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CLOAK ANO SUIT WORKERS' WAGE ft NSW' LARGELY A SEASONAL TRADE Operatives Work Only About,Twenty Weeks In the Year—During the Dull) Periods There Is Practically No MUCH LOWLR THAN 11 APPEARS TO THE CASUAL OBSERVER bor Done—Difficulty of Fixing Wag«| Scales Satisfactory to Both Sides. The cloak and suit industry, which Is worth $ 100,(X0.000 a year, says the New York World, and which was tied up for many weeks by a lockout and Itrike involving originally (10,000 nien and women and at no time less than 45,000, is a peculiar and seasonal trade, quite out of range of the general infor mation of the public. The wages de manded by the workers, practically all of whom are sewing machine opera tives, appear, for this reason, to be much higher than they really are. A majority of the workers are stead ily and intensively employed about five mouths a year, divided into two busy seasons, one extending from -Tan. 1 to March 15 and the other from July 15 to Sept. 30. During these two ten week periods the piece workers, who comprise near 75 per cent of the industry, earn, the manufacturers say, from $30 to $70 a week. The average, according to the union, is $35, not more than 10 per cent receiving over that figure. As a matter of fact, the earnings of this class is In sharp controversy as to the general average wage, the man ufaeturers claiming the average wage earned under the scale is higher than admitted by the union. By piece work ers are meant finishers, operators and piece tailors The other 25 or 30 per cent of the opera tfves, who work by the week, are paid salaries ranging from $11 for skirt I finishers to $27.50 for cutters. The salaries between these figures are: Part pressers, $15.50 skirt basters $15 skirt underpressers, $18 jacket. underpressers, $21 reefer underpress ers, $21 sample tailors, $23 skirt up perpressers, $23 skirt cutters, $23.50: reefer upperpressers, $25 Jacket up perpressers. $25. As to the wages of the by-the-week workers there is no controversy During these intensive seasons In normal years every available hand is employed, the workers being mostly young men. Approximately 10 to 12 per cent of the total number of oper atives in the Industry are women or girls. Ahou* 15 per cent of the oper atives are Italians the balance, 85 per cent of them, are Jews At the tail end of each season then* are three or four weeks when there is a considerable volume of work, but not enough to keep it from being dull. Between the tail ends and the next busy season the shops have almost no work at all, owing to the fact that the designers are working up styles and only samples are required Thus the wages earned in twenty to thirty weeks have to be spread over fifty-two weeks in estimating thrf year ly average earnings. There is so little work in the dull seasons that an op erative may hang around the shop, ac cording to the union, ami not pick up more than 50 cents or a dollar when some little hurry up order drifts in. There are several hundred different scales of wages in the cloak industry, for the reason that there are several thousand different styles of cloaks and suits, all mostly piece work. It takes an expert calculator to figure out, in each big shop, just how much is to lie paid the sewers for making this, that or the other cloak or this, that, or the other part of a cloak or suit. The basic wage price is based on the amount of work an operative can do in a day, and the hundreds of different wage prices are based on the number ofl MARKO'S DILEMMA. An Old Servian Legend of and La Pr!U?p, in Berviu, I In establishing all over the Jewish dis-1 without water, and finally came sta trlcts, but particularly in Brownsville I gering into his camp. The man's eyes and Williamsburg, small shops employ-1 were bloodshot, his lips swollen to ing from three to twenty-five sewing I twice their natural size. His tongue, machine operators. They cut into the I blue, parched and swollen, hung out trade of the big manufacturers, and I elation is concerned, was to drive these I Caplan Found Guilty. men were killed. The penalty forman-l slaughter is from one to ten years. I years. Mafhew A. Schmidt was found I pending. steam mau outsiders out of the trade and restore I four men in his eagerness to get at the $100,000,000 a year industry to its I drinking water, while a fifth man al former centralized condition. iowed I David Caplan was found guilty of manslaughter at his second trial for tomplicity in the Los Angeles Times• explosion, Oct. 1, 1910, when twenty! a Prophecy Its Fulfillment. Is dear to the hearts of all Servian peasants, for around it cluster countless stories of one of the nation's most popular leg endary supermen Marko Kraiievitch. otherwise King's Sun Marko. The ruins of the castle of King's Son Marko overlook the town, and if the visitor proves to be a sympathetic au ditor the guide will no doubt [olnt out to him in the slabs of rock which Strew the approach to the stronghold the Indelible hoof prints of the muster's favorite steed, Bharatz. And if you should happen to be in Prilep on the anniversary of Marko's festival, or "slava," y u can prove to your own satisfaction whether there is any truth In the widely credited peasant legend that at midnight the doors of the castle Chapel ut open and the hero, fully armed, rides in on his piebald charger, although the Marko of the flesh has been dead for ?00 years. In an old Servian ballad called "Mar ko's Judgment" there is recited this prophecy: Krai (King) Vukashlne, Mar ko's father, whose -hief fortified city was Prilep. speaks first: "Son Marko. may JoJ slay thee! Thou shalt have neither monument nor posterity, and ere thy spirit leaves thy body the Turkish sultan thou shalt serve. Then speaks the czar, Stephen Dushan: "Friend .Marko. may (Jod help thee! Bright he thy face in the senate, sharp thy sword in battle. Never shall hero surpass thee. And thy name shall be remembered s- lon^ is sun and taoon endure." And here, according to peasant folk lore, is how that prophecy was fulfill ed: Upon the death of Vukashlne, La- zar "reblianovitch, Count of Sirmlum. was elected czar. Bitterly disappoint ed at the failure of his own candidacy, Marko threatened the life of La/.ar and was forthwith deprived of his fief. Pen niless and disheartened, Marko turned to the court of the hated .sultan and enlisted In Ills army t.j tight the Mos lems of Asia Minor It should be re membered that it ... no disgrace for a Servian to tight with the Turks pro vided the opposing forces were other Turks, for a Turk loss. In whatever cause slain, was a in the eyes of the Servians.) In time, however, Marko's command was brought west to wage war against the orthodox prince of the Roumans Loyal to his Mohammedan sovereign, when he came upon the field of battle, Marko's heart failed him when he saw the men of his own faith drawn up against him, and, facing the dilemma of choosing between proving traitor to his chief or lifting his sword against those of iiis own faith, he cried out, "Oh, God, do thou this day destroy all those who fight tea in*' Christendom and foremost Mai he threw his bo spea is and died blow. National Bulletin. iug which, :y Christian v jiiout striking a .eo^raphlc Society Beglnning of the Drama. The theater in the only sense that is worth considering was born in Athens. Both tragedy and comedy spring from feasts in honor of Bacchus, and as the Jests and frolics were found to be out of place when Introduced into graver scenes a separate provluce--the true drama—was formed and comedy arose. The father of the (5 reek comedy was Aristophanes, who had lots of fun lampooning the public men of Athens The creator of Greek tragedy was Aeschylus, born C. 52JV In subllml ty Aeschylus has never been surpass ed. lie is to the drama what Phidias and Michelangelo are to art Horrors of particular pieces or parts of the gar-1 There Is no horror like the horror of ment that can be sewed in a day. I thirst—no physical suffering compara The great strike preceding the recent I ble to it A traveler over the desert one drove some of the biggest manu-1 in Egypt describes a man w ho had lost facturers out of business and resulted Thirst. his way, wandering about for days 0f one of the objects of i he recent lock-1 f,0 (jriiik water at will would be lik out and strike, so far as the members I pumping cold water into a red hot of the Manufacturers' Protective asso-1 mouth. To allow such a man boiler. It would kill him. This required to be held forcibly by a few drops to trickle down the throat of the sufferer at long intervals He ha( to Uke ed to tbe fce cooled off little by little overheated boiler. An Unanswerable Argument, The poor relation had not been tavit- fortnai function at the great housei but iie went Caplan was the fburth man brought tol ^a't oversight. trial in the case. Twenty indictments! "Where's your card?" inquired the cbnrglng murder were returned against I 0nt geuticman eight persons, but the names of only I "Haven't got any," responded the the four arrested were made known. I poor re]atjon to the door in spite in waiting. meekly. James B. McXamara was sentenced tol "Nobody can get in without a card, life imprisonment, and John J. McNa-l "Well, i«m nobody," murmured the mara received a sentence of fifteen I poor relation, but the first gentleman wajting guilty and sentenced to life imprison-1 humor of it, and the poor relation was ment in December. 1015. His appeal is I turued fi- could not grasp the delicate away from the inhospitable ?OL. XVI. NO 39. HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1917. (VHERE MANKIND WAS REBORN Th« Story of Florence Epitomizes the Story of Humanity. The story of Florence is the story of humanity the broad, deep, moving epic of the awakening of man to his own divine power the story of won derful self made men who had but one idea in common—the thirst for free ac tivity of soul. So the tale of the new birth, the renaissance, is the record of individ ual spirit so free, so subtle and elastic, so profoundly penetrating to the springs of human purpose, that it has furnished the motive power of the world ever since, and Florence, as its source and focus, because of the con ditions then obtaining in the city and throughout Italy, was the jne spot in the world capable of producing such an epoch making upheaval of human consciousness. And all this astonishing genius grew directly out of—business! The city was peopled by men who manufactured the necessaries of life, by merchants, spec ulators, bankers, tradesmen, artisans, handicraftsmen of every type. Busi ness, work, was a condition of active participation in the life of the state, and because they did not work the nobles were debarred from this. It was the burghers, the people, who ruled, and even when evil chance laid the state under the heavy hand of a despot he was forced to develop his own character to the uttermost, be cause his rule depended entirely upon his capacity as a man. The aristoc racv accordingly, was that of intelli gence, of men wl cause, first of al in their own iiul o became eminent be they were the best rid mil work.* ctical inspiration of Under the pr these mental gin created aud leal within instead learned thin i i of the stai« succeed on! interests of in National Florence was r« view life from perlicially. She is the soul state can i. t. i -ue to the be«t lividi,.:. A.S.l:i^ raphi-- M.rjazine. VINDICATED THE MULE. A L*ga! C.- Where the lb it Uaud. Park. i dyln water I -1 ssin throu. i one met i brick lante frigh and. i of I.' Thi Lynn :. charging him w dling a wild am The case was of the peace co and was appeal* 1 From there it v ken of appeals, wb 'i 1 court, agree, sent it to ihflJMnrp the state. a jUblivi field, Mo., rcuit court. i the court failing to nc court of This court h' not recover damageslunle. that the mule was "wild aul unruly. Judge Henry Lamm said that, while the amount involved in the case was small, the value of the case was great for the sake of the doctrine and also because it involved the "honor of the Missouri mule."—Exchange. Who Owns tiie Falkland islands? Few people are av. t:o this day that the Falkland is!: are marked in all Argentine maps and geographies as "unlawfully retained by Great Brit aln." The origin of the dispute wn that England after doning i! Islands in 1774 resutii'd )ssessi"n i 1820. The 1 inline government pro tested ami. A. Stuart Pennington points out i.. lus book »o tbr» country, is even today "earefni 1 thing which could even appa y v- ognize the rights of the present possessors.' It was for that, reason that it declined a proposal few yenr« to run n line Of Art"!,! ine yh. .- i 1 THE BUTLER COUNTY PRESS. AN OLD TIME FARM And the Methods That Were In Use In the Year 1840. DAYS OF THE SIMPLE LIFE. When All Kinds of Clothing Were Made at Home, When Eggs Sold For a Shilling a Dozen and the High Cost of Living Was Not a Big Problem. In view of the modern day high cost of living and of the man}' wonderful advances made in the last century—the railroad, telegraph, the ocean cable, the telephone, the automobile and farm and labor saving machinery of all kinds and tho amazing changes these inventions have necessarily wrought in all directions in almost every walk of life—it may be of Interest to recall liv ing conditions on a far n iu the year 1840. The farm 1 have in mi 200 acres. The stock wi a yoke of oxen, twenty 1 Tho farm produced thing the family cons ing aud food. The si wool, which was car* mill and made into At home It was si woven on a hand lo was left white for dyed any color desi housewife could mak indigo or cochineal, black wool wex*e mi gray llke*tbe Confedc There were no rcn all clothes wert There was no wo Ings were knitted at mittens and tippets laps were of rabbit no shoes. In t:.• w i to the kne Several cows were There was a taunei the skins were tann mad too i pain Honor of the Animal Was Involved. the famous case ri Law Itcpo: Mio The v fiber was put hand and strong lintii *.i-th mer clothing, tfw was saved to make icine) or poultice There were pien roasting and pot pic for Thanksgiving aionally a he proved From tl butter an cheese the i sold in a 1 ly brought was also i neither ci«-« rles. Cheese w pound. All egg village store and cents a dozen. Every farmer a was called soft son very strong, and to hands ant i i some skin a In your al.uu Little was heai large. Twenty mi the great four every day, brlngi were few newsp The telegraph wa lantic cable did n There were only railroad in 1830. i-'and Beautiful Bridges. on the occasion of tl -k of Hon the citizens refused n s a e y y a k i n e a captain, Iteuzo da C'eri. and cutting the bridges Ponte Quatlro ("api and Ponto Sisto. The people declined on the ground that they were "too beau tiful." An Ox Hide. "Thomas," said the profi pupil in the junior cla in "mention an oxide." "Leather," replied 1 "What is leather an o the professor. "An oxide of beef bright youngster.—Chi •. .« All the wondei have added to the last century will be added to con ni Popular love of art may too far. The author of 'bancs Hum bon. Constable of Fra 1 tol is us thai t' N Was Coming Back. "Seemed to sadden old (Je!uU\ Lei his new son-in-law said goudby after the wedding. Is he so fond of him? "Well, not exactly. You see. the uew son-in-law didn't say good by he said «Au revoir.' "—Browning's Magazine. Foiled. "Dearest, I ordered to be sent hom» today a most beautiful hat for only $30. It's a perfect lovel" "My darling, your love will be re turned."— Puck. $rumbler8 deserve to be operated spon surgicaNy. Their trouble is usu ifcy chronic.—Douglas Jerrold. id consisted of s fifteen cows, sheep, an old gs, fifty hens, and n flock Of 1 white horse, a dozen ten geese, a few duel turkeys. (••!i' ui!y every ed, both cloth furnished the at a "fulling" for spinning, into yarn and For beds it hing it was .V competent s of logwood, white and produce a nl form. ilo clothes tl. home. ear. Stock as well as s with ear There were s a e u 1 each year. by, where shoemaker i usually 1 Me and 1 vn until the roody part, worked by oven. This for sum- a spun v For food we had fresh meat, potatc parsnips, puinpklr which lasted from which gave us cider champagn The se«d I tea (a med Ises. thing needed— ets, cabbages, pies, apples, spring cider, or produced a |fo au ar Half a dozen gave us plenty sausages and sa bucon were hung u] a small building cept the door. A more smoK. i hams and kil ed in the fall i a td bacon, lard, k. The hams and in the smokehouse, ith no opening ex mali fire produced at, but gave the ry delicious flavor, y of chickens for and eggs, turkeys Christmas, occa with apple sauce. Ik we made both What butter and not consume was He. Butter usual a pound. Cheese ne, as there were nor cheese facto 1 at 5 to 0 cents a used went to the :ght 10 cents to 12 his own soap. It It wag soft, but k the dirt off your !y and .- 'areful of the world at es from the railroad se stagecoach came the mails. There ipers or magazines, unknown. The At succeed until 1800 vventy-three miles ot ful ageucies which power of man in the lot be lost, but will tantly. The many problems of the modern day high cost of living can only be solved by tlnu and tbe efforts of our greatest mi' i! Warner Miller in New York Times How Indigo Is Produced-. A primitive but effective methyl ot obtaining indigo in south) i n India is practiced by the natives, 'i'i.e plant is tightly packed the day it is cut, ir a large vat, into which water is run and boards are then placed over th top and are kept in position by heavy crossbeams.- The plant Is allowed to soak for ton or twelve hours, during which time a heavy fermentation takes place. The liquid is then drained off into another vat, after which coolies beat and stir the soaked mass thor oughly with flails until the dye begins to emerge. The whole is then allowed to settle. The clear liquid is drained ofT, and the residue is boiled in copper vessels. It Is then pressed into hard cakes ready for the market. A Cool Soldier. French grenadier who was «xas perated at some injustice that $ad been done him by a field marshal pointed his pistol at the marshal and pulled the trigger, but it did not go off. Without moving a muscle the veteran cried, "Four days in the cells for keep ing your arms in a bad state!" Hair is not to be mentioned in a bald man's house.- Liv•.i:fan Proverb. INTERNATIONAL PEACE. Plans to Secure It Have Been Triad For Three Centuries. Admirable and farsighted plans for securing a peaceful international order have been before the world for 300 years. M. Emeric Cruce submitted his plan, which included liberty of com merce throughout all the world, as early as 1023. Following the peace of Utrecht, the Abbe do St. Pierre devel oped his plan, which included media tion, arbitration and au interesting ad dition to the effect that any sovereign who took up arms before the union of nations had declared war or who re fused to execute a regulation of the union or a judgment of the senate was to be declared an enemy of European society. The union was then to make war upon him until he should be dis armed or until the regulation or Judg ment should be executed. Some twenty years earlier William Penn had produced his quaint and real ly extraordinary plan for the peace of Europe, in which he, too, proposed to proceed by military power against any sovereign who refused to submit his claims to a proposed diet, or parlia ment, of Europe or who refused to abide by and to perform any judgment of such a body. All these plans, like those of Rous seau, Bentham and Kant, which came later, as well as William Ladd's elab orate and carefully considered essay on a congress of nations, published In 1840, were brought into the wTorid too soon. They were the fine and noble dreams of seers which it is taking ci\ llized men three centuries and more to begin effectively to realize.—New York Times. SAVED BY A CAMERA MAN. How He Won a Lease of Life For Some of Villa's Victims. During one of his earlier campaigns Francisco Villa had an American movie photographer, Burrud by name, attached to his staff, who spent a good deal of his time taking pictures of the excessively vain "general'' him self. Sometimes, however, Burrud w-as called upon to undertake more stren uous operations. The following story, for instance, is told in Francis A. Co' ilns' "The Camera Man:" 'Burrud was called outdoors unex pectedly at sunrise one morning and directed to report, with his camera, at once to headquarters. When he arriv ed, coatless and breakfast less, before Villa's ten* be v s told that the geu eral had decide-1 have some twenty prisoners shot and wanted a moving picture taken of the exc ution. The prisoners, most, of them political mere ly, were t*. t.e i. .'.-i...r.-,i t.» make a moving pi i s i "Burrud feigned to examine his cam era closely and then explaii. general that his tilms were Electricity and Coal Waste. From coal we chietly draw the sun's stored energy, which is required to meet .ur i i jstrial and mercial needs, A- •••i.'ing to records, the output in t- T~ iited States durin an average yea: is iSO,000,*)i tons. In perfect omriiics. fuel would be sui flcient to i .! sepow er steadih .(• squat dering is so reckless that we do not more than 5 per cent of its heatin. value on the average. A comprehei. sive electrical plan for mining, trans porting and using coal could much rt duce this appalling waste. What i more, inferior grades, billions of ton of which are beinir thrown nwny, inicrl be turned to stable use. Niko .. Tesla in Collier- Weekly. Th® Color Cure. To cure smallpox was apparently very simple matter in the good ol times. John of Gaddeston, court do tor to Edward IL, has recorded thr he got rid of tbe disease by the simph expedient of wrapping his patients red cloth. "Let scarlet red be taken,' he says, "and let him who is suffering from smallpox be entirely wrapped in it or in seme other red cloth. 1 did thus when the son of the illustrious king of England suffered from small pox. I took care that all about his bed should be red, and that cure succeeded very well."—London Tatler. Raising Geese. The raising of geese pens. w as a profitable occupation of farming in England years ago, and some farmers had flocks of 8,000 or 10,000. Each goose pr duced a shilling's worth of feathers every year and quills to the value of threepence. The quills were used for Easy. Bill—He always said he'd never mar ty until the right girl came along." Jill—Well, how does he know that the »ne he is about to marry is the right me? "Oh, she told him she was,"-Yon fcers Statesman. Neighbors. "What sort of neighbors have you?" "The usual sort. Cost us just a lit tie more than I earn to keep up with 'em."—Detroit Free Press. What a happy world this would be If every man spoke as well of his live neighbors as h» does of his dead ones WASHING THE DISHES. Dolag This Job Only Once a Day, it Is Said, Saves Time. The careful housekeeper will always resent the suggestion that once a day is often enough to wash dishes," writes Dr. H. Barnard in "Table Talk" in the National Food Magazine. "She cannot train herself to allow soiled plates and Silverware to stack up from one meal to the next, for she has been taught that such actions are evidence of shift less, slovenly housekeeping. As a mat ter of fact, along with many other no tions which are fixed in the operation of the home, both time and energy are saved by cutting out two of the three daily dishwashing jobs." Dr. Barnard fcoes on to recite the ex perience of one housekeeper who actu ally dared study the homely work of dishwashing. One week she washed dishes three times a day the next week she washed each day's dishes alto gether. She used the same number of dishes each day in both weeks. SI found that it took her fifty-one minute a day to wash dishes nft^r each mft and forty-one miuut's a day t. was! them once a day. This took uccount only of time, but there was a considerable additional saving in gas or fuel consumed by heating water once instead of thrice a day, to say nothing of the saving in soap. SALT IN THE FOOD. Why Its Flavor at Times Is To or Too Strong. The average housewife she often over or dishes when she sailed them just rb did and as the The reason i Ing value of varies widely. Take live slice equal par' the sepa. salted. meation. solution 'I 1 sm ,i for effect is nut crystals are ». soluble salt di food at once savor. Sticky sance. Failures in s i. i: u changing from other. Get the be. customed to Its use i San Fyarv'loco ed to the had and take the il arrived he enter i insisted iking the the ex ays. y of films that it would be in.- e picture until a i r\s hi Villa was disgusted $s tain ment, but the a ma that there was no i exposure, nr. s at ecution w i 'it V il "By the time the next supp arrived the general had fortunate! chanced his mind and the men we saved." o Wt-nk US Ul at sli. alway oi salt proved. apply n •. as r. pe of di reai All Suits Pants made to individual order in a Union Shop The SquareTailors 106 HIGH STREEi Holbrock Bros. Peliable Dealers in Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Q,ueens\& are Millinery. House Furnishings y^DSS-Holbrock all Cash Purchases. $1.00 FEB YEAR Single File. When the Indians traveled together they seldom walked or rode two or more abreast, but followed one anoth er in single file. It has been thought by some that this practice resulted from the lack of roads, which com pelled them to make their way through woods and around rocks by narrow paths. If this were the real reason for the pracfee, then we should expect to find that the tribes who lived in open countries traveled in company, as do whites. The true reason for Jour neying as the Indians did in single seems to be a feeling of caste. This feeling was at the bottom of other customs of the Indians It made their women slaves and '.dcred the men silent and unsocial This peculiarity is Asiatic. How it lias warped an 1 disfigured Hindu life is well known. The women of a Ciii""c*» household ai" seldom seen in the et. The chil dren, when accomp. 3 i, their father, follow him nt ipectful distance, in single file and iu the order of their ages. Poor John! "Hello! Is this you, mother dear?" "Yes, Sue. What is it? Something awful must have happened for you to call me up at this" "It's not so awfui. I'-ut. John, dear, hasn't been feeling well, and the doc tor gave him pills to take every four hours. I've been sitting up to give them to him, his medic asleep. Should i w "I wouldn't if I he suffering from?" •4Insoru a." 1 *i i iironlcle. :'s about time bu has fallen Stamps with Meet him at fh & 3% & 1 i® Cor. Front and High Sis. Merchants' Dinner Lunch Served every Day Lunch Counter Connected What 1- Telegraph Smoking In Jar. in Japan woman has •ince tobacco v variably used the tiny ben tobacco to ]n which was cigarett western s.-.a- •'What was your "I had to answei Fr "We surpri? d.lg married.' "'Good Maying raticii«.c Would ke I got on my i iy? Patrice-Wli i" v.c i: Spre is the name. Square is cur aim ever and in tal with •ufiicient n whiffs until the iih oilier xcuse, 'ankly admit speed limi -C late at cot court :e of ex York by get An Anci, 'em bv f-vti i th bii is it v tesman. rfte "'A z fc v