OCR Interpretation

The Iola register. [volume] (Iola, Allen County, Kansas) 1875-1902, February 08, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83040340/1901-02-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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. . , mm m. M
Kntoroil In the Fostofllce 'at Iola, Ktusas, ag
Second GUm Matter.
Ono year. In Advance.
Blx month, In advauce
Tbrco mouths, In advance-
Uado known on application.
I'resiilfiifr Elder Dinboiaw Lnjs the
Cornerstone of Uio Now Metliodlst
Cliurch Interesting Ccie-
At 10 o'clock Tuesday the cerc
tnonios Incident to the laying o tho
corner stone of the now $10,000
Metliodlst cliurch in this city were con
ducted by Presiding Elder Durboraw
at tho silo,- corner of Madison and
Buekojo streets. Desplto tho cold
there w us n good crowd present and
tho Interesting cctctnonlcs were close
ly followed.
Tlio choir was present and opened
tho services, followed by prajer. Tho
presiding elder read from tho Scrip
tures, a hymn wus sung, Rev. I. Q.
Pulllnm led In prajer, Psalm 132 was
read, J. K. Henderson lead from I
Corinthians, Hjmn 070 was sung, n
collection for a memorial window was
Then a tin box was placed In tho
hollow stono by tho presiding elder,
who dedicated tho house tothoworshlp
of God and tho advancement of his
-a ill and purpose hero on earth, with a
prajer that no harm should come to
anyopo from Its erection, Including
tho workman engaged upon it. In tho
box were tho following articles: A
Holy Bible, Methodist lrymnal, Meth
odist discipline, Christian Advocate,
Central Christian Advocate, Kpworth
Herald, lola Dnllj llmivruit, Pel). 4;
Iola Dally Hecotd. Southwost Do el
oper, Historical sketch of the church
bj J. 12. Hondeison, Copj of names of
olllccrs of church in all depaitments,
Rev. D. H. Shuoj's-nnme on a slip,
Copies of other city papers.
plans oi'tiiiiniiw iiuimjiku.
The now house of worship will cost
SIO'OOO and will occupy a beautiful
sito close to the center of town. V.
A. Cann, of St. Louis, Is tho aichltect
.ami his plans call for a beautiful
It will be sex entj-six feet east and
west and nlnetj -sex en feet noith and
south, with a sevontj foot tower at tho
corner. Tho walls will ho of cut stone
and rich ted brick, topped bj manj
gables and peaks and a slato roof.
There will be hamUump memorial
windows put in tin oughout the build
ing in time, soveral boing flguied on
now Theio will bo a librarj and
class looms in addition to the main
room. Tho pulpit will be iu tho middle
of tho east sldo of tho main building,
which will bo divided bj huge sliding
doors Into an auditorium and Sunday
school loom. The auditorium will bo
18x48 feet, tho seats- arranged in a
seml-clrclo facing the pulpit At tho
right of the pulpit will bo a place for
tho choir. In tlieSunduj schoolroom
tho seats will be similaily nt ranged
so that when the sliding doors aio put
back tho two looms will be thrown in
to ono and tho lows of seats eone
spond. At tho rear of both rooms
tuns a gallerj above the lower tier of
HifeTOitY or thi: church oiuiani-
Through tho klnduos of Mr. J. 12,
Henderson tho HixiiSTUitis peunltted
to print tho following sketch of tho
history of tho Methodist church in
Iola, which is tho liistorj bulled In
tho coi nor stone of the new sti uctui e,
v.hlch Is to typifj tho giowth in num
bers and power of tho organization of
today under the pastorate of ltov.
John MacLean
To tho olllciarj of tho First Metho
dist Episcopal cliurch of lola, Kansas,
Rev, John Maclean, pastr, gieotlng:
Your committee appointed to look
up tho early liistorj of our chinch in
this city beg to submit tho following:
Wo havo searched dillgentlj, eon
slderihg the time allotted for this
work, but cannot find either u list oi
tho charter members or any member
ship rccoid priot to 1833. "Wo did
find tho following That the llrst sei
vicos under the nspleos of tho Metho--dlstswoio
held in tho residence of Mr.
J. F. Colburn, before tho samo was
completed, conducted bj llev. M
The Colburn faiullj remember
sorvlco but can onlj remember
John Rutledgo and wife, Mr. Abnor
Woloh and wlfo, a Mr. Clink and
wlfo and posslblj Bio. I. 1J. Lawjer
und wife. Thoj do remember that
more persons were present, but cannot
recall their namos, They remember
this as ocourlng In Soptember of 18.V.I.
Tho services were held in this samo
building for two or three times when
thoy were moved to tho residence of J.
C. Clark, now the llrst house west of
tho Tremont Hotel, and now owned bj
Mrs.J. P. McNutt. It is prohiiblo
that theso olght persons; J. C. Clark
and wlfo, John Rutledgo and wlfo,
Abner Wolch nnd wlfo, and I. B.
Lawyer and wlfo wore the noucleus
around which tho present membership
hns gathered. If so, tho sacrod num
ber havo passed over tho River, only
Father Ira B. Lawyorrcmalns. When
the building on tho south-east corner
of West nhd Chestnut streets was con
structed tho class hold services in it.
This was tho first school house and
public building bulU In tho city. Ser
vices wero hold, at times, in a building
where tho Klaumann store building
now stands. It was tho building in
which Quarterly mooting was hold in
tho year 1809, at tho time when Mrs.
C. Thrasher was received Ipto mem
bership in this church. Her letter ha v
ing been stolen on tho journoy to Kan
sas. This meeting was hold probably
May 1, 1800, tho date of tho llrst record
found by your committee. Theso
minutes tiro in part as follows:
Minutes of the llrst .Quartcrjj meet
ing for Iola Mission, May 1, 18G0.
Conference opened with singing and
prajer by M. Robertson, Presiding
Rider. Members present as follows:
N. P. Bukoy, pastor In chargo; David
Stanllold, L. P.; D. Dornn. 12x.; T. D.
Day, C. L.; A. Welch, C. L.; John
Chirk, C. L.; John Trip, C. L.; M.
Planks, C. L.; 12. L. Wllloy, C. L.
Bi others Thomas Daj, Thomas Jack
son nnd David Stanllold wcroappolnt
ed a connnlttco to estimate the pastor's
salary and repotted as follows: Ono
hundred and twenty dollars.
Sixth question. What has been
raised as quarterage? Answer as fol
lows: Humboldt Class 8
Deer Creek 2 00
Elizabeth, absent
Rock Ci eek 2 00
Total 4 00
Henry Jennings was elected cltcult
stoward, H. Doron, recording stew
ard: 12. L. Willey, secietarj, Marko
Robinson, presiding elder. Thus wo
havo tho beginning, olllciallj, of tho
present Iola charge.
Tho pastors havo been as follows:
N. P Bukoy, 18IS0; Thos. Willett,
18(11: W. T. Travis, 1802; W. I'imbet-
lttii, 1801; C. Meadows, 1804; A. B.
Walker, 18(i5-i0; C. K. Tobias, 1807;
G. L. Williams, 1808: E. A. Graham,
1809-70; W. W. Welsh, 1871; L. M.
Hancock, 1872; Thos, B. Palmer, 187.1;
II. K. Muth, 1874-70; J. S. Kline,
1877-80; D. T, Suinmervlllo, 18S0-81;
S. S. Wenthcrby, 1882-83; R. M.
Scott, lSil-bO; X. B. Johnson, 1887-88;
J. B. Ford, 18S9; A. S. Freed, 18H0.02;
Isaac Hill, 1M ; James Hunter, 1894-
t)".: I. B. Pulliam, 18')0-i7: A. B.
Bi liner, 189S.il1); John Maclean, 1000.
The presiding elders havo been as
'ollows: Mark Robinson, 1800-0.1,
Ilartfoit district; .Tamos Shaw, 1804-
(i0, Emporia district; (August 11, 1800,
l. B. Lawjer was secietarj of quar
ter! j conference, seventeen present,
J. P. Noel, S. S. Supt.) C. R. Rico,
107-70; J. Allison, 1871; C. R. Lowis,
1872: A. K. Johnson, 117.1-70: 1). P.
Mitchell, 1877-78; S. E IVnd eton,
1879-80: C. R. Riie, 18M-M: R. II.
Sparks, 1H84-80: TI. W. C ..alioc, 1887-
92; S. S. Martin. 189.1-97: C. II. Dui-
boraw, 1898-1900.
.I.EjJIlJVIHjttSON, Com.
A New Itestniirunt.
loluhiisanew restautant. It will
1)0 conducted In a manner calculated
toglvo tho best of satisfaction, and
will undoubtedly bo a success. This
place of business is on South Jetler-
so.i street, Numbor '411, and Mr.
William Keck is tlio proprietor. Mr.
Keck has for tho past tvo jears been
engaged in tho blacksmlthtng busi
ness. Concluding to chtingo his busi
ness he sold his tools, had tho build
ing remodeled, overjthing bolng
bright and now, and will open his
doors for tho patronugo of tho public
nest Wednosdnj.
Tho culinarj depnitment will bo
under tho watchful eyo of Mis. Keck,
who has tho reputation of bolng ono
of the best cooks In Allen county.
Homo made bread, pies und cakes
will bo sold, all of which will bo
baked by Mrs. Keck, and this lady
will porsonallj sco that everything is
kept clean and tidy, a point which
will ho appreciated bj tho hungry
public. Meals will bo sorved at all
hours, ami lunch will bo provided for
thoso that doslro It.
No pains will bo spared to inako
this restaurant a favorite with tho
peoplo. It is tho Intention of Mr.
'Ceok to give his customers tho best
possible valuo for their money, whllo
all will bo treated in tho most cordial
and considerato manner possible.
Mr. Keck has demonstrated his worth
as a citizen,, Ho is a woithy man and
wo bespeak far him a liberal sharo of
tho patronugo of all thoso who eat at
restaurants or shoit ordor houses.
Remomber the place, No. 211 South
Jetlerson avenue, ono-Jmlf block Bouth
of tho post olllco corner tho samo
stand formerly occupied by Mr. Kock
in Ills blacksmith buslnoss.
City Council Meeting.
Tho city council met in special ses
sion Tuesday night.
A resolution was read from tho
Uoaid of Education asking the mayor
to call an election in District No, 10,
on Fobruary 2f, 1001, to voto $20,000
bonds to erect a school house In tho
3rd vvard of tho city. Tho mayor ap
pointed voting places and clerks and
judges of election.
Moved that city utlornoy tuko such
nccossnry action to resist pajlng
taxos on thowater woiks slto.
Moved .that mayor bo scut to To
poka, at city's oxpenso, to urgo legis
lation for tho city of Iola.
A petition for a now walk on north
Walnut, signed by J. W. Smith and
oloven others, was read and referred
to a committee.
Tho resignation of W. E.McPherson
as night policeman was read and on
motion nccoptcd. .
Bills wero allowed as follows:
A D Iloycr, saliry $ 40 00
II Shapcl, s Unry 40 00
V H McPhcrson, salary 40 00
FSCanatsey, salary 40 (X)
W W MoCIuro, salary 10 00
Iola Qua Co, nan .. .. , 52,15
I K Patterson, supplies 10 71
into mtrticr ... 200
AT Hoffman, labor j 115
.1 F Campbell, roclc 3 45
It V Thrasher, pilntlng 8 00
0 S Kilter, printlnit . .... 20 BO
W WCook, Water KM No 4 8,712 22
US Oust Iron Co, KstNo3 wntcrplpo. 4 418 01
U .M Heed, i;st No 3 l;lco llRht 2,4 12 00
r. M Itecd Ah Ide nnglnol r.leo Hunt. 8.10 00
Ilurnsi. McDonnell, cnk'InterlnB .... BOO 1)0
Cliuplln-rullorMfirCo boiler rcRlstcr 41 00
WHMcCluro, expenses to Topeka $14 4"
V II ICclloy, hauling engine 1 01)
I D Kcllcy, hauling engine . . 1 01)
T M Gregory, guard pest house .. .. 28 00
Til Jones " ,, 54 33
Illmer Edwards " , ,,, 2 60
,1 II Harris, Hilary Jnn 1901 . . . ,11 00
Henry Denning, labor 735
Chicago Lumber Co, lumber .. . 4107
I.MIlumsey, Ssteamgiuges . , .. 4 0.1
T 11 Slnnnon, nails 9 00
Sohell & 11 ilnl, hardware ., 10 h.1
Tho city attornoy was instructed to
draw up an oidlnanco prohibiting
spitting on sidewalks.
Death ot Mrs. O. L. Stciiimiui.
Mrs. O. L. Steinman died at her
homo in Iola at 12 o'clock on Monday,
February 1 1901, aged 37 jears, after
a short Illness. Tho funeral was held
from tho house 0111 Tuesday at 2
o'clock and was under tho caro of tho
Rebeckuh lodge of which deceased was
a member Rov. Dr. Swan olllclating,
and tho remains but icd iu the Iola
cemctcrj .
Mrs. Steimmiu was born at Albany,
Mo., October 1, 1801, and was married
in that town on May 12, 1880, to Mr.
Stoinman. Two children, both of
them living, Maudo and Olhi, blessed
tho union. Sho came with tho family
to lola iu 1897 and by hor forco of
character and winsome womanliness
secured and hold tho warm friendship
of a largo ciiclo of acquaintances.
Sho was an actlvo member of tho Ro-
beckah and Rojnl Neighbor lodges,
both of which orders attended the
funeral in a bodj. Her death Is uni
versally regretted and tho family have
tho sincere bj mpathj of tho community
in their loss.
A Fireman's Close Cull.
"I stuck to m j engine, although
every joint ached and overy norvo was
racked with pain," wiites C. W. Bel-
llunj, a locomotlvo Iheman, of Bur
lington Iowa., "1 was weak nnd palo
without unj nppotlto and all uindown.
As 1 was about to give up, I got a
bottlo of Elect! lu Bitters and, after
taking it, I felt as well as 1 over did
iu my life." Weak, sickly, run down
peoplo alwajs gain new life, strength
and vigor f 1 om their tiso. Try them.
Satisfaction guarranteed by Evans
Bros. Price AO cents.
The Vellow Hug is Out.
Tuosday a doctor was sailed to
tho homo of Stephen B, Chnso, tho
chili man living iu a tent on west
Madison avenuo, to attend Ills daugh
ter, Hattlo, who recently returned
hero f 10m a visit in tho Indian Terri
tory. The doctor was suspicious and
referred tho case to Health Ollleer
Teas, who Immediately oidered the
plaeo quarantined and this was done.
Tho girl is ill and seeinstohavo small
pox, but tho case has not doveloped
sulllclently to bo sure, llvory precau
tion is bolng taken, the tent has been
closed, tho family 'agreeing to Btuj
iusldo, guards willwatch tho front und
tho other children will bo confined
there also.
Tliodiscovcrj of a caso bo closo in
town has 1 caroused tho tulk of tho
necessity for a pest house, a placo for
all who may from tlmo to tlmo
tuko down with It, to bo Isolated
and yet properly nursod and
doctored. For this a tent with a good
floor is suggosted, cold air bolng ono
of tho best posslblo euros for tho dls
oasc. Tho now caso, bolng in a tent,
will 1 uiso tho question of how to fumi
gate tho tho old lumbor and rags when
tho case is ovor.
UntFroT'oiKiuer Or Die .
"I was just about gone," writes
Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Rural
Springs, N. C, Iliad Consumption
so bad that tho best doctors said that
I could not live moro than a month,
but I began to use Dr. King's Now
Discovery and was wholly cured by
sovon bottles and am now stout and
well." It's an untivalod Ufo-savor in
Consumption, Pnoumonla, La Grlppo
und Bronchitis; infalllblo for Coughs,
Colds, Asthma Hay Fovor, Croup or
Whooping Cough, Guaranteed bot
tles fiOo and $1.0J. Trial bot'los freo
at Evans Bros, drug store.
Two Moro Hcnegiules Develop nnd
Two Mote Women Lelt in
.Solitude and poverty.
The sacred bondsjof matrimonj seem
to bo as tho tlnlost thread in tho hands
of a giant so far as holding powor on
Iola husbands is concerned. Scarcely
a month passes that somo husband
doesn't dosort his wlfo and children
nndlcavothemfor frlendsor thecounty
or their own feeble efforts to suppoit,
A RuaiSTUit reporter called tit tho
city hall Wednesday and found two
women there, both Josetted wives
seeking u helping hand.
Ono was a colored woman. Years
ago Fanny Thompson came hero from
Ft. Scott and soon located at tho poor
farm where Bho has resided since.
Last July a man Innuicd Chas. Som
mors camo along and by his wiles and
soft speech persuaded her that ho
could mako llfo ploasantor for her
than it was at tho poor farm. Ho
fooled her and himself. They wedded
and camo to Iola where ho worked at
tho cement and brick plants until last
Friday when ho wenton down thoptko,
leaving hor stranded hero. Sho wants
to bo returned to tho poor farm where
sho can watch and wait for him or
somo ono else.
Tho other was Mrs. R. E. Lcnatta.
Two jears ago sho was married to
Mr. Lcnatta nnd thoy get along falrlj
well until somo weeks ago when ho var
ied tho monotony of getting booz.j by
practicing pugilistic feats on her. She
summoned' tho polico and ho was ar
rested. Ho didn't quit drinking but
ho quit lighting her. No change oc
curred In tholr mode of llfo until that
night. Tuosday was pay day and Mr.
Lcnatta drew somo $30 coming to him
at tho Nicholson smelter and in com
pany with his brother, L. 12. Lcnatta,
went. Tho wlfo Is left without a cent
and with scarcely provisions for a
meal. Sho is torn between conflicting
emotions. Her brother-in-law boaided
withy her and owes a bill. Ho
loft his trunk at a sister's, Mrs.
McDonald and Mrs. Lenatta
thinks ho and her husband have their
clothes in it and exptct to havo it sent
after them. Tho sister icfusos to talk,
so Mrs. Lcnntta will attach tho ttunk.
Tho other plan Is to havo tho husband
brought back. Sho wants tho trunk
or tho husband, about a stand-olT in
valuo. Sho was not tearful, nor whito
with unger. "I think a man don't
amount to much who will lcavo his
woman without a cent," sho calmly
stated. "I can work, and mako a liv
ing, but I think ho ought to bo
brought back as a punishment." And
yet the law seems to lw verj elastic as
to whether or not punishment shall bo
meted out to such men.
Ternisof Court Changed.
Word comes from Topeka that tho
bill Introduced In tho Senate by Sena
tor Stewart of this county has passed
and will" become a law. Tho bill
changes tho time at which the sessions
of tho district couit in tho Seventh dls
trlc, which includes Wilson, Woodson
and Neosho counties.
Tho old law of 1897 1s icpearuA. It
provided for sittings of court in Allen
county on tho third Mondaj in March,
tho third Monday in Juno and tho sec
ond Monday In November. Tho now
bill makes tho teims of couit como on
tho first Tuesday in Fobiuary, tho
third Tuesday in Maj and tho first
Tuesday in October. Tho new law
goes Into oiloct after April 25 1001.
Tho purposo of tho law is to rellovo
tho Allen county couit which hereto
fore has sat at such times that no tlmo
cpulil be allowed for a prolonged ses
sion and adjourned terms havo been
common, causing vexations, dolajs
and added expense
Tlic Aniomlo Honorable
Tho To poka Capital thus corrects a
mlspilnt and Incidentally tolls somo
interesting facts about Iola Poitland
cement which oven Iollt peoplo will bo
pleased to read:
"On Sundaj, January 27, tho Capi
tal published an aitjolo legaidlng the
Iola Poitland Cement which was writ
ten by Prof. Grimsley of Washburn
college. Through unfortunuto pi oof
errors there was amlstako in tho state
ment printed regarding tho tensile
strength for cement 1 equlred by gov
ernment specifications: also In tho
tcusilo strength of tho Iola Portland
cement. 1
"What Prof. Grimsley roally wroto
and which should so havo appeared,
was tho following:
"Tho government specilicatlons re
quire tho cement for their buildings to
havo a tensllo breaking strength of at
least 4.")0 pounds in sovon days, 67.1
pounds in 28 days, when tested with
out sand. Iola cemont reaches 800
pounds in sovon days, nnd 1,000
pounds in 28 days. When three parts
sand are mixed with one of cemont, tho
govorntuont requires tho briquettes to
stand 170 pounds in soven days and
250 pounds In 28 days. Such a mix
ture of Iola cemont aftor soven days
breaks at from 320 to 375 pounds, and
aftor 28 days It roaches 420 to 500
Hkadaohe Neuiiaixha Coi.bs
1 ' Gitip. ' ' Nothing llko ' 'Ouanqiiink' '
powders to prevent, instantly roliovo,
Trade With.
Drug Sundries,
Patent Medicines,
Pulnts and Brushes,
Oils nnd Varnishes,
Window Glass,
Typo Writer supplies,
Wall Paper,
Art Materials)
Blank Books,
School Books,
Sporting Goods.
South Side Square,
Published Mon
ilny, Wednesday,
nml Friday, Is In
reality 11 lino fresh
overs -6 th er-luy
I) illy xlvlng the
litest news on
dii)1! of Issue, and
eovcrlnu news of
the other three
It contains nil Itn
portunt foreign
cubic news which
nmeurs In The
Duly Tribune of
simc date also
domestic corre
spondence, KllOlt
stories. rictrunt
halt tones. Humor
ous Items, Indus
trial Information,
fashion notes nu
rlculturol milters
and comprehen
sive und reliable
tin ineial nnd in ir
Iwt reports
ItCKtil ir sulwcrlp
tlon price J1.5H
per ) ear
VVV furnish It I
with the Itctrlster
for W JS per )cnr I
Send all orders to THE
lion 11 Illm'riM't Xim lurli Srrmnf
Ailrolll llronuht the Pnllct-
A rather curious method of burglar
catching was reset ted to l)j an in
genious maid M'tvnnt reeeutlj in New
orlc. While in pursuit of her house
hold duties the maid noticed n man's
foot inside the clothes cloet. hh
did not scream, iiiitlicr did she jump
til the door, nor shut it with n bnng;
histoid she took a bi 00111 and began
lo sweep that corner of the mom
near the cjpsct. Her nppro.ieh was
gulden!, mid the sweeping was done
so iiatiiiullj Unit it woiiht not have
nroused the most suspicious burglar.
At last the broom blushed the door
gentlv, but liuid enough to close it
to the fraction of nil inch With
die or si 11101 e gentle nvrec ps that
closet door was shut nnrl almost
latched, which she nt length 8tic
cetded in doing by gently pressing
her arm agniust it.
As tile telephone in her house wns
so near the closet thnt the burglar
would lie able to hear her if she called
for assistance, she bethought herself
of nnothcr plan, Tn the back j-nrd
some telephone linemen were nt the
time mnklng repairs on a wire thnt
runs to nnothcr houpc in the block.
She went out and spoke to them.
Thej" promptlj- tnpped a wire, at
tached a testing Instrument nnd
called up one of the downtown ex
changes, which in turn called up po
lice hendqiuuters From there the
call was sent to the police station
liemest the House nnd two policemen
wcie sent nriiuiiil and grit the man.
lliicklen's Arnica Salve,
lias world-wldo faino formarvollous
cutos. It surpasses any other salvo,
lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts,
Corns, Bums, Bolls, Soros Tolono,
Ulcors, Settors, Salt Uhoiuu, Fover
Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Ihup
tlons; Infalllublo for 1'iles. Curo
guaranteed. Only 2 jo at Evans Bios.
I ti m 11 run 1-c for llnlliern.
Insurance for batlieib is the newest
entei prise in the Insurance line. I'en-nj-ln-the-slnt
machines will he elect
ed in popular bathing places. Jlcfore
j on enter the water jou drop iu jour
copper, and out pops a 24-liouis' life
Insurance pollcj.
Stiiitt-rlMK Contnuloim,
Stuttering Is considered contagious
In (lermanj. 'lnere are over 80,000
stuttering children In the tchools of
that countrj, nnd the number ia
steadily Increasing,
Working Over Time.
Bight hour laws are ignored by
thoso tireless, Uttlo workers Dr.
King's Now Llfo Pills. Millions aro
always at work, night and day, euro
lng Indigestion, Bllliousnoss, Consti
pation, Slek Headache and all
Stomach, Liver and Bowel troupes.
Easy, pleasant, safe, sure, Only 25a
at Evans drug store.
Up-to-Date Goods in All Lines,
Whcro quality Is of greatest
importance, wo buy tho best.
Where demand will justify, wo
entry all grades and prices.
Whcro price Is tho main consid
oaratlon, wo will meet or discount any
dealer In this part of tho stato.
Goner Dug Store,
Iola, Kansas.
Published on
Thursday, nnd
known for nearly
sixty )cin In ev
ery part of the U,
S us . national
fumlly newspaper
of the hlKheit
class, for fnrmcri
nnd villagers It
contains all tho
most Important
general news of
The D illy Tribune
up to hour of go
ing to press, un
agricultural dc
pirtment has en
tertaining reading
for ever) member
of the family old
and )oung mar
ket reportN which
arc neccpted us
nuthorlty b fnrm
cri and country
merchants nnd Is
clean up to date.
Interesting und
Itegtihir subscrip
tion price ifl uo
per) ear
Wo furnish It
with The Iteglster
for Jl 80 per )eur.
Tola, Kansas, i
Ono of tho best equipped under
taking establishments In. tho
Every Call Answered.
Promptly by a Licen
sed Lmbalmer, Night
or Da j.
Night Phono No. 221.
Day Phone No 22
Canter on Jler Tongue Ciueil Without
Leavenworth,. Kansas.
Sat k or Kansas, 1
Ijeuveuvvoitli lo. J
.1 aney 1'urvU, boing duly sworn ac
cording to law, deposes und says thut
she had a cancer on her touguo unit
was treated AuguBt 25, 1808, by Dr. J.
C. McLaughlin, ofKunsuii Uity, Ktuis.,
with his painless remedy for cancer
and tumors; that iu about ono mouth
her tongue whs woli, and Is sound
and woll today. There-was no pain
I r 0111 the application of the medicine,
its she could read during the severest
trouttnent. Janky Puhvis,
8U0 ti. Broadway.
Sworn to me, Thomas L, Johnson,
n notary public, this 17th day ot,
March 11)00, Leavenworth, Kansas.
(skai.) My commi'slnn expires
August 21. 1000
Great Clubbing Oiler.
There is no better farm and stock
journal published than the "Old He
llablo" Kunsiis Farmer, of Topeka,
Kansas, which gao Its renders during
tho past year 002 pagos of select and
practical mattor ct)v ering every vnrlod
interest of the farmer ami his family
and tho agricultural and live stock in
dustry of the West. Any ono of Its '
"Twentieth Century Specials," to
bo issued during 1001, will bo worth
tho annual subscription price of Ono
Dollar a joar. Samplo copy fieo.
Clubbed with tho Knais iT.n, both ono
j ear for only $200.
S promptly procund, OB NO FEB. Bend mcxM, ikttck,
n.tihnfn fn fr.A Mtutrl OH Tt&UMt&tillltT. Hook "IlOW'
toObuInlT B tnlrorel(nritstitiidTrid-Mirki,"
rRZE. Filrtlt ttnoi i llerl to luTtntori
All lIuhitH oonOJollTir Sound iidrln. WuLfal
ferrloo. Moderatt kftrgi.
X"C. A. SNOW & CO.
0pp. U. 8. Fitint Of flc, WASHINGTON, 0. a
. -v -'--w fjjjlftto-u
,Ji..!mjt.--.ul...'.J;'-Ja.A. tomMir.

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