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Kl i 4r tpSF«p«««PeP«» •v^^i!ljjl!".." ii'iiij'i1*' "^.Id"*' .'.:1'"/•: -£V Ladies' Pure Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose 79c Pair An excellent quality silk and wool hose in the wanted colors. Indeed a great Clearance Safe value at 79c pair. Child's Ribbed Stockings 25c Pair A great value in children's Eng lish ribbed hose in the Clearance Sale at 25c the pair. Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves Special 79c Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves in plain styles as well as those with fancy embroidered cuffs. A great Clearance Sale special at 79c. Linen Handerchiefs V2 Price Men's and Women's Linen Hand kerchiefs that are slightly soil ed. Clearance Sale at price. Great values, these. Children's Embroidery Sets 3 for $1.00 Sets consist of five different animals to be embroidered and stuffed. A great thing for the little girls. Ladies' Stamped Gowns, $1.00 Ladies' stamped' gO,wns on voile and crepe. Colors are lavender, blue, pink, white and honeydew. Regular $1.59 values for the Clearance Sale at $1.00. Stamped Pillow Slips, $1.00 Pair Stamped Pillow Slips, both hemstitched and hemmed many different patterns. $1.39 values for $1.00 the pair. itewiilnfA minimi arc ^•..- ''". :'.'..Xul:--»...'/,'v l'l»l| III Mil lf|l.' Burnett-Waite's Greatest Value Giving ..» Event. Pacific and Artamo Embroidery Packages at 10% DISCOUNT These two fine lines of embroidery packages which include chil dren's dresses from 1 to 12 years, ariy baby's layettes, luncheon sets, boudoir pillows and many other things. FLANNEL GOWNS, Slip-over Styles, 2 for $1.00 MUSLIN GOWNS, Slip-over Styles, pink and whito, 2 for u $1.00 $2,25 FANCY FLANNEL GOWNS for the Clearance at .....$1.95 HEAVY FLANNEL PAJAMAS, frog trim mi ngss, $1.95 value .$1.79 SfRIDE-A-WAY BLOOMERS in novelty jersey, $7 values FLANNEL GOWNS, $1.00 values, v *r' Clearance Sale IN OUR Hosiery Dept. and Silk and Wool Hose 3 Pairs For $2.85 Beautiful hosiery in pure silk with triple seams also an elegant quality of silk and wool. Colors are black and all the new shades. A great value for the Clearance Sale at 3 pairs for $2.85. Ladies' Ribbed Hose 2 Pairs for $1.00 Ladies' English Ribbed Hose in tan only. A wonderful special value for the Clearance Sale ^at 2 pairs for $1.00. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 1/2 Price Lot of Ladies' handkerchiefs in the pretty new styles. These are slightly mussed from handling. Clearance Sale special at Price. Department All hand embroidered samples —centerpieces, dresser scarfs, children's dresses, ladies' paja ma suits and combinations, pil low slips, vanity sets and em o i e e s u e o s a n animals will be closed out at HALF PRICE—which is below .cost. Stamped Afternoon Dresses, $1.29 Ladies' stamped afternoon dresses in lavender and honey dew. All sizes. $1.98 value for the Clearance Sale at $1.29. y Buffet Sets, Scarfs, Etc., 49c & 59c Buffet Sets, Scarfs, round cen e i e e s V a n i y S e s a n Guest Towels to be embroid ered. 7Sc values for the Clear ance Sale at 49c and 59c. Infant's Capls v 10% Off Knitted caps of silk or wool silk caps of poplin, crepe de chine and wash silk also chin chilla at 10% OFF the original prices of 69c to $3.98. Clearance Sale ,.79! DISCOUNT ON BLANKETS AND COMFORTS Our entire stock of Blankets and Comforts specially reduced 10% for the Clearance Sale J^.'i. Pretty Beaded Bags At Absolute Cost $2.19 An array of exquisite beaded bags in the newer styles feat ured for the Clearance Sale at $2.19, which is absolute cost. The Clearance Sale in the Embroidery Goods V^.V' V -", •4?-. $2.49 GIo-Ray .... i i •Vi 42^.* The Clearance Sale in the Dress Goods Department $2.49 Charmeuse .... $1.95 Beautiful 40-inch Charmeuse in all colors, also black and white. A $2.59 value for the Clear ance Sale at $1.95. Beautiful $2.69 Silks $1.89 Exquisite plain and fancy silks in a wide range of beautiful colors to select from. 40 inches wide —values to $2.69—Clearance Sale price $1.89 yd. Have you seen this new silk? Everybody is wild about it, it's so beautiful. 40 inches wide. A $2.49 value for $1.95. $2.49 Printed Crepes $1.89 Printed Crepes that are excellent for blouses and dresses. 40 inches wide—a $2.49 value for the Clearance at $1.89. Crepe de Chine $1.95 Good heavy weight Crepe de Chine in all colors —also black and white. 40 inches wide. Clear ance Sale at $1.95 yard There is a wonderful quality and a splendid finish to this flat crepe. It's 40 inches wide. And a $2.69 value for $2.39 during this Clearance Sale $4.00 Fancy Silks .... $2.95 Fancy Silks that have been selling up to $4.00 yard. 40 inches wide. Clearance Sale at $2.95 yard. Pongee Silk, yard Ideal for draperies and dresses. Featured during the Clearance Sale at 39c yard. Natural Pongee, yard .. 69c This is an unfinished pongee that washes splen didly. Clearance Sale price 69c yard. $2.49 Velvets, yard ... $1.69 This is a very popular number. Comes in black navy and cocoa. 27 inches wide. A $2.49 value for the Clearance Sale at $1.69. An excellent quality velvet that is 27 inches wide. All colors and black. Clearance Sale price $1.95 yard. $4.50 Coatings, yard $2.95 Plain and fancy coatings that sell regular to $4.50 the yard. All the very newest colors and patterns to select from. 54 inches wide. Clear ance Sale price, yard, $2.95. $6.00 Astrakan Coating.. .$4.25 Fifty-four inch Astrakan Coating in black, tan and gray. Regular price $6.00—for the Clearance Sale at $4.25. EXTRA SPECIAL! We do not want to carry over a single piece of winter coating, so in order to move it quickly we have marked every piece not specially re duced for the Clearance at and OFF REGULAR PRICES. 69c Cotton Challis .. 50c Printed Cotton Challis in fast colors. Regular price 69c—Clearance Sale 50c. Yard Wide Percale 17c, 19c, 21c Yard wide percale in light and dark patterns for the Clearance Sale at 17c, 19c and 21c yard. Comfort Challis, yard, 17c Yard wide Comfort Challis in dainty patterns. Clearance Sale price 17c. $1.39 Seamless Sheets $1.00 Seamless Sheets that are 81x90 inches in size. $1.39 value for the Clearance Sale at $1.00. v V -."'J -i* 2 -t Semi-Annual $2.68 Flat Crepe $2.39 $2-75 Wool Suitings $1.25 Beautiful Velvets .... $1.95 $2.75 Wool Crepes .. $2.19 Dress Ginghams y2 Price Sheetings at, yard 45c One lot of pretty Dress Ginghams for the Clear- 50c and 55c bleached and unbleached Sheetings ance at PRICE. for the Clearance Sale at 45c.. 0% DISCOUNT On AH Merchandise Not Advertised A %"HE BUTLER COUNT* PRESS 'J V--' artment Presents The Greatest of Savings Opportunities $3.50 Dress Velvet. .. $2.89 Thirty-six Dress Velvet that sells in the regular way at $3.50 Clearance Sale price $2.89. $4.39 Chiffon Velvet $3.89 A very popular Velvet for Evening and street wear. 40 inches wide. A $4.39 value for $3.89 yard. gg Black Chiffon Velvet. $4.89 Beautiful black chiffon velvet that has a wonder ful mstre. 40 inches wide and a $5.75 value. Clearance Sale price $4.89. $2.50 Velvets $1.29 Beautiful 18 inch velvets that sell in the regular way at $2.50. Clearance Sale price $1.29 yard. $1.29 Wool Suitings 79c 36-inch wool suitings that have been selling up to $1.29 yard. Plain and fancy patterns. Clear ance Sale 79c yard. Plain nnH Fanev Wnnl Snihnopc o™ Ad Plain and Fancy Wool Suitings that are 40 and 54 inches wide. Values to $2.75. Clearance Sale $1.25 yard. $2'95 W°o1 SuitinSs 54-inch Wool Suitings including men's wear serge and crepe—excellent qualities. Values to ""\95—Clearance Sale $1.95. Wool Challis, yard .... 98c Light and dark colors in wool challis. Specially priced for the Clearance Sale at 98c yard. Wool Mixed Flannels 50c Striped and checked wool mixed flannels—32 inches wide. A $1.00 value for the Clearance Sale at 50c yard. $3.49 Wool Flannels $2.95 An excellent quality wool flannel in all the good colors. A $3.49 value for the Clearance Sale at $2.95. Wool Crepes in a great variety of good colors 40 inches wide. A $2.79 value for the Clearance Sale at $2.19. Kimona Crepe, yard 29c Large selection of beautiful Kimono Crepe. Specially priced for the Clearance at 29c yard. 59c Everfast Suiting 45c 36 inches wide and pretty patterns to choose from, 59c value for the Clearance at 45c yard. 75c Plain Linens 49c Twelve good colors to select from. Values for the Clearance Sale at 49c. Aeroplane Linens 25c 200 yards of 39c Aeroplane Linen for the Clear ance Sale at 25c yard. EXTRA SPECIAL We will give a 10'A DISCOUNT on all Silks, Woolens and Cotton Fabrics not marked at sale prices. Outing, yard 16 2-3c, 18c, 21c, 25c Outing in dark and light patterns specially re duced for the Clearance Sale to these prices. Muslins, yard Bleached and unbleached muslins Clearance Sale at 10c to 25c yard. vousfsEm^^ 232 HIGH ST. $195 10c to 25cA go in the Apron Gingham, yard 15c Pretty patterns in Apron Ginghams featured during the Clearance Sale at 15c yard. m) The Clearance Sale In The Drapery Department Cretonnes 25c up Beautiful cretonnes for draperies and many other purposes. Our reg ular 50c and 65c values for the Clearance Sale at 25c up. Bissell Vacuum Sweepers, $7.75 The celebrated Bissell Vacuum Sweepers. Sell regularly at $11.00, but offer during the Clearance at $7.75. Fish Bowls All Reduced Pretty gold fish bowls with at tractive wrought iron stands of pleasing design—at the follow ing reductions—• $9.00 Fish Bowls $6.50 $6.50 Fish Bowls $4.75 $3.75 Fish Bowls $2.75 Table Lamps At Big Reductions Our stock of beautiful Table Lamps specially reduced for the Clearance Sale. All newest style lamps. $13.50 Table Lamps..$ 9.75 $15.00 Table Lamps..$11.50 $25.00 Table Lamps.,$17.00 $ 6.00 Table Lamps..$ 4.50 Inlaid Linoleum $1.19 A great assortment of beautiful inlaid linoleum. An excellent quality—our regular $2.25 qual ity at $1.19. Linoleum, 30c Yard Felt Base Linoleum in a good assortment of patterns reduced for the Clearance Sale to 30c yard. Ladies' heavy weight silk and wool union suits—low neck, no sleeves, cuff knee. Special for the Clearance Sale ^2 QQ Ladies' medium weight silk and wool union suits low neck, sleeveless, stocking top. Clear ance Sale at $2.25 Ladies' Medium weight silk and wool union suits in all styles reduced as follows: $2.50 Union Suits $2.25 $2.75 Union Suits $2.50 $2.98 Union Suits $2.75 $3.25 Union Suits $3.00 Ladies' fine ribbed cotton, medium weight union suits in all styles specially priced for the Clearance Sale at— $1.25, $1.50, $1.69 Ladies' medium weight silk and wool shirts and drawers re duced for the Clearance Sale to $1.50 values $1.39 $1.75 values $1.65 Table Cloths 25r Discount A number of beautiful Linen TaBle Cloths, 72 inches square for the Clearance at 25% DIS COUNT. No napkins to match. Linen Crash 18c, 20c, 25c Bleached and unbleached Linen Crash for the Clearance Sale at these prices. $2 and $2.75 Linen, $1.49 A lot of $2 and $2.75 Linen that is full 2 yards wide. Your choice for the Clearance Sale $,t $1.49 the yard.» r^p^vTjV4^ *"-f An Opportunity For Savings that Comes But Twice Each Year $3 and $3.50 Curtains, 75c An assortment of odd Curtains that have been selling in the regular way. Specially priced for the Clearance Sale at 75c. Curtain Fringe 5c Yard A lot of pretty fringe for cur tains specially reduced for the Clearance Sale to 5c yard. Neponset Rugs $9.50 Beautiful Neponset Rugs in 9x12 size. Ideal for most any room. A great Clearance Sale value at $9.50. Brussels Rugs $35.00 Body Brussels Rugs in a great variety of patterns. Size 9x12. These are our regular $70 rugs offered for the Clearance at just ONE HALF or $35. Cretonne Edgings 5c Yard One lot of beautiful Cretonne Edgings. Sell in the regular way at 15c yard. Clearance Sale at 5c yard. Lace Edgings 5c Yard One lot of pretty Lace Edgings that sell regularly at 10c and 15c yard. Clearance Sale 5c yard. The Clearance Sale of Knit Underwear Merode Underwear All Reduced £2 QQ Minneapolis Knit Underwear Also Reduced Children's silk and wool union suits in all styles. Regular prices from $2.25 to $3.50, re duced for the Clearance Sale to— $1.69, $2, $2.25 $1.69, $2 Clearance Sale of Linens 3 -I! -.-k '1 A A A A I A i & i A A s 5 a A & A i ind $2.50 Children's $1.25 cotton fleece union suits in the Clearance Sale at the special d»-| nn price of I A A A A A A A A 1 •UU Boys' heavy cotton fleece union suits in white and gray, re duced for the Clear- d»-j A A ance Sale to «pl»UU Boys' medium weight silk and wool union suits in white and gray especially reduced for the Clearance Sale to— and $2.25 Ladies' medium weight silk and cotton union suits with low neck, no sleeves and cuff knee. $1.69 value for.. ivl) 10% Discount On Bed Spreads Bed Spreads ranging in price from $2.98 to $14.95 specially reduced 10% for the Clearance Sale. Linen Towels 59c One lot of Linen Towels that are slightly mussed from han dling. These are beautifully hand embroidered. Clearance Sale, choice 59c. Linen Scarfs at $1.00 Lot of beautiful Linen Scarfs trimmed with lace and colored dimity for the Clearance Sale at $1.00 each. Soiled Linens 10% Off All soiled linens go in the Clearance Sale at 10% DIS COUNT. /. I d»| A A A A A A A 4 a a A & 4 A A -'i i 1 ''•M