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The Butler County press. [volume] (Hamilton, Ohio) 1900-1946, January 05, 1917, Image 3

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Th« Co operative Trades and La*
bor Council met Tuesday night in
regular session. President John
Gfroerer presided and 25 delegates
were present.
Credentials of C. A. Schwab,
Plumbers' Union, No. 108 and
Robert Puthoff of Machinists' Un
ion 241 were read received and del
egate installed.
A communication from Thomas
J. Donnelly secretary ot the O. S
F. of L. was received. He states
that 41,659 signatures were re
celved en the petitions sent out'
and filed with the secretary of state
He also requested t:
at the petitions
that are still out be sent in as toon
as possible. Received and complied
Trades assembly of Joplin, Mo.,
asks that we endorse Gabriel New
burger as United States Representa
tive to Japan. Received.
A communication was received
from the committees appointed by
the New York State Federation of
L^bor to giva a Golden Anniversary
dinner in honor of Samuel Gom
pers, ask that we appoint a com
mittee to attend# Received.
A. F. of L. in a letter advised
the council of the action of the
Merkel-Wiley Broom company of
Paris, 111., against ihe Broom Mak
ers' Union and placed them on the
unfair list. Received and contents
The council putcbased 50 books
of I he San Francisco Defense
Communication from Miners of
Ajo, Arizona, appealed for finan
cial assistance in their strike
against the Cornelia Copper, Com
pany. Received.
The committee appointed to
before the City Council to urge the
passage of an ordinance giving the
firemen the double platoon system.
Committee was continued.
The carpenters requested that
delegates report oack to their un
ioa and their families of the con
tention against Ed Malloy, the
wholesale meat dealer.
Switchmen Get 8-Hour Day
New York, Jan. 5 -In an award
that included dissenting opinions
fr" the railroads and workers, an
kroitration board favors the eight
hour day for switchmen employed
on eastern and middle western rail
The decision says that
hours or less shall constitute
day's work," increases wages
cents an horr and rules that over
time shall be paid at pro rata rates,
to be computed OJ the basis of the
actual time worked.
Switchmen at present receive a
maximum heurly rate of 40 cents.
The award increases this rate to 45
cents, so that, as explained by
Judge Charles B. Howry, chairman
of the board, on the eight-hous
basis they will receive $3.60 for a
day's work, 40 cents less than they
received under the 10 hour basis
By working 10 hours under the
new rate they will receive $4.50 or
50 cents more than under the old
Representatives of the switch
fflten, James B. Coan jrs aud W.
feriey CI:
In the latest in
The RinK.
Titus dissented from the 5 cent in
crease and the overtime veto. They
insisted on a 10 per cent increase
and a charge for overtime that
would mike the long hoar work
day under ordinary circumstances
practically prohibitive.
The railroad's representatives
filed a report dissenting from the
eight-hour decision.
In a statement appended to the
award Judge Howry and Prof
Jeremiah W. Jenks, the neutral
members of the board, express the
op:nion that the long hours of
gwitchmen do not imply "excessive
physical labor." In defending the
5 cent increase, however, they
make the rather interesting state
ment that the iucrease is necessary
because of the high cost of living
and the "hazards and hardships of
the work."
Strictly sanitary and first-class service.
Little Bits.
The Trusters of Trades Council
hall reported that they have left
the contract for the papering of the
east ball to Frank Richter and the
hallway to Chas. Blair. Both con
tractors were the cheapest bidders
on the work. The work will be
completed in a few days and the
trustees request that the unions
meeting in that hall will assist in
keeping it in a sanitary manner.
Thos. Donnelly, secretary of the
Ohio State Federation of Labor re
ports that 6,500 more signatures
were secured on the petitions sent
out than was needed. These peti
tions have been filed with the sec
retary of state- The labor unions
of Butler County secured over 1M00
Iron MoUlers' Union, No 68
held a very well attended meeting
in Trades Council hall Tuesday
night. Much busHes* was trans
acted and the union is in a splendid
Printing Pressman and Assis
tanls' Union will nurt next Wed
nesday night, u u n v 1
Council hall.
i. i'ra'ies
Leagub Elects Officers.
The Woman's Union LrOel
League held a very enthusiastic
meeting a few days ago. Being
the regular meeting nipht for the
election of officers the
were elected.
Mrs. Edith augl President
Mrs. Cora Kilg^ur, l&t vice presi
dent Mrs. Amanda Kendal, 2nd
vice presid-nt Mrs. Nettie Marks,
corresponding and recording secre
tary Mrs. Ada Corson, financial
secretary Mrs. Roxie Miller, treas
urer Mrs. Frauces Willsie, ser
geant-at-arms Mrs. Maggie Willsie
doorkeeper Trustees, Cora Kilgour
Amanda Kendal, Mrs. William
Paper Hangers Strike.
Lr»s Angeles, Cal., Jan 5. —Pa
per hangers employed by the Uui
versal Film company at Universal
City suspended work because of
hour violations. These workers
are members of Painters' union No.
202 and charge that the motion
picture concern broke an
Oppose Sunday Work.
Kansas City, Jan 5 -Butcher
Workmen's union is conducting an
agitation against Sunday employ
ment. These workers now labor
from 13 to 15 hours a day from
Monday until Saturday, and on
the latter day they labor from 6
until 11 p. m. Sunday hours are
from 6:30 in the morning until noon
Union Made Shoes at
President Gompers' Golden
New York, Jan. 5.- The anni
versary of President Gompers' gol
den wedding, his sixty-seventh
birthday and 50 years of active ser
vice in the trade union fnovement
will be observed in this city on
January 28th next.
This combination of exceptional
events will be celebrated by a dinner
at which fithing tribute will be
paid to the president of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor by well
known trade unicnists as well as
citizens in other walks of life.
This movement was inaugurated
by the New York State Federation
of Labor, at its convention last
August, when organized labor was
called upon to take official cogniz
ance of the persistent efforts of
President Gompers in their behalf
during the past half century. At
the Baltimore contention of^the
A. F. of L. this proposal WDS ap
proved «nd the executive council
was instructed to assist in making
the event a notable one.,
The committee ri quests that
each union appoint one or more
representatives to attend this dinner
Tickets for the dinner must be ob
tained from Ernest Bohm, care 710
Bartholdi building, 2 EastTwenty
th'rd street, New York.
Says Churches Are Changed.
Kansas City, Mo Jan. 5.—In
an address to the central body Pro
fessor Harry F. Ward of Boston,
secretary of the Methodist Federa
tion for Social Service, said:
"Labor unions are neglecting
their own interests by failure to
keep informed on changes taking
piace in the churches.
"You know what has happened
in the last v years in the politi
cal worl i. "The old leaders have
been deposed and their places taken
by a new generation with entirely
new political creeds. The same
thing is happening in their teli?ji us
vv rid. The old haders are passing
out and tV1 new ones are changing
the wht'ie vuiphasb- of religions
"It is a :hatH from th ." wutld
of the theory to the world of prac
tice and the church leaders at.'d
teachers henceforth are not going
to be blind to the significance of
the labor movement. This means
'.hat vou are going to have a new
ally in ihe struggle tor s cial
Food Probe Favored.
Washington, Jan. o.—The house
judiciary committee has made a
favoraole report on a resolution au
thoriziug the federal trade commis
-in *o probe the cost of living.
"The hearings on this resolution
:he committee reports, disclosed a
condition strongly pointing to a
control of food products by those
engaged in marketing the same in
thi count'y and in •reii'n coun
"They disclose, also, that mar
keting conditions were not all sat
isfactory to a large number of
farmers and stock raiser?.
"Food shortage with resulting
disfress to wage earners and con
sumers was not only a possibi'ity
but a ieal menace, the lie mugs
"Your committee bel'eves that
here is an economic problem in
volved which can only be solved
in the interest of the American
people by a thorough investiga
Wants Compensation Law.
St. Louis, Mo., Jan., 5.— Copies
of the tenative draft of the work
men's compensation bill, which it
is proposed to have Introduced In
the coming state legislature, is be
ing distributed the state federa
tion or labor.
This is the third attempt to se
cure a compensation law aud there
have been three commissions ap
pointed by the governor and the
state legislature to investigate the
The present movement is the re
sult of joint action by trade union
ists and employers who met in this
city last May and organized the
Missouri Workmen's Compensa
tion Conference for the purpose of
agreeing on a bill instead of having
their tight before the legislature,
as was the rule on former occasions.
Try To Sheck Unionism.
Punxstawney, Pa., January 5
Trades union agitation in this place
resulted in silk workers securing a
wage increase ot $1.50 a week ana
an eight-hour pay with the implied
understanding that they would net
affiliate to the American Federation
of Labor. Glass bottle laborers re
ceived three wage advances for the
same purpose.
A wave of organization is sweep
ing this section and many trade un
ions are being formed. Furnace
workers are demanding wage in
creases of 15 to 20 per cent and
better working conditions.
At Brookville workers employed
in a furniture factory, in brick
plants, wagon factories and other
concerns are awakening to the ben
efits of trade unionism, and at Rey
noldsville the newly-formed unions
are resisting an attempt to destroy
Wages Not Sufficient-
Milwaukee, Jan. 5.—"It is im
possible for a man with a family of
more than three, and working for
ordinary wages, to make both ends
meet," declared Mrs. Katherine
Van Wyck, secretary of the Asso
ciated Charities. "High prices are
forcing into semi dependency many
families who in previous years
were self supporting" he said.
Mr*. Van Wyck cited this case
as one of
confronting her or­
"A man having a wife and six
children asks for aid. He earns $2
a day. The family lives in three
rooms and pays $7 rent. The
monthly surplus after rent has
been paid and fuel and food pur
chased is $3.25. There still re
mains to be purchased clothing for
eight people. There is nothing left
for medicine or medical care. Sav
ing cannot be thougt of. We must
supplement the wages of the mau,
or the childreu will go without suf
ficient food and clothing."
Demand Human Freedom.
Denver, Jan. 5 Trade unionists
in this state art stiffening their
lines for a fight to repeal the law
which prohibits a strike until a
commission investigates and reports
on the case. The recent failure of
the Denver Mailers' union to raise
wage* has fanned the flame of op
p'sition. For 1& months the mail
ers were restrained from striking
to enforce living wages and now
the commission tells them the high
cost of paper and other material
snakes increnscs for them out of
the question. The commission re
fused to invest!gait the books of
the newspapers.
Stogie Strike Ends.
Wheeling, W. Va. Jan -Th
Pollack stogie factories have signed
an agreement with the Girl Strip
pers' union aud the general strike
of stogie makers in this city is at
an end? The Pollack concern was
the last to concede higher wages
The wages of girls are increased
and stogie makers will be paid an
additional $1 per thousand.
Locomotive Firemen Gain.
Peoria, 111., Jan. 5. —Officers if
the Brotherhood of Locomotive
firemen and Enginemen report
that the membership has increased
8,127 from January 1, 1910 to
October 1. The firemen are con
ducting an agressive organizing
campaign and hope to have a mem
bership of 100,000 bv January 1
Unionists 6reet- Farmers.
Lansing, Mich., Jan. 5.—At the
aunual convention of the State
Grange, Piestdent Taylor of the
Mich gab Federation of Labor ex
tended greetings on behalf of the
industrial workers and urged the
farmers to assign a fraternal dele
gate to the convention of the fed
eration at Grand Haven, next Sep
"A Rose By Another Name."
Oklahoma City, Okla., Jan. 5.
The housewives' league has decided
to use the word "refrain" in de
claring a boycott on eggs, potatoes
and cranberries because of objec
tions to the word "boycott."
The Oklahoma Federation says
"a rose by any other name smells
just as sweet.
Their Rarfty 1$ a Tribute to tto
Skill of Our Seamen.
Thla Catastrophe Brought Into Play tha
Wonderful Ability and Energy of
Commander Sloard and HI® Offioera
and Craw—An Eplo of tha 8ea.
American naval officers are noted for
their efficiency, fearlessness and en
ergy not alone in the stress and tur
moil of war, but also when emergen
cies arise where a battle with the ele
ments may be more perilous than
would be the heaviest big gun Are of
an enemy.
Maritime disasters happily have been
rare in our naval history. Their rarity
indeed speaks volumes for the skill of
our navigators, to whom negligence or
incompetence has hardly ever been im
jputed. At most an overconfldence may
be urged in one or two Instances but.
generally speaking, our naval wrecks
have been cuused by violent convul
sions of nature in her angriest mood or
from causes over which our naval com
manders had no control.
In the latter class was the wreck of
the United States steamship Saginaw
on Ocean island In the north Pacific
Oct. 29, 1870. This disaster was due to
faulty charts that did not show the ex
istence of an outlying reef upon which
the vessel piled up in the darkness of
the night. Through the energy and
good seamanship of its commanding of
ficer, Lieutenant Commander Mont
gomery Sloard, who realized at once
that big sMp was a total loss, every
soul was safely landed, together with
such stores and provisions as the time
permitted which elapsed between the
accident and the ship's breaking up.
Without delay he organized a camp
on shore, establishing and enforcing
the strictest rules, for upon them de
pended the lives of all concerned. Ho
managed to secure a boiler from the
wreck, and he converted It into a dis
tiller, thus obtaining a constant sup
ply of fresh water for drinking. It is
difficult to Imagine the sufferings those
poor fellows would otherwise have un
dergone, since there was no potable wa
ter on the island.
Recognizing the fact that his party
might be detained many weeks, if not
months, and that Ocean island was a
breeding ground for sea fowl, he at
once drew a line around his camp and
forbade any one crossing it without au
thority, lest the birds be scared away
and the only source of food disappear
with them.
Raids for obtaining eggs and fowls
were stealthily carried out out at night
under specific orders by selected and
carefully Instructed men. In this man
ner, reflecting great credit on Bleard's
forethought, thero was never any lack
of food, such as It was.
Since the scene of the disaster was
a thousand miles removed from the or
dinary path of vessels traversing the
Pacific, little or no hope could be enter
tained of casual rescue. In some way
or other word had to go to the outside
world. One of the Saginaw's boats,
prepared for this perilous service, was
dispatched under Lieutenant John G.
Tall ot, with four seamen, to the Ha
waiian Islands, some 1,500 miles away
aoross a wintry ocean. Upon this
des thread hung the sah f.rlcu of a hun
dred and more men.
The difficulties, storms and dangers
encountered, the hardships and suffer
ings endured, make this trip of these
gallant sailors one of the finest among
the countless epics of the sea. Terri
bly exhausted by privation and the
ceaseless struggle against old ocean's
fury, their oars all lost In a heavy
galo of wind, the boat pushed on under
sail, only to be capsized by the surf in
landing on the beach of the island of
It is related that Talbot sighted the
very last outlying rocky Islet of the
Hawaiian group, fortunately recog
nized by one of his crew, and from
there beat up against the trade wind to
Kauai. Had he missed this islet, no
more. In all probability, would ever
have been heard of him, and it is
equally likely that his shipmates on
Ocean island might not all have sur
vived until success should crown a sec
ond attempt to communicate with civ
In the overturning of the boat four
of its occupants were drowned, the
brave Talbot among the number. Hap
pily one seaman got ashore, more than
half dead, to bring Slcard's dispatch
es to the American minister to the
Sandwich Islands, who at once char
tered a steamer and sailed the same
day to the relief of the marooned
ship's company of the Saginaw. Ex
cept for the sad ending to Talbot's mis
sion, tilts wreck, however unfortunate
in itself, is a splendid example of the
resourcefulness and skill of the Ameri
can naval officer and so may be re
garded with vastly more pride than re
gret—Rear Admiral Caspar 1\
rich in Philadelphia Ledger.
Naplaa la a 8aaport Crowded With
Amaxlng Contrasts.
Naples, asido from its amazing local
beauty, is a dirty south Italian sea
port, full of tleaa and beggars, noisy as
pandemonium day and night, without
a really distinguished ediiice, and peo
pled by a conglomerate mass us strik
ingly beautiful physically as they are
notoriously untrustworthy. From the
storied heights that sweep in a magni
ficent amphitheater around the bril
liant bay the old city BtruKgles down
ward In a picturesque huddle of dense
ly packed houses and other buildings,
tortuoua sttflkta full of color and ,hub»
The latest designs
of Invitations
at the Nonpareil
ifng Wltn the nervuus activity of the
south, black canyons of stone stairs,
slippery with damp and dirt, across
which its teeming houses gossip and
quarrel in neighborly wise.
Nowhere are fisher folk more plctur
esquo in habit and costume. Nowhere
is there so salty a dluleet, spiced with
such myriad quaint and startling
phrases and exclamations. Bare and
brown of leg, dressed in ragged, parti
colored motley, a stout canvas band
about each sinewy body for hauling in
the net without cutting the hands to
pieces, they bring ashore their shim
mering silver quarry right along the
widest, finest promenade in the city—
the handsome Via Caracclolo.
Across that broad street the charm
ing Villa Nazlonale—not a house, but
a public park, wholely conventional in
design—contains an aquarium which
may fairly be considered the most re
markable In the world for both the
variety and interest of its flnuy and
monstrous exhibits and the thorough
ness of Its scientific work. To it many
of the great universities contribute an
nually for the privilege of sending
special investigators in zoology.
The commercial activity of this lar
gest city and second seaport of Italy
clings closely about the skirts of the
enormous royal palace—800 feet long
on the bay side and ninety-five feet
high—and the naval basin and dock
yard. Every smell *and sound of a
thriving seaport may be smelled and
heard, multiplied generously, every
flag seen on the ships at anchor near
the stone wharves.—A. 8. Rlggs in Na
tional Geographic Magazine.
It Was Well Worked and Complataly
Fooled General Bingham.
General John A. Bingham was a
member of the military tribunal that
tried Mrs. Surratt and ttie Lincoln as
sassination consplrn tors.
After the trial in the subsequent de
bates in the house General B. F. But
ler frequently charged that the com
mission had arrived at an unjust ver
dict and had convicted an innocent
woman. In a memorable debate he
boldly proclaimed that if the contents
of a diary which had been found on
the dead body of J. Wilkes Booth were
ever made public it would disclose the
fact that it contained the proof of Mrs.
Surratt's innocence, which proof had
been infamously suppressed by the
When General Binghnm made a move
ment as though ho would repel such
an accusation Butler dramatically drew
a memorandum book from his breast
pocket and held it aloft, but did not
utter a word. Bingham naturally sup
posed that Butler bad a copy of a
diary such as ho had 5M?oken of. As
a matter of fact the book contained
nothing but blank leaves. General
Butler was Just bluffing.
The diary ""as in possession of Sec
retary Stanton, but President Johnson
finally demanded it It was an inter
esting book, but it threw no light upon
the great conspiracy.
Squeaky Soles In Tune.
THE ECONOMY, 9 S. Front St
Manufacturers of shoes who make a
specialty of the squeaky variety should
pay moro attention to pairing them up
in harmonious duets. The squeak,
squeak of the hired girl's high heeled
bronzed number tens would drive a
saint to cuss words. But we must not
heap our displeasure upon the poor
girl. She is not the author. She is
only the reproducer. She merely acts
the part that the wax cyllndor per
forms for the phonograph. There is
Just as great a necessity for a musical
director In an up to date shoe factory
as there Is In grand opera, and no
workman should be permitted to build
a pair of squeaky shoes unless he can
pass a severe test in —Car
toons Magazine.
Horsea In Trouaera.
When the horses in Xic. rai.c
are hitched to tar spreading cam
they wear trousers to protect their
legs from the hot tar. A further pro
tection for them consists cf a curtain
suspended between the cart and the
horse. The trousers are what lend
distinction to the horse, however.
The knees are a bit baggy, but the
horse doesn't seem to .'are. —Popular
Science Monthly.
"My daughter has obtained a posi
tion in a lawyer's She startn on
the first"
"And in the meantime is she doing
anything to fit herself for the work?"
"Yes she la reading Bertha, the Beau
tiful Blond Stenographer.' itte r.:
Knew Har.
Miss Flyrte—Jack told me IJIS: NITRL
that I was his very life Tier Br-Mu
—Jack will soon find out how unee ini'
iifle Is.—Boston Transcript
First Girl
was classic
Girl—Oh, in
What W
MAfhl:,. I .-i
Prejudice squiM when it
lies wheu it talks.
S^siors and Soo^a.
The German soldier does HOC wear
but fuss-lappen. These are strips
of cloth soaked in tallow and wound
about the feet. They are supposed to
be preferable to socks, in that they
wear* more evenly, are more easily
cleaned and, when properly worn, are
not so likely to wrinkle and cause blis
Military authorities disagree, howev
er, as to the relative value of socks and
tallow soaked strips. Either coverlug,
though, is considered preferable to the
custom of wearing no socks, which has
prevailed in the French, Spanish and
Italian armies.—Outlook.
The Abeentminded Motor I
"There's an automobillst in rllutroaw
Suppose we stop and ask him if then
is anything we can do?"
"Are you referring to the man who
Is sitting still, with a faraway look in
his eyes?"
"I know that fellow. He's probably
wondering where he's going to get the
money to pay the next installment on
his car."—Birmingham Age-Herald.
Quite Poaalble.
"Here's an account of a man's death
which said he was in perfect health a
few minutes before he expired. Now,
that's ridiculous."
"Not at all. lie might have smoked
too near a gasoline tank."—Baltimore
Valued Testimony.
The Mistress—Does this hat make
me appear younger. Mnry? The Maid
—Yes, mum. When we went to market
together yesterday they took you for
my daughter.—Puck.
Ita Endurance.
"Does your wife always insist on
having the last word?-'
"Yes, and it lasts till Hutu too."—
Baltimore American.
One grain doeis
but it helps
guese Saying
Local Organizers and Busi
ness Agents.
Try a case today
Charles E. Vaughn, A. af L,.
Residence, 310 So. Second Street
Home Phone 890 A.
Timothy Rowan, Internationa
Molders' Union, Residence, 939
Central Ave., Bell Phore 403 X.
Wm. E. Bennett, Painters'
Decorators' and Paper Hangers'
Union, No. 135. Residence Mt,
Pleasant Pike.
W. R. Smith, Paper Makers' Un
ion, Residence, Hotel-DeArmond.
Home Phone 31. BeU Phone 31.
Swain B. Corson, Carpenters'
aud Joiners' Union, No. (J37, Resi
dence 107 Brosey Ave Bell Phone
756 L.
Win. Leonard, Business Agent
Baitenders' Union, *251 Chestnut St
Wm" Geppinger, Business Agent
Theatrical Stage Emplo) es' Union,
72G K High St. Home Phone 1101
Ben Closterman, Polishers.
J. F. Eichorn, Bartenders, 7
Market street.
W e o i s i n E n i n e e s
41 W. Great Miami Boulevard,
Wm Schneberger, Cigarmakers1
125 Samuel street.
George Richardson, Teamsters'
310 Wayne, Ave., Bell Phone 541
Home Phone 2541.
Earl Nyswander, Carpenters' 26
N. Main street.
Geo. Lorah, Plumbers' come
Washington and Main, street
Plumbers' Hall.
Patronize Home Industry
ha Co
'M ~i
•:., ,:
fill th» ci«'uary,
its iiDHRnJo-.s v.rhi-
Stay away from Hamilton, Ohio,
strike still on at the Black & Claw
son Co., unfair conditions, STAY
Machinists of Dayton have
made a demand for the 8-hour
day Monday, August 21, 1916
All Machinists, Toolmakers
Screwmakers and other ma
chine shop employes
o $£
10' as* So*
i e 4
sepsis B2t

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