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I i?.. $ & :r I Fatigue Long Continued Leads to Dis ease and Thus Becomes a Problem of Serious Magnitude—Physical Exhaus tion Is Directly Responsible For Low er Efficiency of Half the Population. The loug day is one of the most hide ous survivals of a past age. In some Industries, such as steel making and railroad work, long hours are main tained continuously throughout the year. On the other hand, many indus tries have rush seasons, during which the factories work for abnormally long hours and then do little or in the slack season. The hours in the steel industry are habitually long. Whether the long hours be continuous or intermittent, their result is the same. Both involve overwork. The strain of industrial effort upon the worker depends, first, upon the length of the day's work and, second, upon its intensity. Not only are hours in American industry long, but they continue long in the face of a rapid increase in the industrial strain. A score of devices are used to speed men to their uttermost. THE LONG DAY IS ONE OF THE SURVIVALS OF A PAST ACIE STRAIN ON THE WORKERS. PUBLIC HEALTH WORK. Within the last decade hours have slightly decreased in the industrial world, but with this decrease in hours has gone an increase in speed. The girls in the recent shirt waist makers' strike in New York complained that instead of watching one needle run ning as needles did ten years ago, at the rate of 2,200 strokes a minute, they were now compelled to watch from two to twenty needles on the same ma chine, some running as high as 4,400 strokes a minute. The needles break, the thread catches, the material draws —a dozen things happen, and. as the work is piecework, every minute counts. While the total number of hours may be less, the total vitality expended on the work is necessarily much greater because of the increased concentration and speed required. Fatigue is the product of the number of hours of work multiplied by the in tensity of the work during each hour In the steel mills of Pittsburgh "super intemlent is pitted against superin tendent, foreman against foreman, mill against mill. When a record is broken it means simply that the goal to be struggled for has been set ahead." Similar conditions exist in the textile mills of New England. Years ago a woman tended two slowly ruuning looms. Later, as the hours of work grew iess, the number of looms was increased to four and six. and now. with some houses, an operative is ex pected to look after from twelve to sixteen looms. Overwork is a menace to in&Jstrial. social and personal welfare, because it results in one of the most serious and farreaehing human maladies—fa tigue. Fatigue, long continued, leads inevitably to exhaustion: exhaustion leads to disease, and then ultimately to a death which Is due on'inual. wearing, intense work. overwork with its attendant evils, thus becomes a problem of serious magnitude. The waste of fatigue i" far in excess of the waste from illness, since fatigue is directly responsible for the lower efficiency of at least one-half of the population. Gripped by the stern necessity which compels him to earn his bread, the worker enters American industry ami, caught in its levers and cogs, labors on, producing what he must, to earn what he may. Society does not need the extra goods which his weary lingers shape. There is one primary factor Upon which society must depend for its maintenance —that is, upon joyous, en thusiastic men and women. There is neither joy nor enthusiasm in the vic tim of the long day. If the average worker in modern in dustry was engaged in an occupation of tense interest and broad value, eight hours might be too few, but the aver age job is a dead job—monotonous, same to the point of madness. Could you make the same motion 4,000 times a day and keep it up day after day, year after year, without growing weary? Was industry made for man or man for industry? There is one possible an twer to that question. "Every social institution was made for man hence when an institution ceases to serve man and instead demands service of him that institution must either be re formed or abolish ed." Men and women need not work twelve hours a day in order to secure a livelihood for them selves and for their families. Since this fact has been established beyond question, the loug day has been weigh ed in the balance, found wanting and condemued to abolition. Yours, good Samaritans, is the task of enforcing this just sentence.—Professor Scott Rearing. Worker* Get Raise. An increase iu wages and a forty eight hour week Siave been conceded 6.000 Chicago members of the United Garment Worker* *»ulon by nineteen firms in the order clothing trade. They re»« v- he highest wages] paid in that Un« the United States. THE BUTLER Too Many People Die From Cause* That Are Preventable. Probably 3r»0,000 people die yearly in the United States from preventable causes also something like 2 per cent of the population is disabled from sick ness at any given time, and a large part of this is preventable. The standing problem before public health boards is: Mow. with the means at their disposal, to make the greatest possible reduction in this social waste? Per imps there has been more co-op eration in this governmental field than 111 110 work any other—a freer circulation of Ideas and experience, so that one com munity has profited by the discoveries of another. Yet the work is far from systematized. tY pamphlet by the Russell Sago foundation suggests that, with ade quate reports 011 The may be nnioii^ mortality and sick ness. communities which have the same general health conditions may by careful study and comparison work out a formula for applying their health appropriations with reasonable certain ty of getting Hie best possible results for the money. The first factor in the formula would be the amount of damage produced by any given cause of sickness and death The second factor would be the readi ness with which this cause yielded to preventive measures. For example, cancer causes much damage, but in the present stage of nodical science is not classed as a pre-eutable disease. The Cambray League and the the Venetian Republic. The Learue of 'ambiay was tiie po litieal combination of continental Eu rope in l."»0S against the Veneiian re public, which fi the Adriatic" her and forced to her !ip est humiliation. Back of the lea formation w e the desire o i pie. whose history envy of he world, overthrown by a.. was r.'!• crushed I. Europe. During about A. out anion where, i ill tin 11 of crown of ti« iml causing 1 it enbition and ill' proud peo iiie wonder and powerful to be Ugle power, it should I I.-it Yet 'inbiiu I forces of th* e'Tii ile \Y, la^ooi," a il l-- of Aitila \\.\ founded of the Adrian lfety would I'eit, found from the ravages of the linn The history of the thousand years from the foundation of the city to the year 150S reads like mir.•. Uising from the waves, Venice be .wne the wonder of the world. Iler navy cut the waters of every known sea. Tier merchants were the greatest on earth. Her bank was the financial center of the world. And for more than ten centuries did Venice remain the glory of the world the center of wealth, opulence and power, the home of culture and Intel ligence. the hearthstone about which sat the finest of the intellectual graces and hospitalities, and such she might have remained but for the League o Cambray. which, with its overwhelm ing forces, gave her the blow tat A nadello in 1500) from which it was im possible for her to recover.—ExHuinpr Train Names. The old picturesque English habit of naming trains of special importance seems to be dying out fast in these ma terialistic days. While America keeps up the custom, we never speak now of a "Zulu," a "Flying Scotchman" or a "Wild Irishman." We do not call Cunard specials "Herring Pond lteds," and even the train long and af fectionately known, from its wonder ful engine, as the "Charles Dickens' has now merely a number and a time -Westminster Gazette. Maine's Knights. Maine is the only state in the Union which can boast of having three nativ W*rn sons knighted by English kings They are Sir William Phipps of Wool with, once royal governor of Massa chusetts, who was knighted in 1'5«J4 Sir William Pepperell of Kittery. who captured Louisburg for the BriUsh« and Sir Hiram Maxim.—Exchange. No Longer Skinny. The word "skinny" has gone out of fashion. In the old days when a girl was so thin and hungry looking she shamed her mother's pantry that was what they called her, but a more mod ern description is that she has a sensi tive, spirituelle fare.—New York Sun. JURE OF !S CITIES Word to the Tin Who Yearns For a Job In New York. DON'T HURRY TO LEAVE HOME Be Sure the Change to the Hustling Metropolis Will Be to Your Advan tage Before You Make It—Do Your Best Where You Are and—Wait. In the American Magazine a writer, giving some words of advice to the many aspiring young men throughout the country who feel the lure of the great cities ml who are consumed with a dtvre to try their fortunes therein, say.,. "An old friend called to ask my ad vice the other day. He came to New York from a little Indiana town. He has a wife and four children—and a poor job. "As I talked with him I kept pictur ing him where he belongs—back in the old home town. If he had stayed there he might have worke-l i'j a $1.00 or $1,200 job. which woulu ve been suf ficient to satisfy all his needs and most of his wants. lie could have had a garden, a yard, a savings bank ac count anil a membership in the local lodge. Evenings he could have sat on his porch and held converse with his neighbors. "On the Fourth of July he could have been 'some punkius' at the neighbor hood picnic, lie might have become a village councilman, and when the fall campaign arrived he could have been 011 O11 the other hand, smallpox causes little damage, but its potentialities of dam age are high, and it readily yields to the simple prevent• 1 vaccination By a sufficiently caivi'.U s.cdy of ade quate data a health beard can reduct this to mathematical terms and say, with assurance, "Twenty-four per cent of our appropriation sh i ,i pre venting infants' disease i'J per -ent to tuberculoid ures varying, ent condition-1 the like And !su on—the fi course, under differ ''limate. housing, and IH II i •Mid! I' i urday n what !'. :tion iii i'ost. CRUSHIN3 A NATION. ill o the committee to welcome the con gressman when that ureat. personage came to tV n in search of votes. In other wor1 place in th "Now, w for the $1 in New Yo a measly li :.e might have had a real community. at does he get in exchange Jin) or $1.1200 that he earns Wel I suppose lie gets 1!.-11 wiili dark bedrooms, a fine assortment of cheap lunches, two chant es daily hang by his eyelid 1 in the subway, a great fund of lonell ness ®nd a woebegone feeliny of use lessncs "That, is Ing big eii eago. Tin known tion vli i their tried found i "Thi i sea rin young fi•: try 11 i There i They trains mi-o hundreds printing pre lie trouble with these what es like New York and Clii v are all right for men of f. and ambi n to direct hard on tin ve i :id for the purpose et omc and unattached \s vi aMlity who want to m:seic "n iPi- big town. dati.-.T of ring tlvm 1 scared. The morning ing them in by the ilii 'Ty day—and all the in 11 ,«• world could not drive them "But it is said for the purpose of can ing every small town man with respon sibilities to ("iisider carefully before coming whether he has a definite aim in coming and whether he has faith and conviction that he really has some thing to give to the big town. "Don't come ju^t for the ride. Don't come except from positive choice. Don't come just uuse others are coming. The best rule of ail is this If you have no definite, compelling rea son within yourself to come, don't come until you are invited. Do your job well at home. If the big town wants you she will call you. "A hundred telegrams went out from New York today to various and remote parts of the United States carrying of fers of good jobs to smart chaps who have done so well that New York has heard of them "Only last week I met a young man from Massachusetts who had just been offered an a year place in New York. lie said he hadn't the least idea jiw the thing started—except that hi had done work that had been brought to the attention of several New York bankers, one of whom had looked him up and then Hashed him the offer of a job. "So leave your name and address with the lo nl operator and go back to our knitting New York is not tongue tied. If she nee you she'll wire. "Of course, if you think you are a howling genius you will probably take the first train for Broadway—and may be it will be just as well for you to do so. A genius is just as unhappy one place as another. But, genius or 110 genius, there won't be any brass band to meet you at Grand Central station." Very Polite. As Robert Pa ton Oibhs, the actor was strolling down Broadway in New York he met an acquaintance who seemed to be somewhat the worse for an encounter with the cup that cheers "Lend me a dollar, will you?" he in quired. "I need it." "For a drink, I suppose?" Mr. Gibbs inquired. "I might as well tell the truth. That is what it is for." "But thought you were on the wa ter wagon." "I was, but I gave ni.v seat to a lady."—Exchange. A Hint to Automobile Riders. Every automobile rider lias experi tnced the discomfort of dust In the eyes and also from the effects of cold winds. A suggestion lias been made that these discomforts may be greatly alleviated by applying castor oil along the eyelashes. This, it is claimed, will catch most of the dust before it can en ter the eye, and also it protects the eyes from the chilling eff» cts of the wind. You complain of ingratitude. Were you not repaid by jour pleasure in foing good?—Levis* ?0L. XVI. NO 46. HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1917. $1.00 FEB YEAR THREE WORD8. There are three words, the a wee test words In all of human speech, More sweet than are all eons* of birds Or pages poets preach. This fife may be a vale of tears, A sad and dreary thing Three words and trouble disappears And birds begin to sing- Three words and all the roses bloom. The sun begins to shine Three words will dissipate the gloom And water turn to wine. Three words will cheer the saddest days, "I love you?" Wrong, by heck! It is another sweeter phrase, "Inclosed find check!" WALL STREET AND STOCKS. How "Short Sellers" May Win by Buy ing on a Falling Market. There are two kinds of stock specula tors. One buys in the hope that he may later sell at a prolit. If a man buys a share of Steel at UK) and later sells it at 115 be has made .$15, less the broker's small commission. It is clear how money is made in a rising market. IIow money is made in a falling mar ket requires explanation. The process of capitalizing disaster is Known as selling short." A speculator who is sure, either be cause of some inside knowledge or be cause of his own reasoning, that stocks will tumble, gives an order to his broker to sell a block of stock for him. Let us use Central Leather as an ex ample. He has none of the stock. The broker sends word to his representa tive ou the tloor of the liange, and the sale is made. CeiI Leather is sold at tiie market price, »ay. 93. In the course of a few hours the stock which the seller did not have is deliv ered to the purch iM 1 broker ha borrowed it from i.i tier of the stock. A small fee is paid u the owner the loaned shares. The man who has sold short then watches for the in fluences which he ex]- i- will drive the stock down. Une o. days later he reads that some gre.u international tigure has made a move for peace The stock drops on the news. No one is willing to pay $!)«i a share for it. A. few are willing to pay $00. Our hero who has sold short directs his broker to buy enough shares to pay him in kind for the shares borrowed. The broker buys at $00. After the broker's fee is paid and the charge for the bor rowed stock is settled the speculator receives a little less than $3 a share as a result of his short selling. He mere ly sold at 03 what he later bought for 90. He has no stock. He never had any stock. He so'd it before he bought it. The "short" seller 1- never an in vestor. He never buys to keep. He never buys except to enable him to re turn what he has borrowed.—Uncle Dudley. In the 1'ostou Globe Sunday Spurned the Offer. tlcorge Sunday, eldest son of Billy York a short time Sunday. ^:nd in N' ago: "My fath-r's 1 talked abor.: w I handle l.i what is offeri the last da isn't as biv goes to charity a of his organizati "This very daj more. I11 miles. Will Cody me always i ncs to a city. lie gets only 1 i his services on :i inpaign, and this for much of it ill.- maintenance i dec iiued on my fa titer's behalf an offer of $1,000,000 from a moving picture concern he re fused $3u0. the movies: ii li offers from tirn ecords. My fa: sincerely refuse hrist." rF~\/~ CODY WAS SCARED One Occasion When Buffalo Bill Was Shy on Courage. TYING A MARRIAGE KNOT. Aa a New Justice of the Peace He Had to Perform the Ceremony, but He Didn't Like the Job—One of His Close Calls as a Pony Express Rider. It is difficult for this generation of boys, even though they be born on the 'Great American desert," to believe that Buffalo Bill was ever anything except the star of a tent show, but old timers know of his perilous life of ear lier days as au Indian fighter, scout, overland freight guard and pony ex press rider. When the Kansas Pacific railroad was building to the coast it employed Will Cody to supply its construction gangs with meat. One of the greatest shots of the plains, he won his name and his spurs killing buffalo for the builders of the iron trail. During ludian campaigns Cody rose to be chief scout for the army and In dian adventures became a part of his daily routine. The fame of Buffalo Bill spread through the army. None doubt ed the courage and resource of the great scout and Indian hunter. Yet one day this courage was sorely tried. There was one time when Buf falo Bill admitted he was scared. General Emory, in command at Fort McPberson, induced the county author ities to make Biu'ialo Bill a justice of the peace. "W"hy, general, protested the scout. "I don't know any more about law than a mule knows of singing." But the appointment was duly and iegally made, and the new Justice had to serve. His first task was to perform a wed ding ceremony. A The young e days' work in :ofused countless lio make talking lias always and o commercialize Why Stones Cannot 3uro Like Cosl. Stones cannot burn for the simple reason that they are dead matter which has burned out. When anything burns it takes into its system all the oxygen of the air that it can combine with. When it has done this it cannot be urned any burning any substance changes its character. The original element, of most of the rocks and stones we see was silicon, and when that combines with oxygen the result is a form of rock, a concrete substance, but unburnable. London's "Seven Dials." The Seven 1 Mais in London is a place where seven streets branch off—viz 1, Great Earl street Little Karl street 3, Great St. Andrew's street 4, Little St. Andrew's street Great White Lion street 5, Little White Lion street 7, Queen street. The long cross stone wliieh stood in the middle cen ter was seven square at tiie top, with a dial ou each square. it Does Happen. "I don't think the truth of that Cin derella story ever came out." "No?" "I think she took off her slipper be cause it hurt her. I've seen ladies do that In restaurants many a time."— Kansas City Journal. Sometimes They Are. "Are women funny?" aska an ex change. Well, we know one about fifty years of age who tries to look as though she were about eighteen.—Ma con Telegraph. Motorcar Tire Casings. Before putting on a tire casing wipe it out carefully with a moist rag, to 'nsure that the inner tube will not be iamaged by dirt or sand lodged in the rasing. Hope against hope and ask till ye WK:etTO.~Montgomery. wedding was a great event at McPhersou, and the whole fort resolved to attend. In vain his wife and sisters tried to coach Buffalo Bill. Nobody could find a copy of the marriage service. The great day came. The guests as sembled. Cold sweat stood in beads on the brow of the Indian flirhter FTi" hands trembled. Yet at first the eerennuo tnoved without reproach. The bride and groom were counseled in the conven tional manner until the close of the ceremony, when Buffalo Bill startled the congregation by announcing. "Whom God and Buffalo Bill bath Joined together let no man put asun der!"' As a mar: in- t„. v\as v„t.-d a great su e Before the days o news traveled by tl nine days from St. .It the railroad, to Sa distance over the e telegraph ny express, the end of 1. Cal. The e was 1.9GG r.. v u of the pony riders in -m ,. was durii that he saved ins life by the employ of the relay •lerness. It engagement his knack of shooting straight and thinking quickly. Will wab ridins from Red Butte, 011 the North Piatt Three Crossings, on the Sweetwji'e u distance of sev enty-six miles, when a station boss one day informed him: "There's signs of Injins about, Billy. Better keep you: e peeled rkier n.Hlded on,prehen sion as he swung into tiie sadule on a fresh pony and dashed out of the sta tion with his mail sacks. Plainsmen learned early to keep theli eyes open. As Will Cody rode he scan ned the country ahead of him with tire less gaze. Every rock and hummock had his attention. It was a grim, wild country he rode through. Great cliffs overhung his nar row path and darkened the way. For ests of black pine stood thick on the precipitous slopes of the Rockies. His keen eye caught sight of a sligh movement behind a large bowlder tha lay ahead of him. It needed no mor than that to tell the pony express ridei of danger. Riding at top speed towarr the danger zone, he made his plan. Cody was almost upon the rock be fore he swerved his horse sharply and dashed off to one side. Two rifle re ports came simultaneously, and from behind the rock sprang two unmount ed Indiaus. At the same time a score of Indian on ponies burst from the timber 011 the opposite side of the valley and rode toward him. Ahead lay a narrow pass leading to safety. The race began. Only one rider threatened the express messenger. He wore the headdress of a chief, and his pony was fleetest. Close together the horses sped to ward the pass, and the Indian was gaining steadily. Cody turned In his addle. The Indian chief had lifted £tto arrow to bis bow and even then was sighting his target. Like a flash Cody drew his revolver Seemingly he fired without aim, so quick was the action. The Indian dropped from his saddle, and the pony express sped on safe. -Kansas City Star. Described. "Pa, what is meant by a reminiscent BQOOd?" "When your mother is reminding mt of the things I promised her before w* Were married she may be said to be a reminiscent mood, my boy."—Detroit Free Presu. Dare to be true. Nothing can need a lie. A fault which needs it tno^t {rows two thereby.-Herbert. MAKING HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Dangers of Poisoning to Which th» Workers Are Exposed. The making of modern munitions of war has brought into prominence sev eral types of Industrial diseases hith erto almost unknown. One of the most troublesome of these is that commonly known as "T. N. T. poisoning," due to exposure to the fumes of tri-nitro-toluol or to the in halation of dust generated in mixing certain high explosives of which it forms a constituent. Unusual drowsiness, frontal head ache and eczema are the first symp toms of T. N. T. poisoning, and work ers so affected are promptly given some other occupation, when the symp toms quickly disappear. Less dangerous, but very trouble some, is tetryl poisoning. Manipula tion of this explosive produces a light dust, which gets into the mouth, nose and eyes and sets up a painful sore ness, accompanied by headache, nau sea and an almost intolerable itching. Curiously enough, individuals vary very considerably in their susceptibil ity to tetryl poisoning. Some workers are not all affected by it or only In a very slight degree, while others can hardly enter a room in which it is be ing handled without suffering severely. Luckily tetryl poisoning does not en danger life, nor are the symptoms in any case so severe as those due to T. N. T. poisoning. Tetryl possesses the annoying property, however, of stain ing the skin and hair yellow, bur means have been found of largely counteracting this If th"» workers care to avail themselves of them. Other industrial diseases of a similar nature more or less prevalent in muni tion works are due to handling fulmi nate of mercury, to exposure to the fumes of a substance known as tetra chlorethane, to other noxious rated In the w ent processes from lead pois Yet work-: t ing nitr Mai of various i dust gene (he differ ic re and also Ue munition cute polson i' ape of i. pla-'es apt termi- EXERCISING AT HOME. How On© Wise Man Utilizes His Open Air Sporting Outfit. I didn't dness allow ed you mu i ts," said the visitor as he gian e,i around at the athletic paraphernalia display- -n the walls of his friend's den. it doesn't—much,' ied the mid lie aged business in 'When I get v chance 1 sneak off so i I I I Xo ^ue country ciuu, oac most or my exercising I do right here in this room." "Surely you don't use the basket ball or the ice skates or that rifle here,'' said his friend, with a smile. "You're wrong I do," said the busy man briskly. "See that hook in the ceiling? I string the basket ball up, put on that pair of old kid gloves and bang it around for ten minutes every other morning or Square is tiie name. Squareis our aim All Suits and Pants made to your individual order in a Union Shop TheSquareTailors 106 HIGH STREET so. nolbroclf Bros. Reliable Dealers in Dry Goods, Carpets, Cloaks, Qu eerie ware Millinery. House Furnishings Voss-Holbrock Stamps all Cash Purchases. Meet him at Cor. Front and Hieh Sis. Merchants' Dinner Lunch Served every Day Lunch Counter Connected Best punching bag I ever tried. "Those ice skates are Just the right weight to use as dumbbells in some very quick exercise. Any one of those golf sticks makes a wand such as they use in gymnasiums to take the quirks out of the muscles of the arms, chest and back. "Those tennis balls are invaluable for strengthening the grip of the hands and the cords of the forearm. Take one In each hand ami squeeze it about fifty times as hard as you can every day. "With that hunting rifle 1 haven't used in four years I go through the same stunts, including the manual of arms that I'ncle Sam has worked out to keep his soldiers in good trim. I must admit that that tennis racket has puzzled me. I can't think of a thing to do with it except practice strokes with one of the balls against that clear part of the wall."—New York Sun. The Word "Rubaiyat." The word "Rubai.vat" is the plural of "ruba'i," meaning quatrain, and the plural is used to denote a collection of quatrains. The form has a verse scheme of its own and is the distinc tive and most ancient Persian meter. It is said to have been invented by Rudagi, the earliest of the great Per sian poets. Nearly all the Persian poets include Rubaiyat among their works. Edward FltzGerald made it an English form. Money Panic. "What was the worst money panic you ever saw?" asked one financier of another. "The wost money panic 1 ever saw," was the reply, "was when a fifty cent piece rolled under the seat of a street car and seven different women claim ed it."- Exchange. Shrewd Woman. "I am encouraging my husband to buy an automobile." "They cost an awfui lot." "That's just it. If he pays $2,500 tor the kind he wants he won't be able to preach economy to me for quite awhile."—Boston Transport. Snubbing Science. "I hear old Smudge's doctors hare given him up." "Yes he is getting well in the nat Iral way." Baltimore American. '•W 'J. a i 1 I jas-lb-tf with CAFEi 1