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,t^€- »»»,* fev g5 |, .j |p *, -tr ^%w»^ja^^*»v- &f V *0' *^s S v» -4 i3 Mr. "4s9*» VOL. XXV. No. 36 N* .« W' V '. /If A "*$?• y* i —.,.1, By International Labor News Service. Washington, D. C.—Directing at tention to the need for accident pre vention work, Secretary of Labor James J. Davis, in his annual report to congress for 1925, says: "The In dustrial accident-prevention woTk, which was the subject of^he meeting I called early in December, 1923, should be vigorously followed up. I have been able to do very little in •connection with it up to the present time owing to lack of funds. State contacts have been made in a numter of instances, but owing to the fact that I have but one man to handle this entire problem, the progress is en tirely unsatisfactory. "The fact that industrial accidents rousing a loss of wages for one day or more in 1923 were practically two and a half million, of which 23,000 were fatal, should be sufficient empha sis upon the importance of this work, and the bureau of labor statistics should be put in a position to employ several experts to place the machinery of accident prevention in 'operation as rapidly as possible. TWEVEJfORKERS On New Big Arena Award ed Certificate of Merit International Labor News Service. New York City.—The efficiency and speed of the building worker received public recognition in the recent exer cises at the completion of Tex Rick ard's new Madison Square Garden, when twelve of the most proficient building mechanics who helped rear the big arena in nine months were awarded certificates of merit. "J. J. Collins, of the Tunnel and Ex cavator's Union, representing labor on the building congress committee of awards, told the union men that the certificates were the equivalent of col lege diplomas. H. W. Lohman, of James Steward & Co., speaking for the contractor, said the speed of con struction was remarkable in view of the extra work to imbed pipes for the -freezing of ice for hockey and skat» ing, the seating for boxing bouts and the track for the bicycle and running vtfces. In addition to the awards given the mechanics, a bronze tablet bearing the names of the mechanics honored by & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & H"^" V -W ?3r-: "s* 4'r, •ft /$ lf y .aX y •.- Jtf* Tin: HI! !..i. "2' .^ ,4 i, Secretary of Labor Urges 7 ^^gorous Following Up of Accident Prevention Work "In order that a definite step for word may be taken in this work, I recommend that a division of labor safety be created in the bureau of labor statistics and that funds be pro vided for its maintenance and develop ment. Such a division would bring into uniformity state legislation along accident-prevention lines and uni formity in the gathering and compila tion of accident statistics, so that the commissioner of labor statistics will eventually be able to bring these to gether on a national scale and show the actual number of accidents and be able to compute accident rates in all the principal industries. "It has been pointed out in rather expressive language that 'for the fis cal year 1925, $716,260, and in 1926 $788,860, was spent by the govern ment to enforce the pure food and drugs act, though it is exceedingly questionable whether 2,500,000 per sons were made sick and 23,000 peo ple died per year as the result of the use of all the food and drugs that have been made more hygienic through the enforcement o i that law." the building congress is to be placed in the arena. Tex Rickard saw that each me chanic on the building received a com plimentary ticket to the six-day bi cycle races, the first event in the new building. UPHOLD INDICTMENT AGAINST ALBERT FALL Washington.—The district court of appeals has upheld the criminal in dictment against the Dohenys, father and son, and Albert B. Fall, which were quashed by a lower court. The effect of the decision will make it possible for the government to pros ecute the accused on the direct charge of giving and taking a bribe, speci cifically involving the $100,000 in cash that Doheny, junior, took to Fall in the famous little black satchel. The government claims this money was connected with the oil lease that Fall, as secretary of the interior, assigned to an oil company controlled by Do heny, Sr. If the district court of appeals had decided against the government the indictments would have been outlaw' ed by the statute of limitations. The Parisian Get It At The Parisian on -5*.. Give every member of the family something to wear for Christmas—then you have given them something practical, useful, acceptable. And you don't need the cash to make your Christmas wearing apparel purchases Not at The Parisian. Here at this great "Cash Price Credit Store" you can secure the very things needed for Christmas, make a small down payment, and pay the balance next year. Come in tomorrow, select the things you want, and take them with you. CASH PRICE CREDIT HIGH STREET TLER A Coi»JtoKk«.N-lW Reveals. By JOSEPH A. WISE Correspondent, Internatinoal Labor News Service Chicago.—The special grand jury impaneled to investigate 119 bombings of homes of individuals and business places in .Chicago during the last year adjourned after returning indict ments against 50 persons. Several persons were indicted on as many as Staff Buy Now-Pay Next Year Santa Says- A. OROBAN STORE i ',*A. Sleuths Find No Evidence Against Organized Labor Chicago Tribune Only Paper Still Seeking to Place Re sponsibility for Bomb Violence on Trade Unions Small Business Men Hired Bombers, Grand Jury & & & & & & & & & & 0 i» HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18,1925 Good-Will Station—G-I-V-E CAtMN ?/SCTOV^sJ arn-fc- °h- Attempt to Involve Barbers' Union In Chicago Bombings Is Flat Failure five and six counts and were held in 25,000 bail on each count. The regular grand jury will finish the investigation, which, it is said, is only about half completed. All of those indicted will be brought to trial simultaneously early in January, it has been announced. Union Gets Clean Bill of Health A desperate attempt to involve the officers of Journeymen Barbers' Union No. 548 in the bombing of barber shops and other business places met with complete failure, although five members of that union are among those indicted. They are Lous D'An dry, George Martini, Jack Davis, George Mills and Joe Avenzi. Davis, a former coal miner, is charged with being the maker of the dynamite bombs. It is alleged that he was in the employ of Joseph M. San german, secretary and business rep resentative of the North Side Master Barbers' Association. Davis never has been in the employ of the joroey men's union, notwithstanding the newspaper published the statement that Davis is ex-president of the union. George Mills is a former interna tional organizer of the barbers, but was fired some time ago. Following that he got mixed up with the bomb ing crew, a mercenary outfit which would hire out to bomb anybody or anything, it is alleged, at from $150 to $500 or $600 a job, according to the amount of danger involved. Sought to Rule Barbers* Union Louis D'Andry has had ambitions to dominate Journeymen Barbers' Union No. 548 and was a candidate for pres ident at the last election. W. S. Leidig, the incumbent, who is a con servative, defeated D'Andry by 1,000 votes. George Martini and Joe Avenzi are soldiers of fortune, willing to sell their services to any one, it is said Lieut. Charles Egan, head of the detective bureau bomb squad, planted one of his men among the alleged bombers and had another detective hired as a janitor in the building where the Barbers' Union offices are located. Attempt# to Fool Union Executive The detective who wormed his way into the confidence of the alleged bombers did so through Mills, the for mer organizer. Mills took such fancy to the detective, whom Mills was led to believe was a criminal that Mills introduced the detective to W. S. Leidig, president of the union The detective told Leidig a cock and-bull story about being a barber stranded in Chicago without any tools. The detective said that he had just come to Chicago from Detroit and that he had got into trouble at the latter place while running rum from Canada into the United States. He wanted President Leidig to place him "under cover" in one of the outlying shops until the police got off of kit (the detective's) trail. President Leidig gave the detective a good bawling out. He told him that ^... r«aow Journeyman Barbers' Union No. 548 was not a haven or refuge for crimi nals or fugitives from justice. Ho was told to go out and hunt a job for himself and if he were caught he would have to stand the consequences. He was also informed that the initia* tion fee was $20. The detective could only report back to Lieut. Egan that Leidig was on the square. Union Office Closely Watched Dictagraphs were placed in the headquarters of the Barbers' Union and the telephone wires were tapped. President Leidig and other officers were constantly shadowed. The police had a report on every bit of conver sation that took place at the head quarters of the union, it is said. They even had a report on the conversa tions of the two young women who are employed in the office. President Leidig has informed In ternational Labor News Service that this same crowd which is under in- ........ t. K By International Labor News Service. New York City.—The bank ex perts agree that trade and industry will continue at a high pitch but they warn with regard to over-speculation, both in building and in land. There is an increased demand for labor in the major industries with building la bor well employed and a strong de mand for bricklayers, carpenters and plasterers. Female help, especially in the candy factories for the holiday rush and de partment stores is in demand, but this will fall off sharply next month. Surplus labor is confined chiefly to clerical help. Retail trade continues exceptionally good. The American Exchange National Bank notes that industry, especially automobile manufacture and building, is running at capacity. In general, consumption is still keeping up with production with conservative buying still the rule. The Mechanics and Metals National dictment has made desperate attempts to gain control of Journeyman Bar bers' Union No. 548, but has failed in each attempt. "We have 8,500 members/' said Mr. Leidig. "Of these there are 3,000 whom we seldom see. These 3,000 are holding down jobs at the best wages and under the best conditions obtain ing for barbers anywhere in the world. They are satisfied and do not give us any trouble. "We have about 500 members, how ever, who are never satisfied with any thing," continued Mr. Leidig. "They are incompetents and trouble makers. If they are sent out on a good job they can't fill the bill and only suc ceed in spoiling the job for a compe tent man. Reds Also Seek to Make Trouble "Like other unions,*we, too, have had to contend with communists, who are taking orders from the Russian Third International. J. C. Shanessy of Indianapolis, Ind., our international president, sent orders to us some time ago to expel the communists as fast as they are found out. That is an order which we intend to religiously obey." As a means of Intimidation and to scare them off their jobs, the homes of James Rose, business representa tive of Barbers' Union No. 548, and of Frank Rango, the secretary-treas urer, were bombed six minutes apart Gift Suggestions 5 More Shopping Days ^fchristmas Qift Sipeme For Sister Cedar Chest Card Table Reading Lamp Piano Lamp Dressing Table Desk Mirror Music Cabinet Library Table Bird Cage Buy Now! V V -fc:'.« FOR THE CHILDREN—A Table and Chair, a Rocker, a Roll Top Desk, Doll Buggy, a Doll Bed FOR THE FAMILY—An Edison Phonograph a Living Room Suite KREBS SPEND YOUR CHRISTMAS CHECK HERE V. Business Continues Brisk Demand For Labor Reported Gaining in Major Industries riirftrlfir ft ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Bank says: "Much of thf ing construction has been to make up a shortage inherited from the war. Automobile construction has no such incentive even so, record-breaking activities in 1925 have resulted in an output of 4,000,000 passenger cars and trucks, while for the three years ending December 31 the automobile production of the United States will have shown a total of 11,000,000 cars, "With building shortage in process v of being made up, and with enough automobiles in service to carry half of the entire population on wheels at a given time, variations in the build ing and automobile industries art bound to occur during the coming year as demands change or taper off. "Adjustments will come building construction, the manufacture of auto mobiles and the output of various things wll be subject to change as the output gets away from buying power." some time ago. Bombing of the homes of Rose and Rango having failed of their purpose,' an attempt was made to dynamite an automobile in which both were riding, but the attempt failed. It was noticed that there was some thing wrong when the engine was started. The hood was raised and tilt dynamite discovered. President Leidig was the next vie tbn on the list. He was to be kid-1 napped and "taken for a ride." Be ing "taken for a ride" means in the' parlance of the underworld that Lei dig would have been murdered out right or mutilated by an unmention able operation and then dumped out in the woods somewhere. Still Seek to Fix Blame on Unions The Chicago Tribune has persisted in trying to lead the public to believe that the unions are wholly responsible, for the 119 bombings. The Barbers' Union has been the center of the Tri bune's attack. The other Chicago daily newspapers followed the Tri bune's lead for a few days, but switched after that and began to tell a story that approximated the truth. The special grand jury investigation brought to light that several organ izations of small business men had used the services of bombers to intim idate non-members who were consid ered to be unfair competitors and tt (Continued on last page) For Mother Whittall Rug Electric Iron Electric Sewing Machine Sellers Kitchen Cabinet Greenwich Linoleum Hoover Electric Sweeper Estate Stove Duplex Fireless Coo|H^ Englander Da-Bed Ostermoor Mattress For Father Bond Box Easy Chair Foot Stool Smoking Cabinet Music Cabinet Magazine Rack Estate Heatcola ,. Davenport Bookcase Radio For Brothel Billiard Table Records Chifforobe Smoking Stands Picture Book Case Tabourette Costumer Rocker *3fm. 1 •*1 V •J A- ft ,eNow! t.*«. J-* :1' •r ii i», 'h h. v- & & & & Buy 4 I \4: n ,v