mfrm-immm f-- fWr" - v&x$ m , ,-x - 's --aajv i - -'seaw IOLA IOLA, ALLEN COUNTY, KANSAS, DECEMBER 27, 1878. NUMBER 1. YOB IsS" REGISTER ErcsaeCfci.'x V riMPSmESfcW5'5- nawi? YTTT 2JM.I-ft.-J m. M fcil ir r? v- y , 28 IL. .3Ei-r m.t Ate I rp LH . r !" i 1 1 tN '... v L vl ? K 3 SZk -y l-c & J. URRENT EVENTS. The joint committee on the reorgani zation of the Army has made its report, accompanied by a bill to effect the de sired changes, to Cach House of Congress. The Teport i3 unanimous, there having been an earnest desire on the part of every member of the committee to ar rive at a satisfactory and comprehen sive measure. The scheme contem plates a considerable redaction in the number of officers, but the strength of the enlisted men is fixed at 25,000, with provision for a material increase if it should prove at any time necessary. A sensational report comes by cable of the discovery of important evidence bearing upon the recent attempted as sassinations in Germany, Russia, Spain, and Italy, from which it would appear that the individual assassinators were only the tools of a Communistic society, having its headquarters in Switzerland, the object of which is, after getting all the Kings and Emperors out of the way, to set up a universal European Repub lic, based upon the most radical Com munistic principles. The Society is said to be composed of men of intelli gence and brains professors, scholars and politicians and its ramifications extend into the highest societies of the various countries in Europe, and even the armies are suspected to be not en tirely free from its dangerous influence. The bill introduced by Senator Grover to regulate employment of labor on public works of the United States, prohibits employment of any person who is not a citizen of the United States, or who has not declared his intention to become a citizen, under penalty of for feiture by Government officer or con tractor of all moneys paid, or contract- "". jje paid, for labor of any alien em rd in contravention of this prohibi tion m .... The Committee on Banking and Cur rency will report a oiil prohibiting the accumulation of Government funds in National Banks. It is shown by the of ficial record, according to Judge Bvck ncr, Chairman of the Committee, that the First National Bank of New York had atone time over forty-five millions of dollars, and has now fully twenty millions in its vaults. The Treasury Department, in order to stimulate sales of 4 per-cent. bonds, contemplates fixing commissions on sub scriptions up to June 30,1879, as follows : On subscriptions from $100,000 to 81, 000,000, one-eighth of one per cent. ; from 81,000,000 to $10,000,000, one fourth of one per cent. ; and on amounts in excess of $10,000,000, an additional commission of one-tenth of one per cent. The United States Supreme Court has affirmed the decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas in the case of the Kansas Pacific Railway Company versus the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company, involving the title to 90.C00 acres of land in Kansas. The decision is in favor of the Kansas Pa- cific. Parliament has adjourned until Feb. 13, after passing, without division, Earl Stanhope's resolution for the defrayal of the expenses of the Afghan war from the Indian revenues. Gold sold at par in New York on Dec 17, for tho first time since the suspen sion of specie payments in 1872. . Tho Secret-service Division of the Treasury Department will, on the first of January, be placed under the direc tion of Assistant Secretary Hawley. Alarming destitution prevails through out the Island of Great Britain. In the House of Commons, on the night of the 18th, the Homo Secretary, answer ing the inquiry "whether it was true, as reported, that we are now face to face with such a crisis of distress as this generation has never known," acknowl edged the distress to be great, but thought the reported suffering to be ex aggerated. Nevertheless, distress meet ings were being held at all the large cities, seeking to provide means for re lief. The total receipts of hogs at Kansas City, from January 1 -to December 18, were 404,989, against 193,860 for the same time last year. Since the open ing of the beef-packing season there have been 14.613 head of cattle killed by packers ana aressea-beef operators. Near Gallipoli, the afternoon of the 19th, the steamer Byzantin, from Mar. seilles for Constantinople, sank in a collision, and 150 lives were lost. Of 164 persons on board, 14 only escaped. The loss of life by the sinking of thesteamcr Byzantin was fortunately not so great as at first reported. The steamer Rinaldo, with which she collid ed, has arrived at Constantinople, and her Captain reports 90 persons saved from the sinking vessel. It was officially telegraphed from Ber lin, on the 19th, that Bayard Taylor, Minister of tho .United States to Ger many, died at 4 o'clock that afternoon. The fatal symptoms came on suddenly. He had been out of bed and was trans acting business with officials of the American Legation tho previous, day. unless. it has ad- ice to the ft X jLm?XiZz sag---ri ir Legation of the United. States at Berlin, expressing profound regret at the death of Bayard Taylor. The newspapers publish leading articles eulogistic of the late Minister. The funeral services took place on Sunday, the 22 J, with imposing ceremonies. The remains will be trans ported to America. Tho Southern Pacific Railroad is now completed to Gila City, 22 miles by stage from Yuma, but only fourteen and a half by the railroad. The grading and track-laying will average a mile per day to Maricopa, about 170 miles by the survey, but 191 by the stage-road. This will bring the road to that point (its temporary eastern terminus) by tha early part of May. Tucson then will be within 18 hours1 stage-ride from the terminus, San Xavier within 20, and Santa Rita, with the famous Toltec and Aztec group of ruins, within SO hours1 ride, and- the Mexican frontier within the same time. The United State Treasurer ex pects to have, by .the 1st of January, ex clusive of all demands, $135,000,000 of coin with which to resume specie pay ments. The House sub-committees to Visit Memphis and New Orleans during the holiday recess to investigate the causes of yellow fever are: -Messrs. Garfield, Chittenden and Morse at Memphis, and Messrs. Gibson, Hooker and Young at New Orleans. The President, on the 19th, sent to the Senate, by request of that body, a mes sage, accompanied by reports of the Secretary of State and Postmaster-General, in reference to commercial and postal intercourse between the United States and South American countries. Tho Jury in the case of James E. Whalen against Gen. Sheridan, on trial in the United States Circuit Court, at New York, brought in a verdict-for the defendant. The suit was for the recov ery of over $400,000 for tho seizure of the Killona plantation in St. Charles Parish, La in August, 18G7, and the ejectment of Whalen by military order of Gen. Sheridan, who was then Mili tary Governor. A motion will be made for a new trial. The great Illinois and St.Louis Bridge, built by Captain Eads at a cost of $7, 000,000, was sold at auction on the 20th, for $2,000000. The purchaser was Mr. Anthony J. Thomas, of New York, act ing as representative for the bondhold ers. A new company has been organ ized, with Solon Humphreys, of New York, as President. It is officially reported that instruc tions have been sent to the Russian Mis sion at Cabul to withdraw. It is ru mored that the Ameer has fled, leaving his son, Yakoob Khan, in power. The British forces are advancing from Jella labad. Great excitement exists in St. Peters burg on account of tho Government's efforts to suppress meetings of students. The lecture halls have been closed, and all meetings are prohibited, in the Uni versities as well as outsiue. ihe car rying of arms is prohibited except by express authorization. Among the many mentioned in con nection with the Berlin mission, made vacant by the death of Bayard Taylor, are ex-Minister Washburne and Judge Lawrence, of Illinois, and Gov. Hart- ranf t, of Pennsylvania. It is understood that Mr. George W. Curtis, of New York, could have the mission if he de sired it, but will not accept. Gen. Miles has offered as a suggestion ' to the Congressional Indian Transfer Committee, that the roving bands of In dians be turned over to the-Army, to be governed by martial law, while the In dians on reservations remain under the Indian Bureau. Governor Anthony, of Kansas, dur ing his recent visit to Washington, se cured the assent of the Government to surrender to the State authorities of the Cheyenne Chiefs who instigated the re cent massacres. He also succeeded in securing from the Secretary of War ad ditional troops for the protection of the southwestern border of the State. Representative Alphens S. Williams, of the Detroit, Mich., District, died in Washington on the 21st, and Represen tative Beverly B. Douglas, of Virginia, died on tho 22d. MINOR NOTES. The failures are announced ot Fox, "Wal ker & Co., ot tho Atlas Engine Works, Bris tol, En?., with liabilities of 60,000; of Zu- bind & Co., iron ore importer, of Cardiff, "Wale, and Newport, Eng., and of Hirsch, Stockholm, with 3,000,000 crowns liabilities. Jack Kehoe, the acknowledged "King of the Mollie Haguires," was hanged at Potts HIe;Pa., on the 18th. Governor Gerber, of Nebraska, has offered a reward of $10,000 for the apprehension of the gang of villains who burned Ketchnm and Mitchell alive, in Custer County, not long ago. The President has nominated L. Bradford Prince, New York, to be Chief -Justice of the Supreme Court of New Mexico, and Au gustus J. Cassard, Louisiana, Consul at Tampieo. Lieut-Co!. B. S. Alexander, senior officer of the Engineer Corps, TJ. S. A., died in San Francisco on tho 16th, aged 59. Mr. B. H. Eddins, Judge of Elections at Bartlelt, Tenn., has been convicted by the United States Circuit Court at Memphis of fraudulently stuffing a ballot-box with Democratic tickets at the last-Presidential election. Rudolph ,Fink, of Alexandria, Va., has been elected General Manager ot the Mem phis and Little Bock Railroad, vice Col. H. Frichard, deceased. Nine murders are reported to have been committed in Western Nebraska in a single week, and the Governor declares that owing to want of money be is powerless to bring the assassins to punishment. It is reported that strenuous efforts are be ing made by the friends of ex-Postmaster Filley of St. Louis to defeat the confirmation of Postmaster Bays The Senate has confirmed Aaron H. Cra gin, of New Hampshire, John Coburn, of Indiana, andMarcellus L. Stearns, of Flori da, to be Commissioners of Hot Springs) Ark. ; Lewis Wallace, of Indiana, to be Gov ernor of 2!ew Mexico, vice Sam'l B. Axtcll, suspended under the Tenure-of -office act; and Col.Bandolph B.Maroy to be Inspector General of the Army, with rank of Brigadier-General. At Boston, on Sunday morning, the 15th, Charles Callahan shot his brother-in-law, Patrick Cain, four times while the latter Was in bed, and afterward cut his own throat, dying almost instantly. Both were sporting men. The Senate Yellow Fever Committee has appointed Messrs. Harris, Matthews and Conover a sub-comraltte to visit Memphis during the holiday recess, and Messrs. Eus- tis, Lamar and Paddock to visit New Or leans at the same time. At Meridian) Texas, on the evening of Sunday, the i5tb, while most of the citizens were at church, a band of 50 masked men forcibly entered the jail and riddled with buck-shot two of the prisoners, Mont, and Tom Barrels. On the 17th, as George Rowland was quiet ly riding into the town of Caldwell, Texas, be was met in the street by Sidney T. Hud son, who, deliberately 'raising a shot-gun, fired and shot Rowland dead. Hudson al leged Rowland had seduced his sister. The body of Michael Nepham, cook in a restaurant, was found under the ruins of a block of small tenements rt Fort Worth, Texas, on the 16th. It was supposed he was murdered and the murderer set the house en fire to cover up the crime. A man named Saffroe, proprietor of the restaurant, was arrested on suspicion. Lee Armstrong, residing near Benson, Ivy., was out hunting with a man named Lillis, and while Lillis was attempting to climb a stone fence his gun accidentally went off, and the contents lodged in young Armstrong's abdomen. He died in an hour afterwards. Senator Tburman declines to be the Dem ocratic candidate for Governor of Ohio. The Committee on Banking and Curren cy, before adournment,resolved to lay aside all bills before the Committee until the third Wednesday in January. The funeral of the late Princess Alice took place at Darmstadt on the 18th. The Prince of Wales, and Prince Leopold were present as representatives ot Queen Victo ria. The city put on a general appearance of mourning. In London, minute-guns were fired in the parks during the funeral ceremonies. Ex-Go ernor Curtin, of the Twentieth Pennsylvania District, has served a for mal notice of contest on Yocura (Republi can and National) for a seat lnthe next Con gress. Henry E. Hoy, of the publishing firm of Gait & Hoy, New York, committed suicide recently on account of financial trouble. Miss Mattie Todd, a niece of Mrs. Abra ham Lincoln, is an applicant for the Post office at Cynthiana, Ky. The banking-house of C. F. Adae & Co., Cincinnati, suspended on the 18th. Liabili ties $780,000, and assets about $400,000. The creditors are mostly Germans. The failure created great excitement, and will doubtless cause much financial distress among the smaller depositors. The statement of the condition of the Massachusetts savings-banks shows a loss of deposits during the past year of $27,300,- 000. GustinE. Colburn, a former Washington correspondent of the New York Times, and later Consul-General to Mexico, died of consumption at the City of Mexico on the 2d Inst. An aggravated case of grave robbery has recently occurred at Evansville, Ind., where Mrs. Frank M. Murphy discovered the body ot her husband, which had been buried only a few days previously, in the college dissecting-room, horribly mutilated, but still re cognizable. At Cleveland, O., on the 19th, Dr. George W. Angler, a well known veterinary sur geon, was shot and killed by a pistol in the hands of John W. Rice. The parties were intimate friends, and Rice claims that the shooting was accidental. AtFreichIers,nearAIlentown, Pa., on the 19th, Mrs. Menlch was fatally burned while trying to extinguish the burning clothing of her young child. The latter was also burn ed to death. At Cohoes, N. Y., on the night of the 19tb, Patrick Rourke and his entire family of five children were burned to death in their own house. At Cape Girardeau, Mo., on the evening of the 19th, Wash I vers, a porter at the Frank lin House, shot his wife and then himself. Both shots were instantly fatal. Intemper ance and conjugal unhappiness was the cause. The President has nominated John P. Hoyt, of Michigan, Associate Justice of Washington Territory. Ignatius Donnelly, Democrat, will contest the seat ot W. D. Washburn, Republican, returned to Congress from the St. Paul, Minn., District Charges against Judge Blodgett, ot Chi cago, have been presented to the House of Representatives, with a' view of impeach ment. On account ot the gravity ot the charges, Speaker Randall decided not to make them public until after Congress re convenes. At Nicholson ville, Ky., on the 21st, Charles Campbell stabbed James Hawkins in the arm and then cut his throat, causing death In three minutes. Campbell is a negro and was enraged at Hawkins because of the lat ter's interference ift the procurement by Campbell of a license to marry a grass- widow. Campbell made his escape. In a ten-pin alley at Crockett, Texas, on the 21st, W. A. Hall struck James H. Wall in the head with a ten-pin ball, frac turing his skull and causing death. The murderer was arrested and held in $2,000 bail. L The members of the Canvassing Board of Brevard County, Florida, havo been Indict ed by the United States Grand Jury for making fraudulent returns, and aro in jail at Jacksonville, in default of $3,000 bail each. ., The Grand Jury in the United States Cir cuit Court has indicted B. W. Arnold, Henry Birdson and J. S: Ellis for violation of the election laws in the ejection of P'etcr W. Robinson, United States Supervisor ot Election, from voting predncts at Wavcrly Station, Sussex County, Va. John W. Rice, wha shot and killed, acci- dentally, as he claimed, his friend George W. Angler, in Cleveland, on the 10th has been arrested for murder. Angler lived long enough to make a statement, to the ef fect that Ride had been jealous of his (An gler's) attentions to Mrs. Rice, and that he had on several occasions threatened to shoot him. Stephen D. Richards; who murderedMrs. Harrison and her three children in Kearney County, Neb., on Nov. 2 last, and subse quently poisoned Peter Anderson, a neigh bor, and then fled the State, was arrested at Mount Pleasant, O., his former resi dence, on the 21st, and has since been surrendered to the Nebraska authorities. Richards lived with Mrs. Harrison on the Nebraska farm and murdered her and her children in order to gain possession of her homestead. He secreted the remains of his victims in a haystack, and there being no near neighbors the murders were not dis covered until the 9th of December, upon which day Richards poisoned Anderson and made his escape. At Fort Smith, Ark., on the 20th, John Postoaksj a Creek Indian) and James Diggs, a negro, were hanged on tho same gallows. Postoaks murdered John Ingley, in October, 1877, and Diggs murdered J. C. Gould in August, 1873. The Indianapolis Savings Bank has sus pended payment. It is claimed that all in debtedness will ultimately De paid in run. The Duke of Cumberland ohd the Princess Thyra, of Dsnmarkj were married with great pomp at the chapel of Christiansborg Castle, Copenhagen, on the evening of the 21st- iii FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. In the Senate, on the 17th, after the pas sage of the Consular and Diplomatic Appro priation bill, and the House hill changing the time tor noiamg terms oi me unitcu States Circuit Court for the District of West Virginia, consideration was resumed of Mr. Blaino's resolution rertardlnR the consti tutional rights ot citizens. Mh Blaine's amendment authorising the committee to take testimony and to administer oaths and Tisit any portion ot the country, when such visit mnyintheii: judgnlent facilitate the ob ject of the inquiry, was agreed to without division, and the resolution as amended was also agreed to, SS to 6... .....In the House, tho majority and, niinority reports on the Geneva Awitrd bill were taken up and discussed, after the House went into Committee, of the Whole on the bill appropriating $430,000 to meet the deficiency in the appropriation for the Tostal Mail Service, and prohibiting any increase in the postal-car service during the present j ear. Several omeudments were rejected, the Committee rose, and the House passed the bill. In the Senate, on thel8tb,tho House bill (riving twenty condemned cannon to tho Cus ter Monument at Wcsf Point, passed; also House joint resolution appropriating $5i,C00 ior tho purpose of paying necessary ex penses incurred by tho committee of, tho Senate and House in investigating the cause and pretention of epidemic diseases. Without material amendment the Pension Appropriation bill passed, and the Senate ad Innrned In the House, the Senate amend ment tn tho Adlntirnmcnt resolution, extend ing the recess from December 30 to January 7, was concurred in, and the bill appropriating $50,1X0 for tho expenses ot tho Committee on Yellow Fever Epidemic, passed. The Indian Appropriation bill was dis cussed in Committee of this Whole. tbut without action the Committee rose, and the joint resolution extending un til February 1 the time within which the joint committee on the transfer of the Indian Bu reau mav report was passed. Bills were in troduced by Mr. Hyan: Giving jurisdiction to the District and Circuit Courts of Kansas over the Indian Territory; by Mr. Corbett: For the improvement of the Yellowstone National Park. Adjourned. In the Senate, on the 18tb) the House bill appropriating $150,006 for iho transportation of mails by railroads passed ; also the House bill to amend the act of June 20, 1878, and to in tne rate oi interest on uonos antnonzea by said act to be issued by Commissioners o?S tne jjisinct ot joiumoia ana ior other purposes In the House. Mr. J. U. Young took the seat made vacant by the death of J." !. Leonard, of the Fifth Louisiana District. The Indian Appropriation bill passed after an amendment prohibiting tho removal of Indians of Arlsona and Xew Mex ico to the Indian Territory. In the Senate, on the 20th, no business of importance was transacted. An executive session was held and the Senate adjourned to January 7, 1879 In the House, bills au thorizing payment to the State of Tennessee for keeping United States military prisoners ; constituting Portsmouth, O., a port of deliv ery, and removtdg the political disabilities of J. M. Bell, of Georgia, William Ward, of Vir ginia, and M. Kimball, of Missouri, passed. Tho morning hour having expired the Speak er laid before the Honse several communi cations, among them one from Secretary Sherman in answer to a resolution calling for information as to what balance on loan ac counts was standing to the credit of the United States in any National bank from March, 1876, to the present time. The letter states that there were no balances on loan accounts standing to the credit of the United States Treasurer In any Nation al bank from March, 1876, to January, 1878, and inclo-cs a list of National Bank depos itories with the balance and loan account held from February. 1878, to December, 1878. The banks which held sncli balances had been made depositories under the law. The large balance held by the First National Bank, Xnxr York, was CAtiflpd hv thn tnmnnrArv rin. posits of tho proceeds oi i per cent, bonds and largo subscriptions of that bank to the 4- per cent. loan. After some little discussion, the House adjourned to January 7. , "Better Call Her a Woman." Mr. Justice Neilson, of Brooklyn, told a lawyer in the court the other day that he would better call a woman who had been on the witness-stand as a woman, and not a lady. "Better call her a woman," said th Justice, " God made a woman, but a lady is only a modern fixture in a fine dress." This is a sound doctrine, and comes appropriately from a bench of justice. There is no easier method of becoming confused as to what is legal and what is illegal, what is right and what is wrong, than the habitual misuse of words. "Theft" is a good word, because it does not disguise the moral character of the act which it de scribes; but ."misappropriation" is a bad word, because its meaning is uncer tain, and it conveys only a slight notion of the moral quality of the act which it stands for. It is not likely that any one will be madoa thief by using the word "lady" for "woman," but in nine cases cut of ten the employment of the word "lady" is vulgar, and upon ceneral principles the practice should be con demned as part of an inflated, extrava gant and deceptivo manner of speech. jscw iotk evening rost. in An important discovery of Roman sculptures belonging to the second centu ry A. D. has been made at Neumagen on theMOselle. Their subjects arc of much interest, indicating among other matters ihat even in those days vine culture formed the chief occupation of the dwellers on the Moselle. :popular SCIfNCE. Revivification bt Milk. Dr. Brown Sequard, in a late letter to the French Biological Society, states that milk, moderately warmed, if injected slowly into a human artery, will revive a dying patient quite as much as injec tions of blood, fie cites a number of cases in which he has successfully tried the eiperimenti DnrrTNa Nails bt MachISEBt. There was on exhibition at the Paris Exposition a flooring-Tnachino called a " nail gun," tne invention oi a young man of New Zealand, named F. Falk ner. The New Zealand Times speaks of it as follows : We have seen the im plement in use, and as far as wo are able to judge it is quicker in its work, and insures greater cleanliness, than hand nailing could do. The apparatus is not unlike a gun in shape; and is about the same length. It is kept in position with the foot and knee, and the nail to be placed (point down) in an ap erture at the top of the concern. It slides down to the bottom,' and then the operator draws up a rod, and by one downward stroke of this the nail is cleanly driven into the boards beneath. A practiced hand, bv this simple con trivance, could do the work of half a dozen men. We believe that Air. ia.iK ner is now improving upon his inven tion, and "is making rt "nail gun'1 which will be self-feeding. We have no doubt that when the implement comes generally known it will be brought into general use. Artificial Indigo. The most nota ble achievinent in synthetic chemistry since 1868 has just been made b Pro fessor A: Baeyei", Professor Liebig's successor at Munich. For the past 20 years he has been studying the constitu tion of indigo, and at a late session of the German Chemical Society ho an nounced the completion of his task in the discovery of the last link in the chain of synthetic reactions leading to the artificial formation of that impor tant dye-stuff. This discovery ranks with that of Professors Gracbe and Liebermann in 1868, by which artificial madder was substituted in the arts for the natural product, hitherto the only instance of the kind in the history of chemistry. As yet the operations in volved in this synthesis are too numer ous and too costly to alldw their practi cal application in the arts; yet there is reason to expect that cheaper methods will be devised, as" was the case with ar tificial madder products, and iht be fore many years a new and important industry will be developed. At the same time tho present occupation of many people will be destroyed, and large areas now devoted to the cultiva tion of indigo will have to be put to other uses. TnE Sun Put to Domestic tist. Among tho scientific discoveries, intro duced to the public at the Paria Exhibi tion of 18"8, there are none more inter esting and more worthy of attention than the invention of M. Alouchot, a professor at the lyeee of Tours. M. Mouchot has been experimenting with the sun j and tho results of his experi ments are eminently satisfactory. He ha3, in short; established the utility of the heat of the' great luminary for prac tical purposes as a domestic and scien tific agent So much M. Mouchot has accomplished by the construction of a simple and ingenious apparatus for at tracting the sun's rays. This apparatus i3 nothing more than au inverted sky light with bright internal partitions, and an opening directed towards the sun. The rays, attracted to the surface, concentrate at tho center, to the sf ot where the lamp is placed in an ordinary 8ky-light,and a tempeiature is produced sufficient according to the utensils em ployedto cook a mutton-chop or a rib of beef. With the use of a vaso of water, a sort of boiler has been improvised, and M. Mouchot has worked .a small machine by steam generated by the sun. These experiments have attracted the attention of the scientific world. Phy sicians and engineers have remarked the fruitful source of application and econo my in M. Mouchot's discovery. A scien tific mission was set on foot in Algeria in 1877, and M. Mouchot profited by the splendid advantages offered bv the French colony for investigations of this character. The results of this mission in Algeria were magnificent, and with a perfected apparatus M. Mouchot baked bread and meats, and boiled potatoes and eggs, with a speed that the best of cooks and the brightest of fires could not attain. He distilled the' juice of figs from which an alcoholic drink is made in Algeria in a very short time, and the heat of the sun, by tho vapori zation of water, performed the part of a motive power with marked success. The results of these experiments have lately been communicated to the French Academy of Science, and, to encourage the practical and economical applica tions of the sun's heat, the Conseil Gen eral of Algeria has voted 5,000 fr. for the construction of the proper appartus. This apparatus has been sent to the Ex hibition. It does not require a very lively imagination to foresee the bene fits to which tnese researches may leau, not so much in our own temperate clime, perhaps, as in those tropical regions where the sun pours down a torrent of heat, which, till now, nature alone has employed in the production of an exu berant vegetation. n Ice and Ice-Houses. The ice harvest is notfar off, and now is the time to make preparations for its storage. Ice is the cheapest' of luxuries. The earth yields no crop with less out lay. It requires no seed, no planting, no cultivation. One does not need even a rod of land on which to grow this crop. It is produced on the public do main of our lakes and rivers in quanti ty immensely beyond demand. Ail that is required of the consumer is that he shall harvest and store it. There are niggardly men in the world, but we nave never Known one so mean as io act the part of the doe in the manger, and not allow the public to help them selves to all the ice they pleased from tho lake or river contiguous to hises .tate. But notwithstanding the abundance and cheapness of this product,,compar atively few farmers avail themselves of its comforts. Probably .one reason is, they do not know how great a comfort and convenience ice is. Let them try it for a season or two, and they would not know how to get along without it. Tho luxury would become a necessity. In like manner the Esquimaux do not appreciate the comfort there is in a coal stove. II they could enjoy one for a short season, it would be the last piece of furniture in the hut with which they would be willing to part. If there ever was a family that was willing to part with the luxury of Ice after a fair expe rience of its comforts, it must have been an odd one. I have never known such a case. " It is one of the evidences of the progress of the age that the market for ice increases each year. Our cities have long enjoyed tho luxury but in the country, where ice grows on almost every farm, certainly in every neigh borhood, an ice-house was seldom seen before the last half of the present cen tury. Now every considerable village has its ice-peddler, and progressive far mers are providing themselves with ice houses. The advancing civilization brings few greater blessings. More farmers would doubtless avail themselves of tho comforts of ice, if they were not under the impression that its storage requires a complicated and ex pensive building, an underground apart ment lined with charcoal, saw-dust, or some other non-conductor of heat, for Its preservation. This was the old the ory, but it Is found that ico keeps just as wen aoovc grouna as Deiow; in iaci, a little better, for it is more easy to ward off the heat of the air than the heat of the earth. All that is required for the preservation of ice is a shelter from the rain and protection from the heat of air ana enrtn. Any oia sneu wm answer for an ice-house, and as farmers have teams, and the winter is comparatively a season of leisure with them, there is no reason why they should not participate in the ico blessing. Tho hauling of wood, which formerly gave occupation to farmers in winter, is much diminish ed, and the hauling of ice can profitably take its place. Having had somo experience in hand ling ice, I venture to give it for the ben efit of the uninitiated. My first ice house, built some 80 years since, was constructed, according to the fashion of those times, in the ground, and, as I had noticed that the planks -used for the sides of similar structures soon rotted, I determined to have something more permanent, and so built up the sides of ray dug-ont with chestnut saplings, six or seven inches in diameter, laid up leg-house fashion. As a farther pro tection to tho ice. I furred out my un derground log-house, and lined it with planks, filling the space between the planks and logs with fine charcoal. This structure gave me space for 1,000 cubic feet of ice, tho interior measure ment being 10 feet deep and the same in length and breadth more than a suf ficient capacity for the supply of an or dinary family. This house kept the ice very well, but the damp air soon rotted the planks, and after a few years the chestnut logs began to decay. No wood work can long stand contact with moist earth and air. My second ice-house was also built in the ground, but tho walls were laid up with stone, the sides furred out as be fore and tilled in between the stone and planks with sawdust a much cleaner and juat as cilicicnt a non-conductor of heat. This house also kept ice well, and hw been in use a score of years; but there is no necessity of going into snuh an expense for storine ice. My neighbors making demands on me for ice oeyona tne capacity oi my uen house, I stored a quantity in the bay of an old barn, and protecting it well with sawdust, found that it kept just as well as in a more elaborate structure The great ice-houses of the companies that supply our cities and large villages, are always built above ground, and many of them are very rude structures, built of rough boards in the cheapest manner possible. It was formerly supposed that the roof of an ioc-housc must be doubly boarded and filled in between the boards with some non-conductor, but this is waste labor. All that is wanted of a roof isto keep off the rain. A close air over ice is a damaco to it. Good ventilation keeps the sawdust dry and porous, mak ing it a better conductor. For a farmer who has no vacant shed in which to store ice, or much money to wate on this luxury, I recommend that he build a rude structure, In some convenient but not prominent place, twelve feet square on the ground, with posts ten feet high, double boarding it, and filling in between the boards with sawdnst. The roof may be boarded or shingled, as he pleases. If the former, the cracks should be battened. The ground should be covered also with saw dust, to the depth of six inches, to pre vent the heat of the earth from melting the ice. Such a structure will hold a little over thirty tons of ice more than enough for an ordinary family, and giving a good margin for the accommo datum of neighbors. One of the great secrets of keeping ice is to pacK it wen. xue cmw buuiuu be cut of uniform size two feet long by fifteen inches wide is a convenient size for handling and in packing care should be taken to fill up all the inter stices with broken ice, and "to break joints," as the masons say. This pre vents the circulation of air through the mass. Each layer should be Kept level, and if between each layer there is a lit tle pounded ice, the cakes will come out all the better when needed for use. Of course over the top layer there should be a covering of sawdust sixinches deep. If ice packed in this manner does not keep as long as it is wanted, it will probably be in consequence of wasteful consumption in the house. Alex, ffyde, in Country Gentleman. In many respects the present must be a far more agreeable period for roy alty to live in than the past. They can have so much more lifo and variety. Poor Marie Antoinette, whoso very zest in living led her into a thousand indis cretions, would have worked off her su perabundant energy in these days by foreign excursions, vachtins, hunting, etc. The Empress of Austria, that hor siest of royal ladies, spent last year near Melton, England, and the year before in Northamptonshire. Now she ia under way ior tne uounty Meam, lreiana, which is second to no hunting, country in Christendom. 1879. JANUARY. JULY. FEBRUARY. AUGUST. 2 9 IS 151011 2217 23 27: 24 261271281 II MARCH. SEPTEMBER. 1 S 8 7 1514 10 13 17 20 ,91 22 21 2324 29 28! 0 APRIL. OCTOBER. 1 3 4 7 8 12 5 10 11 1415 19 12 19 16117 18 2i 2 S3 24 25 2829 6 3031 MAY. NOVEMBER. sis w q 1 8 4' 5 OHM 2 9 1112 1617 15 1810 232 4116 22 29 252627 I3031S3 2728 PUNGENT PABAGKAPHS. Motto for a toper: Mind your rye. "Phil, my jewel," said Pat, "I'm mighty sorry ye can't dine with me to day." "Arrah, and why can't I dine with ye?" said the astonished Phil. "Because, my dear," returned Pat, "I haven't asked ye as yet." Man may be the noblest work on cre ation, but he doesn't think about it, and he doesn't look it, when, on hearing his name called in the street, he turns and finds that it is only somebody calling bis dog. I qayk her a rose and gave her a ring, and I asked her to marry me then, bnt she sent them all back, the insensible thing, and said she'd no no tion of men. I told her I had oceans of money and goods, tried to frighter her bad 1 she wasn't be scared called her a baggage, and every thing bad, I slighted her features ana iorm; till at length I succeeded in getting her mad, and she raged like the sea In a storm. And then in a moment I turn ed and smiled, and called her my angel and all : she fell in my arms like a wear isome child, and exclaimed, " We will marry this fall." love's Totnro DRKAX. Strophe. A young man woke with the kiss of mora, Carol and staff, Ught-baarted boy; On tho woodland ecboe Ma song la bora What 1 the world, but love and Joy? Singing be twines for his dear love's breast, Bluebell and violet, daintily pressed; Tenderly fondled, lightly caressed Carol and sing, oh dreaming boy t AnO-Stropke. A wasp got up at the break of day Tedderly spread the plaster on ; And he opened the session the good old way, Prnir An tli a jtrnlnA. till it la srone. And he "stropped" hia bodkin with anxiona care. He whetted bis edges, keen and bare. Till it gleamed like steel In the morning air Bing for the arnica 1 Four it on I Catattreph. Ban for the doctor I Bun like sin I Put on some mud tul the doctor cornea ; This ia the hole whew tha probe went in ; How it burns, and troba like a. hundred drums. Tell like a mad man ; mutter and growl, Trample the violet, rave and howl. Scatter the bluebells love may scowl, Shriek for the arnica ! here it comes. Hmettge. A Fatherly Mas. MX Wlg W iiisit n dn y is if s isii s 20 27 28 2f 3031 .. 37 28299681 .. .. JUNE. DECEMBER. "MTWT 8 S UWT 8 "I"28"4r567"I"i"3 4 5 8 91011121314 7 8 910111213 1516 17 18 19 20 21 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 2821 22 23 24 25126 27 29 30 .TB82980.31 witn a growi. one sne answerw t brought up in the woods, ut at the 8creach of an owl. 1 Griswold Street, from Fort to Con gress, offers such superior facilities for Falling down in the winter that all news boys and bootblacks who look noon the bright and cheerful side of life loaf around that section a great deal in or der to be on hand when the climax oc curs. Seven of them stood in a row yesterday morning as a fatherly, un wieldly citizen turned the corner oi the Moffatt Block. "Select your spot!" they yelled, as he reached the descent, and in about a minute he reached the conclusion that they had gathered there to see him fall. Some men would have jumped aside in to the street, bnt this fatherly man con tinned on. He resolvedto himself : "Now, these boys are poor, forlorn boys. They seldom have anyfun. They are hungry, ragged, and do not look forward to Christmas. They wish me to fall. If, by falling, I can add to their happiness, it is my auty to do so." Those boys may never know that that good man fell on purpose to please them. He suddenly made a slip to the t left, stretching out his leg until ft look ed to be ten feet lone then a slip to the right, and as he recovered he stack his neeis towarus iw ouum uic, clawed out like a mfllSon angle-worms fastened together, and: the snow-where he struck new sixteen feet. He didnt get up and tell the boys tha4t wass put-up job to lighten their hardens of1 care and sorrow for a moment, bat he knows and the reader knows that it was. -Detroit Free Press. in Glovb Clbahino. i gallon of ben zine. ounce o chloroform, i eaace of ether, 1 oaaee of aleekei MmU otace Of wintergrew. ..' V-. - &-f? -SSfrK.