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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
Schwager were hare from Hoi jpgton Wednesday, . "v iGsa' Bead Bmria -itnrBAl' a her home in Leo ti, Kansas after attending school here thia winter. Farmers Attention! Stickney Gasoline Engines Are the Best It Will not trmi offmil ffiA wwua puj juu IU U1K.11U Ul Gasoline Engine Exhibit, Saturday, MarcK 6, Whether you buy an Engine or not 0. 1L WJliamshn InA 1 f!: Wooabury were here from Fawne xvock Wednesday. - Mr. and Mrs. Phil Potts," of southwest of town, were visitig with friends here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harve Ewing of Clarence township, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Patterson here Sunday. Mrs., J. S. Vaniman. of Hois ington was visiting with her pa rents, hit. ana Mrs. u. M. wooa burn, here this week. Louis Aldrich, Frank and John Shelton, John Hester and Miss Carrie Hester were here Wednes day in Mr. Aldrich 's new auto. L. B. Wilcox is getting ready for the spring trade in the im plement line. This week he un loaded a car load of listers- and culitvators, and his more on the road. HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. Ml mjsvl? j William Dumkow returned to .ihs home in Chicago Wednesday after a visit with his brother, Fred and family of Clarence towi ship, and with William Gagelman of this city. I Rebekah lodge gave a so cial at thier lodge rooms Wed nesday evening, wihch was one o the most pleasant affairs of the ','r "d )Wd tore in a long time. i There was a large attendance, a fine lunch was served, and every one had a fine time. Henry Miller was in from Buf falo township Wednesday, makinj a pleasant call at this office. - Mr Miller says that the wheat is greening nicely ami that, with a few days of the proper kind of weather it will cover the ground so that the spring winds will not injure it very muck John Coss, of Heizer, was here on business Wednesday. TV nml one-1 1 ding a TP Do you know that any one succeeds better in knowing and do ing well one thing at a time? We find that we have to have expert workmen to make picture frames so that they will not be botched, scratched, loosely and unevenly put together. If you want a good picture frame, see us. We make them well and give you a fine selection of mouldings to choose from. ""; Council ZleeSn s " March 1, 1909. The council met in reeular session with Mayor Moses in the n'tioiii All 1 f v vuon. an cuuncimeni were pres ent Minutes of last recular meeting read and approved: the monthly reports of poBce judge and city clerk read and remip&tpH Main be changed and that the tnat the erade at Latin And aatt r was referred to the im provement committee and city engineer. Permission was granted to D. V Asher to erect a brick build ing on parte of lots 22, 23 and 24 in .block 103. rThe petition of D. a. Martin and eighteen others for a walk along the Sixth and Twelfth streets, and aLsn nn th Pot side of Stone street HetwAPn Eighth and Twelfth streets was presented and on motion said pe tition was granted and an ordi- nance was ordered drawn cover ing the same. The petition of J. M. Ross and 1 i others asking for a walk on )o north side of Block 3, A. V. !V Co '8 Addition was received and referred to the improvement committee. The following bills havng ?n approved by the fnaniice coi mittee, were on motion allowed. ' ouncilmen votinsr ave J T Yarbrough, meal ticket ..$800 HM;d'w'& L-'Co'.,' 'lights 116.65 0. Johnson, hooks 12.00 C S Allison, freight, coal, etc. . .. . Gt Bend Fire Dept., fires 58.00 Tribune Pub Co., print 27.90 Crane & Co., election sup. 17.55 F A Moses, Clerks fees.... 20.10 J'D Sutton, street work.. 37.50 J Sowards. street work.... 19.50 E C Cole, City Atty . 12.50 r iiitchcocJc, night marshal Vi... 30.00 Harmiaon Bros, sprinkling 35.00 J JE DeMotte, park 7.50 D-F Wilson, marshal.. ....75.00 u A Asher. ativpt. wnrlr.. Q.P.0 Anderson Coupling and Fire Nipply Co., hose wagon etc, ..350.00 K'A Charles, lumber 6.77 Xh bill of Fred Ilemker. for 3toVe was laid over.' 3t-p ordinance was- presented re quiring that sidewolks be con- 'r.iftti'd along the west side of itone 'street, between ; Sixth "and Twelfth street and on the east &ide -of Stone ' street, between Main street and on both sides of Sixteenth street,-between Main street and Washington, read as whole, passed by sections. adoDt ed as a whole as ordinance. No. 327, all councilmen voting aye. improvement committee report ed favorably on condemning all brick and stone walks on the three main blocks of Main street and on Forest avenue. to Williair street and also on widening said walks on Main street to 16 feet and an ordinance was ordered to be drawn covering same. Council adjourned to meet Fri day evening at 7:30 p. m. . A. MOSES, City Clerk. , Home Pleads Guilty In the case of the state of EEa sas vs. George Horine, wihch came up for for trial htig week came up for trial this week in the jusitce court, and in wihch Ho- nne was charged with annroDrait ing $20 of another man's money, a plea of guilty to petty larceny entered, and a sentence of four months in the county jial was eiv en Horine. He tlso paid the cost: in the case and returned the $20 to the complaintant. George will probably appeal to the disrtict coprt for a parole. Another case of a man's getting so much fire water under his belt that he didn know what he was doing George Ludwie, of the south side, returned Wednesday from a business trip iGn ra county. I Mr and Mrs. W E. Durand and ' Miss Jennie Marks of Hoisington ' visited with friends here Wed- 1 nesday. " ; .l Clarence Elmore was over from Hoisington Wednesday night in his new Buick automobile to at tend the play. Miss Retta Schridde has return ed from Kansas City, where she has been, purchasing her spring 6tock of millinery. James Welch, of northeast of town has purchased the Dr Whitt property in the east part of town and will move in some time this ! spring. . The Primary." - The primary election on Tues day for the nomination of city, of iccis was a very quiet affair, lit Jv' interest was show, and the tote in all of the wards was wry vote in all of the wards was very ncrni nn v annm :umi vot.p nrincr polled in the entire city." .On the Democrat and the Socialist tick- - ets there was no opposition. On the Republican ticket for Council- man Will Smyth won over Amos d onnson in ine iirsi wara : in the second, G. N. Moses ,wasvnomi. inated over Clyde Moore; iu the third Ben Giles won out over Geo Turner, in the fourth Ed Volncr was defeated by Oscar Frailer. For the school board, F. V. Russ- .ii i i x i i Li m 1 D eu aeieatea atuuit lajriur, iw- ter Young oyer Don.Weltnwr in f third and in the fourht Lester Cox had no opposition. - , E.' R. Sellers of this city, has rented the Opie farm in Walnut townsnip and moved his iam iv there this week. Hueh IlicKey. Mr. and M rs. t Mike IEckey, and Mr. and Mrs., Andrew Hickev were here troni Olmitz Wednesday to attend the Mrs. C. E.Castle. who has be.en verv sick for some time and wb recently underwent an operation at the . Rose hospital, has al- tmost entirely recovered, and i4 .. now able to be around again. The pupils of the fifth am. sixth grades of the Roosevelt, night at hte hmoe of Mr. anrd Mrs. Frank Whitcombe in honor i:s resigned her position here and will leave soon for Texas. A fine time was had by all. The fire department last Satur day received their new hose and ladder wagon, and have it rigped. up and ready for use. It is a finely' finished wagon, carries 'ree ladders, a 32 foot extension ladder, a 14 foot scaling ladder, ind a 12 foot roof ladder, besides axes, chemical fire extinguishers', lanterns, nozzles, rubber coats, ett and 1200 feet of hose. James Pizinger has sold his half section ,in Grant township to lVk'r Brack, of .Olmitz. for a consideration of $15,000. -The farm is well improved and is cheap at the price. 00O000000OO0QCO0OOO000OOOOOC0OO&tt4f? Your Time ' Is too valuable to be wasted on ex periments. You will Want a Sewing Ma chine this spring. If you get the White it is all right. This company has spent thirty years in intelligent effort along this one line to give to the trade the best fam ily sewing machine that can be made for light running, . serviceable . and lasting qualities. They make both the" vibrating and rotary shuttle machines. It is up-to- date with latest and West designs of wood work. With the busy -housewife, time is money. You save time and wor ry and labor by using the White. The White is Ball Bearing, Automatic Lift, has steel attachments, pinch tension, dust Proof, self threading shuttle, tension in dicatorwith many other inprovements we would be pleased to show you. Please bear in mind the White runs light and sews right. To Get the Lowest Prices VVe find we have to go to headquar ters for our lace curtains, porliers and novelties in curtain goods. This year come from the factories bran new and up-to-date. We want you to see them. We can give you as great a variety and as fine a selection as you will, find in the cities and we think a Tittle lower in prices. We have them from 50c a pair to $3.00 per pair. Did You Know You can save your home, your barn, store, and stock of goads by having in your house and store Harden Fire Extin guishers. They cost only $6.00 to $7.00 and are always ready to put out any fire. Every person should have one for pro tection. We have for years kept them for use in our stores and homes. Let us show them to you. Every thresberman also should carry one with his outfit. SEE THE NEW FIVE PASSENGER cr Touring Car at the Great Bend Auto Co. o ' Standardized Refined Engine Plant . Mo MOSES S I Eliminates All - Useless Weignt The OVERLAND embodies the same specifications found In other cars selling at $2,000 to $2,400. The OVERLAND has the greatest ratio of horse power to car i weight, almost Two horse power per hundred pounds In the Roadster r and Four passenger Touring Car, or 30 IL P. to 160O lbs. Five Passen ger Car 1900 lbs. . Can be run aU day as slow as 2 miles per hour on -hIghw or direct engine to wheels drive and no noise or boiling water ; In Radiator. Starts up on low gear perfectly nolsless like an Electric. Reverse safely used as ordinary or emergency brake. Powerful foot .pedal, hub brake. Engine cylinders cast, separately, the correct and most convenient method. All adjustments and care of Engine, trans mission of car can be made easily with your best suit on. Every Au tomobile owner knows the grief of tire trouble. That the great ex pense of running a car Is not gasoline, oil or repairs, but tire trouble. .Inls is due to excessive weight of cars on the tires. Therefore the owner of the OVERLAND has very little tire trouble and at least SO per cent longer wear from tires than cars of heavier weight 0 Th? Great Dealers in Flrst-ctass C&rs, Bend Autg Co. GREAT BEND, Kansas 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 4 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o H' 0 oooocooooooococoooooooccooooooocococccco