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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
r ii ; ; ; "J VOLUME XXXI BAXTER SPRINGS. CHEROKEE CpUNTY,' KANSAS, OCTOBER 24, 1912. NUMBER 39 i A -I ! I r -i : - f Mayor's Proclamation. Ib pursuance with the law, and in conformity with the proclama tion issued bj the sheriff, I, C M. Jones, Mayor of Baxter . Springs, Kansas, hereby an nounced and oroclaim that an election will be held in this city in its various wards, on Tuesday, November, 5, 1912, for the pur pose of electing a national, state, congressional and county ticket; also for the purpose of electing constables and justices for the city of Baxter Springs, Kansas. The following persons are named for judges and clerks of said election and polling places are hereby designated: FIRST WARD. Judges A. G. Hanback, G. E. Lundgren, John Jennings. Clerks C. A. Diveley, J. T, Ryon. Polling place, Perkins build ing, block 6, 0. P. SECOND WARD Judges B. E. Devillers, R. S. Weaver, J. M. Newbouse. Clerks A. 0. Rossmann, G. W. Skin ner. Polling place, City building. THIRD WASD. Judges M. A. Patton, S. J. Armstrong, J. A. Dennis. Clerks T. T. McAboy, Ed. Johnson. Polling place, Preston Button's residence, on East street. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, and caused the same to be at tested by the city clerk, with his seal, this 21st day of October, A. D. 1912. Cbas. M. Jones, Mayor. Attest: B. W. Patton, (Seal) City Clerk. Cbas. Nichols of Independence Visited relatives here Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pye of Jop lin visited Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Wear Sunday. ' ?i Mr. and Mrs. L. Murray Per kins are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Morrow in Kansas City. Wheat is surely looking nice in this country. It has come up nicely and is making a good growth. -The Kansas City Star has turned against Capper and is boosting Hodges. Why. is this thus? J. J. Pribley is making exten sive improvements in his busi ness rooms, which were formerly occupied by the Hood Implement Company. The "Girl and the Outlaw" at the opera house December 6. Don't forget the day and date. The sb.iw is a good one and should draw a" full house. The Baxter Springs Electric and Water Co. has an adv. in this paper. This is the company which is now operating . the water and light plant. County Attorney Strother is seriously ill at his home in Col umbus. He has not been able to transact the business of his office for more than two months. Columbus is getting ready to do some street pavin g. The street leading ' to the square from the Frisco depot is to be paved, and of course other work will follow. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Simmons of Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin, are here visiting relatives and V friends. They are employed in the Indian service and have been for years. Elsewhere in this paper will be found the orofessional card of Dr. M. L. Grazier, who has opened an office in the Daniles DUliaiDKi turner imiuat; . u South streets. 1 - W.A TTilW. Democratic can didate for county treasurer, is .. . 1 J A1 - feeling particularly kwu mcsc days. - He, tells us he will be S elected by a majority of about r ndrA- Well. it is all right that he should. If there ever was an accommodating . county treasurer, Fred Hiller is one. Ana nis neip ia mc uw is built along the same lines. " And thii ii not an adv. either. Communicated. Through an oversight last week the account of A. H. T. A. day omitted to report the pres ence or a deleeation of "Equal Suffrage" ladies, who addressed a large audience of men and wo men in front of the banks, from a motor car in which they had arrived. Their arguments were most convincing and were highly appreciated. At the National election on Nov. 5, the men of Kansas will decide whether wo men shall in the future, have a voice in state 'and national af fairs. As so many states already have given the ballot to women, and others are just on the point of doing so, it is to be hoped that Kansas will keep up her reputa tion of being in the forefront of every good cause. Notice. Notice is hereby given that parties taking tailings, gravel or rock from the Abrams or I. and O. Co's. errounds will be prose cuted unless arrangements have been made. A. W. Abrams. , Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Burcham returned Saturday from a visit with relatives and friends in Indiana and Illinois. w Joe Binns. at one time a resi dent of this city, but now living at Tisdale, Sask., Canada, suffer ed a stroke of paralysis, a couple of years ago, and is in a serious condition. Joe Binns is a brother of Samuel Binns of this city. Mrs. John I. Cooper was host ess to the Carnation Card Club Tuesdav afternoon. Halloween decorations and souvenirs were used. A delicious luncheon was served. The prie, a point lace handkerchief, was won by Mrs. A. L. Harvey. Jim Orr is going to have an easier time in his race for regis ter of deeds than he did before. Jim has made an excellent offi cial, has been courteous -and obliging to everybody, his office is a model of neatness and clean liness, and the people are for him. This was written by the editor, and is not a paid adv. ' At this time it is apparent to all parties, except, of course, fel lows who are so party prejudiced that they cannot see otherwise, that the Democrats are fitting to "take home the bacon" all along the line this year. The Republicans are badly split up with stand patism, progressiveism and damphoolism, and a lot of other isms, and they just can't get together. It is only a ques tion of maioritv in every pre cinct and road district in the United States. It would perhaps be mst as well if it was not so one-sided, but this does not alter the fact that it is. We believe, as does almost everybody else, that the Democrats will elect to everv county office, and will not be one bit surprised if they win practically every office in the United States. One thing is sure they have a clean bunch of candidates. The ninth annual convention of the Third District W. R. C, Department of Kansas, was held in Baxter Wednesday, "Oct. 16tb. About 100 members were pres ent. Mrs. Kate C. Killmer, de partment president, with a num ber of her official staff, and all the district officers were in at tendance. Business sessions were held in the morning and afternoon. During the conven tion Mrs. Killmer gave a splen did report of the National Con vention, held at Los Angeles in September. ' The Baxter Corps exemplified the ritual, , and was hip-hlv oraised for its rendition of the work. Dinner and supper were served in thenaskett build ing. A camp fire was held in the evening. The convention was a success in every way, and the Visitors expressed themselves aa well leased with .their visit to Baxter. The next meeting will be beld.mCherryvale.;Press Correspondent. - Antis Hake Catch. Last Saturday night while at tending church at Blue Mound, Valley Stoskopf of Blue Monnd Lodge, and Herb Paxson of Stow- ell Lodge, had some property stolen. Valley lost a lap robe and Herb a horse blanket Ser eral members of the Antis from both the Stowell and Blue Mound lodges were present at church, and they at once took the trail, the net result was that Carl Gammon, a boy living half a mile south of Keelville, and Arthur Evans of Keelville, were arrested. The Gammon boy con fessed to taking the property, and the Evans boy says he helped. The boys were taken before Jus tice W. D. Jarrett of Melrose, who assessed a fine of $10 and. costs against each of them. The fines were paid; and the boys have had a lesson which we hope will be for their good. Once more is the Antis found to be a good bunch for law and order. ' ' Registration Notice. Notice is hereby given that the books for the registration of voters, which are now open at my office in the News building, will be closed on Friday evening, October 25, 1912, at 10 o'clock p. m. If you have not kept your reg istration alive yon should re-reg- tsterj if you have moved since you voted last you must re-register in order to be entitled to vote. B. W. Patton,' City Clerk. Mrs. Chas. Nichols and son of Independence, Kas., are here vis iting relatives. Miss Rebah Tuthill will leave this week for Los Angeles to make her home. Mrs. Wm. Winters of Savon- burer. Kas.. is "here visiting; her brother,- Fred Browning. Mrs. Blanche Armstrong of Knoxville, Tenn., is here visit ing her annt, Mrs. J. A. Dent. Mr. and Mrs. Biz Mackey of N. Y. City are visiting Mrs. Mackey1! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manspcrgcr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith of Chanute are here visiting Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Browning. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mr. Browning. Mrs. C. P. King has gone to Kansas City to join her husband, who has lately accepted a ' posi tion with the Tri-State Lumber Company. A ramor was in circulation last Saturday evening that a woman had shot and killed Jack Johnson. It seemed too good to be true, and unfortunately it was not true. The new hotel is setting a mighty good table according to the verdict of the traveling; men. If yon are not boosting for the hotel you are not doing youi town right; T. W. Kitchen returned Fri day, from Arkansas City, where he attendedrthe state meeting ot the A. H.- T. A. Mr. Kitchen reports 568 delegates in atten dance, and savs the meeting. Lwhich lasted two days, was- very interesting. Joe . Darnell has made some good road on the thoroughfare leading west from this city to ward Chetopa, and he tells us he is going to keep- the ror'd drag ged. If he does the road will be good, but dragging seems to be the only way to keep a Toad in good condition, where it is not possible to gravel it. What used to be one of the worst pieces of dirt road in Cher okee county is now the best. We refer to a piece of road about two miles long leading south from the southwest corner of Colum bus.. The road has been graded in a nice manner, and it is kept dragged. Driving over that road is much like driving on' a paved street. We wish everybody in terested in good roads could see thit puticalir piece of work. I KODAI V $J The season for kodaking is now here. z ; P We have a full and complete stock of everything Q t made by the Eastman Kodak Co. A j Come in and let us show you how easy it is to V take and make pictures. A A V . V V We will sell you an outfit on very easy payments. 1 J. W. GRANTHAM. s Pianos, Organs, Kodaks, Phonographs. A The Baxter National Bank INTEREST PAID ON w; , TIME DEPOSITS. . .". liNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. (M A I 4 r Every old man is tho ripened fruit of his younger days A man doen hot grow old over night. Age creeps upon us, and if extravagance is stealing away our money, age is stealing atvay our cupuolty for work and preparing us for a desolate old age. If you wish to be comfortable, -. you must begin putting away, your money now, tlien when old age comes you can fall back upon the money you 1SA.XKED when you were younger Do YOUR banking with US. The Baxter State Sank. Sick headache is caused by a disordered stomach. Take Cham berlain's Tablets and correct that and the headaches will disappear. For sale by All Dealers. TIME. tin fA& vfe This office for sale bills. We deliver the goods. - Don't forget that Hoods carry the most complete line of gas and coil ftoves in the country. r