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The Butler County press. [volume] (Hamilton, Ohio) 1900-1946, August 19, 1927, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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By International Labor News Service.
Chicago,—A plea for "workable
laws that fit evolutionary "changes
and changing conditions," to facili
tate the organizing of all wage earn
ers in the cigar and tobacco industry,
Was made by President I. M. Ornbum
at the opening of the twenty-sixth
convention of the Cigar Makers' In
ternational Union, held in Chicago.
"We can and we will organize the
wage earners in the cigar and tobac
co industry," he said.
Want Share of Benefits
"No one can successfully deny the
right of wage earners to participate
in the benefits of improved machinery.
The inventor and the capitalist have
had or are taking their full toll" of
benefits. We do not begrudge them
their rightful share, but we as wage
earners are entitled to and want our
just share of the bene)its that follow
from the use of improved machinery.
"We must work and give life to
these machines. As workers, we are
justly entitled to fair wages, and,
from an economic viewpoint, must re
ceive such wages as will enable us to
consume to the economic level neces
sary to keep the wheels of trade and
commerce at a point necessary to pre
vent under-consumption and unem
"Well grounded economists, civil
and mechanical engineers intelligent
and disinterested statisticians all
agree that the wage earners must
receive in wages a sufficient sum to
enable them to consume that which
they create, or, failing therein, stag
nation of industry will follow.
Value of High Wages
"Able statesmen have recently said
that good wages are responsible for
our country's present and prolonged
sustained prosperity. That is an eco
nomic fact long ago established and
proved by trade union philosophy.
"It is now a conceded fact that the
wag^-earning masses must receive in
wages a proper ^art of that which
they create or disaster will follow. I
am of the opinion that improvecf ma
chinery and high, just wages up to
the true economic level will actually
reduce the cost of living and still
Cigar Makers' Head Urges
Changing of Union Laws
To Facilitate Organization
Would Amend Strike Laws I
President Ornburn stressed the im
portance of amending the strike laws
of the union so that employers may
have more confidence in the inviolibil
ity of contracts underwritten by the
international organization.
Discussing the problems put upon
the union by the introduction of labor
saving machinery, and pointing a way
out President Ornburn said, in part:
"We have witnessed the passing of
the individually owned small and
medium-sized shops in practically all
industries, and particularly so in the
cigar and tobacco trade, and have seen
them supplanted by the stock-owned
corporation, operating under different
and modern means of production, such
as mass production and mass distri
bution. We must adopt methods that
will coordinate with and be workable
under these changes.
Extensive Entertainment
Program is Announced
For Ohio State Fair
In addition to the automobile and
horse races and a musical program,
many vaudeville and hippodrome
acts have been contracted for to
round out the entertainment phase
of the 1927 Ohio State Fair, which
begins August 26, at Columbus
The entertainment features will he
both at the Coliseum and at the
Grandstand, tha performance at the
Coliseum serving SB a complement
to the main attraction—the Night
Horse Show proper.
Annquncement of the booking for
the Fair of the Uyene Japs imme
i diately acquaints amusement lov
ers with the fact that this is one of
the cleverest of Oriental Sextettes
that has ever appeared at any fair.
In this meritorious act there are
six athletic young mea, who appear
leave a fair and just return for Man
agement and capital invested.
"I favor a work-day plan instead of
the piece-price plan for machine
workers. I moreover strongly suggest
that the only way to get the full bene
fit from machines which are now with
us, and here to stay, is to fully recog
nize and organize all machine work
ers. To successfully do this necessi
tates* amended Iaws.v
Printing Trade Tactics Cited"
"I favor amending our laws to per
mit a manufacturer who is unable to
install machinery to cantract with an
other manufacturer operating the au
tomatic machine for at least a portion
of his output, provided the automatic
machine is operated under union con
ditions and regulations.
"This procedure is now recognized
in the printing trade. Small printers
are permitted to let out their linotype
work and still permitted to use the
typographical union label. It is rea
sonable to assume that a small cigar
manufacturer could contract for a part
of his production with the same satis
faction and results as the jobber who
has special brands made for the
Refuse Parley To Adjust Wages
Columbus, Ohio.—Coal owners re
jected Governor Donahey's invitation
that they meet with employes to dis
cuss wage differences in the Central
Competitive Field.
John L. Lewis, president of the
United Mine Workers, notified the
Ohio governor of the miners' "unqual
ified acceptance." The competitive
field consists of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois
and Western Pennsylvania. Rates for
this area is the base of wages in other
fields. At the conference in Miami,
last spring, a wage agreement failed
because the coal owners insisted that
rates be based on the non-union fields
of Kentucky and West Virginia. The
strike has been on since April 1.
Chicago.—"The workers are en
titled to participate in the benefits of
improved machinery," said I. M. Orn
burn, president of the Cigar Makers'
International Union, in an address to
the convention of that organization.
"We give life to these machines,"
said Mr. Ornburn "we must receive
such wages as will enable us to con
sume to the economic level necessary
to keep the wheels of trade and com
merce at a point necessary to prevent
under-consumption and unemploy
President Ornburn recommended
that machine workers be thoroughly
organized in the cigar-making indus
try. This is the first step to get the
full benefit from improved machinery,
he said.,
In an eqnflTbrtstlc pot-pourri that for
speed agility and originality is un
equalled. The Uyeno Japs are
quite an Innovation, in this country,
having been playing the leading
theatres throughout the world.
The Joe Boganny Co., the Lan&>
tic Bakers, comedian -Acrobats, a
company of nine people, come di
rectly from England. Another
^European company, the Hartinla,
offer wire-walking performances.
This year an extensive aerial
display will be featured, five sep
arate acta having been booked.
One of the free attractions of this
year will tye the Flying Keepers,
who for many seasons were with
Ringling Bros. Circus. This fall
they are playing at only a limited
number of fklrs, and will put on
many of their reg^Ur circus acts.
Others in the aertfll circus which
will be held in the Coliseum ia con
negtloQ wijh the Night Horse 0bow
include others ef
(Copyright. W.N. U.l
By International Labor News Service.
Pittsburgh.—How fares the biggest
coal company in the world, with its
union-wrecking policy? The question
is of interest to business and labor
alike. The Pittsburgh Coal Company,
leader of the fight for a pauper min
ers' wage, is losing from $3,000,000 to
$5,000,000 a year.
This is the premier coal company
that broke its agreement with the
United Mine Workers of America two
years ago. The great strike is still
effective as the company's shrinking
bank account shows. Thousands of
gunmen, thugs and strikebreakers
have been imported and still the com
pany shows a loss.
The next largest company, the
Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Company,
shows a deficit of $200,000 for six
months after all charges are met, It
Still Alert To Control Britain
London, England.—The Tory party,
jJibw in control of the British govern
ment, has not abandoned its efforts
to bulwark itself by changing the
House of Lords.
Trade unionists are calling atten
tion to recent declarations by Pre
mier Baldwin and other government
officials that the plan that was re
jected was offered "for criticism and
ventilation." Lord Birkenhead, a
leading Tory, has stated that it is the
intention of the government to carry
the bill into law in the lifetime of the
present Parliament.
It is noy agreed that the defeat of
the bifl simply means that the bat
tered Conservative army has retired
in confusion to remobilize its forces
and reconsider its plan of campaign.
As soon as the new objective and the
new tactics have been decided upon,
the attack on the Constitution wil!
again be launched.
The Toi
•ies would centralize all
power in the House of Lords by re
ducing the power of the House of
Commons to control appropriations
and to pass legislation despite oppo
sition of the Lords.
They hope that the anti-trade un
ion bill will demoralize the forces of
labor on the economic and political
field, and that changes in the House
of lords will entrench the consei'v
atives for any disaster that may hap
pen at the 1929 general election.
4- Cincinnati.—Laundry drivers, af
filiated to the Brotherhood of Team
sters, secured a two-year agreement
and raised wages $2 a week. ..
The Hub
Coal Companies Losing
Millions in War
The Largest Concerns Show
Big Deficits Due to Strike
Operators Seem Doomed to Ruin if They Wreck Union,
With Increase of Bankruptcies in West Virginia
Showing the Trend—Public Opinion Swinging To
is admitted the cost of the strike is
Operators' Position Shaky
Operators in all the strike territory
are pictured as having "one foot in
bankruptcy and the other foot on a
banana peel." They may wreck the
the miners' union, but it is a certainty
they are going to wreck themselves
first. What pertains to the largest
and most powerful of the Coal Kings
applies with even more force to the
little fellows.
The United Mine Workers of Amer
ica, -in this desperate struggle, re
mains quiet and confident. ThdSmas
Kennedy, secretary-treasurer of the
United Mine Workers, net given to
bombast, predicts victory for the soft
coal miners. The fight here is pivotal,
for the operators hope by breaking
,down the wage structure here to apply
Indianapolis. "Self-confidence is
another name for self-respect, and
that, in large measure, accounts for
the attitude of the membership of the
United Mine Workers in their fight
against wage reductions," says the
United Mine Workers' Journal.
"No man can display self-respect on
a $2.75-a-day wage. No man can
show self-respect when he is at the
mercy of an employer who can dictate
what the wage worker shall eat, what
he shall wear and how he shall educate
his children—if at all.
"Yet a band of employers seek to
do this very thing through the setting
of a large scale that spells degrada
tion, loss of self-respect and inde
Oklahoma City.—The agreement of
oil operators to limit production in the
huge Seminole field is in operation.
The curtailment will continue 60 days,
but if the scheme works it is believed
the time will be extended. It is pro
posed to lessen daily output from 50,
000 to 75,000 barrels. This will stop
the flow that has overrun the market
and threaten to lower prices.
The plan was worked out by Ray
M. C. Collins of this State, who was
appointed oil czar at a meeting called
in Now York in May by officers of the
Standard Oil Company of New Jer
The Oklahoma Corporation Com
mission has approved the plan, thus
presenting the unusual spectacle of
the State agreeing with business to
enforce an agreement to lessen pro
on Unions
their crushing tactics to the Ohio, In
diana and Illinois district.
Strike Costly to Unions
The union office at Indianapolis is
maintaining the strike with every re
source that the powerful miners' or
ganization can command. West Vir
ginia has received $300,000 in aid,
Pittsburgh district $135,000 Arkan
sas, $80,000. More than $75,000 in
lawyers' fees and legal expenses has
been paid since the first of the year.
Millions has been spent by tHe United
Mine Workers to defend trade union
ism, without a single outcry for as
sistance. The struggle is one of the
grimest in the annals of labor.
Bankruptcy suits have been one of
'the by-products of the union-operators
war in West Virginia. The State
Wide prosperity predicted by the open
shop forces as the result of driving
down wages is far off. Whole mining
villages have become deserted as the
.non-union companies have wound up
their affairs. Hazy, in Raleigh coun
ty, is off the map, a deserted village,
with the Hazy Eagle Collieries Com
pany shut down, a bankrupt. One
company a day is going into the hands
of the receivers, according to the rec
ords of the court at Charleston, W.
Public Opinion Changing
As a result, the reaction has set in
and public opinion is swinging to the
union side. Coolie wages can not bring
prosperity, all thinking persons seem
ready to admit, after the futile attack
on labor standard#.
Of Teachers is $2008 An
By International Labor News Service.
Washington, D. C.—Two thousand
and eight dollars per year is the av
erage salary paid to teachers in pub
lic elementary schools in the large
cities of the United States, according
to an investigation just concluded by
the research division of the National
Education Association.
The association's investigation,
which deals with salaries of the school
year 1926-27, is of special interest to
the business man. It gives his infor
mation as to the competition which he
must face in bidding against the pub
lic school system for the services of
women to work in office and factory.
The association's data show that
the average salary of elementary
school teachers varies according to
the size of the city. In cities of less
than 100,000 population but more than
30,000, the average salary for teach
ers is $1,565 per year or $443 per year
less than the average paid in the larg
est cities of more Mian 100,000 pop
ulation. In cities of 10,000 to 30,000
population the average salary i! $1,
381, while in cities of from 5,000 to
10,000 population the average is $1,
281. An average of $1,176 is paid in
the smallest cities of less than 5,000
New York.—^More than $500,000,
000 is annually wasted by local gov
ernments in this country, according
to a survey made by the National In
dustrial Conference Board.
Standard 6c .cigar
By International Labor News Service.
San Antonio, Tex.,—Declaring that
they had information that arms and
ammunition destined for Mexico were
secreted in his car, Luis N. Morones,
Mexican cabinet member and delegate
to the recent Pan-American Federa
tion of Labor conventidn in Wash
ington, D. C., was subjected to search
here on his way back to Mexico City.
Chief Deputy Customs Collector
Ed. Cottula, with two assistants, en
tered Morones' car here and made a
most thorough search. Finding noth
ing they apologized for the intrusion
and declared they had been misin
Atlantic City.— Wage increases of
from 10 to 25 per cent were secured
by the Glass Bottle Blowers Associa
tion at a conference with the National
Glass Manufacturers' Association.
The minimum benefits 5,000 men.
The workers asked for a 20 per cent
increase and the employers insisted
on a similar reduction. In the confer
ence, however, the latter acknowl
edged that increased business justi
fied wage advances. James Maloney,
president of the Glass Bottle Blowers'
Association, headed the workers'
New York.—The Government is
presenting testimony before Federal
Judge Trieber to secure an injunction
restraining organized stone cutters
and other building trades unions from
refusing to handle non-union stone. The
leading witness for the government
said he "did not know if his troubles
would have been eliminated by the or
ganization of his shop."
Why not a good cigar at the same
price—Standard, 5c.
Customs Officers Search
Morones' Car Chagrined
When No Guns Are Found
Action Regarded as Affront to Representative of Friend
ly Government—Enemies Believed to Have Given Tip
—Others I)o Honor to Visiting Cabinet Member in
The belief here is that opponents of
I 1 fr 1 i Y 1
This Week
Congoleum and
Neponset Rugs
the Calles regime, who may be ad
herents of Adolfo de la Huerta, were
responsible for the misinformation
given the customs officers and that
their action was prompted by mo
tives of revenge.
It is customary to accord special
courtesy to members of foreign
friendly governments, and the action
in searching Morones' car here is re
garded as an inexcusable affront for
which apology ought to be made.
Aside from the action of the cus
toms officei's, Morones' passage
through this city enroute home was
made an occasion to do him honor.
^He was met and greeted by citizens,
city officials and labor representa
tives, as well as by a representative
of the United States Army.
9x12 sixe
with border
If ItMMtflf •#»»»»»»••».»*» 11 I »l iimimnu
Urges Commutation of Sacco-Van
zetti Death Sentence
By International Labor News Service.
Washington, D. C.,—An appeal for
commutation of the death sentences
of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Van
zetti was made in a telegram to Gov-^
ernor Fuller of Massachusetts from
William Green, president of the
American Federation of Labor. The
telegram was sent from Asheville, N.
C., where Mr. Green was attending
the convention of the North Carolina
Federation of Labor.
Mr. Green's telegram declared that
despite the investigation, findings and
decision of the governor and his com
mission, many people still entertained
"grave doubts regarding their guilt
or innocence."
His appeal, he said, was "in behalf
of the millions of men and women"
affiliated with the American Feder
ation of Labor.
St. Louis. Newspaper printers
raised wages $1.50 a week for one
year. The new rate is $52.50 for day
work and $57.50 for night work.

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