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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
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The prostrating congh tears down your strength. The cloggeJ air-tatei directly af fect yror Inngi and speedily lead to pleurisy, pneumonia, conjumptioa. SCOTTS EMULSION overcomes bronchitis in an easy, natural way. Its curative OIL-FOOD soothes the inflamed membranes, relieves the cold that causes the trouble, and every drop helps to strengthen your lungs. . AB DrvgrUti Haw It 14 REtUSE SUBSTITUTES CLAFLIN. From The Clarion. Nic Feltes and daughter return ed Monday evening from a few days visit in Wichita. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Herthel returned from a week in Kansas City Saturday night. ' A. A. Frederick and Aaron Blue left Tuesday morning for a few weeks al Excelsior Springs. Miss Maggie Sicfers returned Monday evening from a few weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weher al Alva, Okla. Mrs. Cooper returned to her home in Wichita Tuesday morn ing after a few months visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Jordan. The Miller Brothers and Matt Weher, who attended the Imple ment Dealers' Convention in Kansas City last week, returned Friday evening. Mr' and Mrs. W. Z. Duston, .of Woodward, Okla. arrived Wed nesday of, last week for a two weeks visit with the former's brother, Henry, and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grizzell and little daughter, Evelyn, re turned Thursday evening from a week's visit with. Mr. and Mrs. C: D. Hall of Kansas . City. Mr. and Mrs. Hall formerly lived in Claflin and wish to he remember ed by their friends. Dr. Eldon Amend returned the last of the week from a month's vacation spent in California. The Dr. reports that he enjoyed a very pleasant outing and vacation and thinks California is about as good a country as he ever visited. ELLINWOOD. From The Leader. Will Doherty returned last Thursday evening from a visit with his brother, Ed and family in Belpre. Miss Viola Andreae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andreae, of the south side, is attending bus iness college in Hutchinson. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andra have been suffering the past week from whooping cough. Mrs. Andra has also been on the sick list the past week. Little Margaret, the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Berscheidt has been quite sick the past ten days but is now on the road to recovery. John Weber returned Friday morning from a week's visit with his son at Lawrence, Kansas, and with friends at Kansas City and Weston, Mo. Charles Brenn and wife return ed the last of the week from an extended visit with relatives in Ohio. Mr. Brenn says he Tkes the country back there well enough but thinks old Kansas has it on most of 'em after all. Frank Andra returned the last of the week from attending the Hardware and Implement Deal ers' Convention in Kansas Citv. It was Mr. Andra's first trip to Kansas City and he likes it so well he thinks he will go again. Mr. Julius Bockemohle, who has been in business in Newton for several years has sold out and gone to California where he will likely locate. He visited here Wed nesday with his mother, Mrs. Ru dolph Bockemohle, and brothers and sisters, while on his way west Julius has a host of friends here who will wish him success in his new field of labor. Mr. William Kleason of near St. Peter and Paul's church, has been seriously ill the past ten days but is now greatly improved. The old gentleman is in his seventy eighth year and the severe winter weather has been very trying on him. He was stricken with an at tack of grip some time ago and has been a sufferer ever since. PAWNEE ROCK. From The Herald Harry Unruh left for Dallas, Tex Monday to visit friends and look at the country. Lloyd Mosbarger arrived home from Wichita Tuesday evening where he had been taking in the poultry show and visiting rela tives the past week. Mrs. James Tarpy received a fine pen of Barred Rock chickens from the east Tuesday. The Her ald man used to raise pure bred Barred Rocks and thinks he knows a good one when he sees it. These looked very good to him. Dr. Lawrence had a drive that was anything but a pleasure last Saturday when he answered a call to visit a patient living about seven miles north of town. The call came at 3:30 a. m and our blizzard was raging from the north. The many friends of Mrs. E. B. Miller of this city will be glad to learn that she i progressing nicely from an operation per formed upon one of her arms for cancer. She is staying at the home of her brother. J. W. Kline in Sterling where the operation was performed. Messrs. Geo. P. Smith, Peter J. Deckert, Jacob A. Dirks, and Peter A. R. Unruh, were a quartette of gentlemen who are representing the Mennonite church north of town, as a committee who went down to Hutchinson yesterday to look after plans and specifications for the new church which they are contemplating building in the near future. A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspepsia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (23c. a box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. Miss Marta Lindas returned the last of the week from a visit of several days with relatives and friends in Lamed. Frank Seeber was looking after business matters in Pawnee Rock the first of the week. W. J. Woods, the photographer, was visiting with relatives and friends in Hoisington Sunday. E. Dana Trout left Sunday for a business trip to Kansas City and other points in that vicinity. Shep Briscoe, while working with some of John Bales' mules last week was kicked in the groin. It was at first thought that he was quite seriously injured, but Shep says that a little thing like that does not bother him and he was as good as new again in. a few days. (4Jra) I 11 T. ttfK3E322S r, r i. 25 Men's Blue Serge Suits, worth I $15 to $18; good standard makes, I for $10 and $12 MEM'S PAMSSO pair 0 Wen's $3.00 and $3.50 Pants for only $2.00 per pair. BOYS' SMS--25 Boys' $4.00 and $5.00 Suits. your choice in the Final Cleau-Up tor $3.00 HOISINGTON. From The Dispatch. A daughter was born to Jake Rittgers and wife Saturday. Mrs. F. L. McCauley and daugh ters left last Thursd.iv ninM fn Twin Falls. Idaho, in ir.i husband. The doctor is comfort ably located there and likes the town and country very well. Biss Otto was sentenced to thir ty days in the county jail in Hill's court this morning for trying to beat a board bill at Turner's res taurant. He had not left town but it was proven that he had a stockman's contract to ride to Kansas City and was arrested be fore he could get away. Mrs. W. A. Cornelius of New port Beach. Calif day morning from Piiphln she spent several weeks with her Dromer, uias. Boyle, and family, and sister, Mrs. Chas. Ginther, and family. Monday she received a telegram annnunrinft tv. ,!, . . o UVUIU 01 ner brother, Chas. Bovle. He naa been seriously sick for some ume ana no nope was entertain ed for his recoverv. A letter from V. A fWni;,,c of Newport Beach, Calif., stales mai 11c will soon move to Frisco to begin work as deputy revenue conecior. lie received the ap pointment through the congress man at a salary of S2G00.00 per year. He has hired a man to man age his paper at Newport Beach.. Joe iioniscli who has been cul ing meat for McNown & If at the Bend, resigned his position last week and after visiting sev eral davs with relatives nrwl M many friends here, left last night for Los Angeles, Calif., where he has leased and will operate a meat market. II. J. Underwood rereivrrl n o. ter from N. E. Tisdale who is spending the winter in Riverside, Calif. He savs that he has nil thp oranges he wants to eat right off me trees. iell says that he has been atlendinc the auto racps and says that the fastest race he saw iney maue m miles an hour, and that they might have made )(). Is mat ngnt, AellT The Odd Fellows and Rehrrras gave Robert Anton and family a pleasant surprise at their home Monday night. The evening wa spent in a social way and pfoying games and a very eniovablc time was had by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Anton were preparing to move to Wilcox, Neb, and their brother and sister lodge members called in to srjend the evening 5 - o and wish them success and happi ness in their new venture on the farm. 1 A Stock Farm . well Improved. Price $3 ft f A To Trade 0 Fop Great Bend property or Western tend. I own this and can do business. . Arthur E. Taylor - Phone 97 ! t I t WENT TO WICHITA. Thos. E. Murphy left Tuesday for Wichita where he will attend a convention of the agents of The Kansas Casualty & Surety Com pany, to be held in that city Wed nesday and Thursday of this week Mr. Murphy's friends here will be pleased to learn of his success in winning a place on the honor roll of his company by reason of his production of business during the past year. A banquet will be given to the visiting agents in Wichita Thursday night. The Kansas Casualty & Surety Company is a Kansas institution that has closed a most successful year of business and the company is giving this trip in to the home office to Mr. Murphy to show its appreciation of the fact that he is a producer of business. He is one of about ninety agents who will attend this convention in Wichita as guests of the com pany. Hoisington Dispatch. Feel languid, weak, run down? Headache? Stomach "off"? A good remedy is Burdock Blood Bit lers. ask your druggist. Price $1.00. NO DIFFERENCE The Proof Is Here The Same As Everywhere. For those who seek relief from kidney backache, weak kidneys, bladder ills, Doan's Kidney Pills offer hope of relief and the proof is here in Great Bend the same as everywhere. Great Bend people have used Doan's and Great Bend people recommend Doan's the kid ney remedy used in America for fifty years. Why suffer? Why run the risk of dangerous kidney ills fatal Bright's disease. Here's Great Bend proof. Investigate it. Mrs. J. L. Imel, 1523 Morton St., Great Bend, savs: " I had kidney and bladder trouble and was in. misery most of the lime. My back ached intensely and I was subject to dizzy spells. 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills and thev re lieved me. I am now enjoying the best of health." Price 5()e. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidnev remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Imel had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ROUTE FIVE NEWS Special Correspondence. r One-Fourth Off on Wool Union Suits, Sweaters, I Lines Gloves, Duck Coats, Etc. The above prices l- are below wholesale cost. :: womm & Lee Ullom was shopping in Great Bend Tuesday. Reginald Woodburn, who has keen very sick the past week, with bronchial pneumonia, is much better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bushnell of Hoisington, but formerly of Rt 5, came over Saturday morning to sjend a few days visiting rela tives and friends. The following south siders were in town shopping Saturday: Mr. D. 1'. Robertson, H. L. Woodburn, Sam Brougher, 01 Hood, and a number of others. Miss Helen Mayse spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Mayse. BUY GREAT BEND PROPXKTY. tOO wheat mean hichtr m O"-- f , for town property. You can huy now and make, some money. . ARTHUR, E. TAYLOR. ' Jeff Yancy was down from Al bion township Saturday to attend to business matters and visit rela tives and friends. At the last election some of Jeffs friends wrote his name in as constable from his township, and while here Saturday he qualified "for the position according to law and' men nanueu ins resgmaton to the , v. county clerk. Jeff is of the opin- l ion that he has plenty of other things to look after without both- Vllll Willi 41IV lUUSLUUlt: 11)11.. Mrs. Koup, sister of Rev. Father Bast, of the St. Peter A Paul church, suffered a fall Mast Sat- urday in w hich she received a hro- ken arm. She is being cared for in hlhnwood and is reDorted to be getting along very nicely. .' . Mrs. Bert Luse went to Hutch- . inson Sunday morning for visit; of a few days with relatives and. friends. . F. J. Kramer entertained number of gentlemen friends in a most elaborate manner at his home last Thursday evening, and those who were fortunate enouch to be included in the list of cuests are loud in their praise of the fine evening enjoyed. Cards was the game of the evening, and later a fine oyster supper, with all the necessary trimmings, was served by Mrs. Kramer. Ed Bradshaw and Robert 'Mur ray were here from the north side Saturday to attend to business matters and for a visit with their many friends. Ladies ' anted Lady Club Organizers wanted by big Co-operative Merchandis ing House to organize and manage , club in this county. Big money to be made in this pleasant-work. Some of our workers are making $5,000.00 to $7,500.00 per year'; No experience necessary. Work can be done in spare time. Write for complete particulars today .-rCI J. Banker, Secretary, 19th and Camp bell Streets, Kansas City, Mo Jan. 14-28.. r J iCasswll it Wpv)I915Jf(odel 695; -. lTo(ezt)Teatures The biggest automobile value B ever offered for less than $1000 A powerful, fast, full grown, 5-pa. enger, really beautiful and fully equipped automobile; a car with a real high tension magneto, sMinjjj gear transmission, left hand drire center control, anti-eldd tires on rear. A car that has practically every high priced feature of high priced can, Holds tie road at 50 miles aa tour. Mrs. Mary Doherty, of Wichita, who has been visiting here at Ihe home of her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Steimel, was called to Byron, Ok lahoma, the last of the week by a message announcing the serious illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ed Doherty. S. B. Cano left the First of the week on a business trip to Kan sas City and t. Joseph, Mo. J. A. Pritchard Auto & Piano Co,