Newspaper Page Text
FronHhkCliirioik: - V ": : Vom the Dispatch. ;V . - . M. . H.' Wood .Dow has his ' en- Misses Ethel and Blanche r Mc- .gine and' dynamo mstaUedana mil rejarnea to ineir aomv is ready to light his' own build- landsborg Tuesday morning af- -i v; -r;-Vi riH fioo (Impp. Hall. lllg JUSl AS OUUH US ius onifccii- a itoiv niu v. lis..-. '..nitMi - - Hf- T TT,i ml a ci9oi nf a jjuaiu uruico, itwa.- tiomco-uu"f- v-w- ' A new. smoke sckta for the' Anohny and JV. . Susank, came tu:... i :u in. r ron Tnnro An Wed- takes the place of the one that nesday morning of last week for was damaged by -thel wind some a short visit. ; , time ago. ' .- ' ; ' " c The Odd Fellows are figuring ;" We made a very serious error on patting up a 50x100 brick last week in reporting the-birth or cement block building on their 'birth of a girl to Mr. and Mrs. A. iots on tne corner north of Nubs' . hi. wegley. it was a ooy ,m-. store an w the wnole upsirs , sieaa oi a. girv "cucc c for a lodge room, trt make correction. '" neglected to mention in . 0. E. Beehtel will soon move week,g th&t a was qsnf aosfd upsuaAa am uo jrc ftnd Tom Chur Tiorth of town and will try his , on Fej,t 12.- The infant did -inck raising chickens. Jack Crui " Uye but'a time. and wife-will occupy ine ua . 1f- , w w , turned Thursday evening from Oralis T.nW at Wichita; There vhich is to be vacated by Mr. '""vhtel. '. R. Ruch has purchased tne nth 01 tIM ' -nriHTi cauic" jAich belonged to R. T. Mayo. sale was made by George "oers. Mr. Rnpli will locate MS purcuasea I. ooonAir.o., Masnns renort- lots ori Main srtet just J-TT''. at Cl 1U gVUV O the meeting. C. E. Gross who suffered a bad fracureof the lower limb iis light plant on tehse lots. m a railroad acciaeni Fred Fairbairn was married recently, went to St. Louis, won At Hutchinson last Sunday to a day night to take further treat voung lady from Illinois, whose ment at the company hospital, name we did not learn. They. The M. W. A. banquet Satur - "7m Vw Monday nieht. They day night was a big affar in will make their home in Macks- several w.fv Tne banqutt was nllc! ' r fine and the crowd was so large The material for the new el- tnat, the hall was filled, livery ectric lght plant iis now here, one had a fine time. and J. W. Harris of Lvons. ' who The Hoisi'ngton Electric Light sold the material for the plant be company are figuring with the pan working yesterday to in- Qreat Bend Electric Co., with a stall the same. The plant will'.nlant and, closing down here. be located on the lots just south V;AW 0f nsine current from thai of the Christian church. Thns who are backing the Great . The council has decided to put Bend plant have bought powerful ugnst on, tne streets, but how machinery, investign aooui many has not yet been decided, .: 000 therein, and when installed, but' in all probability that will will be in shape to give day and be settled at the next meeting night service. There has been rr rh. council, whifh is 'I'uesday considerable demand ior a aay inform- ' oriviuc iici c uu "v The bids for the new -store ed that it is not sufficient to .were opened yesterday and the th nronrietors have been figurin : contract was awarded to J. J. with theGreat Bend plant with a Tutwilerof Garden City, who -iew of establishing a day and waa the lowest bidder. The old night service. If an agreement bmldinsr is to bemoved at once is reached a row of poles carryinj and will be set out in the street tnree wires will be erected be nf where it now stands tween here and the Bend to carry M. Westenhaner, of Sterling, will the current. ,. .- - ljhuuiuc rtiiu W0rK JS expected n start Mondnv morn-. Work on the new buildincr will be commenced as soon as the old on'o is'rcmoved from the lots. E. G. Hardten,-who has been 'confined tn his homo fnr fTift Past two or three weefcs on ac- W. J. Fee was in from the count 'ot an abscess was taken west side Saturday visiting and fo th hospital at Great Bend, shopping, ' the fore part of the week, where V will undergo an ooeration. His Mrs Holmes was ' over from Tnonir friona )iui 4-Vw dsa tttIH TT.:: t. 1.1. OoItott InnV. uimuo "t" nitr uiuc nni HOIMUglUIl last o,uuoj, sifcessful a"d he will ;-r after business interests. Tom White' was a visitor from Eureka township Saturday., C L. Yost was in from the south side Saturday on business.' tpnoTj ho flble to be out again. ' Lasf. Saturday, h. 20th. W. . Wiiams tvrs fiftv-two years . u pnipKri occasion, his son, Arthur, gave him a birth- r Among those pres. ent werp Mr. nM Ms Ed'Hard-.-v r- ontf Mrs. Harley Hard ' esty and daugher Marj', Mr. and iVnvr a-id son. Arthur "d Ivan Beeney. A most enjoy able time was had. .Tohn Base and Peter Schmidt were in from the Dundee neigh borhood Saturday after non. Wm. Zeiber, the Pawnee Rock nurseyman, was in. the Bend last Friday visiting and looking ' nr his interests in the nursery iinp here. Charley Marker is home from business tnn in tha sonthern i Henry Witto is home from a visit at Kansas City. Henry Bays he had one mighty fine time, and is going soon again. " E. McBride of Great Bend, Kas and eastern part of the state, recalled the fact as he talked ' ' with some old cattlemen at the j , i , , ... . .varus, mat ne weu remembered the days when Great Bend was t i"c .icauiuarier8 ror me cow boys, and the terminus nt ih banta be railroad, which made it' Eugene McCabe was in from a very warm town. It was near Seward Saturday and made about the time the old Santa .this office a pleasant call. Mr. Fe trail was passing out of use McCabe thinks that the wheat in those parts that Mr AT.Pri-i0 hflS Tint Vioon irn'niM oo KsJIr located there, and he has remain-; was at first thought; and that . d ever since a resident of Bar- we stand a srood chance tn wiis ton county. He owns a highly in another bumper crop the coming t""'u larw ana iiKe ail the year, old- timers who remained there' is prosperous. The old Santa F Stew Wllliii .trail passed through the richest Pawnee Rock Saturday visiting farmmsr countrv" in TToncoo witt. vi. 3 said.Mr. McBnde. Those old cat ing Texas. Steve is very en- uciuen wno jraveied over it 35 thusiastic over the land down years ago .did not think, of coura there and thinks that the oppor- unc wua some 01 tne Tunnies tor making money there iua wouia Dnng $iuu an acre, re almost unlimited. He left V Barton county is one of the very Tuesday with- the excursion for iu uic ataic. ii is me .anouier iook at tne country and 'ninnn nrVinl 9 :n . T . . . . mouuci Hwn wuuijr, ana comes wm proDaoiy invest m some "P ciose 10 oeing tne banner ai- lalfa and corn county. I imae- una 1 r 10 artAnr k...a ty for prosperous farmers. When 3 K0T WANTED BALD Jaldneu b Too Generally Con-. Eidered a Sin of Advanqed Ae. l bald headed person does no. uavA an equal chance with one blessed with a healthy head of aair, .because baldness is too generally aceij as an indi cation of age. Many large cor norations ave established an age limit and refuse to take h er 35 years of age as new emp-oyees. umosf 65 per cent of bald leaded people may retrain a eood head of healthy hair if they will Mow our advice and accept our offer. We have a remedv that Ye positively guarantee to grow on any head, unless the oots of the hair are entirelv dead, their follicles closed, and tne scalp has become dazed and shiny. We want people to try this remedy at our risk, with the distinct understanding that un- i it does exactly what we claim it will, and gives satisfac-1 urn in every respect, we Bhall make no charge for the remedy used during the trial. Wp know exactly what we are talking about, and with this offer back of our statements no one should scoff, doubt our word or hesitate to put our rem edy to an acutal test. ' We want everyone in Great Bend who- is suffering from any alp or hair trouble, dandruff. falling hair or baldness to try our Rexall '93" Hair Tonic. We want them to use it regu larlysay until three bottles have been used and if it does not eradicate dandruff cleanse and refresh the scalp, tighten ,the, hair in its roots and grow new hair, we will return every cent pai us for the remedy for the mere asking. There is no formality expectedr and we exact no obligation from the user whatever . ' We are established right here in Great Bend and make, this of fer with a full understanding that our business -success entire ly depends upon the sort . of treatment we accord our custom ers and we would n,ot dare make the above offer unless we were positively certain that we would substantiate it in every par ticular .Two sizes 50c and $1.00 The Hooper Drug Co., Alain st Dr. and Mrs. Brownell werem McCracken Friday. PIUVATE AMBULANCE P11CNE j -CAY MO ' n.o aoa CO. CARSON Licensed Undertaker &sd Embalmer KANSAS STATt LICENSE NO. 565 WitbE R. Mom Mht. '('.. Great Lleud, Kaiwis FOR SALE OR TRADE-Stock of merchandise for btnall improvtd farm. Write me for fu tlier pif.iiu lars, and ttll me what )ou have, and your price S. (I, Null & Son Womer. Kan.suN Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes, with Dr. bhoop'g Croup Remedy. One test alone will surely prove this truth. No von iting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup. 50c. Sold by Holmes Druggist. John J. Hiss has purchased the lots just north of the Moses Furniture rooms occupied by nil- nam's restaurant and Miss bmith Millinery Emporium, from Henry Born, and will occupy the north room with his harness shop as snon as Miss omiin can xina anotherJocation. Frank Grunewald was in from the Albert neighborhod Saturday, and made this office an appre ciated call. Mr. Grunewald says the most of the wheat in his neighborhood is looking well, al though some of. the fields look to be damaged .some, but he thinks with the right kind of weather in the spring it will all come out in good shape. Jake Trester waa in from Eu reka township Saturday visiting and trading. Miss Sophia Witte. of the south side, visited with friends t Ellinwood last week. C. McMullen and Herman ""t of west of town were m Lllinwood on business- Fn-aay. Oliver Batman, of the south side, accompanied by his nephew, Walter Ballard, of English, In diana, left for the southwest last Friday where they expect to buy land. Albert Item. ' Simon Hayes returned last Sun 1"- irom the northern part of the state . Mr. and Mrs. A. Crowell were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Koochel. Elsie Tullis is reported on 'the sick list. Edward Opie was here last Fri day visiting the school. Miss Agnes Schroeder is report eu on ine sick list. T. H. Bab has been to Salina on business. E. Catlett came ..home from Bison Sunday. John Winget came home Frida; from Indiana.-where he has been going to school. y May Winget spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs winget. Mabel Hays spent Sunday with home folks. W. M. Hayes went home for a short visit. . Mrs. Wm. Schroeder was a vis itor at the Albert school last Friday. L. V. Parker went to Great Bend Monday. Mrs. S. Deighton is on the sick list. CH. RICHARDSON M. S MtKLNLEY. Ricte - GENERAL: BIACWfflTIS Do all kind of work in their line, includiuf! repair of ma chinery. Special attention given to hornwhoeiiijr. A wagon shop in connection, where all kinds of wagon wood work is done. Give.usacair . Twelfth Street, One-half Mock West of Main 1Mb RESULT TELLS THE STORY, Ship your cattle and hog? to H. THIES & CO. KANSAS CITY STOCK MRDS r i n? j. j 1 ... ... . neir experience, nueiuy anu unowieoge win all be used for vour benefit. Their free market letter is considered a benefit lo stork shippers. Write them forQit. vv W 1 1 un-StCU MKtbNtU IKAtKbU lAKt CADDO COLD PRESSED COTTON SEED CAKE For the best cake and piompi shipments mite us for quotations de livered at your station. STOCK YARDS COTTON AND UNSEED MEAL CO. Itoomlti Uve Stock Exchange BIdg,, Kansas City, Mo. tftttIHHHHHHHHHHt Hfffil HiillM PROMPT, CONSERVATIVE, SAFE Interest Paid on Time Deposits I Brinkman-Brack State Bank I I 0LMITZ, KANSAS 3 Now isn't It about time to get Linoleum for that Hoop? 10 cents pep yard oil. Have no room to handle It, so most sell. It is time to start that Incubator. Less than h3ll price, or will trade for any old thing. Come In and see us. BHCKB6G & commm 1209 Main more land. H. Mahach was in from the BOTitli B( Ifluf .C!afnrv st r inq 'm. raoor Snuds snrf and called yery small, as it was sown late, .scription to the Demonjat for Farm Loans Made at LOWEST RATE. An. Sej?m (Vl?.!?? ""i!0" , ,ny Jn,er' ni pnnopJ w A VvU5?WFSIC&w N? JeUy b loua- ONEY AL WAYS ON HAND. Write lor rale and terms. 2607 Forest St. DAWSON & ZUTAVERN. Great Bend- Kansas - And wheat raising is not a lost art by any means. It pays to raise u wnen it makes 'such yields as we get ut there. " At .a dollar a bnLel it is a hig mon . ey ie. and 1 wou'd not b surprised U goe it sdling for even ligher. prices than that in the next year. W are in the ; ra of . high prices. The good . price paid all winter for wheat .. has cleaned out ' shoot all : the surplus in that countay." Dro . vers' 'Telegram. . , another year. . Mr. Mahach Bays that the damage done to . the wheat so, far is very slight in his opinion. He sayg that at first he thought that at least ten per cent was killed, but now thinks that was too high an esti mate and now puts it at fire per cent or. even-lower. Thats th kind of reports we like to. hear, . for a crop failure, means a lot harder time for the business man' than it does for the farmer any old time. e. S. WILSON. P ropnetor . OFTHE WILSON IBAKERY Brad like your mother dmkJ to niaku Fnh Caltes .and Candies. Special attention given to Party, Supper and Dinner orders. . 1 CAPITAL f10.000 Individual Liability Ovei One-half Million I)nlla J Drafts Issued on All Parts of the World. CattliODipt. O, P. Scearce J. A. Davis Geo. W. Searls J. M. Belt Shiip Dept. Wm. Lietch Hog Dipt. Chester O'Neal Ornct Hany L. Haak Bro.kiu I. Adkios. Scearce-O'Neal Live StocK Commission Company We Make a Specialty of Buying Stockers and Feeders. ROOMS 282 A & B LlVE3TOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING . Home Phone Main 1389 Bell Phone Hickory623 Kansas City, Missouri. 811 to 815 milll JT UISAS CiTIf, BO. Tk.OI4 BlbU Dwtor-oidMl la r Ml Uorart mM. A Ckrcdc, lirroct sod Spitlal Olsiaset . Qm nvak4 r oy rtni&. AU mdMa. fanlib.4 ntfy far OTeinerla)arlM.rM41elDMiMC M. AvWoUo. from tautem. PttiMUkUAUttM. IM 1 OkMfM kf wua u4 tiirtM. U41aM Mat trvrwter, tn (roa 0W. Pin tOjm MM. MNd. Ud .tperiMM .1. IBM I ml f n Hrm . OmmJUUm In. m4 MtldtiHtL Mtiuill Seminal Weakness M Sexud Debility, Syrft toUlM u4 wnw fMlnjr alffkt loMet M hm of Miitl fwu. rlaplM Hd btoMkM M tk. fMM, MBttM4 litU tad IrorptiibxM, MfhfltMM M4 .TtrsiM to edttf,m. mm& foe IU. I ito. alhl Irum, rwtoro nhiI otr, mtt. ed wia otr, uiMf. m futiftaw iiiuui.itHM BifMBtonUt. Bond I Ut DM MM IH Hit Of ft CtHoturo 72212 cndQIdctrrlVt dttoalloa troaiMnlBMa, OararaaMi. MiaadlUtaftiMUoMtw. MMama tM or anakam Nttul fluia foar MBadtaMaU aanaaaUy t kj MUM. Hydrocele) end SEW Phimosis rfr Varicoceles.-- tou dtalllty, alaM a ta. Miaal (Tt Ua, ta, portaaawUy mtm wttam paia. WTrtU01MM,ta I f orau aad .Um. otaaala. aaA aU riTa. miaaai farataaoauy mraa. COOK fMtt MIM-M BSfM Sf aiotaraa.vtUfJJIaMarlftloa M aWt. dlMaaM, ta atoct. aad aara, mm Malad la plala VTMpw-tna. ., . ,. Put ktuacva a Asaraajt as Mia. Syphilis, -SMS Brad kr Ufa,' Bkwa aola Central Market Fresh and Slit Meat , Poultry and Game. McNown & Hayes: PROPRIETORS . third Door west of Allen's Dru . Store. ' 111X11X11 llfUllXlAfllMM I HM. Stltfh Jt 17itJlMitM ...Drnfji.... OOoaorar Vav Tork Stor a ' : : .3 t 4tiarTr?irctiini EC I5S-