«, I r., ', «^v- The Hamilton Dime Savings Bank Co. Capital $100,000 Surplus 950,000 G«o. P. Sohngen, President Clarence Murphy, Vice-Preaideir W. J. Becker, Cashier DIRECTORS Geo. P. Sohngen C. E. Heiser Clarence Murphy Geo. A. Rentaehler Chaa. Sohngen C. Diefenbach, Jr. Ed. C. Sohngen The Best Glass of Beer to be Had is ••••T E» Martin Mason BrewingCa's CE,LE,BRATED #LAGE.R BE.ER# Loans The J. Pabst Sons Co. ROBERT Bell Phone 618-X CHAS. Loge Bros. Locksmiths, Gunsmiths, Machinist* Motorcycle and Bicycle Re pairing and Supplie* a GAS MANTLES AND FIXTURES a Agents for Sunbeam Mazda Lamps and Electrical Supplies N. E. Comer Third Uamiitnn OVllA and Market Street. namillOn, UniO S O E STORE S-tl.ll Sells UNION SHOES at CUT PRICES Shoes for the whols family with Bargains Every Day 118 High Street, opp. Court House UNION STORE CARD The Home Loan & Building Ass'n Money on Homes Borrowers can pay back in whole or in part at any time 6 Ll Reily Block Both Phones interest $15 AND UP C. J. PARRI3H, Secretary STYLISH SUIT W1 I I I i 4 The Custom Tailors Union Labil Stands',, test in Tailoring COAT and PANTS !rifST9f#^#aoRl0 3-PIECE SUITS if'.., ,'RDfcR {£r&^ec~A to (JRUER GEORGE V. SCHWARTZ Cor. Heaton and Miami Ste. HAMILTON, OHIO Duersch Coal Co. Established 1865 The liossfeld & Son Co. V. Loki,aie and P.rlail Dealers in Domestic and Imported Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Etc. Wfflmm\m\mw\\mHmmmnimmMm\mm\m\mmMmm\m{mmim\\mmm\mm\mmm\\mmmmmn\mmmn\mm\mm\mm\mmimmttmimmaimMMummMmmimmmmm Phone 47 or 160 FOR COAL, LUMBER, OR CEMENT. SEWER PIPE WIRE FENCE, CLAY TILE, ETC. The Anderson-Shaffer Company The Citizens' Savings Bank & Trust Co. Rentschler Building Solicits your bank account. Interest paid on Savings Account and Time Certifi cates of Deposit. Collci.tious promptly attended to. H. A. Rentschler, Pres. Allen Andrews, Vice-Pres. Wm. L. Huber, Secretary Charles I. Anderson, Cashier Bismark Cafe Choice Wines, Liquors, Cigars Strictly Union Made Goods. Underneath The Union Headquarters Frank Cronin, Mgr. J*J lac o L88-3 JpB!iS«#iSPwt *«»p 'h yo- thfi 's^t' for a UNION MADE TO CALL TO SEE Bell Phone 664-X fieti Phone 1423-X Home fhuut: Family Trade Solicited Hosafeld Bldg. NONPAREIL PRIN $17 AND UP ORDER 462 S. 3r K,'. All Clothes Made In 'Vtt' My Own Shop GREATER HAMILTON'S Greatest Department Store 1ATHE5 •«. OHNGEI-,* ALWAYS LOOK FOR THIS SIGN WE CARRY THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods, Millinery, Cloaks, Suits and Carpets IN BUTLER COUNTY "Delishus" Drinks are made in a Sanitary Bottling Plant of purest ingredients and Distilled Wat«r. Papst* Im perial Ginger Ale has no equal. Best Brands Cider and Vin egar. Both Phones 29. Musicians, No. SI Baker's No. 81 _. Barbers, No. 1S2 Bri were, No. 83 ... Teams tors, 176 Electrical Workers, 648 Poiisiiers, Farmers Switchmen, 130 Woman's Union Label League Uuiua Boot and Shoe Bepairers, No. 847_ City Firemen's Union, No. 16899 Tailors'. No, 4l3._ Typographical, 487 .. Toi ,acco Workers Stage and Operators Bricklayers Bartenders Paper Makers United Trades and Labor Council ... Brewery Drivers and Stablemen Brewery Engineers Bricklayers Building Trades Council ... _____ Cfeiper.ters No. 839 _____ Carpenters No. 346 i German) Cement Workers Dayton Job Pressman Assistants No. 12 Electrical Workers, No. 118 Electrotypers and Sterotyper*. No. 16 Hod Carriers Machinist, No. 608 .. Typographical, No. 176 Horse Shocrs Carpenters, No. 104 Ganuesit Workers Machinist, No. 226 Brewery Workers, No. 60 Bartenders League, No. 222 Hoisting Engineers Bill Posters Plumbers, No. 162 Moving Picture Operators Iron Molders, No. lfcl Iron Molders, No. 46 Luth Union, No. 194 Plasterers Union Pattern Maker* Stake Employes Stove Mounters Tailors', No. 302 Tile Layers Upholsterers Lithographers Electrical Warkers, No. 118 Metal Polishers, No. 6 Cixar Makers, No. 86 Bakers. No. 61 Clerks, No. 163 Printing Pressman Sheet Metal Workers Teamsters, No. 62 Photo Engravers Barbers, No. 22 Pa inters, No. 249 Musicians Musicians, No. 636 (Colored) Woman's Union Label Lea go* Cooperative Trades and Labor Council, Hamilton Alternate Tuesdays, Trades Council Hall, s. cor. 2nd and Court 1st Monday. Imp. Band Koom, 5 High l»t and 3rd Saturday, T. C. Hall 2nd and 4th Mondays. T. C. Hall 2nd and 4th Fridays, T. C. Hall Stationary Firemen, #8 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 208 High St. Burtenders, 169 l«• and 3rd Sunday afternoon, T. C. Hall BUckimitha and Helpers, 29 1st and 3rd Fridays, T. C. Hall Carpenters, 637 Every Thursday, T, C. Hall ClKar Makers, 128 _..-nd Monday, T. C. Hall Horge-Shoers, 75 1st and 3rd Monday, 338 High St. Iron Molders, 68 Iron Molders, 283 Steam Engineers, 81 Theatrical Stage Employes Common Laborers, 266 Mftal Trades Council Machinist*. 241 Plumht-rs, 108 Pattern Makei« Printing Pressmen Painters and Decorators Every Thursday, T. C. Hall Paper Makers Retail Clerks, II# 2nd and 4th Mondays, T. C. Ball. Stove Mounters, 8 1st and 3rd Fridays, T. C. Hall Tailors', No. 368 .1st Tuesday Typographical, 290 jind Wednesday, T. C. Hall Secretaries will pl«*»c ail cbaugt* in their address. Jobbing Promptly Attended To Office and Store 147 N. Third St. Sewer Tapping Home Phone 783-M Gas Fixtures Bell Phone 183-X Louis B. Schaub PRACTICAL PLUMBING STEAM AND GAS FITTING Cement, Sewer Pipe. Try Ebony or Lilly White Ash Coal on your next order. Coke, Feed. Both Phones Geo. P. Sohngen, Pree. Edw. C. Sohngen, Sec. and Treas. The Edw. Sohngen Malt Co. MANT/'i nv.'JI KKfo or MALT Office and Malt House 'Corner Fourth and TTIgh Streets Phone 124 Hamilton, Ohio PATRONIZE HAMIL TON INDUSTRIES LEADING HAMILTON CONCERNS WHO SOLICIT THE CO OPERATION OF ORGANIZED LABOR AND THEIR FRIENDS n HOSIER OF ORGANIZATIONS Agents For REXALL Remedies HAMILTON LABOR UNIONS ...xBt and 3rd Monday, T. C. Hall Alternate Wednesdays, T. C. Hall _Jst i.nd 3rd Mondays, T. C. Hall 1st and 3rd Sunday, T. C. Hall 2nd and 4th Thursdays, Symrna Hall 2nd and 4th Fridayn, T. C. Hall Ever* Wednesday, T. C. Hall. list and 3rd Monday, SauerB Hall 1st and 3rd Fridays, T. C. Hall.. 2nd Wednesday ibL and 3rd Thursday, T. C. Hall Alternate Tuetidays, T. C. Hall. ..... Alternate Wednesdays, T. C. Hall 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Township Hall 2nd and 4th Thursdays, T. C. Hall 2nd and 4th Thurs.. and 1st Friday 3rd Friday at 42 N. 6th St. MIDDLETOWN LABOR UNIONS Middletown Trades and Labor Council .First and Third Thursdays, T. C. Hall H. R. Voria, 906 Baltimore St. Iron, Steel and Tin Workers 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 1L of P. Hall Roland E. Layer. 919 Moore St. Carpenters —_—.—__.4th Friday, T. C. Hall Roy Morgan, Elwood und Henry Sli Hodcarriers 1st Monday, T. C. Hall D. R. Jackson, 504 Lefferson. Musicians _.lst Sunday morning. T. C. Hall Homer Newkirk, Clinton Street. Metal Polishers 2nd and 4th Thursdays, T. C. Hall Ford Guerin, Sec'y., 416 Canal St. Plasterers 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, T. C. Hall T. A. Scully, 442 E. 2nd St. Plumbers 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, T. C. Hall Geo. Buck, 909 Baltimore St. Barbers int and 3rd Mondays, B. TI DAYTON LABOR UNIONS THE MiailiMuudd Laiiiidfy CO. 407-409 Main Street Spccial Attention Given All Work BE A TRUE. UNION MAN. Patronize those who support you. For in Union there is Strength. ConiW's Store There are Union ClerKs and Home Furnishings. Eagle Temple Credit extended. 3 8-322 S. 2nd St. Patronize ™B Meets every Thursday evening. Plumbers Hall—Daniel Sullivan, 17 East Pond St, Sea Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 6th and Plum St... Casper Beisel, 16 Bonner St. Sec. Meet 1st Tuesday of each month, Cor 6th A Plum J. A. Hultgren, 626 River St., Sec. —„Mtet every Monday eve., 302 E. 6th St. Nat Baylies, 882 Johustou St., Ses. Meets every Wednesday night at Plumbers Hall Meet every Friday eve., at 1120^ W. 8rd Street Meet 3rd Tuesday, 220 McLain St. Mwi every Thursday at 302 E. 6th St. .Meet 2n»' Wed. of each month, Plumbers Hall Kdwin Jonas, Bas. ____Meet every Tuesday at 26 N. St. Meet lBt Tuesday of each month, 88 EL 8rd St Louis Mitchell, 16 Lafayette St., Sec. 301 Dunbar Ave W. S. Vance, 123 Mathews Lane, Sec. -____23 Hortoa St, J. J. O. Neal, 238 Warren St., Secy. ———409 Arcade Bldg. Jame» Duncan, 4oa Arcade Bldg., Secy. Meet every Tuesday eve., 26 N. Main St „„..C. K Leaply, W01 Trjy and Ray C. Vore, 40 Hershey St., Sees. Mt-et 1st Wed. of each month, 184 S. Jefferson Emma Reiber, 224 W. 6th St., Sec. i.1. Meet 38 E. 3rd St Geo. D. Richardson, 38 E. 3rd St., Secy. —.—Meet 2nd of each month at 217 S. Jefferson St. Chas. Gruehler, 849 River St., Secy. ,_.__..Meet at 802 E. 6th St. _..J. F. Eichorn, 7 Market St., Secy. Highland flats W. S. Gregg, 41 Great Miami Boul., Secy. 65 Eagle St R. E- Maars, 27 N. JelTerson St., Secy. —Meet ea»* Monday eve.. Main ft Washington St....Geo. Lorah, 827 Loraine Ave., Secy. Meet 1st & 3rd Monday at 6th & Commercial St. ——Meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 302 E. 5th St. Meet 2nd Thursday at Lafayette Hall Frank C. Seiler, 118 Campbell St.. Sec. Meets at 26 N. Main every Tuesday J. D. Young, 61 Potomac St., Sec. Meet 1st and rd Friday at 6th & Plum St. Benjamin Closterman, 122 S. Nevin, Secy. —Meet Wednesday of ea month, Plum A 6th St-....Wm. Schneiberger, 6tb and Plum, Secy. Meet 1st A 3rd Saturdays at 6th A Commercial Geo. L. Wallace, 16V Samuel St., Secy. E. H. Clevenger, 12 Edgar Ave., Secy. —Meet 3rd Tuesday of each month. Plumbers Hall A. W. Kramer, 466 Wyoming St.. Secy. Meet 302 E. 6th St. J. R. Bickman, 249 W. 6th St., Secy. -Meet 1st Sunday at Lafayette Hall Geo. R. Richardson, 310 Wayne Ave., Secy. ——Paul Laub, Jr., 120 Rookwood Ave., 8ecy. ...Meet 2nd A 4th Monday at 26 N. Main St. A. C. Ehrstine, 436 N. Main St., Secy. _.Meet 1st A 3rd Friday at Lafayette Hall H. W. Buzzard. 437 Kiefaber St., Secy. —M'-et 1st Sunday at Hollericamps Hall Frank Fergus, 142 S. Hawthorne St., Secy. —Meet 1st Sunday at Eilis Hall H. C. Shadden, 60 Homestead Ave., Seey. _.lst and 3rd Tuesdays, Hollencamp Hall. Mrs. E. Stanrel, 620 W. 4th St. RADCLIFFE IN THE THIRD DISTRICT c. John C. Gfroerer, Pres. Henry Brtnkcr, Frank Wessel, 227 N. St. J. Edw. Li'hmkuhl, 432 East Ave. Jacob Riedel, 436 Owen St. Ernst Legg, 227 South 7th Albert Brown, 601 South Monument Av» Otto Pigman, 22 Stephen St. Arthur Burns, 334 S. 6th. H. Wyats, R. R. No. 1. A. E. Egtfleston, 136 Webster A\e. H. Brinker, 267 Washington St. Harry Kemle, 624 S. Second Harry Hansel, 627 Hanover St. Thos. Beats, 718 East Ave Bob Singer, 2181 Peck Ave. Tom Brennan, 205 So. Third. Chaa. P. Cook, 268 Washington St. Ralph Lenehan, 1122 McGlynn St. __—T. M. Zilliox, 780 i'nr:-t Avt. John Durwin, 1026 Hanover St. Phil Kendall, 876 N. Second St. Eldon J. Bruck, 641 S. Front St. Wm. Finfrcck, 308 S. Second St. -Robert Faliert. 621 Prytania Ave. ..John Baker, 819 East Ave. .. Wm. J. David, 462 S. Third St. .Oscar F. Bergman. 1025 Campbell Ave. ..Frank Cruvvfcnl, !.'!•} Churls St. ..Bernard Cawein, 718 East At*. ..Ernst Snow, 1161 Ludlow St. ..J. C. Boyle, Hanover Township, Ohio ..Wm. J. Welsh. 619 Central Ave. ..Mrs. Edith Vaughn, 310 S. Second St. .Henry Bubenheim, See., 42 N. 6th. Frank Wolf, Sec'y., Hose Co. Mo. 4. K. Barber Shop M. Sennett, 208 E. Third Street. .4th Tuesday, Trades Council Hall W. Schwartz, Secy. ,_..ist Tuesday, T. C. Hall Neil Heilker, The Brotherhood. ...1st and 3d Saturdays Trades Council Hall Flo Stacey, Sec'y., 632 E. 3rd. _...2nd and 4th Mondays, T. C. Hall Otto Kaiser, Tytus Ave. ..1st and 3rd Mondays, Red Men's Hall T. Wiison, Yankee Road. -1st and 4th Sunday afternoons Charles H. Luckey, 308 E. Fourth St .—2nd and 4th Sundays Henry Laurence, P. O. Bo* 9i. B. P. Mitchell, 3rd arid Finley St., Secy. C. Morganthaler, Ideal Theatre, Secy. Meet 2nd and 4tn Wednesday at Lafayette Hall Meet 1st and 3rd Monday eve., at 6th A Plum L. Phillips. 29 Britt Ave., Secy. Meet Plumbers Hall Ora Kress, Secy. Meets 2nd and 4th Monday at 802 EL 6th St. Meet 1st and 3rd Wed. at 38 E. 3rd St. D. L. Logan, 207 W. Monument Ave, Bea. Meet 1st Sunday at 302 E. 6th St Geo. Kern, P. O. Box 78 _.Meet 2nd Monday, 6th and Plum St. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, Plumbers' Hall Emel Weber, 37 Central Block. the fiamilton ICE CREAM s Bell Phone John H. Rogers W. A. Brehm S. L. Clark CIk fiamilton transfer Co. Hauling of All Kinds Safes and Heavy Machinery a Specialty. Storage. Auto Truck for Picnics, Etc. 328 MAPLE AVE. BOTH PHONES go. WM PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM 710-X Home Phone 403 Is well prepared for JOB PRINTING in the highest pcrfcctici) Dr. flillikin, Dentist ^LnrBui^r3' Homi I*I Ni-: Use Our Money Low Rates. Easy Payments. Personal Property Security lie nil an ii Co.'s Both Phones 28 s The Name of No. 119 S. Second St. S. D. Fitton, President C. E. Mason, Vice Pre .. Don. U i utou, A -it 8/V is iiUiivLtif! 208 S. Third Sta O U O A Makes warm friends and gives the Best Results H. Pater &. Son DRUG CO. Hamilton's Reliable Drug Store COR- HIGH and SECOND STREE.TS COT. East Avenue and Boulevard Bell Phone 159 Home Phone 219 OF HAMILTON, OHIO Capital Surplus $250,000 $250,000 THE Hamilton Lumber Co 940 Central Avenue Lumber Mill Work, Cement, Plaster AUTO SERVICE, ETC. IW A U N I O N The 6 E. B. Rogers. kind that always satisfies the general public. Let us convince you by placing your Drders with us. Delivery WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE Deposit Your Savings with the Interest Paid On Savings Accounts i ,f- lltisr, Pirv .co. P. Sol'Syri, V,, t-f'its i i. V 1'ii 11 ii',. \'ii e-Pres. U-l.ii a.-ljifi I,. I'-ebhnit A -•*. i V sh ic I Stands before the world in Music, as Shakespeare's name does in Literature. The answer always WURLITZER ""s,PIANOAND 1 PLAYERS TALKING MACHINES LATEST RECORDS AND PLAYIiR KOI LS 1'.. Hughes. Ais't. Cashier 1'. Benninghofen, Vi -e Pies, i G. Rmler Cashier I M. Bee lei A-r/t Cashier 1 i CASKETS, DRESSES AND SUITS Can now be secured in Hamilton. We have eciircd for Hamilton and vicinity The Western Ca.sket Co. line of LNJON MAD1 GOODvS. Why not use Union Made Goods? Ask to see the LABKl Every one of these Caskets, Dresses or Suits carry the Union. I.abel. Call in and sec them. The Griesmer-Grim Co. COltNLR FRONT AND 1A lil.OW, HAMILTON, OHIO Beth Phones 0 People's Deposit Improvement & Loan Co. Room 205 Rentschler Bldg. Hamilton, Ohio Dividends declared in February {and August of each year. Pres James Fitton, Sec'y cf lfce sit arc ti e .'to 1 87.