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y |v Hir La fo i# to ,m \J# *7"'.TV* /*,: 1 OF MllU'HfrUt Sjj) PRESS ASSH| Members Ohio Labor Press Association THE NONPAREIL PRINTING CO PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS Subscription Price $1.00 per Payable in Advance We tin not hold ours rives responsible for any views or opinions expressed In the articles or communications of correspondents. Communications solicited from secretaries of nil societies and organizations, and should be addressed to. The Butler County Press, ?26 Market Street, Hamilton, Ohio. The publishers reserfe the right to reject any advertisements at any time. Advertising rates made known on appli cation. Whatever is intended for insertion must I be authenticated by the name and address of the writer, not necessarily for publication, but| as a guarantee of Rood faith. Subscribers changing their address will please notify this office, giving old and new address tk insure regular delivery of paper. Entered at the Postoffice at Hamilton, Ohio, as Second Class Mail Matter. Issued Weekly at 326 Market Street Telephone 129# Hamilton. Ohio Endorsed by the Trades and LaboT Council of Hamilton, Ohio Endorsed by the Middletown Trades and Labor Council of Middletown, O. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1927 VOTE FOR UNION MEN We desire to call the attention of the trade unionists of the city to the fact that there are quite a number of union men in the list of council men candidates to be voted upon next Tuesday. These men mostly have been good and true to the cause and are deserving of the support of all trades unionists. Several of them have given up much of their time and effort to the movement, indeed they have sometimes sacrificed much to its betterment. Then there are several who were in the movement for years and now carry withdrawal cards only because they have entered into busi ness for themselves, but whose hearts are right on all questions dealing with labor. They, too, are deserving of consideration by union jnen. It is easy to determine who these union candidates are, and why not select a ticket of this kind and then haye somebody whom you know is "right" when the "scratch" comes? Ask around a little bit and stay with the colore. 15 J? ft MARKING YOUR BALLOT In marking your ballot for council members be sure to disregard the old mannner of marking with an be fore the name of those you desire to vote for. On the council ticket use only figures before those you wish to help elect, such as the figure before your first choice, the figure 2 before your second choice, and so on until you have marked at least seven choices, the number of men to be elected. However, it is advisable that you mark more than seven. The voter ought to mark for twelve at least, for it is possible that all of the first seven you mark for will be eliminat ed from the race before your ballot is reached, and it will count for none On the other hand if you mark for more than seven, say twelve, it is possible that your ballot will still help elect someone. Your ballot helps to elect but one man at any time, in that is where we get the proportional representation. On all other ballots than thecoun cil ballot, use the mark in voting just as you have always done. rb n ri n WHY? Departments of justice are curious critters, in more ways than one Here's our own department of justice for example, which only a few weeks ago refused to let attorneys for Sacco and Vanzetti, executed Massachusetts radicals, see files in the department which were alleged to have an impor tant bearing on the Sacco-Vanzetti case. Yet just the other day, the depart ment permitted an attorney for George Remus, former bootleg king just out of Atlanta, and slayer of his wife, to have access to files which Remus contends will help him in his CHRIST FOR ALL-ALL FOR CHRIST Uaf aUmibtlMiilifkt uttpttk—Pala 119: Mfe THE WAY TO FREEDOM:—Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.- John 8:32. PRAYER:—0 Lord, reveal Thyself to us, for Thou art the Truth, and we will rejoice w Thy liberty. a -•s .• *x ir5? «,..». THE PRESS 4tmCIAL ORGAN OF ORGANIZED LABOE HAMILTON AND VICINITr George K. Beekett, i^^ijp^. V'^'W,, V?W4Cr "f _' Candidates For Council Under new City Charter Optometrist. Minor M*. Beckett, President, Paper Co. August Biermann. Blacksmith Foreman. Raymond H. Burke, Insurance Salesman. John Cepluch, Cabinet Maker. Charles F. Cisle, Stove Foreman. Homer C. Ferguson, Inspector at Paper Co. John Finan, Draftsman. Frank Fowles, Year Manager Collection Service. Edward J. Gardner, President City Council. Clifton F. Hogans, Barber. James M. Lakes, Safemaker. Martin J. Xingler, President, Coal Co. Charles Manny, Machinist. August R. Martin, 808 So. 8th Street. Joseph B. Meyers, Toolmaker. defense at his trial in Cincinnati for murder. The action of the department in the two cases is contradictory, to say the least, and leaves a big "WHY" in Ithe mind of the ordinary citizen. As Labor, organ of the Railroad Brother hoods, says: Washington doesnt get excited about most things, but it is asking why a bootlegger and ex-convict, who admits murder and seeks to justify it, should have favors that were de nied Sacco and Vanzetti, who never confessed to the crime with, which they were charged, and who are be lieved innocent by thousands of un prejudiced persons, fairly familiar with the case."—In "By the Way." GREEN, LABOR ENGINEER Bill Green must have been a good miner when he worked in the mines. He is the kind of man that would be good at whatever job he tackled. He was a good legislator in the Ohio house of representatives. He was good secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers. He has now been the chief engi neer of labor's forces for nearly three years. Those who saw him per form through the Los Angeles con vention say he earned every bit of praise that could be given him. He was engineer, general, counsellor and guide. And as a presiding officer he mani fested a kindliness, a tact and toler ance that left respect everywhere and rancor nowhere. SOME MAN, this president of the American Federa tion of Labor. The Press refers to the develop ment of the Peck's Addition, as pro posed, into a fine park. The city already owns about 65 acres of the high land surrounding the addition which it is proposed to divide into 500 building lots. But before these lots can be sold it is necessary to make them attractive to buyers. This to be done by the purchase of approx imately 85 acres in the lowlands of the addition and converting them into a fine park with recreational and playgrounds, the making of streets and a fine boulevard all around, the whole. But to acquire the lowland, con vert it into a park, lay out streets, boulevard, etc., money is needed. The park board, for the purpose, is sub mitting a bond issue of $175,000 to the people at the coming election. The $175,000 asked for by the board should be considered in the nature of a temporary loan, for after the proposed development of the land, as contemplated, it is expected that the money from the sale of the 500 lots on the high ground will redeem and retire the bonds to be issued. So it is plain to be seen that Ham ilton can get this long desired im provement without a single dollar of expense to the taxpayers. Surely Hamilton doesn't want to miss this great opportunity. Let us vote the loan to the park board. VOTE "YES" ON THE PARK BONDS. VOTE THE SCHOOL BONDS There is no getting around the fact that Hamilton right now is up against it for school room. All rooms in all buildings are overcrowded and to the extent of endangering the health el A ?^^V'\*Xf iMark MilliMft, Physician. Elmore *Motzer, Millwright. |J. W. Myers, Secretary Building & Loan Co. ^Louis F. Nau, Carpenter. $ Lewis A. Nelson, Timekeeper. J..Fred Pippert, i Cigar Manufacturer. Carl J. Rosmarin, Rosmarin & Conlon Electric Co. E. G. Ruder, Bank President. Ed. L. Schwing, Moldfflf. Joseph H. Senger, Auto Accessories. Louis K. Shirley, Grocer W. Harry Spears, Claims Investigator Morris G. Taylor, Assistant Secretary Loan Go* Leo J. Welsh, Clerk Railway Depot. William B. Wick, President Lumber Co. the pupils. The cause of this pres ent overcrowded condition is plain and simple. There has been prac ically no building of schools in Ham lton during the past twelve years. And all during this time the school population has been increasing in leaps and bounds. Statistics show that the school population during these past twelve years has increas ed 60 per cent—that is there are 2650 more pupils in our public schools today than there were twelve years ago. To relieve the congestion and to care for the school needs for several years to come, the board of education has mapped out a five-year building program, and is submitting to the voters for their approval a bond issue of $1,500,000. This money if voted will not all be spent at once, but will be used as the needs require. Jo keep up the good work in our schools we must furnish the facili ties, and in order to do this the board of education must have money for the erection of buildings and to fur nish them. The Press has every confi/lerce in our board of education, and believes when they state the needs of the city and the amount of money required to acquire them the citizens generally 'J can take it for granted the figures are correct, and should grant the board's request without hesitation. For the sake of our boys and girls the Press urges a MYes" school bonds. is VOTE THE PARK BONDS Hamilton now has the chance, the best chance in all its history, to get one of the finest large and beautiful parks in the state. And this without practically the cost of a dollar to the general taxpayers. jgp** l' vote on the K THE ELECTION Next Tuesday is election day and it should be considered by Hamilton ians as one of the most important ever before them. January 1st is to see a complete turnover of the city' government, a change in administra tion. Whether we have been satis fied or dissatisfied with administra tions in the past has nothing to do with it—we are in for a new stunt of conducting the city's affairs. We are to have the charter form of government with a city manager backed by a council of seven mem bers. The general public will have nothing to do with the selection of the city manager, who under the charter will be the whole works, but the general public has MUCH TO DO with the selection of the seven member^ of council, who in turn ae lect the city manager. It is up to every citizen, man and woman, to go to the polls next Tues day and vote. There are 31 candi dates for council member. The voter should scan the list carefully and select only the best men, regardles of political affiliation, ever keepin in mind only the best interest of the city, apd vote for them. The list of candidates contains many desirable men for conducting the city's affairs during the next two years, and it should be no trouble at all to select a fine council body. If you don't vote for only the best to be had, don't complain in the fu tupe at some of the actions of those you help to elect. Whatever *you do,VOTE next Toes day. ZEST, WHERE ART THOU? "When zest departs, labor becomes drudgery," says Owen D. Young, of General Electric. There's a lot in that. And there's a mighty lot of drudg ery in the world. Ask the under-paid non-union cotton mill worker how much zest there is in the job! fe *i ta I* ta When in doubt try Standard, St, Standards lead all 5c cigars. -v." :.. *'j.' -. r. :,? .• -. \. SJ»- THE BUTLER COUNTY PRESS Paccount, A •f? 12. R. 1'*-"• *UJ'.'.?'.':-.'- n is- ERHAPS you are one of those who in the past has voted with the minority party. And your vote, on that has been lost. Under the new system of Proportional Representa vfioit, minorities come into their own. Only ONE-EIGHTH of all the votes cast is enough to elect your favored can? didate to Council. Or, you may have been always in the majority party, and have neglected to go to the polls, feeling that your vote was not needed. Remember then, that a different system is now in effect. Under Proportional Representation, majorities have lost their power of exclusive control. Possibly you have been in still another class—of those who have not voted because no satisfactory candidate was offered. This year, with 31 candidates to choose from, every voter can surely find at least one whom he is willing to support. Yitfley Ice Company, Hamilton. A Mathematical Certainty Under Proportional Representation, it is a mathemat ical certainty that the results of the election will be exactly in accordance with the wishes of those who vote. The job, then, is one for everybody—a duty that de volves upon every citizen. Your Charter Commissioners have formed no organi zation for "getting out the vote." So, unless you have an active affiliation with a political organization, it is not like ly that anyone will attempt to push you to the polls. Your voice, if you vote this year, will surely be heard, but it is up to every man and woman to do his own shouting. Voting Under P. R. Is As As A. B. C. Nothing could be simpler than the method of voting' under P. R. (Proportional Representation). Just put num bers (1, 2, 3, etc.)—not an X—opposite the names of the candidates in the order o£ your preference. And, remem ber, you should express your preference up to the number of twelve—more, if you so desire—even though only seven are to be elected. No matter how many you vote for, you cannot hurt the chances of electing the seven candidates whom you particularly favor. So, if you desire to vote for some one or more of the candidates who are not in the group of seven endorsed by the Charter Commission, but who still believe that the prob lems of the city are those of service to the citizens, not political problems, you should vote first for your favored candidate, or candidates, then for all of the Charter Com mission candidates in the order of your preference. Even if you believe you should put these seven men at the top of your list, we recommend that you also express your preference for at least five independent candidates, making twelve in all. Why We Endorse These Seven In the true spirit of Proportional Representation, these men were selected so that they would represent ALL THE PEOPLE OF HAMILTON. They were selected because of their ability, their integrity, and because of their special knowledge and experience that qualify them for the job of helping to direct the business affairs of the city. They have made no promises other than that they will employ, as City Manager, the best man they can find for the joh—a man from out of town, preferably one with expe rience in this work, and without political ties of any kind. We hope that you will vote for these men, but whether you prefer them or not, we hope that you will vote. This year, it's everybody's election. THE CHARTER COMMISSION Contributions to help defray the cost of this advertising will be welcome, and should be sent to, W. R. v A v: ., -•~^t -«jajj': ••-•••.•'•.•:?••:'• -',.f: '."•- --v. v v 'v POLITICAL ADVERTISEMEN1 5 fj- This Year 31 Candidates for Council—7 to be Elected. Vote for at Least 12 and Your Vote is SURE to Count* Sneed, Treasurer, The JWS^Pswg^y *R^"S ff ^TX WTW v^ i ti'- ,• •-',•••• ^'A', ,',tt- ••-,•*-'•• J?'- .'"V ,r$f y* if RAYMOND H. BURKE MARTIN J. JJNGLER With a long and success ful career in the coal and building material busi ness he is qualified as an able advisor when ques tions about the purchase af supplies and the build ing and maintenance of public buildings confront Council. He will repre sent especially the view point of the retail mer chant and of the various building trades.* MARK MILLIKIN President of the Carpen ters' Union, highly re garded and well-inform ed labor leader, he is fa miliar with the problems of employment and will be helpful in maintain ing an able, satisfied corps of city employees. A practical student of problems of City Gov ernment, he will bring an unusual degree of common sense to the council-table. f,!i "A-.' As, university professor, as personnel director of Hooven -Owens Rentsch ler, as treasurer of The Fort Hamilton Motor Company and as district manager for The North western Mutual Life In surance Comany, "Dea con" Burke has had an. exceptional opportunity to study and know all kinds of people, as well as a broad experience in various phases of mod ern business. Highly regarded physi cian and surgeon, Cap tain of Medical Corps in the World War, life-long student of public ques tions, and former City Health Commissioner, he will keep a watchful eye over the sanitary condi tions and will keep the city in touch with the latest developments of Municipal Government as tried and proved in other cities. LOUIS F..NAU A MINOR M. BECKETT V "'.• •y»*.i y\i As a graduate chemical engineer and as Presi dent of The Beckett Paper Company, he is well versed in all engi neering problems which present themselves so frequently to every city administration. A ca pable executive, who will devote the same energy and ability to city affairs that have proved successful in the conduct of his own busi ness. HOMER C. FERGUSON Chief Inspector of The Champion Coated Paper Company, he will give to the City the benefit of his expert knowledge of machinery and pro duction. He is active in church, fraternal and civic affairs and well represents the average citizen in his broad and wholesome viewpoint. MORRIS G. TAYLOR Before the war a prac tising attorney, then a Lieutenant of Infantry, now an officer of The Dollar Saving and Loan Company, and engaged in the real estate and insurance business, he is well equipped to assist in the general work of Council, particularly in connection with the^egal and financial depart ments of the Govern ment .4-