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»w k $? Jt-{'-5*-••-•• .••*'& ~W ww 'V.vV,-'''f^ i 1 ,•»' VOL. XXVL No. 38 By International Labor News'Service. New York City.—Wholesale graft ing by officers and members of the local Electrical Workers' Union is charged by the International Brother hood of Electrical Workers of America in a court fight to oust 17 officers of the local union. Five hundred affidavits, filed in su preme court by International Vice President H. II. Broach, charge the 17 officers and members of the New York Union with bribery, corruption and conspiracy to prevent competent mechanics from entering the union. The affidavits declare that the elec trical contracting industry is honey combed with graft. The affidavits were the internation al's answer to an attempt by the local union to restrain the parent body from removing the accused men and bring ing them to trial on bribery charges before the international in Washing ton. "Two-Way Shops," Charged Among charges made in the affi davits are: Union officers permitted electrical contractoi's to operate what were known as 'two-way shops," employ ing crews of union and non-union men at the same time. Men who knew nothing of electrical work were inducted into the union on the order of business agents. An electrical contractor on the Fourteenth street power house for the New York Edison Company swore that he paid Richard L. O'Hara, pres ident of the local union, and Business Agent William O'Toole $200 a month each on the understanding that "things would go smoothly on the powerhouse job." Paid "Probation" Graft Non-union electrical** contractors were compelled to pay graft when business agents' of the union kept them "on probation," sometimes for a year, before allowing them to have union mechanics. There are numerous other charges of irregularities, including sale of membership cards and acceptance of UNION LABOR LIFE LEASESJWFKB By International Labor News Service. Washington, D. C.—Union Labor Life Insurance Company has leased permanent offices on Connecticut avenue in this city in an unusually favorable locality at unusually favor able terms. The new offices will be in a triangle building, with glass on three sides, affording unusual light and giving the company the floor space it will need when it begins its actual business life early in January. Stock' sales are about ended, it is announced, with only formal an nouncement of the final closing of the books to be made. It is an nounced that unless those still wish ing stock act immediately they will be disappointed. V Electrical Workers' Heads Charge Members of New York Local With Wholesale Graft i v &V,£•!'V* VJ^'M*r **v v-^^rt-r -"^rr*n*jwp^'-j^v:•'-. *?*.v graft by business agents for failing to report that non-union men were working on jobs. George Donnellan, counsel for the local officers, in urging before su preme Court Justice Crain that the temporary order restraining the in ternational organization from remov ing the men be made permanent, charged that Vice President Broach •came. to this city last February at the request of the local officers to organize the field, but instead set afoot "a conspiracy" to gain control of the union and its funds of $268,000. Decision Is Reserved Justice Crain in reserving decision said he was concerned only with the procedure of trying local officers, whether the local union had exclusive jurisdiction or whether both the local and international had concurrent jurisdiction. FALL AND DOHENY Asquittal Bad Effect Country. Declares New Yorker New Yorker.—Bribery, vote frauds and rum violations are factors that are bringing this country to the verge of anarchy, Fred B. Smith, chairman of the citizens' committee of one thou sand, said in sending out a nation wide call for his organization's an nual meeting in Washington on Jan uary 6th. Bribery in public life looms about us large in undermining the country's social order, through creating disre spect for law, as does the "somewhat general flouting" of the eighteenth amendment," Mi*. Smith said. The recent acquittal of Fall and Doheny, he asserted, has "had a terri ble effect on the country and given the people the idea that any one with a big enough roll of money can go down to Washington and even buy a cabinet member." Referring to the elections in Penn sylvania and Illinois, he said he tiad no evidence of fraud that could be laid before a jury, but felt that these cases "were open scandals." SENATE WILL PKOBE BIG BAKERY MERGER Washington.—The senate judiciary committee has appointed a sub-com mittee to probe the bread trust. The committee will also investigate the charge that the federal district court at Baltimore dismissed a complaint against the Continental Baking Cor poration when it was informed that the federal trade commission was prosecuting a similar case against the Continental. It is now known that the commission dropped its case and so notified the department of jus tice a few hours before the case was -placed before the Baltimore court. The government failed to acquaint the court with the fact that the com plaint was dropped. The investigation was proposed by Senator La Follette. TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS We Wish You A Very Happy New Year Thanks for your part in our success. We trust we have merited your support. We hope to be able to serve you even more efficiently during the coming year. -r r^V. 'V '"••'»•, -r .* '••.'" Y\ \V-*Vv #. .' .&•«rvf-H.*** 1 #*'i ':_r 1," i On ,\ THE BUTLER COUNTY STATION ONE-NINE TWO-SIX MOW SIGNING OFr wishinc3 you A HEALTHY, HAPPY AND prosperous :AR TC6pyi N. (. rthOOfiClrtCi Sp By Staff Correspondent, International Labor News Service. New York City.—Six months of costly struggle which has ravaged the once powerful International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union has brought its first victory for the cloakmakers. Arbitration resorted to immediately after the international ousted the lo cal communist leadership has gained the workers every point of conten tion. Peace has now been restored in the industry, but the conflict between the right and left wing continues un abated. Morris Sigman, president of the in ternational, commenting on the award which has sent 20,000 locked-out workers back to the shops, describes it "a signal achievement for the cloak makers, a victory for sane trade union tactics." He declared the union, through arbitration, ended "the lock out and strike which the muddle headed communists were incapable of resolving after six months of costly struggle, and obtained through arbi tration terms far more favorable than the communists obtained from only one-fourth the industry after 20 weeks of strike." -un* Signing American Labor Movement Pledges Aid to Big Union ent After Futile Strike i im A v t'ki&Wv Aj*. Off I Cloakmakers Win First Victory As Communist Leaders Are Ousted A. F. of L. Aids Leaders The American Federation of Labor has acted to assist the international reorganize its New York locals, fi nance them over the period in which a debt of over $1,500,000 must be met and to give the rank and file the op portunity to decide whether they will remain within the labor movement or trail along with the communist party. William Green, president of the federation, has designated five promi nent labor leaders to co-operate with the intei'national officers in the house cleaning. They are Matthew Woll, a vice president of the federation Hugh Frayne, New York representa tive John Sullivan, president of the New York State Federation of Labor Joseph Ryan, president of the Central Trades and Labor Council, and John F. O'Hanlon, legislative representa tive of the State Federation. Mr. Woll accepted honorary chair manship of the cloakmakers' finance committee, which will seek funds to rehabilitate the international. Mr. Frayne is chairman-of the law com mittee. Enrollment Begins Enrollment of the 40,000 cloak makers and 20,000 dressmakers has begun as a preliminary to reorganiz ing the local unions under authority of the general executive board of the international. The test of strength will come, however, in the referendum which is to be called. There is evidence that the powerful communist group that has been welded from nuclei in all the needle trades unions is fully pre pared for the development and is amply supplied with funds and lea ers. Of this their recent demonstra tion of 13,000 in Madison Square Garden is proof. At the call of the Lefts thousands of communists from other than cloak makers' unions, politicals who are anxious to see the trade unions wrecked and outside groups, as well as a strong minority from the ranks of the cloakmakers responded. One hundred Red guards, paid members of •the picket committee, formed a re ception committee in front of the hall. Police Aid Communists Nearly 100 policemen and plain clothes men, members of the bomb squad and the industrial squad, co operated with the Red guards. Any union man of suspected right wing tendencies was driven away and pre vented from enterirtg. Protests were unavailing, for the police were work ing in perfect accord with the com munist leadership. It was one of the interesting revelations of the situa tion. Defiance was voiced at the efforts of the labor movement to capture the local needle trades from the commu nist elements. Fur workers, painters, clothing workers, jewelers, leather workers infected with the virus of Moscow were in the hall, ostensibly all cloakmakers, who were yelling ap proval of 25 weeks' starvation and tumult on the picket lines which they fc|ave ]^utr recently experienced wi£h- ,, .. -, 1- »•. a out much to show for their sacrifice. National Menace Checked The committee for the preservation by local union leaders who have man by local union leaders wha hove man aged to stamp out communist fires in their unions, has broadened its ac tivity. It has drawn attention to the national activity of the anti-union groups centering in Chicago. Labor bodies in Chicago, Boston, Philadel phia have been urged to co-operate with the committee to check the raids made on the workers' economic organ izations. Thirty workers drown, 30 saved, as launch carrying them from New York city to plant at Edgewater, N. J., sinks in the icy Hudson river captain of launch arrested on homicide charge. & & & & f* V v- .' 1 v^vy** Nj»w»»or*w».**&i> **. ttf HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1926 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR DINING ROOM SUITES LIVING ROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES ROOM RUGS -S ...<p></p>PRESS. By JOSEPH A. WISE Correspondent, International Labor News Service Chicago.—The uproar against the seating of Col. Frank L. Smith to' fill out the unexpired term of United States Senator William B. McKinley, who died recently, is recognized in Illinois for just what it is—a smoke screen to conceal the real designs of the noise-making politicians and their daily newspaper allies. Staff Organized labor, the farmers and war veterans were the three big fac tors in the nomination and election of Colonel Smith to the United States senate. These three elements are not in good standing at the White House, but have some friends on Capitol Hill. Big Interests Opposed Smith Opposing Colonel Smith were all of those big financial interests whose principal aim is to exploit the wage earner, rob the farmer and to make a mockery of the sacrifices of the ex service men. It is a fact that a large sum of money was spent by Colonel Smith's managers in the primary election last spring, but not a scintilla of evidence ever has been produced showing that a dollar was wrongfully spent either from a moral or legal standpoint. Illinois is a large state, both in territory and population, having more than 6,000,000 inhabitants. It takes a lot of money to reach that number of people by means of the printed word and through a speaking cam paign. Forced to Use Much Printed Matter The Smith managers were forced to use an enormous quantity of print ed matter largely because not one Chicago daily newspaper supported Smith, and only a handful of the down-state dailies had a good word to say for him. The only class of publication that gave Smith 100 per cent support were the down-state la bor papers, which, taken collectively, are a powerful factor in Illinois. Smith had to fight against gigantic financial interests capable of exercis ing tremendous influence through un Begin The New Year With A Home Renewed Of all your 1927 resolutions, the one in which you say "I must have a beau tiful home the coming year," is the most commendable. A handsomely furnished home is an inspiration both to you and to your family. It is is a source of joy for the year and the many years that follow it. Fine Furni ture, the kind we sell, typifies this spirit the essence of reliability, the worthiness of substantial construction, the beauty of having the newest— these factors will help you decide immediately to select new Furniture for your entire home or merely to choose for one or two rooms in it. Put Your Christmas Check On a Krebs Suite THIRD & COURT STS. w* 1 -, y-. ,* Jj, V, Uproar Against Smith Seen As Plot of Big Interests To Nullify Labor Victory Fight By Politicians on Illinois Senator-elect Meets With the Approval of Reactionary Moneyed Groups Who Seek to Exploit City and Farm Workers. /Y w vycw* jar, &y&.iy^miir' ky/' ",/i i' derground channels and openly where it was impossible to conceal their Machiavellian machinations. He won the fight in the only way it could be won—his campaign manager obtained a sufficient amount of money to pay for the rent, printing, advertising, postage, transportation of speakers and other legitimate expenses neces sary to carry on a successful cam paign. The great crime that Frank L. Smith committed is that he won! Pretend to Be Greatly Horrified Some of the virtuous gentlemen in the senate would have us believe that they are horrified over Colonel Smith's frank admission that he accepted $125,000 from Sam Insull, traction magnate. Insull, born a British subject and naturalized as an American citizen, swore on the witness stand that he gave that money to Smith because he was opposed to the World Court. Why isn't Insull's word under oath as worthy of belief as are the insin cere verbal attacks of political trick sters and the highly colored news ar ticles and editorials printed in daily newspapers which are cheek by jowl with the oil, steel, packing and other large manufacturing interests? Interests Sought to Split Vote All of these were out in open in the November general election as backers of Hugh S. Magill, who ran as an "independent republican" candi date for senator in order to split Smith's vote so that George E. Bren nan, tne democratic candidate and a thoroughly "reliable" man from the standpoint of the big manufacturing interests, could be elected. Magill was and now is an employe of John D. Rockefeller. The oil king loaned Magill for the campaign. Fol lowing the election Magill returned to his old Standard Oil job and recently has been making speeches in several states against the seating of Smith. The big interests opposed to the in dustrial wage earner, the farmer and the war veteran may be successful in crucifying Frank L. Smith, but they (Continued on last page) $189 to $450 $179 to $380 $175 to $400 $19.75 to $150 E-B .'A1«' i)"..*. rm *''*-, ij1 •t\- 1 *y v. !''C: 1 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & a 0 0 Hi .s