22 inclusive, good to return to May 25, inclusive. W. Torbey, Agent, ' A. T. & S. F. R. R. This is a Bargain. For Sale a 160 acre farm, eight miles southwest of Great Bend, south of river; 2 work horses, harness and wagon; farm implements; 50 chickens; 300 bushels of corn; 10 tons of ha ; 13 head of cattle; cow shed 26x42; stable for 5 horses; corn crib 10x26; 42 acres broke, 36 acres of pasture, 30 tons of hay made on place every year; frame house with furniture and everything in it. Price: $1,600. Call on or address: The Democrat, Great Bend, Kansas. Texas Excursions. The Mo. Pac. will sell round trip tickets to Texas points May 20th Sept 9th & 23d and Oct 14th, good for 30 day 8 with stop over privileges, for one fare for the round trip. E. W. Waynant, Agt. Fort Worth Spring Palace, Also southern Baptist association. We will sell round trip tickets to Fort Worth May 7th to 23th for one fare good to return until June 3d, except that tickets sold on May 8th and 9th will be good to return until June 9th. W. Tokkey, Agent, A. T. & S. F. R. R. Handsomest Train in the World. On a New England or New York railroad? No. On the Santa Fe? Yes. This train runs daily on the shortest line between Kansas City and Chicago, and is also known as Pullman Vestibule Express, Santa Fe Route. Lighted by electricity, heated by steam, with handsome reclining chair cars, a library for. the studious, fine dining-car service for the hungry, and fast time for those in a hurry. When Nellie Bly was in a hurry she traveled Santa Fe Route. For additional in formation inquire of W. Torrey, agent Santa Fe route, or write to Geo. T. Nicholson, G. P. & T. A., Topeka, Kansas. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. COUNTY OFFICERS. Treasurer L il Krause Clerk O K Jones Attorney E C Cole Sheriff F D Wilson Clerk of Court W It Banting i Register F G Strothman Probate Judge B F Ogle Supt of Schools W H Grant Surveyor Bernard Markey fHLangfield Commissioner G N Moses (C Coughlin CITY OFFICERS. Mayor O B Wilson Clerk K A Charles Treasurer O J Richards Marshal Jim Wood Surveyor S A Newcombe COUHCILMK3. . . Langham C L Moses J S Dalziel , W B Cornell G H Hulne C Q Newcombe C B Gillis Myron Gillmore Postmaster Morgan Caraway. R. R. TIME CARDS. AT&SF On and after October 21, 1888, trains leave Great Bend as folio vs, via : soiwa IA81, Na.2. Atlantic Ex S i7 r. No. 6, Eastern Ex 7:32 . m. eonro WKST. No. 1. California Ex io-7 m o 6. Denver and Utah Ex 9:38 p. m CK&W uavKS. Bxpreas 10:35 a. m. Express 5:30 p.m. ARKTVXa. ty . xjujz.z. I , Agent. St Louis Express 11:15 p m Colorado Express 6:40 a m auitu St Louis Express 5:10am DKFABT8 Uoioraao Jucpress 9:45 p m au uu uauy. E. TV. Watwakt, Agent, TRAINING - STABLES. Special attention given to the handling of young norses on the track. Do a LIVE ZE3"Z And Boarding business. Terms reason able. West of Grand Central Hotel. GREAT BEND, - KANSAS. Great Bend Marble Works ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE, FOREIGN AND NATIVE GRANITE ETC. GEORGIA :-: MARBLE! The finest in the world. Will GUARANTEE my work to be equal in Style and Finish to that of any Eastern works. Prices reason able, and all work promptly done. CALL AND SEE ME. : O. R. Brooker. J Foe Voult WRITE TO P. A. DOMVILLE Agent for ENGINES, BOILERS, SHAFTING, HANGERS, PULLEYS, BELTING, Brass and Iron Castings. Patterns of all Kinds Hade. Correspondence Solicited. Address: P. A. DOMVILLE, Kansas City, Mo. No. 924 E. 4th Street. THE MAMMOTH JACK, "PEDRO" This is not Pedro,n nor his picture. Will make tbe season of 1890 at tbe Epperson Farm, 2 miles west of the Santa Fe Depot, on tbe Railroad. Description. PEDRO is 5 years ddis 14 hands high; has extra heavy bone, and good body; is quick and a sure foaler. Terms. $10 to insure; money doe when mare is known to be in foal: All care will be taken to prevent accidents, but I will not be responsible should any occur. Great Bend, Jans. FOR -RRAIR1E PLANTERS! Ererrreens. Forest Trees." Ornamental Tree. Flow ering Shrnba and Plants, and hardy Fruit Trees. Qood Stock. Locr Prices. Senff for oar Catalogue and see what we offer yoa. PINNEY & LONG, ljaseSa Ellsworth. Kans. fCT fJTrC I'"CI For Information f ail (rtrrrra tl A ll- t Land, ud of mil States BAKKJXG JT. Y. BRINKMAN & CO., B A N E B B S. ESTABLISHED 187-. DOELS A GENERAL' iBANKING BUSINESS. Great Bend. Farmers & Merchants' Bank ciiPiTniat D. N. IIEIZER, President C. L. MOSES, ice President. MOSES. Interest Paid on Organized Under GREAT BEND, - First :-; National :-: Bank, Great Bend Kansas Capital: $50,000. Undivided Pro& its: $20,000. J. W. RUSH.lPreaideat. Q. H. HULME, Vice priadenf C. M. WICKWIRE, &. DIRECTORS: G. H. Hulme, C. F. Willner, J. W. Rush, E. McBride, C.M. Wickwire. - A General Banking Business Transacted. Interest - Paid - on - Time - Deposits. REAlf ESTATE, 1XJAXS, AXD INSURANCE N. HEIZE Land, Loan and Insurance Agent Agent for Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Land in Hush, Barton and Stafford Counties. Taxes paid for Non-Residents, and Lan v bought and sold on comims- " sion. Letters of Inquiry prompt ly answered. Great 33 end .Bam. Real Estate, Loans and Collections. FARM LOANS A SPECIALTY. Lowest Rales. Prompt Payment. Option payments. Taxes paid. Rents collected, and a large list of lots and Lands for Sale. Send for list of lands in Barton and Stafford Csunties. Correspondence Soilorteci- A. J. BUCKLAND, Great Bend, Kans. Real Estate Broker. ocm and Insurance Agent. HAVE FOB SALE "Improved Farms and City Property. Farm Loans a Special tj-Q A.T IX 3PE.R GENT. With PriYflega to pay After One YEAB. Main Btsee - - GREAT BZETD. Xaa. Thoroughbred Stall ions. Whip, of Kentucky: he by Old Frank, darned by she by 01i Waxe'y; she by imported Davey Crocket; his dam by Beck, BCLIXilER IICK.-Is black. 16M hands hieh. 4 years old in May; weighs 16O0 lbs., heavy mane and tail, well formed body, full chest, strong loins and hips, heavy stifles, flat, cordy leg, good feet and good disposition. Terma. $9 to insure colt to stand up and suck. TOtXG KIXO Is a black. 3-year-old first of Mar: weight 1.325: is of tbe same dam as Black Jim: sired by King of Scotland; is the tire of Bullger Dick ' xoung JLtng. t-iiaesaaie norse. .terms, su. BLArKWARKIOS, the celebrated Jack. Weighs 890 lbs., 14 hands high, will stand at tbe same place; will serve mares at $10. Warrior was sired by Honest John, he was a Spanish Jack, his dam was a maltese Jennet. John W. Peoster. gq-inXSEcnCTsgn arias MWCmiIm W wU.'UalWbr l.w MaaaigtaiCylyflaw VlMM.aif Pmw, X. rnrr m. wtsb bob nor at imh antdn cu ba ixai rlCCvavar7Uttlark,taeM taelad Blcrcx. MmrUmn, CrwkTT.Weha. Ctoeka. inrtmt, Ban ItUd aw CBTEUA HIMUAt f. inn. Ann cnAr.Tt m m Masmmii mmm w BaMaaaaM wwa - iri- "Uuia DotocUTCw" t3. beat! for Prtoa J IS OS FILE MM i AT teb orncKS A. C3. Kcllcj Eccrspcper Co BOUSES. 050,000. o. J. RICHARDS. CashJer. c. W. MUKMIY, Aasistant Caaalcr. C. L. MOPES G. N. MOSES. E. W. MOSES. Time Deposits. Laws of the State. - - - KANSAS. (1 9 Kansas BLACK JI3I Will stand the season com mencing April 1. 1890, and ending Jaly 1st; at toy farm, formerly owned by Chas. K. Mataon, ? milea north and 4 miles west of Great Bend, 5 miles sooth west of Hoisington. and milea aoath of Boid. Will serve wares at $8 to insure colt to standnp and such money due when facta are ascertained. Service money due when the maris parted with or removed from the county. Care taken to. prereo t accidents, but will not be responsible should any occur. UencriDtion and pedigree: BlackfJim waa foaled in 1881; is 16?i hands hieb. weighs, 1,400 Iba lino style and good action, ana is a number one breeder. He was sired by Ohio Boy, he by imported Xoroiaa bor?e Snap; dra full blood BeUfoander mare: bis dam was sired by Norman Tom; he by Bex Road's imported Norman horse Kothy; dam. Cub Bear and Newman; his jrrand dam was sired by Old Frank; he by Uray Eagle, he by M cKinner'a' man Jim Polk; be hj Old Archie: he by Old Trim: he by Old U. S. STfiliDJiaD SCCLES1 Premium Scales of the World i LOWEST IN PfiZCS BEST EC QCAXXXTl dreda of Jr JZESZTL F1-" - . " ' - -ru " ocie sad ki reel below mm ti "Slib. H,ht TTacans twfea. t.S rr- (.inter JUiert ... LM : ' ?rgir--arra faw i.3 Sg'- cAxU5 SCALE 4X. GZfiZ