Vt I*" 8 /tain At Alias Hotel. Strikebreaker and Guard Gome Together Saturday. Aguslus Wood Signs Bond if Guard- It seems that tfaere isn't a week that can roll by without the police being called to take a hand in af fairs at the Atlas Hotel. On last Saturday afternoon Joseph B. Daugherty, who says he is a inol der employed a* the Niles Tool Works Company, signed a warrant in the municipal court for James Ward, a guard, charging him with pssault. Both men board at the Atlas Hotel and got into a quarrel during which Ward ejected Daugh erty, and did it in no gentle man ner. The warrant was placed in the hands of Officer Wm. Tully who placed Ward under at rest. Ward was placed under a $200 bond for his appearance in court on Monday evening. Agustus Wood signed the bond. When the time set for the hear ing arrived, the prosecuting wit ness failed to show up. There be ing no other witnesses to the affair that is who would testify, the case against Ward was dismissed. It seems unless the police get the goods cn this bunch direct there is no chance of prosecution whatever Giving the devil his dues that gang certainly does stick together. Hamilton Men Working The Niles Foundry This Week. Belted Suits Trench Coats Overcoats Swell s *,' "-l~.* In John Reichel Carl Weiss. Ed "Bull" Bierman. Joe Marsh. Chas. Leopold. John Fetzer. Robert Scholz. The last two named were expelled from the Iron Holders' Union. 11 -$•*** The Letter Of Reverend Forrest L. Frazer. The letter of Rev. Forfeit L. Frazer in which he gives his, views of the local situation, and pub lished in one of the evening papers certainly has the right ring to it. He says "Hamilton like every other city has its knockers, that so many Hamiltonians 'knock* *their own city. That 'knock ing' becomes a habit, but it is very possible to develop the habit of boosting.' The un fortunate thing, however, is that one 'knocker' can do enough damage to keep ten 'bopsters' busy." He speaks of our beautiful parks, miles and miles of paved streets, our excellent churches, schools, Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Mercy Hospit&l, Lane Public Li brary and many other things that we may point to with pride. He praises very much the work of the Hamilton Commercial and Industrial Association, he says: "I believe the idea and ideal to th's movement is just what Hamilton needs." Mr. Frazer pays marked tribute to our great industries and fac tories and then says: "Bu* we would do a real in justice if we were to neglect to speak of that loyal eighty per cent that make up the mas cle and sinew of our city, and who respond so nobly, the great majority of them, to every civic, religious, indus trial and patriotic appeal." He then says: "Let Hamil ton eliminate a 11 suspicion, class hatred pnd distinction and she can claim anything within reason." We thiuk Rev. Frazer's view of the local situation, put in words, a masterpiece. It shows that he keeps in touch with things doing Notice how h# touches on every phase of the situation and how delicately he does so, giving flense to none and credit to all. But after reading it over carefully we can't help feeling but that what the Reverend would like to say and say it in just a few words is this: "For goodness sake Hamilton citizens quit knocking, quit knocking your own town and BOOST her. Cove again Reverend Frazer. e mindful of appearances on Thanksgiving Day Just as it requires frost to give flavor to the pumpkin, just as the brewn on the turkey's breast shows it ready, just so do your clothing add to the enjoyment of are wearing the right kind. Worthmore "Super=Fifteens" Solve Your Thaksgiving Clothing Problem in a Highly Satisfactory Manner. the occasion if von new models and classy patterns are here NOW. Come tomorrow—avoid next week's rush.- We are also featuring a magnificent showing of Belted Suits, Trenchers and Overcoats in our two most popu lar-priced lines. They command your respect for their good styles besides giving you a net saving of $5 to $6 Worthmore Smart Clothes Worthmore College Clothes? £11 Oft $18 Values Clothing deLuxe $25 Values All Wool $9.98 1 Worthmore Clothing Company 136 High Street Opposite Court House e^mofai *VW ?wy trJ*'-. Buffalo, N. Y. Nov. 23.—With out a dissenting vote the Ameri can Federation of Labor on Nov. 20th, reaffirmed its unswerving loy alty to the country and a determin afion to stand behind the national administration until peace comes. The pacifist element, which mus tered a small minority against Pre sident Gomper's attitude of the war was silent. The resolution containing the declaration was reported favorably by the resolutions committee. It was sweeping in scope. The course pursued by President Gompers in calling a conference of the national and international officers of the fed eration at Washington on March 12 was approved and all his subse quent actions and tho e of the Ex ecutive Council with reference to the war were concurred in. The pacifists declared that they were unaware that the resolution was to come up Tuesday. They made no move for a reconsidera tion, however, and it was pointed out that while their fight of Mon day was based on a vote of confi dence in President Gompers, Tues day'h resolution calltd f®r a declar ation on a clear-cut question of loyalty to the country. This resolution, with others from the Committee on Resolutions occupied virtually the entire day Vice President James Duncan made a report at the Monday afternoon session on his trip to Russia as a member of the commission appoint- Hamilton Pronounced Most Hospitable City Football Team and Hooters Afford ed Best City Had: Pretty Girls Serve Lunch. A majority of the men in the 322nd regiment live either in But ler or Montgomery counties, Ohio The football games at Hamilton W fcV -.4 *Jf»p v i- V V *&$ NEGRO LABOR DISCUSSED. VOL. XVII. NO. 81 HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1917. 76 cents PER YEAR Without Dissenting Vote A. L. Declares Its Stand Back of Nation Until Peace Comes. ment to strike otli the entire sec­ tion. "The slaughter of East Sit. Louis ed by President Wilson and Gif for Pinshot, speaking for the Fed erated Board of Farm Organiza tions, asked for closer relations be tween the farmers' organizations and the American Federation of I^abor A committee was appointed with instructions to report to the present convention the possibility of con structive action along the line sug gested by Mr Pinshot. The only resolution that caused extended debate related to the or ganization of negro labor. It was submitted by delegate Murphy of San Francisco, and embodied in its preamble a resolution adopted by the International Negro League and presented t® the San Francisco Labor Council for indorsement. The Negro League's resolution specifically referred to the "South em States" as the scenes of wrongs inflicted upon the race. The Resolutions Committee re porting to the convention assumed no responsibility for th* statements in the preamble of the Murphy res olution and recommended reference to the Executive Council of only that part of it referring to organ ization of the negroes. O D. Gorman of Georgia pro tested against the reference to the Southern States remaining in the record, and moved as an amend- and Dayton have allowed most of them an opportunity to spend week end at home. On Saturday, Nov. 3, 200-soldiers from this regi ment joined four platoons from the fifth training battalion and made a never-to be forgotten trip ilton the uospitable citv n the country i ii only hope that they may return some time soon. The Eighty-third Division New Camp Sherman, O. The above article taken from the Eighty-third Division News, a pa per published weekly for Camp Sherman shows, how we, Hamil ton, stand vvith the soldier boys in Camp Sherman. It has been said that none of the boys in camp re ceive more care and attention from the home folas than do the boys from Hamilton. Let's live up to that reputation, and, oetfcersti 11 let's better it. Candy Girls Sued. wn"mv9wfww,^iwmmjmw9^.^vn»*^w Pw^Ht^w»yw Seattle, Nov. -3.—Two candy and biscuit companies have brough suit against their employes on strike for higher wages. Damages because of a boycott and picketing are asked. One of the companies testified that it is paying gunmen $30 wetdc to act as guards 'for strike breaket%on delivery automobiles. immtmiM MA' V»*t^4P W* to Ham ilton. A late arrival was forgot in see ing the thousands of people who were assembled for the reception. Cheer after cheer was raised on all sides as the boys marched down the street to a hot lunch, served by the best locking girls in Ohio. In the afternoon the Camp Sherman-Camp Tayloi football game was the at traction and yeoman service was done as rooters. The second p'.a toon of headquarters company served by ushers, while the four platoons of infantry put on an ex hibition drill. It was 2 o'clock on Mond ty morning before he train pulled irato Canip Sherman again, with a tir°d but happy bunch 01 board. The boys have vo'ed came as a result of thefts of starv ing negroes enticed away from their Southern homes," Gorman said. "I defy any delegate to point to a single instance of a negro being killed for robbery in the South. I resent this reference to the Southern States. The treat ment «f the negro in the South is better than it has been in the North." Vice President Duncan expla ned that the committee's recommenda tion explicitly disclaimed respen sibility for the statements made in this part of the resolution, but Gorman and other Southern dele gates insisted that this whs not go ing far enough and demanded that the question before the house was the approval or disapproval of the report from the Committee on Res olutions. A motion lay the re port on the table was lost and the debate was resumed. Finally the report was amended by the Resolutions Committee to read: Your committee can not be res ponsible for and rejects the state ments contained in the preamble of the resolution," and as amended the report wa adopted. Iu his report on Russia, Mr Dunctn expressed the confidence in the ultimate formation of a stable and lasting republican gov ernment there. "Give them an ©pporiuni y to develop their new democracy and there will be born in it a national spirit that will be worth fighting for," he said. Without A Card". "I ought to get a large reward, Fo never owning a union card. I v never grumbled struck I've ver mixed I've nrver with union truck But I must be going my way to win, So open, St. Peter, and let me in St. Peter sat and stroked his staff Despite his high office, be had to laugh. Said he. with a fiery i^leani in his eyes "Who is tending this gai'\ yr« or I I've heard of gab you and your ^tt of You're what is known rnth h-. a scab.1 Thereupon "Tell lie arose in his s'atiu tall And pressed a button upon the wa And said to the imp who ans-ve:^ the bell, Han) E-cort this teilow around o Satan On a to give him a seat alone rtd-hot griddle throne up neat the But stay, even the devil ear,'t --ta nl the smell Of a cookirg seal) on a griddle in hell. It would cause a rev oil, know, If I send you down below. Washington Chapter, Order w» w nyqAgyy* F. of Tag Day Saturday iSTl r-s ?y- ij For The Soldiers Christmas Fund. All arrangements are now com plete for the soldiers Christmas fund, Tag Day. Hundreds'of Ham ilton's girls and women have vol unteered to help make Christmas day of cheer for the home boys in camp and at the fiont. The start will be made at 8:30 in the morning. The American Can company has donated the cans to be used. They are very appropriate in colors of red, white and blue. It is hoped to raise a fund of $2,500 i order to bt-y a handsome Christmas box for every Hamilton soldier now in service. Several liberal douations have al ready been sent in. The Millville Avenue Association donated $30 to the fund and the ladies of the Har ugari and of the Alsace Loraine so ciety have made generous dona tions. The Slate War Board Says Today. It is necessary that we conserve sugar to the greatest possible ex tent. Tte sweet potato is one food that will furnish us with a considerable amount of sugar at the lowest pos sible cost. In the South the sweet potato is esteemed one of the most delicious articles on the table. The south has produced an immense crop of sweet potatoes this year and great quantities of them will find their way into the northern markets if the nsumers Bin Hurs Dance A Success. Esther Court No. 'K 1 will create the de­ mand for them. The southern sweet potato ruay be baked or steamed economically. Sweet potato pie is a delicious southern dish, made as you would make pumpkin pie, simply suosti tuting the sweet potato for the pumpkin.. 4 i e m- a strike, I to the imps Go back to your master on earth and tell That they don't even want a seal in hell. Eastern Star Elects Officers. Juliets o Eastern Star elected officers at thei fueetiug Tuesday evening as fo! lows: Worthy matron, Mrs. Louise Service worthy patron, Hngh Bates associate matron, Louise A'-It treasurer, Mrs. Clara Black secretary, Mrs. Ina McComb con ductrets, Mrs. Stella Silvers, and associate conductress, May Dubbs The lodge also decided to partici pate in tag day for the soldiers and appointed a committee for the pur pose. soles, value ot Ben Hut gave a dance Wednesday evening at Eagles' Temple for the benefit of the soldier boys. A large crowd was present and handsome sum was real /.ed Saturday's and Thanksgiving Special: ^f^p- ,jr /^y*~? iv v Eagles Nominate Officers1 Election To Be Held Monday, December 3d. Butler Aerie No. 407, Fraternal Order of Eagles held largely at tended meeting Monday evening. Much routine business was trans acted and a large amount paid out for sick benefits. The pctatoe com mittee reportea that they have 71 bushels of potatoes stored away in the cellar, these are to be given out to widows of Eagles. The dance committee reported the pro fits of the last three dances and were wrrmly applauded when the results were made nown. The following nominations for fliers were made. Worthy President, Carl Lelitt kuhl. Worthy Vice President, Chas. Fath and Lou J. Wittman. Worthy Chaplain, Geo. Troy and Ernest Schrichte. Financial Secretary, Wm. Wil mer. Recording Secretary, Harry W. Hettericb. Treasurer, Edw. J. Yordy. Inside Guard, Wm. Manifold and Walter Klinger. Outside Guard, Edward Mal!if ske and Edward Buckel. Trustee, Geo Besselman, Paul Conlm and Elmore Motzer. Aerie Physicians, (two to be elected) Dr. Henry Krone and Dr. C. T. Hull. The election will be held on Monday, December 3d, between the hours of 3 and 8 p. m., under the Australian system. It is expected that all the politicians and their hangers-on will be sneaking around the Eagles temple on the day of the election to get an idea how to con duct a campaign and election sys tematically. The Eagles always have a hot election and from the gum shoing and pussy-tooting to be observed by one who is keeping close to the situation it's a safe bet that the late wet and dry and the mayor's election won't be in it with t.i:s one of the Eagles. Want Seven-Hour Day. Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 23.—A seven-hour day instead of eight hours is part of a new wage scale submitted to employers by the Typographical union Rates are i n e a s e 2 0 e e n o e o e e fective the first of the year. We arc still featuring for Saturday and Thanksgiving the much-wante 3 English and Military Boot—Eight inch boots in gun and kid $4.50 vai ues. Big special at $2.99 See Bargain tables for cheaper OiflU Another Saturday and Thanksgiving Special Heavy Fur and Ribbor rv Trimmed House Slippers, al' 43 sizes Meal shoe for these cool evenings, made of very fine felt an best heavy fur, flexible soles. They come n all colors An exceptional value EXTRA SPECIAL oys' Box Calf Lace Shoes—serviceable, heav\ -g] A unparallelled /K J| sizes 2 J4 to 5^, an adies', Misses' and Children's fancy ornamental felt House Slippers, felt soles, something for thest cool mornings, 85c value* RUBBERS HIGH TOPS SLIPPERS f. elrery description, for every member qf the family, at le^s than factory cost. 9 f*. 49c r-A