OCR Interpretation

Barton County democrat. [volume] (Great Bend, Kan.) 1885-1915, March 05, 1909, Image 8

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83040198/1909-03-05/ed-1/seq-8/

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We b.ve been giving the Men Bargains all Fall and Spring, now here is an opportun
ity for the Ladies. "A Hosiery Sale That Means Much to the Ladles.
on Saturday Morning, February tne 6tn
nc win piaceon saie one
in the lot worth less than
, iney come in ians,macKs, Whites, Fancy Colors,
nu uau Msics. nuiie
Another Big lot of Ladies Fine Hose worth 25c and 35c
pair. This lot contains Blacks, Tans, in both Plain
" YVniles, and Drop Stitches, Lisles, Gauzes, and Embroidered. For only 10c pair.
In either lot, (jusut so as to make them reach as far as possible) not over 5 pairs to
one customer. Come early if you want first choice.
i ill i f r i jv j ut
i mm if i j jm m mm a j
Gold Drsdging is tK? Safest,
. Best and most profitable business in the world, ."
paying 25 to 100 per cent, and oftener more than
that. .
The Mutual Placer Company has a large '
tract of the best dredging ground in the United .
States. Come and see it, it will cost you nothing.
Cut out and mail coupon below. '
J. A. CARRDTH, : .' ..,
Secretary Mutual Placer Co.
Santa Fe, N. M,,
. Please send me information about your
Company and oblige,
The Great Beiudl lapiwae
ioi oi uaiesHne nose at 25c per pair, mere is not a pair
50c per pair and some are worth as much as $1.00 ' per pair
iney ia$i, Kememoer at oniy zic
At Only 10c per Pair
. . it .
For Sale
Embroidered, Drop Stitch
per pair.
- v
per pair for only loc per
and Drop Stitches, Plain
Mr. and'Mrg. Don Porter, were
here from "Wichita Monday visit
ing with Mrs. Frank Porter.
Walter Gunn went to Kansas
City Tuesday in the interests
of the Barton County Flour Mills
John iAshby left Saturday evr
fening for Neode&ha to look after
his business interests at that
E. S. Marx and family have
moved into their new house re
cently erected by Charles Lund
Hade on Broadway.
Thfi pftnntv .nTntm'9inTioa xe'aM
out to Clarence township Tuesday!
mviiuug io'ioqs. aner some
bridge business there. .
TV t L
Urootlr to tbe metVwltli brush lttt the meat ha tout
through the tolt. It wfll be tLoroagily imoked, win )ut
doliclotu -flaTor nd' will keep aoUd a& tweet and free tram
Insect through the entire tommer.
u .... " " ;moo ancj oouuuim noiainy except WOM u ofitamM
D7 pnrning hickory wood. It is put nv la iqaare Quart bottlei onlv. aaeh with a
(Mlh.??? 8.0L1 BIJLK. AJttle will .moke' S taVr'eY Wet
fo? VRVvuknl? V1 Ererr bottle cnanuiteed Art drarnrt
Co. 21?
V . . .
The band boys report' hi vine bad
a good' time at Calatia where thrV
gave a concert last'tfoflday1 evening .
The boys and- their USles" satf' thy
were treated fine by the people f
X5alatia and are satisfied even though
the concert was not a success fin at',
dally. ' . ' I
Farmers of this neighborhood say'i
the growing wheal is irf fine condi-l
tion so far. I
F. C Meitner, manager of Wfldet
lumber yard, has taken a lay off and
is going to spend about a month on
the Pacific coast. C. T. Kreisel is '
working in bis place.
James Pizinger has sold his half
section, north of hereto Peter Brack.
We understand the consideration was
Nick Lichter living south east o(
town, is having the interior' of hb
house painted. Albert Gehrke is do.
ing the work and Wildgea is furnish,
iog the paint.
C. Sheldon has resigned his po
sition as agent for the .Mo. Pacific
arid has moved to Indiana. Mr.
Ilartman his taken his place.
Henry Miller's section foreman
has resigned and Mr; Weitrle" has
the job.
Constantine Schneider had quite
an acciden'. happe.i to his automo
bile last Sunday at Otis. An xle
broke just as he was starting for
Walter Lindsay putting tip a
fine house for Larence Seidl, one of
our prosperous farmers, who has re
tired from the farm and will five' in
town from now cn.
Schreiber Bros., are making hn.
provements aiid an addition to their
v Harry Wildgen spent Sunday here
visiting friends.
Run aways are getting more lit-
I fluent right alone and nearlv evtrv
one is on account of carelessness
but fortunately no one has been hurt
so far.
Condensed Smoke
Kmaa dry. Mo. i
i - 111
In'HIe View the Stumbling Block to "Mr. Ramfounder, how does It ht
Reconciliation Between Erring pen that tbe telephone wu boar All
Brethren la In That Word j afternoon r Inquired Mrr Ramtboud
Ueed by 8Uffnecked. j. as her husband appeared aMs
' . home from tbe office.
The mud was almost hub-deep. Th "Busy!" exclaimed Ramfouadef.
two BtronY horses drew the ilntf That'i exactly what I tail I
carriage with reasonable' comfort, but
one horse might almost have stuck Id
the mud. Mr. Blake was driving tej
Inspect one of his cheese factories;
and only the fact that the thing had
to be done accounted for his driving asked you a civil question and I ex
out witn the toads in this condition. ! pect a civil answer. Now there Unt
Be had tbe road to himself, however;' a bit of doubt that you were talking to
and he had the added satisfaction, if, some party, unknown to me, 'of course,
such It was, of remembering that it j because you are so secretive that you
was tbe daily journeys or tbe miiK
wagons to and from his several fac
tories that plowed tbe mud to tUJu
bottomless condition.
Ahead,, at the side of tbe road, he
discovered a solitary figure walking.
The pedestrian picked his way with
some care, looking" round from time to
time at the approaching vehicle. As
soon as he saw that It was a two
horse carriage with a single passen
ger, he stopped, selected a favorable
approach to the roadway, and began;
cleaning tbe mud off his boots. By
this time Mr. Blake' recognized the ec
centric Methodist preacher, Mr. Pep
per. "Good morning; Brother Pepper!"
he called' out to him. "How's the
But Mr. Pepper did not answer; he
merely stood till the carriage stopped,
and climbed In between the muddy
"Glad to see you, Brother Blake ,",
he said. Tve sunk 4bwn in tbe mud
an average of one foot for every step,
and I've come three miles; bo I'm a
mile deep in the mud.' Those are good
horses of yours. I like a good horse
two good' horses when roads are
like this. Tou came at a good time.
Tm very tired;"
"What brings you so far . when the
roads are like this?" asked Mr. Blake.
'Tm coming dawn to try to recon
sile two members who have had a
Quarrel," said Mr. Pepper.
"Well,' If you get them reconciled by
two o'clock you can fide back. I have
to drive on to the farther factory, and
I expect to return about that time."
Mr. Blake drove back past the
house where he expected to find Mr.
Pepper, and as It was after two
o'clock, he concluded that the preach
er had finished Ills' task earlier tban
be expected and walked home. But as
he Was getting almost out of ear-shot,
be was halted by loud shouts In a
camp-meeting ' voice, augmented . by
two others of the amen-corner quality.
He reined In the tired horses, and saw
the preacher running toward the gate,
shaking hands with both the men at
once and giving them a parting ad
monition.' Then he hurried through
the mud to the carriage.
"Tou seem to have got them recon
ciled, but you nearly lost your ride,"
said Mr. Blake.
"TeB, yes!" pulled Mr. Pepper,
scraping his boots against the iron
step - "They're reconciled, but it was
hard work."
He finished scraping his boots, and
then took up his parable.
. "Brother Blake," be said, "you can
do almost anything with two men till
they begin to say Trinclple! Princi
ple!' More men go to hell with that
word on their unforgiving lips than
any other word in the dictionary.
'.'Let two men he Just as mean ai
they know how to be, and know
they've been mean, and show them
their duty, and each will stop and
Quibble over some trifle, and say:
It's a matter of principle with me!', find the slightest provocation for say
When men begin to say: 'Principle! In8 anything against my character,
Principle;' I'd rather undertake to
reconcile two fiends from the bottom
less pit" .
"How did you do it?" asked Mr
"I reasoned with them, and prayed
with them, and I got them both on
their knees, and I thought a dozen
times it was aa good as settled, when
one or the other would say 'Principle!'
and the fat was all In the fire sf&Iu
"We'd have been there till dooms
day, but the last time we rose from
our knees I saw thy carriage disap-
pearing, and I said: There goes my
chance of a ride home, and your day
f grace Is going, too. Let your rrin-
elples go where they came from'
they knew where that was 'and
shake hands and be brothers!' And
they did It, and I said 'Glory!' and
shouted for you to hold on and lei
me ln. Most of what men call prin
dples at such times are pure stub
Mr. Blake told the story many
times ln later years, and he was ao
Customed to say that he had come to
:blleve that Brother Pepper told th
ltruth.-rYouth's Companion.
' - ' Explaining It '
-Although my father Is an Invalid -
Beid Mlse HoweH, "he takes a deer.
interest ln my musical education. H
ialways encourages me to practice my
sdngmg at home, even when he's 1t
greatest pain."
"Well," replied Miss Cutting, "they
do say that one may be made to for
get a great pain by a greater one."
Love's Awakening.
"I'm almost sure the count is in
love with me," excltely exclaimed the
first heiress. '
- "What makes yon think so?" In
the tnLEP;:anE
By John H. fcXcNoefy;
called you up at least six or seven
times and couldnt get connection."
1 "Too bad!"
"Mr. Ramfounder, I don't need any
of your feigned sympathy. I hare
would not tell me, and I am certain
that I have no curiosity to find oud
the greater part of tbe afternoon."
"I am accustomed to transact nur
business by tongue," replied the huw
band, mysteriously.
"Just as I thought Mr. Ramfouai-I
er, you have frankly admitted. thenJ
that you have been talking with somel
one over the telephone. So far as
business is concerned, I do not have
to depend upon your statement, as I
can draw my own conclusions. You
were carrying on with some girl, oi
course, and when"
"Tou are mis"
"Never mind contradicting me, Mr,
Ramfounder. It la Just like you to
stand there and try to deceive me,
but I am so well acquainted with tout
personality that I have long ago bl
come accustomed to your gamy and
flimsy apologies. Of course. It U
plain now why I could not get com
nection. Here I have been calling and
calling at one end of the line for my
husband, while he la at the other
warbling a lot of silly rubbish at a
blonde stenographer or probably one
of those girls employed in some cigar
store. So this s the kind of use yom
are putting your telephone to, la it,
Mr. Ramfounder? I suppose you were
laughing up your sleeve when the op
erator informed you that I was nu
king desperate efforts to get connec
tion. And then you went on talking
to the other party, Ignoring my call
altogether. Well, It's Just like you.
Tou take an extreme delight In In
sulting your wife on every occasion
possible. Especially when you know
that -I have something important to
communicate. But, Mr. Ramfounder,
you have taxed my patience too far.
Your repeated trials at deception have
had their effect I have not expected
much from a wavering and frail weak
ling like you except the ordinary
courtesies due a faithful, loving and
obedient wife. In even this you have
failed lgnomlniously. You ought to
despise yourself for refusing to talk
to me over the telephone. But no!
You were too. busy with your childish
prattle to carry on a serious conversa
tion with a member of your own fam
ily, the one who has sacrificed every
thing in the world, Including her moth
er and father,-to make your home
happy and cheerful I want to ak
you what you mean by such "
"If you will allow me to"
"Mr. Ramfounder, I win tot allow
you to tell me another one of your
fixed stories. You have probably
been racking your shallow and nap
row mind all afternoon, planning aa
excuse to tell me when I faced you with
the truth. I have had enough of them.
But the day of reckoning has come,
and I shall not be with you when you
cry out in remorse at having abused
d mistreated me. Knowing, as you
" tbat I nave always made it a point
to be proper whatever emergency mar
ari9e. so that the neighbors can never!
yu take advantage of it to humiliate!
. me- I w&nt to inform you, Mr. Ram
rounder, that I had no callers at the
n"se when I tried to get you overl
the telephone eight or nine times. I
was alone, thank goodness! I realise
tbat you vuld have been tickled to
death If some of my friends could
naTe he8Jd me making frantic aid
fruitless struggles to call up my bus
DaQd by telephone. And they would
not te ignorant aa not to compre-l
nend tbat J"0" wer conversing with
80016 new ' prey understand! I aay
prey of your admiration. No doubt I
could have Induced the operator to
break ln 00 the line and beard your
brilliant conversation, but I am (po
honorable for that '
"Mrs. Ramfounder, I beg to"
"What do you mean by having th
unmitigated audacity to address me!
Have you no conscience? Ton hd
ywur opportunity to talk to ne this
afternoon, but you preferred to. spent
your time conversing with another
and deliberately repulsing yow wife.
If you had the least bit of feeling you
would ret down on vour knw- .j
beg my forgiveness. But you are ot
that kind. I reaH2e it now, after 1
have married and lived wrth fot
Jetn' only 10 diKWTer V Uttor
ml8take alter 11 18 too late. I had my
Pre8entJment from the very beginning,
?nt 1 ,e,t thlt 7 lhW have ih
beneflUof the tloubt, only u -4
spurned and grossly mortified la th
eBL "J16 gaua wturi whom Vw:
"But," shouted Ramfounder, strain-
lng his voice to a high pitch, "my tela'.
pnone at the omce baa been out oY
order for two days."
The one whom my soul lovetfe I
sent away starved for a worfl nf en
dearment, and I set a feast Vr
quired the other.
as worth,

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