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VOL. XXVIII. No. 33 Indianapolis, Ind. (I. L. N. S.)—A Tennessee supreme court decision that went against a coal compnay that violated its contract with its union employes, is holding the inter est of United Mine Workers officials, who are musing over its potentiali ties. The decision, in brief, holds that a union miner, discharged from his job on insufficient grounds, can collect wages for the duration of his con tract. The supreme court has allowed, in a decision just handed down, H. L. Ault, of Anderson count, a claim of $650 in back wages against the Cross Mountain Coal Company. Ault al leged that he was under a two years' contract with the company, a contract made by the union and the Tennessee Coal Operators. He was laid off when the mine shut down in May but was not re-employed when the mine opened in November. The fact that he was an officer of the union pre vented him being hired, Ault testi fied. Ault sued for wages for the duration of the contract, but the court held that the closing of the mine, at one period, due to no market for the coal, was not a breach of contract as far as Ault was concerned, and re fused to make an award for this period. What Court Held The court held that the coal com pany breached its contract in the fol lowing particulars: (1) "'The defend ant locked the plaintiff out of its mines and refused to allow him to work for it under the contract, on or about the 10th of May, 1921. (2) The defendant breached the contract when it refused to pay the plaintiff scale of wages set out in the contract, and on or about the 10th of May, 1921, the plaintiff had to seek work elsewhere. (3) The defendant breached the con tract because it refused to allow the plaintiff to work for it because he belonged to the United Mine Work ers of America." The coal company did not introduce any evidence in the lower court trial of the case, but relied upon its motion for a directed verdict, made at the close of the evidence offered by the plaintiff. The company, at the trial, contended that the proof failed to show that it had ever agreed to or accepted the agreement entered into between representatives of the min ers and operators. However, a copy of the agreement was offered in evi dence bearing the indorsement: "Ac cepted, Cross Mountain Coal Com Court Awards Back Wages To Union Miner Discharged In Violation of Contract DILUTED FARM BILL WILL BE INTRODUCED Washington.—Senator McNary, co author of the rejected McNary-Hau gen farm relief bill, will re-introduce this legislation, minus the equaliza tion clause, when congress convenes next month. The equalization clause was the bone of contention and resulted in President Coolidge's veto of the bill, Senator McNary's new bill will be along suggestions made by President elect Hoover, and he hopes this leg islation will be approved before con gress adjourns on March 4 next. Some farm relief advocates doubt if the bill can be passed in such short time. i SUIT TOPCOAT OR OVERCOAT pany, by W. P. Davis, general mana ger." The trial court instructed the jury that this copy was prima facie evidence of the acceptance of the agreement by the Cross Mountain Company despite the fact that the signature of Davis was not proved. In reviewing the case the Tennessee supreme court held that these f&cts were without error. Other Suit# Pending A number of other miners who also were refused further work because they belonged to the union, and whose contracts with the company were breached by the operator, have suits pending against the concern to col lect under the contract, as Ault has. The decision, as far as known, sets a precedent in the matter of holding employers to contracts in the matter of wages. Up until now it has been an easy matter for coal operators to snap their fingers in the faces of their workers, contract or no contract, and lock them out on the most flimsy pro text. If employes have legal recourse in such contract violations it means much to those who have felt the abuse of contract repudiation. WINTEROUTLOOK For Employment Encour aging, Coolidge Is Told Washington, D. C. (I. L. N. S.)— President Coolidge, who is assured of employment for himself this winter, believes unemployment will not be as heavy in the coming cold months as in past years. This was stated officially at the White House on November 13. The president's optimism, it was ex plained, is due to encouraging reports from the department of labor on the employment situation. The reports, which were given to the president by Secretary of Labor Davis, show in creased demand for labor throughout the country in October and in the first week of November. The information submitted to Presi dent Coolidge by Secretary Davis rel ative to the employment situation was based upon the report of the depart ment of labor on general labor con ditions for October. This report, it was said at the de partment of labor, shows a well sus tained employment in the larger in dustries and considerable gain in em ployment in some industries. Preliminary reports for the first part of November will, it was said, show a still further improvement in employment in many of the country's leading industries. TWO NOMINEES SPLIT VOTE OF 14 BIG CITIES Washington.—It is estimated that the 14 leading cities divided their vote between Hoover and Smith. Except ing New York, Boston and Los An geles, there was no pronounced de cision. The unofficial returns show Smith received 1,153,590 votes in New York against 704,857 for Hoover. In Boston, Smith received 192,257 and Hoover 94,527. In Los Angeles, Hoov er received 471,196 and Smith 149,379 The total unofficial vote in the 14 cities was: Smith, 3,420,769 Hoover 3,375,079. Demand the United Garment Workers of America Label When buying a suit, and we are headquarters for this Label in Hamilton, Union Men, give us a trial on that next garment. ALSO Ready-to-Wear Hand Tailored Topcoats and Overcoats $19.75—Real Values Up-To-Date Tailors 235 Court Street Hamilton's Leading Tailors 25 Years PLEASE MENTION THIS4 PAPER WHEN BUYING By CHESTER M. WRIGHT New Orleans, La. (I. L. N. S.)—As the American Federation of Labor opens its forty-eighth annual conven tion here, the outstanding facts is that the membership of unions affiliated to the federation has shot up over the three and a quarter million mark and is or the rise. The paid-up membership shows a gain of some 75,000 over last year, but it is not until the exempt mem bership is added to the total, as it should be, that the true membership figure is found. Owing to strikes and lockouts there have been, it is calculated, a half million members exempt from dues during the year, and the addition of these most loyal of all members, those who have stood on the firing line during the year, brings the total membership up to well over 3,250,000, a figure that goes high over any mark set in the last six years. This convention will, in important respects, differ from all previous con ventions. The executive council lays before the convention a report that directs action into what may be called a moi'e statistical, charted and scien tific channel. The blue print is called for more than ever, if the report is accepted as a guide, and it undoubt edly will be. In addition to reviewing the strug gles of the year the report deals with the late political campaign and re views the legislative work of the year. ATA Union Tailored To Measure Perfect Satisfaction A 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1928 Thanks A. F. of L. Membership Goes Beyond 3,250,000 Marl Year Sets Highest Figure Since 1921 Departments Also in Annual Sessions i But major emphasis is placed upon the development of organizing efforts along lines that are calculated to put into organizing work and into the operation of unions as going con cerns something of the efficiency of modern business. Prior to the opening of the A. F. of L. convention the department con ventions were held, including the metal trades, building trades, union label trades and railway department. Other meetings to be held during the convention period include a meet ing of the directors of the Union La bor Life Insurance Company of Amer ica, which owns and operates Inter national Labor News Service. RAILWAY ACCIDENT Rate is Reported Decreasing Washington, D. C. (I. L. N. S.) The accident rate among railway em ployes on duty was reduced about 17 per cent in the first seven months of 1928 compared with the same period in 1927, according to the bureau of statistics of the interstate commerce commission. There was an improve ment in every railroad operating de partment, resulting from the safety campaigns which the railroads have conducted for years. The measuring rod which the com mission applies in determining the relative degree of safety is the figure showing "casualties per million man hours." This covers the actual num ber of hours worked by all employes of the steam railroads during the period under consideration. The commission reports that casu alties per million man hours, cover ing both killed and injured employes on duty, in the first seven months of 1928 stood at 17.07, a reduction of 3.58, or 17.3 per cent, as compared with the first seven months of 1927 The casualties per million locomo tive miles (killed an dinjured), which cvoers both employes and passengers amounted to 24.48 for the first sevea months this year, a reduction of 3.33 or 11.9 per cent, as compared with the same period of 1927. EDUCATOR FAVORS VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS New York.—The school system of this city is responsible for the mak ing of many criminals, according to Dr. Gilbert J. Raynor, principal of Alexander high school, Brooklyn. The educator made a sweeping in dictment of the school system which he says, leads many students to take courses of study for which they are not adapted, and in which they fail and this makes social misfits, habit ual failures and often criminals of them. Dr. Raynor urged an increase in the number of vocational schools. Subscribe for the Press. MEDIC UNION GESTED ft & & A 6$ A $ & I i SUG- New York.—Unionization of doc tors to meet present economic distress of private practictioners was sug gested at a meeting of the Physi cians' Progressive League. Pay clinics, where medical atten tion "at cut-rate prices" may be had, and foundation-supported dispens aries, where "rich and poor alike" are treated free, were condemned as "un fair competition, inexcusable in busi ness and damnable in medicine." Other phases of an alleged commer cialization and paternalism of the practice of medicine were deplored as placing many doctors practicing pri vately in financial straits. This, it was said, resulted in unethical ten leiu-ies within the profession. A A A PRESIDENT VELVETS— 9x12 ft ARGONNE VELVETS— 9x12 ft SANFORD VELVETS— 9x12 ft SMITH AXMINSTERS— 9*12 ft Halifax, Nova Scotia (L L. N. S.)— The number of men engaged in the shore fisheries of Nova Scotia in 1927 was 40 per cent less than in 1890. There was also a substantial decrease in the number of men employed in the deep sea fisheries. But the value of the fish catch of the province in 1927 was greater than in 1890 by more than 60 per cent. The decline in the number of shore fishermen is attributed by the major ity report of the Maclean commission, which recently investigated the Mari time fisheries, to overproduction, fol lowing the employment of steam ves sels operating beam or otter trawls, drag net towed over the bottom. The definition of overproduction given by this report is interesting: 'The phrase, 'glutting' the market, as used by fishermen, means rather the control of the market. A 'glutted' market should mean lower prices to the consumer. But the consumer's prices of fish do not change material ly, even when the product is abun dant. According to the fishermen's statements, when there are large catches of fish, the companies oper ating steam trawlers do not buy from the shore fishermen, or they buy at their own prices, as a rule far be low a reasonable return. They then make the surplus unsold fish into fil lets, smoked or frozen, which are kept in storage for disposal when the sup ply begins to decline and demand in creases. In other words, these com panies are said to control the market and the output. Fishermen Quit Trade "The shore fishermen have received as low as 60 cents per hundred pounds for cod and the usual price paid un til the last few months (last summer) has been from one cent to 1% cents a pound for cod and haddock, depend ing upon the classification as 'steak' or 'market.' Recently the price has reached 2V& to 3 cents, but this is far in advance of the average price over a period of years. We are told by shore fishermen that the average cost of production is three-quarters of a cent per pound. As the fisherman has to sell, as a rule, in the cheapest market and buy in the dearest, and as the cost of the necessities of life in fishing villages and of implements of production have increased rather than Rug Sale—This Week Fishing Companies Control Market So Big Catches Bring No Benefits for Consumers .... Today! We are showing on our floors an advanced offering of Rugs. And you have never seen such beautiful rugs of this quality offered at such won derful values. The prices are really senationally low, and they are full 9x12 size Rugs. You will need one or more to give your rooms that beau ty, warmth, cheer and luxury for the dark winter days that are just ahead. Come in today and take advantage of this offer. WHITTALL ROYAL WILTONS— 9x12 ft ™,d K-R-E-B-S cu« FOR RUGS—ALWAYS Join the Red Cross ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR declined, he feels that it is hopeless longer to remain in the industry and seeks employment elsewhere." A. E. Maclean, chairman of the commission, in a minority report ar gues that the causes of the decrease in the number of shore fishermen were inherent in the situation, apart from the steam trawler. Motor power boats have also increased production. The number of Nova Scotia shore fisher men declined by 6,583 between 1890 and 1911 when steam trawlers were not being employed from its ports, while the dectease from 1911 to 1927, the period that the trawler came into regular use, was only 5,534. Fishermen Lack Organization Lack of organization explains some of the troubles of the fishermen of the three Maritime provinces. Unions have appeared from time to time, but have not developed vitality to keep them alive and spread. The organ ized fishermen of Newfoundland and the Gaxpe Coast of Quebec have suf fered less from post-war changes than the unorganized of the mari times. About the upshot of the Mac claen commission's findings on the needs of the fishermen is the advice that Providence helps those who help themselves. So an energetic organ izer might get results among these fishermen. WOMEN IN CONGRESS NOW NUMBER SEVEN Washington.—Seven women were elected to the new congress, which will convene the first Monday in De cember, next year. This is the larg est number of women ever elected to the house of representatives. The present women members, Mrs. Kahn, of California Mrs. Rogers, of Massachusetts, and Mrs. Langley, of Kentucky, republicans, and Mrs. Nor ton, of New Jersey, democrat, were re-elected, while the additional mem bers chosen were Mrs. Ruth Hanna McCormick, daughter of the late Mark Hanna, as republican representative at-large from Illinois Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, of Florida, democrat, and daughter of the late William Jennings Bryan, and Mrs. Ruth Bak er Pratt, republican, of New York. Read the Press. -that will stand the closest examination 9 1 2 $86.50 $42.75 $34.75 $29.75 $29.75 1 super quality A A ft A A I A