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HIS PENALTY FOR FAILURE. The Atonement of Blood—How It Wat Consummated and How the Vengeance of the Victors Was Sat isfied—Coolness of the Unfortunat* Prince. Mo more tragic Incident la recorded |D history than the execution of Maxi milian Half a century ago a younger fjirother of the Emperor Francis Joseph Iras sent to rule Mexico. Together with Ills wife, he sat upon the frail throne, «vt*n then tottering. How be failed Is another story, but when he was taken prisoner he prepared himself for death the red death of war. In a volume written some years ago Ifajor John N. Edwards pictures graph ically the closing hours of the tall. Handsome prince who would be king as follows: The morning broke fair and white In the sky, and at 6:30 o'clock three cer clages drew up in front of the main «ate of the convent of Capuchins. The bells rang In all the steeples, there Were soldiers everywhere, and long lines of glittering steel that rose and fell In yet the soft, sweet hush of the morning. In the first carriage got Maximilian and Father Soria, a priest In the sec ond carriage there came Miramon and |kls priest, In the third Mejia and his. Then the solemn cortege started. AH the people were In the street On the faces of the multitude there were •vldences of genuine and unaffected sorrow. Some among the crowd lifted their hats as the victims passed along, tome turned away their heads and Wept, and some, even among the sol diers and amid the hostile ranks of the Liberals, fell upon their knees and wept The place of surrender was to be the place of execution. Northwest of the city a mile or more the Hill of the Bells EI Cerro de las Campanas) up reared Itself. It was inclosed on three •Ides by 0,000 Boldiers of all arms, leav ing the rear or uncovered side resting upon a wall. It was 7:80 o'clock when the car riages baited at the place of execution. Haximilian was the first to alight. Ho •tepped proudly down, took a handker chief from his pocket and his hat from bis head and beckoned for one of his Mexican servants to approach. The man cume. "Take these," the emperor said ••They are all I have to give." The faithful Indian took them, kissed them, cried over them, fell upon his knees a few moments In prayer to the food God for the good master and arose a hero. In front of the dead wall three cross es bad been firmly embedded In the ground. On each side was a placard bearing the name of the victim to be Immolated there. That upon the right was where the emperor was to be shot, that In the center was Miramon, that upon the left for the grim old stoic and lighter Mejia. Maximilian walked firmly to his place. The three men embraced each other three times. To Mejia he said: "We will meet in heaven.'" Mejia bowed, smiled and laid his band upon his heart To Miramon he said: "Brave men are respected by sorer •lgus. Permit me to give you the place of honor." As he said this be took Miramon gen tly by the arm and led him to the cen ter cross, embracing him for the last time. Escobedo was not on the ground. An ald-de-camp, however, brought permis sion for each of the victims to deliver a farewell address. The emperor spoke briefly. Miramon drew from his pocket a small piece of paper and read. When Miramon had ceased reading Maximilian placed his hand on his breast, threw up his head and cried in a slnguarly calm and penetrating Toice, "Fire!" RED DEATH OF WAR TKAQIC PATE tP MAXIMILIAN AT THE HANDS IF MEXICANS Eighteen muskets were discharged as ©ne musket Mejia and Miramon died Instantly. Four bullets struck the em peror, three in the left and one in the right breast Three of these bullets passed entirely through his body, com ing out high up on the left shoulder the other remained embedded in the right lung. The emperor fell a little Sideways and upon his right side, ex Claiming almost gently and sadly: "Oh, hombre, hombrel Oh. man! Oh, Kan!" He was not yet dead. A soldier went tip close to him and fired into bis Stomach. The emperor moved slightly as if still sensible to pain. Another came out of the firing party and, put ting the muzzle of his musket up close to bis breast, shot him fairly through the heart The tragedy was ended. Mexican vengeance was satisfied: the souJ of the unfortunate prince was with its God, and until the Judgment day the blood of one who was too young and too gentle to die will cry out from Uu* ground even as the blood of Abel. Sugar a* Food. W1tb the temperature 62 below sero phackleton and his men. In their ant arctic exploration, iu marching took two or three lumps of sugar encb every two hours. Within ten minutes of eat 'fog thaw they could feel the heat ltm uirutitfii Ttieir Unities. to- Life Hi not Jest and Mfnnsement: ilfe ts not even enjoyment Life Is hard labor.-Turgenev. Roquefort Sheep. The milk of a staple Hoquefort sheep will in a year provide from thirty to forty pounds of cheese. In that dls trict of France there are about 8.00M sheep devoted to the cheese Industry A Born Orator. "8enator Wombat is considerable of an orator. 1 take it?" "Oh, yes. He waxes eloquent In bor rowing matcn IMft^lnirirh Pout UNDER A FLAG OF TRUCE.' A Reunion and a Compact Between the Blue and the Gray. My father was a private In the Twenty-sixth Miehlgau and often told the following story, although 1 was never wise enough to make a note of the date or the name of the engage ment. There can be no doubt, how ever, of the substantial accuracy of the tale. There had been fighting, but a flag of truce had passed from the Con federate to the Union lines, and tiring was suspended. The lines were close together and both behind cover. As the white flag passed out of sight to ward headquarters the lines simply flowed together, meeting in the vacant space between. Officers on both sides tried to prevent it. but their efforts were fruitless. Little groups formed here and here and began to barter. The grays bad tobacco, and the bines had coffee and a little sugar, and trade was lively for a time Then they fell to discussing other things, and to understand their conversation it ought to be explained that the prac tice of firing on a picket line was re garded by these soldiers, hardened though they were by the awful sights of a dozen bloody fields, as little bet ter than murder. Said a gray: "Why do you fellows fire on picket?" Blue—Why do you fire on picket? Gray Well, we don't, only when that old Colonel B. from North Caro lina is officer of the day: then we have to. He makes us do It But I tell you. Yank, we'll shoot high! Yes. Yank, we'll shoot high! The flag of truce came back the negotiations had failed. The lines re formed, and firing began again. Once more poor humanity referred to the rifle and bayonet the questions it could settle In no other way. But who can doubt that in the hearts of all who witnessed the dramatic scene there waB less bitterness than before the truce? Theirs was no vulgar, sordid quarrel no bitter, personal vendetta. Each side was pledged to the support of antagonistic principles, to maintain which they had staked their lives, but they had no quarrel with their op ponents as men.—Youth's Companion. Stage Bells. "Parsifal" is interesting, quite apart from its artistic merit, as having had a musical instrument invented for it and named after it The reproduction of the sound of church bells In opera was long a difficulty. Real bells sim ply drowned the orchestra, and all substitutes were tried in vain until Dr. Motl designed the Parsifal bell instrument somewhat on the principle of the grand piano. Each of its five notes has six strings, which are struck by large hammers covered with cot ton wool. And the result is as near to the solemn sound of church bells as the theater has been able to get.—Bos ton Herald. Pis Season#. Really there are two pie seasons—one when the blackberries, raspberries and blueberries are ripe and when appies are green and the other when the frost is on the pumpkin. The pies of the In between times are as lead to gold to the pies of other times. No pie except the pumpkin pie is a pie at all unless the Juice runs from between the cov ers, the Juice of ripened fruit charged with sun and dew. Custom makes us eat pie last It Is a hard rule, deemed only by the anticipation which helps us to go through the preliminary sta ples, glad in the thought of the delect able to come.—Chicago Post First to "Put His Foot In It." It-Was a bishop of olden times who first "put his foot in It," and ever since then the most ordinary layman who makes a blunder is said to "put liis foot in It" It wasn't the bishop's fault after all, but the housewives who ran to doors and windows every time the good bishop passed and asked for his bless ing and while getting It they let the porridge burn. Then they blamed the bishop for the trouble and said "the bishop put his foot in it"—Milwaukee Journal. Easily 8ettt«(l. "Pa. the doctor at the hospital said that he would have to have a lot of cuticle to cure Mamie's burns." "Well, tell him to telephone to the nearest druggist for all he wants and charge It la the MIL"—Baltimore Amer lean. OUR EARLY FLAGS Colonial Emblems That Led Up to the Stars and Stripes. THE STORY OF OLD GLORY. Twloe Has the Design Been Changed 8ince the Official Adoption of Our Firat Flag In 1777—The Stars the Distinotive Feature of Our Banner. The American flag is a growth rather than a creation. Its history can be traced back to the twelfth century, or nearly 600 years prior to the first "flag day," June 14, 1777. During the first crusade in 1195 Pope Urban II. assigned to all of the Christian nations as standards crosses varying in color and design, emblem atic of the warfare in which they were engaged. To the Scotch troops was assigned the white saltire, known as the white cross of St Andrew, on a blue field. The British used a yellow cross, but a century and a quarter later they adopted a red cross on a white field, known as the red cross of St Georga When James VI. of Scotland ascend ed the throne of England as James I. he combined the two flags and issued a proclamation requiring all ships to carry the new flag at their mainmasts. At the same time the vessels of south Britain were to carry at their fore masts the red cross of St. George and the ships of north Britain to carry the white cross of St Andrew. The new flag was known as "king colors," the "union colors," of the "great union" and later as the "union Jack" and was the one under which the British made ail their permanent settlements In America. The people in the New England colo nies were bitterly opposed to the cross in the flag. In 1635 some of the troops in Massachusetts declined to march under this flag, and the military com missioners were forced to design other flags for their troops with the cross left out The design they adopted has not been preserved. In 1052 a mint was established in Boston. Money coined in this mint had the pine tree stamped on one side of it. The pine tree design was also used on New England flags, certainly by 1704 and possibly as early as 1635. At the outbreak of the Revolution the American colonies had no flag com mon to all of them. In many cases the merchant marine flag of England was used with the pine tree substituted for the union jack. Massachusetts adopt ed the green pine tree on a white field with the motto. "An Appeal to Heaven." Some of the southern states had the rattlesnake flag with the mot to "Don't Tread on Me" on a white or yellow field. This flag had been used by South Carolina as early as 1764. In September, 1775, there was dis played in the south what is by many believed to be the first distinctively American flag. It was blue with a white crescent and matched the dress of the troops, who wore caps inscrib ed "Liberty or Death." The colonists desired to adopt a com mon flag, but they had not yet declared independence and were not at first seeking independence. They took the British flag as they knew it and made a new colonial flag by dividing the red field with white stripes into thirteen al ternate red and white stripes. This is known as the Cambridge flag, because it was first unfurled over Washington's headquarters at Cambridge, Mass., on Jan. 1,1776. It complied with the law of 1707 by having the union jack on it it also represented the thirteen col onies by the thirteen stripes. As the colonists gradually became converted to the idea that independ ence from the mother country was nec essary they began to modify the flag, first by leaving off the union jack and using only the thirteen horizontal stripes. The modified flags were not al ways red and white, but regularly con sisted of combinations of two colors selected from red, white, blue and yel low. The final modification was the re placement of the union Jack by the white stars on a blue field. The stars are the only distinctive fea ture of the American flag. The charm ing story which credits Betsy Ross with making the first flag of stars and stripes is still accepted by historians. When Washington suggested the six pointed star she demonstrated the ease with which a five pointed star could be made by folding a piece of paper and producing one with a single clip of the scissors. The official adoption of our first flag was in 1777. On June 14 of that year the Continental congress passed an act providing that "the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternute red and white that the Union be thirteen stars, white on a blue field, representing a new constellation." The thirteen stars were arranged in ..a circle to symbolize the perpetuity of the union of the states Vermont was admitted to the Union In 1791, and Kentucky in 1792. It was felt that these two new states ought to be recognized on the flag, so In 1794 congress passed an act making the flag fifteen stars and fifteen stripes. This remained the flag of the United States throughout the war of 1812, un til there were twenty states in the Union. In 1816 an effort was again made to modify the flag so that all the new states would be represented on It To be continually adding stripes would make the flag very awkward in shape and appearance, so after arguing the matter for two years congress decideV to return to the original thirteen strlpeij and one star l'or each state* THE BUTLER, COUNTY PUKSS. VOL. XIV. HO. 25. HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1914 $1.00 PER TSAR FOR TRADE UNIONS. "If 8 an insane idea not to rec ognize labor unions," said John 'I Wanamaker befon# the United *t* V States commission on industrial *.* relations at Philadelphia. "John I', D. Rockefeller, Jr., made a great mistake when be forced Presi dent Wilson to send troops into .. Colorado. 1 may be mistaken In this, but that is the way 1 feel ah*ut it. I* "1 believe that labor and capl- *jj tal have the right to organize. «li» On the one side, capital, there is responsibility, and on the other, labor, there is none. There you stop. The missing links 1 be- v ,'y lieve to be prejudice and misun- V, derstanding. which must be v .. overcome. One of the ways to wipe out this prejudice and mis understanding is to unhitch la bor unions from political par- 'J ties." «l» 4» 4 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT THE LABOR MOVEMENT. Eternal Vigilance Needed to Make It Completely Successful. There are a number of things that constitute the price of success in the labor movement, all of which are sug gested by common sense and which may be easily done. Among these is the purchase of union made goods. This may not in many cases directly benefit you or your craft, and for that reason many union people are not care ful about it. but it never fails to help the cause as a whole and thus help all indirectly Another thing of impor tance is the prompt and punctual at tendance at union meetings, especially meetings for the discussion of ques tions affecting the Interests of union labor. Men in other callings never fail to attach great importance to such conferences, and as a result they reap the rich reward. The men who suc ceed In climbiug up over our heads never fail to keep in close touch with politics, and they watch and endeavor to influence all legislation bearing upon their interests. All union institutions, especially the labor press, ought to be liberally and constantly sustained. Look at the numbers, wealth and wide circulation of the publications that are not friend ly to the cause of labor. We spend thousands, yes millions, to make them rich and powerful, while we often fall to pay the price to our own publica tions. What ca» we expect of the harvest? END OF LONG FIGHT. Photo-Engravers Settle Dispute of Six teen Years' Standing. President Woll of the International Photo-engravers' union has announced that all differences between the Gill Engraving company of New York city and his organization are at an end. as the company has signed an agreement with the union that will run for three years. Union conditions are to prevail in the Gill plant, and the company has been granted the use of the photo-en gravers' label. It is further agreed that all litiga tion between the parties will be drop ped. This marks the end of a sixteen years' industrial conflict which has been given prominence the past few months because of attempts to prose cute the pboto-engravers and the New York Allied Printing Trades council nnder the Shermau anti-trust law. The photo-engravers have forward ed a letter to President Gompers thanking him and his associate otiicers of the American Federation of Labor for the assistance given them in their recent difficulties. New York's First Pensioner. Mrs. Sadie L. Alt hen of 63 West Nlnet.v-first street. New York city, has the distinction of being the first bene ficiary in New York state of the provi sions of the workmen's compensation law. Mrs. Althen was awarded $30 a month for her own maintenance and $10 a month for the support of her four-year-old daughter, Ruth. Mrs. Althen's husband, Curtis W. Althen, a carpenter, was killed by fall ing from a building on July 1. Mrs. Althen is twenty four years old. She will continue to enjoy her compensa tion as the law provides until she re marries or dies. New Union Formed. The electrical workers of Boston have formed their eighth union in that city bv organizing workers em ployed in the contract commercial, complaints, adjustment and other de partments of the New England Tele phone and Telegraph company. The local started with a membership of nearly 200 and is the third composed wholly of telephone employees. Law Compensation Premiums. The New York compensation commis sion. which will have in charge the new workmen's compensation act. has made a rate of $5 for six months' Insurance for the thousands ot small employers who have heretofore carried no in surance. The minimum rate formerly fhurged by private insurance com panies was $25 for the same length of time. Shake! it's great to'say "Oood morning." lt'e fine to say "Hello," But better stili to grasp the hand Of a loyal friend you Know. A look may be forgotten. A word misunderstood, But the touch of ttie human hand la the pledge of Brotherhood. —lautfua iXwaii^Book AN OBJECT LESSON. "Efficiency" Plan of Driving Toilers to Greater Effort. The following is a paragraph taken from the handbook of Frederick Tay lor, the original efficiency man, which he issues to manufacturers, as part of the formula in carrying out bis effi ciency ideas: 'For the success of tills system the Bumber of men employed on practical ly the same class of work should be large enough for the workmen quite often to have the object lesson of see ing men laid off and others substituted in their places." In other words, this great efficiency expert makes it plain that one of the main essentials of his philosophy de pends upon the necessity for the fre quent discharge of employees as "ob ject lessons" to the other employees. There is no difference, except in form, between that requirement and the one which calls for the overseer of slave days to beat up a slave every now and then as object lessons to the other slaves. The mainspring of Taylor's system demands the frequent sacrifice of workers in every shop, whether de served or not, and in order to increase the output of others, and the dividends of the employer, and if any one thinks that Taylor is thinking of any one ex cept the employer when he is thinking efficiency the following caution to em ployees from the same book should dispel such a notion. It says. "All em ployees should bear in mind that each shop exists first, last and all the time for the purpose of paying dividends to its owner." In other words, accord ing to these perverted ideas, human beings are only on earth to pile up div ldends.—Lather. UNION SUES FOR DAMAGES. Carpenters Want Reimbursement Loss by Injunction. suit by the Carpenters' unioi' against a group of companies describee as a "lumber trust" has been tiled in Chicago. The suit was the result ot the action of Circuit Judge Heard i) dissolving an injunction which for tw years restrained the United Brother hood of Carpenters and Joiners from picketing and other action in its strike against the Anderson & Lind Manufac turing company. The damages were asked to cover at torney's fees, court expenses, salaries of officers, loss of time for union mem bers and reimbursement for the alleged loss of contracts during the term of the injunction. The list of defendants included the Anderson & Lind Manufacturing com pany, Chicago Payne Lumber cornpa ny, Oshkosh, Wis. the McMillen Lum ber company. Racine, Wis., and other "firms and corporations to be named later." •t'» »'I' -I' 1 'I- A SIMPLE TRUTH. .. i'* »j* In organization on trade union lines there are strength and a common endeavor to improve in ,1 dustrial conditions, to make life worth while living and to make V, the home more comfortable and 4. happier. Jn organization the V* desire for more education is de- 3. veloped and fostered by debate .» in an open forum. Legislative en actments in the interest of labor are scrutinized, followed by ap proval or disapproval. Cigar makers' Journal. »fr »I« 't» 'I' »fr 'I' '1' Oppose Mine "Patrol System. The general grievance committee of Lackawanna company miners affiliated with the United Mine Workers of America at a meeting in West Scranton voted unanimously In favor of a strike of all Lackawanna employees unless the company officials recede from their position in Insisting on the establish ing of a patrol system in the mines. The patrol consists of several men rep resenting the company, whose business Is to direct employees how to safe guard themselves while at work. The miners object to taking orders from the patrolmen, whom they call spies The system was suggested by Chiet Roderick, of the state bureau of mines. A Record Street Car Strike. The six months' street car strike at Hazleton, Pa., is worrying bondholders because the Lehigh Traction company has suspended payment on bonds be cause of the strike. A committee has been appointed to investigate the prop erty, and it is said that action will be taken to bring the matter before the state public service commission or the courts. The street car men struck be cause their officers were discharged for union affiliation, and up to the pres ent time the company has rejected aM peace overtures. I OF INTEREST TO LABOR. Maine unionists are urging a wort men's compensation law. Policemen in San Francisco nov have one day off a week. Great Britain's Miners' federation represents 800.000 organized workers In St Louis, Mo., among 7.000 gar ment workers 24 to 30 per cent sufft from neurasthenia. Steamfltters of New York city ba^» finally decided to amalgamate with ttc United Association of Plumbers an Steam fitters. v Machinist" employed by the Chicago and Eastern Illinois railroad have formed a new district. This action was necessary owing to the separation of the C. and E 1 from the Frisco sys tem LURE OF THE LIZARD. Many Ships Sight and Pass ii The the Fa mous Headland Daily. If the Lizard (Lizard point, Corn wall, England) could see as one-half believes It cau from that one piercing eye, Cyclops-iike, in its forehead, what sights it could report—Phoenician and Roman galleys the ships of Hawkins. Drake, Frobisher and Raleigh the Mayflower alter its final release from detention at Southampton, Dartmouth and Plymouth the broken winged ar mada and the Titanic on that first voyage, so confidently and cheerfully begun, which, ending in the unfore seen Ice, was also its last All the ships of the famous lines be tween American and English and Eu ropean ports come within a mile or two of it, eastbound and westbouud. those of the North German Lloyd, the Atlantic Transport, the White Star and the Red Star, the Canadian branch of the Cunard, the Holland-America, the Hamburg-American and the American, most of them making their passage so punctually that you know to an hour when to look for them. Just beyond the light is Lloyd's sig nal station, and ciose to that a Mar coni station, subsidiary to the most powerful of all. that at Puklhu. to the west, where the swish, sparkle- and crackle of the four high latticed tow ers can U* heard at a but a mile. The For distance of all Man's ingenuity and benevolence have turned the dreaded headland from a menace into a disnensarv of 10 rr r' 0 ilil EijI u Cor. Front and Hieti Sts. Merchants' Dinner Lunch 3 Served every Day 4 I Lunch Counter Connected I 1 saieguar«i». 1 hiring fogs two horfts. each with a mouth six feet in diameter, blare across the cloaked channel, und a submarine bell at the foot of tbe cliffs tolls its number within a range of sixteen miles to every listening ves* sel provided with a receiver. Both light and sound have vagaries in fogs, however. If we can believe the maa^ ters of ships which have come to grief on and near the Lizard there are times when the ir.000.000 candlepower of the lighthouse is invisible, and the bel lowing of these euormous trumpets In audible.—William H. Rideing In Scrlb ner's. Favor Minimum Wage. The Detroit Federation of Labor will circulate petitions asking that the peo ple be given a chance to vote on the question of a minimum wage for mu nicipal workers when the charter amendments are submitted. The pro posed bill provides that contractors vio lating the law may be punished by a fine of $50 to $300 for each offense, or '•ja to thirty days in Jail. What a System I Holbrock Bros. Reliable Dealers in Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Queenswar* Millinery. BL©us# Furnishings Toss-Holbreck Stamps with al: -dzh Purchases Meet him at What a system anyway! Some must work for little pay Others have no work to do And are in a pretty st^w Some don't have to work at all. And on servants they fan call Some have everything to eat And a house on Easy street Others live in shabby shacks And ha»-e mgrs upon their hacks Some must worry, fret and strive Just to keep themselves alive. To exist from day to day What a system anvwrv1 TRY H. Jones Service Cisinfeelers Used by all the leading Cafes and Business Houses in the city No Bad Odors and Perfect San itation at All Times i 338 East 5th St. CINCINNATI, BHIB Just Bear In Mind The Ohio Union Bottled Beer When you want a good Beer, all who have drank it are delighted. Nothing but hops and Mall ot Quality are used in making our Zunt=Heit, Special Brew and Tannhauser £SoId by all Leading Cafes In Hamilton Ohio Union Brewing Co. Cincinnati, Ohio READ THE PRESS Co. HI