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VOL. XXIX. No. 5 Sacramento, Cal. (ILNS)—Senate Bill No. 112, by Senator Burley, pro hibiting the employment of aliens by contractors and sub-contractors on public work carried on by the state and its political sub-divisions, was de feated in the assembly by a record vote of 30 ayes to 37 noes. The bill was sponsored by organized labor generally and had passed the senate virtually without opposition. Then the big contractors of California got busy, with extraordinary results. A number of members of the assem- JUSTICE THROUGH LAW THE WOMAN DISAPPEARS In the early days of the common law in England when a Woman mar ried she disappeared as a legal per son. The old theory was "Husband and wife are one and that one is he." Any property that the woman owned the husband took. He also owned the services of the wife. Any work she did for another was as though he had done the work. He got the pay. She got nothing. If anyone injured the wife she had no standing in court for redress. She could not sue. She did not exist— legally. Suppose someone assaulted her. Her husband had to sue. He was entitled to money damages for the physical harm she received. She had the pain, the suffering, the bodily hurt. But he got the money which the jury awarded as compensation for the hurt she had received. Furthermore, the wife was practi cally the slave of the husband. He Could treat her as his slave. If he whipped her she could not sue him for the whipping. She could not appear as a legal person in court. Of course he was not going to sue himself for the whipping he had given her. She had no redress. If he was particularly brutal in the whipping he gave her he might be punished in the criminal courts. But even here the husband had the best of the situation. So long as he did not use a club to whip her which was more than the thickness of his little finger he would be left scot free. He was the "lord and master." She was the subject and the subordi nate. And the law of that time has been praised most highly. Blackstone says that the legal position of women at common law was most praiseworthy that the subordination of the wife to the husband was for "her protection and benefit" and adds, "So great a fa vorite is the female sex of the laws of England." For over four hundred years the married woman was legally non-exis tent. But about 1840 a movement be gan both in England and the United States which had as its notion that a married woman was still a human be ing. And little by little the various states began to pass statutes which gave the married woman some legal position. At first she was allowed to have and to own some property. Then she could make contracts. Then she could work for herself and get the fruits of her labors. Little by little she was given control of her body. And also of her children. Some states allow her to sue even her husband if he is brutal to her and compel him to compensate her in money terms for the harm he had done to her. But in no state, and in no country, is the wife, at the present time, the equal under the law, of her husband. In some states the husband still owns the labor and services of the wife. She still has to ask him to sue in ceurt for harm that has been done to her. She still is not the guardian of her children. She still cannot sue him if he assaults and batters her. In many states in this country the law of the fifteenth century in Eng land still applies. The women of the country are trying to equalize the 118 High Street i i i i i i i California Assembly Kills Bill Barring Aliens on Public Works Saturday Specials FRESH SHOULDER RIBS Clr Per pound SMOKED CALA 171^ HAMS FANCY BOILING BEEF 1 A1 Per pound .... i Chicago Market Co. i I •M bly, who are prominent members of the American Legion and talk much patriotism, refused to vote for prefer ence to American citizens in employ ments on public work. The proponents of the bill pointed out that thousands of American citi zens -wer^ unemployed in California at this very moment, yet recently ar rived aliens are doing public work be cause they are available at a lower rate of pay. This argument appar ently did not appeal to the assembly laws which now discriminate against married women. The League of Wom en Voters and the national woman's party are the two large organizations which are striving for equal rights. They differ in their methods. The League of Women Voters wants the inequalities to be removed by each state separately. The national wom an's party believes in congressional action. They have introduced a con stitutional amendment called the "Equal Rights Amendment" which reads as follows: "Art. 1. Men and' women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction." SUBTLE^PIECE OF PROPAGANDA By Reds Goes to Wrong Person Chicago (ILNS)—A subtle piece of propaganda work, engineered by the Russian soviet government in order to create sentiment in this country favorable to diplomatic recognition of Russia by the United States, receiv ed a severe jolt in Chicago because of the crude tactics of the American communist leaders. The Chicago appearance of the Isa dora Duncan Dancers was seized upon as a means of raising money for the Daily Worker, official publication of the reds in the United States. Mimeographed letters were sent broadcast from the local office of the Daily Worker, inviting attendance at the performances of the Duncan Dan cers and offering preference as to the best seats to all those who would pre sent an inclosed printed card at the box office. Presentation of the Daily Worker card of course would give the signal to the ticket seller that the one presenting it was one of the elect of the communist party, or at least a strong friend of the soviet govern ment. Through a ludicrous error one of these letters and the inclosed printed card were sent to George W. Perkins, president of the label trades depart ment of the American Federation of Labor, who turned them over to In ternational Labor News Service. Tne letter concluded as follows: "Counting on you not to miss this treat of real modern revolutionary Russian art, and appreciating your support for our press at the same time, we are," etc. CARPENTERS GAIN WIN 5-DAY WEEK Indianapolis.—The five-day week and higher wages are being establish ed by ^inits of the United Brother hood of Carpenters and Joiners, ac cording to General Secretary Frank Duffy. "Our latest report," said Mr. Duffy, "shows nearly a score of cities from New York State to Wyoming, and from Hamilton, Ontario, to Louisiana, that have secured the five-day week and raised wages. Our members have secured these gains through their own effort. It is our experience that em ployers will treat with us as we de velop a 100 per cent solidarity." Subscribe for the Press. 11 2t Telephone 4506 hmmiiiiimM (Copyright, W. Washington, D. C. (ILNS)—Major George L. Berry, president of the in ternational Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union, commissioned as personal representative of Governor Henry H. Horton, of Tennessee, to effect settlement of the rayon work ers' strike at Elizabethton, Tenn., puts responsibility for prolongation of the strike squarely upon the em ploycrs in the Happy Valley town that has wondered since March 22 why the mill owners have not kept their word to the workers. Major Berry thus adds his verdict to that of U. S. Labor Department Conciliator Charles Wood, who gave International Labor News Service the same verdict last week. But Major Berry does more than that. He sets at rest definitely any question as to his official status in the dispute, thus showing that in rejecting his offer the mill owners have flouted the gov ernor of the state. Mr. Wood, while in Washing-ton last week, told Inter national Labor News Service that Governor Horton had said to news paper men in Johnson City, seven miles from Elizabethton, that he had not authorized Major Berry to act for him. HUMAN ELEMENT Ignored By Southern Em ployers Greensboro, N. C.—The miracle of industrial growth in the South has kept its pace on the human side, de clared Miss Mary Anderson, director of the United States Women's Bu reau, in an address before the Pied mont Organizing Council. "Along with the rush of industries into the South," said Miss Anderson, "have gone many of the old mistakes made by employers in the North dur ing its period of development. This brought low work standards which could be prevented if plans had been as carefully laid for the handling of human problems as of mechanical ones." Investigators of the Women's Bu reau have found good and bad condi tions everywhere, "but we have found the lowest wages and longest hours prevailing in the South," said Miss Anderson. "For example we found that many of the workers still have a day of 10 hours or more and that many of them work 11 hours at night. We found the median' wage for women employed for a full-time week as low as $8.60 in Mississippi, with the highest among the Southern States, in Georgia, of $12.95. The highest among States in other parts of the country was $16.85 and the lowest was just over $11." The speaker said labor-displacing machinery is becoming, a major prob lem and that no one knows how many persons are out of employment be cause of these changes. In the laundry industry, the speaker said, reports for the period 1909 1927 show that the amount of work done, measured in dollars and cents, increased 349.8 per cent while the number of employes increased 93.1 per cent and the number of'foundries increased 54.7 per cent. "What can be said of this industry THE BUTLER COUNTY PRESS. HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1929 Mother 5 Maj. Berry, Representing Tennessee Governor, Puts Issue Up to Mill Owners Berry Quotes Authority To settle the question of whether the mill owners had flouted the gov ernor, International Labor News Service wired Major Berry and Gov ernor Horton, in each case asking the status of Major Berry in the strike situation. Major Berry replied by wire at once, but Governor Horton had not answered. From Major Berry came the following important and il luminating wire: "Under date of April 18 E. C. An derson, secretary to Governor Henry H. Horton, communicated with me and said: 'The governor would be de lighted if you could find time to go to Elizabethton and on his behalf offer either of the two plans of me diation as coming from him. If you could render this .service for the state and represent Governor Horton in trying to bring about an under standing between the conflicting in terests I assure you it would be great ly appreciated by the governor.' "In compliance with the request of Governor Horton through his secre tary, I communicated with the two parties at Elizabethton by letter, in dicating my desire to fulfill the re quest of the governor if they were prepared to receive me as the gov- may be said of many others, including textiles. "This expansion of machinery and decline in number of employes not only is very serious to the workers themselves but threatens the stability and prosperity of our whole country because the purchasing power of the people is a tremendous asset to the prosperity of us all." OLD AGE PENSIONS IS NATIONAL NEED New ,York.—Old age pensions is a national need, declared speakers at the National Conference on Old Age Security. "For a man to work faithfully the best part of his life at a meager wage and then to be ruthlessly thrown out of employment due to oncoming age is a social wrong," said Theodore L. Bierck, chairman of the New Jersey Commission on Old Age Insurance and Pensions. "What is the picture held out to the worker who sees old age coming upon him?" said Mr. Bierck. "Is he to be relegated to the almshouse which in the future will be looked upon as a relic of the barbaric, uneconomic past Today a man of 40, capable and in full health, is not wanted for em ployment. "The increase in criminals is re ceiving recruits from this class who are desperate. It is all well and good to respect law, but we must have re spectable laws. We, who are more for tunate, must have regret for those who are less so. The state by law should in its sovereign right decree that those who have reached an age where their labor is impossible should be cared for. When this is realized there will be less crime." Other speakers included United States Senator Dill of Washington, Bishop Francis J. McConnell of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ Dr. John A. Ryan of Catholic ernor's representative. Copy of my letter went forth to the governor un der date of April 20. Strikers Reply Owners Silent "To date I have received no answer from the Bemberg and Glanzstoff corporations. I have, however, i^e ceived a letter from the United Tex tile Workers of America, agreeing to proceed in an effort to mediate the differences." Major Berry does not credit the reported statements attributed to the governor at Johnson City and be lieves the report in error. Regard less of that phase of the question, it is made t^ear by Major Berry that the Bemberg and Glanzstoff mill au thorities in Elizabethton are solely responsible for continuance of the shut-down that holds 5,000 men and women idle. Meanwhile Elizabethton business men charged with complicity in the kidnaping of Edward F. McGrady and Alfred Hoffman have freely made trips to Washington to intercede with senators. Whether they have been given any assurances of support is not known definitely, though the be lief is that they have not found -any ready senatorial response to their appeals. University Rabbi Stephen Wise Thomas Kennedy, secretary-treasurer United Mine Workers of America Dr. E. M. Burns of Columbia University, and Miss Frances Perkins, New York State Industrial Commissioner. FIRE ENGINE Strike Won By Machinists Washington.—Machinists won their strike against the American La France and Foamite Corporation, manufacturers of fire engines, at El mira, N. Y. For 12 months more than 300 ma chinists insisted on their right to or ganize. They have a record of 100 per cent solidai'ity and were aided by organized workers throughout the United States and Canada. In a lelter to organized workers of North America, Arthur O. Wharton, president of the International Asso ciation of Machinists, thanks trade unionists for their aid. "We are anxious to show this com pany that our friends in the labor movement are just as much a con structive asset as they were an ob struction to the company in securing orders under a strike condition," said President Wharton. "The product of this company is against being made by union machin ists who have spent a lifetime in the business of making fire-fighting ap paratus and who built the reputation of the American La France and Foamite Corporation. "The company is the only concern employing union machinists under agreement and this fact should be rec ognized and stressed with our friends and city officials. "Your co-operation now in securing business for this company will not only have a solutary effect on other companies which have profited by the recent controversy, but will help to furnish steady employment for union men. New York City (ILNS)—An appeal for contributions to aid socialist vic tims of the soviet dictators in Russia again directs attention to the man ner in which even radicals who dis agree with the communist rulers are treated. The appeal is issued by the Relief Society for Socialist Prisoners and Exiles in Soviet Russia, and says: "The need of aid is urgent and im mediate. The numbers of prisoners and exiles in Soviet Russia runs into tens of thousands. In Solovki Island and Kem alone there are more than 45,000. The prisons of Leningrad and Moscow are filled beyond their capac ity. The conditions under which the prisoners live are so terrible that RAYON STRIKERS Thrown in Jail Business Men Aid Hunger Plot Elizabethton, Tenn.—"Persecution, prosecution and hunger are the weap ons used to drive young womanhood and manhood at this place back into industrial slavery," said Edward F. McGrady, in a report to A. F. of L. headquarters. The A. F. of L. representative said boarding house keepers are arresting young men and women because they are unable to pay their board bill. Girls from 17 to 20 years of age are thrown in jail, and one boy of 15 was arrested as part of the intimidation scheme. "The union, of course, is releasing these workers on bail as fast as they are arrested," said Mr. McGrady, "Merchants who have been selling food supplies to the union to be dis tributed among needy strikers have been warned not to sell any more goods. "Today a committee called upon Governor Horton at the capitol. This committee, I am informed, was com posed largely of the business men who acted as kidnappers and violators of the law in the recent outrage in this valley. The governor received this band of intimidators. What took place at this conference is not known, but this afternoon the sheriff was in structed to swear in 50 extra deputies and I am informed he was given the names of those who should be sworn in. These new deputies augment i Appeal Is Made for Socialist Victims of Communist Tyranny v A uic of course/ lit cabtnct with At water Kent Klectro Dynamic Speaker Screen-Qr*d tabkBoddact 6 A.C. tobesmd 1 rectifying tube. Lm tnho. Third iLi Enormous power. better tone1 3S*!P5f ONE DOLLAR PER YEAH many of them seek relief in suicide. The situation of the exiles is no bet ter. The soviet government con demns them to seek any work and thereby condemns them to extinc tion." The international socialist organi zation recently appealed for these victims of soviet tyranny, saying: "Thousands of socialists are being arrested and exiled in Soviet Russia without trial or preliminary investi gation, while the same is true even of communists if they fail to agree with their government and venture to express political opinions of their own." members of the militia who are on guard. I am further informed that an attempt is to be made to bring in strikebreakers who are not mill work ers. They will be brought in so that riots will take place in order to en able the Governor to declare martial law. "Five thousand five hundred men, women and children are battling against unheard of oppression and in addition to this they are facing star vation. "Representatives of the A. P. of L. are still preaching peace and asking for conciliation, but if trouble arises the blame can be placed on these in dustrial autocrats who are secretly planning for disorder that the militia may be used to crush the strike." Mr. McGrady urges that "the ad ministration in Washington, members of the United States Senate, the Gov ernor of Tennessee and the press" be warned of the true state of affairs. GEORGIA UNIONISTS ASK OLD-AGE PENSION Augusta, Ga.—A State pension for old-age workers was favored by the annual convention of the Georgia Fed eration of Labor. The unionists also declared for a State bond issue for highway pur poses for a State bond issue of $25, 000,000 for the Georgeia public school system and additional factory inspec tors and more rigid factory in spection. Read the Press. fXJMBinandhearthenewAtwater v/ Kent! See what Screen-Grid means—the great new principle of radio, pu to work as it s See and hear it today! EASY TERMS K-R-E-B-S TURNS HOUSES INTO HOMES ha u Id work. Magx-al improvement! Clearest flow of pure tone quality you ever heard. New power to reach far -off stations. New sensitivity. New needle point selectivity to pick out the program you want. Mighty volume if you like- or soft as a guitar an a sum mer night. Your choice of table set or mflstexpieoe of eahinrt itesign