Newspaper Page Text
THE DEMOCRAT. OFFICIAL COUHTY PAPBR, (Office in Opera Block) GREAT BEND, : KANSAS. WILL E. mil, Mlbaer aa rntpritUr. PUBLISHED WEEKLY TERM OF SUBSCBIPTION CASH. One yew..., 150 Mt month.! 75 Three months -50 Entered m second class matter at the Great Bend Maws, postoffiee. WAll advertisements or communications, to ob tain an insertion In the Democrat, must M nanaea in by Wednesday noon of each week, at the very latest. , DEMOOEATIO OOHGKESSIOITAI. CON VEHTION. A JWsiA contention of the democrats of the Seventh Congressional District of the state of Kan pas, is hereby called to meet at Pratt Center, on Tuesday, August 19th, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of nominating a canaiaaie ioi congress ior mmKA district. The basis of representation to said convention will be one delegate for each 300 votes or fraction of 109 or over cast lor unas. a. coey in 1888. The several counties will be entitled to the following delegates: Barbour... Barton. ... Clark Comanche , Edwards.., Kinney.... Ford Grant... . Gray . Garfield... Greely'.... Hamilton.. Harper.... Harvev.... Lane ... McPherson.. Meade Morton Ness Pawnee .. . Pratt Reno Rice Rush Scott Sedgwick. . . . Seward Stafford Stevens .... Sumner Stanton 1 8 1 1 1 5 1 8 9 .. ...5 2 1 21 1 3 Hodgeman. -1 Haskell 1 Kingman S Kiowa. 2 Kearney. 1 . ...10 . ...l Wichita 1 Total 113 Te Secretaries of the several County Central committees are requested to forward to the secretary of the Congressional committee at Dodge City the names of the delegates as selected Dj ine several eountv conventions. It is also recommended that the several counties select their delegates on Saturday, August tn, 1890. By order of Committee. Johw Richardsost, Chairman, W. F. PBTnxiON, Secretary. County Oentral Committee. There will be a meeting of the demo- . cratic county central committee, at the Iceland hotel, GreatBend, on Saturday, July 19th, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of calling a democratic county convention to select delegates to the state convention, and also to the con gressional convention for the 7th con gressional district. o Fbed Zutavenr, Chairman.. ;Will E, Stoke, Secretary. Kansas Knights of Fytbias carried off second prize in the .grand drilling contest at Milwaukee " last week. Another plume in the brigfit, Kansas helmet. They are never at a loss for expedi ents at Ottowa. When an original package man opened His house there a few days ago, 'the inhabitants went down town and "rioted" and then had the package man arrested tor inciting a riot. Topeka Journal, Topeka's boomer, the capitalist' state official, real estate men, etc., are trying to get bonds voted- to build another bridge across the Kaw, but the country tax payers, the farmers of the country are up in arms with a protest; saying that there is no need of an extra bridge at a cost of $300,000. On the evening of .the 1.3th a terrible cvclone passed over 'the town of Lake City, Minnesota, and was terribly des tructive to both life and property. An excursion boat on Lake Pepin was capsized, and many people; drowned. Two or three hundred lives ilost, is the telegraphic report. g TnPWIf 1 19 riiK1r f i-aiiKIo'' only has an overplus of riotous prohi bitionists, but a lot of "barm burners who . have lately . been . making things "hot." If Topeka cannot bet ter control her citizens the "woolly west" will have to assert its rights and get up a capital removal boom. rHE call for the democratic state convention to be held at Wichita Sep tember 9th,. appears elsewhere. By the Apportionment of delegates Barton county ihas four delegates and four alternates. The county central com mittee will meet at Great Bend Satur- aayor.uns weeK to call a convention to select such delegates. Let there be a full meeting of the committee. Last week an immense mass meet ing of citizens was held at Topeka, to protest against the action of the county and various unreasanable' cranks who, by persistent prosecution and harass ing of the o. p. dealers, thereby putting the county to a great expense, and not closing the o. p. house. Strong resolu uons were passed condemning such prosecutions, and the attempts of such pretended prohibitionists to cast odium upon the highest .courts of the land. The Lamed Eagle-Optic is trying to start an infant boom for Henry W. Scott, ex-register of the Larned land office, as a candidate for congress in tl e 7th district. Scott is set forth as a sort of an infant wonder, a judicial prodigy, and the Eagle-Optic would like to have the alliance people take him in their arms and carry him to Washington. The Eagle-Optic is wasting its valuable space however, for the alliance people will be slow to pick up any man who has been in such close communion with "the republican party from Barton county." Ox the 22nd inst., next Thusday the people's convention to nominate a candidate for .congress in the 7th. dis trict will be held in this city. Great interest is taken in this convention by old line politicians, as, if that conven tion selects the right kind of timber thereis a good chance of. their man winning. Besides the delegates to thai convention, there will be present many of the political manipulatoi 8 from all over the district who will watch the proceedings anxiously and put in all the work they can to influence the nomination. The Ingalls Union has the following to say of that nice man, Botkin, whom neighbor Caraway was up in arms recently to defend upon charge of being drunk and making an ass of himself down in Texas. Theo. Botkin, an aspirant for con gressional honors in this district, "broke" so many original packages at Garden City Thursday night last that he became beastly drunk, and had to be assisted to his hotel by some one in the crowd who had a better "gauge" to his stomach, or "balance wheel" to his head, and did not get in that disgraceful condition. The judge is a vulger and profane man and should not receive the support of a single delegation at the Dodge City convention. He is in the field .only for buncombe and a little "Cheap John" notoriety. When a man starts ;-out to hunt a quarrel he is-generally sure to find one, and he generally comes off second best when he thus seeks a wrangle. County Clerk- Jones and a number of other gentlemen were discussing the actions of a certain school board of past years, in a friendly way, when the editor of our postoffiee adjunct overheard their talk, an3 stepping into the room where theywere took exceptions to their argu ments, the burden of the arguments, or comments, were that the city . school board had in past years, sent away and imported teachers when they ougnt to have employed home talent. Friend Caraway being one of those imported teachers appeared to think it his busi ness to inform the gentleman that the school board did right, etc. This caused Mr. JoneB to inform our touchy neigh bor that 'he, Caraway, was not a sue cess as a teacner, etc. .because our neighbor thus "arot it in the neck" he perforce must rush into print with his little quarrel, and make .'a personal attack upon Mr. Jones. ; ' Nine Lives. . The Kansas alliance must have as many lives as a cat. Early in its his tory it was killed for favoring an extra session of the legislature to consider a stay law. .Later it wa3 killed deader than a door nail by the action of the county presidents in denouncing Sena tor Ingalls. The Barber county resolu tion not to vote for a lawyer for judge came near being fatal, but -considering the fact that no such resolution ever passed, the press of the state consented that" the alliance might live for a brief season. Then came that fatal secret convention of the sixth district, which killed the. whole -movement entirely. Shortly ' after this the alliance died again because the Topeka conference decided to call a convention Jto put a people's ticket in the field. The sur prising thing about all these deaths is the speedy and triumphant0 resurrec tion which follows. Each time the alli ance diij?s the coming to life is attended with louder and longer demonstration than at any previous time. The alli-t ance will doubtless die a great many deaths between now and next fall,. but after the election the resurrection ceremonies will be something surpris ing to behold. 27ie Advocate.0 o Resignations. o o llie meeting of the republican com mittee, was not' embarrassed by resigua-0 tions, of its members. They unlike those democratic committeemen had nothing better to which to -go. The alliance is a god-send to intelligent democrats who have become weary of the company they were compelled to keep. Register. The secretary of the republican central committee, Mr. Clayton, told us there was "one alliance man present, and he did not resign."" As to the alliance being "a god-send to intelli gent democrats" we believe that, when the "count" is made throughout Kan sas this fall it wifl show that there are thousands of republicans who were glad of a chance to. abandon "the rotten old republican ship, that has nearly swamped; them in .debt and appressionfor the last twenty years: The Register need not worry about the democrats of Kansas; it and its ilk have enough on their hands to help run their own party followers. The alliance platform is good enough for any onebe he democrat or republican, who looks (s the wellfare of the west and south. Will Caraway admit as much? Prohibitionists Gone Mad. They have not taken hydrophobia but some of them seem to have been crazed by their pet hobby. A few days ago an pastern man, who is reputed to be worth a million dollars, was .in the city and was introduced to a prominent member of our board of Jtrade, who is a rabid prohibitionist. In the course of the conversation the eastern man remarked that he would like to make some investments in Topeka if he were sure that the prohibitory law would be, repealed. ."Why you must be a d d fool," said our " board of trade man, 'prohibition is making us richer.,, . "You may be getting richer out of it," replied the eastern" man, "but 111 not stay- over night in a city that con tains such cranks as you are." - And he left that evening for a neigh boring city where he has just recently invested about forty thousand dollars. And thus Topeka is making a repu tation for herself. How do you like it? Topeka Repub lican. NEIGHBORHOOD HAPPENINGS. Ellinwood Items. From the Advocate. Several fights occured on the 4th in this city. Did you say it was hot? Not at all. The thermometer registers only 104 in the shade and still it is quite comforta ble. The picnic at Iten's grove was a grand 4th of July success. Quite a crowd was present and all enjoyed the dance and the. many other amuse ments. . Sam .Adams is reported as having gone to Chicago lately for the purpose of tying himself to a very enticing apron string. He is "expected home today. E. L. Hotchkiss, wife and children and Mrs. Hill and children started on a visit to friends in the east last Thurs day evening. They will be gone sev; eral weeks. Chas. Downey will remember the 4th for quite a while. He had his thumb on the right hand severely burned with powder while shooting a canon early in the morning of that day The many friends of our former citizen, Dr. Harris, now residing in Atchison, will be grieved to hear of the death of his youngest child on last Friday. . Cholera infantum was the cause. The parents have the sympathy of the Advocate and their many friends in this city. Hoisington Items. From the Dispatch. Great Bend had the biggest celabra tion she has ever bad. All who attended the celebration at Great Bend report having a good time The Great Bend balcl club will likely play the Hoisington boys a return game soon. . Bailey & Moses will buy gram at this place this fall. Thi gives us three grain firms. Aew wheat is now on the market and a better price is Jbeing. paid than was at this time last year. o Now since the census reports have been approximated, a town's standard is judged by its base ball club. Frank Butler had his hand badly lacerated last evening while feeding a threshing machine beluung to D. W. Liiader. 0 .iiauey cc Moses snipped two car loads of new wheat last evening. This is the first new wheat that has been shipped from here this year. Tile grain weighed 59 pounds. The editor of the Ottawa Jourrial has figured out that Kansas pays over twice, as much0 freight on the same amount of goods shipped the" same distance as does the state 6f Iowa. The base ball game at Great Bend on Che 4th between the Great Bend and Hoisington clubs resulted in a tie at the end of the tenth " inaing and - the game, was called a draw. .The score ran way up, 25 runs0being on -each side. The first few innings it Looked as if Hoisington was going to have a walk-away but the Benders got in their workethe latter part of ttie game. Flank Kramer umpired and gav.e good satisfaction. Pawnee Bock. From the .Leader. Blowing ground for fall wiieat has commenced. Terry Nan n had his little finger on his left hand broken while feeding a threshing machine last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Erickson lost another child last week. It was taken sud denly ill and was a twin to the one that died last Sujiday a week ago. " All who we have asked say that they tuiuh. nits wueaii fin over tne. county wyi average eighteen bushels. Some on the Walnut put it at twenty. Eh? Observer, did you speak? . Ash Mairu'threshed on Monday and brought a load to tovn-(the first new wheat) for which he recieyed 60 cents It tested 58. The average.for his poorest is about fourteen bushels per acre, so he says. . Xiiuuieen oi me young jm. ;. con verts that were taken in on probation last spring were. baptised last Sunday. Fjveof them were baptised at the church by sprinkling and thirteen by emersion. Rev. Wm. Bartle officiated, assisted by Rev. Davis, of Lyons. This is-a total of twenty-two that have been baptised this conference year in the E. church. Heiz'erton 'Shots. From "Remington." Blow, Blow merry winds blow. Everybody is 'done harvesting and the shrill toot f the threshers can be heard far and near. Erad Lutschg, formerly a student of the C. X. C, has come out in the coun try to try his. hanS at farming. Quite a number of the young folks from Forty were in attendance at the Dunkard church last Sunday night. Mrs. Laura Shopper and sister Lona Cammack, of Great Bend, are visiting at the residence of L. B. Coss of Clar ence, this week. . . Our village blacksmith has again com menced work, he being . compelled owing to the scarcity' of hands tQ fill his place in the harvest field. We understand there will be a Sun day school picnic next Wednesday July 16th in John W. Pasco's grove one mile north and one and a half west fromneizer. -John Campbell and Thomas Wilkin son, two of Albert's, young bloods accompanied by their best girls were in attendance at the Dunkard church Sunday evening. Better keep an eye on the boys "Spunk." For a nice cool summer drink call on Jonce.Byers sole agent for Hires Boot (beer. We are trying to find out where he keeps it, we suppose in that very large keg. . Give us another drink Jonce and we will keep still. Messrs Joncie Harlow and Thomas Sternum, who have claims dose to Guthrie, Oaklahoma, are visiting friends, in thi vicinity, the gentleman will most likely prove up and take claims back with them when they leave. Our friend "Buckeye" intimates that Clarence will probably assume "Metroplitan Airs" in the near future. We would suggest' that Clarence post pone its imitation for a while, at least till the hot winds cease to blow. South Bend Gleanings. From "Yank." Quite a warm Monday. Everybody went -to the Alliance pic nic Thursday last. " The alliance dance was quite a suc cess in every way. The last header pulled in on Mon-" day the fourteenth. Mr. J. L. Roberts is not quite so well as usual this week. Mr. Dan L-amb has been somewhat under the weather this week. bunday school is still progressing finely at the Hood school house. Every threshing machine in South Bend is now running in full blast. Wheat is turning out a great deal better than expected in thislocality. There will be preaching at the Hood school house next Sunday at 3 o'clock .air. red Moore nas been very seri . - ously sick for the past three or four days. Mr. BernardoMarkey bought a new Grant traction engine ofG. H. Ilulme last week. Duite a delegation of South Bend boys? took in the alliance dance last Thursday night. We are glad to note that Mr. Gresser Miller who has been very sick for the past three or four weeks s able to be aoout again. Two Mormons tried to talK some scripture to about fourteen of the South Bend boys last Sunday at the Lewis school house! Albert Items. From "Spunk." Hot? We should smile! Tom Wilkinson visited Great Bend Saturday last. Mrs. Jv ?T. Calvert was quite sick, the first of the week. Harry Button, of Clarenie, was in town Sunday last. Hernfan Teten began his fall work last Monday with the threshing ma chine. Ask Will Titus what kind, of dentist he thinks Dr. Vermillion would make? The -hot weather of the past week came'sp near coolfing us that wecoufd not gather any news. The last word0 we received before reporting in regard to Mrs. McKinney's illness was to the effect that she was. sinking rapidly. . Fred Brining and jGhariey Kellar. came m trora ttie east last ounaay where they are working with "a thresh ing outfit, and spent the day at Albert. Annual School Meeting. .The ann uaf school, meeting will be held'on Thursday July 31st 1890. - W. H. Gbaxt. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. State of Kansas J Barton county ss County Clerk's office, July 7th, 1890. Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to. law7, there being present Henry Langfield, Chairman, and G. N. Moses and C. Coughlin m'embers of said Board, and ' ). R. Jones County Clerk. . . Minutes of the last- regular and adjourned meetings read and approved, and the following bills were allowed: . . . FOB WOLF eCALPS: W A luinn, 14 scalps 4 no 2 on 4 oo 4 OO SS H Hgerman - do C D Lui-as 4 D J Jeunison 4 do.. do do do ... do do... do..-., do ... do dv.... do;... do.... do dS do . do.... do...... "Wm Artrup 5 8 Ou' 11 ou W Carney 11 1) C Luce 2 00 T II Alien 5 5 00 7 00 5 00 E Brazell 7 (ieo llorine 4 J Cue 9 John Coss . 11 C Baldwin 5 J C Kagaric 5 Jot Cue ! 9 00 . 11 00 5 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 5 00 9 00 2 OO Wm Hamoel 2 F H LapQrte 1 E L O-rover 5 8 S Hart 9 GKKERAL E-TPES8KS. James Clayton grawingjury u i :m la - uu Hall & Odonald stationery Geo W Crane do Wichita Eagle do 2 00 22 00 23 10 9 50 34 30 4'M 00 S iodswortu Sc Co do L. M Krauae salary BFOgJe do D K Jones do ... : EC Cole do " 127 SO 373 00 225 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 35 00 5 00 30 00 1 73 2 50 5 00 '8 10 45 00 5 00 37 00 7 00 80 00 32 00 33 00 159 00 C J Lahue examining treasury L C'hapman'do do BFOgle do do 8 J Shaw phrsician aalarv James JWardJdigging grave A; removing A riCTS. ...... ....... ............ .... Mrs X J Bitner nursing Mrs Sutton . reo W Buckland coal for nnnr Hutchinson News Co stationery S K Thomas livery hire viewing bridges. ... H RohUiinz mdse for noor . A Hample assessing Grant township H A Bishop mdse for poor ... S S Wilkinson bal onasseseiag .Wheatland township Jacob Klein looking after biidges, road work & poor nJ Klein bal assessing Lakin township.... E B Kelluni bal assessing Great Bend township ..... . M N Ward keeping Son 3 month.. J S Dajaletbai awwlng Great Bead City. . . C Bock viewln road coo1 John Ludwig viewing road SOB John Hermis do do 2 00 P P Lorimer asseasiDg Eureka township.... SS 00 H R Lewis printing notice 2 00 Great Bend Kegiater printingjnotice 2 00 Ellinwood Advocate do do 2 00 B B Pratt board of tramp 2 00 Henry Smith bal ;on assessing Homeatead township 21 00 Phil LeKoy Jr assessing Clarence township. 60 00 Jacob Kein do Cheyenne do... 8100 John Kotnark do Commanche do... 65 00 E H Kluber salaryCfe. practice 1st Com Dist 18 75 Western -Furniture Co trimming coffin 4 00 J B Frederick assessing Cleveland township 51 00 W T Bell assessing Buffalo township 54 00 D B Jonea Express moneys-advanced lor . county 2 05 F D Wilson Sheriff fees collecting tax on warrants........... , 20 50 J S Harpham mdse for poor . 8 00 Theo Griffith do do do 7 25 Marcos Friend do do do .".."....... 9 50 W E Stoke county printing . 32 00 Hugo Cariaoder J P fees state vs Chas Black 1 75 FD Wilson Sherff fees same case..-. 3Si Hugo Carlander J P fees state vs H Donovaa 1 75 F I Wilson Sheriff fees same case. ..... 70 00 W R Banting clerk court do do do 6 90 FD Wilson sheriff .do do do 6 05 Huso Coriander J P do do do 7 85 Tom Mallory Constable do do do ...... 1 70 John Whit sell; witness - do do do 2 80 WR Bunting clerk court do do do 33 05 F D Wilson sheriff do do do 92 60 James Clayton JP fees state vs FLadenburger J W Itewaon constable fees same case James Clayton J P sees state tsE Hotchkiss Is P Aber constable fees same case.......... W H H Keeney mdse for poor. F D Wilson sheriff fees attending jail work Fosburg A Welch mdse for poor . Jones Doran livery hire viewing bridges.. H McCorkle assessing Fairview township... Henry Boyle assessing Albion township liNiS 1 Moeea mdse for county L P Strothman assessing Logan township. . . W R Bunting clerk couit fees state vs T Ely F D Wilson sheriff fees samejcase James Clayton J P do do do......... L P Aber constable do do .do W A Sharp witness do do do 1 FWTorney do do do do A YMcCormick witness same case.... E C Emely . do do do W A Sharp do do do F D Wilson sheriff; fees board of- prisoners.. T O Cole jury fees special venire Wm Hassock do do Wm Spencer do do L B Comfort do .do ....... F M Doty do do FMFernseU do do John Lightbody jaiy fees talesman 4 65 1 50 4 65 1 50 16 45 HO 25 20 50 10 00 51 00 48 00 29 07 4) 50 780 5 00 10 10 5 15 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 t 00 49 00 30 10 10 3 40 3 40 5 00 2 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 T T Smith do. do F B Caldwell J K Humphrey J C Dickerson O A Martin G W Buckland D M Wood burn do do do do do do do do do do do do FEES CASK STATE T8 CAT. CB1XT. James Clayton JP 14 30 Li P Aber constable ..J. . 25 90 J W Dawson constable..! W A Sharp witness-X... ,. F W Forney EB Kellam jury : . John Westman -jury J J Lewis ....".J - L D Williams " J C Coulter " .1 .. F Edingfield " M In gersoll . J W Downey " . CFWilkins " 9 Gordon Shomiani" J W McGinnis " imeonGano " ..... GEKEEAIi XXmiSKS. Henry F Hagen road damages F D Wilson sheriff fees six days attending 'commissioners' meeting .V R Lasb medical and surgical aid to W G Helton, deceased Geo E King Bridge Co, building bridges. J B Hanum work on bridge abutments. . . William Friend mdse far poor . . F D WUson fees Probate Court FEES INQUEST OKOS6E 6EKTZLEB. Geo Bagley witness 3 00 1 50 1 50 1 90 2 50 1 50 1 50 2 30 1 50 270 2 50 1 50 & 30 2 30 2 1Q 12 00 9 00 , 5 00 186 00 5 50 2 30 . 3 00 1 00 1 00 - 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 4 50 5 00 C J Payne FMRaeney " . E M Carr jnry ! Geo Valerius ......... GeoH Estus " EFBoxwell , a... A Schriwise .. John Johnston jury Hugo Carlander J P S J Shaw examining surgeon... O ENEMA t. EXPENSES. FD Wilson WCTU vs Allen druggist permit B F Ogle same. -. M L Rearick' services as county examiner. . W H Grant salary as county superintendent Geo Spencer work on court house E F Mowrey coal for poor ... 5 00 5 00 18 00 297 68 1 50 7 75 Official Bond of -Steplfen Brown, Road Overseer, Eureka township,' approved. . . . pfflcial Bond of M.- F. Sowards, Road Pverseer,- Liberty township, ap'proved. Official Bond of S. J. Shaw, county Physician 2nd Dist., approved. Official Bond ofE. H. Kluber, Co. Physician 1st Dist., approved. Claim of house crent by Mr. Rolls rejected. Ordered that Co. Clerk ascertain facts as to road on line between North and South -Cheyenne. . . Ordered that Bid of Dr. I). B. Shout for County Physician for 3rd Com Dist., be accepted. Ordered that D Watson be allowed $2.0Q per month for 3 months acct. of caring for Eliza Jane Watson. In the matter of roadpetitioned for. by William E. Huttman, . et al, ordered that viewers report be accepted, and trustee ordered' to open said road. " w Ordered that Geo. E. King Bridge Co. bill for $15. be rejected; also, ordered that $1,906 (less $20 for team hire .and viewing bridges second time) be allowed J. F. Mauler's claim for lumber for bridge in Walnut township 'for "$3.70 rejected. - Claim of Buffalo & Great Be'nd townships against Barton connty be laid over. Road petition of Henry B. Unruh et al. laid over, Ordered that Tax Sale Certificate on n. nwlj Section 34.13-14, Sale of 1889, be called in and proper amount of mony refunded, account of erroneous sale. Claim of Great Bend Register in favor of E. L. Chapman rejected. In the matter of Road petitioned for byU. R. Jordan et al, Prayer of.petit ioners granted and John King, Her man Wenke, and Henry Luebbers appointed as viewers to meet at the office of W. R. K. Xillot in Logan town ship, August 1st, 1890, and proceed to view said road, Ordered that V. S. Musil and Jame W. McCauley be and are appointed to examine the county tresurery. Board adjourned July 9th. D. R." Joxes County Clerk E. Simmons has added to. his stcck of fu mature a comnlete stock of undertakers goods, and solicits share of the public patronage. . This is a Bargain. ' For Sale a 160 acre farm. eht miles southwest of Great Bend. scrUth of river; 2 work hordes, harness "and wagon; farm implements; 50 chickens; 300 bushels of corn; .10 tons ef hsj; 13 head of cattle: cow shed 26 ; stable for 5 horses; corn crib 1026; 42 acres broke, 36 acres of pasture. 80 tons of hay made on place evry year; frame house with furniture and everything in C Price: $1,690. Call on or address: The Democrat, Great Bend, Kansas. LEGAL NOTICES. First published Jane 19th. 1890. SHERIFF'S SALE. . State of Kinsan, I Barton County, R. Black, D. E. HuKbes. Nancy 3. Hushes. C P. Townslev. viu .utu Vunfciing Mortgage x rust - By Tirtue of a Special Execution to me directed and delivered, issued out of the 20th District Court of the state of Kanwrff!, sitting in and for Barton County, in said state, I will, on Monday July 21st A. D. 1890, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the court house west door in Great Bend, in the county and state aforesaid, offer at public sale avd sell to ths highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following described real property, to-wit: 's Lot No. three (3) and the north half of lot No. four (4h in Hughes sub-division of block No. thirty four (34), in the Arkansas Valley Town Company's addition to the dty of Great Bend, Barton County, Kansas; subject to a mortgage of seven hundred and twenty-Ave dollars (9725), in favor of the Jarvis Conkling Mortgage Trust Company. Said property to be sold as commanded by the said Special Execution. F. D. WILSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. June 18. 1890. 12-16 ROAD XOTICE. State of Kansas. Count v of Barton. Office of County Clerk, July 10, 1890. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of July 1890, a petition signed by J . iv. Jordan and tition signed by J. K. Jordan snd thirty nine others, w resented to the Board of County Commissioners of the County and State aforesaid praying for the laying ut of a certain road, described as follows, vis Commencing at the n w corner of section (5), township (18). range 11 west: thence running south to the southwest corner of section 5, township (18, range (11) west; thence running east on section line to southeast corner of section (5) township 18), range 11. Whereupon said Board of County Commissioner; appointed the following named persons, via., John Koenig, Her man Wenke. Henry Luebbers, at viewers, with instructions to meet, in conjunction with. the. County burveyor, at the bouse MW.K.K. iumI'm in Logan township, on Friday, the 1st day of August, A. D. 1890, and proceed to view said read. J and give to all parties a bearing. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. 16-18 o D. B JONES, County Clerk. o . (First published June 19th, 1890. J SHERIFFS SALE. " State of Kansas, i " . Barton County. C Samuels, . vs Nathaniel R. Holmes, Allice A. Holmes. First National Bank of Great liend Kansas, D. AAsber, t rank lu. ureen, Maria uordanier, fct. wonn MarehCo. By virtue of a Special Execution to me directed and delivered, issued out of the 20th District Court of the State of Kansas, sitting in and for Barton County, in said State, 1 will on 'Monday, July 21st, A. D. 1890, between the hours of lO o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. of (said day, at the Court House west door in Great Bend in the County and State aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, the following de scribed real property,; to-wit: The southeast Quarter (1-4) of the southeast quarter l-4) of section jso. thirteen (13 1, township twenty (30), south of range No. fourteen (11), in Barton county, .Kansas. a Said property to be sold as commanded by the said Special Execution. F. D. WiLsojf, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Juneloih, 1890. 14-16 First published June 19, 189a' SHERIFF'S SALE. . State of Kansas, a Barton-County, Thomas H. Brown, . av!i. . Aaron Garverick, EUxafeeth'Garverick, The Larned State Bank (a coipora tion ), 'Standard Implement Company (a corporation), , J. Hall, Rainwater. Booger A Company, John Dodd, Henry WainerK C Plaisted and Smith F rarer Boot and Shoe Company (a corporation). By virtue of a Special Execution to me directed and delivered, issued out of the 16th District Coui? of the state of Kansas, sitting fii and for Pawnee county, n said state, Twill, on Monday Jul 21st A. D. 1890, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 2 o'clock p. m. of said day , at the court house west door in Great Bend fci the County and State aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to the highest Jridder, for cash in hand, the following described real property to-wit: - The northeast quarter (1-4) of section No. (33) (except two (2) acres in southeast corner of siftd quarter section) and the southwest quarter (sw 1-41 of section No. eighteen (18) township No. twenty (30) south of range No. fifteen (15) west of the sixth (6) P. M. in Barton County, Kansas; subject to a mortgage of six thousand dollars (f6,U00). Said property to be sold, as commanded by the said Special Execution. . .F. D. WILSON. Sheriff. IIacghky & McBkidb, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sheriff's office, June 18th. 1890. 12-16 IFirst published July 17, " SHERIFF'S SAE. . Stat Of Kansas; Barton County. J Nianlic Savings Bank - a- Lacinda Brower, et al. . By Tirtue of a Special Execution U in e directed and delivered, issued oat of ths District Court of the State of Kansas. RU ing in and for Barton minrvmmiA nflbr at nnhifa- and sell to the niche bidder, ior cash In hand. " following described The northeast quarter (l section No. twenty- four (24), in township thirteeh (13) west, lying ana situate in the county Said property to b aoW as commanded by the said Special Executie- ' F. D. WILSON, Sheriff. Sheriff s Office, Jul7 . I- First paTlished July 17th, 1890. .SHERIFFS SALE. State of Kansas.) , Barton County,! Niantic SaTiDS Bank, " T.iirtnrfa firOweT. et al. iw vrtjin of a Special Execution to me directed and delivendi issued out of the sKXb District Court of the state 01 feansas, sttumc in ana ior rtarion eountv, in "aid state, I will, on Monday August 18, A. D. itW between the hours of 1Q o'clock a. m. and 2 o'clock f- nu of said day. at the court bouse west door. in"ireat -Bend la the county and state afore mmiA ' ntfr at public sale and sell to the highest bid der, lOT 111 11UIU, IUC AUlKIWlUg UC9U1UTU 1 CU jfrT hrstt quarter (I4) of section No. hirty- nix (36 h la towusuip .o. seveuneeu in , range No. thirteen west, lying 'and situate in the county of Barton and State of Kansas. . ' Siaiii propertv to be sold as. commanded by the said special Execution. ? " F. D. WILSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, July16, 189a l&M First published July 17, 189(1 SHERIFF'S SALE. SUte of Kansas. Barton County, j ' 21 O. Cole. The Great Bend Land and Lot Conipan v. fiy virtue of a Special Execution to me directed ntd delivered, issued out of the 30th Ii!trict Court 0i the atatoof Kansas, sitting in and for Barton county, in sajd state, I will, on Monday Aogust 18 A. V. isnu, between the Hours ut 10 o ciock a. tn. and 2 oVIor-k p. m. of mid day at th court howv west door in Great Bpak, in the County and Slate aforesaid, oner at public sale ann sell to ine nixnest bidder, for cash in hand foe following described real tmnx-rtvto-wit: The east half (J4) of the southeast quarter of section o. thirty-two (32). townsiiip o. mnieen (19), range No. thirteen (13) west of the 6th P. M. in Barton County, Kansas. 8aid property to be sold as commanded by the said Special Execution. . . F. D. WILSON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. July 16th, 1890. ' lte-aj I First published June 19, 1890. SHERIFF'S SALE. . SUte of Kansas, I County of Barton, Hiram Bender, Joaephua Cue and Kffie Cue. his wife, R. T. Smith, (. haries . enerman ana tmni L. sberman, bis wife. , Bv virtue of an order of sale iseued out of the Barton District Court sitting In and for said Barton ntv. in the above entitled action and to me directed, I will on Monday the zlst day of July A. D. 1890. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the west front door of the Court House in said county, offer for sale at public auction and sell sub ject to a lien 01 a certain mortgage executed to secure the payment 01 lIW and interest thereon from the first day of April 1889, (and recorded -in VoL D, at page 43, in the office of the Begister of Deeds of said Barton County,) without appraise- aaent to the highest and best bidder, for cash in hand, to satisfy said order of sale, al? the right, title, and interest whatsoever of tfte above named defendants, and each ef. them, and of all persons elataaing under them in sad to the following desr-ribed tract, piece, and parcel of land lying and situated in said county of The southeast quarter of section eight (8) in town ship seventeen (17), in range thirteen (13). west of the 6th P. containing one hundred and sixtv (18U) acres, more or lens, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appur tenance thereunto belonging or in anywise apper taining. Given under say hand at my office in the dty of Great Bend in said county, this 18th day of June 190. F. D. WILSON. Sheriff. Geo. J. Barker, Attorney for Plaintiff. BUSINESS AJO PROFESSIONAL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Tt T TTI 'I I II TTT XX A. tQ.tDijjiioyo at Ia.c3 fcTTPV aOOMru XUL2TXXL COU Ooiaity J itamaw OOIiE BROTHEES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW D- J. NEWTON, . J. H. JENSTISOX. AttoKxey-a.t-Xa.i7U', Quick Farm Loans at Low Rates. .Eastern Uands to Exchange For Kansas Lands. Room. 6, Allzn-Hcubakd Block. PHYSICIANS AND SUKG-EONS V. LCH ESTER, M.D. I O. MAFFETT, M.D." CHttSTER & MAFFETT, physicians and urpbns office in rooms 3 i 4. allen block, Gkkal Uksi), - Kansas. . As T. McGorhick' .Physician. - and -.Surgeon. OSSoa oyer Dodged Hardware stora, arthwBSt cor. Ia Fayette Park. 'GREAT BEND, c - KANSAS. SHAW & JUdHTFOOO:, OFFICE, ROOCIS 2 AT3D 3, o 4 Hcses Brcs. BlocX;' . ZD- GriToToo-n-S, Surgeon Dentist Office in Fair Llock, Great Bendr0- c Kansas; JOSEPH - TROILLETj FRENCH RESTAURANT i " Tobaccos, Cigars, ConLKtious. West of P. O. - -c - - reat Bend DODGE-c HOUSE, Main Street, west of Mo. P. Depot. . E. J. DODGE, Proprietor. fVReasonabl modaUoDs. Rates tsaO. Home- .Aocozn- Valley House,' H. R. HOLC3ES, Prop. 37ekr depot. Best- accommodations In the cfly. Transient tl.50 per .day; by Week S4. A. good' feed stable? -in connection. c H1HCEI.ULN COL'S. G..B. Morgan H arnes siriaJceir, Does all kinds of repmiriflfg. ISsSm' Clree, near south west corner fcquare. Cttlistrict Com Final Proofs' Made. - GREAT BEND, . KAN.- lYZIIt.E.R (SABER TRAINING - STABLES. Special attention given to the hanJliiig of young horses on tbe track. Do a- IV And Boarding business. Tena? reason able. East of Grand Central Hotel. GREAT BEttD, - KANSAS. J Fob Yoiii . . . WRITE TO P. A. DOSIVILLE m Agent I'jT '. ENGIKES, BOILERS, . SHAFTING, HANGERS, PULLEYS, BELTING, Brass and Iron Casta, Patterns of all Kinds tSade. ; Correspondence Solicited!. Address: . P. A. DOMVILLE, Kaxsa's CrrY, Mo. So. 924 E. 4th Street,