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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
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r- v r- C' -.2et A 1 1 1 vV-Y Ml W i ! V: ' ft. (v. .rji ; v m VOLUME XXXI ' A. H. LA. Day. An Immense Crowd, Immense Time, Immense Fun. Tocf Qattirdar was Anti day in Baxter Springs, and the peo- pie came trom an airecuonn. They came early, and stayed late, ana wouia nave aiajcu longer, but the pigs had to be slopped and the cows milked. The day was an ideal one, and the program was very interest ing and was carried out to the letter . The lodges from the different localities were well represented, and every member present did his very best to make the affair the huge success it was. Every body was happy, and everybody was satisfied. . The races, broncho busting, bank robbery, parade, and all the rest of the program was pulled off according to schedule. The Antis are a fine lot of fel lows, and good citizens, and the people of Baxter Springs are proud of the fact that they had a chance to entertain them. Southeast, Stowell, Blue Mound and Willow Creek lodges were out in full force, and many mem bers came from long distances. A. E. Wenzel, as marshall of the day, had his hands full, but with .the helpof Col. Hocker, and the others he got thru in fine shape. The speeches by Frank Brady and Phil Campbell were espec ially good, and were well re ceived. They spoke from the band stand in the center of the main street, which was a good place. It was a great day for the canv didatescf the different parties, and they were out in full force. The list of prizes with the winners, follows: $3.00 for best appear ?" TngTW rider iff parade Mrs J H Boswell. 2.00 for second best. Mra.A E Wenzel. 1.00 for third. Ruth Wills. , " I $3.00 for best bucking x broncho. J E Roper. $2.00 for 2d best J E Fage. $3 to best broncho rider P T Blancbard. 2.00 for second best. Pete Brown, j. $5 to winning team in tug of war between Blue Mound and Stowell lodges. Both won. Boys' sack race $1.00 Russell Parsons. Second prize, 50c. Arthur Youse. Kid 3-legged race $1 Russell Earl Ladies Foot Race $2 Anua Hefley. Second $1 Miss Brngger. GRANT WAGGONER LAWYER Office in State Bauk Building Baxter Springs, Kansas. DR. J. J. HELM, D31TTIST Successor to Dr. Thompson. YOU SEE WJ..Love for good and wholesome food. - Prompt attention. 0 nick delivery. -Phone 251 for Groceries, hour, Feed and Other Good Things. Dr. N. A. Bily. Osteopathic BAXTER SPRINGS. CHEROKEE COJUNTY, KANSAS, OCTOBER 17, 1912. . Silk flag to best horse back drill. Southeast lodge. Silk flag to lodge com Intr lonsrest distance. Ingraham lodge near Columbus Hood & Sons. Diningcoom heatind stove.$6.50.for anti's wife wifh youngest baby. A W Sells Krd 2. Wonder Washing mach ine. $8. to lightest wife of anti accomp d by husband Mrs Culler, (Jalena, bi ids. Pair leather halters, $3.70 for heaviest draft team. Conrad Eratz. E. M. Michener, pocket knife to oldest anti in line. J Mitchelson, 72 years. Cooner Gro 48 lbs. flour to anti bringing largest family. Wm Starkweather y Pound candy to anti's wife bringing youngest twins. Wo Dorns 5 mo. Bar soap biggest bull- moose. John Banning. Jack knife to the tallest democrat. Jim Amos. Cob "Tripe to the smallest socialist Billy Shearer. Dr. J. J. Helm, box candy to largest family girls. W H Brugger 6 girls. Grav's Millinery, fancy hat pin, lady coming farthest Mrs E. Bucnan, Canada. Briar dIdo to oldest anti D A Marvin. Galena, 71 years. Polster Bros., pair blankets for family coming greatest distance. Mrs Ida Rboades. Leather lined hand bag, family next farthest H Starkweather, 10 miles. Jne KHev: box of horse tonic, third shortest anti in parade. J D Gregory. Wm. Cherrey, package coffee for lightest anti Del Brown, 11U lbs. Glass nitcher. oldest anti in membership. Wm Starkweathr Republican, year's sub. to most recent married anti D d Brarkweather. Same to 2d most recent. B F Banning, News. 3 subscriptions. 1 largest ear corn. 1 2d largest 1 3d largest Frank Wade. Fred Wise, W B Davis. Buford Price. 251.50 worth work to best dressed anti GBOarlyle Love Grocery. package cof fee to heaviest anti MInman A: C. Stewart 24 lbs. H.L: J. Flour, youngest married couple. E G Starkweather. Raster Mill & EL 100 lbs flour to one 'bringing us larg est load corn. F S Messenger Sack flour to largest wife of anti. Mrs John Pazson. .farmings & Armstrong. 50c in barber work longest haired anti'' John Gandy. A. D. C. Harvey, picture to anti married longest time. M Shanks. D. S. Chubb, package of I. N. Stock Food, shortest anti in parade. Geo. Hefley. Homer Michener. a Docket rule, 2nd shortest anti in pa rade. J Livingston. J. B. Opperman, whip to youngest anti Geo Neprsch. Hflrtlev Bros.. 4-lb roast to anti couple married longest time. - Joe Straddling. J. A.' McCrea, six bowls chili to hungriest antL DM Weiss. J W. Grantham, box can dy to fattest girl under 14. EvaPaxson. - T. J.Lee, same next fattest under 14. Hilda Brugger. Buy your fertilizer of the Bax ter Mill and Elevator. v . G. W. Earnshaw left last night for a business trip to Washing ton and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hendrix re turned to their home at Maroa, 111., Sunday night. W. T. Hartley has sold his in terest in Hartley Bros, meat market to his brother, Frank. Geo. Stoskopf is building a large new barn on the site of the one burned a few months ago. Candidates were; thick as fleas in Baxter Springs last Saturday. All the parties had their candi dates bere '' . Are vou'doincr tour full duty toward the new hotel? Do you take your guests 1 there, and do you eat Sunday dinner there? Notice to farmers having wheat tn caII. This is to notifv you. that we can nbt receive wheat at Baxter, testing under 57 pounds until further notice. Willard Bros. The Democratic county candi dates are working every day and war into every night. They are holding meetings in all parts of the county every night, ana are drawing big crowds. T. W. Kitchen, representing Willow Creek lodge of the Antis, Orin Callis from the Blue Mound lodge, and Al. Boyes from South east lodge, left Monday night for Arkansas City to attend the state meeting of the Antis. One of the best assets of a town is a good hotel Baxter has one in the Smith, and the business men of the town should see to it that the "traveling men they patronize stop at the hotel. Business men do that way in other towns. Wm. Southworth of Vinita was arrested last Saturday night just across the Oklahoma line by Sheriff Garman and Deputy M. Allen. Southworth had with him a couole of cases of bootleg whiskey, and the officers broke the most of it against the fence posts. Some of it was kept for evidence. Southworth was turned over to the Federal authorities. We are proud of having had the pleasure of attending onr second annual Anti day at Bax ter. We want to extend our thanks to the good people of Baxter Springs for "said occasion. Also to the ladies who furnished so sumptuous a dinner. We also want to toss a bunch of flowers to the ladies who took part in the program and helped make the day a success. Yours for the cause, A. E. Wenzel, Grand Marshal. - Frank Brady, who was here A. H. T. A. day. and made a speech to'the Antis, tells us he is going to be 'elected Deyona question. He says he win get every bit ot tne uemocraiic,yoie, and besides that be is goiLg to get the Progressive Republican vote. He says he is having big meetings everywhere he speaks. The writer has known Frank Brady for a great many years, and assures the people they will not be disappointed in him. lie is a perfect gentleman, a fine fel low in every way. and would represent the district with credit . ... If' ... 1 I not only to nimseii, dui iu ma constituents. - TJo to this time the Democrats have all the best of the political scrap,- not only m Cherokee county, but all over the state, also the nation The Democrats are using a little sense in their campaign this year, and .we do not see how it is going to be pos sible for them to lose. The op position is all split up, all -thru the efforts of Stubbs and Capper, both of whom .are marked for slaughter on November 5th. . Dr. Eaglith. Phonsl93, 1 KODAK The season for kodaking is now here. We have a full and complete stock of everything made by the Eastman Kodak Co. V Come in and let us show yon how easy it is to take and make pictures. ' We will sell you an outfit on very easy payments. . J. 11 GRANTHAM. t Pianos, Organs, Kodaks, Phonographs. i . The Baxter National. Bank INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. :' UNITED DEPOSITORY. ; JJi lift? &JtWM Have you ever maid to yourself t "It I only had A T1IOUSASD DOLLARS XOW." Business chances are opening up and ottering themselves to any of us and all of u very fre iuetitlvt and the mun who gets the chance is THIS MAN WHO HAS THB MONEY to take it. Start a bank account with us now. J3e prepared for a chance - v Do YOUR banking with US : The Oaxter State Dank. Sick headache is caused by a disordered stomach. Take Cham berlain's Tablets and correct that and the headaches will disappear. For sale by All Dealers. NUMBER 38 TIME. STATES Think it over This office for sale bills. We deliver the goods. ' ; Don't forget that Hoods-carry the most complete line. of gat and coal stoves ia the country.