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'•A- TOL. BONUS SYSTEM FOE OF TOILERS SCRAPPED IN THEIR PRIME So Called Scientific Management Is Constantly Increasing Number of In dustrial Defectives—No Need of So cial Insurance—La&or Wants Not Charity, but Fair Compensation. "The present speeding up of industry and driving of workers at high tension is constantly increasing the number of industrial defectives." SPEEDING UP OF INUUSI RY SOON BRIZAKh h£:ALI OF W JRKERS That is the declaration of Warren S. Stone, grand chief of the Internationa! Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Mr. Stone has soxne decided opinions upon the subject, believing that the tendency of many scientific manage ment plans is to undermine the health of workers and render them unfit for further employment when they should be in their prime. "One of the most iniquitous phases of so called scientific management," said Mr. Stone, "is the bonus system. Wherever you find the bonus system you find men overworked and suffering from over fatigue that soon breaks their health. The aim of all these plans, we are told, is to obtain 100 per cent efficiency. When that is achieved or very nearly so then what? Manage ment experts immediately waut to im prove upon perfection and get even more out of the worker. By giving him a slender share in the profits they seek to turn his unceasing toil to still bigger dividends. "This question is closely allied with that of social insurance, which we hear so much about. The first thing to do in order to establish social in surance is to divide workers into two groups—those eligible for benefits and those considered callable to care for themselves. This governmental regu lation would tend to fix citizens into two classes. And it would destroy tho very foundation of our principle of gov ernment—the spirit of independence. Solution of the problem lies in educa tion and prevention, instead of in ap n lying a remedy after the trouble has happened. "The workers of this country do not want paternalism. They want a livin wage, measured by the American standard of living. I am opposed to the paternal idea of government. 1 am irrevocably opposed to any law that will destroy the ,iimi- power of the toilers. "Sponsors of social insurance point to the wonders which they say have been accomplished in Germany by such means. Do you know that Germany's normal rate of sickness is higher than ours? In 11)1-1, before the war. Ger inauy's poverty was much greater than ours. And the whole idea of socia insurance is predicated upon a theory of government "hateful to Americans "Labor does not. waut charity, nor pity, nor coddling. We want that which is due us—a fair compensation for work well done. Social insurance laws could not be enforced without the aid of police power, giving government agents the right, to invade the home the poor man's cajt'"— and treat him as a subject for i11« y rather than as a man. It would n1 "i (hat the worker must acccpt the services of a duly dele gated physit-ian when ill. whether he had any confidence in him or not. Ex perietice in England has shown that one of the most serious drawbacks of social insurance as tried in that coun try has been the poor quality of niedi cal service rendered. The plan begets graft, politics, pork, at every turn. "Let me give you an instance of what union labor is doing within its own ranks. The Brotherhood of Loconx tive Engineers has in effect $117,000. 000 worth of insurance, and not a sin gle member of the organization is a public charge. All of them come under the insurance classification of an 'ex tra hazardous occupation,' but we have worked out a plan of adequate insur ance that costs only about 3 per cent of the men's earnings. Under this plan they receive full benefits for a number of injuries that would disqualify them as engineers. "It is of much greater importance to prevent sickness and disability than to pay sickness insurance. Cut down thi: high speed in industry, eliminate in sanitary conditions, make industrial plants livable places in which to worl and much of the need for state relief of the individual will have been re moved. And couple with that a wage that not only will enable the worker to live as he should live, but one that will enable him to lay up a competence for his old age. so that when he has work ed out his natural period of labor he can sit down in the sunset glow of by his own fireside and not be pelled to ask charity." life com Killed In Industry. Commissioner Jackson of the Penn sylvania department of labor and in dustrv designated as the three storm centers in Pennsylvania for industrial fatalities the counties of Allegheny, Luzerne and Philadelphia.' In each of these counties more than 250 workers were killed last year. Reports received by the department of labor indicate that 12,597 employees were fatally in Jurod in lil(i. Of these 1.204 were em ployed in general industries, 1,057 in Inlnes and 830 were in the employ of public service corporations. FOR DAYLIGHT PLAN. American Federation of Labor Indorses Movement to Set Clocks Back. Borough President Marcus M. Marks of Manhattan, who is chairman of the New York daylight saving committee, has announced that the American Fed eration of Labor has. through its presi dent, Samuel Gompers. approved the plan which was indorsed by the day light saving convention, held in New York. Mr. Marks added that with the indorsement of organized labor, the approval of the majority of the farm ers and the backing of civil organiza tions, the passage of the bill, now be fore congress, to move the clock for ward on May 1 so there be sixty more minutes of sunlight daily for the en suing five months, seems assured. The federation's executive council, Mr. Gompers announced, passed a res olution which in part reads as follows: We urge tho inauguration of a day light saving project for the conserva tion of time and opportunity for great er leisure and open air exercise for the masses of people, and we insist that in order that the change may be benefi cial it must have its general application throughout the United States. We will gratefully receive from and actively give to any groups the fullest support in the attainment of the project so long as it shall be utilized for the purposes herein declared." WOMEN FORCED TO TOIL Munitions Makers Accused of Threat ening Husbands With Dismissal. Threats to discharge the husbands "Unless they induced their wives to work have filled the ammunition fac tories of New Eglaiul with women, ac cording to Mrs. Florence Kelley. sec retary of the National Consumers league, who made an address at the annual meeting of the Consumers' League of Eastern Pennsylvania In Philadelphia. "The maim fact uivr-i. of ourse, deny this charge.' said Mrs. Kelloy, "but we have found evidence of it on all sides. Most of the men who make enough to support their families uave started to buy their houses ihe installment plan and t!r:- rauim! leave their po sit ions. The lvsuii, is thai when tue compa nies order them to bring their wives to work, although they do not need the money, they have do so, and the women, in order conduct their homes in the daytime, work at night The effect is clearly seen mi the health of the children," she said, and reports from nurses show that tuberculosis is increasing at an alarming rate." Federal Employees Organize. Announcement was recently made the organiza MI ior union to bo affiliated wiii can Federation of Labor of I P..! in Chi cago. The 1-..!•r iM ?!. formation of the tlliioti a- a s» in a nation wide campaign to organize all of the 400,000 employees of the government into a great labor party for the pur pose of increasing w and bettering working conditions, it was asserted that similar movements hsive V» started in several eastern cities. Jobs For Old Men. More than 900 men at the aw of for ty-five years, and many over sixty, in Chicago have been placed in jobs through the committee on unemploy ment of which Benjamin J. Rosenthal is the head and Charles G. Dawes chairuiau. LABOR BRIEFS. Shirtmakers to the number -w. of are out on strike in New 17,000 York, and the industry is paralyzed. Bricklayers and Masons' Intermit ion al union in 1S57 had but -3,0u0 mem bers. The total membership is now in excess of 82,500. Active work is now being done by the Canadian National Sen-ice Board to supplant, male labor with female Wherever possible in munition plants. A well defined movement is under way to induce congress to change the national holiday of labor to Saturday instead of Monday. The reason for this move is to prevent the loss of the lay. Since Oct 1 the membership of the California State Federation of Labor las Increased by more than 10,000, naking it one of the largest if not the jirgest state labor body affiliated with .he American Federation of Labor, Before and After. "Ah, love, I would like to listen to you all night," said Clarence as he rose to go. Six months after they were married he chanced to stay out fifteen minutes after his hour, and he had hia desire gratified.—Exchange. Paper Window*. In the early days of THE BTJTLEll COUNTS XVI. NO 45. HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1917. PROTECTS CHILDREN. New York's New Labor Law Prbvidea For Better Education. The Wellington law, ihe New York state child labor statute, which went a to effect Feb. 1. provides that chil dren must remain in school until they are fifteen before they can receive per mits to work. Only those children can o to work before they are fifteen who are graduates of elementary schools. It is believed that the number of chil dren leaving school will be materially decreased under the new law. The Wellington law imposes upon the state industrial commission the duty of supervising the issuing of work permits to children by the health offi cers. George A. Hall, secretary of the New York child labor committee, said: "The members of the committee are much gratified at the advance in the stand: ards of child protection which are ac complished through the Wellington law. It should be clearly understood hat tire law does not affect the 50,000 hildren of the state who have been legally certified to go to work during the last year. Not a single child will •e taken out of a factory or store as result of the new law. It affects only the children who will seek work per mits from now on." FOR PEACE COUNCIL American Federation of Labor to Car* ry Out Delayed Project. The executive onncil of ihe Ameri an "Federation of Labor, presided over by Samuel Gompers, decided at a re ent conference to carry into effect without delay a project for a world peace council, adopted at the general onveiitiMi of i ho M-uanizat ion at Bal imore. It prefaced a manifesto to all local unions, notifying them to be ready to elect delegates to a world peace con gress in the l.em- future. The purpose )f the congi' i to get in each coun try enlarged economic an 1 social stand ing for the workiu.: eiases as a basis for lasting peace. The council .nsidered the recom mendations of the Baltimore conven tion in favor of a Pan-American Fed eration of Labor, and at Mr. Gompers' motion it was agreed to spread such an alliance in, o and Vutral and South A 11'• i :i i- far :i- possible. LABOR PRESS MEETING. Members of International Association to Select Convention City. v. dm.M of Springfield, sei-rci ,i ii .• of the i ntematioi al Lai- I i America, has sent a letter i'i t. ii im-mber of the associa lion a-i e t.'.m to vote on the place I'M' li..'-e:i I V 1.'17 cMtveUlil-il. j'he I..i'»-r 1• holds it s annual meeting iu .May of each year at a city selected by referendum vote. The cities are nominated at the an nual convention, and ihe referendum is taken during the month- of January and February. There are seven cities in the race, and the vote will be an nounced the last week in February. There are nearly a hundred labor pa pers throughout the United States that hold membership in this association, and it is growing every year. The cit ies being voted upon are as follows: Cleveland, O.: St. Louis, Columbus, O. Dayton, O. Philadelphia. Chicago and Detroit. Midi. New Immigration Law. The senate repassed the immigration bill, with its long fought literacy test clause, over the president's veto by a vote of 02 to 19. and it thus becomes law without his signature. The house previously had overturned the vet 287 to 100. The literacy test excludes all aliens over sixteen years of age who cannot read English or some other languagt or dialect, including Hebrew or Yid dish. Any admissible alien, however or any citizen of the United States may bring in or send for his father ot grandfather, over fifty-five years of age his wife, mother, grandmother or unmarried or widowed daughter, If oth erwise admissible, regardless of wheth er such relatives can read. Unions and Merchants. What does a strong local labor move ment mean to the merchant? Just this: It means tinit the wage workei has enough to spend for the necessa ries and some luxuries in life, a twen ty-five dollar suit instead of a ten dol lar one, a three dollar hat instead of a fifty cent one, better furniture at home with other comforts, good seats at th( theaters and a little saved against fu ture debt accumulation. A poorly paid nonunion worker is brother to the pau per—that is. he is a poor customer at best, even if he can remain honest and pay his debts. Labor Fights Canneries Bill. A fight to the finish is predicted by the labor organisations of New York working with numerous men and wo men prominent in social and industrial reforms, when a cannery bill similar to that vetoed by Governor Whitman May 19, 1910, comes up before the le islature. The necessity for making thi cannery bill fight agaiu is augured from the introduction of a bill by As semblyman Dewley of Niagara, in which the issue of permitting women to work twelve hours a day neries is the American colonies greased paper was used in the windows in the absence of glass, and candles were in. use up to 1750, when lamps of whale oil were first used. in the again raised. can Many Wage Increases. Secretary of Labor William B. 'WU son stated recently that more than 1,100,000 wage earners in the United States received substantial increases in pay In the months of November and December, IHE FRUIT EVE ATE Modern Research Seems to Place It as the Cassia. HOW THE APPLE GOT BLAMED 8ome Translator Used the Latin Word "Pomum," Which Means Either "Fruit" or "Apple," Instead of "Fruc tum," Meaning Simply "Fruit." A correspondent asks how the came to be named apple as the fruit of the temptation in the garden of Eden when the original Hebrew text and all of the translations speak only of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It seemed that none of the Biblical authorities had offered any answer so far as he learn. There is was an able to answer, however, and that a very simple one. which will probably satisfy this inquirer and many others who might ask the same ques tion. It is true that in the Hebrew the words are "etz peri," the fruit of the tree, and the Greek and Latin versions so translate them. The Vulgate uses the word "fructum" for fruit, and this could not iu any way be mistaken for the specific fruit apple It is further admitted by scholars "ho hold that the paradise of the Bible, which is also described upon clay tablets of Baby lonian literature, was located near the Euphrates and the Tign -r in a But the question of how the apple came into the story is still unanswered, and no tablet will answer it. for none could mention a unknown to the Babylonians, not -.)•••••••. iug in their country. We have to go far afn i to ascertain the origin of the error, for the use of the word apple Is an error. It came about from the confusion of two words in the Latin. "Fructum" means fruit, and so does "pomum." But "pomum" also means apple, and some ancient scholar filled with Lath' words wrote "pomum" instead of "fructum" in translating this passage, and it was interpreted as specific—namely, apple— instead of general—that is, fruit There is, however, another reason for this confusion, and the persistence of the idea is shown in many the paintings by the old masters, who sometimes depict a tree laden with apples from which Eve has just picked one and is handing it to Adam. The apple plays a great part in the mythology of the Greeks and Romans, where we find the apples of Ilesperides and the golden apple offered to the most beautiful of the goddesses, which started all that famous trouble for Paris, endiu- in ti .•&> and deatmc tion of Troy The confusion ideas probably arose from the i a tion of the ap pie with critical in the affairs of men and sugge* least the spe cific iuterpretati translation of "fructum" or -i omum'' by "apple." The fact i- 'hut, so far as the Bible itself goes, n-. specific fruit Is men tioned, and i -po n of only as the tree of the km•', of good and evil But there is another fruit, tree men tioned, and this is the fig tret?, for In Genesis iii, 7, it is said, "And they sewed fig leaves ether and made themselves apron-" Possibly on this account it is a Hebrew tradition that Eve ate of the fig tree, but that has never been introduced into Bibllca text The fig tree p!a.\s a very important part in the myths of many ancient ua tions. In legend the holy family rest ed under a tig tree on their journey to Egypt. The fruitless fig tree of Jesus is one of the important elements in that parable. The Flcus religiosa, or religious tree of India, is sacred, and none is al lowed to fell it It is consulted as an oracle, and it is believed that when Brahma assumed human form a blos som of the fig tree was dropped froi heaven to tempt him. The idea of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, or wisdom tree, as it has been called, has been termed a moon myth by some scholars. Accord ing to the Scandinavian mythology, the great ash tree Ygdrasil runs down to the well of wisdom and knowledge. On this wisdom tree, the pillar of the new moon, old Odin, chief god of the Scan dinavlans, hung head downward to ex tract the words of wisdom. In India the bo tree of knowledge was the shelter of Buddha for twenty-eight days (the length of the lunar month) until he received his illumination of wisdom. It is therefore plain that the tree of knowledge of good and evil has many parallels in the faiths of all ancieut nations and that it was an error ever to think that it could have been an ap plo tree or that the 'ruit of the tempta tion was an apple.—New York Sun. Vinegar. The septic power to vinegar and used it to a large extent for this purpose not withstanding its high cost ity 1910, accordtug to figures Just compiled. ttf aicMtr w Mf WHAT LABOR WANTS. Tribute Paid to A. F. of trop ical country, where n a pies could possibly grow, so that the lruit of this tree could not have been an apple. In a tablet lately translated, which originated in Nippur ami is now in the museum of the L'nivei of Pennsyl vania in Philadelphia, me fruit is de scribed as the fruit of the cassia plant, according to Dr. Laudon. This is pos sible, for that plant i- weii Known In the region. ea Wf First.—The same right to gov- iH ern and control its asset, "la- V£ bor." the employer demands for Wt iie his asset, "capital." ift & Second.—An equal participation in the necessaries and luxuries VS of life accorded the employer. Third.—The right, to protect life and limb of the workers and compensate them when injured fc' til or their dependents in case of ttc death, without private profit to & *J£ individual insurers. ttg Fourth.—The right to do these Ml things iu combination that are 1% Us not illegal when done by an indi US vidual. Fifth.- Equal opportunity with is the nonprodueer and the employ- MS er in educating and bringing up their offspring. iit LABOR HONORS GOMPERS. L. ami of Chief In Triple Celebration. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, was the honored guest at a remarkable tri ple celebration tendered him bv union labor leaders in New York cit y. James Duncan, first vice president of the American Federation of Labor, was toastmaster. The occasion was the golden wed ding anniversar,\ of Mr. Gompers and his wife. It also marked his sixty seventh birthday and the completion of fifty years of work by him for tho cause of labor. Messages were read from President Wilson, from every member of the cabinet, from Governor Whitman and Mayor Mitchel as well as from members of congress, labor lead ers abroad and many others through the country. In the course of th- evening Mr. Gompers said: "It is the duty of every man and wo man to be of service to their fellows. There cannot be any backward step now in the movement of the great mass of the human family for justice and right. "I have mi great changes come in the work Another speaker was Mr. Gompers* ninety v. o i" i:: -I I. a.'.-r of uien ill die United St ate "Fifty Years' Sen e p. ami* wus the letrend i., e over the guests ia .v. Mr. Gom pers, his v, i r. district attorney Sv a.. —doner Gen eral of In•'.!' aminetti and many -.r persons. The thronu of amid cheers, a song the te u was: He's the Man of Labor, With ue as steel. And Ins e'er connected With a looked a.1 i:i the icU lovem* He is iii.-. .• i e van t! e s of the country I 1 u i O a n Power of the Label. Sum everj -u of the "00,000 trade unio: e in this country consid ered it a ,,e to buy prison products or scab in for product-• suppose the merchant.- knew ever 'liny of the $l,500,00o,nhi pent by these trade vu ionists would be silent only for union goods. What Would you see? Every store in this broad land patronized by workingun i: would iiave a big union label over it- do..r. Merchants would themselves advertise the union label, and manufacturers would produce un ion products and hire union labor or gc bankrupt. If unio men bought right thev would not 11a e io vi rike so much Would Aid Workers August Belmont, speaking before tlu National Civic federation, went on rec ord as favoring the extension of work men's compensation laws to all occupa tions instead of limiting them to those which are considered hazardous. lie also asserted that he was in favor of a national conference at which represent atives of the various interests involved could discuss the necessity of laws Iwhieh would compel employers to com lpensate their employees for oecupa tional diseases. LABOR BRIEFS. Remember the little union label. Plans are progressing in Meridian Miss., to build a labor temple. Machinists of St. Louis have had hours of labor reduced from fifty-four to forty-eight per week. The Lithographers' International of ancients accredited great anti This qual was greatly overrated. It is the enemy whom we do not BUS pact who is the most dangeroug Rojas. THE PRESIDENT'S FLAG. It Now Indicates When Mr. Wilson Is at the White House. Por the last quarter of a century at least the American flag has been raised above the White House when the president was there, and if the president went out for three or The which is an increase 103 members since last report. Th number of local union- affiliated is thirty-two. Two thousand six hundred and forty nine local unions are affiliated to the United Mine Workers' international union, the total membership of which is 33(5.098, an increase of 8,0(13 mem bers over last report. Canadian mem bership is 4,426. four hours the flag was pulled down, so that it would look as though the White House was only protected by the flag when the president was in residence. The Woman's Relief Corps and the Grand Army of the Republic have pro tested against this for many years, but it seemed without making any impres sion. President Wilson, however, de cided that the flag of the United States should fly over the White House from sunrise to sunset every day in the year. It seems to be necessary, however, that there be some emblem to indicate that the president Is in the city. President Wilson solved this problem by deciding that the president's flag should be raised over the White House whenever he was In residence and taken down whenever lie was outside of the White House grounds. The flag of the president of the Unit ed States is the president's naval flag, but it is little known to the public. As it flies above the White House, it rep resents the great seal of the United States- namely, an eagle displayed in proper colors, with the olive branch in one talon, the arrows in the other and above its head a glory in which appear thirteen stars. This is display ed on a ground of red, the flau itself belli:: oi'ie The seal is iucNx.-.j l. •.,» large ti\ e pointed white star ip-lcl by a row of forty-eight star- resent ing the states ,'n the Unio floats over the porte-cochere of White House, and is in a with the staff of she flag which flies from he White House prep.!' National Tribune. FLASH AND OAR OF GUNS. No Dev :e Ilo- life of the workers in my time, and my aim and those of the great organizations I represent have been to better conditions and to make each tomorrow, and each tomor row's tomorrow a better day. Labor stands witli I shoulders squared, not defiant, but «i. rermlned to go on in sisting that justice, freeucm and hu manity must be Use first consideration." rate dial: an cut :iv regardless grouping ih i merely by the t: German ill vet iner a minute qi: ir:: Gom pers, a n eui.o| "takers' union JuiuM- A i: i 'ai u'-]• -i", 'ared Mr. Gouv liie I as tney sunore 'Cei Has Proved Square is the name. Spieis jj ii i un ion is composed of thirty-four local unions, and the total membership is 4,378. The Itaiiv-ay Postal Clerks' Interna tional union has approximately a mem bership of U.'-'iki, All Suits and Pants made to your individual order in a Union Shop The SquareTailors 106 HIGH STREET oi n rot* Reliable Dealers in Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Queensware Millinery. House Furnishings oss-Holbrock Stamps with all Cash Purchases. meet him at Cor. Front and Hieli Sts. Merchants' Dinner Lunch Served every Day Lunch Counter Connected $1.00 PEE YEAR added to the powder for this purpose have been vaseline, alkaline soaps, oxalates and resinatcs of soda, barium and aluminum. None was successful. The French tackled the problem as a mechanical rather than a chemical one. A gun is really only tin explosion motor, and it seemed that there ought to be a way of muffling its sounds and its flash as those of other such motors are muffled. It was not until 1000. wh*-n Maxim invented his silencer, that the problem seemed on fhe way to solution. Many other silencers, most of which quench much of the light as well as the sound, have been invented since then, hut none is a practical success in war fare, either from the point of view of sound or of light. Figure Skating. To learn figure ska tiny one must de vote himself to figure skating. There is a special figure skate, curved on the bottom so as to make curves and cir cles entirely possible. It is round toed, and on this forward curl are deep cor rugations for toe spins. "One of the principal features of fig ure skating," said an expert, "is the curve. To be able to control the cir cles means that one has gained the power to maintain the body In grace ful attitudes. Every one should skate large figures first." Aeroplane Bombs. One uf right sid egraph. tu nous ion of •. A guns, •ded b, Ikalin the otfieers of the Mexican National Aviation corps, which is in the charge of Colonel Alberto Salinas, has invented an apparatus for the dis charge of bombs from an aeroplane by which three can be set loose at once in divergent directions, thereby greatly increasing the efficacy of this method of wnrfare. Don't Believe it. "Talk about fishi ._ said Harvey Titus, who was just under way. "What Voi:h: ie i: you found on your booh ml horse macker el?" "Do?" i i h- 'ener. "I'd get up, take a .rer and lie Press. on my New York Te! He Would, Indeed. if th old fashioned man walk" i itito u new fashioned grocery store and helped hiuu'elf to a large juicy apple in the old fashioned way the store detec tive would ha jnd the bars before he had i i he core.—Grand Human Nature Text. Mighty fev hi keep their place an* stand raisin' with a new suit of clothe.-. Mini a diamond pin. They just can't keep from thinkin' that this t!d world is only turnin' round to look •l 'em.—Atlanta Constitution. our aim jan-16-tf Ci. ••""•vF