.K'u %, Om. K)ilMMllWHIttilHtHMlt)ilB»iUII»lUHttiUlll»lll«»WM»lB«iaHilWI«WI»mHlfllMKttn^^ The Hamilton Dime Sayings Bank Co. Capital 9100.000 Surplus 950.000 P. Sohngea, President Clarsnca Motphy, Vice-Preaidea* W. J. Becker, Cuhtcr I E O S OM. P. Sohngen C. E. Heiaer Clarence Murphy Geo. A. Rentsehler Chas. Sohngen C. Diefenbech, Jr. Ed. C. Sohngen The Best Glass of Beer to be Had la ••••T Er Martin Mason BrewingCo.'s CELEBRATED *LAGE.R. BEER# The J. Pabst Sons Co. BOSSRT Bell Phone 613-X CRAS. ros. Locksmiths, Gunsmiths, Machinist* Motorcycle and Bicycle Re* pairing and Supplies 0 CAS MANTLES AND FIXTURES Agents for Sunbeam Mazda Lamps and Electrical Supplies f-fn N. E. Corner Third miltnn OK irk •ad Market Streets OaiJlHtOn, UmO PEOPLES ITVRI Sells UNION SHOES at CUT PRICES Shoes for the whois family with Bargains Every Day 118 High Street, opp. Court House UNiON STORE CARD The Home Loan & Building Ass'n Loans Money on Hornet Borrowers can pay back in whole er la part at any time 6 interest Reily Block Thi BOAT and ,TO OHiJfcf $15 WM C. J. PARRISH, SKnUry PANTS is AND UP STYLISH SUIT A e e that you have this label. For a UNION MADE CALL TO SEE Bell Phone 664-X Bell Phone 142&-X Home Phone 13W&-M GEORGE V. SCHWARTZ OMT. Heateo and Miami Sta. HAMILTON, Duersch Coal Co. Bttabliehed 1»06 Tk Hossfeld & Son Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Domestic and Imported Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, Gins, Cordials, Etc. Both Phones Family Trade Solicited Hoeafeld Bldg. *ZY Phone 47 or 160 FOR COAL, LUMBER, OR CEMENT, SEWER PIPE WIRE FENCE, CLAY TILE, ETC. The Anderson-Shaffer Company The Citizens' Savings Bank & Trust Co. Rentschler Building Jk Solicits jour bank account. Interest paid on Savings Account and Time Certifi eates of Deposit. Collections promptly attended to. A. Rentschler, Pres. Allen Andrews, Vice-Pres. Wm. L. Huber, Secretary Charles I. Anderson, Cashier Bismark Cafe Choice Wines, Liquors, Cigars Strictly Union Mtdt Goods. Underneath The Union Headquarters Frank Cronin, Mgr. Custom Tailors Uniin Label Stands U.: Best In Tailoring QlfS^v^'VAtLORc 3-PIECE SUITS U E 17 AND UP TO ORDER fin 462 S. 3rd ill Clothes Made In My Own Shop OHIO NONPAREIL PRINTING CO GREATER HAMILTON'S Greatest Department Store MAT HE SOHNGEN sfc WE AT.WAYS LOOK FOE THIS SIGN CARRY THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT Dry Goods, Millinery, Cloaks, Suits and Carpets IN BUTLER COUNTY Co-Operative Trade* and Labor Coaacil, Hamilton MusicUns, No. 81 Baker's No. 81 Berbers, No. 1S2 .. ,. Brewers, No. 88 Electrical Workers, 048 Polishers, ... Farmers Switchmen, 180 Woman's Union Label Leacoa Union boot and Shoe Repairers, No. 47. City Firemen's Union. No. 16899 Middietown Trades and Labor Council Iron, Steel and Tin Workers Carpenters Hodcarriers Musscians Metal Polishers Plasterers Plumbers Tailors', No. 41X Tyi'ographieal, 487 Tobucco Workers Stage and Operators Bricklayers Bartenders Paper Makers Jobbing Promptly Attended To Sewer Tapping Gaa Fixtures RtfSltR OF ORGANIZATIONS nr Stationary Firemen, 98 Bartenders, 169 BUrksmiths and tfelpei*, it Carienters, 687 CiKir Maker*, 128 Hores-Sbosrs, 7 Ir t. Molders, 68 Iron Mo 1 der* 1183 Steam Engineers, 91 Theatrical Stage Employes Ojmmoti Laborers, 251 Metal Trade* Council Machinists, 241 M. u t.ut( is a.-, Butcher Workmen Plumbers, 108 Pattern Maker* Printing Pr«e*(nen Painters and Decorators Paper Makers Retail Clerks, 119 Stuv« Mounters, 8 Tailora', No. 868 Typographical, 290 _™ Teamsters. 176 S« ctterlm will pleese report all changs* in their address. United Trades and Labor Council Brewery Drivers and Stablemen Brewery Engineers Bricklayers Building Trades Council Carpenters No, 839 Cfc tenters No. 846 (German) Cement Workers Dayton Job Pressman Assistants No. IS Electrical Workers, No. 118 Electrotypers and Sterotypers, No. IS Hod Carriers Machinist, No. 608 Tfograyhical, No. 171 Horse Shoers Carpenters, No. 104 Garment Workers Machinist, No. 226 Brewery Workers, No. 60 Bartenders League, No. 222 Hoisting Engineers Bill Posters Plumbers, No. 162 Moving Picture Operators Iron Molders, No. 181 Irvri Molders, No. 46 Lath Union, No. 194 Plasterers Union Pattern Makers Stake Employes Stove Mounters Tail.-jrs', No. u02 Tits Layers Upholsterers Lithographers Electrical Wsrkers, No. 118 Metal Polishers, No. 6 Cigar Makers, No. 86 Bfckers, No. 61 ________ Clerks, No. 168 Printing Pressman _________ Sheet Metal Workers Teamsters. No. 62 Photo Engravers Barbers, No. 22 Painters, No. 249 Musicians Musicians, No. 686 (Colored) Woman's Uaion Label Leaves PATRONIZE HAMILTON INDUSTRIES LEADING HAMILTON CONCERNS WHO SOLICIT THE CO-OPERATION OF ORGANIZED LABOR AND THEIR FRIENDS OF Deiighus Drinks are made in a Sanitary Bottling Plant of purest ingredients and Distilled Water. Papsl's Im perial Ginger Ale has no equal. Bent Brands Cider and Vin egar. Both Phones 29. Patronize Agents For REX ALL Remedies HAMILTON LABOR UNIONS Alternate Tuesdays, Trades Council Hallt s. e. Cor. Sec'y., lind and Court ..1st Monday, Imp. Band Room, 6 High ...1st and 3rd Saturday, T. C. Hall ..Und and 4th Mondays, T. C. Hall _2nd and 4th Fridays, T. C. Hall ...2nd and 4th Thursdays, 20i High St. ...1st and 3rd Sunday afternoon, T. C. HaB»~ .•1st and 3rd Fridays, T. C. Hall ..Every Thursday, T. C. Hall ...2nd Monday, T. C. Hall ..1st and 3rd Monday, 338 High St, ...1st and 3rd Monday, T. C. Hall „.AlU-rnate Wednesdays, T. C. Hall ..1st and 3rd Mondays, T. C. Hall ...1st and 3rd Sunday, T. C. Hall ... ...2nd ana 4th Thursdays, Symrni Hall .. 2nd and 4th Fridays, T. C. Hall ..Every Wednesday, T. C. Hall ...1st and 3rd Wednesdays, Trades Council Hall ..1st and 3rd Monday, Sauers Hall ...1st and 3rd Fridays, T. C. Hail 2nd Wednesday ..Every Thursday, T. C. Hall ... 2nd and 4th Mondays, T. C. HalL ...1st and 3rd Fridays, T. C. Hall 1st Tuesday „.2nd Wednesday, T. C. Hall ....1st and 3rd Thursday, T. C. Hall. ....Alternate Tuesdays. T. C. Hall ... Alternate Wednesdays, T. C. Hall ...1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Township Hall ... 2nd and 4th Thursdays, T. C. Hall 2nd and 4th Thurs., and 1st Friday _.3rd Friday at 42 N. 6th St. MIUDLETOWN LABOR UNIONS DAYTON LABOR UNIONS Office and Store 147 N. Third St. Home Phone 783-M Beil Phone 183-X Louis B. Schaub -PRACTICAL PLUMBING STEAM AND GAS FITTING Cement, Sewer Pipe. Try Ebony or Lilly White Ash Coal on your next order. Coke, Feed. Both Phones Geo. P. Sohagen, Pres. Elw. C. Sohngea, Sec. and Trees. I manu1''acti KKKi: OF MALT Office and Mall House 'Corner Poarth and High Street* Phone 124 .Hamilton, Ohio THE} 'li imi Model Laundry CO. 407-409 Main Street Special Attention Given All Work BE A TRUE, UNION MAN. Patronize those who support you. For in Union there is Strength. Conroy'V Store There are Union Clerks and Heme Furnishings. Eagle Temple Credit extended. 318-322 S. 2nd St. TH]E First and Third Thursdays, T. C. Hall H. R. Voris, «05 Baltimore St. 1st and 3rd Saturdays, K. of P. Hall Roland E. Layer. 919 Moore St 4th Friday, T. C. Hall Roy Morgan, El wood and Henry Streets. 1st Monday, T. C. Hall D. R. Jackson, 604 Lefferson. 1st Sunday morning, T. C. Hall Homer Newkirk, Clinton Street. 2nd and 4th Thursdays, T. C. Hall Ford Guerin, Sec'y., 416 Canul St. ...2nd and 4th Wednesdays, T. C. Hall T. A. Scully, 442 E. 2nd St. —... 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, T. C. Hall Geo. Buck, 909 Baltimore St. 1st and 3rd Mondays, B. & K. Barber Shop M. Sennett. 208 E. Third Street. 4th Tuesday, Trades Council Hall W. Schwartz, Secy. xst Tuesday. '1. C. Hall Neil Heilker, The Brotherhood. 1st and 3d Saturdays Trades Council Hall... Flo Slacey, Sec'y., 632 E. 3rd. 2nd and 4th Mondays, T. C. Hall Otto Kaiser, Tytus Ave. 1st and 3rd Mondays, Red Men's Hall T. Wilson, Yankee Road. 1st and 4th Sunday afternoons Charles H. Luckey, 808 E. Fourth St 2nd and 4th Sundays Henry Laurence, P. O. Bo* 91. Meets every Thursday evening. Plumbers Hall Daniel Sullivan, 17 East Pond St., S«« ______Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 6th and Plum St. Casper Ueisel, 16 Bonner St., Sec. Meet 1st Tuesday of each month, Cor 6th Plum .J. A. Hultgren, 626 River St., Sec. —.Meet svery Monday eve., 302 E. 6th St. Nat bayliss. Wi Johnston St Sec Meets every Wednutday night at Plumbers Hall Meet svery Friday eve., at U20^ W. rd Street Meet 3rd Tuesday, 220 McLain St. __ Meet every Thursday at 302 E. 6th St. ,.... .Meet 2nf Wed. of each month. Plumbers Hall... Edwin Jones, Bee. —.—.Meet every Tuesday at 26 N. Main St. Meet 1st Tuesday of each mouth, JL 8rd St._. Louis Mitchell, I.afayette St.. Sec. ——.301 DunUar Ave ...„— W. S. Vance, 123 Mathews Lane, Sec. ———23 Horton St. J. J. O. Neal, 233 Warreu St., Secy. 40a Arcade Bldg. James Duncan, 4UW Arcade Bldg., Secy. Meet every Tuesday eve., 26 N. Main St. C. E Leaply, 901 Troy and Ray C. Vore. 40 Mershey St., Sees. Meet 1st Wei of each month, 184 S. Jefferson... Emma Keiber, 224 W. 6th St., Sec. .Meet 38 E. 3rd St Geo. D. Richardson, 88 E. 3rd SL, Secy. —..Meet 2nd of each month at 217 S. Jefferson St Chas. Gruehler, 84y River St, Secy. Meet at 302 E. 6th St. J. F. Eichorn, 7 Market St., Secy. Highland flats W. S. Gregg, 41 Great Miami Buul.. Seey. 66 Eagle St R. E. Maars, 27 N. Jefferson St., Secy. Meet ea»* Monday eve., Main A Washington St.....Geo Lorah, 827 Loraine Ave., Secy —_—— —C. Mortfanthaler, Ideal Theatre, Seuy, _Meet 2nd and 4tii Wednesday at Lafayette Hall Meet 1st and 3rd Monday eve., at 6th A Plum L. Phillips, 29 Britt Ave., Secy. _Mfet Plumbers Hall Ora Kress, Secy. Meets 2nd and 4th Monday at 802 E. 6th St. Meet 1st and 3rd Wed. at 88 E. 8rd St D. L. Logan, 207 W. Monument A\ Meet 1st Sunday at 302 E. 6th St Geo. Kern, P. O. Box 78 ____.Meet 2nd Monday, 6th and Plum St. .. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, Plumbers' Hall J„ -—-Meet 1st A 3rd Monday at 6lh A Commercial St ——Meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 'Ah'/ E. 6th St. Meet 2nd Thursday at Lafayette Mall Meets at 26 N. Main every Tuesday Meet 1st and 3rd Friday at 6th & Plum St Meet Wednesday of each month, Plum St 6th St—Wm. Schneiberger, 6th and Plum, Secy. ——Meet ist A 3rd Saturdays at 6th A Commercial....Geo. L. Wallace, 161 Samuel St, Secy. Meet 3rd Tuesday of each month, Plumbers Hall_.A. W. Kramer, 466 Wyoming St, Secy Meet 302 E. 6th St J. It. Hickman, 249 W. 6th St., 8ecy. Meet 1st Sunday at Lafayette Hall Geo. R. Richardson, 310 Wayne Ave., Secy. —Paul Laub, Jr., 120 Rock wood Ave., Secy. Meet 2nd A 4th Monday at 26 N. Main St A. C. Ehrstine, 436 N. Main St., Secy. Meet 1st A 3rd Friday at Lafayette Hall H. W. Buzzard, 437 Kiefaber St., Secy. —Meet 1st Sunday at Hollencamps Hall Frank Fergus, 142 S. Hawthorne St, Secy, Meet 1st Sunday at Ellis Hall H. C. Shadden, 60 Homestead Ave., Swy. —1st and 8rd Tu«days, Hollencamp Hall Mrs. E. Stan re1, 620 W. 4th St I N i I I S I A. E. EgK'leston, Pres. Henry Brinker, ..Frank Wessel, 227 N. St. .Wm. Glauch, 32y N. Tenth St. ..Jac-'b Kiedel, 436 Owen St. .Ernst Legg, 227 South 7th ..Albert Brown, (01 South Monument Ave. ..Otto Pigman, 22 Stephen St. ..Arthur Burns, 884 S. 6th. ..EL Wyats, R. R. No. 1. •A. E. Etftflehton, 136 Webster Ave. H. Brinker, 267 Washington St. Harry Remle, 624 S. Second ..Harry Hansel, 627 Hanover St. ..Thos. Heals, 718 East Ave ..Bob Singer, 2181 Peck Ave. ..Tom Brennan, 205 So. Third. Chas. P. Cook, 268 Washington 3t. ..Ralph Lenehan, 1122 McGlynn SL -T. M. Zilliox, 780 Forest Ave. .Clifford Lamb, Sec'y. iill S. Front. ..John Durwin, 1026 Hanover St. ..Phil Kendall, 876 N. Second St. -Eldon J. Brack, 641 S. Front St. ..Wm. Finfrock, 808 S. Second St. ..Robert Fallert. 621 Prytania Ave. ..John Baker, 819 East Ave. ..Wm. J. David, 4i2 S. Third SL ..Oscar F. Bergman, 1026 Campbell Ave. ..Frank Crawford. 134 Charles St. ..Bernard Cawein, 718 East Ave. ..Ernst Snow, 1161 Ludlow St. ..J. C. Boyle. Harover Township, Ohio. Wm. J. Welsh, 61» Central Ave. ..Mrs. Edith VauKhn, 310 S. Second St. -Henry Bubenheim, Sec., 42 N. 6th. Frank Wolf, Sec'y., Hoee Co. No. 4. B. P. Mitchell, 3rd and Finley St., Secy. ..Emel Weber, 87 Central Block. Frank C. Seller, 118 Campbell St, Sec. J. D. Youritf. 61 Potomac St., Sec. Benjamin Closterman, 122 S. Nevin, Secy. E. H. Clevenger, 12 Edgar Ave.. Secy. the pamllton Milti Co. PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM ICB CREAM Bell Phone 710-X Heme Phone 403 RADCLIFFE DRUG CO Dr. fliliikin, Dentist John H. Roger* W. A. Brehm S. L. Clark Cbt banaltoi Craasfer £o. Hauling of All Kinds Safes and Heavy Machinery a Specialty. Storage. Anto Truck for Picnics, Etc. 328 MAPLE AVB. BOTH PHONES F: Hamilton's Reliable Drug Store No. 119 S. Second St. MOMii INK-M Is well prepared for JOB PRINTING in the highest perfection ef the art and tfce kind that always satisfies the general public. Let us convince you by placing your orders with us.J tWMWHIHIIHIIIIIIIIIHHMIWIIIIIIHHHIIWWI Bp t, a •& jg $ The Name of Use Our Money Low Rates. Easy Payments. Personal Property Security iiiin n Go's Both Phones 28 208 S. Third Sti OUR COAL, Makes warm friends and gives the Best Results H. Pater & Son Cor. East Avenue and Boulevard Bell Phone 59 Home Phone 219 COR. HIGH and SECOND STREETS PATRONACE Stands before the world in Music, as Shakespeare's name does in Literature, The answer always WURLITZER S. D. Fitton, President I'. Benninghofen, Vice-Pres. C. E. Mason, Vice Pre-i. I" O. Ruder Cashier Don. W. Fiitou, Ass't Cashkr Beelei. As^'t Cashier R. H. Ifugheh Asa't Casliit-r Che first laffdsvi! OF HAMILTON, OHIO Capital Surplus THE Hamilton Lumiier Co. 940 Central Avenue Lumber Mill Work, Cement, Plaster AUTO SERVICE, ETC. U N I O N s APPRECIATE YOUR Deposit Your Savings with the interest Paid On Savings Accounts 'b'tiifj• Hcisei, Pr-. Ueo. P. Sohsgen, Vice-Pits O. V uiiiih, Vice-Pres. John Heifer fa»bici I OeMiart, Aw't Cashiei FOR PIANOS, PIANO PLAYERS AND TALKING MACHINES LATEST RECORDS AND PLAYER ROLLS $250,000 $250,000 A E SES AND SOUS Can now be secured in Hamilton. We have secured for Hamilton and vimity The Western Casket Co. line of UNION MAIU GOODS. Why not use Union Made Goods? Ask to see the LABEL. Every one of these Caskets, Dresses or Suits carry the Union. L-ahfl Call in and The Griesmer-Grim Co. CORNER FkONT AND LLDLOW, HAMILTON, OHIO Beth Phones 62 Over First National Bank Building The People's Deposit Improvement & Loan Co. Room 205 Rentschler Bldg. Hamilton, Ohio Dividends declared in February Jand August of each year* 6 E. B. Rogers. Pres. James Fitton, Sec'y I Delivery WE