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Baxter Springs news. [volume] (Baxter Springs, Kan.) 1882-1919, May 17, 1890, Image 6

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

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M. H. CAKDHIR, Publlhr.
XJummary of the Daily New.
TBI Senate on the nth considered at f reat
length the Houm bill lor the rlassineatlon
of wonted clothe m woolen which was Anal
ly paiied The Pension Appropriation bill
Cwblch aPDropriatea t97.0W.761) wti then
taken up, bot no quorum being present the
Senate adjourned..... Immediately after
meeting the Houae reauaaed eonaideratlon
I the Tariff bill, debate on which continued
during the day and at the oven Ins; eeealoa.
BOON after aaaembllng on the Wh the ten
ate again took up the Penelon Appropriation
bill, the Queition being on senator ener
man's amendment to Increase the number
of pension aienta from eighteen to twenty
at a salary of S4.00O, The amendment was
agreed to after an animated debate. The bill
was finally paaaed. and the Military Aeademy
bill also psssed. Tim Army Appropriation
bill was then discussed until adjournment.
The Rouse railed the bill granting a
penelon to Mrs. Parnell of $30 per month,
and then resumed debate on the Tariff bill.
which waa continued Into the evening ses
sion and until adjournment
In the Senate on the 10 li Mr. Puwes pre
seated a petition from the ore Indian Na
tions protesting aaalnat the numerous granta
of railroad franchises throtiKti tne inumn
Territory. The Army Appropriation bill
was further debated and finally pussed with
Senator Utile's amendment forbidding the
aale or supplying of alcoholic liquors,
wine or beer to enlisted men in
any canteen or building In a garri
son or military post. A number
of bills then passed, among them the bill
granting the right of way to the Junction
City ft rort Blley Street railway through
the Tort Rliey military reservation In Kan
sas. Pension bills were then considered un
til adjournment The entire day In the
House waa taken up in further debate upon
the Tariff bllL
IX the Senate on the 12th Senator Hoar,
from the Judiciary Committee, rcportd
bark tho House amendment to the henatc
Anti-Trust bill with an amendment. The
renate bill fixing the times und places for
holding Federal Courts in Kansas was re
ported and passed. Tho t-llvcr bill was then
taken up and Senator Jones, of Kevada,
opem d i he debate in favor of u H bill. Before
the conclusion of his speech the Remit ad
journed.. ..The House had a lively session
1n Committee of the Whole on the tariff bi t,
which was still under consideration at the
time of adjournment
III the Senate on the 13th a petition waa
presented from Philadelphia business men
remonstrating against the inerease of duty
on dress goods made wholly or partly from
wool. After reports of committees Sena
tor Davis, from the Pensions Committee,
reported back the House substitute for the
Dependent Pension bill and n;oved a non
concurrence and conference, which was
agreed to. The Fenute then resumed
consideration of the diver bill and
Senator Jones (Nev.) continued his
remarks In fuvor of the bill, at the conclu
sion of which Senator Jones iArk.) addressed
the Senate In opposition.... After the dis
position of routine business in the House
debate on the Tariff bill was resumed, und
Ifr. Diitterworth (Ohio) croated soim-what of
a sensation by Ills peculiar remarks und
views on tho tariff question. Hut little pro
gress was mad before the House adjourned.
Thf. meeting of tho executive commit
tee of the' Republican National Commit
tee in Washington lias, owing to the
absence of General Clarkson, been post
poned indefinitely.
Pouter, Superintendent of the Cen
sus, has warned supervisors against ac
cepting "aid" from cities, etc, in ob
taining returns, as tending to fraud.
The President has approved the act
for improving the harbor at Aransas
Pass, Tex.
Senator Gorman has been chosen
chairman of the Democratic Senators in
place of tho late Senator Beck.
Senator Brown, Georgia's Senator,
lias failed to appear during this session
and it is generally understood that he
will resign on account of continued ill
health. The present Governor of
Georgia, General John B. Gordon, will,
It is said, succeed him.
O'Donovaw Rossa, who waa recently
convicted of criminal libel at New York,
lias boon fined $100.
A gigantic local fire Insurance com
bination was reported under way in New
The miners at Antrim, N. Y., went on
a strike recently, making 3,000 men out
work in that locality.
Tme annual, competition for the
Boyleston prizes for Harvard students
In declamation was held in t ambridgo,
Mass. The first prizes were won by VV.
E. B. Dubois '00 and? II. E. Burton '00.
Mr. Dubois is a negro.
Tus Pennsylvania Railroad Company
Is reported from Pittsburgh to have its
-contribution of 1275,000 to the Chicago
World's Fair all ready for delivery.
The lime producers' combination in
Maine has expired by limitation and
prices are now expected to fall nearly
'100 per cent
- Oil City, Pa., was visited by a cloud
burst recently. ' Mr. and Mrs. Noah
Johnson were buried in the ruins of
their house and killed.
The village of Elllcottville, N. Y.,
las been fire swept Loss, $50,000.
. A coMTitoinsE has been effected be
tween striking granite cutters and the
employers at Quincy, Mass.
- Tint Common Council of Chelsea,
Mass., has reconsidered it vote to peti
tion the Legislature to change the name
of the town because of the expression
"as dead as Chelsea."
E. IL M. Sistakk, a member of the
broker firm of George K. Sistare Sons,
which recently failed, has been in New
York. Richard Herkshere, of Philadel
phia, on whose warrant be was arrested,,
says he bad 112,000 worth of bonds
wtich were embezzled. 1
TllBt Democrats have nominated
Richard Yaux to fill Randall's place in
Conn-ess. Yaux was born in Philadel
phia in 1811
By the explosion of the boiler of a
locomotive on the Reading railroad near
Shamokin, Pa.. Engineer Hoglcgont
and Fireman Charles Kauffnian were
instantly killed and Conductor George
C. Yeager was probably fatally injured.
Twenty Austrlans under contract to
work in Pittsburgh, Pa., have been de
tained in New York,
The 88,000 liquor license recently
granted to John Lennan by the select
men of Dracut Mass., has been revoked
and the money will be refunded.
Tue Thomas Rice Paper Company, of
Wellesley, Mass., has assigned.
Tiikre was a cloudburst at Greens-
burg, Pa., on the afternoon of the 13th.
General 11 F. Butlkii thinks the
Chicago Anarchists were condemned un-
iustlv. thev not acini present in the
Supreme Court when sentence of death
was pronounced. lie has been retained
in halieas corpus proceedings.
The New York Independent again
publishes returns from all but five of
the Presbyteries of the Presbyterian
Church, showing that 15.1 have voted for
and 09 against revision and 0 have de
clined to vote. Most of the Presbyteries
not heard from are foreign.
Tine strike of the coal miners of Illi
nois has, it is reported, been settled.
W. II. Pope, the defaulting teller of a
Louisville bank and a traveling com
panion were captured at tho Two Har
bors, Lake Superior, by Detective Craw
ford. Pope had a large sum of money
on his person and a ticket on the Cana
dian Pacific railway from Port Arthur
to Victoria.
Race excitement was reported at
Crawfordsville, Ind., over the gradua
tion of four colored pupils from the high
During a Chinese riot in Los Angeles,
CaL, the other night one Chinaman was
killed and one seriously wounded. The
Wong Cbee society has declared deadly
war on the Ah Mow faction.
Tiif.rk was a report that an old charge
was likely to be trumped tip against
Lody Cook (Tennle Clafiin) in Illinois.
About twenty-six years ago when a girl
she was induced by her mother to clair-
voyantly treat a woman for cancer. The
woman died and a charge of manslaugh
ter was preferred, but was not pushed.
Near the east line of the Cherokee
Nation the house occupied by a Mr.
Barton, on the Polsen farm was burned
with all its contents. After the burn
ing mass had sufficiently cooled to work
in it the remains of two bodies were re
moved, one being a young lady of seven
teen years and the other a child of four.
Ex-President Cleveland in a letter
to Secretary Hill, of Oak Grove lodge.
Steubenville. O., indorses the I armers
Alliance and reiterates his convictions
concerning the tariff.
A main and snow storm wus reported
from all over Montana on tho 10th. The
country was greatly in need of rain and
the storm insured plenty of feed on the
ranges the coming season.
The Montana Union railroad freight
depot at Butte, Mont, was burned the
other morning, causing 00,000 loss.
There was a wreck on tho "Q" near
Aurora, 111., the other night an engine
and several cars going down an embank
ment Three men were killed.
General Jn.irs White, ex-Minister
to tho Argentine Republic, died at South
Evanston, ill., of dropsy.
Two sect on men were killed and a
third fatilly injured by be ng run down
by a special train near Prescott Wis.
JriH.E George M. Sarin, United
States District Judge of Nevada, died
at San Francisco on the 12th.
The Chicago, Burlington fc Quincy
has announced that they will sell tick
ets from St Louis to Kansas City and
St Joseph, Mo., for SI, and Atchison
and Leavenworth, Kan., for the same
price; to Council Bluffs for S5, and Den
ver for J8.50.
The Clayton-Brecklnrldgo investiga
tion ended at Little Rock, Ark., on the
8th. .
Five thousand persons attended the
final services over tho remains of the
late Senator Beck at Lexington, Ky.,
on the 8th.
At Ruffln, N. C, recently David Stokes
died from the bite of a domestic cat
Tho animal burled her teeth in bis arm
and her head had to be cut off to release
him. He died within twenty-four hours.
The Georgia Temperance Association
has adopted resolutions urging Congress
to pass a measure g ving States the
right to control or prohibit the liquor
traffic regardless of Inter-State Com
merce. Foi l play was feared concerning the
disappearance of Revenue Agent C IL
Hawkins and twenty men who were af
ter moonshiners in the Cumberland
mountains of Kentucky.
Lieutenant Edwix B. Weeks, quar
termaster at the United States army
post at San Antonio, Tex., committed
suicide by blowing out his brains with
a revolver. Despondency was supposed
to be tho cause of the rash act v
JnxjE Stewart, of Baltimore, ML,
has delivered an opinion in the cay of
Stevenson Archer, ex-State Treasurer,
in which be held that Archer can not be
tried for embezzlement
Texas Prohibitionists bare nominated
a full State ticket
John Morhih, for the Louisiana State
Lottery Company, has offered the State
Legislature, now in session at llaton
Rouge, $1,000,000 a year for tho exten
sion of the charter of the company for
twenty-five years, or f J5.000.000 for the
ea ire term. ' .
Canada now has 13,028 miles of rail
road In "operationan increase of 60(1
miles in 1880.
Baron Rothschild, of London, is said
to be getting too fat
The men employed in the gas works
at Hamburg, Germany, have gone on a
Protests from Germany and England
In connection with the Moussa Bey
trials caused the removals of the Turk
sh Minister of Justice and the Governor
of Constantinople.
Bakon Iliitsrii proposes giving an
Amer can committee an annual sum of
$10,000 for the purpose of establishing
and sustaining an agricultural school
for the benefit of Russian Hebrews in
the United States.
The first Republ'can Congress of Bra
all will elect a President and the Brazil
ian Constitution will be promulgated
before August
Two engines were completely
wrecked, a fireman killed and an engin
eer fatally injured by striking a land
slide at a tunnel near Campbellton. N. B.
Piiii.ii Bright, youngest son of tho
late John Bright the renowned English
statesman, has enrolled himself in the
Gladstone party.
Prince Bismarck is reported greatly
improved in health since his retirement
He spends much time sorting and burn
ing letters.
Km in Pasha has demanded from the
Egyptian Government seven years' ar
rears of his salary as Governor of tho
Equatorial Province and an annual pen
sion for life.
Advices have been received from Sen
egal that the King has been murdered
b,. his subjects. He had tried to impose
upon them European Ideas which ho had
imbibed at tho Paris Exhibition.
Hkrren Wareiiold, Haspelmath and
Leuby, officers of the German navy,
have been convicted of receiving bribes
from contractors and have been sen
tenced to terms in prison.
Explorer Stanley has been present
ed with the freedom of the city of Lon
A dispatch to the London Times
says that the removal or rnnce ms-
marck decided the Czar to reverse his
policy of an alliance with France and to
revert to the policy of forming nn alli
ance with Germany.
A contract has leen signed between
tho German Government and the Last
African Steamship Company, which will
receive 900,000 marks annually for aline
of steamers from Hamburg to Delugoa
An official report states that the gen
eral condition of winter rye and wheat
in European Russia is good. In many
districts, notably the Eastern provinces,
Poland, Livonia, Courland and South
west Russia, the condition is very good.
A oitantity of balistite, the new ex
plosive, exploded recently at the factory
at Avigllna. fourteen miles westof lurln,
Italy. Fourteen persons were instantly
killed and many others injured, some of
them fatally.
Major Wissmann bombarded Lindi
May 10 and captured tho town.
A bill was reported in the Senate on
the 14tb permitting States to enact laws
jvcrcoming the original package decis
ion of the Supreme Court The Silver
bill was again taken up, Mr. Teller pre
senting his views on the subject The
House was in committee on the Tariff
The Senate on the 14th confirmed all
the Oklahoma nominations.
A PI.AGVE of locusts is devastating
trans-Caucasia. A quarter of a million
of acres of agr cultural land at Tflis.
Elllsavctpol and Baku have been rav
aged by this insect
The ocean steamship Parisian ran full
Into an iceberg in a fog off Newfound
land, but was not seriously injured. A
panic was narrowly averted.
A caisson accident occurred at Louis
ville, Ky., 'on the 14th. A hawser
parted and a pior turned over, bringing
down the scaffolding. Three men were
killed, one of them being C. 11. Mitchell,
of Kansas City, second assistant superi
ntendent of construction.
The report sent out from Oklahoma
City stat ng that a bloody battle oc
curred on the Canadian between farm
ers and cowboys, wherein five farmers
were killed and several cowboys wound
ed, was wholly without foundation.
Edward Valvis, an art st was struck
by a train in New York City and killed.
The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers held its annual convention In
Cincinnati on the 14th.
The Parnell'. tos snatched a victory in
the House of Commons on the 14th, tho
second reading of the Irish Agricultural
Laborers' bill being agreed to without a
division. The Government's usual sup
port was absent when the measure was
Senator Wolcott, oi uioraao. was
married at Buffalo, N. Y.. recently to
Mrs. F. M. Bass, daughter of the late
James II. Metcalfe.
Thousands of acres of valuable tim
ber In Northern Wisconsin have been
destroyed by lorcst fires which are still
The Austrian Agricultural bxniDiuoa
opened at Vienna on llm 14th, the Em
peror presiding, trance aud Germany
were well represented.
Two pronounced cases of leprosy are
reported in the Chinese colony la
Eicirr inches of snow fell in iortn
Dakota, doing the wheat crop much
Mining riots are reportea in rorxigui
and Spain. The wholo provlnco oi
iilscay has been placed uuder martial
At the recent meeting of the Stat
nomeopathist Society at Sallna the
following officers were elected: Presi
dent M. J. Brown, of Sallna; vice-president
O. It Anderson, of Seneca; treas
urer, G. H. T. Johnson, of AtchiBon;
recording secretary, P. Dcidorich, of
Kansas City, Kan.; corresponding secre
tary. D. P. Cook, of Clay Center.
Dr. Jackson, of umporia,
Drs. Mclntyre, of Topeka,
Hutchinson, of Hutchinson,
elected on the board of censors.
Dr. Robey, of Topeka, was elected dele
gate ta the American Institute Horn
opathy and Dr. Foster, of Kansas City,
to tho Western Society of Homeopathy.
At the recent meeting of the Loyal
Legion at Leavenworth the following
officers were elected for the ensuing
year: General C. A. McD. McCook,
commander; Captain J. D. Barker, of
Girard, senior vice; Major Thomas J.
Anderson, of Topeka, junior vice; Cap
tain Hathaway, U. S. A., recorder; S. F.
Neeley, of Leavenworth, registrar; Dr.
T. J. Weed, of Leavenworth, treasurer;
Dr. Woolverton, of Topeka. chancellor;
Rev. Bernard Kelly, chaplain; Colonel
Milton Steward, Wichita; Colonel J. R.
McClure, Junction City; Captain C. a
Carr, Leavenworth: Major Homer Pond,
Fort Scott and Dr. A. C. Varduyn,
Leavenworth, council
Heavy frosts visited parts of the Stat
on the night of the 7th.
Eliiert F. Ward, wanted at Vienna,
III. for selling for $1,200 his horso Red
Bird, which was mortgaged for 8800,
was recently arrested at Anthony. II
was living there under an assumed
name and was about to try to Becure a
loan of $1,000 on another's land.
The Social Science Club at its recent
meeting in Lawrence, elected the fol
lowing officers: President Mrs. L. B.
Kellogg, of Emporia: vice-presidents,
Mrs. J. K. Cravens, of Kansas City. Ma;
Mrs. M. B. Gray, of Kansas City, Kan.;
Mrs. Judge Hauk, of Hutchison; Mrs.
IVentiss. of Lawrence: Mrs. Crowell, ol
Atchison; Mrs. Sallie Toler, of Wichita,
and Mrs. Morgan, of Leavenworth;
secretary, Mrs. Rosa W. Atwood, of
Manhattan: treasurer, Mrs. Henrietta
Stoddard Turner, of Paola.
The Republican Congressional con
vention for the Sixth district, recently
held at Colby, nominated Webb McNall
for Congress on tho 82d ballot
The Atchison street railway, which
was sold to John Weber, of Des Moines,
last November for $80,000, has agan
been sold, this time to II. J. Ranson, of
Des Moines, representing Boston people,
Tho consideration was $113,000.
A tornado recentl' did much damage
In the vicinity of Fredonla. Many
houses were destroyed. Mrs. Frank
Glidden and child were killed and
several others ser ously injured.
The other afternoon a man named
Frederick Shafer, who was trying to
beat his way out of Leavenworth, at
tempted to board a north-bound freight
train, and in doing so got his legs
caught between the cars, crushing them
in a horrible manner. lie died in a
short time.
The Senate has passed Mr. Plumb's
bill to fix the times and places of holding
Federal courts in Kansas. It divides
the State into two districts, to be known
as the First and Second division of the
district of Kansas. The terms of court
in the Fir-t d'vis on are to be held at
the time and places now prescribed by
law, and those of the Second division at
Wichita on the first Monday in March
and September in each year.
George W. Crane fe Co., printers and
bookbinders of Topeka, recently made
an assignment for the benefit of their
creditors. Their liabilities are $120,000.
The other morning an aged colored
man, Peyton Burleigh, was found dead
in White Clay creek, near the Missouri
Pacific shops at Atchison, with a deep
gash just above the left temple, evi
dently made with a car coupling pin.
He was Been with another negro man
the night before, with whom he had
been quarreling, but the man denied all
knowledge of the crime.
There are 110 creameries in success
ful operation in Kansas.
Kansas is growing 375,001 more acres
of wheat this year than it did last
Salina business men have organized
a Commercial Exchange to forward the
interests of their city.
Alfred M. Seeley has obtained a
judgment at Olatbe against the Santa
Fe road for $7,943.25 for losing a leg la
an accident while in the employ of th
road as a brakeman.
The ladies who were recently elected
to the municipal offices of Edgertonhave
A member of the soldiers' home at
tempted suicide at Leavenworth the
other afternoon by lying flown fun
length on the tracks of the Leaven
worth, Topeka & Southwestern railway
and awaiting the coming of a train, but
was discovered by the engineer in time
to stop the train. He was under the in
fluence of liquor and expressed, the de
sire to be killed by a train running over
The people of Hutchinson propose to
go into the manufacture of beet sugar
and expect to build a factory having a
capacity of 800 tons of beets per day.
A bot named Hegmer, rid ng on th
side of a freight car, had an arm cut off
b a switch target at Augusta the other
TrtE other night a dead baby, which
appeared to be greatly emac'atod, was
left on the Missouri Pac fio depot plat
form at Delavan. There was no clew to
the identity of the child or the parties
who abandoned it
The Great Kansas City Horso Wins ths
Kentucky Derby.
InsviLLE, Ky., May 15. The feat
ures of the opening day of the spring
meeting of the Louisville Jockey Club
'ware the great crowd, some very lively
though not particularly heavy betting,
and the mud. And then the Kentucky
Dtrbywas run in the slowest time on
record. The nearest approach to It war
in 1883 when Leonatus galloped away
from Drake Carter and the rest In 3:43,
There were bIx starters, as expected.
Riley, with Corrlgan's green and whit'
gleaming fresh and clear, was tho first
to show on the track, Mth Murphy up,,
and was received with tremendous
cheering, meant as much for the rider
as tho horse, Then came Prince Fonso,.
with Overton up in orange and blaok,.
followed in order by Palisade, with
Britton in tho Melbourne stable's blue
hoops and white cap; Bill Letcher, with
Allen up; Robespierre, ridden by Fran
cis; and Outlook, ridden by Breckin
ridge. Letcher and Robespierre were'
greeted with rounds of applause.
At tho start In the betting Robcsplerr
was a hot favorite on even terms. Riley
suddenly dropped to 4 to 1 and Letcher
was at the same figure. They cantered
leisurely around to the half mile post'
opposite the stand, as the chute had.
been closed and were off at the first
tap of the drum with Letcher in the
lead, Palisade socond, Outlook third,
the others bunched. In tho stretch
Robespierre led by half a length, Out
look second, Fonso third, the rest close
up. At the quarter Robespierre
still led, Outlook second, Pali
sade, third, tho others scattered.
In tho rear. At the half Riley
was first a head in front of Robesplerro,
but kept tho lead only a twinkling,.
Letcher third. Robesp crre ran out,,
making the race to the three-quarters,
when Riley began his race and the rest
liegan whipping for life. At oncer Riley
went to tho front by a length, Bill
Letcher second and Robesplerro third,.
the rest straggling one, two and three1
lengths behind, Outlook last In the
Btretch Riley was two lengths in front
of Letcher and coming easily and
Robespierre third. Letcher then began
to como under a heavy whip and for a
moment It looked like his race. but.
Murphy loosened his reins and Riley
responded nobly, going under the wire,
handily a winner by a length and three--quarters,
Robespierre a length behind
Letcher, Palisade back two .length)'
more and Fonso nearly neck and neck
with him and Outlook ten lengths in the
rear. The result was:
Ed Corrlusn's b e. Uilf-y, Imgfellow
Geneva, lis (Murphy t
jl. 11. Million's b. c Kill Letcher, Long-
fellow-ldu Lc-wls. lit, (Allen 2'
G. H. Hunklns' br. c. Robespierre, Jils
John son A k n cs, 118 (Krauels) I
Melbourne stable's rh. c. PulUade, Us
J. C. Twjrtnsti's cu. .c. Prince Fonso, 118
B. .1. Treusy's eh. c. Outlook. 119 (Urcckln-
Time 2.44.
JUarune Continues Ills Ar-ruments-Crltl
elsms and Doubts.
Washington, Moy 15. Mr. Macune,
representing the Farmers' Alliance, con
tinued his argument before the Ways
and Means Committee in favor of the
Pickler bill to establish sub-treasuries,
for the receipt of agricultural product
and was questioned by members of tho
committee respecting the details yand
probable effect of the bill
Mr. Bayne wished to know If one ef-
feet would not be to encourage over
production.' Mr. Macune replied that
it would not for just as soon as tho
farmers' calling became more profitable
than others there would be an influx of
men into that business which would re
sult In a reaction and finally the restora
tion of an equilibrium. To his mind no
fixed volume of currency, no matter how
great would meet the needs of agri
culture. It wanted an elastic medium.
The farmer sold his crops in the fall'
when prices were lowest and bought his
supplies before1 harvest when prices
were highest Crops were marketed in
two or three months of the year and
this marketing annually caused a great
stringency in money.
Mr. Flower feared that the plan
would lead to banking on live-stock,
iron, lead and sliver ore. They wero
getting along now in the latter direc
tion at the other end of the Capitol. In
time the people would have every thing
"in hock." In the course of tsn yean
the Government would be nursing the
children and the women working In tho
II eld. The true remedy for the farmer'n
ills was the manufacturer's plan. They
should regulate production, raise only
enough produce to meet the people's
wanti and thereby get lair prices.
Mr. Macune proceeded to explain the
process proposed to regulate the Issue of
produce certificates. He said that the
necessity for excluding imports of agri
cultural products was obvious if the
quality of the certificates was to be
p re served. The certificates would con
stitute the soundest and best currency
in the world. Probably not one-half
of the $.10,000,000 appropriation asked
for to put the new machinery in action
would be required, but the sum should
not be absolutely fixed at a minimum
as in time it would be necessary to ex
tend the system to include all of the
the products of labor not covered by
patents. Mr. Fiower said, in commenting upon
the argument that the farmer would do
well to manage his domestic affairs
without Government interference, the
currency system or ine present was
wrong. The Government had not man
aged it properly and could not do so.

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