Newspaper Page Text
r?r. *5"* feX The Hamilton Dime Savings Bank Co. Capital $100,000 Surplus $50,000 Geo. P. Sohngen, President Clarence Murphy, Vice-Pres. W. J. Becker, Cashier DIRECTORS Geo. P. Sohngen, C. E. Heiser, Clarence Murphy, A. Rothwell, John L. Ross, Geo. A. Rentschler, Chas. Sohngen, C. Diefeubach, Jr. Ed. C. Sohngen The Best Glass of Beer to be had is E Martin Mason Brewing Co.'s CELEBRATED LAGE.R BEER Tools—STANDARD —Tools •For All Trades- That bear the makers' name. No private or jobbers' brands. Wm. J. Fischer Hardware Co. n a TRY RUPP'S RED BIRD HAM AND BACON We hav« GoTernment Inspector® in our PacKing House The £eo. Rupp Packing Co. Pool and Billliards Home Phone 1190 Fine Line of Bottled Goods. Only Union Goods Sold. GEO. CALDWELL SALOON AND BOARDING HOUSE East Avenue and Millcreek Valley cars pass the door. S50 East Avenue Hamilton, Ohio ^c-wer Tapping Gas Fixtures Louis B. Schaub Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter All Work Promptly Attended to. Home Phone 783-M Bell Phone 183-X Gas Mantles and Inverted Lights. 147 N. 3rd St. Hamilton, Ohio The Hamilton Milk Company PASTEURIZED Milk and Cream ICE CREAM Bell Phone 710-X Home Home 403 Established 1865 The C. Hossfeld & Son Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Domestic and Imported Wines, Whiskies, Brandiesf Gins, Cordials, Etc. Both Phones Family Trale Solicited Hossfeld Bldg- You'll Find SATISFACTION, STYLE, COMFORT. WEAR in your Suit or Overcoat if made by KAPPEL Also have nice line of Underwear 25c Up Ties—25c Up. Shirts—50c Up. Gloves. 10c Up Try 2 pairs of Fleece-lined Half-hose at 25c Geo. Kappel, 117 Court 5t. Next to Traction Office For First Class Work Gents' Suits and Overcoats $1.00 Ladies' Skirts 50c BothJpPhones. Goods called for and delivered. 519 Chestnut Street The Hamilton Supply Co. Dealer* in Union HARDWARE EC 11A NIC'S TOOLS CUTLERY AND l'AINTS Bell 183-R—Phones—Home 203-M 143 N. ThirdJSt. Hamilton, Ohio (Tit? IHrat Bih? UmlMwj mth Uoatt Asportation Main and Sts. Hamilton, Ohio THE COFFEE MAN. Wholesale and Retail Grocery and Bakery. Our prices the lowest. JWe also give Beautiful Premiums. Two Stores: 27 High St. Seventh and Ludlow Sts. Both Phones The Bender Co. HAVE A or Cement The Anderson-Shaffer Co. E Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Co. RENTSCHLER BUILDING Solicits your bank account. Interest paid on Savings Accounts and Time Certificates of Deposit. Collections promptly attended to H. A. Rentschler, Pres. Allen Andrews, Vice-Pres. Wm. L. Huber, Sec'y. Charles I.^Anderson, Cashier. SCHNEIDER Dry Cleaning Co. mjbh Om BRANDS 'Whole Wheat Flour" "Cream Patent" ''Pearl of Hamilton" "XXX Graham" For the best results use Pearl or Cream Flour. Both Phones 28 The Fort Hamilton Milling Co. 11 S. Monument Ave For the very best results call Phone 47 or 160 for Coal, Lumber, IylNB OF Building Supplies Phone or call 179, both phones. Low prices on Cement, Lime, Lath, Lumber and all kinds of mill work. Night Phone 1358-B Day Phones 179 Home and Bell THE FORT HAMILTON MILLING CO. High Grade Floor, Con Meal, Feed, Etc. ~-3iv V* *1 Hi -J vr- .• CO-OPERATIVE TRADES AND LA bor Council of Hamilton, Oliio—Meets alternate Tuesdays, at Trades' Council Trades Council hall. Chris Eichel, secretarv. 8 Franklin avenue. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS'—Meets every,Thursday, at s. e. corner.Second and Court streets. Sam Davis, cor responding secretary. CIGAR MAKERo PATRONIZE HAMILTON INDUSTRIES Leading Hamilton Concerns Who Solicit The Co-Operation of Organized Labor and Their Friends Hall south-east corner Second and Court streets. John Few, president, Edward Sims, recording secretary, George Hill, corresponding secre tary, No. 6 N. Third st. AFFILIATED UNIONS—Tim* place of meeting, and' name and ad dress of secretaries. BUILDING TRADES COUNCIL—Meets every Wednesday eveningat 8 o'clock at Painters' Hall, 18 south 2nd street. Wm. Fiafrock, sec., 120 north 2ud st. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF Mu sicians', No. 31—Meets first Friday of each month, at lot) High street, J. Ed. Lthmkuhl, sec'y, 6(35 Franklin st. BARBERS', No. 132—Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, at s. e. corner Second and Court streets. Fred Dru man, corres. sec., Ill) south 3rd st. BREWERS', No. 83—Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays'of each month, at s.,e, (Corner Second and Court streets. Albert Erbs, secretary, 1237 Lane street. BROTHERHOOD OF STATIONARY FIREMEN—98, meets, y'the 'second Thursday and fourth Thursday of each month, at Brotherhood hall, liUb High street. John Buhi, recording^ secre tary, No. 1207 Maple avenue. BAKERS' UNION No. 81—Meets first and third Saturdays in the month, at INO. High St. 123—Mitts' 2nd Monday of each .month, at s. e. corner Second and Court streets, Carl Gagle, secretary, 632 N. 7th street. HORSE-SHOERS', No. 76—Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month, at 338 High street. John Few, secretary, 75G Ross street. IRON MOULDERS', No. 68—Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays of .each month, at s. e. corner Second and Court streets, John J. Foley, sec'y, 018 Sycamore st IRON MOULDERS', No. 283 (Stoves Meets alternate Wednesdays, at s. e. corner Second and Courx streets. Geo. Besselinan* sec'y, 713 East ave. INTERNATIONAL UNION STEAM ENGINEERS—No. 91 .meets every 1st and 3rd Monday4of each month, at Trades Council hall. Sam D. Nelson, 434 Franklin street. THEATRICAL STAGE EMPLOYES International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes meets at Trades Coun cil hall, 1st and 3rd Sundays, at y a.m. Henry Humbach, Jr., East High st., recording and financial secretary METAL TRADES COUNCIL-Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays iu Trades Council hall. Brown Hughes, secretary, 736 MACHINISTS', No. 241—Meets alter nate Tuesdays, at s. e. corner Second and Court st. Alex. Miller, cor. sec. No. 314 N. 5th st. PLUMBERS' UNION—Meets every 1st and 3rd Mondays in Building Trades Hall, No. 18 South Second street. Aug. Schaeffer, Secretary, cor. Chest nut and Seventh streets. PRINTING PRESSMEN'S UNION Meets first Wednesday in each month. Geo. X. Mayer, Secretary-Treasurer. Geo. P. Sohngen, President Edw. C. Sohngen, Sec. and Treas. The Edw. Sohreren Malt Co. -MANUFACTURERS 01- s A Office and Malt House Corner Fourth and High Streets. Phone 124 Hamilton, Ohio Union Furniture, Union Stoves. Everything Union, at CONROrS South Second Street, Eaglet* Temple Walter Blachburn, Mgr. STORE CREATER HAMILTON'S Greatest Department Store ALWAYS LOOK FOR THIS SICK WE CARRY THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP Dry Goods, Millinery, Cloaks, Suits and Carpets IN BUTL&R COUNTY PATTERN MAKERS—James T. Burn secretary. No. 919 Heaton stree Meets 1st and 3d Weduesdavs of each month, in Trades Council Hall, 2nd & Court streets, second floor. OPPERAT1VE PLASTERS' ASSOCIA TION, No. 214.—Meets first and third Thursdays of each month at Trades Council hall. Wm. Hughes, secretary, care Beiser's hotel. PAINTERS' AND DECORATORS'— Meets every Friday night at Painters' hall, 18 south .2nd street. Address, Wm. Finfrock, sec. 120 north 2nd st. PAPER (MAKERS'—Meets 1st and 3rd Sunday in every month at Trades Council ball. Frank Menchen, sec. 535 S. Front street. RETAIL CLERKS', No. 119—Meets ev ery 2nd Wednesday of each*, month, at corner 3rd and Court streets. Robert Fallert, secretary, 521 l'rytania ave. STOVE .MOUNTERS', No. 8—Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, at Trades Council hall. Wm. Manifold, Jr., Rec. Sec., 624 south 11th street. TYPOGRAPHICAL, No. 2y0—Meets 1st Thurs.of each month, at, Trades Coun A1 Schirmer, secretary-treasurer, 802 Cleveland ave. INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD ELECTRICAL WORKERS, Local No. 648, meets alternate Tuesdays at Trades Council hall. Carl Schaeffer, sec., No. lib South Third street. POLISHERS' UNION—Meets alternate Wednesdays at Trades Council hall, Ernest Snow, sec., 1161 Ludlow st. FARMER'S UNION—Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month in Township Hall. Peler Messel, Secretary-Treas Hanover Township, Ohio. SWITCHMEN'S UNION, No. 130— Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays in the Trades Council Hall. Chas. J. Welsh, secretary, No. 524 South 4th street. Secretaries will please notUy us as to necessary, corrections. MIDDLETOWN.iOHIO. Middletown Trades & Labor Council, meets first and third Tuesday, in Trades Council hall F. E. Etzler, secretary, Yankee Road. Amalgamated Iron, Steel and Tin Work ers, meet first and third Saturday after noon, in Trades Council hall Roland E. Layer, sec'y, 919 Moore st. Carpenters' Union, meets second and fourLh Monday, in Trades Council hall R. Morgan, secretary. Barbers' Union, meets first and third Monday, at Brenner's Barber Shop Arthur ebald, secretary. Musicians' Union, meets first Sunday morning of month, in Trades Council hall L. E. Adrian, secretary. Typographical Union, meets first Wed nesday of month Henry W. Naegele, secretary. Clerks' Union, meets third Wednesday of month, in Trades Council hall R. Homer Long, secretary. Metal Polishers' Union, meets fourth Thursday of month, in Trades Council hall A. A. Hammer, secretary. Painters' Union, meets every Thursday, in Beaver's hall Homer Miller, secre tary. Plasters' Union, meets every Monday, Clyde Twitchell, secretary. Hodcarriers' Union, meets first Saturday of month, in Trades Council hall T. Jackson, secretary. Bricklayers' Union, meets first and third Monday, in Red Men's hall T. Wil ton, secretary. ROTHWELL -FOR- Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces Good Goods at Right Prices 9 and 11 S. Front Street U E We carry a complete line of Builders' Supplies, Including Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Sash, Doors, Blinds, etc., at Wholesale Prices. Let us figure with you and be convinced that our prices are the lowest in town. Prompt service. THE BUTLER COUNTY LUMBER CO. Bom FtaM 127 w#«t Main Street Deposit Your S&vings With The National Hank United States Depository Charles E. Heiser, President. George P. Sohngen, Vice-Pres. John E. Heiser, Cashier. C. L. Gebhart, Ass't Cashier The Griesmer -Grim Co. Funeral Directors New Location Cor. Ludlow and Front Sts. Both Phones 62 Hamilton, Ohio Beautiful and Up-to-date Chapel in con nection. We answer all calls promptly, give you Good Service, Kind Mid Courteous Treatment. Bentel Bros. Jewelers Opticians and Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Diamonds and all Novelties in the Jewelry Line .Rail Road Watch Inspectors. Repairing a Specialty 148 High Street Opp. Court S. D. FITTON, President E. G. RUDER, Cashier DR. J. W. GORDON, 1 jr* 1** jii I'"*- TH Miami Valley National Bank Solicits Your Business 3 per cent paid on Savings Account* O. M. Bake, President. Ben Strauss, Vice-Pres. C. E. Mason, Cashier. H. W. Shollenbarger, Ass't Cashier 5EHLER & CO. DEALERS IK AXX, HOUMG illif JFirst -Xatumal fuutk of 2jatniifcm, GMfUi Capital $250,000 Surplus $250,000 We Pay Interest on Savings Accounts HOME PHONE I207=F 116 HIGH STREET OPP. COURT HOUSE HAMILTON OHIO DENTIST Mgr. RED CROSS DENTAL CO. Men's Suits and Overcoats $4.98, $6.50, $7.48, $9.50 and $12.50 Men's Shoes 1.25,1.49,1.99,2.48,2,99 Men's Union Made Overalls 45c 227 COURT STREEE Drink ne KINDS OF Flour, Meal, Hay and Feed Brands of Flour: Winter Wheat MAY FLOWER, SNOW DRIFT, Spring Wheat PRIZE MEDAL 216 Main Street Phones: Bell 214 Home 1188 IT'S Ribar's Pharmacy If You Want The Best LOUIS A. RIBAR N. W. Corner Central Avenue and Hanover Street Hamilton, Ohio ESTABLISHED 1876 THE J. PABST SONS CO. Bottlers of All Kinds of Carbonated Waters and Natural Spring Waters Manufacturers of Cider and Best Brands Vinegar 611 Central Aves A. DUERSCH DEALER IN Coal, Coke, and Feed Sewer Pipe and i n e y o s CEMENT Bell Phone 586-R Home Phone 138 Home Phone 1627-B Bell Phone 1-K Main and Sts. Maple Ave. P. BENNINGHOFEN, Vice-President J. M. BEELER, Ass't Cashier SEE Roesel Brothers Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE ICE CREAM and Fruit Ices, Block Ice Cream and Individual Molds in all De signs and Colors a specialty. Also Fancy Box Candies, Cigars, Etc. BOTH PHONES 86 ROESEL BROS. S28 yi.yo,, f/.40, ana 4z.3w Hamilton Brokerage Co. The Miami-Model Laundry Co. 407-409 Main Street% Hamilton, Ohio Special attention given to all work Both Phones Uncle Peter's Pure Gold Bottle Beer, or our Famous Keg Beer both are of the highest quality and gives Health full Satisfaction Cincinnati Brewing Company BOTH PHONES 133 '*V a' Heaton St.