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.* If SC a. *«£'. gt* I, \. ®.!- .7ip it t' I4 tV W~ ft-,- '•-I I' w *3^ UZlj .^!\ /-$ THE PRESS 4VTICIAL ORGAN OF ORGANIZED LABOR 07 HAMILTON AND YICQUXX .., 110 wP Members Ohio Labor Press Association THE NONPAREIL PRINTING CO PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS Subscription Price $1.00 per Year Payable in Advance We do not hold ourselves responsible for any Views or opinions expressed in the articles OP communications of correspondents. Communications solicited from secretaries of all societies and orKanizations, and should be addressed to The Butler County Press, 826 Market Street, Hamilton, Ohio. The publishers reserve the right to reject •By advertisements at any time. Advertising rates made known on appli cation. Whatever is intended for insertion moat J* authenticated by the name and address of tbe writer, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. Subscribers changing their address will please notify this office, giving old and new address to insure regular delivery of paper. FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1927 Entered at the Postoffice at Hamilton, Ohio, as Second Class Mail Matter. Issued Weekly at 321 Market Street Telephone 129S Hamilton. Ohto Endorsed by the Trades and Labor Council of Hamilton, Ohio Endorsed by the Middletown Trades •Dd Labor Council of Middletown, O. GIVE AND BE HAPPY Leaders and workers in Hamilton's 1927 Community Chest drive are now in harness, laboring, pulling, hauling, coaxing, begging and cajoling, in their efforts to fill the chest. It is figured it will take just $100,000 to fill the chest that the relief and welfare or ganizations of Hamilton may function properly during the year to come. While $100,000 has been fixed by the budget committee as the amount nec essary for the twelve agencies to benefit from the chest, this amount is the minimum with which these agencies can carry on, and doesn't mean that each agency can not use more money than is allotted it. Good ness knows that relief and welfare organizations can use every dollar to be obtained and more. For that rea son it is to be hoped that the drive this year goes way "over the top." The workers in this cause dedicate themselves to that service which is the essence of vitalized religion. With them let the general public join in this selfless dedication, to the end that peace, comfort—some measure of happiness— may enter into afflicted lives. The chest takes care of the widowed and orphaned, of the aged and infirm, of little children handicapped by cir cumstances of birth and environment, of those who walk, bending under the burden of disease of the delin quent, of those who would labor and can find it not. It is a duty to contribute as one can. It is an opportunity for all to serve as kindly dispensers of bless ings. GIVE AND BE HAPPY. 1* *a 1ft la FREEDOM TO CEASE WORK The anti-union Los Angeles Times is angry because the Musicians' Union of that city decided that no member shall be employed by a broadcasting station that employs non-union musi cians. The decision, says the Times, "means that many independent musi cians will be deprived of a large part of their means of livelihood." This is* another way of saying that union musicians have not the right to refuse work for any reason satis factory to themselves. The United States supreme court has made a contrary ruling in the Indiana stone cutters' case, and there by supports the Times, but this deci sion, which Justice Brandeis has call ed "involuntary servitude," is not the final word. Courts find ways to re spond to enlightened public opinion. If workers are free men they con trol their labor power. If this power —that is inseparably linked with man —can be regulated, as is a commod ity or a corporation that has been CHRIST FOR ALL-ALL FOR CHRIST THE GOLDEN RULE:—As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them. Luke 6: 31. PRAYER:—Lord, help us to make Thee the standard of our life, and then we ever will love aright and serve aright every one else. W.-" BY HIMSELF Federal Judge Isaac M. Meekins rated as a rough-on-drinkers, scrap ping judge, was interviewed for Col liers' Weekly. In the interview, en titled, "Are We All Liars?" Meekins says this: "The ruthless disregard of truth on the part of millions of our citizens with regard to Volsteadism can not be confined to Volsteadism alone. It leads ultimately to but one thing— destruction of all law and order. "Personally I am in favor of law enforcement 100 per cent plus. I am speaking as one who favored adoption of the law. "I feel and believe the noblest aims of the true citizen are to kindle love and loyalty for the great republic in which we live, to each obedience to and enforcement of its laws." CONVICT LABOR ISSUE TO BE FORCED BY UNIONS Memphis, Tenn.—Organized labor will make the convict labor question a feature of the next gubernatorial campaign. The State Federation of Labor convention declared that this evil is detrimental to free labor and should be abolished. created by the state, the worker is not free. The fact that others may be incon venienced by the exercise of this right does not affect the principle of free dom. A nation can not profess f^edom and practice tyranny. If workers must give their labor lest others be inconvenienced, where is the difference between this and Mussolini's system that outlaws strikes and sets wages by compulsory arbitration Human rights can not be subjected to counting room standards. The dif ference between the serf and the free man is that the latter can cease em ployment. He can refuse to serve. He does not have to ask others. He must not be a victim of what the Montana supreme court has termed "judicial legerdemain" that acknowl edges this right in theory and denies it in practice. The human being is not an append age of the state or of business—at least not in America. By driving home this point, organ- Gas Contract To Mean Great Things For Hamilton's Future you read the news articles in the Dayton Journal of last Sunday and in the Hamilton dailies of last Monday on the elaborate plans for the now assured industrial development at Coke Otto, the result of the proposed enlargement of the coke and gas plant? And if you did, we would ask this question, "Was the Butler County Press right, when during its battles the past two years in the local gas war, it always contended that the coming of the big plant at Coke Otto would mean eventually the biggest one thing industrially that ever came to this community? Are you ready to believe with us now that our prediction stands a good chance of realization? Are you beginning to realize now what Hamilton and the community would have lost had you and the others, making up the majority of the city's voters, cast your ballots against accepting an artificial gas contract and then to have voted to accept the proffered natural gas contract? And do you remember—sure you do—how you were told by the few know-it-alls what a terrible mistake you were making in your insistence for artificial gas in preference to natural gas? Don't you remember how this was dinned into you, night after night, by the dailies? And weren't you given to under stand, from this same source, that if you didn't get off the artificial gas proposition that you didn't know what was really good for you? Sure you do! But what do you think of the proposition now? Looks good, doesn't it? The Dayton Journal writer, among other things, said: "Heretofore the Miami-valley has been considered as largely agricultural. It is destined, say the industrialists, eventually to become a district akin to the Ruhr in Ger many, to Lancashire in England, and to certain parts of Pennsylvania. This a long time hence, but not so long as some would imagine." Well, Coke Otto and the Miami valley may not become another Ruhr or Lancashire, but the Press does believe it will, in time, become a close second to them. The coming of this great development is now no longer a dream it is practically here. Not today, not tomorrow, perhaps, but with the re organization of the company completed and the building plans for the big plant about finished and the engineers and consiruction men ready to go, big doings at Coke Otto may be looked for within a very few days. But since this wonderful Aladdin-like story of the plans for this great industrial development is gradually unfolding itself and impressing itself on the min$s of the people as no longer just a dream, but a reality in fact, what do they think and what have they to say, those who favored a natural gas pact for Hamilton as against an artificial pact and the retaining of the plant at Coke Otto? One of the dailies in its editorial the other night, said: "Our long controversy over gas seems to have been a blessing in disguise, admitting in a few words its error in its stand on the gas question in the past. The other paper, so far, fails to admit it was wrong in its stand. It must first, no doubt, be shown, and then won't believe, or at least won't admit it so long as John A. Savage lives. But all's well that ends well, and in the gas question is to be seen a glor ious ending for Hamilton and the community's future—steady employment for hundreds—yes, thousands—which will mean much for the prosperity of all is to be seen in the ending of this long controversy. And then the big thing— an assured gas supply for many, many years. All during the long battle the Press steadily held that the people had a remarkable intuition and a pretty sharp nose for smelling out, in their own way, just what is good for them, especially where gas is concerned. Again, was the Press right? No answer needed here. And now, while the Press doesn't for one instant desire to claim credit for all these wonderful happenings that are to mean so much for the com munity's future prosperity, yet the Press is indeed proud of the stand it took on this question, steadily fighting along in its humble way, always advocating the artificial gas proposal, ever believing it to be for the best interests of all the people and all concerned. And if its efforts in any way did anything to influence or to bring about the final result in the proposed big development, growth and expansion for Hamilton and the community if, as we say, we had anything to do with it, then the Press is indeed proud and glad, especially so, since the Press was the only paper in the city taking the stand which it did—ON THE SIDE OF THE PEOPLE. A Federal Judge-Two Pictures! Si^-SL .' ,1 '-'1' BY INVESTIGATOR Comptroller General McCarl, in a report sent to President Coolidge and to congress, dealing with the alien property custodian's office,, said about this same Meekins: "Compensation at $10,000 per an num, plus living expenses, $54,220 Judge Meekins also was paid in 1923 24 from the funds of the Prussian Life Insurance Company fees amount ing to $7,500 in connection with a suit against that company. "As a voting trustee Roessler & Hasslacher Chemical Co a corporation the control of which the alien property custodian had relin quished, Judge Meekins was paid $25,000. "Judge Meekins, while serving as manager of enemy insurance com panies, was paid an amount, probably $20,000, for fees in connection with securing a reduction made in the in come taxes assessed against the Roes sler & Hasslacher Chemical Company "The amounts received by Judge Meekins from the alien property cus todian and as manager of enemy in surance companies were not complete ly or accurately reported in his in come tax returns." of ized labor will create a public opinion that conforms with the Declaration of Independence and which will then be reflexed by judges, editors and others who dare not publicly class labor as a commodity, but who subconsciously cling to this serf ideal. mi THIS MACHINERY AGE Whenever some "labor-saving" de vice comes into use and displaces a large number of hand workers the world looks in awe at the machinery for a moment and then forgets it Still more quickly does it forget the displaced workers. Machines have displaced hundreds of thousands of workers in factories, mills and mines, in many lines of production, yet some sort of adjust ment has come and skilled workers, those of them who have sense enough to combine and protect themselves, are in better position than ever be fore. Farm machinery is going to move in the same direction. Kansas alone will show the world something in that line this year. In that wheat-growing JL i k' 'v THE BUTLER COUNTY PRESS state there are 12,000 "combines" this year as against 8,274 "perfected" har vesting machines last year. This will displace 125,000 itinerant harvest hands and make a saving of $125,000 a day during harvesting season. Does this mean good news to the farmers? Will they get the benefit of savings in labor costs? Will they get just as much for their wheat? Will the public get any benefit from lower cost of flour and bread? Will the elevator trust absorb the savings and hold prices up on the public? What will become of the displaced workers? If you will think a little and apply your knowledge of contemporaneous affairs, current history, you will be able to answer these questions with a fair amount of accuracy. Anyway, the application, of machin ery is always a sign of progress, and intelligent people of all classes recog nize it. Adaptations and adjustments take care of changed conditions and humanity plods along in an upward spiral, despite the mutterings of pes simists. l* hi a to UNCLE SAM ENDS LIBERAL HOPES IN NICARAGUA Henry L. Stimson, house of Morgan man, went to Nicaragua. Newspapers said he went to "negotiate" peace. That was bunk. He went to compel peace. Henry L. Stimson, house of Mor gan man, told the Sacasa forces that if they didn't stop fighting Diaz, the usurper put in power at the instance of the American state department, that they would have to fight the United States. Sacasa, Nicaraguan successor to the presidency by virtue of having been elected vice president at the last regular election, knows that he can't fight the United States and anyway he doesn't want to. Disdaining to sign any such dis honorable peace arrangement as Henry L. Stimson laid before him, Sacasa, through his delegates, said they would lay down their arms and wait for the next election, which the United States is to supervise. Secretary Kellogg has made a pre tense of not having intervened in Nicaragua. But at last the truth comes out offi cially. He admits that Stimson gave Sacasa's delegates an ultimatum. That was an avowal of intervention. The United States has intervened in Nicargaua, set up a butt-in presi dent amenable to reason and driven the legitimate successor to the presi dency out of the field. It is not a nice story. All Latin America will ring with the story for a long time to come. The United States will reap only more suspicion and dislike. The story of our conduct in Nica ragua will please the monopoly hold ers of Nicaraguan mahogany mora than it will please anyone else, just as the story of American influence in Cuba pleases the great Wall street owners of sugar and electric power plants more than it pleases anyone else except the political grafters of Cuba. Why should American foreign pol icy in Latin America be placed on such an ignominious basis? BinLDlWG**COST Level Not Much Changed From 1926 By International Labor News Service. Washington, D. C.—Construction activity throughout the United States seems to be going forward this year at a cost level which is not greatly changed from that of last year and of 1925. This is revealed by a study of an index of the cost of building in frame, brick and reinforced concrete. The index shows no change whatever over the last three years in costs of brick and concrete. For frame construction the cost level this year is the same as in 1926, but is one point higher than that of 1925. For all three classes of construc tion, the index shows a general decline from the cost level of 1923 which is reported to have been the highest since the World War. In reading the index figures it must be emphasized that they can not be taken too literally. The cost of indi vidual construction jobs may not run exactly parallel to the percentages of change shown in the index. This is because the index figures are calcu lated from costs in many widely sepa rated sections of the country. The in dex figures here quoted are valuable chiefly as showing the general trend for the country as a whole. Imported Swiss Cheese 75c Pound FRANK X. HILZ The Pure Food Grocer Cor. 3rd and Market be known, but these mines are invar iably operated in defiance of state mining laws. GLOSS OFF Will remove the wearshine froth Ladies' and Gents' garments. Get the better kind of Cleaning, Repair ing and Remodeling done atKappel's, 162 N. street. Phone 2617-L 5% WEPAYI ntermmt ON SAVING.S THE COLUMBIA SSVINGS & LOAN CO. t/Jt tJ4 RENTSCMLi* 9LD& Fischer's Specials SAVE YOU MONKY FLIT kills flies and crawling insects will keep moths, bed bugs, etc., away. Flit should be used in cupboards and pantries. It will not stain or discolor clothes or paint. This is the time to use it. '/2-pint 37c Pint can 57c A SPRAY PUMP—Very nec essary at times. Spray your trees and whitewash the cellar, etc. $5.50 value at $4.67 $2.50 value at $2.27 We sell Arsenate of Lead Paris Green. Try 5 or 10 lbs. Concentrated Fertilizer. See what a difference in your flow ers and garden. You Need a Grass Shear! This week 37c You can not duplicate our val ues on Lawn Mowers. Compare values anywhere. We save you from $3.00 to $5.00. Why not? Home Builders' Saw A 24-inch 8-point, general purpose saw. $1.50 value for $121 Extra Special on Mops, Cedar Oil and Polishes. You can save about one-third by buying them at this sale. Our weekly specials end on Monday. See goods displayed in window.' Please do not ask for special prices after Monday. Remember our slogan—Every thing marked in plain figures one prifce to all. em P0tct roMt TD-I R&ofier Kanlumre Cbt Jjrt H'Gti sr*ftet MA Mttro*. QtH* A Leader for c/fsifc Your Newest in Sandals and Novelty-trimmed, open strap models QA first time tomorrow v1fWU Special purchase Women's Novelty Pumps and Straps, high or low heels d»0 QQ Patent, Tans, Blond, two colors NEWER AND BETTER THAN EVER—SEE THEM NOW C. W, GATH CO. Funeral Directors I Ambulance Service Chairs and Tables Rented Phone 35 17 So. Street SAND- GRAVEL-CEMENT The Hamilton Gravel Co. Phone 3700 iiEdgar K. Wagner Former Instructor at The Cincinnati College of Embalming Funeral Director DISTINCTIVE SERVICE 228 Heaton St. MODERN EQUIPMENT Important Changes in Train Schedules Effective Sunday, May 22, 1927 Patrons are requested to consult Ticket Agents rela tive to the time of trains on and after that date. BALTIMORE & OHIO "1827—100 YEARS OF SERVICE—1927" O K E N tflLl/yy Received From The East Our buyers always on the alert for the very latest and best in shoe value?, make purchases daily Tomorrow's Values The Labor Temple Auditorium. For dances, bazaars, parties, *•(£. Inquire of the Trustees, or phone 1296 for dates. :—all yReSkutCefieaC# 246 HIGH STREET Share Your Loaf— Dont Loaf Your Share Community Chest 1927 \S ,jr- "V *4 ,' *. i i V n^f v, f- ,,?r* 4 Jlour Forty-Five \ears Grocer NEW ARRIVALS Novelty Pumps and Straps, Pat- d»Q A A ents, Parchment, Beaver Misses' and Children's Straps and Pumps sizes, 9 to 2 dM qq Patent, Tans, Novelty Trim.... ""«s* v*- tk A 1 x,' 1