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^'''1 *'*7 1 V »,/ j. -. '.r*--' r'-- .r'Tv I 4 4- A RECENT CASE IN POINT. Victory of tho Philadelphia Garment Workera Showa Value of the Protocol Idea—The Trade Union Makea For Induatrial Peace. The agreement recently made be tween tbe Garment Manufacturers' as sociation and tbe Garment Workers' union of Philadelphia provides for an amicable solution of present difficulties and permanent agencies for adjusting grievances and for conserving the peace by securing higher wages, a shorter workday and better and safer conditions of life and work. This Philadelphia agreement marks the extension of the protocol idea which has done so much toward bringing a greater degree of order and Justice Into the turbulent sweated needle in dustries of New York city. The pro tocol, like all trade union methods and agreements, makes for peace and the welfare of employees and safeguards fair minded employers from cutthroat competition. It makes for stability and industrial progress. It insures better protected, hence more efficient workers. NO STRIKE IS LOST TRUTrt OF THE STATEiVlBNT CONCLUSIVELY PROVED Many times we have repeated the declaration that no strike is lost. This Philadelphia victory is a particularly nice illustration of that statement. Last year the garment workers of Philadel phia presented demands which the manufacturers denied. The workers went out on a strike which lasted for twenty-six weeks. Because they were taangry, because their wives and chil dren were hungry, they returned to work without having won their de mands. But they were not defeated. They remained organized and prepar ed for a more insistent presentation of their demands. They were organiz ing more thoroughly and marshaling their forces because they knew the cost of the struggle. They knew the feeling of growing hunger long unsat isfied. The manufacturers, too, had learned the cost of such a struggle they bad learned how it disorganized business and reduced profits. In September the demands of the workers were again renewed. When they were not granted at first the workers manifested their determina tion to insist upon justice. An im mense mass meeting was held to con sider the situation. It was the privi lege of the president of the American Federation of Labor to participate In the counsel and the meetings. A gen eral strike was urged. Others felt that they should resort to a strike only when all the resources of peaceful ne gotiation had been exhausted. That counsel prevailed. The representatives of the union met with the representatives of the manufacturers and finally formulated an agreement most gratifying to both employees aixj employers. The agree ment will establish better and closer relations betweeu workers and manu facturers because It Is based upon common interests. The agreement provides for a fifty-two hour week with Saturday half holiday. Overtime Is not to exceed six hours a week nor two a day and is to be paid for at the rate of time and a half. A time wage scale is agreed upon with provisions for adjustments. AH prices for piece work shall be made in ad vance. Wages must be paid In cash on a fixed day of each week. The association agreed to co-operate with the union to establish proper standards and safety and sanitary conditions in all factories and shops in the cloak and suit industry. Home work is prohibited. No deposit ex cept $1 for return of machine parts be longing to the employer shall be made. Employers shall not charge for oil, power or belts. Work shall be dis tributed as evenly as possible during dull Beasons. No discrimination shall be made against employees because of membership or activities in the union. The provisions which establish the peace agencies are as follows: Indi vidual grievances of employees shall he presented to employers by employ ees or by a chosen representative. If these grievances cannot be adjusted in this way they shall be submitted to the chief clerks of both organizations or deputies they may appoint. As a last tribunal is provided a "board of grievances" to be composed of three representatives of the unions and three of the manufacturers' associa tion. The chairman of tbe board is George D. Porter, director of the pub lie safety of tbe city of Philadelphia or a person designated by him. In case of a tie the chairman has the de ciding vote. This agreement is indeed a great vic tory for the garment workers of Phila delphia. It means for them the be ginning of a period of progress. It means better homes and better living, It means greater opportunity for the orderly and constructive work of trade union organization in behalf of the working people. The trade union does more tban hold out hopes of better things. It secures results for the im mediate present. It helps to put in dustry upon a safe and dependable basin It makes fot ptyu*e and prog ress In all their relations. ,- ..- .^.* -. v -'V .* -n .'. ,_ .• A ,. ', V-,.-. i x1' -"v- -•(.: •'. J* Now for Cleveland. Chlrngo, St. Louis and other ids for peaceful conquests in the lntc -st not only of garment workers, hi of all workers—of all hu manity.— Does the two dollar a day man when lifted to a five dollar wage become a better worker, or does the lift go to his bead and spoil him? You remember how when Henry Ford announced bis big division of profits hundreds said it would simply make his men reckless and extrava gant. Those who said that were mostly employers, fearful that their own workers would become discontented. Yet some may have said It In good faith, not knowing much about psychol ogy. Well, here's the answer: John R. Lee, production manager of the Ford plant, says that already the efficiency of tbe Ford working force has increased 44 per cent since the new deal went into effect !'.' Samuel Gompers In American Fedration'st CHAIN OF LABOR BUREAUS. Government's Plan to Qet Worker and Job Together. One of the steps urged by students of labor conditions iu this country has now been taken by tbe department of labor in the establishment of "dis tributing zones." with headquarters in eighteen cities ranging from Boston. Norfolk and Galveston to Chicago. Denver and Seattle. This action extends the scope of the government's clearing house for la borers and homcscekers by making it nation wide Each of the cities con cerned will supply information of needs of employers, supply of workers and opportunities for settlers, and this in formation will be exchanged among the cities so as to be within the reach of every applicant. The end aimed at is better distribution of labor and also of settlers. This second part of the plan has not had the publicity of the part relating to laborers pure and simple, but its value Is evident. That these arrange ments, huge as they are, will result iu complete relief of tbe conditions they are designed lo help is not to be ex pected. Man is not a merely economic animal, and we shall continue to wit ness reluctance to leave the cities for the country, even when that attitude means hardships. But the plan Is worth whatever it may cost, in that it substitutes certainty of conditions in any place for uncertainty and provides opportunities for the man who does not know where to turn for employ ment. ECONOMY OF GOOD WAGES. Highly Paid Labor le Cheapest Be oause It Does Better Work. Getting more, the men try to do more their hearts as well as as their brains are iu their work. This may not come true in every in stance, for human nature can fall pretty low. But the Ford experiment has gone on long enough to draw an average. Lee's testimony would seem to be conclusive. Highly paid labor, when well direct ed. is the cheapest labor because it does the best and most work. How can a man do good work when worried lest the wolf should burst through the door?—Leather Workers' Journal. Employer to Be Judge. While the federal industrial relations commission, in session at San Francis co, was inquiring into causes of the present Stockton lockout, Chris Tot ten, chairman of the employers' exec utive committee, was asked If It was all right for a private corporation to maintain armed forces. The witness answered in tbe affirmative, "If it was necessary for safety." "WJio would decide as to the safe ty?" was asked. "I would," replied Totten. The witness admitted that the first violence in the Stockton trouble oc curred when a storekeeper assaulted a union picket and blackened his eye. Enthusiasm. A lukewarm union member is a con tradiction. Unionism is organized ag gressiveness Where the aggressive spirit is lacking the spirit of unionism is not present Before water generates steam it must register 212 degrees of heat. Two hundred degrees will not do it Two hundred and ten will not do it. The water must boil before it will generate enough steam to move an engine to run a train. Lukewarm wa ter will not run anything. So the lukewarm union member is only nominally a member. Enthusiasm is indispensable in the real union member.—Los Angeles Citi zen. Contract Convict Labor. Convicted prisoners in a number of states In the Union are still farmed out to contractors, who pay a stnad dally wage to the state and In return are furnished labor, factory and armed guards to keep their employees at work .' .. --*, ,- .VafeiS,-. 3 --L-::' •.-• 4 «. KILLED IN THE TRENCHES. Fate .of One of the Founders of tho Bank of England. William Patterson, a Scottish farm er, was the founder of London's great Institution in Tbreadneedle street, the Bank of England. His plan for a na tional bank was submitted to tbe gov ernment in 1(501, but it was not till tbree years later that the chancellor of the exchequer, Mr. Montague, and Mr Michael Godfrey, one of tbe richest merchants in London, put tbe scheme Into operation. At this time England was at war with France, and Godfrey, who was the bank's first deputy gov ernor, left his peaceful occupation to visit N'amur, then being vigorously be Bieged by the English forces under William flI. Godfrey had undertaken this perilous journey in order to con sult the king respecting tbe supply of money to tbe army necessary to carry on the war Thinking that the safest place would naturally be somewhere near his majesty. Michael ventured Into the trenches and soon caught the eye of tbe king. "Mr. Godfrey," said William grave ly, "I think you ought not to run this risk. You are a civilian and can be of no use here." "True." courteously replied Mr. God frey, "but 1 am no more exposed than your majesty." "Yet." returned tbe king. "I am in my duty, and therefore have a more reasonable claim to preservation." At this moment a cannon ball, fired from the ramparts, struck Michael Godfrey and killed him instantly. This sad event greatly affected Wll liam, and be commanded the body to be taken to England, where it was laid to rest in St Swlthin's church, near the Bank of England. In the church rec ords Godfrey's memory is honored thus: "He died a bachelor, much lamented by all bis friends, relations and ae quaintances for his Integrity, his knowledge ahd the sweetness of his manners."—Pearson's Weekly. SILENCED THE DUKE. Ludwig Barnay, the Actor, Put a Crimp In His Royal Critic. The Duke of Saxe-Meiningen. who died in bis eighty-eighth year, will be remembered as an enthusiastic sup porter of tbe drama. In this connec tion an amusing story was told by Ludwig Barnay. the actor. In his memoirs. Barnav was playing at Meiningen In the role of Hamlet. The performance bad beguu and trumpets were ushering in the king and prince for the second scene. The advance of the procession was checked by a loud "Halt!" from the stalls. It was the duke, who bad entered unnoticed and proceeded to amend the performance. "That's not the way to do it' In stead of a salvo of trumpets you must play the Danish national anthem. And the king ami prince shouldn't come on together they haven't met yet!" "Nonsense"' murmured Barnay. Unfortunately he was overheard. "And. pray, why is It nonsense, M, Barnay?" Tbe actor explained that, according to the text. Hamlet and the king had already met outside. "M Grabowsky." called the duke to the producer, "continue as M. Barnay wishes. He Is quite right. I never mind acknowledging a mistake!" Tbe piece proceeded When the play ers' scene was reached and Barnay was reciting the actor's part with "Aeneas' Tale to Dido," be spoke the lines hesitatingly. "M. Barnay." interposed the duke, "why did you deliver those lines so badly?" "Because Hamlet Is not an actor, sire, but only an amateur!" "But Polonius praises his acting!" "Ah, your highness," answered Bar nay, "but then Polonious was a cour tier, and courtiers find everything that princes do marvelous!" The duke laughed heartily and inter rupted no more that day. Wonders of Nature. "Charley, dear," said young Mrs. Tor kins, "you have no idea how Instruc tive and interesting it is to go to mar ket." "What's Interesting you now?" "The provisions that nature makes for our comfort It occurred to me this morning that we should be so thankful that removing tbe shell from an egg Is so much easier than remov ing the shell from an oyster."—^Wash ington Star. Why She Prized It. At a whist party an unmarried lady won a consolation prize which proved to be a small dressed doll in male at tire. Unwrapping the toy, the donor discovered that the head had been broken off "Never mind!" exclaimed the reclpl ent, good naturedly. "I will prize it all the more on that account It's the first man that ever lost his head over me In all my life." An Invitation, "What would you do if the boat were to sink. Alary?" "I can't swim, so I'd Just have to throw my arms around your neck and hang on for dear life.." "Mary. I do lielieve the boat Ui sink ing."—Life. Made Very Clear. Tommy—Pop, which Is correct—"] shall" or "I will?" Tommy's Pop—It depends on the •sex. my son. A man suys "I shall and a woman says "1 will."-Philadelphia Record. Into ifp rain must fall tun d»»i! iiihUMUt every shower tnto .- .-'- ''. i'-- .-=/•- •. ,':-r. -r -V -,J VOL. XIV. NO. 28. HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1914. $1.00 PER YBAR THF ummm SUM I 5 11b S W I Really Seen but Once a Year In the Polar Regions. A SWING ROUND THE HORIZON. For One Whole Day, About June 21 at the North Pole and About Dec. 22 at the South Pole, Old Sol Keeps His Blazing Face In Full View. "The midnight sun" is one of those seemingly mysterious natural phenom ena which exercise a perpetual charm over the popular Imagination. The northern part of Scandinavia has ac quired for itself the distinctive name of tbe "Land of tbe Midnight Sun," but tbe title should be extended to in clude a complete circuit of the earth along tbe arctic circle. Then, too, the southern hemisphere has a precisely similar phenomenon, which occurs along the antarctic circle, including a portion of Wilkes Land. Properly speaking, a midnight sun Is seen hut once a year in either hemi sphere. Coufiuing our attention to the north ern hemisphere, the midnight sun is visible near the arctic circle on the date of the summer solstice, which oc curs about June 21 at the time when tbe sun in its apparent annual circuit of the sky reaches Its greatest north ern declination, which means Its great est distance north of tho equator. This distance in angular measure is about 231/ degrees, which is precisely equal to the Inclination of the earth's axis of rotation from a perpendicular to the plane of its orbit around the sun. The arctic circle is situated this same angular listance (23Va degrees) from the north pole. When the sun Is di rectly over the equator, about March 21, its light reaches simultaneously both poles of the earth. As the sun begins to move northward the light quits the south pole, which then en ters Its period of six months' night But at the same time the sun rises blgher at tbe north pole, which In its turn enters upon its period of six months' day. In tbe meantime, along the arctic circle, the days grow longer and the nights shorter, as the sun comes con tinually northward, until, at tbe sol stice, when the sun is 23Vi degrees north of the equator, there will be one period of twenty-four hours during which the sun does not set at all in the arctic circle. At the hour of midnight on that day the sun, describing a circle through the sky, just touches the edge of the horizon In the north, like tbe bob of a gigantic pendulum, and then, without disappearing, immediately beglus to rise again to describe the other half of its sweep In the sky This Is the phenomenon called tbe "midnight sun." Conversely at the time of the winter solstice, which occurs about Dec. 22, when the sun is at its greatest south ern declination, there is one absolutely sunless day on tbe arctic circle, when the sun skims just under tbe southern horizon at noon. As a matter of fact, owing to the effects of the refraction of the atmos phere, which means the power of the air to bend the rays of light so that the sun appears to be above the horl zon by about its own diameter, when it is really its own diameter below It, the phenomena just described are vis ible half a degree (about thirty-five miles) south of the arctic circle. After the day of the solstice the sun begins to dip below tbe horizon again, because It is then going south once more, and the nights?, beginning with a length of only a few minutes, grad ually until they, too, for one single occasion, attain the length of twenty-four hours. Within the arctic circle the days and nights, alternately, greatly exceed twenty-four hours In length. At the very pole, as we have seen, they each last six months. In Lapland they may be a month long and at the North cape three months.—Garrett P. Servlss to Spokane Spokesman-Review. Shoes For Soldiers. A study of the orders given by Na poleou Indicates the care he exercised to have a sufficient supply of shoes provided. Ou one occasion he wrote, "You know that shoes are always ueeded in war, and at another time he said to Barou Lejeune, "Shoes help on marches, and marches win battles. To Sir John Burgoyne's question ad dressed to Wellington, "What was the first requirement of a soldier?" "A good pair of shoes." be replied. "And the second requirement?" 1 "A „. !..««- •---... ....... .!•-••• .- "T ...-- .-. ',\ s ,. -.* .- *V- ,«•% BUTLER COUNTY PRESS. good pair of shoes for a change." "And the third?" "A pair of soles for repairs." —Scientific American. Ways of Iceland. There are no trades or guilds in Ice land, every man being compelled to de pend upon his own skill for his sup plies. Tbe natives make their own shoes, shoe their own horses, aud man nfacture their saddles. A few artisans are found In the capital—for example, a bookbinder, a jeweler and others. Helping Him Along. "1 want to Improve my language,1 said the conscientious man, "so I bought a book entitled 'One Thousand Wort's Often Mispronounced.'" "You didu't need the book. You know more than a thousand now."— Washington Star. Nature an endless combination and repetition of very feu tawi THE UNION LABEL. Upon the union label might ap propriately be inscribed. "In Hoc Siguo Vinces." The label is all eloquent. It speaks for a living wage. It speaks for a shorter work day. It speaks for the child at school and not In the workshop. It speaks for the union factory as against the sweatshop. It speak? for woman that when forced by injustice to earn her bread she shall be on an economic equality with her male co-employee—equal pay for equal work. It speaks for the protection of life and limb by forcing employ ers to provide sate and adequate tools, machinery and appliances. CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS. Not Always Good, but Better Than Selfishness. A large number of experienced, fair minded and very able men and women have lived and are living among the laboring folk. They watch their struggles and op pose what they believe are their mis takes. They criticise evil measures and evil men, whether among labor leaders or the employers of labor. Few such, I am confident, will be found to admit that labor unionism as a whole has had a bad effect on the character of tbe labor union man or on his happiness. President Eliot refers to co-operation as a way out. To some it has seemed evident for very many years past that some application of it would in the end come to be accepted by employers and employed. But every one in this country was so busy making money in the eighties and nineties that we could not get any one in those days to listen to us. Now co operation is surely if slowly coming to its own. Meanwhile, awaiting the day when common sense, common sympathy, common justice, shall prevail in all the fields of labor, many who know where of they speak are thankful for labor unionism. I admit it stands for class conscious ness. not always a good thing, but still a step forward, surely. There is no need go over again the old reasons in support of labor unionism. Circumstances have forced it on the poor—circumstances over which they had no control whatever. The rich, and the strong stand to gether. They have the right to do i This class consciousness in their case sometimes works very great ill, as lately our courts have been declaiming, If a bank is insolvent, if insurance companies or trusts need regulating, it is evident to all men th:ii the big in terests stand together In common fairness the poor and tbe weak must be permitted—nay. encouraged—to do the same. But surely class consciousness is not the final stage we are to arrive at. It is only a halting place, a brief camping ground on man s onward march. Surely It is better that a man should struggle for his class than that he should only struggle for himself. It is better than either, better far that he should struggle for his brother —W. S. Italnsford. A Fallacious Theory. The theory that large armies and navies and thorough military and naval preparation for Avar V v The i I are strong insurances of peace has received a mighty hard Jolt. In the present strug gle In Europe those nations that were best prepared appear to be the ones that first began hostilities. It would be unreasonable to expect a man to raise a racing horse and never let him race. It is just as unreasonable to expect a nation to keep a huge army and navy and never let them tight. As long as the nations are saddled with fighting men and fighting ships main tained by the natious separately, just so long will war charges continue. To insure peace international agreement to the abolition of armies and navies is necessary. Industrial Slavery. The United States commission on in dustrial relations at its recent session in Lead, S. D., discovered that 3,000 employees of the Homestead Mining company are practically slaves. The testimony showed that no employee is permitted to enjoy the right of mem bership In a labor organization. Appli cants for employment must submit to a physical examination and must state their political a filiations.—^Typograph ical Journal. LABOR* GOSSIP. $ Italy reports a total of 12.31G print ers in the ranks of orgaulzed labor. Chicago has 31)8,000 wage earners who are paid an average daily wage of $1.01. More than 7." per cent of all miners in the United States are working under union conditions. The label of the Cigarmakers' Inter national union has been legalized in thirty-one states. The American Federation of Labor Is waging a campaign to organize the ele vator operatives and starters in New York city. The lodge of the Brotherhood of Locotnotbe Flrr-m*n wa,« organized by eleven Erie railroad firemen at Port Jervls. N. Y.. In 1K73 T'ft8iiinV 'rflf? wSold "T?00T & WORKERS UNION UNION Voss-Holbreck Stamps with all Cash Purchases. meet him at ZDercers Cor. Fronl and Hi li Sis. Merchants' Dinner Lunch Served every Day Lunch Counter Connected 1 ••••I TRV !i The H.H.Jones Service Disinfeclors Used by all the leading Cafes and Business Houses in the city No Bad Odors and Perfect San itation at All Times ii 330 East 5th St. CINCINNATI, IHI8 i Just Bear In Mind The Ohio Union Bottled Beer When you want a good Beer, all who have drank it are delighted. Nothing but hops and Malt of Quality are used in making our ZunMleit, Special Brew and Tannhauser by all Leading Cafes in Hamilton Ohio Union Brewing Co. Cincinnati, Ohio We make Loans on Live Stock, Imple ments or other chattle property. Long time. Low rates. Call, phome or write. The Hamilton Collateral loan Co, 208 S. Third St. Both Phones 28 -. f*' ". n»**,*"«•-«," "*«E*£* S 'T ^r •-'.H y **h ... V ••.. -**, .. «.. 7{ '. iiolbrock Bros. Reliable Dealers in Dry Goods, Carpets, Cieaks, Gtueenswar# Millinery. H.#us# Furnishings Gained shoes are frequently made in Non-Union factories Do Not Buv Any Shoe No matter what its name, unless bears a plain aud readable impression of XL* I11U W AM -A All Shoes without the UNION STAMP I MIS UimlV/iil 3*\ 1»I I any excuse for Absence of the I'N'ION STAMP are itlway* 346 Slimmer Street, Boston, Maaa. JOHN F. TOBIN, Pres. CHAS. I,. BAINE, Sec.-Trea«. READ THE PRESS „. "*j' S* $ -r & y :i 9* & •M .' H. 1 -.Vj .J# 'i it Non-Uolou. Do not eacept Sloe Workers' Union