This la the Work of the Oseillator«
Which i8 the Electric Mouth, and Ita
Message Is Caught by the Resonator(
Which la the Ear of the Apparatua.
More truly than any other tele
graphic device, the wonderful wire
less is a speaking voice, it makes
Itself heard just as the human voice
does by a series of waves moving free
ly through space.
When I speak my voice is sent out
In undulations of varying length and
frequency through the air. When the
wireless "speaks" its voice is conveyed
by undulations in the ether, which is
a more refined medium than air, carry
ing the waves of light and electricity
as the air carries those of sound.
The oscillator of the wireless is a
"mouth," sending out undulations In
the ether as our mouths send out un
dulations in the air, and the resona
tor of the wireless is an "ear," catch
ing the etherial waves as they im
pinge upon it, as our ears catch the
atmospheric waves that strike them.
We see nothing wonderful in vocal
sounds, because nature gave us in our
needs one instrument to produce them
and another to receive them. But she
left us to find out for ourselves how
to produce and receive "vocal" waves
In the ether. Since we had to make
the instruments that deal with them
the etheric waves seem to us marvel
ous, although they are In principle no
more marvelous than the waves of air.
Man began to use electricity for con
veying intelligence by sending a cur
rent of It along a wire. He pressed a
button at one end of the line, and the
electric current passing along the "wire
induced a corresponding motion in a
tapper at the other end. It was a
roundabout way of employing an agen
cy which we now know can be em
ployed more simply and
The passage of this spark produces,
go to speak, a shofk in the ether,
which, like the explosion of a gun or
the utterance of a sound, sets up a se
ries of waves in the surrounding me
dium. which radiate a way on all sides.
These waves in the ether produce the
electric "voice." If the sparks are reg
ulated in number and frequency the
consequent waves are similarly regu
lated. An instrument for the produc
tion of such waves is called an oscilla
tor or exciter. It is a kind of vocal ap
paratus for speaking through the efber
instead of through the air.
But just as we should have no knowl
edge of the passage of sound waves if
we were not provided with ears to hear
them, so the electric waves would go
unregarded if we had no apparatus for
receiving them.
The receiving apparatus is called a
resonator, or detector. It may be sit
uated hundreds of miles from the os
cillator, but it will catch the waves
as they undulate to it through the
ether, and it can be made to reproduce
them in an audible or legible form by
causing them to^perate a Morse dot
and dash instrument, as in ordinary
telegraphy b.v wire.
But the electric voice and the elec
tric ear are in some ways more man
ageable than the human voice and ear.
We can only produce and hear air
waves of a limited range of frequency,
and we cannot do much to alter that
Sound waves vibrating less than
forty times a second or more than 40,
000 times are Inaudible to us. But elec
tric waves varying in frequency from
a few hundred up to hundreds of mil
lions a second can be rendered per
ceptible, and it is also possible so to
construct the instruments that they
Will send forth and receive particular
Ganges of waves and be mute and
deaf to others
Then the distance over which the
electric waves can be detected is al
most infinitely greater than that of
ordinary sound waves. It takes a
strong voiced man to make his voice
tudible across a little river, but, as
everybody knows, the electric cry of a
ship in distress can bo electrically
heard from the middle of the Atlantic
©cenn, And there*ure enthusiasts who
predict that before very long we shall
be able to speak by wireless to some
other pjanet. if only there is somebody
there to hesr and understand us!—
Garrett P. Servias
throwing away the wires and making
the electric waves "speak" straight
through the ether.
It is true that the language employed
does not consist of the words of any
spoken tongue, but it is one that can
be directly translated into any other
known to man, and so it Is the most
universal of all languages.
Now, let us see how it is employed.
First as to the electric "mouth." When
a charge of electricity is accumulated
on a "condenser" a similar but oppo
site charge is induced upon another
condenser placed near. The air be
tween them acts as an insulator be
cause it is a poor conductor of electric
ity. But when the charge attains a
certain degree of intensity the strain
upon the air becomes too great, and a
spark passes between the two con
densers. by which equilibrium is re
stored between them.
Spokane Spokes
Groaamith Rebelled Against Imitating
Charles Mathews.
Weedon (irossuiith in •'From Studio
to Stage" has something sensible to
say about the practice of imitating the
methods and mannerisms of great ac
tors, a practice that was once more
frequent than It is now. On his re
turn to London he played a part that
hud been played many years before by
Charles Mathews and who had thug
established a sort of o-thodoxy in Its
presentation. Mr. Grossinith relates:
"I was asked by the producer to do
the same business that Charles Ma
thews did. and when making my exit
at the end of the first act the stage man
ager said, 'Now, Mr. Grossmith, throw
the tails of your frock coat over the
back of your head.'
'Why I asked.
'"Because Mathews did It,' he re
'Never,' said I. 'Not having had
the good fortune to see the great
Charles Mathews. I naturally can't
imitate his methods, and I must do
things my own way.'
'Iteally,' said the producer and,
looking at the other members of the
eompany for applause and encourage
ment, In his best cynical vein added.
'We have many of us heard through
press notices what a brilliant actor
Mr. Weedon Grossmith Is in America,
but Is he going to improve on Charles
Mathews in London?'
'That's not quite the point,' I replied.
'ITow Charles Mathews did this busi
nessI don't know. At any rate, he was
a gentleman in every part he played,
and I am much afraid his imitators
have vulgarized his business, for it
doesn't seem to me possible that
Charles Mathews would make an exit
from a drawing room in the presence
of ladies throwing his coattails entire
ly over his head. and. whether be did
or not, I absolutely decline to do itf
Sounds That Tell Just How That Won
derful Organ Is Working.
Do you know what a doctor hears
when he sounds your chest and listens
to your heart beating?
Your heart, if It Is quite sound,
makes a noise very like "lub-dup, lub
dup, lub-dup," all the time. The two
syllables come very quickly together,
and between each "lub-dup" there
comes a pause, the short period when
the heart is resting, as it were.
The "lub" sound Is due to the blood
flowing out of the heart, and the "dup"
is the closing of the heart's valves.
Just by the loudness of these two syl
lables the doctor knows II your heart
is working as it should do.
Supposing the "dup" is very loud, for
instance, that tells him that the valves
are being "slammed to," just as a door
is, and that the pressure is greater
than it should be. The cause of this is
generally what is known as an "aneu
If the valves are not closing properly
the doctor hears a sound very like
"duff" instead of "dup." The heart is
then said to have a "murmur," and the
physician knows what steps to take to
correct it.
When the first sound, "lub," Is sof
tened into "luff" it warns the doctor
that Ills patient has something wrong
with the mitral valve. The "lub"
sound Is always very much weaker
when one is suffering from fever, and
it Is this weakness, due to the weak
ness of the heart muscle, which makes
the doctor so anxious at those times.
When the heart says "luff-duff" he
tells you to knock off work for a time
and have a complete rest, for your
heart is in a bad way. Pearson's
Police View of Wagner.
Here is a description of the great
composer which was dated May 18,
1849, when a warrant was issued to
"arrest Richard Wagner, one of the
most prominent adherents of the revo
lutionary party, and to deliver him up
to the royal court of justice. Wagner
Is thirty-seven or thirty-eight years
old, of middle height has brown hair,
wears glasses open forehead eye
brows brown eyes gray blue nose
and mouth well proportioned chin
round. Particulars: In speaking and
moving he is hasty." London Spec
Oiokering For Talent.
"My wife has adopted a scheme used
by these baseball munagers."
"How now?"
"She Is carrying on negotiations with
our neighbor. Mrs. Wombat"
"About what?"
"My wife wants to trade our latro
dress and a couple of housemaids for
Mrs. Wombat'f star cook, but Mrs.
Wombat wants a bonus."—Pittsburgh
Making a Burglar Useful.
still there and I won't hurt you.
All I want is your money and your
jewels and then I'll git"
"All right, old man, and while you're
searching for the Jewels if you run
across my drees studs I wish you'd
put them out on the dresser. I haven't
been,able,to find them lor
He Waa Superstitious, and His #re«
sentiment Came True.
Napoleon the Great was exceedingly
superstitious. The following is told
as one of the illustrations of this:
When Napoleon. In the spring of
1799, was lying before Acre he was
anxious for news from upper Egypt,
whither he had dispatched Dessalx In
pursuit of a distinguished Mameluke
leader. Not many days after a cour
tier arrived with favorable dispatches,
favorable in the main, but reporting
one tragical occurrence on a small
jpale that to Napoleon outweighed the
public prosperity.
The commander as a brave man felt
that any fate that awaited him would
be better than to fall into the hands
of the enemy. He set Are to the pow
der magazine. The vessel blew up
and the crew perished.
For all this Napoleon cared little,
but one solitary fact that was in the
report which struck him with secret
alarm—this ill fated boat was called
L'ltalie, and in the name of the vessel
Napoleon read an augury or the fate
which had befallen the Italian terri
tory. He felt certain that Italy was
lost, and Napoleon was Inconsolable.
But what possible connection. It was
asked, can exist between this vessel
on the Nile and a remote peninsula of
southern Europe? "No matter," re
plied Napoleon, "my presentiments
never deceive me. You will see that
all is ruined. I am satisfied that my
Italy, my conquest, is lost to France."
So, Indeed, It was.—New York Press.
Kqngo Gluttons Who Do Little Else
Than Sleep and Eat.
According to M. Friedmann, a Ger
man traveler and historian recently re
turned from the Kongo, there Is a tribe
of natives down In one of the interior
parts of that region actually so stuffed
all of the time with food, three or four
times as much as they have any need
of, that they are continually In a dull
and almost unintelligent stupor.
They do little besides sleep and eat
They are too lazy to do any individual
hunting, and it Is the disliked and un
popular member of the family that is
forced to do the food providing for the
relatives. The women are quite as lazy
as the men and work only when it Is
absolutely necessary to eat
The only time when the natives
rouse themselves is at marriage or at
death. Both of these occasions are cel
ebrated by eating more than on ordl
nary occasions even, and the after ef
fects of both events are often disas
trous, as one or two of the party are
sure to eat so much as to be seriously
and often fatally sick, which only
means another celebration of a differ
ent kind
The few missionaries who have pen
etrated the interior sufficiently far to
meet with these tribes own to their be
ing practically hopeless as far as any
regenerating is concerned. They seem
to have been stupefied through the
centuries and to have become utterly
degenerate and useless members of so
ciety.—Chicago Tribune.
A Single Line Poet.
Every man has the streak of poetry
in him, and probably every man could
write one line of poetry out of his life,
as any man has one novel in himself.
But we were talking at large the other
day, and a man quoted the line, "A
rose red city half as old as time." And
then came the question. Who wrote
that line that everybody knows? One
man said It referred to Damascus. But
no one knew who wrote it.
There are single line poets as there
are "Single Speech" Hamiltons, and
here is perhaps the only instance in
which the Newdlgate prize poem at
Oxford has produced a living line, for
the author was the Rev. J. W. Burgon,
who won the prize in 1845 and doubt
less recited portions of bis poem in thtj
Sheldonian theater. But that allusion
to Petra, the Arabian rock city, has
lived.—London Chronicle.
Necessary Noise.
A poet and a musician wrote a comic
opera. When it was first performed it
was noticed that the music was very
"Why did you write such strenuous
music?" asked a friend of the com
"Yoa wouldn't ask that," the com
poser replied, "If you had read any of
those lyrics. I didn't want the audi
ence, to hear them!"—Saturday Even
ing Post
Hia Splendid Wish.
"What are you thinking about
"Oh, I was Just wishing."
"What were you wishing, dear?"
"I was just wishing that my salary
was as big as we were trying to make
our friends think it must he."—Chicago
Tramp—Good morning, lady.
thought perhaps I might be able to gel
a bite here. Mrs. Snapp—Certainly not
Tramp—Oh, then I am laboring under
a mistake. Mm. Snapp—It strikes ma
you never labor under any clrcum
aUuicos.—London Opinion.
His Ground.
He—Why are you going to marry that
old fossil? She—I love the very ground
be walks on. Ele—I know, but isn't
there any other way of getting It*—
London Opinion.
Shorn and Dyed.
"•"Then you weren't always a
"No, mum 1 started my career as
Wall street lamb."—Washington
Story of "The Last Cartridges"
and the French Marines.
Commandant Lamberfa 8imp!e flepart
of the Desperate Conflict With the
Bavarians That Was Immortalized In
Da Neuvillo's Famoua Painting.
A famous French battle painting
called "The Last Cartridges," the work
of Alphonse de Neuvllle, represents the
desperate defense of an old house at
Bazellles by a handful of French ma
rines against great odds. Doubt hav
ing been cast upon the authenticity of
this episode, the French government
has published the official report made
by Commandant Lambert, who com
manded the detachmenc at Bazellles.
The report is simply a plain, unvar
nished recital of the events of a thrill
ing and heroic series of engagements
in which undaunted bravery and reck
less courage were truly displayed and
which would furnish abundant mate
rial for a dramatist In need of a text
for a stirring play. This Is the brief
story as It was recounted by the brave
Lambert had been wounded by a ball
in the leg and was unable to walk more
than a few steps. With a few officers
and a detachment of his soldiers, cut
off from the main body of the French
army, he took refuge in an Isolated
house at the highest point in Bazellles
and defended it against the Germans.
Firing from the windows and any
other openings that they could find,
the soldiers Inflicted heavy loss upon
the enemy, who swarmed through the
streets of the town. They believed
that they would soon be rescued by
their own troops.
They still heard the sound of their
mitrailleuses and the detonations of
the French chassepots, which they
could distinguish perfectly well from
the sounds of the guns of the Bava
rians about them.
They did not know that these sounds
came from a French force as hopeless
ly walled in as they themselves were
and that the main body of their coun
trymen had deserted them.
At one time, seeing a chance for
their escape. Lambert tried to send his
comrades away while he and a few
soldiers were to remain and fall Into
thf hands of the enemy, but they re
fused to go. Meantime projectiles of
all sorts were raining Into the old
house. Bullets perforated the doors
and windows until but little remained
of them. The building was entirely
surrounded by tbe Fifteenth Bavarian
A bombshell crashed through the
roof, bearing down with it several
men. Others were cut down by Vava
rian bullets. But the fight went on for
a long time, and the Frenchmen were
able to keep their assailants at bay.
At last, however, the ammunition
gave out. As the last cartridges were
fired the men. having heard the Bava
rians' demand that no quarter be given
those Frenchmen because of the heavy
losses they had Inflicted, proposed to
Issue from the building with charged
bayonets and sell their lives dearly in
a hand to hand conflict
But their commander, the wounded
Lambert waited until the last car
tridge was fired then he limped
through the door and confronted the
swarming Bavarians alone. He de
clared that if they killed him It would
be time for his soldiers to die, and It
was possible that he, their commander,
could make some terms for them.
As soon as he limped out and stood
with folded arms a dozen bayonets
were at his breast. He would have
been killed in another Instant if the
Bavarian captain had not at the risk
of his own life, precipitated himself
upon the French officer and beaten
back his own men. Infuriated by the
frightful loss which the defenders had
inflicted upon their own regiment, they
would have put the whole detachment
to death.
The Bavarian captain prevailed, and
the Frenchmen were made prisoners
of war. The Bavarian officer congrat
ulated the French commander warmly
upon the desperate and heroic stand
they had made.
Right and Left Hands.
As regards the moral significance of
the right and left hands, a highland
friend who is something of a Gaelic
scholar gives me the Interesting infor
mation that in Gaelic the right and
left hands become respectively the
"south" hand and the "north" hand.
The moral aspect of It comes out in the
Gaelic Idea of the south as rich, well
favored and fortunate and the north as
the reverse. In the "south" hand are
carried riches and honor. The north
handed man is unlucky. And now we
know why It is so many Scotsmen go
southward!—London Chronicle,
Fled tha Wrath.
Friendly Constable—Come, come, sir,
you must pull yourself together there's
your wife calling you. Festive Gent
Wha she call—hie—calling me, Billy or
William? Constable—William, sir. Fes
tlve Gent—Then you bet I'm aotgoln'—
hie—'ome.—Loudon Opinion.
New Janitor Don't you see that
sign, "Beggars Not Allowed In This
Building?" Beggar—Yes I put it up.
I'm tbe owner.—New York Glob*
A man can know nothing of man
kind wtthout knowing something ot
Te Get an Idea of Their Rang* Just
8tudy California Names.
The "Gazetteer of the Surface WaterB
of California," prepared by the United
States geological survey, shows many
curious similarities in nomenclature,
common and favorite names having
been given to different streams and
lakes by the early settlers, who chris
ten most of the natural features in
new countries.
Such characteristic pioneer names as
Deadman creek and Deadman Canyon
creek are applied to five different
streams In the area covered by the re
port there are ten Dry creeks, two
Humbug creeks, two Jackass creeks,
five Lion and Lion Canyon creeks, five
"Lost" streams and two Mad rivers.
Bfear, Bear Canyon and Bear Trap are
applied to thirty-six different water
bodies, and there are five Grizzly
There are fifteen Coyote water bod
ies, two Wildcat, one Cat and two
Gatos (Cat, Spanish) creeks one Skunk
creek, nine Deer creeks, one Rabbit
two Quail, two Dog and one Scorpion
There are also ten Devil and two
Diablo creeks, but the saints, male and
female (San and Santa), cover a dozen
pages of the gazetteer. There Is also a
Poison creek, with a dozen Snake and
Rattlesnake creeks. The fish are rep
resented In a page full of Eel rivers,
several Fish creeks and one Sardine
Whole Nations Have Been Weakem
by These Perilous Foes.
Our instinct to kill insects is pt
fectly sound. Out of the 250,000 sp
cles now known te science a me
handful are even remotely helpful
man. and most of these only by the
power of living upon other and mo
dangerous Insects. On the other han
thousands of species are actively he
tile to man, to his food plants and
his domestic animals.
Whole tribes have been swept o..t
of existence by the attack of insects
carrying bacilli—as within the last two
decades in^ central Africa, by the
dread "sleeping sickness" carried by
the tsetse fly. Whole nations have
been weakened and crippled and whole
civilizations retarded by another insect
borne disease, malaria.
Indeed, recent investigators have ad
vanced the theory that the historic de
cline of both Greece and Rome was
largely due to the ravages of thiB dls
ease, brought into Europe by armies
returning from wars In Asia and Af
rica. It may yet come, when we see
things in their true perspective, that
the warriors of civilized nations will
turn from slaughtering one another to
battling against our Insect enemies
Dr. Woods Hutchinson in "Common
Getting Up Speed.
"Well, George," said a Georgia man
not long ago to an old negro In his
employ, "I understand that you intend
to give your son an education."
"Dat's my Intention, suh," responded
George. "I knows myself what 'tis to
struggle along wldout learnin', an' 1
has determined my son ain't goin' to
have no slch trouble as I's bad."
"Is your son learning rapidly?"
"He shore Is. sah. Las' week he done
wrote a lettah to his aunt what lives
more'n twenty miles from yere, an'
aftwhile he's goln' to write to hi*
aunt dat lives 'bout fifty miles from
"Why doesn't he write to that aunt
now?" smilingly asked the employer.
"He kaint write so fur yit, sah. He
kin write twenty miles fust rate, but I
tole him not to try fifty miles till he
gits strongah wif his pen."—Chicago
Beauty of Inequality,
The beauty as well as the happiness
of the universe requires inequality
Equal lines, smooth surfaces and eter
nal plains have no beauty. We must
have hill and dale, mountain and val
ley, sea and land, suns of all magiii
tudes, worlds of all sizes, minds of 21!
dimensions and persons and faces
Spoiling a Compliment
Jagson—I tried to pay the new wo
man a compliment last ulght In n
speech, but it didn't seem to be appre
ciated. Bagson—What did you sa
Jagson—I said that the new worn!
Geo. Basf
divers casts and colors to constitute a
beautiful and happy world. We mi.
have sexes, conditions and circui
stances—empires, nations and families
—diversities In person, mind, manners
In order to the communication and te
ception of happiness hence' our
merous and various wants are not ocl.t
Incentives to action, but sources
pleasure, both simple and complex
physical, Intellectual and moral.—Alex
ander Campbell.
Made It Complete.
When Lablache, the famous operatic
singer, was presented to Queen Victo
ria, her majesty, who had heard of the
artist's hobby, asked if It was true that
he had a large collection of snuffboxes.
Flo replied that it was correct He had
one for every day In the year—365.
"Nevertheless your collection is n
quite complete," was the queen's
sponse. "Here is anotber for let
year."—Pearson's Weekly,
331 East 5th St.
would leave large footprints on tt*
sands of time.—London Answers.
One Way to Obey.
Her Dearest Friend—Do you really
obey Charley? Mrs. Newly wed—Cer
tainly. He tells me to please myself,
and I always do.—Judge.
Lovers' purses are tied With cobwebs.
—Italian Proverb.
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