OCR Interpretation

The Iola register. [volume] (Iola, Allen County, Kansas) 1875-1902, November 02, 1900, Image 8

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83040340/1900-11-02/ed-1/seq-8/

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. --By..t. am rMn.iii0m MMHiwai ywrtm imn-vfrsiHmw i' inr'imTw .. .. ..
Dr. Talinage Shows How the Spirit
of Greed Destroys.
Ilraim Ilriiuiiclntluii of Those Wliu
Worship the UuliU-n Cnlf of
Mmli-rn liluln(r liny uf
Juilument Comliiu.
(Copyright, 1800, by Louis Kloprch
Waihlngton, Oct. 28
In this discourse Dr. 'inlmnge show
3iovv thf spuit of grcitl dcstrojs when
it takes possesMoii of u rhnn .mil that
money got In wrong' vvnjs lb ti curse.
Text: Lotliii, nnIi.. 2u, "Anil lie took
the calf which they hud nmdennd burnt
It In the lire, iind gtouinl It to powder,
and strewed It upon the water, nml
inn de the children of lsinel dunk ol
People will lute n god of sonic kind,
and thej prefer one of their own mak
ing. Iletecome the Isruelltes, liieiilting
oil their golden enn lugs, the men .is
well us the women, for ill those times
-there was masculine ns well ns fenii
nine deeointlun. Wheic did tliej yet
these beautiful gold earrings, coming; up
as thci diiffioin the desert? Oh, they
borrowed them of the Kg.vptltins when
they left J'gjpt. These earrings are
piled up Into u pyramid of glitteiinir
beauty. "Any more earrings to biing?"
bays Aaron. .None. Tire Is kindled,
the miring" aie melted and ponied
Into n urn d, not of an eagle or a war
clinrgor, but of a sill? calf. The gold
cools down, the mold Is takm awny,
and tin idol is set up on its four legs.
An altar is built in front of the slim
ing e.ilf. T!nn the people throw up
their aims anil U' i . 1 1 and ghiieknud
does this god care about the groan b
nnd struggles Of the victims before It?
With cold, metallic eye It looks on and
yet lets them suffer. What an altar?
What a sacrifice of mind, body and
soull The phislcnl health of ti great
multitude Is Hung on to this sacrificial
altar '1 hej cannot sleep, and they take
chloral and morphine and intosleunts.
Sonic of them stiuygleln a nightmare
of stocks and at one o'clock In the
morning suddenly rl&c up. shouting:
"A thousand shuns of New York Cen
trnt losyi tnkr MI" until the whole
family is affrighted, and the specula
tors fall luck un their pillow and sleep
until they at e awakineil again by a
corner" in I'nciliir Mall oi a sudden
"rise" of Iloek Island I heir neives
gone, theit digestion gone. Hull liiaiu
gone, they die The gGwucd icelislas
flu comes in and leads the fuiuiat sen
ice: "Messed are Uiej who die in the
Lot dl " Mistake They did not "die
in the Loid " The golden calf kicked
the ml
The double is when men sacrifice
themselves on tills nltar suggested in
the text they not only saerinu them
selves, bin thej sacnllee then fami
lies If a man b) a uiong course is de
termined to go lo perdition, I suppose
you will have to let him go. Ilul he
puts his vv ife and clnldi en in nn equip
age that is the anin.tnient of the av
enues, and the driver lashis the hoises
tnlo two whirlwinds, nnd the spokes
iljsh lu the sun, and the golden lieiul-",
gear of the harness gleams until lilnck
calamity takes tin bits of the horses
and stops them and limits to the lu
uriant oceupants of liie eiinp.ige:
"Oct out!" 'lhe git nut. Thn gc
down. That IiiisImikI and father Hung
his fnmily so haul they never got up.
There was the mark on them for life
the mnik of a split hoof the death
dealing hoof of the ifr 'den cnlf.
Solomon otter r! H one sacrifice on
oxen and uo.non
dnnce vigorm -i.v nnd worship.
Moses has In i n i weeks on Mount i one oco.islon 2.
Sinai, and In m
the howl ii v ai l
these goli'm . i' i i i'ics nnd hi Insrs llo nre ,ncr-(' , - themse'ves on this
Ms patiiin.. i.ihI .ii- takes the i nitnr of the g '" i '"( sin. saenflcin
Imek and hears tu.. ,. ,hnt , lump tacriltee
es the il.inrlng of ,,nmi..rp.i ,.1.1. ,k multllitrh of men
plates of !
the I I'll mi
lliemfo I .ii
split all i
nngry, hi i
Commund u '
he takes ll
into a hot lit.
of sh.ipe and
i i n 'lleh wi re writlm
1 iiiis and tlings
a ii (k ih it thej
hen i mini gi ts
it i break ill the Ten
' ,'i '!", luvlies in, nnd
i ,ilf oil and throws it
until it Is melted nil out
i ' i n i uheriis it. not
bj- the modem oppli ince of nilroniuri
otic arid, but by the .uieienl appliance
of niter or by the i Id-fashioned file.
He stirs fot the people .1 most nauseat
ing draft. lie takes this pu!eri7ed
golden cnlf nnd thr.nws it in lla only
Tjrook which is nieessiblp, nnd the peo
ple are compelled to drink of that
lirook or not drink nt all.
Hut thev did not drink all the glit
tering stult thrown on the surface.
Some of it flows on down the sur
face of the brook to the rler nnd then
flows on down the iier to the sen, nnd
the sea takes it up and hears it to the
mouth of all the rivers, and when the
tides set back the remains of this gold
en calf are carried up into the l'otomne
nnd the Hudson and the Thames and
the Cljde and the Tiber, and men go
out, and thej" skim the glltteting sur
face, and thej- bring it ashore, nnd
they make another golden calf, nnd
California and ustrnlla hieakolf their
golden enrrings to augment the pile,
and in the flies of financial excitement
nnd struggle all these things are melt
ed together, and while we stand looking
nnd wondeilng whnf will come of it,
lo we find that the golden calf of Ts
raelltlsh worship has become the gold
en calf of Kuiopean and American wor
ship. Pull aside this cm tain, nnd jnu see
the golden cnlf of model u Idolatry.
It Is not, llTvO other idols, made out
of stocks or stone, but It has an ear
so sensitive that It can luar the whis
pers on Wall street, and Third street.
and State street, and the footfalls In
the linnk of Knglnnd, and the flutter
of a Frenchman's heart on the bourse.
It has an eje so keen that It can set
Hie rust on the farm of Michigan wheat
anil the lnect in the Maryland peach
orchard and the trampled grain under
the hoof of the Ittissinn war charger.
It Is so mlghtj 'that It swings any way
it will the world's shipping. It has its
foot on nil the meichantmen nnd the
steamers. It started the American ciil
war and, under find, stopped it, nnd
it decided the Turko-Itiisslnn contest.
One broker In September, 1809, in New
York, shouted: "One hundred and six
ty for n million!" nnd the Wliole con
tinent shivered. The golden calf of the
text has, as far as America Is con
cerned, Its right foot In New York, Its
left foot In Chicago, Its right back foot
in Charleston, its left back.foot In New
Orleans, and when It shakes itself It
shakes the world. Oh, this is a mighty
pod the golden calf of the world's
But every god must have its temple,
and this golden cnlf of the text is no
exception. Its temple Is vaster than
St. Paul's cathedral In Knglnnd, nnd
St. Peter's In Italy, and the Alhnmbra
of the Sjianlnrds, nnd the Parthenon
of the Greeks, nnd the Tnj Mnhal of
the Hindoos nnd all the cathedrals put
together. Its pillars are grooved and
fluted with gold, nnd its ribbed arches
ore hovering gold, and ItR chnndeliers
are descending gold, nnd Its doors nre
tnssellnted gold, and Its inults are
-crowded heaps of gold, and its spires
nnd domes nre soaring gold, nnd its
organ pipes ate resounding gold, nnd
its pedals are tramping gold, nnd Its
stops pulled out. nre flashing gold,
while standing at the head of the tem
ple, its the presiding deity, nro the
hoofs and shouldeis and eyes and curs
nnd nnstllls of the calf of gold.
Further, every god must have not
only Its temple, but its altar of Midi
flce, nnd this golden cnlf of the text
is no exception. Its nltar Is not mudu
oui of stone, ns other nltnrs, but out
of counting-room ilenka and tin proof
safes, und It Is n broad, a long, a high
nltar. The victim sacrificed on It tiro
the Swurtouts and the Kctchanis nnd
the l-'li-ks nnd 10,000 other people who
urn slain before this golden cnlf. What
their families with Hum Tht "'dlers
of 0!en. Ilnvelock In India. w,i lfd 1i
crallj ankle deep In the hl.W of "t1n
home of massacre" where S0O white
women und children had been slain bv
the Sepojs. but the blood about this
nltnr of the go.den cnlf flows up to the
knee, flows up to the clrdle. flow up to
the shoulder, flow up 10 the lip Oi--.it
Ood of Heaven nnd earth, have me rev
on those who Immolate themselves on
this altar! The golden calf has
Still the degrading worship goes on.
nnd the devotees kneel and kiss the
dust nnd count their golden beads and
ci oss themse.ves with the bipod of
their own sacrifice. The music ioIU
on under the niches. It is mnde of
clinking silver and clinking gold and
the rnttllng specie of the banks nnd
brokers' shops and the voices of all the
exchanges. The soprnno of the worship
Is carried bv the timid voices of men
who have just begun tospeculnte, while
the deep bass rol's out from those
who for ten jenrs have been steeped In
the seething caldron. Chorus of
voices lejoiclng over what thej" have
mode; chorus of voices wnillng over
what thej have lost. The temple of
which I speak stands open duj nnd
night, nnd there is a glitteritig god
with his four feet on broken hearts,
nnd there is the smoking altar of sac
illlee. new victims every moment on
It, and there arc the kneeling devo
tees; and the doxology of the worship
rolls on, while ilcuth stands with
moldj" and skeleton arm beating time
for tiie ohorrfs "Mote, more, more!"
Some people mo verj- much sur
prised nt the actions of people in the
stock exchange, Xew Yolk. Indeed, it
is a scene sometimes thnt paralj?es
description and is bejond the Imag
ination of aiijonc who lias' never
looked In. What snapping of finger
nnd thumb nnd wild gesticulation nnd
raving like hjeuiib und stamping-like
bulVulncH and swajlng to nnd fro and
jostling and running one upon anoth
er, and deafening uproar, until the
president of the exchange strikes with
his ninllet four or five times, crying:
"Order, order!" nnd the astonished
spectntor goes out Into the fresh nir
feeling thnt he hns escaped from pnn
dcmouluin. What does it all mean?
I will tell jou whn t It means. The
devotees of everj1 heathen temple cut
themselves to pieces and yell and
gyrate. This vociferntlon nnd gyrn
tion of the stock exchange is all ap
propriate This is the orship of the
golden cnlf.
Hut my text suggests thnt this wor
ship has to be broken up, ns the be
hnvior of Moses on this occasion indi
cated, There are those who sny
that this golden calf spoken of in the
text wns hollow and merely plated
with gold, otherwise ..loses could not
have carried It. I do not know that,
but somehow, perhaps by the assist
ance of his friends, he takes up this
golden calf, which Is an Infernal In
sult to God nnd man, and throws it
into the fire and It is melted, nnd then
It comes out nnd is cooled olf, and by
some chemical appliance or bj- nn
old-fashioned file it Is pulverized, nnd
It Is thrown Into the brook, and as a
punishment the people are compelled
to drink the nauseating stuff. So
j-ou maj- depend upon It that God will
burn and he will grind to pieces the
golden calf of modern idolntrj-, and
lie will compel the people In their ag
ony to oi Ink It. If not before, It will
be so on the Inst dij I know not
where the fire villi begin, whether nt
the "Hnttery" or J.omburd street,
whether nt Shoredltch or West F.ud,
but It will be a very hot bhiye. All the
government secuiitics of the United
Stntes und Great Hrltaiu will curl up
In the first blaze. All the money
safes, and deposit vaults will me't un
der the liist touch. The sen nil. bum
Hke tinder, and the shipping will be
alandoned foiever. The melting gild
In the bioker's window will Unib
through the melted window glnss Inti
the stuet, but the llj lug popi'ntlor
will not stop to scoop It nil, TJin. crv
of "Flrel" from the mountain will be
answered by the cry of "Flrel" In the
pinln. The conflagration will burn
out from the continent toward the
sen and then burn In from the sea
toward the Intnl. New York nnd Lon
don with one cut of the red scythe of
destruction will go down. Twentj-five
thousand miles of coiiflngrntlon! The
enrth will wrap Itself round nnd
round In shroud of flame and lie down
to perish. What then will become of
jour golden cnlf? Who then so poor
lis to worship it? Melted or between
the upper and the nether inlllttone of
fulling mountains ground U powder.
Dngon down. Moioch down. Jugger
naut down, golden cnlf down!
Hut even dnj Is a day of judgment,
and God Is all the time grinding to
pieces the golden calf. Some jenrs
ngoMn a time of panic we learned as
never before that forgeries will not
pay, that the watering of stock-will not
pay. that the spending of $60,000 on
country seats nnd a pnl.itla'. eitv resi
dence when there are onlj $30,000 In
come will not p.iy, th.it the appropt lo
tion of tiust funds to our own privntc
speculation will not pnj. We had a
great national tumor in the shape of
fictitious prosperity, we c.nieii it nn
tlonnl enlnigemcnt. Instead of ea ling
it enlargement we might better have
called It a swelling. It wns a tumor,
nnd God cut It out, and the nation was
sent back to the principles of our fa
thers and grand f a tilers, when twice
three made l instead of 0k und when
the apples nt the bottom of the barrel
were just as good as the npples on the
top of the band and a n.k hniulkei
chief was not half cotton and a man
who wore a five-dollar coat paid for
was mote honored tlinn a m.in who
wore n $10 co.it not paid for.
Te modern golden cnlf, like the one
of the text, is verj apt to be made out
of borrowed gold. 'lhee lsrnelites of
the text bjrrowed tht earrings of the
Kgj ptinns nnd then melted them into a
god. That Is the way the golden calf is
made nowadaj. A great manj house
keepers not paying for the artic.es they
get borrow of the grocer and the baker
and the butcher and the dtj goods
seller. Then the retailer bunows of
the wh'olesale dealer. Then the whole
sale dealer borrows of the e.iplta.lst,
nnd we borrow and borrow and lionoiv
until the oommunitj is divided into two
classes, tlioe who borrow and those
i who nre borrowed of. and after awhile
the capitalist wants his monev. nnd he
rushes upon the wholesale dealer, and
the wholesale dealer wants his inonej
and he rushes upon the ietair, and
the retailer wants liU monev nnd. he
rushes on the customer, and we all go
down together. I here is manj a man
in this day who rides Jn n carriage and
owes the blacksmith for the tire nnd
the wheelwright for the wheel and the
trimmer for the curtain ami the driver
for unpaid wages and the harness mak
er for the bridle and the furrier for
the lobe, while from the tip of the car
riage tongue clear back to the tip of
the camel's hair shawl fluttering out
of the back of the velnile everj thing
is paid for by notes thnt hnve been
three times renewid.
1 tell jou t h it In this count rj we
hail never get things right until we
stop borrowing and paj as we go. It l
this temptation to borrow and borrow
and borrow tlut keep the pi ople ever
lastmglj pinvir to the golden cilf
lor help and just the minute thej ex
pect the he'p the aoldeu calf trend
on thnn. The judgments of God. .Ike
Moses in the text, will rush in nnd
break up this worship, and 1 sat let tlie
work go on until verj man shall
ieniti to speak tiuth with hi neigh
bor, nnd those who make enpasjements
shall feel themselves bound to keep
them, and then a man who will not
repent of his business iniiitfj. but
goes on wishing to sntiate his canni
bal appetite by devouring widows'
houses, shall, by the law of the land,
be compelled to exchange the brown
stone front for the penltentiarj. Let
the golden calf perish!
I want you to clinnge temples nnd to
give up the worship of this unsntisfj--ing
and ciuel god for the service of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Here Is the gold
thnt will never crumble. Here nre the
securities that will never fall. Here
are the banks thnt will never break.
Here Is nn altar on which there has
been one sacrifice that does for all,
for "bj one sacrifice hath Christ per
fected forever them that are sancti
fied." Here Is a God who will com
fort j'ou when you are in trouble nnd
soothe you when you are sick and suve
you when j'ou die. For He hns said:
"When thou paseth through the wa
ters, I will be with thee, and through
the rivers thej shnHnot overflow thee:
when thou vvalkest through the file,
thou shalt not be burned, neither shall
the flame kindle upon thee."
When your purents hnve breathed
their Inst nnd the old, wrinkled nnd
trembling hnnds enn no mote be put
upon j-our head for n blessing, He w.ill
be to j'ou a father und mother both,
giving you the defense of one und the
comfort of the other. For have we not
Paul's blesiied hope that us Jesus died
and rose ngnln, "even so them nlso
which sleep in Jesus shall God bring
with Him." And when jour children
go nvvnj' fi tun you, the sweet dm lings,
you will net kiss them and sny good
by forever. He only wants to hold
them for j'pu a little while. He will
give them back to you again, and He
will have them nil waiting for you at
the gntes of eternal welcome. Oh,
whnt a God He ts! He will allow you
to come so close thnt you enn put your
nrms'nround His neck, while He In
response will put His nrms n round
your neck, and nil the windows of
Heaven will be hoisted to let the re
deemed look out and see. the spectacle
of a lejoiclng Father and a teturned
prodigal locked in thnt gloiious em
brace. Quit worshiping the golden
cnlf and bow this dny before Him In
whose presence we must all appear
when the world hns tinned to ushes,
AVheu shriveling like a parched scroll,
The (lumtnK henvens together roll.
When louier et and yet moro dread
Swells tht high trump that wakes the deud.
Tlio Now York Fire Proved Very Seri
ous Hundred Hclnt? Injured
Death List About 40.
Now York Oct. 20. Tho long list of
flro horrors that hno ocoured in nnd
around tho city of Now York, was
added to today by u lite nnd explosion
that shook tho lower end of Manhat
tan liko nn onrtliquuko, hurled n
seven-story building Into tho air and
set flto to two blocks of buildings,
with ti loss of life Unit only the ellorts
of hutidieds of men who wcro rushed to
tho work of digging awny tho ruins as
soon us tho flro vvus extinguished will
Tho big building of Tarrant &
Company, makers of medicinal
specialties, standing tit tho notth-ivest
corner of Gicunwlch and Wnrron
xtteets, and filled with chemicals, took
flro In some way that may never bu
known tit ubout 12:15 o'clock this
afternoon. It was sixteen mlnutos
after noon that n cttlen rushed Into
tho house of flro onglno 2i, on Cliuin
bors sttcct, near Greenwich, nml
shouted that I'urrunt's drug liotiso
was on lire.
Tho Hi o conipanj had just arrived
when u terriflu explosion occtirted und
tlnow the entire engine's crow down
tho stairway. Tho llromen, reall.iug
the daifger of lliolr position, rushed
out of the building to tho street. The
explosion had filled tho street In front
with ti shower of falling glass nnd
small debris, which sunt tho crowd,
which was already gathered on the
opposite sidowtilks, ileelng for .safety
and cuused tho lioros hitched to the
engines to tear and tty to got tivvuy.
Captain Duviinney,t)f the company,
ordoicd liU ciow buck into the build
ing again. They were dragging the
line to the doonwij for the second
time when en mo another explosion,
moro terrific than the first, and the
whole crew was burled across Green
wich stteet, DevRiiney lieiug so badly
injured that he win sent to a hospital.
In the meantime the other englues
that had responded to the alarm had
collected ami the fit emeu were busy
rescuing people fiom surrounding
buildings. Fliemcn htul already
tnken manj girls down tire only e-
enpu upon the building.
The second explosion occurred about
live minutos niter the llr.st. From the
accounts of witnesses, tlm building
seemed to leap into tho uir nnd in n
moment innspob of brick wall, tinibors
and stono weio fullin into thontiect.
Tho forco of the explosion toio awny
the walls of tho big commission stoio
houses fronting on Washington stioet
and caused them to collapse, falling
all at once In u mass of tlmbor, boxes
und barrels, while hoin tho Turrunt
building like the bolchiug of a can
non Hume at onco biokufoith.
Half an hour after tho explosion,
the utreets for blocks around the the
were crowded with fire apparatus, with
ti eoio of ambulances, where hun
dreds of police woie being rushed
from all the lower precincts of the
city to fmiii lines, and manj priest
fiom nearby parishes) weio golngliere
und theio In 'tho smoko obscmed
thoroughftues, seeking for injured
who might need their aid. I'tom the
burning districts u column of smoko
was rising high lu tho air, mingled
with llainos Unit could not bo con
trolled by hundreds of sti earns thrown
upon them.
Tho second explosion curried
destruction in overj dliection. That
it did not couso a wholosalo loss 'of
life was duo to tho fact that almost
ten minutes' warning cumo after tho
llrst cry ti cry that was real warning
to peoplo who knew tho character jof
and full llvo minutes occurred between
ho llrst nnd minor explosion.
How many of tho girls and other
emploes escaped could notboguessed
oven tonlirht. althouiih a largo num
ber of missing persons indicuted that
there wcro some. It was said that
half of the emplojes woro out getting
lunch. A rumor went around that a
boy had boon at ono of tho nearby
restaurants getting lunches for fifteen
girls who were waiting in tho building.
A man named Soxton is said to
havo seen two men and a woman at
ono oftho top lloor wlndowsjustbeforo
the building collapsed. Another wit
ness said ho saw four girls being cur
rled down tho rear escapes by men of
Truck 10. As no flrcinen havo been
supposed to have been lost these girls
probably woro saved.
tly Bcrti'pn-Mcllae l"reB As"iatloii
Now York, Oct. 30. At olght o'clock
this morning not a body had been re
covered from tho ruins and It Is bo
lleved before tho duy Is over the bod
log will begin to bo brought out. The
host cstlmato of tho dead doos not ox
oced forty. Two Injured vlotums died
tit tho Hospital last night.
(First published November 2nd, 1900 )
OI County Trcnsurcr ns shown by the books
In the County Treasurer's office October 22ml,
lteileirmtton Ind t
State 11043
County Ken .. . ...
County Mtiklnit fund
County bond
IjiiIInrpc city cen
l.illnriio city road
lulu city Ken
" street nnd alley
" coal nml (Ms .. ,
" sliluuulk ....
Morun city lien
llumboldl cllv mm ..
roan . ....
slnUtUK fund.... 1 82
CSoncvii Tp (ton
ro.nl . . ...
Cnrlylc Twp gen
" i-oiul '.....
Deer Crock Twp (ten I 41
Osugu Tup en
" bond tt',13
sinking fund
Mnrinntun Twp gen (
Mo Pc
KO I' ' ..
Huikiim fund
11 It
' rusd
" bond
" HtnVrinK fund
Ulsmoro Twp gen
bund . . ....
sinking turn!
Humboldt Twp gen
" load
" bond
Iigsn Twp gen
" rosd
Salom Twp gen
Cottage Grove Tw p gen
School land prln
bchonl land Intoiost
Xormul Institute
tttnto und oounty Mbool fund. .
Klscul Agency INK 18
K ci Pao It It
Worlds Fair
School Hint No. 1 geu
2 gen
S nndo
U sandc, .. ..
4 gen
ft gen -..,..
" ft sand o ....
eaand e
A Strong Klow ut lliirteisvllo A
Plnnt to ho Kreetetl ut Onco.
Burtolsvlllo, 1. T., Oct. 10.-A
strong gits well has been struck Mioro.
It's capacity Is estimated at threo
million feet a duy. A franchlso has
been granted for a gas plant, nnd
BartoUvlllo will now bo the first town
in tho Indian Torrltory to uso natural
gas for heat, light and fuq.
7 gen
a gen
Id gen
in Bond... ,
lgen.. ...
UJaand o..
If gen ....
1 and c. .
II nana u,.
it gen
IB gen
17 gen .. .
17 bond .. .
Is gen .....
Mim.. ..
21 gun.
Uaaofl u
gn ...
ftiaml o
XI aaaulc
21 gen
23 sand o
Sis nnd o. ...
27 gen .........
27 ami o
Sanaa o
Waned o
14 a and e .
88 gen.
94 69
4i7 72
77!U TO
74V 1U
1UV) 16
22 17
30 M
IS" 17
15 03
61 HO
42 87
(1 i"
42ll 01
no 7v
.11 3
Vi 12
11 Am
r, so
W Ti
27 41
14' 10
?on a-1
lie so
112ft so
75 i?;
it to
t 05
220 42
llliO ur
100 07
1 00
C8I gi
71 U
123 49
US 2?
4711 72
11 81
716 In
239 11
57 111
1" 88
21 07
88 82
en u
Ui w
81 08
M2 00
88 II
ai m
28 17
50 00
n go
8 91
52 00
9 4ft
118 oy
M 01
92 17
28 7
1(14 71
21 8
22 72
6 is)
22 VA
21) l
nw on
1 8
7 20
87 tl
18 M
21 do
81 1)7
H 10
21 1)7
28 81
83 7
20 10
)fi 82
It 79
61 AI
87 II
81) ftt
18 81
20 71
7b 80
20 41
H 9i
W 94
21 12
(First published October 5th, 1900 )
Filial Settlement.
Countt or Neosho ( "
In the Probnte Court.
Kstntc of William Lynch, decenscd
The .creditors nnd others Interested In
the above nnracd estntc, will Hike notlco that
I Intend to mnka u llnul settlement or said
cstnte nt tho next tenn of said Probate Court,
held nt loin, Kunsus, on the ftth dny of No
vember. A I) 1000 And thnt mid settlement
will be mndo at the hour of 10 o'clock n m.
of k Ud day JoiinLvncm
. . Administrator
loin, Kansas, Oct 2nd, 1900
(Klrst published October S 1000 )
Publication Notice.
State or Kvnsas, i
In tho District touit in and for the county
I .1. Dunham, l'liiimltl,
Loin A Donhum. Defendant.
Slnto of lCunsns to tho above ntimpil rlp
fendnnt, Loin A Dmhnm Yuu will take
nolleo that you have been sued liv the above
named iilnlntllT, I. ,1 Dunham in tile n foresaid
oourt and vou must unsvicr the petition tiled
by the above named plaintiff on or before the
Mh of November 1000, or the ullciriitlons theio
In contained will be taken lis irue nnd ludp
inont rundoied against you dissolving the
bonds of matrimony hero-to-foic exisiinu and
divorcing wild plaintiff from you forever
1 ,) DoNIIAVt
II I' Carter, Attornev for l'lilntlff
.Not ire of Appointment.
Pint published October, 19 1!I0
The state of Kansas, i
Allen C'oun'.v. i
In the mutter of tho c-tnieof .taeob Tredeilrk
ltecs, lato of Allen couutv Kansas
Notice ta hereby given, that on the 12ih
dav uf October A. D 1000 tho tirderslgned vas
bj the l'robate Court of Allen Lount Kansas
duly npiiolnted and nunltlled as Lxueutrix of
the enliile of Jacob Frederick ltces mtcof
Allen countv deceived,
All partleit Interested In said estate nil)
toko notice and govern themselves accord
ingly. MlNMKfJliEiHi F.Tecuirlx
vr gen
18 08
80 48
81 56
7 7S
Vi So
IV 77
!M 4H
18 Si
28 S.7
It) 41)
(First published Oetoler )0. IfXXi
I'lihllcntioii Notice.
Statu or Kansas
AM.UK ClItlMl, l
In the Dlstrlol ( uurt for Mild countv
Lkla Smith. i
y ,
Ilenjamln Smith I
Defendant '
Hald defendant Rnj.imln smith ulll t ike
notlue that he has been sui d n the ahmc
nained court for a dlvoree, mdmust umiit
the 'petition Hied therein bv said plaintiff un
or before the thirtieth day of Novembei 1 '00
or said petition will be taken as true ami jml!
nient roi planum in su'd action for a mvoui
win oe remieieu aueoruingiv
SKA1. Aires! H M Mn i rn
I lei-k of said i mm
It R C'ulllson. Attornev tor Plutmlil
.'4 00
21 A
If, 41
3.) 52
20 07
ni i
01 41
l tH
25 M
20 26
19 20
47 51
15 64
10 60
24 48
20 S3
87 and e
8k gen
atmnaii ... '
W&ODd . .
41 gen
" 4inml o......
" 42bOlll.
12 a and o
" 43 nnd u......
" 4lgUII
" 4l&ande
' tOgoit
4ils,nhd c
ITgoii '53 89
" 47 sum! i)
" 4spen .... ....
" 49KCI1
W bond
" ROgen
" 51 gen .... ....
" 51 nnd c
' 62gen
" M con
" 64 pen
" 54 sand o.
" ASs und a
': SO i;en
" Ms and o
" 57 gen
53 gen 27 37
5 bond ....'.... 12 43
69 gen
69 sand o
" CObond
" CO s und o .. ..
" 61 gen
" 61 snnd o
" . C2gen
" BSgen
' 63 bond
' 6.1 band o
" fltgen -
" 64 s und o
" 65 sund o .....
" (Wgen
" CAsand o
" 07 gen ....
' 67 sand o
" 6gcn
" es sand c , ,.
" Cli ten
" ;oeen
" 71 gen
" 71 sand o .. .
" 72gcn
' 72 bond
" 7.' sund o
" 78gen
" 74 gen
' 74 bond
' 7Wcn
7. bund
' 76s und c. ...
76 gen .
' 77 gen . .
" , 7eKen .
" 7( bond
" 7s s und o
Joint Ulst No. l gen
" is and o
7 gen..
7 sandc
' 21 gen ......
21 sand c
22 gen
22 snndo
70 gen
" 70 sund a
" 70 een
tJlvcn under my hand this 22ml day of Oeto
ber 1900 fiianou) wiisiN
'I'ronauior Allen County, Knnkna
Subscribed and sworn to before mo tht2uth
dav ofOolober, 1900. t) A Fkonk,
seal County Cleik
lly Jlolvln Fronk, Deputy.
(llrst published October 10, 190a i
Slit'i'iir's Pnicliiinatiou
Of the time of h ildln-' i n-nenl election foi
Stale. District uml louiil-, otlH-rr-, .mil 1'iesi
dcniial electors
AM.kn Cor v I
The State or Kuiisis to ill to whom these
presen ssh ill come gieellng
Khuw ve thitl H llotmii sheriff or Alh n
county. Uunsas bv vlnue of autlioiiiv in me
vested do b this pioclniiution i'ic put to
notice ih it on the luesdiv siieeecdin. Hie
llrst Monda in Noveuiliei, A l laoo Hie
saino being lliei.lh dav Iheieof then uilliie
helil n general election nut the otjlcer-. it
Hint tlmo to bo oho-on aro us follows to-wit
10 Prosldonllul Illoetors at Large Assoelite
Jutllcu of tho Supreme Court (lovernm ( on
grossnmn at Ijirge Lieutenant (Jovci nor See
rotarv of Si.Uo. Attorney (icncral State
Treasurer, Auditor of state supeilniendcnt
of Public Instruction Suiieilniendi nt of In
surance, Congressman and District Stale
Sen nor nth Senatorial Dlstilet Itcprcsen
tatlvo loth District Clerk of the District
Court County Attornev Proline Jmlu'o
Countv Superintendent of Public Instiueilon
Commissioner 2nd District, one Trustee in
each Ton nshlp oue Clerk In eaeli Township
one Treasurei In eaeli Township IwoJustiees
of tho Peace in eich l'ounshlp two I n
stables in each 'low n!ilp one Itoadiiveweer
in each lioad DNun i There s al-n lo be
voted upon a piojiu'-iiioti fo amend inelon
stliuilon ufilii' Sim. ,ci ting in the number
of Judges or the Sapieme ( outt ndvotCN
of electors foi said ortVcts will be ieelved at
the polls of e ich Election lilstiioi in -iid
jciuniv bciween the bonis of s a m md 0
p III oi s no on
In uline-s wheicof I luveheiputiio set tnv
liatid at m ottlec In lot h 1 eoimt Inii
sthdiv of (ictoliei 1) Hi i
II llmi III Sheriff
27 86 '
sr it -trTT "?7s.
as. HP 16 ' nM
ii i a 1st. fjTaX - - r TiASSarai
j j 92 ?6 msify - miTf
HI 76
W) 72
66 59
158 35
4K 00
108 25
20 16
22 78
37 73
26 62
4V 12
37 7
17 78
is 72
105 41
88 40
10 20
58 W
23 12
12 00
H9 63
79 21
C4 95
2S U
19 C8
99 4
1UO 9
27 86
71 22
15 12
llll 94
IH 94
24 00
22 M
8 43
67 14
14 69
15 44
5 95
8 64
4 14
1 46
4 H2
2 SS
1 41
7 00
9 12
11 Hi
Monoy to loan on J.mnroveil farm
owest rate. Bostwlck & Acers.
Clrtnie iwi beautllln th hair
rroinolc t tuxurlint growth,
Never Failfl to Xtestor Oraj
Hair to iti Youthful Color.
Prevent IHndrulf nd hair lalUug
iVKt tmlgtH'OatlirtiftrUtfc
Attorneys at Law
Office Over Iolu Gas Coniprttyfjlw
I dress horses' teeth, nnd treat all
injuries and diseases.
Cancer on Her Tongue Cured Without
Leavenworth, Kansas.
State or Kansas, 1
Leavtnwuitn Co. J '
Jauey Put via, belnjf duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes and says thnt
she hud a cancer on bor tongue a nil
was treated August 25, 1808, by Sr. J.
C. McLaughlin, ofKansas Lily, Kuiia.,
with hie puinleaa remedy for oancer
and luuiors; that In about one month
ber tongue was well, and Is sound
aud well today. There was no pain
from the application of the medicine,
tiB she could read during the severest
treatment. Janey i'unvis,
800 e). Broadway.
Sworn to mo, Thomas L, Johnson,
a notary public, this 17th day of
Mareb 1000, Leavenworth, Kuusur.
(suai,) My commission expires
August 21, 1000
'" V&

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