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THE ROPES OF MAUI. An Afncient Legend of the Sun From the South Seas. One of the most picturesque legends connected with the solar beams is that told in the islands of the south Pacific, where sunbeams are known as "the ropes of Maui." It is related that ill former times the sun god lia was uot so regular in his habits as he is today. In fact, he caused the south sea island ers much nnnoyan by setting in the morning or at 110011 or at oilier inop portune ti&es, just when his light was needed for the daily tasks of mankind. The great hero Maui undertook to cure him of these erratic habits, and the first step was to make the sun god prisoner. This was accomplished by laying a series of six snares made of strong cocoanut fiber along the sun's path in the sky. When the deity next rost from Avaiki. or the land of ghosts, the first noose encircled him. but slip ped down and only caught his feet the second slipped, too. but caught the sun god's knees the third caught arounl his hips. Still Ha pressed on. scarcely ham pered by these contrivances. The fourth noose tightened around his waist, the fifth under his arms, and finally the sixth and last caught him around the neck and almost strangled him. Then the sun god confessed him self vanquished and in fear of his life promised Maui that he would in future adjust his daily journeys more in a* cordance with the comfort aud conven ience of mortal men. Ra was then allowed to proceed on his way, but Maui prudently declined to take off the ropes, which may still be seen hanging from the sun at dawn and when he descends into the ocean at night.. Hence he islanders say. when they behold the beams radiating from the sun, "Tena te Taura a Maui"—"See the ropes of Maui." Philadelphia In quirer. ECCENTRIC NORTH RIVER. Curious Pranks of a Tortuous New England Stream. Westerners tell of the queer behavior and changes of course indulged in by the Missouri river, and Texaus aver that for pure cussedness and genera fickleness no stream of water can ap proach the Ulo Grande. There is. how ever, a stream in New England where of the rest of the country hears little and which should in justice be accord ed a place in the list of queer behaving bodies of water. This is the North river in Massachu setts. It has its source in a pond near Hanson, whence it proceeds in a tortu ous course to the sea at Scituate. Now, the distance by air line from Ilanson to Scituate is only ten miles, but by the North river it is forty. New Hnglauders aver that when the tide is c«iining in the North river runs upstream, and not only that, but the upper part of it, which is fresh water, also runs up. Thus this queer stream presents the strange spectacle of a fresh water river proceeding uphill. The North river's claim to eccentric ity is uot, however, limited to this fact. It is so crooked that it doubles on itself. At one spot near Hanover this river, by accomplishing three loops, moves to ward the sea for a distance of only fifty feet and wanders about for a dis tance of about fifteen miles in d»ing it. In November, 1898, the North river got very cantankerous. It moved its mouth three miles to the northward, thus making a present to the town of Marshiield of a deep harbor. In so do ing it killed three men and converted many thousand acres of good meadow land into a salt marsh. Historically the North river is of note as being the scene of the last Indian raid on the coast settlements.—Phila delphia Record. The Stationer. "Stationery" has etymologically as much to do with standing as has "sta tionary." "'he original stationers, or stationary, were so called because they sold their books upon stalls or "sta tions"—in London round about old St Paul's cathedral, in some cases against the walls of the cathedral itself. This is one of the many trades the names of which have no direct allusion to the commodities sold. "Grocers," for in stance, were so called either because they sold "en gros." wholesale, or be cause they were "engrossers," monop olizers.—London Chronicle. When Cruelty Isn't Cruelty. The magistrate of the department of Seine-et-Oise, in France, once gave a de cision in a claim of cruelty to a horse which is remarkable as a legal subtlety. The law provides that the offense is punishable only when com mitted in public. If the sore is covered by the collar, he holds, the offense is not committed in public. If it is not Covered by the collar there is no cruel ty. In either event the case must be discharged. onsfsr Labor Demonstration, Trsiias Council and Affiliated Un ions Will March Robert Corley, Talented Labor Speaker Will Address The Public In Front of the Court House. On Saturday night the Co-operative Trades and Labor Council with all its affiliated labir unions will hold a monster parade and dem onstration in front of the Court House. Arrangements were made ir the last few days to give the demonstration and to have Robert Corley deliver the address to the striking machinists. Corley is one of the best and most talented speakers on the.labor question in ti e country and all union men and the friends of labor should hear him. The pa rade will start from Trrdes Council hall, corner Secord and Courts streets promptly at 7:30. The city oand has been secured to furnisl the music and they will lead the parade. Don't, fail to be in line and swell the crowd The official branding of the scabs will be one of the features of the demonstration and all shouM ear it. CORK FORESTS. Money Making Trees That Grow In the Poorest Kind of Soil. The cork oak is a kind of jack at all trades among trees, and its service in dicates well tlie kind of new freedom that, trees may give us by their new helpfulness if we will just give them a chance. If the garden of Eden story had been written in Spain or Portugal I think the fortunate couple would have been placed in possession of a cork forest. If a man in either of these countries has a forest of good cork trees you will lind him in Madrid, Lisbon or Paris. His cork forest wrks for him, and he stays in town. Cork trees grow on the rockiest and poorest land. The poorer the land the finer the quality of the cork. Every eight or ten years the outer bark is stripped from the trees to furnish the ever more highly prized cork of com merce. P»y dividing the land up into blocks this decennial harvest will pro duce a fairly regular income. These same oak trees produce acorns, often heavily, which are sold to some farmer, who drives his herds of lean hogs into the forest, where they har vest the acorns and turn them into salable meat. A Portuguese hog is ex pected to gain two pounds a day for ninety days when acorns are ripe. More than this, there is beneath the oak trees some herbage lit for goats to oat. Thus the cork forest owner in Lis bon gets income from three contrac tors—the cork stripper, the pork raiser and the goat raiser. And with care the forest lasts forever. The individual cork tree is good f'r a hundred years or more, after which it is a fine big salable tree, with enough young ones near it to take its place when it is gone to market. In Portugal a cork tree, ready for its third stripping. Is considered worth $25. When in full bearing an acre of these oaks will yield from one to three tons of cork at a stripping, now worth about $70 a ton to the v, Most of this Is profit The pork is profit. It is the common rule that the- income from the pasture pays the small cost of caring for the forest. .1 Itussell Smith in Country Geutlem ,,n CLOTHES AND THE MAN. To Be Well Dressed Means to Be At tired In Good Taste. Dress is i subject frequently in the minds of inauy. Some think too much about it and some not enough. No one. however brilliant in ability, even a "genius." can afford to be care less in this ma( !••.-. "He is best dr--ed," says Trollope, whose dress n one ob serves." Little touches of individuality in one's clothing are well, but it is not in the best taste to adopt any peculiar striking style that will make people in the street turn their heads for further observation. One should beware of extremes in fashion. Means and occuimtioii should be considered in choosing h,ii to wear. Even the poorest garmei i clean, in order and properly worn, jihe a good impression of the wearer. Women should give sufficient attention to dress to decide what is suitable for the time and occasion and that it is rightly ad justed and no further attention. To be well dressed is a passport, opening doors otherwise closet!. To be lavishly dressed betokens a shallow mind. It would appear that one thought his clothes the better part of him. Even children's dress should be thought of with care. Their elothin should not prevent free action in their play. Nor should it be so rich as to give them an idea of superiority to chil dren less expensively dressed and so make snobs of them. The carefully dressed man shows more self respect than the sloven, .lournal. Youthful Observer. The New Parson—Well. I'm glad to tear you come to church twice every Sunday. Tommy—Yes. I'm uot old enough to stay away yet.—London Opinion. Right at Home. Sometimes it is hard to find the city of happiness, but it will narrow the search if you remember that it is in the state of mind.—Youth's Companion. The foundations of justice are that no one shall suffer wrong: then that the public good shall be promoted.—Cicero. Good luck Is but another name for common sense. Matter of Endurancw. "My dear," said Mr. Hawkins to his better half the other evening, "do you know that you have one of the best voices in the world?" "Indeed?" replied the delighted Mrs H., with a flush of pride at the compli ment. "Do you really think so?" "I certainly do," continued the heart less husband "otherwise it would have been worn out long ago!"—Philadelphia Z0UOSS3K McMahon's Weekly Strike Statement. The developments in the strike situation have been much of Mich a nature as to indicate that there is immediate prospect o? an adjust ment. As a number of business men whose interests have been greatly injured results of the Strike have made a complete failure their efforts to secure some con sessions of the emplovers. The of ficers of the union have been reli ably informed that wLen one of the leading business men of the city pproached several of the shop owners, for the purpose of ind«.cin^ them to agree *o a settlement, ht was plainly given to understand that the manufacturers would re sent any interference in this strug gle by the retail merchants. In ad dition to this some of the manu facturers were very insulting and overbearing in their atti'.ude, thus discouraging an honest eflbrt on the part of the business men to re store harmonious relations between mployer and employe. The offi :ia!s of the union have taken a po sition that they are willing to con fer and reason out with any legiti mate committee of 1 usiness men or others with a view to restoring uorjial conditions in the city. In aking this position the officials of he union want it distinctly under stood that this Hi1: ,i not be taken as an evidence weakness n heir pa:t, but on the contrary it is simply adopted as a tnaUer of piin ciple. The aciiuu vf i!:,. 1 hIxlx tin- :u ap pointing deputies i.j act as guards •f strikebreaker, i-- resented by the tin i' n M'iki.-, well as by all uher union iue: n ci We are info med by e .t s u s the it of Common Fleas have gran 1 restraining order of a very sweeping character which in tffect would have a very detrimental ef feet upon the strikers in their ef forts to properly acd ffectively ticket plants the various shops on strike. -Measures how ever have been k restraininp order event of failun to i. •Beans be auwp't ibout a succi s:-'ul pick sit ua. ion in ait shops is very satis factory from a labor union stand point. Tl'cre has been no deser tions n aiy of the Fhops from our ranks, however, a few strike break ?rs who are not members of the union were requested to return to the Niles plant and we are very well pleased that tin huve uj plied with our request. this t* e ciher bring The to 1! re The 'jci .ijc, ot Ma Hinklt i: -tppomUijg iii.y citize-.-s the ei.v as special policemen i is met with r: approve! of organized labor I cation ar- that the men on strik: will leceive fair considera tion from the newly appointed po lice force. In conclusion I de.sire o say that I have had charge of 'arge number of strikes in various pirts of 'he country but of no case where ih prospects seemed as bright to wianing as they d® in his city. Organiz 1 labor wi successfully Huance struggle tnd manufacturers who are unde the impression that this cannot be done have huge surpT i ls in store fr-r thorn. Change In Pennsylvania Trains Sunday. Tia Westbound due at Hi: 1 i m. will be due at 10:15 p. m. Tra'n 40, Kastbound due at 5:25 i. will be changed to No. due ai 5 50 a. m. Train 12, E°stboui now due at 5:50 a. m. will be due at t:15 a. Train 16, Eastbound due at 6:52 a. tn. will be due at 6:40 a. m. Also, effective November 21 The Southland," an all steel through train, daily, carrying sleeping, observation, diaing cars and coaches, will run from Hamil ton to Jacksonville Florida. Always. Time haunted her. She laughed ai him, she resorted to a thousand devices whereby to discomfort him, but he was not to be shaken off. At length she lost her temper. "Can't you see." she flared out reluc tantly, "that there's uo room for you where beauty dwells?" "There is always," 'line rejoined touching hi.s scythe significantly, "room for one mower."—Boston Herald. A Hard Job. One of the hardest jobs 1 know of is to take a ride, when you're feeling nice and sociable, in a left band drive ma chine with a fellow who is deaf In tin right ear and has to stop the car and turn his head toward you every tirm vou make a remark to bim.—Farm Life CURIOUS FISHING CUSTOMS. Th« Feast That Follows the Capture of a Turtle In Madagascar. Some of the turtles of Madagascar are oval in form and very fat and plump others are much thinner and flat. In order to catch them the na tives go out to sea hi the early morn ing when the ocean is very smooth and the turtles come to the surface to en Joy their morning nap. They use a kind of harpoon about twelve feet long, shod with a piece of barbed iron and attached to a strong rope a couple of hundred yards in length. The fishers approach the sleeping animal with great care, says James Sibree in "A Naturalist In Madagascar," for when it is struck it dives down immediately, and the fisherman, if he refuses to let go the rope, dives with it, so he tries to make the first blow a mortal one. As soon as the turtle is caught the captors make for the shore, and all the people gather to share in the feast. No one Is allowed to bring anything from a house to the spot. The animal must be wrenched open and cut in pieces with the knives that belong to the canoe. It must be cooked in sea JL water in its own suen nua servea in scoops or other vessels from the canoe or in pieces of turtle shell. None of the flesh can be taken into a house to be cooked or eaten there. All these and several other precautions are an cestral customs, and if they were not religiously observed the turtles would disappear, according to universal be lief. The natives of the northwest, coast give a curious account of a flsh that they call the bamby. which is about as long as a man's arm and as big around as a man's thigh. Its dorsal On, they say, is like a brush, and it is smeared with a sticky liquid not unlike glue. When it catches another fish it holds it with this sticky brush, and the cap tive cannot get away. The people make use of this peculiarity in their own fishing. When they have caught a ham by they conliue it in a light cage, which they fasten in the sea. They feed the hamby daily with cooked rice or small fish, and when they want to use it they tie a long cord around its tail and follow in a canoe. When it fastens on a fish they pull it in and seize the spoil for theroselvoa s Ch 9 GUM UNDER THE GROUND. Quaint Old Time Account To push your business, and which compels the attention of the public usi We believe our work will help your busi ness, for it is executed in the highest de gree of the art known to printers. Gards, Tickets, Labels, Checks, Tags, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Folders, Cata logues, Booklets, Programs, Circulars, in fact anything in the printing line will be skillfully produced at this office. j©s of Mr 326 MARKET STREET of Poru'a Petroleum Fields. Probably the first printed reference to the petroleum industry on the Pa cific coast was made in 1."09, when "De Las Drojas De Las Indias" appeared. It was translated in 13'JG by John Frampton, in London, who gave the book the title, "Joyfulluewes Out of the New-Found World." His transla tion of that portion of the work relat ing to petroleum follows: "Of a gum me that is taken out from under the grounde. "In the Collao being a country of Peru, there is a Province which doth not beare any tree or Plante, because the Grounde is full of Gummes. and from this grounde the Indians take out a Licour, that serueth them to heale many diseases, and to take it out they use it in this manner. "They make of the Earth certeyne Sesternes very greate, and set them upon timber, or Canes, and underneath they put a thing, that may receive the Licour, which commeth out of them, and they place them in «he Sunue. and in tine Fur 1 i—m-T-iia,- wiai me neate and strength thereof the Gumme Is melted or the lieour which the Earth hath, and the Ses ternes remayne without any Licouf, whiche profiteth too make fire of, for In that place there are no Trees, nor anye other thing to make fire of: and it Is an euill light, for its casteth out black Smoke, and an horrible smell, and for all this, seeing that they have no-nother thing to make fire of, they take a paynes with it "The Licour whiche commeth foorth of it, profiteth for many diseases, and especially when they depende of colde, or colde causes. It taketh away any* griefe of the sayde cause, and all swellinges which come thereof: they heale with it woundes, and all euilles which the Sarana, and the Tacambacft doo heale. That whiche they sent me. Is of a red colour, somewhat darken and it hath a good smell."—Argonaut. Plot Mercenary. Mr. Gottrox—Sly daughters, young man, are both worth their weight in gold. Suitor—The fact that I am asking you for the smaller one proves, at any rate, that I am not mercenary.—CW- K- t-.i-.-j v -r*-i ift'r i? y- S e-v-f— £"V xpt*