OCR Interpretation

Barton County democrat. [volume] (Great Bend, Kan.) 1885-1915, March 05, 1909, Image 9

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83040198/1909-03-05/ed-1/seq-9/

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Some "hitch their wagons. to a -
' Upon the Crimsnn field nf
ar; and some win fame, because
""g o w Vitsl Thought; some in
IZt? Vn&i
tyt most of those who'd
Z-IT"? 01 J.ir-.ana lrs
"ieir name and picture in the
HaS of Fame look out for easy
Paths' to walk-ome highwa
free of thorns and rock, that do
not mount the steeper hills; so
they endorse some brand of pills.
Walt Mason.
Doc Power
live tock Auctioneer
I Registered
Animals a
j Up-to-date Farm iSales
large Expert nee. See
; me for dates.
Kline's Barn, Lakin Ave, or my
Residence, 1312 Baker Ave.
Great Bend, Kansas
. Veterinary Surgeon
Practical Horse Doctor
Hblslngton, Kansas
DII R W tonefete relief from
ilLLJ Dr. Shoop's Hagk Ointment
Nknocb ScKqqI of Music
;8tudio 2420 Broadway.
e028b. Hreatlteiid.' Kat
Albert, Kansas
CancerqmConittio-s a Sp cUl.y
falls answered promptly,
or nidit.
: & (U)
Just as long as men will
Steal, Counterfeit and Imitate
just that long does it seem necessary for us to caution
our friends and customers to
Beware of Men Who Falsely Claim
their so-called medicines and other goods "just as good," or
"about the same" as Rawleigh's.
-Irresponsible, unscrupulous, dishonest persons are every day
making this or similar statements and trying to deceive our friends
and customers here and there all over the country. These ras
cals are trying to reap a benefit from the reputation our goods
have all over the United States. Some of them even go so far as
to claim they are exactly the same goods, only made
by a different chemist.
What do you think of a man who tries to deceive
like that? We want all of our customers to know that the
only way that a chemist or any one else could get the formulas for
our Liniment, Cough Syrup, Anti-Pain Oil, or Salve, would be
to steal them. And surely, no honest person will want anything
to do with counterfeits and imitations made from stolen recipes.
' Moreover, certainly no sensible person will trust or patronize
a man who sells such goods or makes such claims when it is so
easy to get the genuine from a reliable "bonded Rawleigh Man
who can be depended upon to deal honestly and call on customers
regularly. . .
Every genuine Rawleigh product has the QUALITY
HARK oh it the Trade-mark
Just Like
This CT
- And we want you and every other friend to look sharp
for this Trade-mark on every Rawleigh product, because we
put it there for both your protection and ours.
And you'd better beware of these would-be, sanctimo
nious rascals who say they are so anxious to protect your health,
but who at the same time are trying to deceive you. .
rtj imitation Is the slncerest flattery, but be care
. ful that they do not fool you.
The 17. T.' Ravlcigh Medical Co.
. N r . - FREEPORT, JLL, U. S. A.
The Genuine are Sold Only by the Rawleigh F.Ian
Kanw- eL Acii a i
aaa are asked to bmI 8ahirJ
the important subject of
ed and seedine-eeedW oat
alfalfa. Kaffir
F - J vuu, viv. own"
tion of seed, pure seed, grading
seed, acclimated seed, varieties
adapted to peculiar conditions,
where to get seed, ordering, etc.
Theyi will also discuss methods'
of getting the ideal seed bed.
disking, plowing, listing, harrow
ing, time to plant, and methods
Boys' and Girls' Contests will al
Bo be expected to report on that
of planting. Committees on the
day, entries, prizes.tc.
' County presidents are asked to
call special meetings at many
points-where no local institutes
have been organized, appointing
'iocal presiding officers. There
are now two hundred thirty-two
institutes in Kansas, and it is
hoped that all of these will hold
i meetings on that day. Officers
who prefer to devote two sessions
to those topics may well do' so,
holding meetings on March 6 and
13. This is an opporutnity for
the thoughtful farmers of Kan
sas to get concerted action on
this matter of improved seed
corn. For Sale 700 acres improved,
best land in Pawnee Co., black
loam, all smooth, 560 acres crop,
all fenced, 30 acres alfalfa, half
cash, bal. long time. Must sell at
once. Write if you mean busines
no trade, price on reciept of let
ter. C. E. GROVE,
Lamed, Kansas.
The Modern Woodmen are pre
paring for a big time at their
meeting next Monday evening.
There will be a number of candi
dates to take the degrees, and
after the work of the evening,
a banquet will be served. All
the Woodmen are urged to be
present, and a fine time is as
sured. We are in receipt of a let
ter from Charles Blockley, of
Ellinwood, in wihch he says: "I
have just received a letter from
ivirs. W. F. Klein, at Zenda, Kas.,
stating that Henry J. Klein had
just received a message from
t'aptain Reed that Karl Klein,
his son, was drowned in the
Panama, and that the body had
not yet been recovered." We
nave not yet received any of the
particulars of the accident.
From hSu" - .
. v. iiuuuuur.aua xway cainli
went to lWdge City last night
on business,
E. J. Lawrence of Hiawatha.
spent a few days here last week,
visiting his sont Dr. Edward K.
Lawrence and family.
Mrs. G. S. Smith went to Great
D ... J tvt i 5
uvuu neanesaav mornim? lar a
few days visit with Earl SmUu ,
and family.
Dr. Muir has let the contract
to Edwin G. Smith for the erec-
tion of a six room cottage on
the lots west of Henrv Rat-
cliffe's house. '
W. A. Loughridee was called
to the home of his Barents Fri-
day night, on account of receiv
ing word that his father had a
stroke of paralysis. He return
ed Sunday night, and reported
his father much better.
J. A. Berglund, an old settler
residing north of Pawnee Rock,
died at his home Tuesday after
noon as a result of a stroke of
paralysis, received a few davs
ago. Funeral services were held
this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the
residence, conducted by Rev. F.
G. Myrick, and the remains
were laid to rest in the Pawnee
Rock cemetery.
The barn of L. Nelson of north
of town was destryoed by fire
early Tuesday night. The barn
was recently built and was a goo
one. Mr. Nelson lost two calves
and three sets of harness that
were in the barn. The Wind
blew the flames and burning
pieces of the barn towards the
house, but the building did not
catch. No one knows how the
fire started. Mr. Nelson had it
partly covered with insurance.
One of the biggest cattle deals
made in this vicinity in some
time was made last week when
Keith Russell sold 200 head to
Mr. Wood at $4.70 per hundred,
amounting in all to $9000.
A runaway team owned by th
ice company, t-.reated quite a bit
of excitement on the streets Sat
urday. They were left stand
ing near the depot while the driv
er went into a car for some
reieht, and decided to enliven
..jngs up a bit so they started
up Main street'at a break-neck
Tate, but in-attempting to turn
west ' at the corner of the First
National Bank, fell down and
were caught. It was a miracle
that no one was injured, as the
streets wer full of people and
teams at the time. .
j they would never have gone to
E. A. Janne was" in from that expense if they had contem
"South Liberty township Saturday plated building a new one. ;
and called here to renew his Dem : - ,
ocrat subscription for the com- j A clever 25 cent silvered 'No
ing year. Mr. Janne says wheat ;Drip" Coffe Strainer Coupon is
is looking better than it did a now put in each 25c package of
few weeks ago, and that the prob Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Look
abilities are that we will have for it! Ninety large cups of
a good crop even if it has au ;
been killed according to some oi
the reports. Mr. Janne does
not farm any for wheat himself,
as he rents all of his wheat land,
believing that he can make more
of a profit by corn farming and
raising fruit, and, by the way,
he has one of the finest orchards ;
in this Dart of the state. '
Last year off of about sixty
trees, and a part of them young
trees at that, Mr. Janne produc
ing as high as six hundred bush
els of fine fruit, and tms year ne
exracts to ao even ocit. xiu
. , 3- 1. TTawait
er, he thinks the peach crop
this year will be very short, as
it is his opinion tnat a great
many of them are frozen. "When
Mr. Janne purchased this farm a
few years ago, it was the opin
ion of many that in slang term,
he was 'stung' as the greater
portion of it lays almost on a lev
el with the river, out ne nas
thoroughly demonstrated that he
understands handling that kind
of land, and is probably making
more clear profit per acre off
of this low land than any other
man in the county.
hb in the head tln anywhere. Is its aim
fUn iioomnstion. &in is blood prasura-Bothinj
elM usually. At least, to aara Dr. Shoop, and to
prore it be bat created a littie pink tablet. That
tablet-called Dr. Shoop'i Headacbe Tablet
coaxea blood pretsurt away from patn center
Its eflertUchannin.Lleaiiii:TdeliithtfuL Gently
though mitdj, it nimi equalize tba blood circa.
11 roa hare a headache, ft'l blood Dreesiri.
If iff Gainful eerioda with womaL eune canaa.
If you are aleeplesa, restless, nerrqua, if I blood
ecogegtlou blood pressure. That sorely it a
certainty, for Dr. Shoop' Headache Tablet nop
It in 20 minute, and the tablets (imply difiributt
toe unnatural dmou pressure.
Bruite your flnier. and doesn't tt ret red. and
weu, ana (mm youi n coi
tectiou, blood pressure. Yo
Is always. It I simply Con
Wt tell at cents, and c
well, and pain you! Of course it doe. If i coo.
ou 11 and it when pais
Common Sense.
cheerfully recommend
Dr. Shoop's
I Ao &
? Where yon
" :
McAdams Dodane-
Mae MAcdams, formerly
'"f Ureat eBnd, Kansas, and Mr.
Theodore C. Dodane. son of A. L.
j Dodane, tite well known grocer
!?. WeU? t, :weremarri.:d on
! ednesday evening by Rev. C.
Hummer. The attendants were
Miss Mae Freiburger and Mr.
jthas F. rteistroffer. The bride
wore a traveling s lit with gloves
and hat to match. The couple
left for a wedding trip in the
The bride is a bright and inter
esting young woman of excep-
jtional ability and for the past
year has been filling the position
of Secretary of the National Re
tail Furnjture Dealers' Associ
ation. j Mr. Do ne is a young busi
quaintance. and enjoys the re
nes8 man who has a wide ac
spect and good wishes of all who
know him. After their return
from the east they will go to
housekeeping in their prettily
furnished home at 1501 Wells st. .
Fort Wayne Sentinel. -
Frank Brinkman visited with
iome folks at Larned Sunday.
John Lowery was down from
near Olmitz Saturday visiting
and looking after business mat
ters. Miss Mae Winget who is at
tending the high school ' here, :
visited with home folks at Albert
Rhode Island Reds The chick
ens that are red and show for ,
I hemsel ves. Young cockei ells
for sale at $1.00, $150, and $2.
00. Eggs in season at 50c and ,
1.00. borne pullets for sale.
M. Yoe. box 801, cast of the j
creamery. j
' ' i
ill Bunting says that it is a
sure thing that Great Bend will
not have a newSanta Fe depot
this year. The company put four
new boards in the office floor tht
! other day and W. R. gavs that
the very finest coffee imitation
ever made from one 25c pack
age. Then besides the satisfac
tion and flavor is perfect,
by A. B. Hower.
Committees to Report March I
This is one of the most impoi ;
tant educational movements ever :
inaugurated in Kansas. Last year ;
i : 4l ,
were in the corn contest and sev
eral hundred girls entered 'the
contests for bread, pies, mending,
etc. But even-one knows that
Kansas ought to have three times
that many boys in the corn con- ;
test, and a thousand in the pota
to contest, and another thousand
in the poultry contest, and ten
thousand of our girls should en- :
ter one of the many contests opei j
to girls. Why not! . Possibly be-j
cause the parents do not show in
terest enough. Committees ev
erywhere are . announcing the
contests and inviting boys and
girls to entrr. Good prizes are
announced, and it is hoped this
year that contests may be organiz
ed in at least eighty counties and
that every county that -had a con
test last year may double the
number it had last year. Sum
ner county last year gjrVe out
seed-corn to 344 boys, and this
year the committee says it will
have 500 boys and 200 girls.
Why not! What will be the rec
ord for this county! Commit
tees will report March 6, at least
as to entries. Remember that U
winners in the A class of the
corn contest will be sent to the
(State Institute with all expens
es paid. In many counties last
year, girls fourteen or over who
won in a contest were also sent
to the State Institute to attend
the classes in cooking and w-ing.
Ao Drag'
cet the Most o! the Best for
Rev. Dunlap of Albert was a
ristoir here Saturday.
Geo. Gilmore and family were
ia from the south side Saturday
E. R. Moses and Geo. Nimocks
were in Hoisington on business
last Friday.
George Spencer returned last
Saturday from a short visit at
Kansas City.
iiir. and Mrs. Tom Michael, of
Route 5, are the parents of a ba
by boy born last Friday.
John Nelson and wife are
here from Hutchinson for a
visit with their son and family,
and with their many friends
An aching back is instantly relieved by an
application of Sloan's Liniment
This liniment takes theplaceof massageand
is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates
without rubbing through the skin and muscu
lar tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood,
relieves congestion, and gives permanent as
well as temporary relief.
has no equal . as a remedy for
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or any
pain or stiffness in the muscles
or joints.
Price 25o., 50c, and $ 1 .00.
Dr. E?rl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U S. A.
Maa'f.:." ' 'ww, "tiifv sheep md poultry tentfra.
Three Cheap Farms!
160 acres perfectly level, all In cultivation
will be sown to spring crop, about 9 miles
north of Burdette. Price $1150 per acre.
320 acres, 3 miles from Ransom, Ness Q
county, six room stone bouse, good barn, 0
frame granary, cattle shed, splendid water, 0
&hade trees, farm fenced, 140 acres In cultlva- 0
tion. 10 acres alfalfa, 50 acres more alfalfa 0
land with water at 8 feet, all growing crops 0
go and possession at once If desired. Farm 0
on rural route and telephone line. Price Q
only $4250.
320 acres of fine land fn Kiowa county,
none better. It Is the best bargain In the
county. If Interested call on or write us.
If yon want something worth the money
see us.
Yoimg & Giks
Great Bend, ------- Kansas
your Money
Bert Swartz has commenced tb
erection of a new house on West
Charles J. Carter, of Bethany,
Mo., has been here on a visit
with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Dale and
Miss Lola Stewart will arrive
Saturday evening from Kansas
City to trim this season for the
Millinery Emporium.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyers were
down from the Wheatland town
ship for a visit over Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millard.
Jasper Duft was up town last
Saturday for . the first time in
two weeks, having been very
sick with a bad attack of lung

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