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.".' K Hr" VOL. XXVII. No. 29 Ambulance Service Phone 35 THE 'w~ -v «-*,**•• By International Labor News Service. Los Angeles, Cal.—President Wil liam* Green ancf the entire executive council rode a high wave of confidence and popularity to unopposed re-elec tion by the American Federation of Labor convention in what would have been the concluding session had not arguments on jurisdictional contests consumed more time than had been expected. Fraternal delegates elected are: To Great Britain, Michael F. Greene, of the United Hatters, and W. B. Fitz gerald, of the Amalgamated Associa tion of Street and Electric Railway Employes to Canada, Joseph W. Mor ton, of the Stationary Firemen and Oilers. The next convention city is New Orleans. Secession Is Condemned The convention bitterly condemned secession in general and it condemned specifically the secession movement among structural iron workers on the Pacific coast, in adopting a resolution introduced by the iron workers. Fascism was condemned in adopt ing the resolve of a resolution by the tailors' delegation, the convention, however, and committee recommenda tion, confining its denunciation to Fascism in America. President Green and others, supporting the committee report, went further and assailed Mussolini. The Mussolini rule was termed a "reprehensible dictatorship" by President Green. He named Fasc ism and Communism as twin evils and said Mussolini "has taken from Italy every vestige of liberty." Freedom of Philippines Urged Immediate freedom for the Philip pines was advocated, this being the ftrst time the convention has gone that far. The Asiatic exclusion policy also was voted continued. Continued support of the Interna tional Ladies' Garment Workers was voted following warm praise from President Green for the valiant battle of the Jewish needle trades of New York against communism. Avoiding what might have been a long debate, the resolutions committee recommended that the entire Boulder Canyon Dam proposition be referred Come Green and Executive Council Re-Elected by Unanimous Vote At A. F. of L. Convention Men's Work Shoes Guaranteed to wear out ing style Elkskin, heavy soles rubber QC heels Men's Dfess Oxfords MILLINERY, QUEENSWARE O U S E U N I S I N S Voss-Holbrock Stamps With All Cash Purchases IC. W. GATH CO. Funeral Directors $3.95 Black and tan calf $5 value- Boys' Dress Shoes Black and d»0 QC brown calf........ U 2nd alid High to the executive council with power to act. Mooney-Billings Case In the Mooney-Billings case, the committee recommended that the best results can be had by allowing the executive*council to use its judgment as to the steps to be taken and urged pointedly that all subordinate bodies be guided by the council and by that body only in acting upon requests for support from other sources. A uniform insignia to be used by all labor organizations on Labor Day will be created by the council, as the result of a resolution adopted by the convention. TRADE IS MENACED BY LOW-WAGE PLAN London, England.—A large section of the British press is backing em ployers in A campaign for lower wages. Trade unionists are asking how business can improve if the work ers' purchasing power is reduced. "These employers openly admit they can not sell their present output, but have the insolence to say, 'Give us more output and then we will be able to sell it, but they fail to tell us where or "to whom they will sell," says Man and Metal, journal of the Iron and Steel Trades Confederation. "We can understand the view of an individual employer who thinks if he can get cheap labor he will have an advantage over competitors, but it is amazing that the employing class itself can not see that a universal de mand for reduced wages will reduce consumption and make it less possible to sell. "Yet these employers think that re duced costs at the expense of low wages and reduced purchasing power .will increase the sale of their goods. Patronize home made Standard cigar. The HolbrocK Bros, cc. Reliable Dealers in DRY GOODS CARPETS CLOAKS GLOSS OFF Will remove the wearshine from Ladies' and Gents' garments. Get the better kind of Cleaning, Repair ing and Remodeling done at Kappel's, 162 N. afreet. Phone 2617-L Chairs and Tables Rented 17 So. Street THRIFT SHOE BASEMENT Our low Over-"head Means Dollars in Savings to You Hundreds Of Pairs of WOMEN'S MEW FALL SLIPPERS Latest ColQrs and Styles $1.95 THRIFT SHOE BASEMENT .*' .- .-v. \i'-:mx ,.<p></p>BUTLER ,'„ ,, ., (Copyright. W. N. U. 5c By JOSEPH A. WISE Staff Correspondent, International Labor News Service Chicago.—That propaganda is meat and drink to the communists, and that they will sacrifice all other interests in order to obtain means and instru mentalities to spreacf their doctrines, is well illustrated by the establish ment in the Ukraine of one of the two most powerful radio broadcasting sta tions in the world, for which tlje Rus sian soviet government is alleged to have paid in the neighborhood of $1,000,000. According to the story exclusively revealed to International Labor News Service and of which the daily news papers of the world apparently know nothing, an agent of the Russian so viet government, who pretended that he was representing private interests, succeeded in purchasing a 100,000 watt radio broadcasting apparatus from the General Electric Company. Only one other radio station in the world carries that much power, it is said. The other station is WGY, own ed by the General Electric Company, and located at Schenectady, N. Y. Powerful Apparatus at Work Sending Programs to Japan From Point in the Ukraine Island Kingdom Receiving First Taste of What is in Store For Rest of World, International Labor News Service Is Told. Russians Get Duplicate of WGY The Russian agent, so the story o w i e Children's and Misses' Strap Slippers and Oxfords Guaranteed to d|1 A|" wear all sizes.. «P 1 Newest Styles in Ladies' Slippers and Pumps $2.95, $3.95 VERY SPECIAL HIGH GRADE Women's Shoes, Af value to $7 v *••'0 Under Doer's Communists Ready to Use Great Radio Station to Flood All Nations With Red Propaganda Protest Lodged With Government It is said that the Japanese gov ernment lodged a formal complaint with the United States government protesting against the sale of the ra dio station equipment to the soviet government by an American firm, on the ground that the station was being used to interfere with the domestic tranquility of a friendly nation. The character of the reply of the United States authorities is not known here. The exact location of the station in the Ukraine is being carefully guarded as a secret by the Russian government, it is said, but the United States navy department, which keeps a careful watch of such matters, is supposed to have knowledge of the spot where the gigantic pirate of the air is located. Big Station Pirate of Air The big Russian station is an out law, inasmuch as it is not restricted by international radio law, and can invade and will invade all countries at will, disregarding all wave-length regulations. It was only recently that Russia was barred from representa tion at the international radio confer erenee at Washington, where new regulations pertaining to the air rights of the various nations were formulated and wave lengths and call letters allocated. Being an outlaw and a pirate of the air, the big bolshevik station can lay down its propaganda on any nation of the world by simply broadcasting a program in the language and on the wave length of any country under fire. Japan is under fire now. Eng land is said to be the next, with Italy, France, the United States and Latin America to follow. American Stations May Be Drowned Out Radio engineers here say that it would be practical and feasible for the Red station to drown out all American stations except one during the cold weather of the coming winter. All the bolsheviki need to do is to put on an English program and come in on an American wave length and the tfick is done. »ww: '^'.wm /.••,..<p></p>COUNTY HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28,1927 Halloween 4 goes, wanted to purchase a station of 500.000 watts power, but the Gen eral Electric Company could not or would not undertake a job of such magnitude. A compromise was reach ed whex-eby the company built the Russian communists a duplicate of Station WGY, for which spot cash was paid. The station is now in operation somewhere in the Ukraine, it is al leged, and is daily laying down a fine Japanese program throughout the Japanese Empire. All Japanese sta tions are drowned out when the Red station is on the air, and the Japa nese government is frantically and futilely searching for a means of com batting this barrage of communist propaganda. The only station in this country that could compete with the Red pirate station would be WGY of Schenectady, sister station of the one located in the Ukraine. Should the Russian Reds decide to invade Amer ica in this manner, there would be a duel of the air between these two giant sister stations, with all other stations standing by helplessly. Reds Possess Big Advantage Some idea of the advantage that the Reds have gained in their pur chase of this equipment from the Gen* eral Electric Company may be had when it is pointed out that the most powerful American radio stations with the exception of WGY, carry less than one-third as much power as does the Russian Red station. In this class are WJZ of Bound Brook, N. J., owned by the Radio Corporation of America KDKA of Pittsburgh and KYW of Chicago, both owned by the Westinghouse Electric Company. These three stations are equipped for 30,000 watts, but seldom use that much power. WCFL, owned by the Chicago Federation of Labor, is oper ating with 1,500 watts of power, but a superpower plant of 50,000 watts for this station is in prospect. The only way to prevent the Rus sian communist station from laying down its barrage of propaganda in any country of the world chosen for attack would be to silence it by blow ing it up with high explosives from the ground or by bombing it from the air, it was pointed out by a well known radio engineer. It is said that the Russian soviet government is maintaining a heavy guard at its Ukranian l'adio station to prevent just such an eventuality. TO RENEW CHILD LAB0RF1GHT Los Angeles.—Organized labor will intensify its campaign for the federal child labor amendment and every effort will be made to arouse the con science of America against the evil of child slavery. The A. F. of L. convention made this declaration in the closing hours of its annual convention in this city. The committee exposed the hypoc ri|^r of opponents of the federal amendment who claim it violates state's rights, and that the various states can remedy the evil. Governors and other public officials who make this plea were shown to be just as active in their opposition to any s|ate legislation against child labor. "Child labor has increased in 24 out of 29 large industrial cities," it was stated. "Eight out of 12 states re ported increases. "It is hardly conceivable that in America, where we pride ourselves on a sense of fair play and decency that a campaign marked by misstatements and vituperation could be conducted successfully, even temporarily, by op ponents of the federal child labor amendment. In most cases these op ponents masquerade as patriots. Yet in spite of funds at their disposal, in spite of their propaganda and elab orate machinery for spreading mis representation, they •will fail to keep the nation's childhood in economic bondage." If you are a union man, smoke a Standard—union made cigar. ^...^, .^ ..<p></p>PRESS. By International Labor News Service. Chicago.—Organized labor of Chi cago feels strong resentment against the sweeping injunction granted by Federal Judge F. P. Shoonmaker to the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal Cor poration against its lo*ked-out em ployes October 11. Granting of the sweeping writ is regarded as a chal lenge thrown at the entire American labor movement, following as it did a few days after President William Green, of the American Federation of Labor, had warned the Pennsylvania politicians and big business interests that they had better exercise more caution in their attacks upon organ ized labor. That Judge Schoonmaker signed the writ as prepared by the attorneys for the coal corporation is regarded here sts revealing the judge as a pliant tool and lackey of the union-hating em ployers of Pennsylvania. The part of the writ providing for the eviction of the coal miners' women and chil dren from their homes at the begin ning of winter is characterized by many as monstrous. A judge who would affix his signature to such a document must be devoid of all hu man feeling and be a cold-blooded tyrant at heart, a prominent trade union officer declared. Fitzpatrick Hits Decision John Fitzpatrick, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor, epi tomized the feeling of organized labor of Chicago in reference to this ju dicial outrage in the following state ment prepared for International La bor News Service: "The decision of Judge Schoonmak er against the United Mine Workers in Western Pennsylvania can not be regarded as a decision of an American court. It can only be regarded as more evidence of out corporation owned and controlled courts. No free man would countenance certain por tions of such illegal and outlandish conclusions. "There is no ground upon which or ganized labor could justify itself if it sought to defend force and violence or any other criminal or illegal act. SMOKED CALA HAMS FANCY BOILING BEEF Per pound Fstttlxcv Third *r* fc?v:^i*'»^ Chicago Market Co. 118 High Street Telephone 4506 c)burJ\(estforWinter %\th One of (lieseji^/ffattresses ALL nature is preparing for long winter nights ahead. In il summer, when nights are short and time for sleep is taken reluctantly, any old mattress may suffice. But you will want and need real comfort soon. You can have it as you've never had it before on a new Stearns & Foster Mattress. Come in and see our stock of these nationally-famous mattresses. Authorized Dealer THE STEARNS & FOSTER MATTRESS "See fFhat's InstcW -R-E-B-S •••WMHI U I »t»M I! II I If! .JW i .... '#'.*' «*, """^f "V "•,„v *S r-'»'t A' r* ,J ONE DOLLAR PER YEAH Strike Injunctions Designed To Deny Workers Jury Trials, Chicago Labor Head Declares Organized labor never did and I hope never will sanction force and violence even against strikebreakers. Still two-thirds of .all injunction writs are in restraint of force and violence- and other criminal acts. Injunction's Real Purpose "Then these privately owned judges and courts must have some definite purpose to serve when they deliber ately devote two-thirds of every in junction decision restraining labor from committing acts which the work ers naturally shrink from committing. The real purpose, then, is to cover up the crime which judges knowingly commit when they issue such injunc tions. "The issuance of an injunction in a labor dispute has only one purpose to serve, and that is not to uphold law or preserve the peace, but is to deny the workers their constitutional guar anty of the right of a trial by a jury when charged with committing a crime, and this illegal and criminal use of the writ of injunction is the only method by which a person charged with a crime can be punished without a trial by a jury. Judge I|^All-Powerful "Under the injunction proceedings we are not punished for the crime we are charged with, but we are punished for being in contempt of court, and in such proceedings no law stands be tweeen the judge and his victim. The judge has absolute power, because he must uphold the dignity of his court. "Just as soon as the American peo ple understand this contemptible trick in the use of injunctions they will make short shrift of corporation owned judges and courts." Kgj WE PAY nt+r+*f Compoow—.. Sfmtjln. THE COLUM Saturday Specials FRESH SHOULDER RIBS Per pound r? -i A SAVINGS & LOAN CO. $/i 6M RENTSCHlf# ffLOd 6c 14k 9k l-t ttt MMI tf I tn 1H4 I Court um M,