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W VV 'iK r' »•. v% VOL. XXV. v M-' i-V f0M,. '-W 1 r' ,*i.- v 5 'M No. 34 •ily fnt'fernatl^nai Latior News Service, Indianapolis, Ind.—Tension in the tfoal trade situatipn has grown more taut, following the letter Jdhn L. illewis, President of the miners, sent President Coolidge regarding the I'^feavage repudiation" of the Jackson ville wage agreement by a certain co- :pbne of bituminous operators. The Rev. J. J. Curran, pastor of St. •tipary's Church, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 0 Who has acted as mediator in labor disputes between miners and opera -tors for many years, and who was mediator in the hard coal strike in 1900, and co-operated with President Hoosevelt in the strike settlement ,. when Roosevelt was President, has held conferences with Gov. Pinchot of Pennsylvania, Samuel D. Warriner, Jiead of the optrators and President W Lewis of the miners seeking a way out of the difficulty. Justifies Wage Demands. Father Curran flatly says the min ers should have an increase in wages. **lf there are no increases in wages ifi industry," he said,' "and profits continue to pile up we will soon have »s in this country two classes, the very i^ch and the very poor one class liv ing off of the sweat of the other." The venerable priest said that if, an Charles M. Schwab has said, the jjOuntry is prosperous and industrial n life is growing, if coal companies make more money than ever this year, why not divide a little of the profit with the men who are instru mental in making the profit for the operators Bares Operators' Tactics, v President Lewis, in respect to the 'general situation in the coal industry, told President Coolidge that substan tial coal-producing interests, signa tories to the Jacksonville wage agree ment, have violated and repudiated ?. their word of honor and impaired the Wage structure of the miners through out the bituminous industry. He asks if the mine workers would be justi tied in using their own efforts to pro tect a meritorious wage agreement, provided the Federal Government did M«ot see its way clear to take a hand the settlement. It is pointed out that the Govern ."toent had a very important part in bringing about the Jacksonville wage "pact, Government officials going so liar, at the time, to assure the miners ",H,nd operators that a joint conference #v ONCEfor iu. '.JMfc Noted Priest Upholds Miners As Lewis States Workers' Case in Letter to President A MAN'S GIFT FROM A MAN'S STORE 'k, V .At 61' YEARS We'll Gladly Cash Your Cliri*tnia* Savings Che** v/ ':M V would not be tegftrded as a "Conspir acy" by the Government in the effort tp bring peace and stabilization to the industry. Miners Rest Case. On these grounds the miners are content to rest their case. Officials of the union have refused to add any thing to the statement given out by Lewis, as included in the communica tion to President Coolidge, SHOES ANDCLOTHES Needed for Kiddies and Women in Fight For Justice Washington.—President Green re quests A. F. of L. organizers to ac quaint trade unionists with conditions in families of striking miners in northern West Virginia. Shoes and clothing are needed for the women and children. This, said President Green, will supplement the relief work of the United Mine Workers which is spend ing thousands of dollars each month for food, fuel and shelter. Another ltvrge expense is contesting injunc tions issued by former corporation lawyers who are jiow in judicial posi tions. All packages should be forwarded to the international representative of the United Mine Workers, Van A. Bittner, Odd Fellows building, Fair mont, West Virginia. The miners suspended work when the operators scrapped a three-year agreement signed at Jacksonville, last year. These operators have dou bled the price of their coal since the anthracite strike and are now using every power of the state and federal judiciary to smash the Miners' Union. The strikers and their families are housed in barracks erected by the union. In urging organizers to impress the situation upon trade unionists, Presi dent Green says: "There are many wives and chil dren of striking miners in northern West Virginia who are suffering for lack of shoes and clothing. I know of no place in America where the need is greater or the call for assistance is more justifiable." We're Ready For The Shoppers again the Christmas candles are biirn ing the Christmas season is here. With it comes good cheer and the inclination to make gladsome hearts. And as for years the Strauss store is here to help you. We have taken on our Holiday attire Christmas stocks are in readiness our salespeo ple ready to serve you courteously and intelli gently. It will indeed be a pleasure to do your Christmas shopping at Strauss' because in doing so you may rest assured that no matter what your purchases may be the recipients will regis ter one hundred per cent satisfaction when gifts are unwrapped on Christmas morn. in v v1" it. v*-sr:2v^ .,:y% RELIABLE SERVICE (Copyrfftbfc.w! By International Labor News Service. Washington, D. C.—At the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Union Labor Life Insurance Com pany, held in the American Federa tian of Labor Building here, Matthew Woll was elected President and Geo. W. Perkins of Cricago was elected Secretary and Treasurer. Mr. Woll is Vice President of the American Federation of Labor, and President of the Photo Engravers' In ternational Union. Mr. Perkins is President of the Cigar Makers' Inter national Union, one of the veteran figures in the labor movement, and for years an intimate and personal friend of the late Samuel Gompers. Executive Committee Chosen. An executive committee also was elected. Officers will hold office until the second Monday in March, 1926, when the first meeting of stockhold ers will be held. President Woll, Sec retary-Treasurer Perkins, and five members of the Board of Directors were elected to constitute an execu tive committee for the purpose of car rying on the campaign for the sale of stock and to arrange for the be ginning of actual business in the writing of insurance. They are in structed to get the affairs of the company in shape to do business as on as $300,000 worth of the capi tal stock has been subscribed for and the money paid. CANADUNUBOR Declares War on Commun ist Groups By International Lebar News Service. Montreal.—The ninth annual con vention of the Quebec section of the Canadian Labor Party declared itself entirely opposed to the admission of all Communist organizations, and in structed the recall of charters t» such organizations in its jurisdiction. The Nova Scotia Labor Party has taken similar action. This brings the two provinces in conflict with the national organization of the Labor Party, which at a con vention in Toronto a year or. so ago admitted Communists. The Quebec Labor Party objects to the Communists because experience has shown "that we of the labor movement have had to suffer from the destructive propaganda of the Communist Party," and because "it is a known fact that the Communist Party is trying by all means to direct the Canadian labor movement toward the Revolutionary International at Moscow." MeClMjCDEQSION Not Surprising In View of His Record Executive Committee Named To Direct Selling of Stock and Begin Actual Business (By Frank Morrison, Secretary, Amer ican Federation of Labor.) The recent decision by Federal Judge McClintic, West Virginia Dis trict, that the miners' union is a vio latioa, of the anti-tr^yaw, apd which ijA ^S* -'.,v HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1925 Back on the Job Matthew Woll and George W. Perkins to Head Union Labor Insurance Co. The five directors elected to serve with the officers are members of the executive committee are: Martin F. Ryan, President of the Railway Car Men of America James Lynch, Pres ident of the International Typograph ical Union Thomas E. Burke, Secre tary-Treasurer of the United Asso ciation of Plumbers and Steam Fit ters Luther C. Steward, President of the Fedex-ation of Federal Employes, and Thomas Flaherty, Secretary Treasurer of the National Federation of Postoffice Clerks. Home Offices at Capital. The home offices of the new com pany, which is incorporated under the laws of Maryland, will be in Wash ington, D. C. Stock will be sold at $50 per share, $25 of which will be applied to capital stock and $25 of which will be sur plus. At the meeting here the by-laws of the new company were approved. It is provided that the membership of the Board of Directors shall not ex ceed 25, of which number three fourths must be trade unionists be longing to organizations affiliated to the American Federation of Labor. To Have Advisory Board It is also provided that there shall be an advisory board, to be composed of 50 members who are either gen eral officers or promiment members of national or international unions or newspapers allege is the reason why no move will be made by Government officials to adjust the anthracite strike, is not surprising. Those who have followed Judge McClintic's de cisions in labor cases know his bias and his disregard for justice and law. Some one should remind Judge Mc Clintic that the Clayton amendment to the anti-trust law declares that "the labor of a human being is not a commodity or an article of com merce." The purpose of this amend ment is to acquaint injunction judges with the fact that Congress makes a distinction between a group of busi ness men who would monopolize a commodity and a group of human be ings who would unite to improve their working conditions. Judge McClintic's attitude toward labor is well known in his jurisdiction. In 1922 he issued an injunction against West Virginia striking miners from erecting tent colonies on land they had leased. This astounding writ was set aside by the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals. WOMEN'S CONFER ENCE CALLED BY U. S. BUREAU Washington.—Miss Mary Anderson, head of the United States Women's bureau, has issued a call for a wom en's industrial conference to be held here January 18 to 21. The bureau is a unit of the department of labor. The call states that no fewer than 8,500,000 women are occupied in "gainful work in this country," ac cording to government statistics, and this nugnjwr is increasing $yery year. of other labor organizations which are not hostile to the A. F. of L. This board is to meet at least once a year. These arrangements, it is stated, permit the railroad brother hoods to be directly represented on the advisory board and on the board of directors. Attention was directed by the of ficers to the fact that these agree ments provide for the bringing to gether approximately 75 general of ficers of national or international un ions and of the railroad brotherhoods to help guide the affairs of the com pany. To Be Ready for Business. Pending the completion, of the stock-selling campaign, the Executive Committee is charged with the duty of taking all steps necessary to put the company on a casis of where it will be prepared to operate as soon as the necessary capital stock is sub scribed and paid in. This includes the preparation of policies, the estab lishment cf rates, the perfecting of an organization and the securing of proper actuarial and medical service. It is announced that all policies will be issued on a profit-sharing basis and that the company will provide group insurance as well as indivdiual insurance. Sees Bright Future. "Great interest and enthusiasm has been aroused by the project through out the entire trade union movement," said President Woll. "Scores of letters have been re ceived commending the enterprise which I am sure will prove to be one of the most remarkable developments in the labor movement in recent years." ROCK DUST Is Menace To Miners' Health Washington.—The menace of lung diseases contracted by miners as the result of breathing extremely fine dust particles is again emphasized by the United States Bureau of Mines. The most important of these diseases is silicosis, also known as miners' phthisis, or miners' consumption which caused by the breathing of rock dust, especially fine silica. Investigation by the Bureau of Mines reveals that silicosis is pres ent in many mining districts. In one district 433 miners out of 720 exam ined had silicosis. In another district 432 out of 1,018 examined were af flicted. Men having silicosis are more susceptible to tuberculosis than nor mal men. The bureau says this disease can be eliminated if coal operators improve working conditions. WANT MORE KILL INGS IN ANTHRA CITE MINES New York.—At the annual meeting of the anti-union National Founders' Association the Pennsylvania miners' license law was condemned. Member* of the association residing in that state were, urged to work for its re peal. The law antedates the organization of anthracite miners, and was passed by the Pennsylvania Legislature to reduce the killing of workers in an thracite mines. As these mines are gaseous, skill is necessary to operate them. A miner must know how to detect gas sad to protect B1 International Labor News Service. New York City.—The Building Trades Council, on behalf of 120,000 workmen, representing 37 trades in the metropolitan district, has pre sented a new- wage scale to the em ployers, which if granted, will ad vance wages from 50 cents a day for some crafts to $4 a day for others. The Building Trades Employers' Association rejected the demands and instead offered to extend the present wage scale through 1926. Mediation in Prospect. Mediation or arbitration is in pros pect on the various demands, many of the present agreements providing for this adjustment of differences. More important than any of the wage demands, which would lift wage vels to a new standard for the build ing industry, is the demand for the ive-day week. The building crafts were the pi oneers in the eight-hour movement, tne carpenters being among the first to win it. Then came the 44-hour week, with the Saturday half-holiday. The present four hours' work on Sat urday is regarded as uneconomic in view of the fact that the workers have to travel nearly two hours that day from far distant places where they live to do four hours' work. CRIME COMMISSION Proposes Helpful and Con structive Investigation, Says Frayne By International Labor News Service. New York City.—"This is not a man-hunting expedition," said Hugh Frayne, labor member of the National Crime Commission, to International Labor News Service. "It is a searching investigation of the causes of the crime wave with the view of making a finding and a recom mendation that will be national in scope to remedy the situation. The executive committee at its first session drew up a program of re search. The labor view that eco nomic causes have an important bear ing on crime has been put forward and will be considered as among the most important factors in a grave problem. Anything that will advance the economic and social standards, and 9 wr^yr^:^ New York Building Trades 3 i In Plan For 5-Day Week Set Pace For Nation's Toilers NEPONSET RUGS With Border $ 1 AC 9x12 Size lv/«c70 Christmas Suggestions Hoover Sweeper ^Estate Stove Edison Phonograph Whittall Rug Englander Da-Bed Sellers Kitchen Cabinet Kroehler Living Room Suite Berkey and Gay Bed or Dining Room Suite *?& w« r*r*- :jf S -:. fcnsfyptM, -i hnt*H 'fi I n N ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Two Trade* Set Pace. The bricklayers and stone masons again are setting the pace, they being the first to demand the five-day week. The carpenters and several other crafts have also asked for the shorter work week. This if carried out will be one of the greatest ad vances in a generation for the build ing unions. In general the demand is for $12 a day for mechanics, and $9 a day for helpers, although bricklayer's la borers now receiving $8 a day are asking for $10. As a general thing the mechanics' wage at present is $10.50 a day and the laborers between $7 and $9. Among the lowest in creases asked is by the elevator con structor laborers, who want 50 cents a day more. Other requests for in cieases a^e for $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $4 a uay. The bricklayers' demand of $4 a day more would bring their wage to $16 a day. To Get Collective Reply. The various trade groups will ne gotiate separately but the employers will have a collective reply to all through their association. The building industry h^s enjoyed great prosperity in the metropolitan district ever since the war. improve the moral outlook is of bene fit to labor. We can not lose when we co-operate in the work of the crime commission. "Among its first investigations is the practice of the criminal courts, the matter of easy bail, lack of co-ordina tion of authorities, and failure to mete out justice to convicted persons. "When criminals go unpunished the workers as much as anyone, are the losers. We hope to remedy this evil and tighten our judicial machinery as well as to recommend a general pro gram to diminish the motives that promote crime." THEATER WORKERS ENJOINED K-R-E-B-S THIRD and COURT STS. 6ash Your Christmas Checks Here Pawtuckett, R. I.—Efforts to se cure the reinstatement of a discharged theater worker employed by the E. M. Loew theatre has affected a dozen Massachusetts cities. Superior Court Judge Qua enjoined motion picture operators, stage employes and musi cians from "interfering" with the business of the Loew concern. •I- .-.-•v. W V ffi I '#1 1 4j 4 "3 \*vi -k