Newspaper Page Text
v vV- •. VOL. XIV. NO. 27. EQUITABLE FOR BOTH SIDES. Insurance Cheaper For Employer, and Injured Workman's Case Receives Speedy Consideration—Discrimination In the Matter of Risks. In a recent interview in the New York World Juhn Mitchell, former president of is. JUSTICE FOR ALL »$ NBW YORK'S COMPENSATION LAW A MODEL OF FAIRNESS j* the United Mine Workers and now one of the live commissioners of New York's workmen's compensa tion law, spoke of the working of the new measure. "On the whole," suid Mr. Mitchell in reply to a question, "1 think that the provisions of the la^r are equitable alike to the employer and the em ployee, though It is possible that ex perience may indicate some minor points in regard to which amendment Blight» »e advisable. "We are receiving reports of acci dents at the riite of about a thousand a day, but of these cases not more than about -oO a day will develop into claims for compensation. The vast majority of these claims are free from contro versial elements. I might say that ninety out of a hundred are disposed of without argument or opposition and that two minutes is about the average time taken up by each claim. "This means that we can deal with the claims at the rate of more than 200 a day. and you will realize the enor mous advantage of the commission's methods of work when you compare this rate of progress with that achiev ed by the law courts in handling slml lar cases, when three or four judg ments a day would tie regarded as a satisfactory record." "Do you lind." was asked, "that mpny claims of a fraudulent nature are brought before you 7" "Hardly any." replied Mr. Mitchell, •without a moment's hesitation. "There are a few instances in which at first sight it looks as though the claimant was appearing in bad faith, but Inves tigation almost always discloses the fact that a misunderstanding of the law and not a deliberate attempt at fraud Is the true explanation. "It Is very gratifying to be able to say that although at the outset there •was a good deal of anxiety among em ployers as to the extent of the finan clal burden to be imposed upon them by the compensation law, there is now a very general realization that the bur den is not in itself excessive and that .the law has, from the employer's standpoint, some very solid advantages "In the first place, an employer now knows Just what it costs him each year to protect himself against damage suits brought by his employees in respect of accidents, and, in the second place, Is relieved of the danger of having ex trtmely heavy awards made against him from time to time. y' "There has been "a good deal said about the right of the employer to pro tect himself in this matter of work men's compensation by exercising great care in selecting his workmen— by choosing single men rather than married and by refusing to employ men not in sound health, and so on. "The fact however, that where these arguments are put forward with Sincerity they are based upon ignorance of the provisions of the law Avhich deal with its financial operation. It is true that In the comparatively small number of cases—certainly not one in fifty—in which an employer Insures his own workmen a single man is a better risk than a married one and a stroug man than an unhealthy one, but in the vast majority of instances where the employer pays a premium to the state insurance fund or to an insurance com pany these considerations have no force whatever. "The premium is not paid at varying rates for different workmen, but at a fixed rate covering all classes of risks ftfbject only to a merit rating based Upon the conditions prevailing in an in dustry or r-yon better or worse condi tions as between one employer and an other in any given Industry. "We have recently received a report on our investigation into alleged dis crimination on the part of some em ployers against married men and work pen suffering from physical defects This report finally disposes of the point I have been discussing by saying that -•neither the insurance department in ^fixing the rates nor the inspection rating board in determining merit rat t#g takes into consideration any condi tious arising out of the fact of mar riage, physical inspection or the phys ical condition of the employees. "It is perfectly clear, therefore, that the employer gains nothing by refusing to employ married men or men phys ically defective and loses nothing by •tnpioying them. What he can do to improve his position under the law is to take such steps to guard his work men against accidents as will result to his making a good record in this 4lrectlon and thus enable him to secure lowvr premium nates under the merit eating rules." An Old Mark. It Is said that the dollar mark can be traced back to the fifteenth cen iary But at that-lt isn't near as old at the easy mark. -Birmingham New* -'*T III K BUT I MINIMUM WAGE A BENEFIT. Oregon's New Law Improves Condi tion of Women Workers. That the passage of the minimum wage law in Oregon through the efforts of the Industrial welfare commission lias made changes for the better in the condition of working women and girls was brought out in striking fashion at a recent session of the pubiic hearing ondueted by the United States coin mission on industrial relations. Tather Kdwin V. O'llara, chairman of the industrial welfare commission, told of rhe preliminary work of that organization looking to such a taw and its final accomplishment. He told of ondltions that prevailed among wom en workers prior to its passage and how there has been a decided improve ment in conditions since. In our work we found girls were living in surroundings in which none should be asked to live," said Father O'Hara. "Some were able to buy but two meals a day and were living rowded together In small, dark rooms. Because the minimum wage law re sulted in more favorable conditions it has become popular, and the principle that women workers are entitled to a decent livin: wage always will be pop ular. No woman in America should be compelled to work for less." Father O'llara said it had been ar gued that as a result of the minimum wage law many women would lose their positions, but the commission, he said, had yet to hear of half a dozen such, lie said that not only were there no fewer girls and women em ployed now as a result of the law. but that In some lines, particularly in mer cantile and office work, there has been a notable increase in the wages of wo men and girls. THE LIVING WAGE. Labor Vigorously Defended on the Floor of the Senate. It is idle merely to say labor lias the right to a living and decent wage un less we supplement that assertion by granting labor the power to enforce its demand for n living wage. When I tjse the term "living wage" 1 do not mean a wage which will afford "bread alone." but 1 mean a wage which will afford proper food, clothing, shelter, some leisure time to devote to the fam ily, to books, music, philosophy and, in general, an opportunity to have suffi cient respite from exacting toil to enjoy some of the idealistic, aesthetic and spiritual sides of life, which add zest, grace and beauty to human existence. It has been asserted that it is dan gerous for laborers possess the pow er to compel a compliance with their demands for a living wage. I reply that such power is indeed dangerous— to monopoly, oppression, tyranny, av arice and greed—but is wholesome to the general welfare and to public tran quillity. Internal dangers to a state need never be apprehended from a gen eral desire and effort on the part of the creators of wealth to promote their own efficiency, improve and exalt their own statiou, for if laborers were to refuse to try to improve their own condition it would be tantamount to their seeking wantonly their own self destruction. Senator Ashurst of Arizona. Karnak's Sculpture. Of all the villages of Kgvpt, Karnafe Is most noted for its architectural an tiques. It is situated on the bank of the Nile and built over the site of Thebes. The buildings date from 1500 B. C. and some contain mural decora tions that give Interesting views of those ancient times. Many interest ing colored marbles were also used in the decoration of these huge temples and much sculpture is still to be seen Don't Oil Razor Strops. "Never put oil on a razor strop, said one of the largest dealers in bar bers' supplies in New York. "It spoils it for sharpening steel. A new strop should need no attention for a year at least. If it begins to get dry just take a little ordinary lather on your finger and rub it well in. This will soften it again and nothing more is necessary." —New York World The Colorado River. The Colorado river was named by the Spaniards from a word in their language, meaning ruddy or red. an allusion to the tint of the water La Salle first named the river Mallgne which means "misfortune," one of two of his party having been drowned in its current.—Exchange. a A Sure Guide. "Waiter, give the menu." "We have none, but I can tell yon what we have" "Yon must have a remarkably good memory." "Not at all I simply look at the tablecloth "-Pele Mele. She Was Wise. The young man carefully removed the cigars from his vest pocket and placed them on the piano. Then he opened his arms. But the young girl did not flutter to them. "You." she said coldly, "have loved befor*."—Argo naut. «., *r a Dumboy, Their National a Dish, Is Gastronomic Wonder. 0 CHEW IT MEANS LOCKJAW. The Sticky, Cement-like Mess Has to Be Bolted In Lumps, Washed Down With Soup—When Allowed to Stand and Harden It Is Used For Bullets. Dumboy, the national dish of IJ beria, is one of the world's gastro nomic wonders. If allowed to stand long after being prepared for the table it becomes very hard, broken pieces of it being a favorite kind of shot for use in the long muzzle loading guns of the natives. A casing of dumboy is also used to stiffen the leather sheaths of the native swords and knives, accord ing to G. N. Collins in a communica tion to the National Geographic society at Washington. To attempt the description of some novel food is like attempting to de scribe a landscape," writes Mr. Col lins. The constituent parts may be de scribed and the manner 1n which they are combined, but it requires some thing more than accurate description to reproduce the sensation of the origi nal. The principal ingredient of dum boy is cassava, or 'cassada,' as it is called In Liberia. The edible roots of this plant are the source of tapioca and some forms of sago. "To prepare the roots for dumboy they are peeled, boiled and all fibers from the center removed. The cooked roots are then placed in a large wood en mortar and beaten with a heavy pestle. This beating requires consid erable skill and experience. In the hands of a novice the result is lumpy and inedible. "The beating requires about three quarters of an hour and is hard work. As the beaten mass becomes homo geneous the pestle produces a loin? crack each time it is drawn from the mortar. These sharp reports can be heard long distances through the for est and are very welcome sounds at the end of a day's journey. "When the dumboy reaches this stage the operator may rest without injury to the product, but once the beating is carried .past this point it must be rapidly completed and the dumboy eaten at once. The natives'say it is actually dangerous to eat. dum boy that has stood for more than a few minutes after it is beaten. 'As soon as the beating is finished the dumboy is taken from the mortar and placed in the shallow wooden bowls. Tin? native method is to place the entire quantity in one large bowl, from which all the partakers eat. If divided the customary portion for each person is a piece about the size of an ordinary loaf of bread. "A soup which has been prepared while the dumboy was being beaten is now poured into each bowl. There is great variety in the soup, which im parts most of the taste to the dish. There is always a stock of some form of meat. This may be either chicken, deer, fish, monkey or even canned beef. To this are added as many vege tables as can be obtained. "As soon as the soup is added the dumboy is ready to be eaten, and while the ingredients are somewhat bizarre, the method of eating strikes the traveler as even more startling The mass of dumboy, which can best be described as a sticky dough, will adhere instantly to anything dry, but is readily cut with a wooden spoon if the spoon Is kept moist with soup. "An incredibly large piece is cut off with the moistened spoon, taken up with a quantity of soup and swallowed "whole. No one thinks of chewing it, and it is customary to caution the nov ice by tales of the frightful operation necessary to separate the Jaws once the teeth are burled in the sticky mass "As might be expected, few Euro peans like dumboy on first acquain tance, and with some the initial dis taste preveuts further experiments. If a second or third attempt is made, however, aud the dish has been prop erly prepared, the habit is usually formed, and before long every night spent in the bush without a meal of dumboy Is counted a privation. Among the white residents of Liberia fond ness for the dish amounts almost to a cult. It is regarded as a sort of guar anty that one's tenderfoot days are over." Curvature of the Earth. The earth's curvature is very nearly eight inches for the first mile, thirty two for the second, seventy-two for the third, 128 for the fourth, and so on. Law: Curvature of the earth's surface on a true plane at sea level is close to the product of eight inches multiplied by the square of the uum ber representing miles. Thus 128 equals eight multiplied by four squar ed, equals eight multiplied by sixteen, —New York .Journal. Affable" Folks. "Boston people are mighty nice to book agents." "Good customers, eh?" "Not so much that. They've read all the books in the world. But they're al ways willing to discuss 'em with you.'' —Louisville Courier-Journal. Thou must mount up or sink down, must rale and win or serve and lose, suffer or triumph, be aavtl or bam mer.—(loetbe. HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1914. THE UNION SHOP. Those who Know the forces of greed and exploitation that domi nate the industrial world know that the organized labor move meut is tin1 only protection that stands between the workers and industrial slavery. They know that In order to secure the wel fare of the toilers union condi tions must be maintained. Or ganization is the only way by which workers secure a voice in the conditions and terms under which they work, It secures them choice, without which liberty does not exist. No union is closed. AH are open to those eligible who wish to join and who are willing to conform to the regulations of the organiza tion. Union shops are as wide open as the unions. The union shop, which our opponents mis represent by the term "closed shop," stands for better wages, safe and sanitary conditions and reasonable working hours. Op posed to union standards are the competitive conditions prevailing in sweatshops aud nonunion shops, where workers must ac cept whatever mains- i s of pred atory wealth chouse to offer them. -American Federatlonist. A SHAMEFUL OUTCOME. Colorado Militia Pronounces Itself In nocent of Wrong. Colorado's militia has by court martial of the private interests which openly o w w i e a -diai York WorM. TENT COLONY This a• i•' was arrival of .fhn t dent of the r- \i... ica. The lad'aia. taken over full el and the local uni lieved of respond'' and forty-seven cupy the tent co i The strike has for over three $1,400 a erful sustain it, Is not conclusive of anything. The so called Colorado militia which was sent against the disorderly em ployees of the Fuel and Iron company was made up largely i:.• k- -1' employees aed hired I e a o i peace. It took sides, it killed w and children. It was the nmrd agent of an absentee capitalism. There has been pe. u dorado since the arrival of I'ederai troops charged by the president with the im partial enforcement of law and order What the national forces have done state forces might ts. done. at »!.. were no state for. e The %!r u -i tween the hirelings of a iitn-kei corporation and the desperate l sentatives of a mil epauleted represent feller corporation themselves in intern outcome of must start proceed out the heart and then i i deeds aud a i -an la.-n t'ra New York. It operated under the au thority of the state, but in fact it was a private and mercenary force. It did not act in a miiiv.-y Wei hoUrs i made real Bv organi at KtOlli.'o mind work or i :•••!'. ti-r k. lie ma ers union, and iti the 14' have proiioili: I i-- a shai.].•!, u i e -N o e e pineli! -•ourceful FOR STRIKERS Cotton Operatives Tactics of IV have thev they of Atlanta Follow ne Workers. lives of the a mills' of At: -s on a hill nea •is the first tiu. u»r strife thai ux oilowed the tactics one Into "tent war The striking ton bag aud ei have erected 25" the mills. This n in the history oi i. tile workers have of the miners and fare." Tl, men ter priv ties, fort work go wea: mini! e id ed «ai i i, i 'a. j: 1 Workers of Au,.-i association La i iv- I the strike ns Me thereby re ot\. T-.vo hundi ies already make tlU'e- een going on now ntlis at a cost of si U,800. The tent to greatly de week, or method is crease this i ie made up for Ua union meetings Funds are beiiij tlauta strikers ,t lie east and Convicti and Good Roads. The idea employed buildin ent states without ous competition gaining ground, is a call for io convicts cat: •••ids in the differ •tiling into inju i i It free labor every state th iod roads beyo more the amount people are willing to in taxes, so that whatever amount road the convicts might build won not materially affect the amount road building now done from the levy, but will be. on the other hai just so much addition to good roac In many of the states this work won continue nearly all the year roui while in others the season duri which such operations would be im practical would be not more than two to three months. ?hoe Workers' .Tour nal. Look For the Labei. While the Europeans are at wa with a common end o£ destruction themselves included, let us not forgt that we have a little war of otw own on the products of ill paid labor, chili labor and labor that does not get its due reward. See to it that you spend your union earned money for union labeled products. "Look for the union label."—Tobacco Worker. Women's Night Work Law Valid. That provision of the labor law pass ed by the New York legislature last year, prohibiting the employment of women and girls in factories in the state between the hours of ten in the evening and six in the morning, was held to be constitutional by the appel late divl Ion of the supreme court. 1 crea poss greate a pressed in day, 11)11 movement It found making n temp' nev he. ing As ih' bec(':. greater ai all humat We have tills To Make the World Better For hose Who Toii. FROM BONDAGE TO FREEDOM. Organization Is Slowly but Surely Striking the Shackles From the Limbs of Workers—Unions the Bea con Light—A Labor Day Reverie. One day of the- yea: is et the day of the workers of That day was made possible and given signiflcHiice by. the labor movement. ill all the world has ring hope and No other force done more ment to i the a Loo! d-e.v there led W iils I it-, al e tend and cur if i Ve.I is e! acquitted It ••"in atrn.-dies mitted in Ludlow last \i ril. A --late •A .--! es an court martial, espeelai\ the u where the militia is 1 arm not of the state, n *.f _• i -. Where those vho as the (. inarched :.i burdi a- .••! tntut linion to Wt «nlC WHO and v !,e\ ina ,-eh. bore the 1 oppor tie... Hut deni in'»o up- u 1 and be in to ot tcrial. •cured aiiuait til tin n and •re tue tits of ideal. v o I r, I w de rtuui 1 cor Lal union lefore. 1. ,ut lUUi and duty, the peo manner in the possi s. Let us id women looms big The welfn pie are bo which we Is' bilities that! aci|Uit oursl worthy of tlie we inherit iron of the ideals keeiHng. Let work of hum a years to come. the responsible greater unions of justice. Org better paid w to order their the lives a the men, time ana .eakes brighter and bette days for tha countless millions yet un born.—Samvel fiompers in America! l'edera1ioi: sl. iith al \A in our 1 as me ghts am the pas' n trusted) carry i'roedo freedom that and mindful to our safe in the great |t during th barged witl We are y of fornfing more ant for they are the agents i'/.:ltion results in free kers, able and capabh wn lives. Tt protect! 1 "Insures the welfare o len and children of ou Painters Go Out. Five h" als of the International Paint ers and Paperhangers' union, with a membership of 12.000 and backed bj the United Hebrew Trades, went ot strike iti Now York city when a de mand for inerea«ed wages and bette working conditions was refused. Th strikers demand $20 a week instead of $18.70. The-international is distlnc from the Brotherhood of Painters am Decorators, and under an agreement, each organization steers clear of th other's field. The International men do only repair work. & ifTnin rin TP i"? I V It* Minimum Wage In Washington. The Washington state minimum wage commission has adopted a rate of $5) a week as the minimum for tele phone girls throughout the state, ex cept in small exchanges. This is the fourth minimum wage adopted by the ommission. the others being $10 a week for mercantile workers, $8.90 for factory workers and $9 for laundry and dye workers. LABOR UNION NOTES. Over 3/MMMHMi apart as '.vee! America. i.etter- ims of power, toilers in this country work from (jfty-fouv to «}xty hours a Thi! tper edit of the worker.- in the othhlg i 'i i o V w Y o k a v e the t|ight hour da Unions on th-' I'.ieitie roa.-t ocating a uni are ad- r- ,-!-jht hour day or that section. Th-- i'a si:it.-v no-.v i-, more hat,- n,e i"o f:i• en-.pko ,.«is and .IJOll.lKMI I .. a ptoyes Textile •'all Rive gita ••!, -ri !l TS --el O I a:id .e'e mail uh In •"... onr 'e 11111 i: 'or e, 'tiei i, i uJn:"o.ioi 'o I, -adage I i e!11 i 'ii! ii mea thi i e 1 e sweep i as it .jes re ii it has Mead 11 y HUM' of 'lie ..: |'e-- of (he A'! r-i!ta V. h-U ILU in force '•(••. tend i i e a e- :U, aetua. uiaxi- vmmgsxm^juwmmMm i -^*5- 330 East 5th St. t. A A. J. •». JL A A .1. A,#. C'eic? Lab iug an i i e w o k i"u-. a-e -. aienace a a -ai:! edti In t1 Reliable Dealers in Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Q,ueenswar» Millinery. House Furnishings Dss-Holbr©ck Stamps with all Cash Purchases. eet him at a a* it i§! w i Cor. Front and Kiel) Sis. Merchants' Dinner Lunch Served every Dav Lunch Counter Connected I 1 Jlt8 H.H. Jones Service Disitsfeclors Used by all the leading Cafes and Business Houses in the city No Bad Odors and Perfect San itation at All Times I I I I J.<p></p>T'l J. •. J. !F.1 1' •f* 'I* Mr*r*P Just Bear In Mind The Ohio Union Bottled Beer When you want a good Beer, all who have drank it are delighted. Nothing but Hops and Malt of Quality are used in making our Zunt=Heit, Special Brew and Tannhauser ^5old by all Leading Cafes in Hamilton Ohio Union Brewing Co. Cincinnati, Ohio READ THE PRESS n "f| Make Your Wages Count. I emand the union label on the things you buy. Io not forget that your pur chasing power is a great factor, and if properly used will accomplish much in the way of organizing the unorgan ized and making stronger those al ready organized. And it is an inexpen sive method. You spend your money for various nrtielns anyway, and why not make \oi aetiou count for tho good of In hoi•? «**$ $1.00 PER TBAR Strikers In Jail. The jail at Trinidad, Colo., has been filled with strike leaders, strikers, union officials and others arrested on indictments charging them with mur der on many counts, arson, pillage aud other crimes alleged to have been com mitted during the several battles that marked the strike in the southern coal fields. Twenty-two men have been ar rested out of 700 named by the Las An imas county grand jury. Decreasing. A recent icpo:t u e a u o e tween 1900 an i the i I: iT v of occupations b.» the a s s o w s a e if there was a de ii th.- number of a and tiff een years io t»'a. cultural pur nur iber 77 were boys e a i- e n a i o n a i -a e j-- ortcat. i- a-.n ^1 v* 1ri -2 .•!? ,:M '-4' liiid la i ad e .aMdvor la 1 a a i I CINCINNATI, IHIO ...'4