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BUILDING TRADES Organize And Elect Officers. Members of the different Build ing Trades met Wednesday even ing in Trades Council Hall and reorganized the Building Trades Council. For the past several weeks the committee appointed by Trades Council has been at work getting the different unions to gether and on Wednesday enough members met to organize. They will meet again next Wednesday night and all unions connected with the Building Trades are requested to be present. The officers elected are as follows and will serve for the ensuing year. G, F. Schwab, President. A. D. Howard, Vice President. Wm. Finfrock, Recording Sec retary. Chas. Hoesa, Secretary, Treas urer. B. Cowein, Sergeant. Delegates to Trades Council, Pickett, Schwab and Hoesa. Doubt Follows Decision. Cincinnati, Dec. 19.—It is feared that the ruling of Federal Judge Wm. L,. Day, in a charge to the United States District court jury, if upheld, will create a condition, the like of which has not occured in any other State with reference to the operation of a workmen's compensation law. The ruling was in the case of a suit alleging dam ages of $25,000 by a workman against a Niles, Ohio, manufactur ing concern, the concern having complied with the provisions of the State workmen's compensation law. The court interpreted the law to say that the "wilful act of negli gence of an employer" renders an employer liable. This opens the door to a suit for negligence. One of the results of the rulings is that the plaintiff in this case has re covered $14,000, despite the fact that the defendant company paid its premiums into the State com pensation fund and was hence pre sumed to have complied with the provisions of the State law render ing it immune from suit and ren dering the State compensation fund liable only for the siatutory com pensation due to the disability of the injured employee. The testi mony developed the fact that dur ing the construction of an ammo nia tank at the factory the plaintiff workman had warned the foreman that a derrick cable was weak. A short time later the derrick let fall a plate on the plaintiff, causing the injury for which he sued for dam ages. Whether the foreman of the construction company was wilfully negligent in ignoring the warning of the workman is the puestion on which many similiar suits may be brought. Citing this case and rul ing the decision, it is believed will have a far-reaching effect on suits which, under the law, may be brought against the employer for wilful negligence in failing to take precautions for insuring the safety of employees. Knocks Out commission. Indianapolis, Dec. 19.—The bill passed by the last legislature pro viding for the appointment of a commission to investigate condi tions in this state for the purpose of drafting a workmen's compensa tion act to be presented at the next declared legislature has been un constitutional by tbe attorney gen eral of the state. The measure, as originally presented to the legisla ture, was intended to be a work men's compensation act, but the legislature refused to consider it and the body of the measure was changed, providing only forthe ap pointment of a commission. In making the change the title of the bill was not changed to conform with the body of the bill and for this rtason the attorney general held that it was not valid. The commission has held its first meet ing and announced that the investi gation would be continued with the funds furnished by citizens. tWe is. 'j, A CHRISTMAS PRESENT For Mother, Wife or^Sweetheart *i 1. v will give free until Xnias, the Famous Chain Stitch Attachment with every new Machine purchased at our Office. This Attachment completes two machines in one, both lock and chain stitch for all kinds of sewing. Railroad fare paid out of town buyers. White Sewing Machine Co. Bell Phone 627-X Home Phone 846-M 14 West Third Street it vLfc /Ls-s' is*- acra Little Bits. The foot bridge which was erected on the site of the old Black Street bridge is now completed and woiking men and vomen who live in that vicinity can again take the short route to and from work. XJ Organizer Joseph Schmidt, who who has been doing good work in this territory for the Bakers and Confectionery Workers, Union has been in Springfield for the past few days. He will attend the meeting here of the local bakers on his re turn. XJ The new contracts for the job printers are being signed up by the different unitn shops. The job printers will get a $2 increase be ginning with January 1st. The scale is now $17.00 but will be in creased to $19.00 after the first of the year for eight hours work. Wonder what increase the non-un ion printers received for their 10 hours? XJ The A. C. E. Clrb is still giving their Saturday night dances in Jacob's Hall. The dance was well attended last Saturday night and the attendance is expected to be much larger next Saturday. To attend these dances you must join the club and become a member Good music by Prof. Schoup's Or chestra is the big feature di awing card. tX Hamilton Lodge, No. 241, In ternational Association of Machin istn wili give their 20th Annual Dance in Goetker's Hall, Wednes day Evening, Dec 31, (New Year's Eve.) As usual the machinists will give prizes to the most comic masqued and the best dressed lady. A full orchestra has been engaged and a good time will be assured to all who attend. All friends are invited to come early and stay late. Tickets are being retailed for 25c and the ladies are free. V Dor't forget the big event of the season. The Metal Trades Coun cil will give their 4th Annual Dance in Goetker's Hall Christ mas Eve., Wednesday, Dec. 24th. Prizes will also be awardea to the dancers, The committee is making extensive preparations to make the dance a success. Brine your best girl and let her flash her Christmas present. XJ Charies Rother a member of tne Middletown Metal Polishers Union was in this city Wednesday on business. Charley at one time worked in this city but lately he embarked into the saloon business in the paper city. We are informed that he is making good in the sa loon business and is the same good scout among his friends. If you make a trip to Middletown just get off the car at the southend of town and pay him a nice little visit. XJ Miss Ella M. Haas, Deputy State Inspector of Worksh®ps and Fac tories was in the city this week in specting the different stores and factories. Miss Haas has been with the department for several years and is one of the best inspectors in the service, and knows the needs of the working girls and women who are employed in factories. XJ At the meeting of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks held Tuesday nighf the first steps were taken by the order to build a temple. The committee will be ap pointed in the near future and when they are, the Building Trades should get busy at once and see that when the contracts are let that union labor be specified. XJ The Blacksmith's and Helper's Union held their first annual Masque Dance Wednesday evening in Goetker's Hall. The dance was well patronized and the new union -v-1 Jt realized a good sum. All of the boys were on hand with their girls and enjoyed themselves immensely. XJ A small strike occured this week in one of the plumbing ^hops and the men are still out. The plumb ers say that several of the shops were employing more apprentices than they were allowed by the con tract of the union. Committees have been appointed to adjust the differences and the men are likely to return at any time. XJ Wm. Groeninger State Inspector of plumbing was in the city Thurs day. He inspected the Court House, Y. M. C. A. building and the East Hamilton school House Another Label Factory. London, Ont, Dec. 19.—In no city in the Dominion has organized labor made more notable advance ment during the last six months than in London, Ont. During that time three of the largest cigar fac tories, employing a large number of workmen having unionized their establishment and are now using the cigarmakers' union label on their output. This, added to the large number of establishments pre viously run under union conditions has almost cleaned up this industry in which many hundreds are em ployed. The latest acquisition to the roster of union factories in the signing up of the Big Murray Shoe Company, which will hereafter place the union stamp of the Boot and Shoe Workers' International Union upon all its products. Lon don, according to its population, has probably the largest number of union factories of any city in Can ada, and there are now several business establishments engaged in various industries that are negoti ating to unionize their shops with the purpose of placing the label on their products. Sweeping Injunction. Auburn, Dec. 19.—The Supreme Court of the State has issued a sweeping restraining order applied for by the Auborn Draying Com pany against the local unions of Teamsters, Meat Cutters, Bakers, and the Central Labor Union. It seems that the Draying Company was engaged in a general teaming business and that the Central La bor Union at the request of the unions named, placed it on the un fair list. The injunction restrains the defendants from all the usual activities, with the exception of breathing, and also asks damages in the sum of $700. The injunc tion is of a stereotyped voluminous character, and follows the usual lines of courts in issuing restraining orders against labor unions. The unions involved have employed an attorney and will meet the issue before the courts. aovernor Favorable. Albany, N. Y. Dec. 19.—A con ference with representatives of in terests concerned in a workmen's compensation act with Gov. Glynn recently served to place the gov ernor in an optimistic mood with reference to securing this legisla tion. It is stated that the bill will provide for insurance through a State fund, mutual companies, cas ualty companies, and self insurance by the corporations. The chief differences heretofore have been between the representatives of la bor and the casulty companies. Polish Printers Win. Toledo, Ohio, Dec. 19.—The Polish Printers have won a victory. A lockout occured about a month ago ^n one of the Polish printing offices, but a settlement has been reached and a scale of wages sa'is factory to the employes has been established. Heretofore there was no Polish Union, but the winning of this contest has established a strong one. The unionizing of the Stereotypers also takes place and ultimately the bookbinders will fol low. Much credit is due to the Polish employes, who stood firm and the Typographical Union is to be congratulated on its success in winning^the fight. Violates Immigration Law. New Yjrk, Dec. 19.—The head chief of the Ritz Carlton Hotel has been fined $3,000 for violating the immigration law, by .bringing three assistants here under contract from France. The accused pleaded guil ty and asked for leniency because he claimed the assistant chefs, who came here under contract are 'ar tists." n MACHINISTS ELECT NEW OFFICERS. Hamilton Lodge No. 241 held their regular meeting Tuesday night a id elected the following offi cers. John Janser, Piesident Phillip Knox, Vice President. Jos. Strategier, Treasurer. Edw. Butler, Financial Secretary Alex Miller, Recording Secretary Chas. Faller, Conductor. Ted Smith, Inside Guard. Delegates to Trades Council, Chas Vaughn and John Janser. Delegates to Metal Trades Coun cil, John Janser, Phillip Knox and Chas. Fallert. Delegate to District No. 27, Chas. Fallert. Engineers Coming Over. Vancouver, B. C., Dec. 19.—For many years there has been an as sociation of stationary engineers in this city, but it has not been a rep resentative labor organization. As a consequence practically no prog ress has been made. Some time ago the members of this or,ganiza tion decided that their proper place was within an organization attached to the general labor movement. In accordance therewith there was formed a local union attached to the International Union of Steam and Operating Engineers and a goodly portion of the membership of the old association became mem bers. Since tha» time the new tin ion has been growing rapidly until only a fragment of the old assoc a tion remains. The association's only effort was directed toward the securing of laws requiring engi neers to be licensed by the state, the matter of wages, hours, and conditions of employment not hav ing been dealt with in any way whatsoever. The new organization however, proposes to deal with these questions. Upholds Child Labor Law. Washington, Dec. 19.—The Illi nois Child Labor Law has been up held as constitutional by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Arthur Beauchainp, a fifteen year-old boy, who received a ver diet of $4,500 from the Sturges and Burn Manufacturing Company for having his hand lacerated in a press. Justice Hughes announc ing the decision. The company in its defense stated that the boy told the company that he was over six teen years of age, and being over fourteen years of age should be held responsible for his statement. The court said the company em ployed him at its peril. Wants "Oleo" Regulation. Washington, Dec. 19.—A bill providing for the removal of in ternal taxes en oleomargine, but providing drastic regulation for its manufacture and sale, has been in troduced in the House by Repre sentative Buchanan, of Texas. The bill provides that oleomar garine shall be known as "marga rine" and that it shall be manufac tured only in packages ranging in weight from one-half to five pounds. Co-operative Buying. Dunkirk, N. Y. Dec. 19.—The co-operative buying movement for the purpose of reducing the cost of living is taking root among the la bor organizations in this city. The Machinists' Union has already re ceived and distributed among its members two carloads of potatoes and one cf flour. Another car of potatoes is about to be distributed. In addition the union is negotiat ing for the purchase of a carload of ham and bacon. The Blacksmiths and Molders Union are also actively er listed in the movement. Union Label Conference. Harrisburg, Pa. Dec. 19.-—Rep resentatives of the union label trades in Pennsylvania held a con ference in Harrisburgh for the pur pose of devising ways and means of promoting an increased sale of un ion-made products in the State. This meeting was held under the auspices of the Pennsylvania State Federation of Labor and a good attendance was present. It was decided that the Pennsylvania Fed eration of Labor establish a new department to be known as the un oq label advertising bureau, with a special officer in charge, whose whole time is to be occupied in the work of adveitising and promoting the sale of goods bearing the union label. The central labor unions throughout the State will be called upon to assist in the carrying out of this work. Decisioj was also reached to hold a union label e^v hibit in Philadelphia during the convention of the American Fed eration of Labor in that city next year. Toronto Jewish Bakers. Toronto, Can., Dec. 19.—The members of the Jewish Bakers' Union here are receiving a higher rate of wages and better conditions than the Gentile bakers. This is accounted for by the fact that the Jewish Bakers belong to their ac credited international organization while many of the Gentile bakers have an organization purely local in character. This statement in dicates the difference existing be. tween a local union that affiliated with the general movement and one that does not. The Jewish or ganization is considered to be one of the best in the city. Teamsters Win Strike. Seattle, Dec. 19. After a strug gle that commenced last June the Teamsters' Union has won the fight against a number of transfer com panies for an increase ia wages and better working conditions. An agreement has been reached in which was embodied all the de mands made by the Teamsters. Since the differences have been ad justed many of the transfer com panies acknowledged that they made a mistake when they decided to adopt the open shop policy, they having been led into that scheme by specious arguments of certain individuals who desired to start a fight against organized labor. Shopmen Win Out. Decatur, III., Dec. 19.—The new Wabash shops in this city were the scene of a short strike recently due to the employment of a non-union machinist. Two hundred and fifty men were involved and they resent ed the employment of a strike breaker, formerely employed on the Illinois Central Railroad, At first the management refused to accede to the demands of the employees, but after a two days' strike the officials of the road conceded the demands of the shopmen and they returned to work. Men's Furni For XMAS GIFTS Nothing more appropriate for Christmas Gifts than good, stylish, sen sible Men's Furnishings now. Stocks are complete. Therefore, do not delay. Sweater Coats For Men and Boys Oxford, Navy, and Maroon, 50 to #7.50 Men's and Boy's Jerseys, warm comfortable and useful $1, $1.50 $2.50 The new Jumbo Knit or Rope Stitch Coat Sweaters $5, $6, $7.50 GLOVES Nothing more appropriate for holiday gifts. Gloves put up in handsome Christmas boxes. 50c, $1, $.150 and $2.00 Handsome Neckwear Men's Fine All-Silk Four-in-hand Neckwear, handsome shading and colors of every description, Every Necktie put up in a fancy box 25c and 50c Give Hosiery and You Will Make No Mistake Fine Silk Hosiery, all the new colors 25c Pure Thread Silk Hosiery ^0c Black or Natural Cashmere Hose. 25c Umbrellas, Shirts, Initial Handkerchiefs, Pajamas Suits, Suspenders, Fancy Suits, Sweaters Merchandise Orders Issued Banks, Factories, Insurance Companies, and many other employers of help, give their workers our Merchandise Orders. KKEBS CLOTHING DEPT. See Window ond Store Displays. Home Stamps given with all Xmas Purchases. JLr. W When Piirchasine Bread See Money ,2 THIS ii* LABEL XRLCISTERED) Is On Every Loaf The Union Label is a protection forthe producers and consumers for LOWEST RATES ON Household Goods, Horses, Wagons, Jewelry, etc. To be repaid as convenient. Both Phones 28 208 S. Third St. I he Lesal Rate Loan Co A. Decorator, DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glasfe. Johnson's "Dull Kote" for walls and ceilings, etc. Estimates cheerfully fur nislied on all contract work. e carry nothing but the best of quality at all times on the above line of goods. No. 100 North Third St. rll Phone 426-R Home Phone 597-A Plenty of Toys for the Boys and Girls and for everybody. Selection complete. We appreciate your patronage. When you want Coal or Feed phone your or der over our phones. FRED KOERBER & SON Central Ave. and Washington St. Bell -851-R Home 1808-Wt N High and Third Sts. BUY YOUR AT ANY OF Voss' Stores AND BE SATISFIED v. Thai Xmas Nov2Ml •r