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u w i* i i* .i* tMHiMitwiiroBimaiiwiffliTOiMitfliifflinniiiffliinHHiinHiiiintiflHHiiiiiiiMiiiiHtfiiitiiiHiffl wuntuwinnuiiM!! The Hamilton Dime Savings Bank Co. Capital $100,000 Surplus $50,000 Qto, p. Sohngen, President Clarence Murpny, Vice-Pres. W. J. Becker, Cashier The Best Glass I E O S Goo. P. Sohngen, C. E. Heiser, Clarence Murphy, Geo. A. Rentschler, Chas. Sohngen C. Diefenbach, Jr. Ed. C. Sohngen. of The Hamilton Transfer Co. Hauling of all Kinds Safes and Heavy Machinery a Specialty. STORAGE Furniture and Picnic Wagons. 328 Maple Avenue Both Phones No. 6 SCharles Hamilton, Ohio 1Q\ START AN ACCOUNT WITH The Home Loan & Building Assoc'n C. J. PARRISH, Sec'y I INI I Beer to be had is E Martin Mason Brewing Co.'s CE.LEBR.ATED LAGER BE,EK The J. Pabst Sons Co. John H. Rogers W. A. Brehm M. Martin Bell Phone 664-X Bell Phone 1423-X Home Phone 1898-M GEORGE V. SCHWARTZ Monuments Cor. Heaton and Miami Sts. Phone 47 or 160 FOR COAL, LUMBER OR CEMENT, SEWER PIPE, WIRE FENCE, CLAY TILE, ETC. The Anderson-Shaffer Company The Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Co. Rentschler Building Solicits your bank account. Interest paid on Savings Account and Time Certificates of Deposit. Collections promptly attended to. H. A. Rentschler, Fres. Allen Andrews, Vice Pres. Wm. L. Huber, Sec'y. •raeflge03Mruiii'.J» When you want to be sure of fit, style and Material in your Suit or Overcoat, see BIE.KER S SON TAILOR.S, 16 S. Second St. Bell Phone 685-R Hamilton Ohio BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT The Voss Stores Always the Highest Grade at Lowest Prices Location of Voss Stores: 223 Court St., 104 Main St., Second and Central Ave,, Hanover and Frankfort Sts. Duersch Coal Co, Established 1885 The C. Hossfeld & Son Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Domestic and Imported Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Etc. Both Phones Family Trade Solicited Hossfeld Big The J. W. Faucett Transfer & Storage Co. FREIGHT RATES QUOTED TO ALL POINTS Auto Truck Service Charles I. Anderson, Cashier emwuii mt iw A 1 S HOE STORE Sells UNION SHOES at CUT PRICES! Shoes for the whole family with Bargains Every Day| 118 High Street opp. Court House UNION STORE CARD NEW GREATER HAMILTON'S Greatest Department Store MATH I Farmers SUHH&lH rn /vV* .U.WAYS LOOK I-'OK THIS SIGN WE CARRY THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods, Millinery, Cloaks, Suits and Carpets IN BUTLER COUNTY Ginger Ale and Sher-A-Coca Cider and Best Brands of Vinegar. 611 Central Ave. Hamilton, Ohio Secretaries will please report all changes in their address. Dayton Job Pressman Assistants No. 12 Meet Printing PreBsman Sheet Metal Workers Teamsters, No. 62 Photo Engravers Barbers, No. 22 Painters, No. 249 Musicians Musicians, No. 636 (Colored) Phones Bel oTb-X Home £29-A The Churngold Store RICHARD F. GRAF, Prop. Butterinm, Eggs, Cheese Coffee, Tea, Spices, Etc. 17 Journal Square, Formerly Riley St., Hamilton, Ohio CEMENT, SEWER PIPE. TRY EBONY OR LILLY WHITE ASH COAL ON YOUR NEXT ORDER. COKE, FEED. BOTH PHONES Geo. P. Sohngen, Pres. Edw. C. Sohngen, Sec. and Treas. The Edw. SoLngen Mali Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Y Office and Malt House Corner Fourth and High Streets Phone 124 Hamilton, Ohio WHEN YOU WANT SATISFACTION TRY THE ROOFING, GUTTERING, SLATING AND REPAIRING A SPECIALTY All work given protnpf attention and guarantee of first-class work. Estimates cheerfully furnished. L. W. CHILDERS & CO., 127 N. 3rd St. One block and half from High 8t. Bell 1718.1, f.' CARBONATED AND NATURAL SPRING WATERS KOSTtR Of ORGANiZATlONi Middletown Trades and Labor Council First and Third Thursdays, T. C. Hall Iron, Steel and Tin Workers 1st and 3rd Saturdays, K. of P. Hall Carpenters v PATRONIZE HA MIL TON INDUSTRIES f"""" HAMILTON CONCERNS WHO SOLICIT THE CO-OPERATION OF ORGANIZED LABOR AND THEIR rffiriYPT FOR HAMILTON LABOR INIONS Co-Operative Trades and Labor Council, Hamilton..Alternate Tuesdays, Trades Council Hall, s. c. George Wiseman, Pres. Henry Brinker, cor. 2nd and Court rec. secy. John Cahalane, cor. secy. Musicians, No. 31 First Sunday Morning. High St -....J. Ed. Lehmkuhl, 665 Franklin St. Baker's No. 81 1st and 3rd Saturday. T. C. Hall „.™Ed. Born, Secy., 804 Sycamore St. Barbers. No. 132 -2nd and 4th Mondays, T. C. Hall „.._..Ernst Legg, 227 South 7th Brewers, No. 83 2nd and 4th Fridays, T. C. Hall "*hris Schwcnn, 24 S. Monument Ave. Stationary Firemen, 98 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 208 High St Otto Pigman, 22 Stephen St. Bartenders, 169 1st and 3rd Sunday afternoon, T. C. Hall .......Arthur Burns, 334 S. 6th. Blacksmiths and Helpers, 29 1st and 3rd Fridays, T. C. Hall H. Wyats, R. R. No. 1. Carpenters. 637 Every Thursday, T. C. Hall S. B. Corson, 107 Brosey Ave, Cigar Makers, 123 2nd Monday, T. C. Hull H. Brinker, 267 Washington St. Horse-Shoers, 75 1st and 3rd Monday, 338 High St. Harry Remle, 524 S. Second Iron Molders, 68 1st and 3rd Monday, T. C. Hall Harry Hansel, 627 Hanover St. Iron Molders, 283 Alternate Wednesdays, T. C. Hall _.Thos. BealB, 713 East Ave Steam Engineers, 91 1st and 3rd Mondays. T. C. Hall „.E. V. Elliott, 241 Court St. Theatrical Stage Employes 1st and 3rd Sunday. T. C. Hall „......Henry Humbach, Jr., East High Street. Common Laborers, 266 2nd and 4th Thursdays, Symma Hall Chas. P. Cook, 258 Washington St. Metal Trades Court-il 2nd and 4th Fridays, T. C. Hall ...Ralph Lenehan, 1122 MeGlynn St. Machinists, 241 Alternate Tuesdays, T. C. Hall ....Alex. Miller, 314 N. 5th St. Plumbers, 108 1st and 3rd Monday, Sauers Hall ..John Durwin, 1026 Hanover St. Pattern Makers 1st and 3rd Fridays, T. C. Hall Wm. Fremgen, Secy., 519 N. 6th St. Printing Pressmen Wednesday Painters and Decorators Every Thursday, T. C. Hall _.Wm. Finfrock, 308 S. Second St. Paper Makers Retail Clerks, 119 First and Third Mondays. Hubert Fallert, 621 Prytania Ave. Stove Mounters, 8 1st and 3rd Fridays, T. C. Hall Wm. Manifold, Jr., 624 S. 11th St. Typographical. 290 .2nd Wednesday, T. C. Hall Oscar F. Bergman. 1025 Campbell Ave. Teamsters, 175 Monday nights, Sauers Hall John Buhi, 1207 Maple Ave. Electrical Workers, 648 Alternate Tuesdays, T. C. Hall ......Bernard Cawein, 718 East Ave. Polishers, Friday evenings, T. C. Hall Hodcarriers 1st Monday, T. C. Hall ............... Musicians 1st Sunday morning. T. C. Hall Metal Polishers 2nd and 4th Thursdays, T. C. Hall Plasterers 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, T. C. Hall Plumbers .2nd and 4th Tuesdays, T. C. Hall Barbers 1st and 3rd Mondays, B. & K. Barber Shop.— Typographical, 487 1st Tuesday, T. C. Hall Stage and Operators 2nd and 4th Mondays, T. C. Hall Bricklayers 1st and 3rd Mondays, Red Men's Hall .... Bartenders 1st and 4th Sunday afternoons Paper Makers 2nd and 4th Sundays DAYTON LABOR UNIONS United Trades and Labor Council —Meets every Thursday evening. Plumbers Hall Daniel Sullivan, 17 East Pond St., See. Brewery Drivers and Stablemen Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 6th and Plum St. Casper Beisel, 16 Bonner St., See. Brewery Engineers ... Meet 1st Tuesday of each month, Cor 5th & Plum..J. A. Hultgren, 626 River St., Sec. Bricklayers Building Trades Council Meets ev*ry Wednesday night at Plumbers Hall Carpenters No. 839 Meet every Friday eve., at 1120Va W. 3rd Street Carpenters No. 346 (German) Meet 3rd Tuesday, 220 McLain St. Cement Workers Meet every Thursday at 302 E. 5th St. 2nT CULLEN & VAUGHN HAVB A FOWL LINK 0V Building Supplies Phone or call 179,, both phones. Low prices on Cement, Lime, Lath, Lumber and all kinds of mill work. Night Phone 13B3-B Day Phones 179 Home and Bell CONROY'S Alternate Wednesdays, T. C. Hall .. ... Ernst Snow, 1161 Ludlow St. Switchmen, 130 2nd and 4th Thursdays, T. C. Hall Wm. J. Welsh, 619 Central Ave I I K U N I O N S O E Meet every Monday eve., 302 E. 5th St. Nat Baylies, 332 Johnston St., Sec. Wed. of each month. Plumbers Hall Edwin Jones* See. Electrical Workers, No. 118 Meet every Tuesday at 26 N. Main St. Elect roiypers and Sterotypers, No. 16 Meet 1st Tuesday of each month, 38 E. 3rd St. Louis Mitchell, 16 Lafayette St., Sec. Hod Carriers „... 301 Dunbar Ave W. S. Vance, 123 Mathews Lane, Sec. Machinist, No. 608 23 Horttm St J. J. O. Neal, 233 Warren St., Secy. Typographical, No. 17 6 409 Arcade Bldg. James Duncan, 409 Arcade Bldg., Secy. Horse Shoers Carpenters, No. 104 —Meet every Tuesday eve., 26 N. Main St. C. E Leaply, 901 Troy and Ray C. Vore, 40 Hershey St., Sees. Garment Workers Meet 1st Wed. of each month, 134 S. Jefferson Emma Reiber, 224 W. 5th St., Sec. Machinist, No. 226 Meet 38 E. 3rd St —Geo. D. Richardson, 38 E. 3rd St., Secy. Brewery Workers. No. 60 Meet 2nd of each month at 217 S. Jefferson St. Chas. Gruehler, 349 River St., Secy. Bartenders League, No. 222 Meet at -02 E. 5th St. J, F. Eichorn, 7 Market St., Secy. Hoisting Engineers Highland flats W. S. Gregg, 41 Great Miami Boul., Secy. Bill Posters 55 Eagl» St —„™..R. E. Maars, 27 N. Jefferson St., Secy. Plumbers, No. 162 Meet ea««n Monday eve., Main & Washington St.....Geo. Lorah, 827 Loraine Ave., Secy. Moving Picture Operators „„c. Morganthaler, Ideal Theatre, Secy. Iron Molders, No. 181 Meet 2nd and 4th Wednesday at Lafayette Hall Iron Molders, No. 45 Meet iBt and 3rd Monday eve., at 6th & Plum L. Phillips, 29 Britt Ave., Secy. Lath Union, No. 194 Meet Plumbers Hall fir. Kress, Secy. Plasterers Union Meets 2nd and 4th Monday at 302 E. 6th St. Pattern Makers Meet 1st and 3rd Wed. at 38 E. 3rd St. D. L. Logan, 207 W. Monument Ave., fieC. Stake Employes Meet 1st Sunday at 302 E. 5th St Geo. Kern, P. O. Box 78 Stove Mounters Meet 2nd Monday, 5th and Plum St. Tile Layers Meet 1st & 3rd Monday at 5th & Commercial St, Upholsterers Meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 302 E. 6th St. Lithographers .— Meet 2nd Thursday at Lafayette Hall HVawfc ft Seller, 118 Campbell St., Sec. Electrical Warkers, No. 118 Meets at 25 N. Main every Tuesday J. D. Young, 51 Potomac St., Sec. Metal Polishers, No. 6 Meet 1st and 3rd Friday at 5th & Plum St. Benjamin Closterman, 122 S. Nevin, Secy. Cigar Makers, No. 36 Meet Wednesday of each month, Plum & 6th St. Wm. Schneiberger, 6th and Plum, Secy. Bakers, No. 51 Meet 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 5th & Commercial....Geo. L. Wallace, 161 Samuel St., Secy. Clerks, No. 163 DELIVERY SERVICK HOUSE FURNISHINGS Union Clerks. Charge Accounts Solicited Eagle Temple, South Second St. Dr. C. G. Snider, Dentist IN THE THIRD DISTRICT G. X. Mayer, 326 Market St. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Township Hall„™.^-...._........J. C. Boyle, Hanover Township, Ohio. MIDDLETOWN LABOR UNIONS ....Otto Kaiser, Tytus Ave. ... Roland E. Layer. 919 Moore St. ...Roy Morgan, Elwood and Henry Streets. ....John Perkins, 1125 Yankee Road. C. B. Hoover, Park St. —Carrol Cordner, 807 Garfield Ave. ....T. A. Scully, 442 E. 2nd St. ....Geo. Buck, 909 Baltimore St. _..M. Sennett. 208 E. Third Street S. A. Campbell, 426 Park St. ....Otto Kaiser, Tytus Ave. ....T. Wilson, Yankee Road. „..Lee Binkley, 908 Williams Ave. A. Hoiihenrichs, 212 E Third St. Meet 3rd Tuesday of each month, Plumbers Hall....A. W. Kramer, 456 Wyoming St., Secy. Meet 302 E. 6th St _..J. R. Bickman, 249 W. 5th St., Secy. Meet 1st Sunday at Lafayette Hall .Geo. R. Richardson, 310 Wayne Ave., Secy. -..-.Paul Laub, Jr., 120 Rock wood Ave., Secy. —Meet 2nd & 4th Monday at 25 N. Main St. A. C. Ehrstine, 436 N. Main St., Secy. T"! -1BI. B. P. Mitchell, 3rd and Finley St., Secy. E. H. Clevenger, 12 Edgar Ave., Secy, Meet 1st & 3rd Friday at Lafayette Hall H. W. Buzzard, 437 Kiefaber St., Secy. Meet 1st Sunday at Hollencamps Hall .Frank Fergus, 142 S. Hawthorne St., Secy. Meet 1st Sunday at Ellis Hall ,H. C. Shadden, SO Homestead Ave., 8e«p. The Hamilton Milk Co. PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM ICE CREAM Bell Phone 710-X, Home Phone 403 The Boston Bakery TT* Vf ntfrt* We Guarantee our Work, our w ATA u 1 lUi Work Protects our Guarantee WENTE ELECTRIC CO. Manufacturers of Armatures, Transformers, Field Coils, Commutators, Motors Office and Factory. 223 N. Fourth Street Telephones, Home 1635-F Bell 707-R Hamilton, Ohio Sewer Tapping Gas and Steam Fitting WE DO FIRST-CLASS PLUMBING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Seevers & Ballett 815 High St. Bell Pktm 1225-X Home Phono 150941 The Payne & Eikenberry Co. Whoieaale and Retail Dealer* in FEED Distributor* of Pillsbury Flour Dry at on your next order. Do busmen* where busine*« is done. Bell Phone 1213-R Home 1387 The National Market Co. The popular headquarters for MEATS and PROVISIONS Clean and Sanitary. Your dollar does double duty here NATIONAL MARKET CO., 218 High LOU SOLOMON, Manager WHOSE COAL AND FEED SHALL I BUY Which Gives the Best Satisfaction? H. PATER & SON UNION DELIVERY Corner East Avenue and Boulevard Bell Phone 159 Home Phone 1219 S. D. Fitton, President p. Benninghofen, Vice-Pres. B. G. Ruder, Cashier Don W. Fitton, Ass't Cash. J. M. Beeler, Ass't Cashier C. B. Mason, Vice Pres. E. B. Hnghes, Ass't Cashier ClK Tir$t national Bank OF HAMILTON, OHIO Capital $250,000 Surplus $250,000 The Hamilton Lumber C° 940 CENTRAL AVE. Lumber, Mill Work, Cement, Plaster AUTO SERVICE, ETC. The West Side Building and Loan Association Main and Sts., Hamdton, Ohio For over 40 years has been supplying your wants with the best of Bread, Cakes, Etc. Also the Home of Vel vet Ice Cream. JOHN BADER, cor. 3rd and Court Sts., Everything HUM The Peoples Deposit Improvement & Loan Co. Room 205 Rentschler, Hamilton, Ohio Dividends declared in February and August of each year. E. B. Rogers, Pres. James Fitton, Sec'y Bell 48 Home 821 DAVID WEBB Funeral Director 180 Main St., Hamilton, Ohio Lady Attendant Auto Service .* Home Phone 1207-X 116 High Street Hamilton, Ohio Deposit Your Savings with the Second National Bank Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Charles E. Heiser, President George P. Sohngen, Vice-Pres. O. V. Parrish, Vice President John E. Heiser, Cashier C. L. Gebhart, Ass't Cashier SEE Roesel Brothers Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fine Ice Cream and Fruit Ices, Block Ice Cream and Individual Molds, in all De signs and Colors a specialty. Also Fancy Box Candies, Cigars, Etc. BOTH PHONES 86 Roesel Bros., 536 Heaton St 'M'' I yUiii