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•f •ft ,^-55 sr- I. 1 -s ?-,v ^i vi«^ •. J? tv Vsl v* V i i-iL,Mfik,i...i, h.V $ s w/ 'li\ VOL. XXVI. No. 16 I ,- £f ". :V..-i By International Labor News Service. .Indianapolis, Ind.— United Mine Workers are only mildly interested in the news from Ohio that some 75 coal operators have voted to organ ize a state association of operators for the purpose of furthering the coal industry of that state and promoting a "broad labor policj." The union has Ion contended, and urged, that operators organize into as sociations for their mutual protection and for the furtheiance of the in terests .of the coal industry, which, of course, is reflected in the lives of the miners who are thus benefited by mote days' work and better wages. Heretofore the making of wage scales in Ohio has been done through sub-districts. If a state association is founded it is likely that wage mat ters will be discussed and acted upon. through through the the By Staff Corrspondent, International Labor News Service Indianapolis, Ind.—A committee of leading citizens headed by Frank S. Clark, held a conference with Robert I. Todd, president of the Indianapolis Street Railway Company, -in an en deavor to settle the strike of the com pany employes who have been out since July 4th. The committee was turned down cold by the company which refused to arbitrate the union's demands for higher wages. W. H. Latta, chief counsel for the company, announced that the company would not relent from its stand in respect to arbitra tion and would not treat with the strikers. Committee Hears Strikers The citizens' committee later called in representatives of the striking em ployes, headed by Harry Boggs, pres ident of the local union, and received a first-hand version of what the strik ers are seeking. The men are willing to arbitrate their differences before any impartial tribunal. It developed at the hearing with the company officials that: The working contract including an agreement not#to strike, broken by the men, has been held legal by Judge Baltzell, of fedei*al court The company will not break a sim ilar working contract with present workers in order to reinstate men on strike The company will not participate in any conference with strikers or in any arbitration proceedings because the new men might think the com pany' was considering reinstating old men and would quit, tieing up service. '3. it New Ohio Organization of Operators Not Worrying Union Coal Mine Operators association associntion and and not not TRACTION HEAD Rejects Arbitration Offer Union's President Arrested Announcement JOSEPH HILZ, Pres. FRANK X. HILZ, Vice Pres JOSEPH REDMAN, Sec'y-Treas. Joseph Hilz takes this means of announcing to his friends and patrons in general that on July 28 three years ago he was elect ed president and manager of the Hilz Bros. Co. We wish to thank all of our customers for their patronage in the past and to assure them that We will appreciate its contin uance in the future. Upon them, and upon our prospective customers as well, we want to impress the fact, .that we always stand in readiness to over come and correct any defects in our work or service. THE HILZ BROS. CO. gleaners Dyers—Carpet Cleaners Fostering the Practice of Right Business Principles jvMlVe have but one location First step over the bridge r-1 |^indenwald .and East Hamilton calls made daily, We have no branches For Service, Phone 4 or 15$* The Original Hilz Bros. Co., Est. 1901 Souvenirs for Kiddies and Grown-ups 1 -t ••--.,•!¥,., v:- *rx-*\ .* i .t, through numerous subdivisions. Union officials have not been formed as to what the "broad" policy of the operators contemplates when the association is in working order. Ohio is the birthplace of the United Mine Workers of America and has ldng been regarded as a stronghold of unionism There is no fear on the part of the union that the Ohio mines will be turned non-union. It is conceded that the coal indus try in the Buckeye state has been hard hit by cheap non-union coal of West Virginia, coupled with discrim inating freight rates to lake markets Campaigns to stimulate the use of Ohio coal in Ohio have been in prog press. Merchants and business men in general in many QJiio cities have made special window displays and hav printed advertisements urging people to burn Ohio coal and thus aid the industry and the miners who product the coal. Harry Boggs, president of the local union, has been placed under arrest on the charge of "rout," an old tim Indiana statute being dug up for this purpose. The law says a person is guilty of "rout" who does things that might lead to a riot. Six strikers jn rested on various charges are allege to have said that Boggs told them to "cut loosje" after the company had re fused to arbitrate. Boggs says the charge is a frame-up. Existence of Contract Denied Following the announcement by tin Indianapolis Street Railway Company that one reason the officials refused 'to negotiate a wage contract with their striking employes was because the men had violated a former con tract, counsel for the strikers declared to the citizens' committee that the company had no contract of any kind with the men who walked out and that its contention in this regard was mere subtei'fuge. Company officials were challenged to present any such contract signed by the men now on strike. DENY VACATION PAY Washington. Comptroller McCarl has ruled that government employes who have temporary jobs in execu tive departments are not entitled to sick or vacation pay, regardless of how long they have been on the pay roll. RADIO TO DISPATCH TRAINS Chicago.—Short wave radio broad casting casting stations, through which trains may be directed when blizzards or other causes interrupt wire service, are to be installed over the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul system. This line runs from Chicago to the Pacific coast, a distance of 2,200 miles. -j. -t•' 'i"Ji ''v *"v' Jk -i -1*''£* -f- & v\ 1 THE JJUTLER COUNTV OH gov, WILL HIT cin \WHEN THAT1 0ONCH OF y,NP 0URR* If (Copyright, W. N. V High By International Labor News Service. Washington, D. C.—Good wages and generally satisfactory employ ment are paying the largest dividends in general prosperity to the United States this year of any country in the history of the .vorld. These two factors are the real basis of the na tion's prosperity—men and women are employed, and their buying power is strong. Commodities are being consumed at the same rate that they ire produced, and giving vindication to the theory that 1he real buying power of the nation i? measured and gauged by the standards oc The justice of this contention was generally admitted in business cir cles, and further, that it is natural and inevitable for "real" wages to rise with increasing production. It would not be possible to distribute the increasing output of commodities by the factories if the buying power of the general public was not in creasing proportionately. Vindication for Green's Statement President Green, of the American Federation of Labor, in a statement last summer protesting against a re luction in the wages of the textile workers, said that as a policy it was economically unsound because it would reduce the purchasing power of the employes. No better vindication of his state ment is to be found than in the pres ent prosperous condition of the busi ness of the country, attributable pri marily to the fact that wages are good and the buying power of the people is strong. Working people are becoming ac customed to having money in their pockets, and they are showing in creasing tendencies to spend it wisely and advantageously, and obtain full value for it. They are adjusting themselves to higher standards of comforts, and in many instances, ac cumulating property in the form of homes and real estate. ..v Stable Buying Power Assured As Pay of Workers Increases With Gains in Productivity yv .ges that are paid to the workers. Satisfactory wages and employment conditions arise from two outstanding factors in the industKal structure: 1. "Real" wages are generally ad vancing in pi'oportioi. to the increas ing productivity of industry 2. Industries are more nearly bal anced, and in a bitter position to take each other's products, and pi-o vide each other with full employment. There is marked stability in the basic industries, such as steel, build ing and construction, and automobile manufacture, which is being reflected in the general condition of other in lustries and giving the country a large measure of prosperity. "Real" Wages Gain As Output Rises John P. Frey, of the International Molders' Union, offered a resolution, which was adopted, in the last an nual convention of the American Federation of Labor setting forth the principle that "real* wages should rise proportionately with the increase in productivity of industry that result from improvements in machinery and methods. IJ. S. Wages Higher Than Else where The Philadelphia-Girard National f- »'-*••-, !•-/b-'5 '••.•'•?'.••'.• .vs'( HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, JULY 30,1926 The City Cousin live* -fo HIM }Ml HORRV^ UP- 0E6 you KIP^ crcy/tRESipw Wages and Steady Work Paying Big Dividends Bank in a statement to its customers, says: "Wages in the United States are much higher than elsewhere in the world, and can continue so while our development for production per capita holds so gx*eatly larger. Our prepara tion and organization for industrial activities is far ahead, very largely from the tremendous power available from electricity, which vastly strengthens it in competitive posi tion with the world. "In this and other ways have we added hugely to the capacity of the individual worker, making machinery take the place of human labor to an extent not nearly equalled anywhere else in the world. By reason of this, American industries can pay high wages, produce at lower costs, and still make larger profits." Output Not Ahead of Demand At different times in the last five years curtailment in manufacture has been necessary in order not to get too far ahead of the consuming demand. These readjustments have been quick ly made, however, and the high and sustained purchasing power of the people has shown a close relation be tween productive activity and effec tive demand. With wages undisturb ed or increasing, the result has been that the burden of unsold accumula tions of goods have been largely avoided. The position of the banks is not tnaterially different from what it was a year ago. Time deposits have con tinued to increase. Rediscounts and borrowings at the federal reserve banks are $75,000,000 less than they were at this time last year. Industry is running in larger measure on its own capital and resources. Freight Movements Breaking Records Movement of freight has exceeded one million loaded cars a week for the last two months—a record-breaking performance for the railroads at this season of the year. There are none of the unsettling factors in sight that usually precede a period of serious business depression and industrial un employment. There has been a decrease recently of $38,000,000 a month in the imports of foreign goods. In many circles the demand is heard that the country should take larger quantities of goods from abroad, es pecially as a means of assisting those countries to repay their loans to the United States. Foreign Goods Hurt Home Trade The present condition of business and industry in the United States demonstrates pretty clearly that a community reaps no benefit when home production and home employ ment are curtailed to make room for foreign goods. The business of the country can not afford to take in goods from abroad at the expense of a curtailment of its own production at home. Depressed and unsettled conditions in Europe since the war, and apart from causes growing out of the war, can be attributed to the simple fact that prices have been high and wages have been low. This is also the trouble in the corn- ir *v v in General Prosperity 1 1 ti/ SAV CMTWE. &0 SOME OTHER. VVAV than OVER THIS STUBBLE m. growing belt of the Unite dStates. The prices which the farmers are pay ing for the things they need are high, but their own wages, derived through prices at which they are selling, are relatively low. Present Wages Assure Prosperity With wages left undisturbed, and industry concentrating its efforts on maintaining the balance between pro duction and consumption, the country should continue to enjoy its present favorable condition for an indefinite length of time. WAGE PHILOSOPHY Of American Organized La bor Upheld By Company Head By International Labor News Service. Montreal.—The wage philosophy of the A. F. of L. as embodied in the Atlantic City declaration, was ex ponded and defended by a prominent American employer in an address to the annual convention of the Canadian Gas Association here. Business can only be good when the individual can buy and for that rea son the low wages fallacy has done more to interfere with real prosperity than all of the other so-called eco nomic causes put together, declared Frank W. Steere, president of the Steere Engineering Company, Detroit. In general, he added, the tendency of all industries is to pay low wages and low salaries. Cities boast of low wages and offer it as an inducement to manufacturers looking for loca tions. But this is merely to invite manufacturers to locate their plants where the local markets have low purchasing power, to advance an argu ment which if sound would induce every manufacturer to seek locations in China or India. He added: "The rational way to make business good—to have prosperity— is to build up the purchasing power of the indi vidual. We have heard too much about increasing production and not enough about building absorbing ca pacity. "Industry is beginning to realize that the effort of all management should be to so organize their own particular industry that the highest possible income may be paid to every employe, not from altruistic motives, but for the purpose of increasing pur chasing power, and thus keeping business active." OLD AGE Dependency Studied By Na tional Civic Federation By International Labor News Service. New York City.—A study of the extent of old age dependency has been inaugurated by the industrial welfare department of the National Civic Federation. Charles L. Edgar, chairman of the department under which the inquiry is being made, an nounces that its purpose is to secure facts upon which to base efforts for old age security. Mr. Edgar states, further, that areas to be covered include centers where there are industrial employes other than workers in manual occupa tions. Persons no longer in active service, as well as those still em ployed, will be included in the survey. There will be consulted records of infirmaries and homes for the aged, v... Wl. Va',VS1' By International Labor News Service. Philadelphia, Pa.—Greater political freedom and elimination of the "speed-up" system was demanded by members of the Pennsylvania Federa tion of Postoffice Clerks in their an nual convention here. Frank E. Frantz, of Bethlehem, in presenting the resolution for greater political freedom, said that ^ostal workers at this time are virtually denied the rights of citizenship. The "speed-up" or weighing system was condemned as inimical to the effi ciency of the service. The convention local charity organizations, alms houses, public and private relief agencies, trade organizations, employ ment offices, insurance companies and government agencies. Some of the data on retirement and dependency to be obtained will in clude: 1. The age at which employes nor mally cease to be "employable" in the sense that their employers find it necessary to retire them and 2. The age at which such employes cease to be "employable" in the sense that, when they lose their positions, new employers will not engage them. MINERS'STRIKE Now Effective in Many West Virginia Localities By International Labor News Service. Indianapolis, Ind.—Reports from northern West Virginia coal fields where a strike against the action of coal companies in abrogating then agreement with the United Mine Workers, indicate that the walkout was effective in many localities. The strike call was issued from headquar ters of District 31. Van A. Bittner, international representative in north ern West Virginia, reports that the response was most satisfactory. Every mine in the region that was trying to operate non-union has had its production materially curtailed, some more than others. The Scotts Run field, where the Paisley and Purseglove interests operate and where the contract with the union was torn up, is virtually closed down. The strike is also effective in the Bear Mountain field and at Galloway, W. i 'f*? J- OUR JULY FURNITURE AND RUG SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT 3 W 7 4 J^ favored ah optional retirement ar rangement at the end of 30 years of service, urged a time differential on night work, favored the guarantee of at least four hours' work a week for substitute .clerks, and urged a Sat* urday half holiday. Creation of a spcclal court of ap peals for federal employes beftrs which they can take their grievances,' or make appeals fro n arbitrary rul ings of division heads and other offi cials, and bring about a better sys tematized conditior.3 in government work, was urged by 'he convention. Va., where 90 per cent of the men are out. Two thousand union miners are on the picket line in these regions and are maintaining a peaceful watch on the situation. Some of the coal com panies have employed scores of armed guards to patrol their workings and prevent meetings of miners. LOCOMOTIVE Engineers' Brotherhood To Open Two Labor Banks By International Labor News Service. Cleveland, Ohio.—The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers will estab lish two new banks this summer. One, in San Francisco, completes the Brotherhood's financial program for the Pacific coast while the other fur nishes added service to Cleveland clients. The San Francisco bank is capitalized at $500,000 with surplus of $150,000, controlled almost exclusive ly by members of the Brotherhood in California and adjoining states. This fills the last important gap in the coast banking chain with Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane and Hill yard already supporting Engineers' banks. Los Angeles is served by the People's National Bank, established in 1024 and now enjoying deposits of more than $3,000,000. The Brotherhood banks and invest ment companies now command re sources in excess of $100,000,000, while the Pacific coast banks alone have resources nearing $10,00tf,000. The new Cleveland bank will be a branch of the parent institution, es tablished as the first co-operative labor bank in America in 1920. KREBS Third And Court -x *&.**?-'$iKSI 1f J.r^ 1 1 1 1 *v *\le fvi? &» ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Postoffice Clerks Demand Greater Political Freedom Assail "Speed Up" System v ,Vf? .^^''f *Vy«{'. f$-1 1 j'u »flp N 'H U n •3* & 3 •3 iHj .^4 "J. 'I vj! 1 s