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9F*T9t .- EE A4 IfW*? wspr. f' VOL. XXII. No. 20 By C. S. GARRISON Staff Correspondent, International Labor News Service. Indianapolis, Ind.,—Voting Charles ton, S. C., as the 1928 convention city, the International Typographical Un ion's diamond jubilee convention end ed here on August 12. It was the larg est gathering of union printers in convention since the formation of the union. One of the forward steps taken by the delegates was the adoption of a resolution looking toward a definite international arbitration agreement. Attempts have been made heretofore to secure such an agreement, but no definite steps had been taken until this time. The resolution was unani mously adopted by a vive voce vote after being favorably reported by the committee on resolutions. Union Laws Not Affected. The resolution in full reads: "Resolved, That further attempt be made to obtain an arbitration agree ment between the union and the Amer ican Newspaper Publishers' Associa tion or. any other responsible organi zation of employers, such an agree ment to be according to the laws of the union, in effect: "1. Provision be made against un reasonable delay in determining is sues. "2. Provision be made against ac cumulation of excessive cost of arbi tration proceedings. "3. In so far as practicable, arbi tration to be confined-to hours and wage questions. "4. That established working condi tions not Jbe submitted to arbitration. "5. That the International Typo graphical Union laws relating to hours, wages and working conditions must [Hit umiT 111v ciHi-idci at ion he Ambulance Scrvtea Phone 35 A Leader for cAsli Your v JT'~ .t ,,*&-• THE Printers Endorse Adoption Of Arbitration Agreement Changes in Union Rules Made IC. W. GATH CO. Funeral Directors illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllillH made subject to arbitration whether or not such laws are included in the original proposition of the local unions." New Discharge Rule Adopted. Delegates also adopted a new rule in regard to disputes relative to labor conditions in the mechanical depart ments of newspapers. It provides that in case of discharge of an employe by a publisher, "when the subordinate union, following an appeal, reinstates a discharged member, the order of re instatement must be complied with by the foremen until reversed by the executive council or by a convention. Provided, when a subordinate union has made specific provisions in its con tract for reference of controversies over discharge of members to 3 point agency the dispute shall be decided as provided in the contract." Under the provisions of the new rule an employer is compelled to reinstate discharged employes when ordered by the union unless some other provision has been made in the wage contract. The adoption of the rule was vigor ously opposed by one faction of the membership and a roll call vote was needed to settle the question, was 295 to 218. The vote Assessment Must Be Paid A resolution was adopted by the convention ordering the aufttors of the international union to have each subordinate local report the names of members who had not paid old age and mortuary assessments, and the amounts they owe. As a result of the resolution all members of the union who retain active membership, but Vho are not engaged at the trade must pay these assessments. Hereto fore the inactive members have been exctnnt fi'tno tliesr iues. Chairs and Tables Rented 17 So. Street Advance Showing New Fall Footwear Wonderful creations in Smart Fall Footwear at reasonable low prices. We are showing a great selection to please the most exacting dresser—and at great economy prices. Fashions newest for women Priced— $2.99 to $5.99 (Coprrifht, W. N. U !'.y International Labor News Service. New York City.—In the death of KIbert H. Gary passes one of the most picturesque figures in American his tory. His great value to the great mastodons that trampled around the American scene was that he made them look good in the public eye. He was the opposite of the grim J. P. .Morgan, the elder. The judge has a genial soul and he was approachable. Jlour Forty-Five Years Grocer A WONDERFUL SELECTION FOR ANI) YOUNG MEN Priced— $2.99 to $4.99 COME, LOOK TiiEM OVER—You .will find your Shoe Question settled Vfiejdtin€ofienCr 246 HIGH STREET e Music School 'V _' 4 44 Head of Steel Trust in Later Years Came to Realize That Coolie Pay Theory Was Wrong---Fought Labor And Spent Millions on Welfare" .Schemes !!!llllllll!!!lli:i!l!!l!lllllllllllllll!!^ MEN Our Pet Peeve (touyj-oRT/Tp RAILWAY IN (HE jpi -1 t- How Judge Gary Helped Stop "Open Shop" Assaults On American Wage Standards Told for First Time The humblest cub reporter could usu ally see him. Pompous secretaries might try to check the invasion, but Gary was seldom too busy for a chat. It is not believed he ever had reason to regret his friendliness to news papermen. But theiPe wasanother side to Gary than the affable man. A glance at his keen, blue eyes would suggest an iron will concealed in the kindly na ture. And he was something of an actor, too, for he could get off the most ludicrous Biblical argument to offset the 12-hour day of the five-day week and never blink while reporters diligently took notes on the words of wisdom. Gary Finally Sees a Light But Judge Gary was not always the fierce antagonist that labor pictured him. He was ruthless in the steel strike of 1920. That was revealed in the report of the Interchurch World Movement. Spies were planted right in the organizing committee. The clubs of the company police and the local "peace" officers broke' many a head and civil liberties were abrogat ed in the Kingdom of Steel while the var was on. After that shock came reform after reform, including the crapping of the inhuman 12-hour hift, that Gary vowed again and again ouldn't be oblished. That strike and the way it was rushed gave every union baiter the ncentive to go out and do likewise. In the sticks and in desert towns, lo al Babbits began to raid labor. The open shop" started its march and iocal ignoramuses ran amuck until it eemed as if organized labor would he crushed. As mysteriously as it tarted the wage-crushing movement eased. Only recently did it come out vhy. Gives Good Advice. The chamber of commerce, boards •f trade, manufacturers' associa ions, and the traditional "open shop" forces gathered themselves into an in lormal committee and called on Judge Jary in his big office at No. 71 Broad vay. They complimented him on hav ng crushed the union campaign in the teel industry and then announced their little plan to push wages back o pre-war standards. Then occurred -omething that has not been told be fore. The Judge advised them to go easy. He said that the American workingman could not be driven back ward too far. He told them finally that the low wage idea was all wrong, that only a wage "as high as indus try could afford" would keep business on an even keel. In fact, he told them what had been dinned into the ears of American business men for a gen eration by labor, that a low wage was suicidal for very kind of business big or little, for industry, for com merce, for real trade. And the Judge had learned that lesson in the war W7NPERWHAT IMP OF AOtO IS fcOlHfc To M£ Mt WITH Few men of large affairs were as considerate of others as he. His ma ture life was devoted to selling the Steel Trust to the world. And he put it over when Standard Oil and the Tobacco Trust failed because of his shrewd way of taking the public into the Steel Trust's confidence. How black the industrial sins of the Steel Trust were needs not be retold. That Gary was able to live down the record is a tribute to his ingenuity. Millions for "Welfare" And, by the way, it has cost the Steel Trust $170,000,000 to put in "welfare" plans, build homes for workers, not to speak of the immense amount of stock sold to employes l,,arge loaves instead of crumbs were thrown to the 300,000 employes of the Steel Trust to keep them from organ izing. And so ^Sjj] ar My \'ircX V 2 when he saw the boom to trade from the distribution of wealth into the pockets of the masses. E. H. Gary had to make a complete ibout face in coming to that conclu sion. Twenty years before in. the city of Chicago he made a speech that is seldom referred to now. He suggest ed that the American workers were too well paid, that millions of Chinese coolies could be imported to do a day's work, for a few cups of rice as their pay, and ho would lower the im migration barriers and let the Celes tials bring the Heavenly Kingdom to American industries. Learned by Experience. He learned by Experience that not only was a high wage essential to American prosperity but he saw that keeping out the flood of low-paid, under-standard emigrants did: not in jure America it made the nation's exceptional prosperity continue for seven years after the post-war re action. far the company has succeeded. A new leadership, now the Kihg of Steel is dead, will have to decide how far to carry on the company's anti union labor policy. Industry has lost its big chief in the death of Elbert II Gary. NEGRO SONG WRITER HONORED BY I.AHOR Fletcher, N. C.,—Strains of "Old Black Joe," floating out over the Blue Ridge Mountains, signaled the dedi cation of the first memorial honoring the memory of Stephen Collins Fos ter, writer of negro melodies. "My Old Kentucky Home," "Swanee River," "Old Black Joe," and "Mas sa's in de Cold, Cold Ground, formed the chief music of the day. William Green, president of the A paid tribute to Foster. The memorial F. of L., was the principal speaker and a bronze tablet, was presented by the Asheville Central Labor Union. WIN SIX-DAY WEEK Portland, Ore.,—The Street- Car Men's Union abolished the seven-day \veek. Local street car men claim they were the first in the United States to establish the eight-hour day in this calling. Smoke Pupils may enroll for any in strument at any time. Popular music taught if desired a Standard cigar and quality. S COUNTY PRESS. HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1927 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR S* •f!\ -'t By International Labor News Service. Washington, D. C.—A ruling in harmony with organized labor's in sistence that prison-made goods be sold as such has been* given by the Federal Trade Commission in ordering the Commonwealth Manufacturing Company of Chicago to cease dealing in the products of prison factories under a trade or cooperative name giving the impression that the com pany manufactured the goods in its own plant. The ruling holds 1J iat firms which buy and sell the production of prison factories are to be classed as jobbers and not as manufacturers. Posed as Manufacturer. An inquiry, the commission said, revealed that the Commonwealth Company had purchased "large amounts of shirts, shoes and binder twine from the State of Indiana aft er manufacture of these articles in the Indiana State Prison." The com pany then sold these articles, it was added, "after advertising itself as a nanufacturer and as direct from the factory dealer." Organized labor has long fought the practice of disposing of manufac tured products in this manner and has insisted on laws compelling all pris on-made goods to be so labelled. With an outstanding capital stock of $5,000, ten salesmen on the road and working only on a commission basis, with two clerks employed in a small office, the Commonwealth Com pany has sold from 18,000 to 20,000 pounds of binder twine a year, about 50,000 dozen shirts a year and 50 to GO pairs of shoes a day, according to the findings. These goods were pur chased from the State of Indiana, then advertised by the company through use of such typical phrases as "Commonwealth Manufacturing Company, Manufacturers" "Buy Di rect from the Manufacturer" "$6.50 per Dozen, F. O. B. Factory" "Mill.' Michigan City, Indiana." Prison at Michigan City. Michigan City, Ind., is the home of the Indiana State Prison, where bin 4 f* Let Us Show You ,L ""J -4 *.^'.- *5?!•,/s $# Sale of Prison-Made Goods Under False Pretenses Hit By U. S. Trade Commission $*?}&' em •*S der twine, shoes and shirts have been manufactured within the prison walls for many years. Such products, in accordance with the laws of Indiana, are used primarily to supply the needs of the State's public institutions while the surplus of such wares above and beyond the requirements of the State are sold by the warden of the prison in the open market. It was from this surplus that the Cohimonwealth Man ufacturing Company bought its goods, according to the commission's findings. Whilp the Commonwealth Company, in addition to paying the State cash for its products from the prison, did, in the instance of its shirt purchases, furnish some sewing machines which were used by the State to augment its other manufacturing machinery, and also furnish some cloth and trimmings which were manufactured by the State into shirts, the commis sion found that this company has never been the manufacturer of the shirts sold by it and does not operate or control a shirt factory. The com mission held that representations made by the company regarding its "manufacture*" of the articles sold are false and misleading and have had the tentency to deceive the pur chasing public. Among the competitors of the Com monwealth Company are many firms who manufactured and sold shoes, binder twine and shirts in competition with the respondent and who rightful ly and truthfully represented them selves to be manufacturers of such products. There are also among such competitors many yho did not manu facture the shirts, binder twine or shoes that they sold in competition with the Commonwealth Company and who in no wise represented them selves to bo manufacturers of these products. Another Deception Banned The Commonwealth Company also came under the fire of the Federal Trade Commission for another form of misrepresentation—the unauthor ized use of the letters "U..S." on shoes (Continued on'page four) u .*• Prices in our Rug Department have taken a pro nounced drop. All the newest patterns, includ ing beautiful 9x12 ft. Tapestry Brussels iji pleas ing colorings as low as— Closely woven Axminster 9x12 ft $39.75 Richly woven 9x1 '1 1 Wlv.^ Itugs as low as— $49.50 There are many, Many mute to mention RENLIN i e o n w e a i n w i n dow shade material Large Size Rugs Our Specialty KREBS Get Our Shade Prices I 4?/' •Vh* i '.If J# w. & i •?.*•) Jjay 3T Rugs, as- the popular -too numerous A shade of Bren lin will outwear two or three of the ordinary kind.