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The Butler County press. [volume] (Hamilton, Ohio) 1900-1946, August 12, 1927, Image 1

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VOL. XXII. No. 18
By International Labor News Service.
Indianapolis. Ind.—The breaking
away of Indiana association coal op
erators from their affiliations and
their signing working agreements with
the United Mine Workers under the
terms of the old Jacksonville wage
scale, is the latest and most magnifi
cent incident in the wage controversy
between operators and the union in
the central competitive field.
Instead of Ohio operators leading
the way to an abandonment of the
union and working their mines "open
shop" at a wage rate of less than $5
a day, in the central competitive field
it now appeal's that Indiana is slowly
leading the organized coal industry
back to the Jacksonville wage scale—
and pi'osperity.
Operators' Assertions Refuted
Answering a series of advertise
ments, published by the Indiana Bitu
minous Coal Operators' Association,
appearing in the public press, and es
pecially in the State's mining regions,
officials of District 11 offered rebuttal
facts, taken from statements made
previously by the operators, that did
not leave the operators a leg to stand
on. Actual figures, taken within the
week, showed that the production of
coal in Indiana is approximately 75
per cent of normal, a surprising fact.
All the mines in the State now oper
ating are working under the Jackson
ville scale.
The Ayreshire Coal Company, of
which David Ingle of Evansville is
president, has signed an agreement
with the union and is already at work.
Lose Out In Fight To Re
tain Union In Montreal
London, England.—The privy coun
cil has refused to consider an appeal
from a resolution passed by the Mon
treal, Quebec, city council, which is
intended to dissolve the Policemen's
Union in that city.
City officials were enjoined from
enforcing the ordinance until an ap
peal was carried to the British high
court in this city. The union's at
torney called attention to the Canadi
van law which prohibits strikes or lock
outs until the matter has been sub
mitted to a board of arbitration. The
claim was made that the city of Mon
treal violated this statute when it re
quired policemen to resign from the
union within eight days, and that this
amounted to a threat of a lockout
within the meaning of the law.
Indiana Operators Proving
Mines Can Be Profitable
Under Jacksonville Scale!
The privy council, in dismissing the
appeal, said that the city might not
be entitled to institute a lockout but
it was entitled to dismiss members of
the police force. The attorney re
plied that if the union waited until
all the members of the force who be
longed to the union were dismissed
he could not have obtained an injunc
tion to prevent this. The court, how
ever, insisted that individual dismiss
als did not constitute a lockout within
the meaning of the act.
Made by Hamilton
Standard 5c cigar.
union men-
Since the one of the very best
ways to really know Ohio is to visit
the Ohio State Fair which gives
you a vivid cross-section of agri
cultural and industrial Ohio, I
would respectfully urge that as
many of you as find It possible,
plan to spend your vacation in Co
lumbus and at the Fair, August
29th to September 3d. You owe it
to yourself either as agriculturists
or city dwellers interested in agri
culture aa the one great basic occu
pation, to come. We promise you a
wealth of educational and enter
taining features.
There are two kinds of State
Fair visitors: those who attempt
to take in the Fair in a brief casual
visit as one would take in a dime
museum, and those who realize
that the Fair is too stupendous a
thing to be seen and appreciated
hurriedly, and so allow for ample
time including rest and relaxation
If you drive you will be glad to
know that the popular safe-asd
sane traffic regulations as used last
year will be again enforced, and
that there will be even larger park
ing and auto camping grounds. If
"V *', *v .- •_ ".
Ingle was a former vice president ofl
the Operators' Association and a mem-1
ber now of that body. The Francisco I
Coal Company, which has been vir-l
tually closed, since the explosion inl
the workings last spring which cost I
the lives of 39 miners, has been put I
in shape again and has signed an|
agreement to work under the Jackson
ville scale. This mine Is also an As
sociation property.
Illinois Mines Reopening
International officials have been ad
vised that the New National Minel
at Belleville, 111., has signed the old
scale and resumed work. The Illinois
district is gradually working its way|
to a normal coal production.
In Ohio the situation is regai'ded byl
district and international officials asl
very satisfactory. No mines have re
sumed work on the "open shop" plan, I
notwithstanding a few injunctions!
against local union and district of-l
ficials, and the efforts of certain oper-1
ators to overthrow the United Minel
Workers by so-called company unions.
Southern Ohio operators were vocifer-|
ous in "telling the world" that unless!
the miners took a reduction to a "$6
a day" basis (which on analysis
proved to be a $2.75 to $4 a day wage)
that the mines would reopen non
union July 15. This talk proved to be I
a bluff, as not a mine has reduced a
pound of coal on the basis of a wage|
Straws Show Trend
These straws show which way, the
wind is blowing in the matter of set
tling the existing suspension.
By International Labor News Service.
Chicago.—Female emploment con
ditions in Chicago are worse today
than at any time during the last ten
years, according to social workers
who specialize in finding positions for|
girls and women who are strangers
in the city.
There is a constant stream of un
skilled female workers pouring in
from neighboring cities and states
who find it practically impossible to
find employment here.
For the average town dweller, the
lummer seasons bring vacation
periods of varying lengths, ranging,
as a rule, from a week to a month.
The purpose of any vacation is re
creation—the re-making of a man
by giving him a change of scene, a
change of activity. The best vaca
tion is one which not only does
that, but Is a combination of enter
tainment and education. In fact,
we speak offhand of a well-educated
man and a well-traveled person as
practically synonymous.
The supply of female workers for
domestic service and factory work
greatly exceed the demand. It is said
that a considerable number of experi
enced school teachers and trained
nurses are turning to domestic work
and maid service in order to meet
their living expenses.
There is said to be no shortage of
jobs for girls who are trained to fill
high-grade secretarial positions.
Chicago.—A wage rate of $1.05 an
hour and a two-year contract has been]
secured by the Art Glass Workers'
Morgantown, W. Va.—Hod carriers
in this city organized with the as
sistance of John B. Easton, president)
of the West Virginia Federation of|
excursion rates for the entire week
will prevail with railroads and trac
tion companies.
Your comfort and convenience on
the grounds have been amply taXeu
oare of. Telephone, postofllce,
telegraph, emergency hospital, free
messenger service, information bu
reau, comfort-stations—ali will be
As for the attractions, iy which
I mean the educational exhibits as
well as the purely entertaining
features, they will be many and
varied. There will be a million
dollar live stock show. There will
be a Night Horse Show held under
the auspices of the American As
sociation of Horse Shows. For
those Interested in "the sport of
kings" there will be a splendid rao
ing program, with special purses.
There will be free entertainment in
the form of high-class vaudeville
and hippodrome acts. A great
3GO-piece High School Boys' Hand,
now in training at an Indiana re
sort, will be on hand all week to
play for Fair patrons. Mr. J. W.
Wainwright will again be in charge
of the youthful musicians.
Each day there will be special
attractions such as the baby show,
an old fiddlers' contest (the fiddlers
will play for a square-dance con
test), and each evening at the
Coliseum there will be a hog-calling
contest. In all of these events,
prizes are offered, with no entry
fee being required.
Come to the Ohio State Fair,
August 29th to September 3d, fof
your vacation. We will welcoma
you, offer you the best, and do all
in our power to make your stay ia
"the Heart of Ohio" both pleasant
and firgfitable^
(Copyright, W. N. U.)
Joseph Levin, manager of the joint
board, ""had wound up a passionate
speech by saying to the three inter
national executive board members
"We are not going to permit you
to carry out your desires in Chicago."
Nockels Quick to Accept Challenge
Secretary Nockels imediately chal
lenged Levin, demanding to know
what he meant by that statement.
"Let me tell you this," said
Nockels, "that if you mean you
are going to use force, then we
are prepared to meet force with
force. Through you I wish to ad
vise your imported New York
sluggers and gunmen that they
had better get out of Chicago."
Levin denied that he intended to use
or had used force, despite the state
ment made in the floor of the Chicago
Federation of Labor recently that
several members of the garment work
s' organization had been beaten up
by terrorists in the employ of the
Serious Charges Agaiiist Officers
Levin and I. Davidson, organizer
together with the other members of
the joint board, were charged with be
ing members of a dual organization
the purpose of which was to gain con
Itrol of the union with flouting the
authority of the international union
and disobeying its lawful orders by
giving aid and comfort to the sus
pended New York Joint Board, and
with circulating an untruthful, scur
rilous and libelous pamphlet in which
many false statements were made and
which the international officers
were hid up to ridicule and contempt
Communists Take Defiant
Before Trade
By International Labor News Service.
Chicago.—Communist officers in
charge of the Chicago Joint Board of
the International Ladies' Garment
Workers' Union were advised to send
their imported sluggers and gunmen
back to New York. The advice was
given by E. N. Nockels, secretary of
the Chicago Fedei'ation of Labor, at
the first day's hearing of the trial of
the joint board members on a series
of charges that they had violated the
laws of their international union.
Secretary Nockels asked Organizer
Davidson if he were not a member
Now Than Last Year, Study
Washington, D. C.—Employment is
not quite as easily obtained this year
in most sections of the country as in
1926 Jobs are less plentiful than
workers except in the West. These are
the conclusions to be drawn from
study of the data of the United States
Employment Bureau stations.
In the Western States there have
been approximatey 68 applications by
workers for each 100 jobs thus far
this year. In this section, however
conditions of employment seem to be
just the reverse of tb$ situation jura-
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Along the Concrete
Red Garment Workers in Chicago Advised
To Send Hired Sluggers Back to New York
Placed on Trial
of the Workers (Communist) Party
of America.
"I refuse to answer you," said
Davidson. "It is no one's business
what I belong to or what I believe."
John Fitzpatrick, president of the
Chicago Federation of Labor, then
took a hand.
Fitzpatrick Would Clear Up Question
I don't think that this matter
should rest here," said Fitzpatrick.
The American Federation of Labor
regards a Communist as a traitor to
organized labor. The refusal of Dav
idson to answer the direct question as
to whether he is a Communist may
leave a doubt as to whether he is a
Davidson continued to refuse to an
swer the question.
Acrimonious and violent debate
marked the second day's session.
Charges and counter-charges flew
thick and fast, with Davidson as the
storm center. He is regarded as the
principal Third International repre
sentative- in the controversy and is
referred to as "The Cimmissar."
Accused of Aiding Fight on A. F. of L.
One of the principal charges against
Davidson and the other joint board
members is that they used the Chi
cago machinery of the International
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union to
raise funds for the so-called "Unity
Committee," which was organized by
the Communists in New York to
thwart efforts of the American Fed
eration of Labor to bring order out
of chaos in the fur and cloak and suit
industries of the latter city.
The Reds are charged with having
organized a "Committee of One Hun
dred" in Chicago to co-operate with
the "Unity Committee" of New York
and that officer's of the Chicago Joint
Board were ring leaders in this move
It is alleged that money was fraud
ulently taken from the members here
through misrepresentation and sent
to the disruptionists in New York
The money was raised by means of
stamps and so-called "bondsf' that
were sold.
Trial Committee From Three Bodies
The Trial Committee is composed
of three vice presidents of the Inter
national Ladies" Gorment Workers
Union, the executive board of the
vailing in other parts of the country
In the Central group of states, ap
plications of workers have averaged
167 for each 100 jobs. It is in this
section that the surplus of labor seems
In the Eastern states applications
number 141 for each 100 jobs, while
in the South the proportion is reported
as 131 to 100. Taking the country as
a whole the proportion is 138 applica
cants for each 100 jobs.
These data indicate the trend of
conditions and are not exact, it must
be remembered. It is certain that in
some localities of the East labor
plentiful. But the data cited are be
lieved to be representative of condi
tions in large groups of states. They
cannot be applied exactly to any
smaller territgry.
-'"•:. .''-• ',- C*-'- -T. ff* ."-*•'*
Chicago Federation of Labor and two
epresentatives of the United Hebrew
Trades. International Vice President
Salvatore Ninfo of New York is chair
i of the committee.| Hearings
were held in the executive board room
of the Chicago Federation of Labor.
The verdict of the committee will
be made public soon.
cion, ing ivi iauci \jii cam
manship and materials throughout.
2"/-, •, __
By International Labor News Service.
New York City.—It will all come
out in the courts, to paraphrase a
popular saying. An Amalagamated
Association of Street and Electrical
Rtylway employes will test the right
of the Interborough Transit Company
to shackle its employes by means of
a "yellow dog" contract, binding the
subway workers not to organize. Sen
ator Wagner and Representative Perl
men are to lead the fight.
Meanwhile all remains quiet along
the subway, with the union carrying
on its missionary work and the I. R.
T. bulldogs ready to bite anyone seen
working for bona fide trade unionism.
One of the stunts that got Frank
Hedley, president of the Interborough,
in bad with the city fathers, was his
thi'eat to have President William
Green of the American Federation of
Labor locked up for assailing the com-
Thereatens To Join New
York Carmen's Union
By International Labor News Service.
New York City.—They tell a story
about the settlement of the threat
ened subway strike that has the ear
marks of veracity.
"Jimmy" Walker, the debonair
mayor, was dog tired when he was
able to announce an "armed truce"
after three hours' battling with the
Interborough czars and placating the
union organizers. Both sides had
agreed to lay down their guns for the
time being.
His collar wilted by the summer
heat, his natty blue trousers a wreck,
and his tie off, "Jimmy" never the
I^et us show you the convenience and beauty of these famous Kroehler Daven
port Bed Suites—these comfortable, graceful davenports open to full-size beds
with ample space for a thick mattress and bedding—space-saving furniture
at money-saving prices. All Kroehler Davenport Bed Suites especially priced
for this week.
Jacquard Velour, Reversible Cushions
Imagine this Kroehler Davenport Bed Suite for only $195! All three pieces
tailored in taupe and rose jacquard velour, with reversible cushions in dam
ask. The Kroehler label on each piece is your assurance of finest work-
Richly Carved-Frame Suite
A A nationally advertised Kroehler Davenport Bed Suite, upholstered, with re-
versible loose cushions in brocatelle. Gracefully designed, with carved frame
finished in antique brown mahogany. Priced at only $225 for the three pieces.
Many Other Styles Awaiting Your Selection
Berkey and Gay Bed and Dining Room
..c zs*r
-'. V j'"*"1" *',,!"s
Gotham Subway Truce Holds
Union to Make Court Test
Of "Yellow Dog" Contract
pany's brotherhood and its ^yellow
dog" contract.
President Hedley's notice to Green
was to the effect that the Interbor
ough company union had the contract
for two more years and any organi
zing would result in an injunction to
forbid interference with an agrees
It is this contract that the Amal
gamated will test in the highest court.
Som interesting testimony is likely
to come out if the men can be induced
to relate how they have been made to
sign the documents, as many as 100
ia an hour, although it takes nearly
that long for one man to read its pro
Those discharged for union activity
will be called to testify on the "spot
ter system" and the other activities
that have blocked every attempt to
organize the 15,000 workers of the
Interborough Rapid Transit Company.
less had done a man-sized job. He had
saved New York's millions from a
transit tie-up, his first emergency
since the election. And he was proud
of the acclaim from union men and the
public alike that he had obtained.
But old Quackenbush, the Interbor
ough's legal mind, was still to be
reckoned with. The evening papers
were out with the news, "Union rec
ognized." The tabloid headlines were
especially aggravating to the traction
"What's this, Mayor Walker," came
the voice of Quackenbush over the
telephone. "We haven't recognized
the union and never will. You better
make that clear to the newspapers."
"Look here, Quackenbush," respond
ed the no longer suave "Jimmy." "If
you keep on that line long enough,
you'll have the mayor and 16,000 po
licemen joining the Amalgamated."
And that was that.
•. -J

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