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VOL. XXVIII. No. 25 Indianapolis, Ind., (I. L. N. S.).— Operators in the soft coal regions of Illinois, Iowa, Ohio and the southwest have reached agreements on the wage controversy and the agreements await early ratification by the rank and file of the United Mine Workers. Vice President Philip Murray of the United Mine Workers expresses the hope that the bituminous operators of Western Pennsylvania will follow the lead of the states named and ne gotiate an agreement with the union. Mr. Murray said that a failure to reach an agrement in western Penn sylvania would result disastrously to the coal industry in that section. The Illinois agreement provides for wage basis of $6.10 for day men and 91 cents a ton for the tonnage rate. The contract is in effect until 1932. It is on the above basis that the Indiana miners are attempting to ne gotiate a contract with the operators. At a former meeting, held several weeks ago, the operators and miners failed to reach an understanding, the operators holding out for the 1917 scale, which was $5 a day. In Ohio the joint conference be tween the miners and operators re sulted in an agreement based on the 1917 scale of $5 a day. The geo graphical situation in Ohio—its near ness to the non-union coal fields of West Virginia and Kentucky—had a strong bearing in forcing the 1917 scale to the front. However, under the new contract, a committee of op erators and miners will be appointed to make a survey of the coal situation in Ohio relative to wage conditions and report to a joint conference in 1930 relative to a new scale. The. same situation prevails in the south west region where the miners accept ed the 1917 scale. Illinois Miners Ratify Springfield, 111. (1. L. N. S.).—Illi nois miners ratified the state-wide 1,341 votes. The votes cast in favor wage scale agreement by a majority of of the pact totaled 26,834. Harry Fishwick, president of the Illinois Mine Workers, issued the following statement when announcement of the vote was made: "We are sincerely glad that our members have approved the wage ^calo negotiated in Chicago by the district scale committee. This has 7 Y Y i Mine Work Soon to Resume Following Ratification of New Wage Agreements Funeral Service We render an intelligent, sympathetic service, never slight ing on quality however, we do render a service that is within reach of all. The price is the patron's to determine, nevertheless we be lieve in true economy, and particularly guard them from overbuying. Our beautiful Funeral Home is always at your disposal. Burial Garments designed for each individual ease and made in our own establishment. Edgar K. Wagner Funeral Director TOPCOAT OR OVERCOAT been done in spite of the worst cam paign of villification, abuse and mis interpretation that has ever occurred in the history of the Mine Workers' Union. Many of our members have been misled by the propaganda that has eminated from the elements that are seeking to destroy us. "We believe that with the adoption of the new wage scale many of our idle miners will have a chance to re turn to work and make a living for themselves and those dependent on them." Secretary Nesbit notified all locals the agreement would become effective at once. Confidence Held Expressed While ratification of the new wage agreement was accomplished by the narrow margin of 1,341 votes, official of the union look upon the vote a an expression of confidence in their administration. Operators in several mines in Springfield have announced that pro duction will be resumed immediately under terms of the new contract, which provides a basic day wage of $6.10 and 91 cents for tonnage men, as com pared with $7.50 and $1.08 under the Jacksonville wage. A reduction of $1.40 per day in sal aries of state officials of the Illinois Mine Workers was voted at a hieeting of the state executive board of the union. This is equal to the cut taken by coal diggers under the new wage scale. Ail Officials Affected President Harry Fishwick said th reduction applies to all state official executive board members and field workers of the organization, as pro vided by union law. Springfield mine owners have an nounced that the retail price of coal will drop 20 cents a ton. This reduc tion, it is hoped, will materially assist in meeting the competition of the non union coal fields. CO-OP. BUYING BY FARMERS Washington.—Between 25 and 30 large-scale farmers' co-operative buying associations purchased sup plies last year to the value of $60, 000,000 fo rtheir 250,000 patrons, ac cording to the department of agricul ture. Union Men, Demand the Label! We are headquarters for Union Made-to-Order Clothes. Why buy cheap clothes at a cheap price, when we can make you a Hand-Tailored Suit, Topcoat or Overcoat for just a few more dollars? Give us a trial. 29 $ SUIT .50 ALSO Ready-to-Wear Hand Tailored Topcoats and Overcoats $19.75 Real Values Up- To-Date Tailors 235 Court Street Hamilton's Leading Tailors 25 Yeais PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN BUYING THE BUTLER COUNT P0 E*CopyrifM. W. N. U.) By JOSEPH A. WISE International Labor News Service Chicago.—The fourteenth regular convention of the Commercial Tele graphers' Union of America, held in this city, overwhelmingly voted down a proposal to restrict membership in the organization to Morse operators only, which would bar operators of printer machines, a new invention which is alleged to be a labor-saving device. The proposal to amend the laws to discriminate in favor of Morse oper i rs came in the form of a "bill" in duced by Delegate Percy Thomas New York and sponsored by the stern Broker Division of the union. roposal Beaten After Long Debate Following nearly two days of heat debate, in which charges of "se ssion" were hurled, the "bill" was 0 feated by a 10-to-l vote. 1 The delegates from New York took .3 floor in their defense and present convincing arguments to show that session was not their object and that i. ey were guiltless of Communist af i ation. Their aim, they said, was to protect the interests of the old-time Union Tailored To Measure Perfect Satisfaction i.- ijt. Proposal For Restricting Cards to Morse Operators Defeated By 10-to-l Vote The delegates from Canada and the istern and southern parts of the lited States were vigorous in their 'position. Charges of "secession" mainly from the Canadian dele tion, which recently has had bitter periences with Communist machina ins aimed to destroy the organiza :, n. Y Y •Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1928 The Campaign for Votes Is Open •4 Commercial Telegraphers Reject Plan To Bar Machine Operators From Union Morse operator who had spent a life time in perfecting himself in his pro fession and is now threatened with the scrap heap by an invasion of the ma chine manned by amateurs. New York Failed to Act Vigorously The writer was told privately that the pi'incipal trouble in New York is that the telegraphers there failed to act vigorously when the machine was first introduced. Failure to place Morse operators on the machines in New York at the beginning has brought about the present bad situa tion, it is said. Out this way and in Canada the machines are being man ned by Morse operators as fast as they are introduced, we are told. The convention finally decided to refer the whole matter to a commit tee, which was instructed to make a thorough study of the problem and then to draw up a statement to be sent to all brokerage houses and oth ers using leased wires. The telegraphers contend that the brokers have heard only one side of the argument. High pressure sales men from the American Telegraph and Telephone Company visit the brokers and present a fallacious argu ment that the machine is a labor-sav ing device. The telegraphers say that the machine has not sufficient flexi bility for use in a brokerage office and that beter results are achieved by use of the old Morse methods in that particular line of work. Fail to See Telegraphers' Side The brokers who buy these machine upon misrepresentation cannot see the rrors in the argument presented by the salesmen because of the lack of practical experience on the part of the purchaser, it is pointed out. The brok er, too, is in error by his failure to consult with his operators. It is the purpose of the telegraphers o prepare and present their argument against the machine to the bi'oker even though he has shown a reluctance 10 hear that sicfe of the case. In the meantimeefforts will be made to man he machines with Morse operators as fast as the machine is introduced. It is claimed that an old-time Morse operator is better equipped to become an efficient machine printer than any amateur brought in frpm the outside. Victor A. Olander, secretary-treas urer of the International Seaman's iJnion, made an able presentation of nis popular speech on the machine problem. Secretary Olander has spent much time and thought in perfecting i his particular address, which he has delivered before many gatherings. The telegraphers gave him a big ova lion when he had concluded. Workers' Duty to Control Machine Mr. Olander pointed out to the del egates that they had been chartered by the American Federation of Labor to exercise jurisdiction over the field of commercial telegraphy, and that if they did not properly take care of their job some one else would step in and take care of it for them. He told Subscribe for the Press. Y & w them that it was their duty to con trol the machine or it would control them. He said that if the union failed to admit the machine operator to membership the Morse operator event ually would find himself dominated by the machine printer. GREEN STRESSES Duty Of Labor To Back Sen timents With Votes Indianapolis, Ind. (I. L. N. S.).—In an address before the Indiana State Federation of Labor at Evansivlle at the annual convention of that organ ization, Frank C. Dailey, Democratic candidate for governor, told the dele gates he was committed to the policy in the state platform of the party in relation to organized labor and would see that it was carried out if elected. William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, pre ceded Mr. Dailey in his talk and ad dressed a huge audience, discussing the affairs of organized labor and the duty of trade unionists to go to the polls on election day and vote their sentiments. He urged a non-partisan stand on national politics, but reiter ated the plea of T. N. Taylor, state federation pi-esident, that every work ing man go to the polls and vote in an effort to get the best men in office through choice of the majority. He attacked the abuse of injunctions as directly striking at freedom of speech. The goal of the labor movement, he asserted, is better wages, hours and living conditions. TEXTILE WORKERS' Union Votes For Study Tariff Situation The convention voted to levy an as sessment to carry on the New Bed ford strike and to continue appeals to other unions for support of the long fight against a wage reduction. Another decision was to make a sur vey of the southern mill centers with a view to starting an organization drive if conditions are found propiti ous. The union has heretofore found it impossible to make much headway the south. Reports to the convention were that the southern workers were ready for unionization, however. Read the Press. CO PRESS. Chicago, (1. L. N. S.).—There is prospect of a strike of 70,000 train men and conductors on 55 railroads west of Chicago unless President Coolicge can find a way of ironing out the differences between the carriers and employes. This eventuality be came apparent when the United States Board of Mediation gave up the task following more than two weeks of ef fort to effect a settlement. The law requires the board to re port to the president, who may ap point an emergency board which may make a report of the facts ascertained within 30 days. Following that the employes may strike if they so choose. POWER TRUST Probe By U. S. Board Is Again Operating Washington—The Federal Trade Commission has resumed its hearings on power trust propaganda. The investigation was authorized when the Senate adopted the Walsh (Mont.) resolution. It has been dis closed that approximately $1,000,000 a year was spent by the combined util ity units in their war against public ownership or control of public utili ties. The fight was directly aimed at the Norris plan for government own ership of Muscle Shoals and against the Swing-Johnson Boulder Dam Can yon bill that would harness the Colo rado river. The investigation shows that the utilities' representatives freely used the terms "Bolshevik" and "Socialist" against those who opposed private con trol of natural resources. These pub licity agents deluged the press with "news releases" and "canned editor ials" and boasted of the amount of \a Of New York City, (I. L. N. S,).— President Thomas F. McMahon of the United Textile Workers was reelected by the union's convention here. Other officers chosen were Secretary-Treas urer James Starr, First Vice President Francis J. Gorman and Second Vice President William Kelly. The convention voted for an ex haustive study of the tariff in the various branches of the textile indus try, to be followed by an appeal to the Tariff Commission for such changes as the union considers necessary to uphold American living standards. This action was taken at the request of the Philadelphia upholstery work ers, who pointed out that their indus try is in a disastrous depression owing to increased imports from France, Bel gium and Italy. ic Strike on Western Railroads Looms Unless President Can Bring Settlement in Dispute O Extra Pants rFroffl Am KADIO 0ur Factory DlrfcS 10 with j"st TW0 M"DEL 40AC •et u»es 1 recti fying and 6 AC tubes. $77 with out tube*. Rfld 10 Speaker* in i uses, (20 each. JUST PR0F1TS- IpJ, !p4, !pu Land Ours—No Middleman's-* P« THE R1CHMAN BROS. CO. 128 High St. Opposite Court House The New Electric Set for 1929 Model 40 Try it here—today! arrived, and we have a limited number for immediate delivery. Ever since Atwater Kent first introduced the popular priced AC set, we have found the demand enormous. This new arrival is even more popular. First limited shipments will last only a short time. Be sure to come in and ar range for your Atwater Kent 40 to be delivered now. Or phone us today for a free home demonstration. •••St* ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR The strike vote taken is almost unani mous. The trainmen and conductors de mand wage increases of from 10 to 15 per cent, while the western carriers were willing to concede an increase of 7 1-2 per cent. The deadlock yns reached on a working rule issue. Brotherhood officials refused to ar bitrate the elimination of the double header rule because they declared it has been in effect for 27 years and is a settled condition of employment. Elim ination of the rules sought by the rail roads, the union leaders said, would be equal to a 15 per cent reduction. free space won for the trust. One of these agents declared that country ed itors are "God's fools." Scores of college professors were secretly employed to write text books for public schools and to make speeches in favor of "private initia tive." Publishers of text books were also reached. Former Senator Lenroot, a promi nent candidate for vice president in the convention that nominated War ren G. Harding for president, was shown to have received $20,000 for opposing the Walsh investigating reso lution. An attack on the Ontario publicly owned hydro-electric plant, issued un der the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution, turned out to have been written by a man who received $3,000 from the National Electric Light As sociation. The Smithsonian, which is a government institution at Washing ton, repudiated the report. WIN FIVE-DAY WEEK Mt. Vernon, N. Y.—Members of the Carpenters' Union employed on mill work won their five-day-week strike. They suspended work August 27. E N The Labor Temple Auditorium. For dances, bazaars, parties, -te. Inquire of the Trustees, or phone 1296 for dates. ,1 y°ul Open Saturdays Yours UntiI m- "i ikrs $ 77 Without tube•) convenient terms $10 Down K-R-E-B-S Third and Court